Does Fortnite ever become fun? I'm a 28 year old boomer and this shit feels like an insult more than anything. I've spent my whole life playing things like Unreal and CS, and to have decades of aiming and movement skills under my belt only for literal children to just build their way out of a combat scenario or land a random crit is just a dick-slap to the face.
Does Fortnite ever become fun? I'm a 28 year old boomer and this shit feels like an insult more than anything...
have sex
No. Stop playing it. Play good games like Cave Story, Viewtiful Joe, SkyGunner, etc. Don't play games with loot boxes.
seethe your coping incel
You can play around build autist. You can either learn how to build or you can utilize the fact that most of them can't aim worth a god damn fuck and wait for them to actually engage. Just unload your shotgun into their forehead when they hop down.
there are no good shooters on the market anymore. everything is slow pace babymode trash made for normies and consolefags designed around selling microtransactions and streambait. shooters are a dead genre, F
why would you even download it?
if you're good then you can beat them, liar
Just play for waifus and 50v50
i got bored of it in a short while, it didn't hooked me at all, i should have 5-10 hours played which is absolutely nothing
so yeah it really is not for me, probably not for you either
team rumble is fun for a casul for me
answer these two questions weak ass bitch nigger OP
Sex is awful though.
You are 28 and asking if children slapping you in the face with their dick should be fun.
See a medical practitioner.
Dial 8
random crits dont even exist in this game
>have decades of aiming and movement skills under my belt only for literal children to just build their way out of a combat scenario or land a random crit is just a dick-slap to the face.
Congrats you just figured out why Fortnite is popular with kids.
Fortnite was kinda fun 3 years ago when everyone was a noob and your chance of winning was reasonable with a little luck and a few smart encounters. Then everybody got good and autistically builds a tower into the sky at the first sign of danger, bringing the game to a halt. It's retarded.
Play Apex instead. Probably the best gunplay and movement out of all the BRs with no shitty build mechanic. If you don't like the idea of the abilities than your just SoL
learn2build omg
play apex if you wants a good BR
>shoot someone
>they instantly build a hotel in seconds
insurgency sandstorm and squad you fags
Face the truth, Fortnite is not for the average boomer to be good at
The Big Team Mode is boomer central
the first half applies for most online games these days, especially mobas.
play radical heights if you wants a good BR
>match gets to the last 2 standing
>both aggressively building one of the twin towers at each other
>I'm a 28 year old boomer
>the me meme evolved to be tranny accessible
you faggots are tools
>play games that *I* like because if you don't you're a loser.
Don't play fortnite. Stop being retarded.
I laughed pretty good when they said that
unironically git gud and learn to build if you want to win