Steams Summer sale

Should I add something? Should I remove something? I'm looking for a JRPG and a Visual Novel

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Other urls found in this thread:

For VNs get Steins Gate and/or Chaos Child both are top tier

for JRPG i suggest
>Ys 8
>or any Ys game, you can start anywhere
>Tokyo Xanadu eX+
>Tales of Berseria
>Dragon Quest XI
>Yakuza 0 (sort of rpg but super fun)

$15 left - what should I get?

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Had it for years, user.

Got something multiplayer with soul?

>Got something multiplayer with soul

For local multiplayer:
>Binding of Isaac Rebirth (+expansions make multiplayer more fun)
>Ultimate Chicken Horse
>Civilization 4/5/6

For online multiplayer (inc with Yea Forums)
>100% OJ
>Civilization 4/5/6
>Stardew Valley
>Grim Dawn
>Endless Legend
>Torchlight II

Those are just games I own and recommend personally.

Looking for a good, modern JRPG. Preferably one that is either wholly turnbased or wholly action. I already played Ys VIII, Tales of Berseria and Vesperia, Shining Resonance Refrain, and Dragon Quest XI, and I need something else to eat up my time.

Is Cold Steel any good? I hated Trails in the Sky because of how slow and boring it was, and I heard that Cold Steel is the antithesis of that.

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Octopath? I donno if it's even on sale

Get a plastic bag and kill yourself

I already beat it on the Switch. It's damn well worth the price, though. Probably the best RPG on the Switch, tied with DQXI and Ys VIII.

I wish I could include Xenoblade 2 among the best games, but it's just inferior to 1/X in every way

imo X2's combat was the best designed in the series. X had the most complicated combat, but 2 was perfect for just picking and and rhythmically cancelling specials and unleashing chain attacks

I wish they would make a sequel to X, that game was so much fun

Resonance of fate?

any more specifics? futuristic vn? horror vn? turn based jrpg? real time? etc

lel, your currency is arse.

Is tyranny any good?

Feels like i'm spending excessively for a sale honestly but I kinda want all of them

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Yakuza isn't even on sale, just wait for a sale man. Also don't bother with Way 3, just get 4. It's just a better game overall.

Maybe just buy one Way of the Samurai to see if you like it first? Would recommend 3 over 4

The problem is the JRPG as we know it has been on life support for ages, and PC ones are even rarer because all we get are hand me downs years after console gets them. Have you tried the Neptunia series, or do you not like those? Theres also the Artelier series.

It's mostly since I picked up sleeping dogs i've been feeling like playing the only new Yakuza game I haven't played

And as for Way of the Samurai all i've heard really is 3 for more realism and 4 for more fun and stupidity

super short crpg with lots of reactive choices and different endings, its okay

Floor Kids
Deep Sky Derelicts
Pato Box
House of the Dying Sun

no final fantasy?

How is the South Park: The Fractured But Whole, worth $6 or no?

Any thinks?

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Even though it's on the switch, I'd recommend Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Even though it uses an Art system reminiscent of MMO's, it distinguishes itself through tying three arts to each Blade and making you switch through Blades, and its Chain Attack system

I don't care about the genre as long as the main character isn't unbearable. I would also like to avoid high school settings

should I get red orchestra 2 or rising storm 2?

They are both good, though they are kinda different in the sense that Rising storm 2 is a lot more action oriented and youll get more kills in it than in red Orchestra. Either way recommend both.

Slay the Spire

So want to ask you guys what are some good multiplayer games out there right now, either competitive or co-op ones from any genre.

If you like jerking off (you're on Yea Forums so I assume you do) then get
>Lust Selection Chapter 1 and 2. (like 4 dollars each).

If you like platformers

If you like creepy

If you like "sci-fi"
>Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock

Believe it or not (this will go against all that Yea Forums says), but hopefully you're not a sheep and can think for yourself. But, yeah, The Division is actually pretty damn fun with co-op.

ayy mi negro hermano

mordahu is decent if you like swords
I'm also having a great time playing SQUAD

i'm looking for short-ish but very intense games, like for example hotline miami or what remains of edith finch.
any genre really. thanks

katana zero is literally hotlin miami but with swords

Ori and Blind Forest. Not exactly "short," but will be well worth the money.


Action platformer:




Strategy: (Tropico 4)


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Is might and magic X decent

I had one on the Snes back in the days and really enjoyed it. kind of want to relive the experience

a job! nigggggggeeeer

tokyo xanadu is basically Cold Steel meets Ys combat. You might want to try that before getting into Cold Steel (since it is...long).

I also rec Yakuza 0, although I'm not sure you could consider it a true jrpg but i like it.

Umineko no naku koro ni 45$
Ffxii zodiac age 40$
That alone will keep you occupied for several months

You two are over 18 aren't you?

this looks good thanks
great game, but not really what i'm looking for
yes why? my english might be bad but fuck you

also try Grandia II if you haven't already, and some honorable mentions
Ni No Kuni 2
Final Fantasy 9
Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Sure it is... you're English is bad because you're in the 9th grade and haven't finished high school yet.

imagine getting so upset over a game that you make a post like this

If everyone is penny pinching itt why don't they pirate the games? I don't get it.

>you're English

third language for me but i know that is wrong lol

Over what game?

Anything where you can get a good grind going on?

you tell me chump

Just picked this up, it's hard as balls.

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Are there any JRPGs like DQV/DQM/SMT/Persona/Pokemon/etc in Steam?

Any hidden gems under $5? I have some points I can redeem. I've been looking at hard west and the DLC and the black watchmen but I want some more suggestions before pulling the trigger.

Darkest Dungeon & Slay the Spire

Risk of Rain

I buy stuff with workshop mods or rare achievements.

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any decent 3rd person hack and slash with cute anime girls

Any suggestions that aren't rouge-likes?

i like these games, maybe not rly gems but whatever. i also think sleeping dogs for 2 bucks is a steal.

this is the police 1
this war of mine
way of the samurai 3/4
fran bow

pirating indie games just feels wrong

I have all of these, thanks for bringing them up. Another 2 I'm looking at are Code 7 and TAMASHII


>buying games in (almost) 2020

they can feel superior to those dirty filthy poorfag pirates by getting all their games 90% off


>good JRPG
>good Visual novel
Don't exist. Those pieces of media are only made to exploit idiots addicted to anime.

Anyone else suffering from severe backlog burnout? I want to get some cheap games but know I won't get around to playing them for ages.

I have created a new rule where I will only buy a game if I am going to play it immediately (even if only for like half an hour)

It's done wonders to my backlog.

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I'm going to have to do something similar and ban myself from replaying old favourites till I finish off my unplayed games. I don't want to be one of those game hoarder/collector types.

Don't become like me.

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>he's never played SMT

where's the fun in that?

miasmata is shit
the triangulation mechanics and alchemy were entertaing for a couple of times, but the game turns into a grindy walkfest with the most stupid enemy ever

Is that on PC?

sale my ass

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Playing video games.

You can emulate most of them

so cool
I wish I was as intilgent as you



go bait somewhere else I'm not giving you more (you)s

Meant for

Anyone tried that clicker/idle game called Dragon Cliff ? Is it any good ?

Before pulling the trigger on your cart, check my pastebin. I have keys for games I've seen a lot of people looking to buy; I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.



Are the Kingdom Come DLCs worth picking up?

still hustling those keys huh? not bad kid, not bad. i hope you got a bunch of suckers to pay you retail price for 'em.

We prefer to set ourselves a budget, optimize our cart, come here and have endless discussions about the games we could be playing. Spar intellectually. Keep finding new games to add to our lists.
Then we finally pay to add the final selection of games to our library.
This is a gentleman's passtime. You can't understand.
Playing games is vulgar

mgs v

When I was a kid everyone was going off on Garrys Mod, now about 9 years later I finally have it.
What's the appeal?

I've been successful specifically because I'm not asking for retail price. I'll usually go 2x1 or 3x1 value on key vs gift. That's the reason some people never manage to trade keys, they expect 1:1 on key value, which means the other person has absolutely no incentive to go through the additional hassle of a trade versus just buying the game directly.

the appeal died 6 years ago
you are too late to the party

>buying singleplayer games

Oh, yeah, and I forgot to post mfw.

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Oh no I hate it when that happens. At least it was only $3

>why there is no good singleplayer game Yea Forums? why every game is using dunevo Yea Forums? why is every game now some multiplayer flavor of the month shit Yea Forums?

sure, sure, I get your grift

ah I'm just kiddin', we traded before, I hope you can get through your list of leftovers. good luck out there

Piracy was a service problem, and Gaben solved it.

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I don't get people who pirate these days. It takes about 15 minutes to go to store X, buy the game, download and install it, ready to be played. No dicking around with cracks, and patch problems, I can't remember the last time I had issues actually running a game. Sure, it took all the adventure out of having physical boxes and fiddling with your autoexec.bat and sound card IRQs, but hey .. convenience kinda wins.

What's the verdict?

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shit combat good story
compared to how much time I put into it I got my moneys worth


>i'm definitely going to buy and play this right now

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You make it sound oh so fucking difficult. Mount the iso, install, then a quick copy + paste is all you have to fucking do these days and sometimes not even that much. Not really a inconvenience for free games

how is that anyones fault but yours?

stop spending so much money on shit that will just forever sit in your backlog uninstalled and unplayed for years you cunts.

Buy 1, maybe 2 games MAXIMUM during a sale like this, and then play them immediately. I mean I guess it's ok to buy a few more smaller indie games that are short and quick to play, but play them. Don't just buy shit and have it sit around forever, there's no point in just loading up on a bunch of shit just because it's on sale if you're never going to play it.

I have things from 2013 I've never played, user

HIB trade user here: don't trade with Steve Tom/Nikolai from Austria. dude messaged me yesterday, presumably with no actual intention to trade, to scam me out of a $5 game, which is silly because I've got things that even on sale, even on gray market sites are still $20. I'm surprised it took this many successful trades before I got scammed.

how is lobotomy corporation?

Still more hassle.

What do you guys have in your top 3 wishlist in case you win?

I'd hold on Yakuza.

>Also don't bother with Way 3, just get 4. It's just a better game overall.

Fuck off. 4 is absolute meme-tier in terms of writing. They're both good games, but if he hasn't played either them, then there's no reason to recommend 4, which from my experience is a game that more seasoned fans of the series appreciate.

I have never played a video game in my life I'll have you know

Lotta good games here. Nation Red is an old goodie. Alpha Polaris and Betrayer also deserve more attentions, real hidden gems.

I hear it's good, but that the translation is mediocre.


Valve Index, 15400 plex for Eve Online, and Doom Eternal

I just want to say I've never felt like such a brainlet while playing baba is you

Crash Bandicoot, Subnautica, Frostpunk

Hidden gems under 5 bucks? I already snagged all of the Tomb Raider, Serious Sam, Painkiller and Commandos games for cheap.

neo scavenger


Great. Good gameplay, amazing ost, interesting story, themes and characters. It's something of a miracle, considering how poorly the development went, devs getting scammed out of their budget by translators, fundraising not getting them what they wanted, but they still made the best game they could.
Buy it.

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How do you feel about point and click games? The Cat Lady and its sequels are quite good.

If you enjoy simple RPGs, then the skautfold triolgy is good.

If you enjoy simple strategy, then Zombie Night Terror was surprisingly good:

For a more action oriented game, I really enjoyed The Vagrant. No clue why it's so cheap:

Finally, I always thought this game was criminally underrated. Both challenging and well written:

Is Vermintide 2 fun without friends?

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I kept playing after my friends got burned out and had fun on legendary difficulty maxing out all the classing and farming red gear
I made few friends too from that game but this was after three months after the games release and I have no idea how the community is right now

Hows shadow of the tomb raider and quantum break?

Quantum Break was great. It's fairly short though, so I wouldn't pay too much.

Thinking about getting Arma 3. Is it enjoyable without autism?

Probably should look for a casual mil-sim community to play with. The kind that plays seriously but doesn't RP as if they were in the military.

When does the Steam summer sale actually end?

Because on the front page, it says: "Jun 25 - Jul 09", but if you click on the race page thingy, it says it ends "Jul 07"


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Funny story about The Vagrant, it was more expensive during early access but it was brought by a porn game publisher and they mostly sells cheap porn garbage, hence the new price

Of what I've played:
Squad > Insurgency: Sandstorm > Rising Storm 2
just in terms of general feel and mechanics, but they're still pretty different games and you might have a preference to one style or setting over the others.

Huh, fancy that.

I'd drop rising storm 2 and squad.

Should i get max payne 3?

It was quite good.

The gameplay was stellar and the story was servicable.

>the story was servicable

Is the Kingdom Come DLC worth picking up?

I haven't played them myself, but I hear mixed things...


combat and general gameplay is a shitty Souls knockoff

but the storytelling and dialogue and presentation are great

play on the easiest mode to coast through the bad gameplay

>combat and general gameplay is a shitty Souls knockoff

Are you retarded? The combat is based off of the Batman Arkham games.

Good if you like management sims, dark stories with cute characters, or if you're just nostalgic for the days of Yea Forums liking guro games.

So redpill me on The Darkest Dungeon. How is the Ancestral version? I’ve never played the game, but the art design looks good. Would you recommend it?

The game is good, but the DLC isn't worth it on your first playthrough.
It adds new challenges and elements that, while interesting, make for a more confusing game.

I really enjoyed the game. The narration is incredible and really elevates the game. There's a lot of class, build and gear variety.

Will I get Grand Prix points by buying shit for Path of Exile?

best vns on steam are Higurashi, Stein's;Gate, Muv-Luv series, and Wonderful Everyday Down the Rabbit Hole.

in-game? I think purchases have to go through the steam store.

>having $15 left
>using it to buy a video game

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What about adding money to your Steam wallet?

Anyone else having issues with the Summer Sale quests not registering as completed? I put a few hours into War Thunder and got no points out of it.

My understanding is that the Grand Prix race bullshit thingy ends on July 7th but the actual "games with discounts" part of the sale ends on July 9th.

>every game is a souls knockoff
I hate zoomers.

45 bucks for VN isn't exactly a steal.

evil within 2 any good? how long will it last?

Rising Storm 2 & XCOM 2 are the only good games in that list. Sandstorm blows. Squad blows. ATOM RPG blows. PUBG is chinkshit.

Foxhole.It has autism.

Bought Witcher III GOTY edition. Worth playing the first two? people keep sucking off the story

doubt it

Witcher 1 is good, but a bit slow paced if you ask me.

Witcher 2 is better, but the combat is dogshit at times.

witcher 1 is dirt cheap and best game in the series
witcher 2 is too consolized but somewhat enjoya le with mods

I have EXACTLY 4.99 in my steam wallet.
Recommend me a game please!


thanks for the (yous)
are they "necessary" for the story? 1 kinda interests me but it seems the consensus on 2 (judging from reviews) is that its dogshit to play.

Not in my experience, I played them after.

Recommending some 6dof games since no one on Yea Forums ever talks about or suggests them.

>Overload - $11.99

>Descent I,II,&III Bundle - $10.47

>Aquanox I&II Bundle - $1.99

>Forsaken Remastered - $4.99

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I almost want to buy this game because of the comfy mansion exploration alone, but everything else looks awfully janky and I just can't do it. Any other games with this sort of atmosphere?

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Bit unrelated, but what should i do with all my cards?

I have 70 cents in my steam wallet what do i buy .

no bad rats

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Sell a couple of cards and get Super Dungeon Boy

what cards ?

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Is anyone else unable to connect to steam friends?

Yes,but then i don't have any friends.

Trading Alien Isolation for games.

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pure unadulterated kino

Not him, but I can trade you some for free.

buy KO mech

Thinking about getting another game. Can't decide between Ace Combat 7, Hitman 2 or Divinity Original Sin 2..

hellstar squadron, dragonia, red death, madrobot x, space moth dx

all okay dirt cheap shmups

Thoughts on darkwood?

real good
horror done right

I got some dark wood in my pants

Any recs?

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oh you mean the game cards . It's okay thanks for the offer friend

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download pcsx2 and all the smt and persona games fropm a rom site

>Nier not on sale
I want to double dip but I don't want to pay $40 to double dip.
Is it still a hassle to sell cards and whatnot?

Not him but thanks for the recs. I can always fill out my shooter library some. I already have Space Moth and Hellstar Squadron. The latter was pretty fun. Would recommend.

want some games then? Got a few left over from humble bundle

Which one bros?

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This place is 18 and up buddy.
Back to plebbit with you.

PIrate it you dumb fuck. The game is shit anyway.


it's kino

Dead Cells has plenty replayability, Undertale has a good story, alright gameplay and good music, haven't played Celeste but I heard it's basically Super Meat Boy but climbing a mountain.
If I had to choose just one I -guess- I would go with Undertale if you have other games that can scratch the "replayability" itch Dead Cells has. Otherwise get Dead Cells first and get Undertale some other time I suppose.

I'm happy with what I bought this year, instead of buying AAA crap I won't play anyway I found out that turn based roguelites is my jam
Slay the Spire is 10/10, I also bought Darkest Dungeon and I'll give it a try
it feels I'm late to the roguelite party

Great game, amazing atmosphere and genuinely scary. Buy it.

House Party

Celeste or Undertale depending on which genre you're most into.


Is it worth to play 11€ for the entire Mount & Blade collection or just 5€ for Mount & Blade Warband without any DLC?

I'd stick to Warband. Napoleonic Wars is the only other you might want, but only if you want to play it with multiplayer.


spent £200

To clarify, Napoleonic Wars is multiplayer-only DLC but you can still play Warband multiplayer without it.

Thanks. I will get Warband and get the DLC later if i enjoy it

Keep Dragon's Dogma.
Keep GTAV.

Never played Metro 2033.
Shantae's is good if you don't have it any where else (3DS, mainly for free)
Sonic Generations, meh. Not a bad game but get it if you want it.
Witcher 3 has rave reviews BUT combat looks boring as fuck. It's the main reason why I haven't played it yet even after pirating it.

I know its not on sale but is hyper light drifter worth the 15?

Streets of Rogue.

Can anyone recommend any good single player games on sale that can be ran on a toaster and is unpirateable or hard to pirate?. I'm going to be stuck somewhere with my work laptop, which is a x220 for people that are familiar, and might need something to pass the time.

Witcher is good but overrated. Don't expect it to blow your mind 10/10 if you're not familiar with the source material or previous games.
Metro is a decent rail shooter with stealth elements. Has multiple endings but sequels only take one canon ending. Story is somewhat retarded.

Hope you enjoy, it's one of my favourite games.

I honestly don't think there is, I mean a very small-scale game with heavy DRM or other complications. The implied possible candidate to my mind would be something very obscure with no seeders.

just get warband


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Zone of the Enders 2? That's the only one I can think of that can't be pirated. Can't speak for how optimized it is or how it plays with laptop controls. But it was a great game on consoles.

is there anything I'm missing?

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nex machina
shadow tactics

Lobotomy Corporation.

not that user, but me and a bro of mine are gonna hang online later and play some vidya, how's it play with just two people?

shut up todd

im just happy to see more players are about to experience the goodness that is Darkwood

I finished it and Sinner isn't good. If you want a souls ripoff buy Salt and Sanctuary. Or save money for Code Vein.

and you're missing the obvious Super House of Dead Ninjas

>procedurally generated trash
I'd steer clear if I were you.

What website is this?

Reminder to get blood bowl 2 for $5 (or $15 with all dlc teams) and join the Yea Forumsirgin league

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Thank you

I played sinner for a bit and I'm aware that it's not anything great, even at it's discount price I think I might pirate it instead, but it does seem enjoyable. code vein seems like it will be bad but have serviceable gameplay, and I forgot that salt and sanctuary is on my backlog
they also have a browser extension to link your account so you can easily show only your wishlist, it also works on steam, showing you the lowest recorded price, the blue highlight on percentages means that it's a new low and green means it's on par with it's lowest

also has this and I wanted to ask anyone here about it, seems insane, how does it work

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Don't do it user, you'll never play half of them

If you want to have games on wishlist highlighted, you also need to install SteamDB browser extension:
It also has some other features including those that Enhanced Steam used to have.

I have $5, what should I buy?

meme manbabby trash

Anyone played Call of Cthulhu? It looks like it might be close to what Bioshock1 was in terms of atmosphere, sneaking, action etc. or am I completely wrong?

Remove LGBT in Time and Censoredgirls.

Good list. I'd suggest maybe checking out Touhou Luna Nights, it's short but fun. And maybe check Rain World, I bought it a few days ago and it's pretty cool so far but maybe get the opinion of someone else that played it a bit more.

>tfw already finished 2 games I bought this sale

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>Sandstorm blows. Squad blows
t. man with awful taste
Sandstorm is a good time and probably my favorite shooter in a long time. Squad is also a good time, you just have to be willing to do at the least a little communication with your squad mates.

Is night in the woods worth 12 dollars?

Oh yeah, the discount isn't very high but also check out CrossCode.

was already interested in rain world and it was on my backlog, thanks for the reminder
I saw touhou but I've yet to get into touhou so I just decided I'll check it out when, if ever, I get into touhou
shut the fuck up
when did skullgirls even censor anything anyways? It wasn't high up on my list as it is but I doubt it censored anything

Rate. Buy or should I just get witcher 3 goty. Not sure if it'll run on my gtx 950.

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replace turok with witcher 3

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Which ones?
Also, can I have a quick rundown on Xcum2 DLCs please?

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ok so autistic shit or fucking nothing or sexual frustration, gotcha. Waiting for you to run your script on Hat in Time.

It'll run but you'll have to play around with the settings quite a bit.
You can always just pirate the drm-free version to test it beforehand.

nowhere near enough evidence to call censorship, from what I can tell they seem to be changed to make more sense, isn't there still like 100+ other animations with pantyshots in them? the characters are all still sexy, I'm gonna have to say no user, I'm not convinced
all that being said, it's very low on my wishlist, there's about 30 other games I plan to play first

Buy ghost of a tale and then tell me if it's any good

The rundown is don't buy Xcom without DLCs.

How am I even supposed to change order of my ranked wishlist if I can only drag a title 4-5 places?
It will take ages.. What a stupid UI. I must be missing something am I?

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fuck no. don't pay money for that.

>I must be missing something am I?
Yes, you do.

What is the trick?
I am trying to remember now what I want most..

>you're english is bad
damn dude imagine getting btfo by a fucking ESL out of all people

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Done, removed others as well. Want to keep it under $30
Actually running on linux, just checked on protondb and people with same/worse specs are running it fine.

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well you can also enter the number order directly or you can scroll while holding left click
it isn't great, it'd be better if you could toggle instead of needing to hold left click but it's not that bad
or just say fuck ordering them

Ok, I remembered what I wanted. I have autistic memory so I found the things. Not that we will win but ok.

Do I need ALL of them?

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war of the chosen will do or just buy the base game and go to and pirate the rest with creamapi


>and pirate the rest with creamapi
And have a chance to get your Steam account terminated whenever Valve gets tired of this shit.

War of the Chosen should be fine.
Rest of the DLC are cosmetic and/or new units/weapons.
XCOM 2 Collection bundle is basically a GOTY with all DLCs so if you really want to have everything, you can grab that one.

valve doesn't give a fuck about piracy and its been fucking YEARS since this existed and nothing has happened to a single account that has been using it
stop fear mongering like a retard and either pay for hundred DLCs like a good boy or save your money

It's cheaper to get the Humble Monthly (and then cancel it immediately).

witcher 3 sucks just buy dark souls

Yeah, and you can obviously guarantee that Gabe won't die tomorrow and the new CEO won't crack down on shit like creamapi.

I'ts cheaper for me on Steam because slav regional prices.

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you're just being retarded now

Kids are so fucking dumb these days, holy shit.

oh, right
I got it on gog, not much replay value though

you just have the mentality of a cuck user
be a good goy and buy everything

>Witcher 2 is better
Stop lying

guys i have 1.24 quid left
what should i get

Already bought/played it.

Attached: dark souls.png (1595x326, 286K)

How is watch doge 2?

Thief gold and thief 2


Dead Cells will last you the longest if you like playing through the game 6 times.

What's the easiest game to earn achievements? I want to get the discount so I can get Rayman Legends.

Any game where you can clap some ass cheeks?

Just idle game with tons of completed achievements for 30 minutes.

Buzzword post

>Autistic shit
>Mad over nothing
>Sexual frustration

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Post yfw thirld world pricing + summer sale

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Is the not metroidvania bundle good?

Attached: bundle.png (1035x970, 296K)

user you do live in a third world so you shouldn't be that happy

It's whatever dude

just use achievement manager

>Mutant Year Zero
>Obra Dinn
>Okami HD
This okay for a bit over 40 bucks?

Launch any game you own that you have a lot of achievements unlocked.
But you do realize that you'll still have to give money to GabeN to increase your point claiming limit, otherwise you can only get 100 points as usual.

you can buy mutant year zero for half the sale price off key sites because it was on humble bundle a while ago

Sorry, I don't want to support thieves and niggers.

it's your own money you are wasting so whatever

$25 left and I'm having a hard time finding things I want
Are these worth it? Should I dump any/all and go with something else?

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I bet you think that taxes are thievery.

+ discounts from tokens + some trading cards I forgot were in my inventory + spare cash because I didn't have to buy food for a month when my mom was visiting me

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What does everyone think about Vox Machinea?

nah you are just too dumb to understand people sell their left over keys for the games they already have on keysites too and you just think every single seller on every single key site is "muh credit card thief" or russian hacker
stay forever dumb retard

Even devs prefer you pirate their shit instead of buying it from key sites.

>devs give away keys for charity and profit to humble bundle
>keys that you can trade with anyone you want
>people sell the ones they don't want to play or already have
this is why I know you are retarded because the devs that say they rather get their games pirated are the ones that never gave away keys and are getting swindled with credit card theft
just stop replying and be a retard somewhere else please and waste your money however you want

Which one do i buy lads?

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stalker obviously because GTA V is a joke both multiplayer and singleplayer

>early access

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Imagine being unironically this dumb

i've got spare keys of the stalker games
no clear sky though

What do you want in exchange?

the only retard here is you who insists to waste money on something you can get cheaper because of the false sense of morality you made up instead of buying more games with your money
seethe and cope etc etc

Shit you do?
heres my profile if you're feeling generous

guacamelee is good
salt and sanctuary is good
dead cells is meh
sundered i heard is alright

I finna wanna nut.
What's a game that will make me nut?


Have it already

honestly its better if you pay a visit to one of the two hentai games general in /vg/ to just get some of their stuff then
steam is not that good for nutting

If i'm being honest, those guys weird me out.

Evenicle, Nekopara
Probably gonna need to install patches on Steam versions

Guacamelee isn't Metroidvania?

why do pc fats always buy games in bulk and not even touch 10% of them afterwards? is it the lack of showering or is it a mental illness?

For visual novel, Danganronpa, Ace Attorney, or Aviary Attorney

Are you asking for advice or recommending those?

here I'll spoonfeed you
go here first
then pick a game that has tags you want or just go through them one by one
pick the RJ or RE code you find beside each games name and replace it with the RE part at the end of this link
look at the pictures and read the description to see which one tickles you fancy
download the game from the pastebin if you like it and change locale to japanese and play and nut
as easy as that user

really fun but hard as fuck

good puzzle game

tons of replay value and tons of hours without getting bored

good games user


Shantae is superb. It scratched my itch for an IGAvania game very, very well until Bloodstained got released.

Thanks lad

Anyone have a spare $20 so I can get Valkyria Chronicles? Am a huge fan of the series and am pretty hyped VC4 is on steam so... thanks if you do

[email protected]

Only done danganronpa 1 & 2 so I can only comment on that, it's not a traditional VN but it has enough interactivity so that I didn't feel bored out of my mind, def recommend if you're looking for a VN

should I drop any of these?

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v3 is amazing too, don't listen to whinny Yea Forumsfags

>Anyone have a spare $20 so I can get Valkyria Chronicles? Am a huge fan of the series and am pretty hyped VC4 is on steam so... thanks if you do
>[email protected]
Aren't you tired of begging for games every fucking year?

why do they hate v3?

I've got Dark Souls III if you wanted to trade for something cheaper than it.
I also have Guacamelee.

If you're interested, steam id here:

what do you want for the guacamelee?
interested over here

Is Divinity Original Sin 2 really worth it?

I tried to emulate V3 since it's the only way to play it in english? but constant crashs and bugs don't let me get far in

Since I only ask for games I play... not really and I do apologise if you're offended

Streets of Rogue

i think they got mad for the ending
but the company stated that the story would end on 3, and to make it different than the real ending (the anime one), they had to create a massive plot twist to explain all the series
which i found creative as fuck, so i loved it

Because of how it ended.

If you like CRPGs, plus it's better with frens

Add me, and we'll work it out.

Since you're able to add the Index to your wishlist, will Valve give you a $500 VR headset as part of the race raffle?

>bought Thronebreaker
>pretty good,enjoying the story
>found Rayla the black
>''how did you join the special forces?''
>''I arm wrestled the sergeant when i was 15''

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It doesn't apply to hardware.

Grab a shoelace and do us all a favor you nigger

If you're still looking for Mecha games, here's some lesser known gems on sale you guys may enjoy; most of which have gotten recent updates:

>Hardcore Mecha ($16.99 usd)
It's a 2D platformer shoot-em-up that has finally received a long awaited translation and release. Sadly a lot of the sizable cast is behind backer codes you have to use to unlock the mechs. That are only usable in vs multiplayer. The promised modes that are missing are coming according to devs at least, but despite the hiccups it's still pretty great.

>Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner: MARS ($14.99)
Yes, ZoE is actually on Steam. It's a 4k port that offers a good blend of melee and ranged combat in a tight story driven chuuni package. Also has barebones VR support for a cockpit view. The game has general audio problems such as it totally dropping out and a bad english VO with no Japanese option. The controls can be a pain, but if you want a nostalgia trip it's decent.

>Project Nimbus ($14.99)
A stylish high speed anime influenced mecha game with some minor elements of bullet hell. Very fast and frantic, but the lack of customization options is something of a downer. The game originally launched 5 years ago, but the devs still provide updates from time to time. pic related

>Brigador ($12.99)
A roguelike hotline miami type affair of explosive violence and solid world building with mechs and other vehicles you use to blow up enemies and the environment to your advantage. The gameplay is good, but the lore is what makes it. Aiming can be a pin in the ass sometimes.

Attached: ss_effde20858a43139bcd69d30dd39cea65bd6c56b.1920x1080.jpg (1920x810, 443K)

You still here?

Yeah, why?

>Garrison: Archangel ($11.99)
Basically the spiritual successor to Custom Robo with quite a wide selection of customization options and tech to learn. It's an early access game and the online multiplayer is regrettably somewhat buggy and empty as a result. The offline gameplay takes some getting used to, but it shines in duels once it clicks. The team is very active and apparently working on a story mode for more single player content. Also its got a free demo (a little outdated for what's in the game now though).

>War Tech Fighters ($9.99)
It's a slightly more simplistic version of Project Nimbus with a bit more focus on melee elements more or less. Customization is sort of lacking here too, but for a grand scale mech warfare game with some great graphics you could do a lot worse. Devs are still decently active with QOL updates. pic related

>Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo & Osaka ($7.49/$13.19)
A diablo-like mecha game with some decent customization to it and a passable story. Combat can be kind of repetitive and at it's core it's a pretty simple game despite its customization options. Has a sequel now with some notable improvements if you want to spend a bit more.

>Into the Breach ($7.49)
A good turn based strategy game with a mech theme from the team that brought you FTL. If you enjoyed that you'll probably like this. Has some upgrade and customization options that can lead to interesting strategies. Protip: Don't mess up.

Attached: ss_bba9cc08e870cb051336273934789f5b11447685.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 490K)

>Mecha Ace ($3.89)
A text based adventure; game dev simulator Yea Forums's favorite. A somewhat liniar story with a few branches and a skill system, but your choices have more impact than mass effect at least. If you're a fan of old school text adventures it may be worth a look. It's got a free demo as well and what looks to be a VR focused tie-in in development.

>KO Mech ($0.49)
A simple platformer type game with the gimmick of flinging enemies into one another. Somewhat short, but pretty addictive. Also it's made by someone who shitposts on Yea Forums and for half a buck it's worth selling a few cards and picking up for the absurdly good cost to entertainment ratio. No reason not to get it at this price. Character can be hard to see at times however and some may find the controls odd.

[also Metal Wolf Chaos releases on Aug 6, 2019]
Happy Independence Day!

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I'm fucking broke and all I have is this (like $15 dollarydoos)
You interested? Didn't got shit during this sale.

forgot pic sorry

Attached: rip.png (537x234, 58K)

I essentially never played or watched anything about gta v and was thinking carefully of purchasing it. Typically played gta's only for the singleplayer is it a misstake if I buy this one for the sole purpose?
Otherwise completed evil within and genuinely enjoyed it to the fullest and naturally wanted to play more games like it, so I was thinking about evil within 2 but I heard its different than the first one.
Are the resident evil games any good? Never touched any of them seemed uninterested at first but now after evil within I got a taste for the genre and wanted to buy some of the good ones, any recommendations?
Otherwise, I don't know about the rest of the games, are they worth a shot?

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Lookin at these. I have zero interest in SAO but this game in particular actually looked fun. I have MHW on PS4 but I've been wanting it on PC for better load times and to turn off that stupid ugly filter on everything. Having to wait longer for G rank will suck but I guess I'll need the time to catchup anyway.

Thoughts on these?

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just kidding, i wish i was born european ;_;

I didn't mind the ending but I can totally see why people hate it and also shitty antagonist.
Avoid SAO unless you're a fan of the anime or source material.

If you don't like LGBT themes don't get timespinner, its minimal but I get why it rubs people the wrong way
Fatal Bullet is okay but as everything SAO, It sucks Kirito's cock

>Avoid SAO unless you're a fan of the anime or source material.

So how does this funny money monopoly currency work? Do you have $20 bills or do they all start out at $50 and up. I think actual monopoly money might be worth more.

Stop buying games you will literally never play anyway.

Attached: index.jpg (210x240, 5K)

just fucking pirate display fusion jesus christ


Because it's just "fanservice: the game" for people who like SAO.
Definitely not worth the money if you're not a fan of the franchise.

I own the trails games and Xanadu Next which I know is VERY different from Tokyo but your post made me want to buy this

Baba is a great puzzle game and Mania is an excellent Classic Sonic game. Haven't played the others so I can't comment on them.

I was gonna but I liked that the dev of it listens to even minor complaints and implements the options. Good lad can have a few bucks if it's worth replacing my ancient outdated ultramon for.

>Fatal Bullet is okay but as everything SAO, It sucks Kirito's cock
>Avoid SAO unless you're a fan of the anime or source material.

That's unfortunate. I didn't notice him in promo stuff so I thought it would be more like the recent gun anime and just SAO in name and universe.

I also repurchased monhan, runs way better on PC and the free online actually makes it net less expensive than owning the PS4 copy, of that's all you're buying plus for

If you're on the verge, you can just pirate it and see what the game has to offer. There's still 5 days of sale.
But I wouldn't waste 12$ on it to be honest, maybe if it was half of that...

I loved the Evil Within as well and about 2 the gameplay is mostly intact but doesn't measure up to EW1 quite as well, maybe it's because of the lack of supporting characters and it's missing Laura ofc but overall if it's on sale get it, there's nothing in the market quite like it

If you want to get into resident evil get RE7, they definitely listened to the fans and got back to their roots, not sure about RE2 since I haven't played it

If you've done any trails games it's sorta like a spiritual successor mixed with more action and a bit light-hearted, I enjoyed it

• There's a Steam sale several times a year.
• Most of us have many games already, and therefore we're not so pathetically desperate to buy our next game that we can't wait until the next sale.
• If you can wait until the next sale when a game will be, say, 50% off, then it's just irrational to buy the game when it's not 50% off. Not being a pirate doesn't mean going out of your way to pay the most money.

>but the developer gets less money
Oh well.

There are many reasons for buying legitimate copies of games instead of pirating them. The point of buying games isn't necessarily to ensure that the developers get lots of money. If a developer has a history of discounting their game for $1 then I'm going to pay $1 for it, and their full price of $10 can suck my ass.

Out of the $30 in spare change I cashed in.

What, you'd think that I spend actual working man hard earned dollars on steam?


Any recs on what to get with $8.48? I'm thinking Deus Ex: MD which leaves me with $3.99 for something else.

>If you're on a budget, why don't you just pirate
Because I have a budget?

I already beat DaS3 but never played ringed city
It's very low on my list, only want it so I can finish ringed city and if pvp isn't dead, but I doubt I'm going to spend anything to get it