Are you also into knitting, drinking wine and book clubs?
>He plays video games
Other urls found in this thread:
These 3 are still better than partying or shopping
>He makes reddit tier memes
Are you also into sucking dick, drinking s.o.y and cucking?
>52% of women are gamers
what games are they playing
mobile games
Mobile shit doesnt count.
they aren't playing games, this is complete nonsense
candy crush
Mobile games don't count.
Phone games, it's a bad statistic that companies use to market their games.
Clearly all the “real” games
trannies aren't women and never will be
>these people play video games, ha ha take that, other people who play video games
Why should I give a fuck?
Being a gamer isn't something to be proud of. It's something you do for fun. Do it, or don't. Nobody cares except retards.
There is literally nothing wrong with knitting.
They counted mobile/facebook games like candy crush and farmville, but the way it's written dishonestly makes it sound like they're the ones playing the majority of console/PC games. I forget if it was a 3DS or Switch shop data that showed that something like 90% of users were males.
>yeah,i let my girlfriend sit on my lap while she plays dragon quest 11 and kingdom hearts 1 ,howd you know?
>games become shittier as more women start to play video games
Agree, whats the point of partying if i am to shy to talk coherently to people, at least by knitting im doing something productive
>Have you ever played a game like Candy Crush on your phone before?
>This person is now considered a "gamer"
>52% of gamers are female
>42% of females own a console
>14% of females use PC for gaming
fuck off casuals
52% of females that play Candy Crush does not constitute the title of "gamer."
I'm a big hairy dude and I enjoy knitting and a good merlot. Gardening too.
Stop being such a faggot OP
But why? Why don't they just keep pumping out the mobile garbage instead of dumbing down our games to make women play them?
Both the Wii U & Switch shop data showed that the demographics for the two consoles were between 9 to 11% female players.
We did it then. The industry as it is caters well enough to women. No need to change anything. Wonderful news.
>sports games have the least female players
wtf I love FIFA now
shut the FUCK up bigot
>rts isn't even a category anymore
It hurts bros
>But as characters they are still absent
I don't understand, as a man I love playing sexy girls but games are full of hot males,guurrrl gameerrrrs should like it, no
how come video game companies are so inept when it comes to understanding demographics?
do they really think all kinds of people play the same kinds of games?
How are you going to have fun when all the games are dumbed down for retarded women?
Is an article like this meant to convince women to play games? It can't be to convince companies that women play games because they know exactly how few women play anything outside of mobile games.
what's the source for this?
"Gamer" in general should not be used of anyone for whom videogames are not the number one hobby/interest. It's not enough that you merely play games, playing games has to be the first thing on your mind when you have free time.
>52 percent of gamers are female
>Gamers are dead
>Gamers are misogynists
>Gamers are racist
>Gamers are homophobes
>Gamers are antisemetic
>Gamers are nazis
What did they mean by this?
I'm into gardening. Damn aphids are killing my gardenia blooms.
I am actually sure there is much more girls playing than before (Not 52 % tho, that smells like bullshit). The real problem is that most of them really suck at video games, or play super dumb mobile games. Most of the girls i know that play dont care about finishing games or even be somewhat decent in it.
Practicing micro isn't fun or meaningful
>There is literally nothing wrong being gay
That's how you sound
>all the games
We will rise.
That statistic makes me happy, I feel like chicks who play games are usually the coolest and most interesting females if I ever had a daughter I'd get her into Vidya at all cost
>no femcel gf who spends all of our money on puzzles and dragons
I decided to learn knitting to save money in gifts and it ended up with me getting laid with a few of the girls there and saved me a lot of money. Go to a knitting event boys. Girls love to help the willing. No prior skills needed and you will be choked with female attention.
Mobile games.
Some casual games too.
Rarely do I see women own a console or play on the PC, my mom for example. And all she ever play is Pokemon.
Are you Silvester Stallone?
The MSM's insistence that mobile gaming is real gaming always amuses me.
yea id agree with this
Yes, eventually all the games. The ones that can't be dumbed down will just be forgotten about.
Weird how fighting games aren't included in this list. I would assume that there's more women who play fighting games than racing, but definitely less than fps. I rarely see any woman playing racing games.
they play alot of overwatch and lol and there is plenty of cutie colorful characters (that men also like), the games they tend to play already get 'representation'.
>highest competitive genre is moba at 10%
mobas confirmed for most casual competitive games
What the fuck?
Is this some gamergate shit?
>redefining gamer to mean "I played bejeweled this one time in 2012"
Wooow look, 99.99999% of women are gamers!!!
The distinction from a gamer and someone that isnt: Do you spend a proportionate amount of your income on video games, computers, or stuff dealing with video games. If you do then you are a gamer.
Also pretty sure this bullshit statistic is from 2008 or something so OP is recycling old bait.
How else are they going to show that women are gamers too?
Trannies aren't women, gacha phone shit doesn't count, and farmville and candycrush barely qualify as """"""games"""""".
>sports, shooters, racing games the lowest
consolechad gamers are the most based and Yea Forums is full of mobile game roasties
>Yes, eventually all the games.
Not until they invent a time machine and retroactively destroy the thousands of games that are already good.
its to convince devs to realize that women play games
so that must mean they are worth marketing to for all genres!
>Family/Farm Sim
What did female gamers mean by this?
>fighting games not even listed
based, where my high-t fightan chads at?
That statistic is only when you include mobile stuff. So even your aunt who plays words with friends with your mom once every couple of months counts to that number. Very dishonest reporting there.
Console & PC gaming is still a sausage party.
>I rarely see any woman playing racing games
They love mario kart but that's more of a "racing" game
No, a gamer is someone who plays actual games as a hobby. Someone who delves into different genres of games. Not some white whore playing Words with Friends while she's waiting in "car pool" for her little fuck trophy to get out of school.
>trying to greentext in the subject field
>using the subject field at all whatsoever
fucking newfag
statistics are a devils science
Yeah. Its just propaganda lies by SJWs. Subsequent stats proved otherwise.
>I would assume that there's more women who play fighting games than racing
What? Why? Fighting games are among the least girl-friendly genres there are.
>intensely competitive, direct 1-vs-1 competition
>extremely dependent on skill, reaction time and muscle memory
>have to practice for 100's of hours before you even count as a beginner
In case you're confused by the "women" appearing sometimes on tournament videos, those are all trans.
>Are you also into knitting, drinking wine and book clubs?
Why yes I am how could you tell?
this has to have a fuckton of trannies included in it.
Skyrim and 'zelda'
FIghting games had a hiatus for a few years and all fighting games went out of style. There was not a real fighting game community to be seen for a long time. This was probably made during that time.
Or they're there to support their boyfriend
there's a decent amount of women with real vaginas that play tekken
>games start marketing to women more
>this just means fewer hypersexualized bimbos in popular titles and more ungendered content like Tetris and Minecraft, games not trying to appeal to sex-crazed teens
cumbrains BTFO
Imagine actually being this retarded.
>No fighting games
Damn. Really the most testosterone filled genre
>turn based strategy
>not competitive
bros I miss MCD. im glad he at least died before he had to experience all this divisive politicking common today.
You forget the most important part of the fighting games which is
>they are inherently social since you need another person in the room with you to play with
There are plenty of real girls at my locals (mostly play Unist or street fighter with almost no cross over or interest in new games).
The smash locals have no girls at all though lol.
>he does not drink book clubs
That's mostly single players games
Have you ever actually asked a woman what kind of games they want to see more of? It's not all mobile games, you know.
>52% of women are gamers
Wait, they are not saying that half the people who play videogames are women, but that literally half the women on the planet play videogames regularly? I doubt that's even true for men.
>run and guns and beat em ups are so manly they aren't even charted
Ok now this is based.
He's actually kinda a hero to me. I hope to someday look half as good as he did. Plus he was such a chill guy.
Super weird how much things have changed since his time, him being a black kingpin was seen as cool and he was generally agreed to be the most faithful and best part of that movie.
Terry Cruise is the closest we have to him and I'm not sure anyone actually likes him outside of meme culture.
Women that actually like games love the hyper sexual girls though
See: Bayonetta
Oh shit thats true. That means that there are at least like 3.5 billion of female gamers hidden somewhere, Seems legit
Well, there are 8 billion people on the planet and probably only 1 billion that have access to clean water and indoor plumbing. So I would bet that this number was pulled out of their ass for click bait.
I remember seeing DD and not giving a single fuck about them blackwashing Kingpin. He was a great choice for that character despite the movie sucking. I miss the times when we could see actors being cast as characters without race entering into it. I remember years ago I thought that Zoe Saldana would've made a killer Samus Aran, but if it happened now, racial politics would be inserted into the choice.
I'm into your wife.
Like said, there's plenty of girls who play Tekken, and that's just referring to the ones who show up to majors to compete. Often times they're just playing in casuals. Other games that have quite a few women playing casually include Mortal Kombat and Smash, if you want to count that as a fighting game.
Sometimes but not nearly as often as men
So there are more female racists, homophobes and bigots than males?
that's for oppressed women only, you cis white patriarch scum!
This is an intentionally misleading article, but that aside a really large number of my friends who play games are girls, and most of them are better at the games I like than I am. They play shit like DMC, Doom, SMT, Fire Emblem, Metroid and all that shit.
I like how they aren't even hiding that. The bitch in the picture is holding a phone.
c&c tiberium wars on mobile
civ VI
NFS Carbon
what would they be playing though?
Giv pc gamer gf
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
What's wrong with wine?
i'm a male and i love some good match-3 game (bejeweled 3, puzzle quest galactrix, soda crush [cracked], Metropolis: Lux Obscura etc)
Good. No all the left wing pol activists can fuck off and go bother other people
you'll gonna constantly arguing about her liking the worst titles in any series
>"52% of women are gamers" means that half of women in THIS STUDY play games
>does not mean gaming consists of 52% women and 48% men
>we have no idea how large the study is or which audience they targeted with it
>how "gamer" is defined or what is required to fit under that label isn't defined
The far more accurate but far less click-baity title of this article should be: "Some Women Might Play Video Games Sometimes".
*keep arguing
Shin Megami Tensei
>bitch is even holding a phone in the article's stock image
meanwhile men are still 75% or more of the consumers and players of actual PC gaming, consoles, and other dedicated video game hardware.
>no source
Shit statistics. But, in any case, if these were real, I would find it interesting that survival roguelikes would rank that high. 25% is way higher than what I would guess. If this were real, anyway.
can it? statistically they're the negligible percentage of the population, even in the muttland cradle of their civilisation, let alone worldwide
>Picture of women holding a cell phone
If I'm not mistaken that's a phone she's holding.
You're REAAALLLY holding onto that idea that mobile games count as video games lol
there is nothing wrong with their numbers or sample size. what's wrong with their study is what they consider to be "gaming", i.e. they include social mobileshit, which is free and easily accessible by every normie with a phone, and overwhelmingly dominated by normie females, as "gaming"
>using the G word
literally worse than redditler
playing mobile shit makes you a "gamer" as much as eating McDonalds makes you a "foodie"
>food analogy
Then why cant I get a cute gamer gf?
>c&c tiberium wars
>on mobile
The Sims
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
mobileroasties still only fuck chads
There's just not enough "git gud" in the universe to make RTS fun to play.
I'm not saying that there is something wrong with their numbers. I'm saying that their numbers are used in a deceitful way to paint a picture that isn't accurate of reality.
Now I haven't actually read their article (hell will freeze over long before I give that shit a click) but if their statistic is based on credible research with 1000-or-more women randomly selected from all age-groups, backgrounds etc. And the study has passed review by a third party then yes, you are correct that their stats aren't technically wrong.
So they're still pushing the narrative that playing Candy Crush on your phone makes you a gamer, are they?
Dying In Dumb Wars Still A Male Dominated Sector
>Anything with actual competition 10% or less
We've been through this, playing some android flash game one-hour per week doesn't make you gamer just like doing 10 pushups once in a week doesn't make you sportsmen. Also, women are shit at video games just like at basically everything.
i like cooking and would like to learn to knit and sew but as a more or less cripple shitposter i don't have the energy
women are the primary victims of war, user. they lose their husbands, fathers, and sons in combat!
what the fuck is wrong with knitting and book clubs? people who don't know how to sew are homos and books are great
I'm just into drinking wine. Wine is delicious.
I disagree i love vidya but it takes a backseat when it's football season and when i have friends over i prefer to do /tg/
>trusting polls since 2016
these are all in house liberal cesspools who post claims with no charts beyond a 100 person local poll they did of women on their lunch break who played angry birds on their ipads
get fucked, retard
>knitting, drinking wine and book clubs?
No, I'm into slander, gossip, and spending large amounts of money on banal shit by slutting myself up for older men
>this is the creature that wrote the "article"
feminism is just like zionism
gamers and palestinians rise up
>be a gamer chad
>no gamer gf
Sports are unironically both too complex and too simple at the same time for women to understand.
>but as characters and creators they are still largely absent
so make them
Huh, thanks user. I stand by my surprise for the 25% in survival roguelikes, although it's tempered by the expamplars chosen. I can easily see how females would find Don't Starve's art style attractive.
Does anyone even still fall for this claim?
Gamers = Candy Crush
That is what the headline doesn't tell you.
Sports are also too gay and women suck at gay things like at everything else, I guess.
Confirmed western RPGs are for virgins and cucks while JRPGs are for Chads and Stacy's
"52% of gamers are female" is quite the stretch. "52% of women are gamers" is just insanity.
>no 4x
My games are pure.
Recommend me some more naval kino
People who sing along with the radio are musicians, patching a hole in your drywall makes you a construction worker, and you're an athlete if you go on a hike occasionally.
Oh, please.
If playing candy crush makes you a gamer then microwaving hot pockets makes me a chef.
Women pump money into mobile games with no bitching about politics. Us hardcore bros pirate aaa games and argue over politics while hardly playing.
>with no bitching about politics
Who are you trying to fool?
Examples of women bitching about politics in mobile/facebook shit they play?
I don't know one single girl that is into games.
Are they counting biological females only or are trannies included in there?
How did no one respond to your post? This literally answers any questions you might have if you clicked on this thread. This is all you need to know.
>Racing 6%
My mum used to love racing games. I actually caught her playing Burnout 3 last year. She used to play RTS too particularly Command & Conquer games.
>I am the 0%
There isn't though? Don't be a flaming fabulous faggot, even gay people hate that guy, but just being gay is such a non thing for most of us, who we fuck is largely irrelevant to our taste in games and our preferred hobbies.
Hell, I am a carpenter, blacksmith AND professional cock smoker, stereotypes are bullshit.
>drinking casually, reading books and having a hobby where you create something from base materials is a bad thing
I don't feel I should respect the opinion of someone as uncultured as you
Eww no,I want to get into garden though. Is a bonsai a good place to start?
It's not so much that the statement is wrong. It's just that these faggots keep trying to redefine what a 'Gamer' is.
By my definition, you need to be playing at least 1hour a day on average, on a screen larger than 20". Even if that's just Harvest Moon or House Flipper - I'll allow it. It counts if it's on a real gaming platform. Anything on a phone is completely disqualified unless you have it partnered with BlueStax or Noxx so you can play mobile gacha anime tiddie games on your PC. I give that a pass.
A woman could never be a true gamer because they lack the will, ability, and genes to RISE UP as gamers must do.
>mfw the desperate no true scotsman fallacies to try and invalidate evidence
The same isn't said for any other hobby, Retard
High percentage of gamers in general are transgender
No, woman do have the ability to rise up. They just need a little jewish magic to motivate them.
Spiderplants and Succulants are arguably the easiest beginner's plants, but bonsai shouldn't too difficult, just make sure to do some research beforehand and you should be good
>Rarely do I see women own a console
Based wahmen
Why are they trying to force this so hard Yea Forums?
>52% of women are gamers
Holy fuck, that's almost 2 billion people. How is the video game industry not the biggest industry in the world?
They only play league though, so it doesn't count
Women have systematically invaded every male space and dethroned us. We have lost the gender war. Men are so cucked they would never even think to kill all women. It's over for us. They have the jobs, the college, the video games. We are doomed. Incels like me will become social pariahs, forced to retreat into the internet, but it won't be long before the women invade here too. I am warning you guys. It ain;t the jews or the brown people or the black people. Women are the true enemy,
They frame it like boys are keeping them out from working on them.
Women drink water, doesn't mean they all want to work at a treatment plant.
Maybe they just like consuming things other people made.
T.old rich guy
I am in a book club actually
by playing older games.
theres an entire lifetimes worth of games for the ps2 alone.
>guys holy shit 52% of the 100 women we surveyed in downtown new york said they have a mobile game installed on their phone that they play on their lunch break
>all women are gamers!
Men create, women destroy. It's how things have always been. And if things get too much out of hand men will wipe the slate clean and start anew.
>High percentage of gamers in general are transgender
I'd rather agree with 'high percentage of transgenders in general are gamers'
Got any 'booker' pussy yet?
>52 percent of women are gamers
>52 percent of the world's female population is a video game player
uhhhh no
No. A high percentage of trannies are gamers, but the inverse is not also true. Trannies are still a minuscule portion of gamers.
Fighting games are the MMA of vidya. About as testosterone-fueled as you can get, and it should stay that way.
Probably, women are already more sexist than men, especially towards other women
Knitting is a more productive hobby than gaming
>*plays FarmVille on phones*
Isn't match 3 just casual puzzle?
That's how the analysts will sell it to the companies. By pandering to wahmen you'll untap into 25% of the world's population as your consumer base.
Because women also don't spend a lot of money on games. Men are still overwhelmingly the primary consumer base.
At least there are some things men are still better at.
what kind of politic you have in a match 3 game
My gf knows that theres a bi weekly smash locals tourney I go to. Do you think that one week I should invite her? She tells me that she "already figured out I was a nerd" before we even started dating and seems to find it kinda cute.
There's only one really awkard neck beard that I never really feel comfortable around that shows up sometimes
match 3 is all the candy crush mobile boomer money sink "games"
Candy Crush and Clash of clans.
Tomorrow its my turn to post the 5 year old bait article.
>>lots of women are playing stupid phone games
>>implying this means anything
What is a gamer?
Why do men suck at life so much?
Bejeweled, Solitaire, Farmville, League of Legends, Pokemon, Candy Crush, etc.
So I assume all the talk about gamers being evil and stuff is true after all, since they were talking about females all along!
an individual who plays video games as their main hobby
It's actually a very effective speedrunning strat.
Actually yes. Knitting and reading are both great hobbies.
And I don't drink wine because I'm afraid of what'll happen if I drink alcohol.
I swear to god whenever something like this gets spammed over and over again, and much like all the other memes that now get popular because of it like boomer and zoomer, it's ONE FUCKING GUY
>52% of women are racing drivers because they drive cars
>52% of women are movie enthusiasts because they go the cinema once a year
Absolute disingenuous horse shit.
A miserable little pile of secrets!
shit genes, dumbass parents who dont teach them a damn thing, retardation due to years of poor decision making on the part of the subject in question, and above all else not watching GOOD anime from an early age
Games that are adequate for the average femcel intellect.
yes actually. yes to all 3.
Suicidal ideation and depression occurs at roughly equal rates. Men are just better at inflicting lethal violence upon themselves than women are.
>MMOs 36%
No wonder it has all gone to shit.
God bless that 2%
Match 3, Family/farm, and Casual puzzle are 90% of the time on mobile only.
While "Atmospheric Exploration" Walking sim and "Interactive Drama" Visual Novel aren't games.
>likening gamers to racing drivers
Absolutely delusional.
Your hobby is a meaningless pastime, and being "good" at it just means you have no life.
is that why that weird lady keeps looking in my window?
it sure is making me uncomfortable
based gatekeeper
why yes I am, I love visting grandmama at her wine vineyard
my girlfriend has 500 hours in overwatch
the mom who buys games for their kids game.
>proportionate amount of your income on video games
Lol no. You can pirate everything.
Guess it's time to get into shooters and racers again, they seem to be safe from the female cancer. Shame my reflexes have gone to shit.
>Match 3 at the top
Yup. One of my ex's mom who was like the most uptight basic bitch housewive's you could imagine played Candy Crush. People like that are included in these statistics.
then you aint a gamer and should not claim to be one
When all those trannies kill themselves, do they feed into the statistic as male suicide?
>da jooz
Probably count as female to inflate the number. Otherwise, female rate would stay at like 0-1. Females just "attempt" suicide for attention, they don't actually do it.
I'm a gamer boy, ask me anything
My wife plays minecraft.
>Tactical Shooter
I'd say that is videogame addict not "gamer."
Yes, not even joking.
I doubt it matters much. Trannies kill themselves a lot, but there aren't many of them in the population to begin with.
>Stardew Valley
>League of legends
>Teamfight Tactics
>The Sims
what did i miss?
balls or gtfo
By the articles logic I'm christian because I was forced to go to church once by my aunt when she babysat me that one time when I was 2.
So do I, but when around 10% of that "gamer" population exclusively plays that, and demands that all other genres cater to them, is kinda like a white business man asking all rappers to rap about being a white business man.
Obviously people ignore these idiots, but the reason you see these articles is because they produce hate clicks. In the current state of things, reputation is less valuable then quick money, like a hooker on the street.
>inb4 some people do take them seriously
I said People.
Well you missed the games they actually play.
Like Candy crush and farmville.
But I thought gamers were dead and all gamers were sexist and racist and toxic. If that's true, then does that mean women are toxic, racist, sexist, and part of a dying identity?
I say give 'em the title and all the shit jars that go with it
They've been saying this since like 2010, find a new headline.
literally nobody is demanding that you mentally ill retard.
>Alice: Madness Returns
>Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Not even joking, girls are all over VTMB.
>Plays candy crush
>Plays LoL
>Plays FFXIV
I mean. Middle to upper class white women are the reason you hear about minorities being offended about things.
The white business man thing, or all games to cater to women?
Both are happening right now.
Reiterating a fallacy makes it no less of one
Few play competitively, but some do mess with them. All those Ragna x Jin doujins had to come from somewhere
Literally the point of Kanji's arc in P4
>FPS and Tactical Shooters at the very bottom of the list
Makes sense why we've been having a second Renaissance of shooters lately. Keep it up lads.
But walking sims and VN's are not games by definition.
One is a museum exhibit/movie and the other is choose your own scare goosebumps comic book.
yes both. neither is happening you just have your brain stuck on Yea Forums retarded fearmongering and zero sum logic.
>There are more women on the planet then men
>Ask someone if the've ever played a mobile game
Chicks that play candy crush on their phone in between rides on the cock carousel are not "gamers".
Your mom is based
>by definition
Whose? Because by the dictionaries, they are
1 any of various interactive games played using a specialized electronic gaming device or a computer or mobile device and a television or other display screen, along with a means to control graphic images.
2. any of various games played using a microchip-controlled device, as an arcade machine or handheld toy.
Sounds like the industry needs to appeal more to men until it's equal
>literally nobody
How new are you to the race that is "humanity"?
I saw a guy dressed up as Darth Vader and promise to give everyone death and free ponies if they vote for him as president, he did better then you'd expect.
A kid was considered a better candidate for presidency because he ran as "deez nuts", there's loads of animal mayors and leaders.
Humans are fucking wild, don't underestimate stupid.
I literally saw both on twitter today.
>western gaming
Another episode of how women ruin everything?
Thank you for clearing this up for me
I see what you did there.
What the fuck is the appeal of women?
Roguelikes, according to my girlfriend.
World hard and cold. Tiddy soft and warm.
s(n)oy has only been adding to censorship epidemic, you knuckledragging mouthbreather
black women are obsessed with The Sims
>m-m-muh censorship!!!
____ ___
what is snoy? I don't understand how it's meant to be an insult.
The true face of Snoy.
Why are you such an incel that you have to dictate what women can wear?
I enjoy drinking wine, yes.
Someone misspelled sony in their post months ago and it stuck. He typed it in all caps in the middle of an autistic rant. At least, that's where I first saw it.
nintendo isn't perfect, even in fire emblem they removed petting you're waifu, but they're still leagues above sony in that regard
it's impossible that 52% of gamers are female, the vg industry isnt mainly male focused because of muh patriarchy
and isn't half of the world poor?
if big anime titties are problematic, how come more women play JRPGs than WRPGs
I haven't said anything for you to accuse me of that. How delusional are you that you just start throwing around accusations like that?
Did your parents feed you alcohol with the milkbottle or did they just drop you on the head?
The irony is that none of those games are big at all. Meanwhile those games you mentioned are relatively new IP's that have all broken sales records one after the other.
>Saying Snoy unironically
This is how I know you are mentally an infant. Pic related.
Because not all gamers are American.
>what is soi
Internalized oppression.
You have no idea what a fallacy is or what a no true scotsman entails. Get an education before embarrassing yourself and using terms you don't understand again, please.
aw? baby got offended?
dilate, your company is gay
>the guardian
Always a troll thread if this rag is posted
Remember that Snoy users posting in 4channel has 80% chance of actually being a homo.
If that were true it wouldn't be something that needs to be pointed out. It would just be organically understood by the community at large.
This doesn't mean shit. 52% out of 100% OF women are 'gamers'. What percentage of men are gamers? This is a literal bait article
>GSG 7%
Honestly higher than I expected. But yeah, take away facebook/mobileshit and this flimsy as fuck statistic falls apart.
I have 500 hours in like a dozen games. Your bitch is shit and probably sucks at Overwatch too.
rainbows as an accessory were a scene/emo thing, zoomer
Stay at home mothers playing facebook games count as gamers now.
They just add mobile 'gamers' who played candy crush one time.
>as genre gets harder there are less and less women
Women truly are the niggers of gender
Omg I hate women now, how can those bitches be such Nazis? Somebody call Msnbc!
grand strategy is 4x
They have candy crush installed on their phones that they barely touch.
We all know how these studies work
It's like 2% old ladies on second life
5% fat holes that play sims 4
35% candy crush mobile game shit players
and like 10% actual "gamer girls"
and even then like 5% of that are only playing video games for attention from the opposite sex and 3% are autistic
No, Farmville and Bejeweled doesn't make you a gamer. That'd be like I was by definition an accomplished author because more than five people read the Dragonball fanfiction I wrote when I was a preteen.
Yes. Go have sex, incel.
That's pretty cool that girls play at your locals.
I love that analogy. I'm stealing it.
I do all of those things except book clubs, which are retarded. Just read the book yourself.
Making your own clothes? Fucking based.
>drinking wine
Ever traveled you homo? Try developing your tastes.
First day on the site?
Reminder to lurk for atleast 1 year before posting
no its not.
there is no expand or explore phase, the world you play in is fixed and all expansion is already done from the start, which only leaves exploit and exterminate, both of which are very lacking in it.
I've been here for 2 years, now.
>drinking wine
I am.
Video games are now a Chinese hobby - over 80% of gamers are Chinese
You think that's a lot nigger?
Just because there's no statistics on women who played them doesn't mean not a single woman plays them you fucking moron, the genre probably wasn't included in the survey since if you put every single genre in it they'd be there forever.
Book clubs are not feminine at all.
Nothing better than getting a group of guys together and challenging eachother to read more books.
>pic literally shows a phone
That means Yea Forums is at least 10% women, both based and cringe women
Literaly impossible for you not to have seen that analogy in two years
>it all ties to family/housewife management shit
They can't escape their nature, lol
>That pic
What am I lookin' at?
My mom only plays fucking candy crush and she would be part of that 52%, it's bullshit.
"Sony" has all the letters to make "onions", but that's worldfiltered so you can't just type it. Instead, you rearrange the letters to make the implied pronounciation closer to "onions".
The people who participate in console wars on Yea Forums aren't very creative.
I like Terry Crews outside of the yelling memes, he's gives the impression that he's a really down to earth overall nice guy. That old lovable big muscular black dude with a heart of gold thing, like MCD.
...still would love for him to play based loud black man, COOOOLE TRAIN BABY
>he thinks women in 2019 are into knitting, drinking wine and book clubs
try sucking black dick, drinking redbull vodkas until passing out and never even holding a book in their life.
By that article my mom is a gamer too because she likes phone games
>not trying to learn everything you can
>not knitting yourself a hat for winter
>not knitting little socks your best friend’s soon-to-be-born son
>not making your mom cry on Christmas by giving her a handmade scarf
>not touring vineyards with your girlfriend, sampling wine, and going home slightly tipsy.
>not knowing how to pair wine
>not cooking a meal for your loved ones and bringing the perfect wine to the occasion
>not sharing a glass of wine with your grandmother in the memory ward as she reminisces about her dead husband
>not having a vague ‘book club’ with your friends from college
>not calling them from the other side of the world as you discuss the book/your life
Please Yea Forums... a better life waits for you...
Yeah me neither, I didn't care for Sam Jack as Nick Fury, it just good casting and not filled with politics like everything now.
Fucking Firestorm, MJ and Little Mermaid have to be the worst race swap choices in current decade
That sounds pretty gay, user
Oh, it all makes sense now
>survival roguelikes
I admit, I was shocked when I decided to try multiplayer Don't Starve after 100s of hours in the single player and saw a bunch of girls playing it. They're terrible at the game though, the men basically have to carry them.
thank god, men are a minority now and we can have games that cater to us again.
Speaking of which, I wasn't even aware there were any multiplayer surivival roguelites except Don't Starve. What exactly are the others?
What's it like pretending to be smart by using dismissive language but being absolutely retarded?
According to this study what qualifies as a videogame?
Probably the literal definition
Truly a woman filter
i wouldnt be surprised if they counted shit like spotify
>video games are no a female hobby - 52% of women are gamers
ahh, didnt know mobileshit was considered video games.
Weed out mobile. What are we left with then? They never seem willing to do that...
game journos
>gamers are the worst people
>gamers are 52% female
>majority of girls are "gamers"
>gaming addiction is now a mental illness
huh, guess the majority of women are diseased. Cheers m8s
definitely not to smash, any other fighting game maybe
>Are you also into knitting, drinking wine and book clubs?
No that's not TRUE. I am a real MAN. URGHH
Its bait. The article is from 2014 and mostly about mobile. Same old crap.
Well played OP.
>moba 10%
>1 out of 10 doturds are girls
>literally 0 girl playing decent in the pro scene
It's the same as in every other genre, women aren't nearly autistic or competitive enough. Men, especially young men, have no problem sinking hundreds of hours into climbing some random ladder, sometimes even together.
Phoneware like candy crush aren't games
How is Atmospheric Exploration a game genre?? It's just VR 360 stereoscope
Playing candy crush on the toilet shouldn't be considered "gaming".
stop posting here
There's just not much else to explore in the genre right now that's innovate or well made enough for people to play.
Gamer was a term made by the industry to define their market and their interest (outside of gaming) in order to understand how they could be sold to. Women don't care if they're playing women unless they were told to care just as men never really cared either until recently.
The only real issue is that game developers were making characters far too one-dimensional in order to appeal to the most broad audience they can instead of taking risk. Now taking risk is making your protagonist into a butch Mary Sue apparently.
The rise of social media has choked all the joy out of gaming by perverting the concepts of a fictional creation into something with greater significance.
>But as characters and creators they are still largely absent
Clearly this is not an issue to women.
>Grand Strategy
>More than shooters and racing games
That's cause RTS is boring trash. It was a shit genre to begin with and needed Blizzard to keep it alive.
Cutting part of yourself dose not make you a woman.
Angry birds
Pokemon GO
PUBG mobile
Why not? If you read a magazine in the toilet, it's still called reading.
And 52% of gamers are casual mobile gamers
Asian women like big breasts
>Like JRPGs more than WRPGs
Maybe they have better taste than Yea Forums
"52% of women are gamers"
is not
"52% of gamers are women"
>Including phone games
People still play WC3 and it's the greatest RTS for numerous reasons. I like Starcraft but it just doesn't hold up. The latest WGL tournament showcased why it's so fun to watch WC3 even 20 years later
What do people do at bookclubs.
Mario Kart is a simulation of getting fucked.
So it makes sense why girls flock to it
League of Legends
>tactical shooters
>harder than grand strategy or platformers
MMOs have gone to shit because it's a genre that has spawned literally only ONE decent videogame.
Not to mention MMOs are a big, fat mistake, they are a genre that pioneered the concept of endless grinding, endless repetitive quests and "games as a service" model.
>Atmospheric Exploration
>Interactive Drama
Kek, sony ”games” are confirmed girly shit
Of course they can't, humans are still animals.
There's no one out there who can escape their pre programming.
Everyone has to eat, drink and breath and everyone gets horny.
Yeah, with great games like Siege and Insurgency, right?
Sorry user, but we had to censor your picture since it had inappropriate things.
I don't get what "studies" like this hope to prove. We all know this is taking into account mobile games, which fair enough, are games, but the idea of a gamer, despite hating that word, is people who play PC/console games, which still lean more heavily towards larger male user base.
It'd be like saying that I'm an avid reader even if I only read advertising leaflets.
>no RTS
The fuck
but being a gamer isn't about playing games, it's about hating women and minoritites
>MMOs (High Fantasy) 36%
>MMOs (Sci-Fi) 16%
That's a considerable difference. What gives?
Now I'm sad we'll never get a tag team movie with MCD and Terry Crews.
>I'm not sure anyone actually likes him outside of meme culture.
He's still pretty good, even outside of POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWER
His stuff in Brooklyn 99 is great.
>tfw no city builder gf
Animal Crossing is my ticket to pussytown.
do you think ((they)) ever get tired of the subversion? they must get sick of their own bullshit sometimes
Well, no one hates women more than other women so maybe the study has a point.
I don't know how to knit, but wine and book clubs sounds cool
this. I like RTS games but its 100% build the things faster than the other guy, all the strategy in these games is meaningless, 4X games have always been better
It may surprise you zoom zoom, but there was a time when rainbows weren't a mark of faggotry, and when hair dyes were just a cool thing instead of a mark of SJW faggotry.
sci fi (fantasy too) are still considered pleb tier genres by le intellectuals so basically only nerds and losers like it
>people still play WC3
Not for much longer.
Hack and Slash chads represent
Not even that. You're forgetting the thousands and thousands of transgender prostitutes and sex workers in third world countries.
>Look I play game too, let me just post this on instagram
>JRPG that high
>FPS that low
Maybe guys wouldn't end up so lonely that they go and shoot up a public square if they allowed themselves to go to book clubs and socialize?
hair dyes and rainbows have always been a mark of faggotry, people have just been turned extreme by internet bullshit, you just need to leave the house more often
Those shooters live in the US.
It's understandable why they would want to go ahead and kill other citizens.
This is a 5 year old opinion piece, who cares?
What did books do to you OP?
Knitting no, but I met my wife in the book club actually.
Nah, those were both always pretty gay. You get the fuck out of here with your colors, faggot.
girls like social games and dont starve has mp. literally only ever played it with girls
>But as characters and creators they are still largely absent
>First half of these genres usually have either no character or plot, or a choice between male and female characters.
>Female devs have always been a thing, even back in the early days of gaming
Why even bother having an opinion when you're going to be this wrong?
You sick fuck why are you mocking mentally ill people?
>Candy Crush
>The Guardian
that's sexist
Wow, making fun of gamers? Fucking misogynist. Have sex.
Yeah, and then Yea Forums goes
Men are born to be competitive, but there hasn't been any men around for 30 years.
Wait what?
>Women are now the majority among games users
>52% of women
>of women
uhh if the math checks out here...
that means 48% of women do not play " video games "
What is the % of men? Like 85%?
t. zoomers
Sorry you were 2 back then.
I'm tired of these bullshit stats they use to conflate the reality of the situation. Girls aren't playing actual video games. They're playing shovelware phone games and shitty facebook games like farmville.
Someone may try to use talmudic arguments to argue that there's no difference, but everyone knows damn well that there is. Some thot playing candy crush is irrelevant.
actually women are treated like they have intrinsic value just for existing, men are treated like they don't just for existing.
>56% White
>52% Woman
Yes, between that and videogames there's a high right of manchildren and womanchildren.
Seems like it's about time we collapse the videogame industry and wipe out the internet.
People who live through the internet are not people at all.
Or you could just bend over
Yikes... I see now where the fault lines formed. No wonder we're getting overrun by niggers.
Exactly what kind of self respecting adult speaks like a 5 year old?
Showing off how much of a kid you are mentally is a millennial thing.
Millennials are a generation of worthless manchildren with no achievements or jobs.
>Videogame is the most fun thing
>When recreation rolls around, play game
>"you are an addict"
I bet you're fucking American. "Videogame addiction is a mental illnes, and is a thing also stop misgendering our citizens you're making them kill themselves over their NOT mental illness!"
Lots of women like big tits. Only ugly feminists don’t.
That doesn't mean a lot coming from someone who has deluded himself into thinking his presence here is age-appropriate.
Honestly explains why Gacha shit is so popular. It's very similar to shopping now that I think of it.
Literally a load of bullshit. They count women having installed/played candy crush and other mobileshit on their phone as "gamers". In reality every console, publisher and digital platform survey reveals that women are tiny minority of console/pc gamers.
I believe 20 is old enough.
No it isn't.
Gacha is completely RNG based.
It would be if you could get things with microtransactions, but gacha are just gambling simulators.
Hell, the most popular gacha's (Fate) entire gimmick is that it has anime girls.
>you get what you want
>you get anything but
Just to add more genres to make it seem more varied.
>52% of women are gamers
>Yes, of course this includes trans-women you bigot.
That's what I get for just glancing at OP, took me until this post to realize it.
Tutorial to easy mode.
Normal to hardcore mode.
Yeah but almost twice as many women play fantasy MMO than sci-fi MMO? Though I don't know many women that like sci-fi in general.
>millennials unironicaly comparing difficulty of life
>when their biggest problem is getting the latest shitty Marvel movie spoiled
We really need to bring the draft back and put things in perspective for everyone.
It doesn't matter if women make up 1% or 99%, whatever the statistics they control them. Same as they control hollywood.
Enjoy equality, weak pissants.
Dunno, but it falls in line with what is obvious in other ways as well. Take the most hardcore fantasy nerds, the ones who are really deep into it. Their autism pales in comparison to the monumental tism that is prevalent in scifi. I don't know why but scifi attracts autism like no other genre.
Without trying to make too many overarching assumptions, sci-fi is usually a bit more "ugly", it's themes are more depressing or even try to question something almost abstract about our future.
Medieval fantasy is usually the more typical, beautiful people fight ugly trolls in the middle of a gorgeous meadow while harmonious music plays in the background.
>t. boomer who paid for college with a shitty summer job
No, i'm 20, and even if I lived back in the 80s or some shit I would never go to college.
Paying in any way for education that doesn't guarantee you a job is a scam.
Either get fit and get a job that requieres physical endurance, or go to a trade school.
College has always, and will always be a scam.
Fantasy mmos are more popular, beginner friendly and numerous to begin with. Scifi mmos are way too nerdy and often also too complex. Think EVE. It probably has less than 1% female players once you subtract trannies and female devs.
You really need your heart medication to fall off Medicare coverage.
Millennials really understand the meaning of pain.
>zoomie without life experience
Even better.
Considering I have a job, I think I already have more life experience than the majority of millennials.
After all, most of your "life experiences" happened in front of a computer and your social skills are a folder of Twitter screencaps.
I was thinking the same. I feel like separating those out into their own """"genre"""" was done to skew the data a certain way.
Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Witcher III, Nier, Metroid and Zelda
Female mind doesn't have the mental capacity to tackle strategy and tactics.
>zoomie thinking he is king of the world
It gets better and better.
You're making some giant assumptions, fag.
I crotchet actually. And occasionally do drink a glass of wine. I usually only buy wine when i need it for cooking tho.
Oh, and yea, these "female gamers" type of polls always take any game into account. Even my co worker who played candy crush for a week would be considered one.
hmmmm where have i seen this before
52% of what? americans? worldwide? how do they even get these stats if they are talking about worldwide? how many participated in this study? are they including mobile "games"?
i swear, it's annoying how they do these studies only to make articles with titles like this, i bet this study involved like 100 people from california or something
To be fair. Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants and special ed teachers are fucked up hard and stressfull jobs.
Drillers of Earth sounds like a great band name.
I'd get a job doing that just to have a business card that says "Professional Earth Driller"
If i become a candy crush god will i get a cute gamer gf?
would add SH3 and Life is Strange
My sister used to play
>Diablo 2-3
>The Sims (all of them I believe)
>Heroes of Might and Magic 3-4
>GTA 1-Vice City
>Stardew Valley
>all those building and managing stuff games like SimCity, Theme Hospital, Rollercoaster Tycoon or Pharaoh
>different Worms games
>some point and click adventure games
>this mobile South Park game... Phone Killer? Phone Destroyer?
Probably many others that I can't think of right now.
Someone linked the article. The article even links itself to another article discussing the study (which doesn't have a link to the original for some reason) but it does explain it in more detail.
The short of it is 4000 Britons were asked if they play video games, 52% of the women asked said yeah.
Those who said yes were then asked what kind of games they play. Most said mobile stuff (ie. candy crush), lots said other things too.
If the guardian is trusted to have explained the study accurately (which it probably hasn't), it overplayes the significance of some findings, see pic. related. Two of the questions (ever played online or on a console) have no timeframe for when they did them.
To me, what defines a "gamer" in this study is far too vague to be actually helpful to anyone. It's on par with asking if you've ever used public transport then concluding that everyone who has is a commuter. Get back to me with figures about how long said "gamers" play video games.
Nice cope femoid.
What is femoid?
>no cute sociopathic EVE Online gf
i drink wine with coca-cola
fuck you
I would honestly ban journos from entering the internet forever
A creature attempting to mimic humans, deceptively called "female" or "woman" or something like that.
I blame nintendo and the wii.
Ruined everything.
That's like saying 98% or book readers are women because of all the cosmo reading.
>52% of women are games
>67% of males are gamers
>that means women are the majority of gamers
In an upwards direction?
>two genders
How does one go about rising downwards?
Do you think women live life on easy mode? If yes how easy? How do you define easy mode?
>Total War
>IL-2 BoX
>Swat 4
>Assetto Corsa
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm based
Flight sims are 100% male so they aren't even on the list
Take the simpill friends, it's fun in VR
>I know you are mentally an infant.
You just insulted someone by posting a drawing of them as an ugly fat guy.
>mobile games
wtf, I like sportsball games now
They play Rainbow Six: Siege.
I fucking wish I had a book club.
i guess we need more games aimed at men then
Keep seething retard
Mobile games don't count as video games.
Are there any girls in this thread?
wtf reddit, you told me both genders are the same?!?
Do you still believe that girls exist IRL? You can't be that retarded.
Just as many as there are gurl gamers. None, only girls(male).
Subtract mobile gaming and it's still like 95% men.
>Not getting wine drunk every once in awhile
Missing out
>everyone gets horny.
Except for the impotent.
never gets old
I can tuck my penis and be flirty user
There are no girls on the internet.
I play mobile games, they are definitely video games. Try Shadow of Death, which is a hack and slash type of video game. It has a very simple story and relies mostly on gameplay. There are 4 characters to choose from. You even have battle arenas and raid modes. You can also customize your character and distribute certain points to different skills as well as change costumes and enhance equipment. I stopped playing Shadow of Death because it was taking way too much of my day/night and now I am trying to read more books.
You can also try out Metal Slug Attack, which is like a tower defense game with lots of characters, many of which are women. I am also reading interactive fiction.
Except for females.
>H-hey it took us eight people to beat a video game level w-why aren't you cheering for us
>all these excuses
Whatever, tranny. Enjoy your "rpg" games lmao.
men are less likely to seek help, also they use more effective methods to commit suicide whereas most women will try to overdose
You think so? I remember seeing some LARP documentary I think it was VICE. There was a boy with literal autism and I felt happy for him finding his own place in life with all that bad face paint, fake ears and crude ducktaped weapons but I don't think I've ever seen that kind of level in sci-fi.
I wonder what would be the % for games like Mass Effect or Witcher. Witcher offers that "what ya lookin' at bitch" with spitting and coughing and mud and flies around butchered animals in pools of stained blood while ME has idealized imagery of space with valorous music like any space opera does.
Women get just as horny as men do, it's a stupid meme that females are "pure" and never get aroused.
Yeah and guess what women aren't playing hack and slash games on mobile they're playing fucking dress up simulator or whatever
Also whatever you're playing will have nowhere near the depth of a non-mobile game and you're encouraging a predatory market, know that
Not king, just above you, not that it's hard since you are in love with the idea of making a fool out of yourselves.
I think there would still be more towards Witcher. I can only guess it's the more naturalistic setting that does it, while sci-fi is 90% artificial, man-made structures, sometimes having that tech vs nature be part of the major theme.
It's one of the new raids from The Division 2, you need 8 people for those raids.
The game of pretend.