Starting with an obvious one
ITT: The Best in the Series
Another obvious one
Sure loved to slowly track down tanks from behind just to hit their weak spot and do it all over again 5 times.
Don't get me started on the Arkham Knight tank battle its basically everything wrong with batmobile in a nutshell
It was a fun change of pace and a refreshing, new direction after 3 full games.
is this game playable on PC yet
batmovile was kino, youre repeating what IGN said you retard, problem with batmovile was how anticlimatic were the boss fights but that its clearly fixed in the season of infamy you tard. The story is pure kino based on the comic and is somehow a mix of the best of asylum and city.
>Bigger and more detailed gotham than in AC
>Full of kino easter eggs
>more playable characters
>story is also kino
>smart yet brutal batman instead of murrr buuurr going to take you down arkham city bat
REmake is not a good game and neither was the original
> Fixed camera angles
> Tank controls
> 6 or 8 inventory slots
> Ink ribbons
> Door animations that take up 25% of the time you spend playing the game
Resident Evil 2 remake is so drastically and absolutely superior to any of the pre-RE4 games that there's no rational reason to prefer them aside from pure nostalgia.
The game of games honestly.
>kino kino kino kino
>buy the dlc it fixed EVRRYTHING
It's all so tiresome.
God forbid we try to make a story without the joker.
Oh you wanna save catwoman? wanna collect 250 fucking trophies? welp i guess you just want catwoman to diiie.
asylum was leagues better and you know it
I'm not sure that's so obvious. I liked Knight a lot more than the first hour or two had me expecting, but the game still has a lot of baggage that Asylum and City do not. The Batmobile and story drag the main thread of the game down a great deal. The various other missions (including the very good Season of Infamy DLC which helped a ton) redeem the game, but I still don't think I prefer it to City., unless this is a contrarian opinions thread
Played the shit out of this. Good for when my nephew used to come over as well. I'm really looking forward to the Skywalker saga one coming out soon.
The Legendary Turbo-Teen awakens.
pic related is superior to TP in every way. Sorry
If you think any of that stuff is good game design you are a senile old boomer that belongs in a museum along with those archaic games.
>Sure loved to slowly track down tanks from behind just to hit their weak spot and do it all over again 5 times.
BattleTanx was the best game ever and these parts of Knight felt like an awesome throwback.
Arkham Knight's stealth mechanics are way better. Also combat. Asylum and City and to some extent Origins are way too focus on brawling waves of enemies.
Stop being bad at video games. There's nothing wrong with fixed camera angles or even tank controls if the game is designed around them, which the old RE games are.
Yes, dumbass, stop watching Angry Joe. It's playable on PC for years now.
Yes. Just make sure you enable 60fps mode in the options because it defaults to 30fps. Also avoid the Nvidia exclusive options unless you have a beefy GPU.
Soul Reaver is pretty good too but it's not as consistent and the cut content is very conspicuous; the game's like 70% finished.