>the dark knight expansion
>pld is actually the best tank right now
why don't the poster boys ever get it right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not being a DANCER
who cares?
sorry i don't engage in sluttery
have you ever considered black mage, though?
>Chaos in the source nightmare
>Lore excuse to make a pvp server
why does this game just crash if I alt tab for more than 1 minute?
how do i stop dx11 error please help
potatos are for eating, not gaming.
>doesn't partner the best dps for some reason
Pick 2 and only 2.
are you running windows 7 by any chance
steady 60 on max settings m8
>dx11 error
Uninstall parser.
i never had one
Can someone explain this? I've never used a TNK and I don't plan on using one. But how did PLD suddenly become the best TNK this expac?
Should I just go full healbot in the ex primal? Some DPS keeps dying and I don't have the MP to res his dumbass multiple times.
to the person in an other thread who told me Grand Companies aren't like guilds, I know, I'm talking about free companies
fuck that shit, why the hell is 15% xp locked behind it
I was getting DX11 errors when running Windows 7 when but I changed to Windows 10 it stopped happening
>Login Queue: Savage
Kill yourself. This MSQ was kino as all fuck
Why don't you tell him to stop being a retard?
Post your favorite job and your favorite album.
>Red Mage
>pic related
Most of the stuff that kills you in those is instant death. You can't heal stupid.
1.0 PLD
2.0 PLD
3.0 War
4.0 War
5.0 PLD
DRK will never shine but one thing is a fact outside of 3.0 PLD will always been good
I don't get any errors at all, game literally just freezes in the background. I try to tab back in and just see a frozen image and have to close the process. Fucking gooks.
Keep grabbing the dumb fucking debuffs from the spin cycle thing.
It isn't. You can get a personal xp bonus consumable that doesn't stack with the FC bonus. You probably just aren't far enough along to get them since they come from squadrons.
What's the darkest Final Fantasy game?
Emet did nothing wrong
yeah same issue. game would either freeze in alt tab or I get a dx11 error. stopped happening once going to windows 10
Emet-Selch did nothing wrong. The Scions killed him because of their moral high ground stance that sacrificing the present for the past is wrong, yet they don't give two shits about G'raha Tia erasing a timeline and everyone in it in order to save a bunch of long-dead heroes to avoid a bad future. And the scale of the problem makes Emet-Selch's motivations a lot more understandable than G'raha Tia's. The original world was on the brink of planetary annihilation from unknown forces and Zodiark was the only one who could stop it and other future cataclysms while the Eight Umbral Calamity that warranted wiping out a timeline was that a lot of people died because of gas and society couldn't cope with it.
It would be more ambiguous if they just shrugged off the timeline erasure thing like most time travel media does, but they explicitly mention that it was a tough decision to make because of that very reason so there's no excuse.
Works fine on my Win 7, never had any issues what so ever.
don't believe his lies
>yet they don't give two shits about G'raha Tia erasing a timeline and everyone in it
they were dealing with a calamity, they were all going to die horribly anyways
I'm at Coerthas part of the MSQ, how much more until Heavensward? That Titan fucking questline was the most obnoxious shit ever.
oh, thanks. Now I feel silly.
so are we the 14th council member? are all the WOL from the other shards just pieces of the original us? what happens when we become whole?
>that music in The Twinning
My dick.
What's this referencing to? It was my first time seeing "Hades" in a video game since kingdom hearts on the ps2. I thought it was a pretty cool twist.
If you don't commend the DNC that partnered with you then you can go fuck yourself. I don't even know what commends are good for but I know I deserve at least one every god damn dungeon/raid/trial.
remember that terrible multiverse jet li movie? basically we become a god
Probably. No, since only Ardbert was one of our fragments, not his whole group of adventurers. Who the fuck knows. Probably something hype as fuck.
>reach breathtaking final area
>this begins playing
So for SMN is Titan used at all or is it still just Ifrit and Garuda? Also where's our God damn egi-glamours Yoshi-P you fucking HACK?
it's referencing that people thought something was cool in a game they don't like
>gunbreaker is taking more damage than all other tanks
What the fuck. Why
>Bought the EU version but my account is US
>Now have to wait for support to see i can get a refund or exchange
>Drg literally the Goku of DPS right now
You get fun prizes, but holy shit is 3000 for the mount a lot of commends
Com Achievements that reward mounts and glam
What's the best OCE server?
How can I see how many I've gotten?
>just got the game on saturday
>im at lv 40 drg right now
That's what today's maintenence is supposed to address.
the titan part of the story and the post ARR questlines after you finish the 2.0 story are the sloggiest parts of the game.
make of that what you will, those are the infamous parts that people keep asking the devs to crunch.
just try to hold out and enjoy the story now that you aren't on an epic quest to steal fucking cheese from the goblin illuminati.
>people sperging about x or y being good/best
they are going to rebalance jobs TWICE in the next 20ish days
there is literally NOTHING wrong with the ARR MSQ
Like a good 15-20 hours at least.
It's in your profile. I forget which tab.
look at those hamburgers
samcucks mad as fuck right now
That feel when you'll never get to slap Uriangers ass
>thancred is the strongest gunbreaker in the game because he can do whatever the fuck he wants
>the game is just holding him back
MCH got ours. I'm happy.
Coerthas' quests are fine and the zone is cool. Don't let those Titan fetch quests ruin it for you.
when I saw mirage dive in the job actions trailer I just knew
can i make a vivi type character yet? or is it all still weeb/furry shit?
my job will never be rebalanced
screencap this you cowards, only post it if i'm right tho so everyone will think i'm smart
>yfw vauthry transforms
People keep dying to the same mechanics pull after pull in Ex Titania. I feel like I've already missed the boat on competent players.
the world still goes on after a calamity, and while I don't blame the Scions or G'raha or Cid or anyone for trying to change the timeline, they really have no right to yell about how evil Emet-Selch is for wanting to bring back his family and friends, especially since everyone that will be sacrificed might as well be doomed to die in an hour or two anyway from his immortal perspective
Wasn't nearly brutal enough after what Tesleen was subjected too.
That faggot got off too easy.
have faith
What's wrong with SAM? I got SAM to cap first and am planning to do DRG, and even though the 80 skill is super underwhelming, it doesn't seem any worse for it.
>he didn't get all the weapons already, even for classes he doesn't play
i just discard the ones i'm not going to use, that's how easy this shit is for me
I’m about to get my level 50 Fantasia. Do I become big cat warrior?
Be a male hyur.
feels bad
Do it. They're hilariously wide in heavy armor
just save it. I finished shadowbringers msq and still haven't used mine.
>expected literally nothing from the scholar quest like usual
>get this
What do you mean 50 fantasia? Did I miss a free fantasia?
103 players in queue, I'm almost
Were the scions really yelling about how evil he is? I think they understand what he's saying but of course they're gonna prioritize themselves over some dead people.
I've heard that this game brings in a lot of other elements from other FFs. Will I get more out of it if I play some other ones first?
Definitely, but it isn't mandatory
Holy shit, I never thought this they would come.
Maintenance soon bros
The arr msq final quest gives you a fanta.
You get a free Fantasia for beating the final msq boss of ARR
sniff the chocobo, adventurer
>Used to get silky smooth 144fps
>Now capped at 90
I don't know if boob physics are worth it.
Kind of? Alphinaud starts off talking about how he understands why Emet-Selech is despairing but then goes on to shout about how his friends are dead and that the present is what matters, and the dialogue before the final dungeon is also them pitying the Ascians but nevertheless reaffirming that they're nuts and need to go.
In the end, I think the WoL is the only one who truly understood the gravity of the situation since the rest of the Scions are more like "Fuck yeah, we did it, Emet-Selch is fucking dead"
Alright how do I get the good Materia?
Buy it.
And how do I get it without spending money on it?
Drg btfo's Sam in DPS both personal and raid wide
do leveling and alliance roulette with the role that gets the bonus or you can occasionally get one from the 80 dungeons.
..Huh. Not him but I'm pretty sure I never got one. My cat has always looked the same, and I can't find a Fantasia anywhere in my inventory, saddlebags or retainers. Press F to salute my vendored Fantasia, I guess.
aw shit, really? I thought single target big kenki skill and double midares would keep them at the top for melee DPS. Is the nidhogg dive that good?
you should have got one in the mogmail if you subbed for a month before they changed the rewards system
If your account is old you would have gotten one in the mail from the subscription bonus.
I think Type-0 might be the only M-rated FF game.
>tfw too stupid to figure out Dancer
There is nothing even resembling a rotation
t. my only experience playing it was one run of Void Ark
>thought the removal of pierce debuff and general changes might shake up the meta
>it's not going to change at all besides maybe MCH replacing BRD because they buffed the fuck out of DRG while leaving in all their buffs
it's a proc class, slap the lit up buttons real hard and then you win
Second day in row I have fucking people in party simple afk in alliance roulletes because you can't kick them anyway thanks to constant chest rolls
I don't remember shit like that half of year ago
>still 3000 queue
I want to die.
I don't understand this Materia shit.
How come I can only put in the shitty +12 stats into my 430 class set?
I mean, NIN might be bad for the first time ever for what that's worth.
Is it any good?
Yeah, it's annoying as fuck. Can't even report them for it.
People still do this? I remember this shit in ARR
At least my TA pony is still fun to play
yeah there's obviously a lot of call backs to every game in the series but the outright stuff is held off to side missions, the ARR alliance borrows heavily from FFIII, Stomblood's alliance series acts as a sequel to both FFXII and Tactics
What datacenter friend
Yeah, I do see a mail that's supposedly been claimed already over a 1000 days ago. The only possibility I can think of is having vendored it by accident, because I'm absolutely positive that I've never actually used one. Still wouldn't use it probably, my autism couldn't retcon having an entirely different looking character after all this time
Unless they're doing literally DNC tier personal DPs people will still bring them.
Because you're retarded.
You have two single target buttons and two aoe buttons. Those can proc other buttons. When you dance, your single target buttons become dance moves. Play Simon Says and then hit the dance button again to do big damage.
Have a dance partner so your cool dance stuff procs on both.
If people think they can get a free ride, they will. I've had it happen quite often in the MSQ roulette too. Thankfully there I can just votekick them right before the final boss.
i was lying, i've been busy all week and only finished the msq early today, i still gotta grind out some tomestones so i can do the extremes
lifelong DRG main here, it's nice, and I really like our aoe combo.
Just answer the question you fucking faggot.
Lucky you. MNK might finally be good for longer than the latter half of a single patch but the playstyle is so completely fucked up it might compete with SB MCH.
So now they made SMN a actual Summoning class will will get a DPS that is a DOT focused class again?
If so then what?
Lorefag, whats the way for playing all FFXIV content in cronological order? Mainly between each MSQ do the raids events occur?
Play the Story and the Raids as they come available.
the raids do infact occur yes.
and there will be nods to this if you do them, like characters you met in such raids acknowledging that you've met before if they pop up in the MSQ
just check the ilevel requirements to see the order they came in
So am I stupid, I didn't really get what happened to the light there at the end, why were we magically cured?
Meant for
>Doing Innocence ex
>keep dying to the sword - reverse sword + some other mechanic
>For some reason I can't get this stupid mechanic down and keep dying to it all night despite the boss being easy
How badly should I kill myself for this? I've never had trouble like this with anything but it's like I just can't learn my lesson with this one thing. Maybe it's because I'm trying to main BLM for the first time.
>all the servers are located in fucking Canada
Why no European servers?
Did we solo innocence?
8-man raids are on even numbered patches and 24-man are on odd. So for ARR the first set of coil came out in 2.0, then Labyrinth of the Ancients in 2.1, 2nd coil in 2.2, Syrcus Tower in 2.3, final coil in 2.4, and World of Darkness in 2.5. The same patter holds true for every expansion.
You spent it in the final trial. That's how you went super saiyan near the end.
joining with ardbert gave you enough strength to resist turning, then you burned it off fighting hades
Uh. No they aren't.
Swords first AoE gives you enough time to dodge. Now the second AoE will hit both where it landed before and the opposing side.
What specifically are you having troubles with?
Dark Knight I guess
Yeah. Journal and DF entries make no mention of any extra adventurers, nor would it make any sense for any other people to be there.
Yes they absolutely are. The latency I feel playing from Europe does not indicate I'm connected to any European server at all.
They aren't in Canada you retard.
They used to be in Canada, but a few years ago they moved them all to Commiefornia screwing over all the east coast NA players in the process.
Even - SAM
Odd - BLM
0 - RDM
Short of making a list of the release schedule for each MSQ and instance, your safest best is to finish each expansion to their X.0 launch patch which usually has some indicator for its completion, then doing the 8 and 24 raid series before you complete the rest of that release's content. That should make sure you get everything out of the plot with the minimal effort.
That's what I read online you fucking dipshit. They certainly aren't anywhere in Europe. I don't give a fuck if they're in Canada or Mexico or some other nigger town in America.
you're about 2.5 years out of date, dude. there are euro datacenters now and the NA ones are in California now
When's 5.1?
Just got to level 60 in my first class WM. When should i start to craft gear and how to glamour? I really want to keep the look of my current staff and the top
End of September.
How hard is Titania and Innocence Ex compared to other ex trials?
What did you think the final area was going to be before you got to it? After I'd gotten around halfway through I realised that Norvrandt was structured the same way as Eorzea, with Lakeland being Mor Dhona, Il Mheg being Coerthas, Kholusia being La Noscea, The Rak'tika Greatwood being the Twelveswood, and Amh Areng being Ul'dah. So I thought the final area was going to be located where Gyr Abania is on Eorzea.
I keep seeing stuff that makes Type-0 look cool, but I keep hearing that it's shit
About the same as Susuano.
Some voided dark area. Something like the switch dungeon but blacker and purpler.
Easy as hell
A bit more complicated but only because he vomits mechanics at you, the mechanics are simple and easy to get down
How is she just so sweet all the time.
There's an npc outside the Waking Sands that teaches you how to dye and glamour your gear. She has a blue quest marker. You can start crafting whenever you want but be prepared to spend a decent chunk of gil if you don't want it to take forever. Maybe level the gathering classes first before you go in on crafting.
The European servers are in Germany and the North American servers are in California.
so the gogg are dunefolks right? since they are evil little vermins
If you open the map to display all zones you can see the fully uncovered layout of every zone, even the last one. I did that by accident and the Amaurot section made me think it was the Sin Eater palace where we fight Innocence so I assumed Mt. Gulg would be the final zone and not just an instance.
I wiped like 5 times on Titania because our DPS were mostly black mages and for some reason couldn't get through the DPS check, was I missing some mechanic from that adds phase?
Servers still fucked?
They have a shred of relevancy, so yes. If they were completely and utterly forgettable and unimportant, they'd be Plainsfolk.
Like, does the Crystal Tower storyline occurs before or after the 2.1 MSQ's? Same thing with Coil of Bahamut, exactly when did that occur since it wasn't reffered in the 2.1-2.5 MSQ's
Anyone hate it when tanks do single pull in 50/60/70 stuff? I'm always telling the tank to pull more but it falls into deaf ears.
I'll usually just afk during mobs and spam cure once they do that shit.
Is there a way to see what your Crit and Direct Hit chances are or can you only see how much rating you have?
They were probably just shit. There really isn't any mechanics other than dodging aoe, killing the tree first, and positioning for the knockback + tethers.
Waitwatiwatiwaitwait. Wait just a goddamn second. Am I fucking reading this right? Emet-Selch has had babies with the Warrior of Light (past) multiple times????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
hey man that's not true there's krile and uhhh
Depends on what part of add phase, were they getting pushed to the safe spot to break the vine tethers? did they kill the adds in order?
And why mostly black mages user, don't hurt your LB like that
If they don't meet the dps check then it is entirely on them, bad players pretty much, the dps check is not that tight
That's ultimately problem with Type-0. The worldbuilding seems kind of neat and the grand narrative is that it's basically a war story until it shifts into a lovecraftian apocalypse near the end. But there's basically no fucking character development for the main cast so by the end when they all sacrifice themselves to save the world and you're supposed to feel bad about it, you can't.
Are you still worried?
I can't tell if this is bait or not and that's concerning.
No. You'll need to wait for some autist to figure out the formula.
what but the tholls are the important one
>don't have to upgrade my crafter gear til 80 with vendor food
cool AND good
I'm still wondering how they're going to explain it
He's referring to all of the shattered humanity.
I honestly thought it would be jarring for XIV to collaborate with Nier because it didn't really care the same tone. If I were right, it would've just felt really awkward and forced but honestly with Shadowbringers, it'll fit right in.
The story is going to be a wild ride.
he means "you" in a general "you shattered semi-people" way.
>Show up to fight Elidibus as a Samurai
>He just nopes the fuck out
Yes. I don't expect a what a TWEEST kusoge dev to suddenly stop making kusoge.
I think it's a two part problem. The first is getting hit by the second strike of the swords because I always misjudge how big the cone is gonna be on the opposite side for some reason. The other problem is I tend to get thrown way off and then get hit by whatever else is going on at the time (like the three part sectional aoe) and die.
Honestly my overarching problem is learning how to play BLM in a raid environment. I know the rotation obviously but its the ins and outs of how to perform while shits flying around under pressure.
Hes talking about humanity you retard.
>expected her to be some awful haughty bitch
>shes genuinely one of the nicest characters in the entire game and her husband literally helps you save all of norvrandt
>even when you get exiled and a manhunt put out on you and alphy she gives you a place with her should you ever go back to eulmore before freeing it
i dont wanna go back to the source, everyone on the first is cool
Some Amaurian was thing about robot butts a little too hard.
Think I'm going to go with this.
Well shit, after this MSQ I don't know WHAT Tank to pick up. Paladin and Dark Knight are both thematically linked to the story and new areas but Thancred and Ardbert were so damn cool it makes me think about picking up Gunbreaker or Warrior.
>lmao i'm gonna fuck up the wol ez pz
>gets fucking dunked on
>gets fucking dunked on again by zenos in some literally who's body
hopefully the enemy wols will be cool antagonists because goddamn elidibus sucks
What's the point of SAM when DRG is this strong right now?
why does the music in tempest make me sad when i fly around amourant
>go in a learning party
>Everyone's all cheery and happy
>People keep messing up
>People start to get angrier at each other
>Grab the popcorn because I'm playing the easiest role so even if I do screw up I can usually save myself ;)
I should probably leave and join another party but there's something in me that wants to stay and see how far the shittalking and anger will go.
I was never worried but I'm still disappointed. Give us more original content for XIV instead of dumb crossover shit. Omega and Ivalice was bad enough, but at least it was in the same universe.
I'm only worried about the gear design, it will all be trash and unsexy because of male characters
Like if he noped the fuck out immediately then I'd be cool with it but the fact that he only ran away after being beaten by Zenos with a regular ass katana in a suboptimal body as seen in the image accompanying his dialogue makes me wonder how the fuck this guy is the same kind of entity as Emet-Selch who required multiple anime power ups and an army of people to beat
I mean she and her husband did have their old artist thrown off the balcony, but at least they apologised for it.
Playable fat cats when?
What is healer balance looking like? Is SCH as fucked as people say or is it just whiny mains?
She is just a really nice lady and she loves her husband very much.
Dark Knight
Days of Thunder
When is she going to get (You) an outfit like she got for Alphinaud though?
Is the disparity really that bad? I'm about to buy my goetia gear for SAM but am wondering if I should just get DRG to cap instead
>finish MSQ
>unlock EXR dungeons
>"oh boy can't wait for 6 months of this shit"
>queue up Twinning
>music starts
what happened to all the warriors
I don't ever see warriors anymore
They just released him from employment and his inability to find another job caused him to be thrown off a balcony. They were more apathetic than malicious.
SCH healing is fucking retarded good, its just boring to play. WHM Healing is good and its DPS is retardly good. AST is currently bugged and Play doenst queue correctly so its annoying to play.
It wasn't brutal at all, dude was literally raving about how amazing it felt to finally shed his mortal form and ascend.
Between him succeeding and Feo Ul teasing the WoL with the promise of becoming Titania I wouldn't be surprised if by 6.0 or 7.0 the WoL really does transcend mortality because realistically theres nobody left for us to fight without doing so
You already got your Shadowbringers edgy outfit for this expac when you received the scion traveller gear from Tataru, remember?
SCH has mana problems. You have to learn to DPS less to secure Rez and group heals.
It's way better than what they did to AST lmao
I'm about 40 hours into the MSQ in vanilla
Am I gonna have to do raids and shit eventually to keep with the story in the high levels? I hate that stuff. The dutys have been surprisingly fun and casual and I'd prefer them to things where I have to memorize some specific build or get screamed at by autists.
>It wasn't brutal at all,
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
isn't Gunbreaker a new tank too? DRK btfo
Station to station.
Im going to need cocaine to play this god damn job.
Tataru and her outfit a shit.
SCH is still really strong, they just aren't as fun to play as before. WHM > SCH >>>>>>>>>> AST.
Dark Knight
The Hands That Thieve
0 Dark Knight
1-3 NIN
4-6 SAM
7-9 DRG
The dungeons these expansions and even the trials are fucking stuff I can grind forever dude.
Too busy being MCH and having fun. I'm fucking slamming all the buttons senpai this job is gr8 now
WAR didn't get any flashy new attacks so people are dropping it
Maybe he came to the conclusion that he was never gonna convince Varis and decided to change his plans?
Weren't they planning on these two being the last races so they can focus on more customization on what's available in the future? If that's the case, I can see them working on playable fat cats.
The normal mode raids are designed so casuals can see the story. You won't miss any story by not doing savage mode.
I haven't seen any actual parses besides muh dummies.
There's also inevitable balance adjustments coming on the 14th and again when Savage releases.
>everyone on the first is cool
>No pirates to bully kobolds
>Lalafels aren't jews, so others beast races are pretty bro too
First is so much better than source...
So are they setting up Zenos to be the main antagonist for the rest of the story?
As hard as any release day primals.
I just love the ascian city and the dungeon.
I can't get enough of the music and architecture.
You don't have to do ex or savage. Normal mode trials/duties and 24 man content are braindead easy
Scenery, by Ryo Fukui.
watch them build him up as an incompetent fool in way over his head, and he slowly starts getting crushed by the burdens put on him and his own incessant failures.
hes the only one autistic enough to match our autism
and elidibus is a fucking jobber
No, hes the patch villian. They set up the Warriors of Light to be the next overall villian.
I fucking hope not.
He already wore out his welcome by the end of SB.
So the whole Ascian plot hijack was fucking amazing but where the fuck do we go from here? Who even gives a fuck about the Garleans or the Allagans or whatever petty shit going on in the Source anymore? They seem to be hinting that Zenos will get in on the whole Zodiark/Hydaelyn plot but he's so explicitly one-dimensional that I can't even conceive of how they'd make him as interesting as Emet-Selch. And Elidibus is a fucking bitch and it will take a miracle to make me care about him.
Here's a version for you to have fun with if you'd like.
Normal mode raids and Alliance raids are pretty easy and the only ones that really have story content related to them.
Does he have to be interesting? I wouldn't mind him being a fucking chaotic antagonist who just GET POWERFUL ENOUGH TO MURDER ANY FUCKING ASSHOLE WHO GETS IN HIS WAY
Dummy is probably reliable enough. There's really no way to make an encounter bad for DRG without it being bad for other melee DPS, if DRG is winning on dummies then it's safe to assume it'll win harder in content.
To be fair though, he was already born as half-sin eater
I just wanna give Emet-Selch a hug, bros.
I don't know how yoshi managed to make the most consistently awful to play job fun but God damn is that shit satisfying now on every level
Pretty much everyone in 5.0 needs a hug
So instead of spamming darkarts I just spam edge of darkness now right?
He removed RNG.
I meant the extrapolated SSS health numbers.
I'm turning into a retard over here from lack of sleep.
made me chuckle, thanks user
Zenos is planning to hijack Zodiark and/or Hydaelyn's powers the same way he carjacked Shinryu just so he can indulge his sword autism and fight us more
I would be okay with this if he manages to foil Elidibus's eons-in-the-making scheme by pure accident and we have to fight Zenos for the fun of it afterwards
You installed more RAM (arbert) which allowed to fight and since Emet is Dark Element, you were able to channel your Light easier to fight him
Wait, MCH is great now? All I heard before the expansion was bitching and moaning about how the job is ruined even more than it already was.
I wasn't really expecting daddy Solus to turn into Hades. Thought he would have turned into Zalera
Everyday until you like it.
you can't really spam it, mp gain is a lot slower in shad and you need to have 3k mana for tbn in reserve or you fucking explode
but yeah it's your "burn mana for damage" skill like dark arts was
Excellent, thanks. I'm way too retarded for raids but I love this game's world.
Why does everyone go full retard on the Mist Dragon? It's always a 50/50 with this place.
Go fuck yourself you tranny retard. Ffxiv players are literally scum
i still don't understand the tell for his fly-by
Stay away from Tonberry.
Is just a really busy job now.
And it kinda hurts if you have high ping because HB returns GR/Ricochet charges.
Also HC is kinda annoying to use because you shouldn't really overlap drill and air anchor since they are weaponskill with cooldown.
So pretty much you are watching you hotbar a lot this time.
Legit happy for DRG bros. Every EX the past few days with a DRG i've sat on the boss in Leylines so i'm close enough for tether as we just fuckin spitroast em. It's amazing seeing my buddy do that well.
Are you dying to the combination of reverse sword and then the sort of "third of a circle" aoes? If that's the case usually I just go the edge of the arena after the swords come back, then adjust accordingly. Yeah, it's more movement, but if it keeps you safe.
Kujata is literally the same shit as tonberry aka garbage dump.
Formerly DRK, soon to be GNB or I'll go back to my old main of DRG
Genuine kek here
>>Emet Selch
Fuck I just want to hug everyone and lie down to rest, I'm at a point where I care more about what happens to the First and its people than I do Eorzea
when all is said and done and the Warrior of Light retires I hope they settle down in a cozy Manor in Il Mheg
Would have made more sense given how the ascians are walking FF12 references
do Ascians have sex or do they just think about sex and pop out a baby
How many people are still mad at the crystal man being G'raha Tia?
Saw 12k dps on Innocence DRG. Food up and also dancing partner up. Don't know about pot. That's the same thing I did as BLM on the same fight though I didn't have partner or food.
I legit haven't seen a good SAM yet so I can't say for sure, but I have a feeling DRG and SAM are toe to toe, but then again, DRG brings buffs and SAM doesn't.
Based. I saw them in Vegas last weekend
They're still humans just near-immortal and with practically a star's worth of aether in their own body
There isn't one. You just have to circle the outside of the arena and when you're close enough to him the aoe appears.
Il Mheg may be nice and all, but I can't leave my family in Ishgard.
just that one lore youtube guy, i don't think anyone else cares
Why is this all of a sudden the headpatting expansion?
Just hit 80 and never did a extreme raid before, is it pubbable or am I expected to find a group to do it consistently with? And is there any unspoken rules that I should be following when doing them?
I guess similar theme? Hades is god of the underworld, and Zalera is associated with Death in 12
I want to headpat Vaultry's weird nipple face
so is SMN fun now?
where the hell would you find this hair in this expansion?
Join a practice PF, people will most likely ask you to watch a video first. Other than that thats about it, know how to press your buttons and pay attention to the fight.
>everyone in my pc except me and two guys turned into rabbits
I fucking hate rabbits
>watch a video beforehand for a primer on what to expect
>practice makes perfect
because instead of the edgy broody DRK expansion it's actually the perseverance and hope in the face of despair healer/PLD expansion.
DRK players got baited just like Monks did in Stormblood.
>currently 56 war
>just started HW
Kinda just wanna go PLD since it seems like an easier/better tank.
How do i go about gearing up?
Filler fetch quests that don't belong in a Final Fantasy game.
Is no that highlander exclusive?.
How did you feel about the ending where the G'raha Tia dies and Lyse is appointed as the next Exarch for no reason?
I mean, DRK is fueled by loved so I don't know how edgy it really is
Fun but way harder to play effectively now.
I honestly wouldn't bother as their numbers are lower than rdm right now. Way more work for less damage
>edgy broody DRK
>renew subscription after 4 years
>excited to see how WAR changed
>"oh boy after 4 years jobs must be packed with a lot of new skills and actions"
>log in
>half of WAR skills are gone
>"wtf, ok maybe if I get to lvl60...."
>new skills starting to replace the old ones
I think I'm at HW endgame right now, tell me WAR gets better later on.
I still can't believe Alphinaud and Urianger survived the final battle only to die by fucking drowning on the way back off screen.
>tfw leveling crafters in shadowbringers
oh god this is so slow
What is the name of the fate that gets you the frog mount and does it take forever to spawn?
for leveling you can use your tomestones of poetics to buy the highest ilvl gear for lvl 50, 60 and 70 at vendors in mor dhona, idyllshire and rhalgr's reach
if you still have the leveling gear from your warrior you can just use that on your paladin until it catches up
note that any job you level will get a 100% exp boost until it catches up to your highest level job
combine that with the +30% exp ring from the lvl 15 novice hall and the earrings from shadowbringers pre-order and your paladin will catch up to your warrior in no time
Just finished the story. That was a really satisfying conclusion. Final boss wasn't Shinryu tier admittingly, but everything around it was so much better than SB.
Shame we gotta wait 3 months for more now.
same as you did war. Other than weapon they share gear
>tfw haven't even started leveling my crafters, just been crafting shit they need for the 70 quest
All that shit has been selling like hotcakes, I've made a few million within day so it's not bad at all.
Congratulations on missing the point of the 50-60 DRK questline.
No it doesn't
but Eden is in less than two weeks
Gear 1-50 doesn't matter much. Just be sure not to fall behind by more than 5-10 item levels. you can use vendor gear 1-49 til you get to 50 where the augmented poetics gear will carry you to about level 55
Someone clearly didn't play the DRK questline.
Honestly I thought it was funny that Thancred was like "Whatever, he'll be fine" when Urianger didn't make it back.
But how did most of them swim up from the ocean floor? Only the WoL and Alisaie actually had the water breathing blessing.
I initially thought the New Game+ system they announced was stupid, however after beating Shadowbringers I can honestly say I cannot wait to go play it again when I can.
buy my VIII crafting materia for 400k pls
Are there even any guide videos up yet? I didn't see one for Innocence at least.
>the part at the end where you meet The FIrst counterparts to Yda and Papalymo
k i n o
Please just let me go straight to Heavensward. Please just let me go straight to Heavensward. Please just let me go straight to Heavensward.
where are the butt sliders
I'm hoping instead of a hard reset right from the beginning of ARR they will instead let us pick which expansion / patch we want to play through again and then enable the quests from there. We'll hopefully be given a checklist of things we have gone through so we can do it at our own pace.
Are there really only 3 level 80 dungeons?
It gets better, enjoy your unga-bunga 5 free crit-powered fell cleaves every time berserk is up
I highly recommend it
No drg beats Sam comfortably in pdps now
Yes it does
First slow telegraphed AOE tells you which angle the fast sets will be. The fast sets will come from that side and the opposite side.
>Fast sets are also fatter, so scoot in more in the safe zones after dodging the first set.
Also for the swords + god ray, same concept but if there's no spot safe from god ray on your side, run directly through the boss to the safe spot on the other, you'll have time.
It's amazing how likable literally everyone was, in comparison to the Mhiggers and most Doman villagers. Their situation is WAY worse yet they're so much better about it, though perhaps that's why
No this can't be happening!
Is SAM fun?
make sure to use manuals and food
if you wanna AFK that shit get autohotkey and get some good stacks of cheap mats and start crafting intermediate mats
in just crafting and HQing everything for level 30x 72 scrip turnins ive gone from 72-74 and I havent even made the final product nor turned them in
also turning in 6 hq items for your crystarium delivery is like an entire level
dont forget to use ff14 teamcraft
what a handsome lad
>asks for water
>gets told if you want water you got to kill things
I guess that's a fair trade
Nascent Flash is pretty fun
But yeah, in terms of flashiness PLD and especially GNB have more going on. WAR is fine though.
Rabbits aren't bad. They look surprisingly at home in heavy armor and they're one of the better looking races. Of course, none of that really fucking matters because the playerbase has the most abhorrent taste I've ever seen.
>Finally, a female race aside from Roegadyn that you can actually make look somewhat imposing
>Of course, I'd much rather pick the extremely pale variant rather than the tanned one, give it the most generic plasticine face possible, and then give it a basic-bitch haircut while dressing up in shisui gear or some other extremely uninspired slutglam.
I knew it would happen, I saw it coming and I'm still disgusted.
These fuckers don't deserve cool things.
>only 200 dps difference
literally nothing
I wonder if we get the same quest rewards in NG+...
DNC buffs fucking WHEN
>Entire game the only people I really give a shit about are the Ishgardians
>Same writer writes Shadowbringers
I don't know her name but she is a fantastic individual and I hope they get her to write even more.
I'm not really a shipping person, but I wanna see Y'shtola and Runar get together. That scene where he picked her up was adorable.
I doubt canonically there's any romantic feelings there, but one can dream.
it's faster than any other launch simply because you can buy skins and shit with fate gems and the new 71 skill is absurdly good
"Level 80 world reward, spawns in the final area. works just like ixion, gotta turn in reward tokens."
Very nice, I saw them back in February
>casual anons can't appreciate comfy adventuring
It makes me sad
200 plus raid buffs
Get in the shed, cuck.
I think that's how it does work based on what they've said, although I think it's per expansion rather than per patch.
how long is the maintenance for bros?
what are the moonrunes for tanks?
This is dummy all over again. Do you think people are not going to notice?
4 hours
So was G'raha just talking to himself at the end when he said it's time for G'raha to get going? Or was he saying that to the G'raha currently in the crystal tower in the source?
How many times do I have to tell you retards that SSS dummy HP has literally never been accurate to dps rankings. SMN dummy HP was higher than SAM for the entirety of SB despite SAM consistently doing more damage.
>there will never be a Final Fantasy like Shadowbringers ever again
Every "beast tribe" is a normal race of people just trying to get by and are often the most helpful, the Primals aren't greedy aether whores, the Dwarves are actually likable, there's no stupid fucking grand company system and their ugly uniforms, there's no stupid taboos about magic and no dumb elementals, their ancient civilization is badass aztec themed with hot half naked bunny amazon guards instead of ugly magitek Ceruleum shit, and even the idle theme in each zone is 10/10 fucking perfect
Why would we ever want to go back to the Source
expect major war buffs
A Finale Most Formidable
Assume it's 24 - 48 hours at least, maybe up to 72.
FF16 has the potential.
Just beat ARR. correct me. I’m wrong but shouldn’t Cid have died when the imperial compound blew up?
I heard Yoshi P has been chosen to do the next mainline FF. We might get something as good, he did say he'd want to make a proper fantasy FF again, with minimal technology stuff.
Though admittingly, half of what makes Shadowbringers great is the context we've gotten from the past 6 years of story.
I thought he was talking to the CT one.
Because there's no Ishgard or Nero on the First.
>expect major war buffs
It isn't fair. Whenever they bitch they get buffed to be the best. Meanwhile other classes get ignored for full expansions
Guides are up since day 2 thanks to the poopsock cutscenes skippers.
Is that just in terms of DPS though?
On a related note, do you have to have done the Crystal Tower raids to be able to call G'raha by name?
I assume you do when his hood first falls off, but how about at the very end? You've learned his name from the echo flashback, but you still don't really know him unless you did the raid series.
Honestly War feels pretty good right now.
just dps
He was telling the g'raha in the present time source to wake the fuck up and spend time with us unlike the future g'raha who was asleep and missed all our adventures and had to read them from the heavensward book.
The reason why the Source is such a shithole compared to the reflections is that the Shadowniggers have to constantly stir shit on it in order to facilitate a Rejoining, whereas on the Shards they get to have pretty much their entire histories play out unmolested until it's their lucky time to get plunked.
It won't be long now bros. I'm going to throw up a PF once I'm all 80 for free crafting services to give back to my fellow man. Tips won't be accepted because I'm not American either, and just to spite the people charging for this when it's probably the easiest fucking expansion to level crafters in ever.
besides I'll be getting free shit through reuse
>iron works made their own fucking alexander
i need help creating a cute tomboy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
someone please help me out
What are the chances we get to adventure with G'Raha then? I hope he isn't gonna just be doin stuff in the background of the story.
But honestly if it isn't the Exarch, it wouldn't be quite the same anyway. And he's pretty much stuck near the crystal tower forever now.
>Nero equivalent shows up in the Eden patches as a smug catboy
>same voice actor
It would be undiluted kino.
How the fuck was this nigger so strong? he slapped our asses around multiple times and basically killed Thancred.
*breathes in*
>Hades located in the final dungeon in an underwater area
>FF9 Hades fought in the final dungeon in an underwater area
>FF7 Hades materia also found in an underwater area
Was this intentional?
Guess I'm never going to get it then.
I honestly assumed for a while that HE was the light warden. He clearly was tainted by light.
Guess he's just on the same tier as the Warrior of Light as far as heroes go. Hell, he's been fighting sin eaters most of his life, so he's definitely experienced.
It's already improving by the sheer number of retards who can't handle tanking. It was like this when HW came out and everybody wanted to play edgelord too until they realized that tanking requires you to actually know mechanics to win the fight rather than just get carried.
>Feo Ul
>House Fortemps
Anyone else that actually gives a shit about what we suffer through as the WoL instead of expecting us to be their weapon?
Join a hunt community discord and set notifications for whenever a special fate gets called
just make her flat with short hair lmao
He also had some dragon familiar thing which was stupid strong
Ran'jit not getting enough exposition/characterization/backstory is one of the few story flaws of 5.0
I don't even know any or how that works.
>Been wanting to fly since I started the game a weeks ago
>Just got to Ishgard and got the Aether Compass and the Black Chocobo
>"Great! I'm ready to fly!"
>You have to play Hide n Seek with little farts of Aether in order to fly and you have to do this in each area, and in some areas you have to do quests in order to fly in it.
I fucking hate this. I was looking forward to this the longest.
Alphinaud and Alisaie
The Exarch, even though he did bring you in as a weapon
>theres only one lala only house
>theres only like 4 rooms in it
G'raha needs to wake up anyways, he's the only archon scion currently in the source. We also most likely need cid to open a portal to the 1st just like we did to the 13th.
I wonder how we'll react once he tell him his future generations created alexander.
i kinda like that it's really clear who isn't mitigating shit now, when i did the final trial the other tank was at like 20-30% for the dual tankbuster and i was sitting at 70% like a good and smart player who can click two buttons
Does dialogue change much if you play as a lalafell?
The Scions.
You still have a long ways to go my friend. You're still in ARR and not Post ARR which is 100 FUCKING QUESTS LONG.
People would have screeched to no end if they had put any actual meaningful content in those Lala only areas
Everyone should roll BLK
lads I think I really like this game
the fucked up part is my min-height lizard can literally fit through the door but it wont let me.
>He clearly was tainted by light.
He wasn't, ryne would've seen it.
There is a second lala house in the gogg camp.
Dwarves ask me where my helmet is. That's it
>25 minutes
I don't want to go to sleep.
there just like "wheres your helm lol"
triple cast is a really fun skill
I heard BLM gets more fun later, is this true
I've been wondering the same thing. I'd like to actually do stuff with G'raha but it's unfair for the Exarch to be stuck in the tower forever. I'm honestly dreading the patches because I can't see how things will exactly end happily for the Exarch.
Well I don't think it's as simple as opening a portal to the First so your buddies can walk back through. They are essentially ghosts given flesh in the First. Dunno what would happen if they walked back into the Source in their sorta-ghost forms.
Is it just me or does DRK's TBN seem really fucking strong right now?
I don't know what their DPS is like but I literally don't even have to try healing them when they're tanking a boss.
They just don't take any damage. The other tanks get fucked in comparison.
Plus extension, so 6
>access retainers in Norvrandt
>Feo Ul comes out
please for the love of god help me with making a tomboy please please aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
just be urself lmao
I mean yeah, gunbreaker's mitigation kit is pretty underwhelming compared to motherfucking WAR, but it has more than enough to handle anything the game can throw at you easily.
they saw people freak out when zenos beat your ass so they copied it wholesale without any real reason since you end up beating his ass later with no fanfare
user you know that boy has a bulge right?
playing as a girl makes you gay
Did she have the ability to before absorbing Minfillia? I don't think she ever encountered him after that.
And he was clearly infected by light. His face was super pale and his eyes were grey, just like that kid's eyes at the hospice place.
I was expecting the other people to make a bigger deal out of me being a helmetless dwarf running around than the dwarves themselves honestly.
what would even happen in thancred or the others died on the first
their ghosts
For the quest sync, can I do them on one class and turn them as another class for the XP? I have a bunch of quests I left behind because I was already 80 and I can't login right now to check.
>post 4.0 patches make grandad Solus seem like a mustache-twirling for the lulz villain
>mfw reaching The Tempest and truly understanding what he's lost
>>no Feo Ul minion or fairy glamour
what happened to Monk
I thought they made it more streamlined and gave it a full AoE rotation what is problem
Right now is your best chance to get it, while multiple instances are around. Wait a day after this maint and throw a group in PF saying you're hunting for it, make sure people are watching the other instances too. If you don't want to put in that much work hunt linkshells will usually call them out too.
The ShB's skills basically just expand on what you have right now. You get a combo capper, you get a stronger single target version of Foul, and Freeze actually becomes useful in AoE
Yes, it scales well with trash packs because it's flat hp barrier instead of % mitigation.
Everytime you craft something for the first time you get bonus xp
tell me your secrets
>expected him to be nothing more than a mememaster
>Turns out he's shouldering a pretty fucking heavy burden and his mememaster moments are just his way of coping
it's by far the strongest of the low cd mitigation skills, yeah
dunno if that will be enough to make it relevant for the holy meta but it's not hurting its chances
Why are you people so fucking retarded.
Jesus Christ user, calm the fuck down
riddle of fire
Ok user i'll help you out.
let me know if im on the right track
ive been sniping cheap mats on the market for any leve/scrip turnin and just making sure to HQ every single intermediate craft
from doing this alone ive gotten several levels in a couple hours and i havent even finished my turnins
what the fuck
Amaurot's fucking great.
Yeah TBN is strong as fuck. Their damage isn't bad either.
Now this is autism
i beg you please :(
I know right? During his first appearance, I was just thinking "oh boy, he's just a goofy evil villain"
But he was fucking great. I'm gonna miss him honestly. Maybe Elidibus will show some depth beyond being just the mysterious Ascian.
A 25 percent shield on a 15 second timer that literally doesn't even cost you DPS since the cost is refunded as a free 500 pot hit (which is only 100 off our biggest potency attack) is fucking ridiculous. Popping a Vit potion beforehand (I know lolVit pot but still) would make you basically immortal.
>I thought they made it more streamlined and gave it a full AoE rotation what is problem
Not even a MNK fag, but I can already smell that fourth stack of grease lightning going pale in comparison to the raw DPS increase from FoF, Anatman is completely retarded design that encourages the most retarded kind of opener, Tornado kick is even more "why does this exist" tier, and loss of oGCD
>Mhiggers lose their home
>First inhabitants literally live in the remaining 10% of the world. constant fear of light monsters who want to eat and convert you
Lets just live in the first
>going to buy fanta to be a viera
>learn they can't wear helmets
>don't buy fanta
What a close call
TBN's strong, but my only problem with it is when it just barely doesn't pop.
They better not fucking nerf it.
>Maybe Elidibus
He got scared of a guy with a katana.
A very autistic guy with a katana but still.
I've never done any crafting before but the alchemist AF looks great, can I just level it and not touch the other professions or do I really have to do them all
Yeah, it being 25% now is great for defensive purposes, but makes it harder to use offensively.
But oh well, the shield is great. Especially since it's basically mandatory now for big pulls in dungeons.
I don't commend any DNC. The class is shit and makes everything take longer, stop playing it until it gets a buff.
Might be the best dungeon in the game
>dummy dps is boss dps
Sure is reddit today.
The helmets thing doesn't bother me with a few minor exceptions, the real fucking kicker is the lack of hats. Why even bother playing Black Mage if I can't have a gigantic fucking wizard hat. Yoshi what the fucking dick just make the ears clip you lazy fucking hack.
I'll tell you tomorrow friend :^)
Removed ogcd skills, doubled PB's cd, GL4 is barely noticeable since mnk gear no longer has sks stats, six sided star is on the gcd making its intended use clunky, anatman is part of the rotation.
It feels bad but at the same time you still just mitigated a fuckton of damage so it's not like it's a total waste. The thing that feels bad about ShB DRK is how flaccid Blood Weapon is now.
The real riddle is why the slow down still fucking exists.
Can someone tell me when GNB gets better? I have it at 63 right now, but I can't stand how many things are on the GCD.
yeah. If they clipped I am sure people will understand. We already have tail clipping and horn clipping so this isn't anything new
He knew he couldn't win that fight without hulking out in the middle of the capitol and didn't want to risk Zenos doing anything wacky with his fake-echo. Better to retreat than blow the lid off the whole secrets thing.
seriously man, ive been at this for a long time now. pictures, words, sliders, voice option, race, anything to help me out man please
compensation for the queues when
As healer, TBN spam saves me like double digit numbers of healing GCDs during a fight. It's insane. I can't see it not being meta for at least prog.
I kind of feel this, it's nice doing so many of them in a row but I kind of miss having the one really fucking meaty hit
WHM and pic related
>When should i start to craft gear
Whenever, crafting gear isn't a strict necessity at any point
>how to glamour?
Go to the Waking Sands' town, Vesper Bay, there's a blue cross quest-icon there teaching you to use glamour prisms. It's a femroe sitting on a bench
I'm pretty sure they'll be patching in hats and helms over time.
But it is lame they haven't yet.
That and the fact that Delirium is just inner release do bug me. But yeah, Blood Weapon feels like it needs a buff.
Also, I wish they'd make it so Living Shadow's timer doesn't start til the summon animation finishes. It gives me anxiety that like 4-5 seconds of the timer run before it even does anything.
If only SB had a good writer to make their characters likable.
I prefer prince-like girls, what does that make me?
>Streetlight Manifesto
My nigga
I'll help you if you can answer this question correctly
big tit tomboys or flat tomboys
Charity leves make this a joke. Spend your quest exp on classes like LTW that are fucking annoying to get mats for or just expensive. I even burned a bunch of them leveling GSM and CRP during some shit levels by buying vendor items and then turning them in for LQ exp. I think it was like 50k gil for 12m experience on GSM.
>decide to avoid Yea Forums threads until i finish the MSQ because I KNOW someone will post a spoiler without using spoilertags
>servers going down in 20 minutes, probably not enough time to do the role quest I need to get past "that" part in the MSQ
>for some reason enter one of these threads on a whim
>instantly get spoiled
Now, I knew it most likely that this event I got spoiled on was going to happen, but jeeze, the game hasn't even been out for two full days and already people are just typing out the ending of the expansion like it doesn't fucking matter. Not even going to check to see if anyone replies to this, odds are I'll just be insulted anyway.
70 is when you have a shit ton of ogcds
>Charity leves
Healers have the best role quest but what about the capstone job quests, who got the best and worst ones?
BW needs it's haste back or at least be a few seconds longer, especially because you have to use it when the GCD's like halfway down in order to get 5 hits with it. Same with Delirium
It probably would feel better if we got the guaranteed DHCs WAR does on their derp cleaves but eh, can't have everything I guess.
PLD though, just wow. This class is fucking bonkers and I love it.
I'm sorry, I avoided threads myself to avoid spoilers too.
It is liberating to be able to talk about it openly.
On one hand, my sympathies. On the other, you really should have known better.
DRK without a doubt gets the best.
it's been out for a week fag.
>That and the fact that Delirium is just inner release do bug me. But yeah, Blood Weapon feels like it needs a buff.
GNB is the only tank now that doesn't have an "Inner Release" mechanic. It was done on purpose due to how much DRK's DPS suffered for not being burst-focused in Stormblood. GNB of course compensates for this by having burst-windows kind of baked into the job by default so there's that.
New album when
you should have known better man, i'm sorry
Select voice 11 and you'll get a tomboy automatically
for your question flat tomboys
but i think that in between works very well, big tits just slow a tomboy down.
someone who likes prince-like girls
I liked SCH's capstone. Nothing too crazy, but it was a good follow-up from the role quest.
I kinda hope in the next expansion, they make Living Shadow extendable, maybe like Enochian in that you gotta keep it up for optimal damage.
At the very least, make Dark Side a bit more meaningful. Doesn't really matter if it drops because you can just put it right back up.
Pic related
>Hasn't even been out for two full days
Early Access started almost a week ago, user.
Sorry man.
>for your question flat tomboys
>Face markings
>Forehead gem
>Some hideous fucking shade of green or blue hair
It's not even like Au Ra where its a little challenging to make a nice looking one, people just have abysmal taste.
GNB's numbers might be low but it certainly doesn't feel like it playing, it might be placebo but Continuation makes me feel like I'm absolutely shitting damage even if I'm not.
>Doing the quests to build Mega Talos
>That stretch where you're fighting alongside Crystal Exarch
>Shattered starts playing
I'm nearing the end, aren't I? I don't want it to be over.
ok i still got dis niga riht here
Get the fuck out now, you haven't seen anything yet.
>Playing SkS GNB at 80
Holy fuck this class is amazing. According to ACT the damage is pretty fuckin good too.
>know clicking on a thread is a bad idea
>click on thread
>get spoiled
>"btw I'm not gonna read the replies because u r meanies ;)"
In terms of the number of quests you have left, yes, but the narrative reveals are really heavily backloaded so you really have barely seen anything yet in terms of the twists.
You actually got a decent way to go.
there's two dungeons, two trials, and another zone to get through
the final stretch is incredibly good tho
You've still got a good 5-6 hours left. There's a few lv80 quests. Enjoy it.
You still have a ways to go. Get out of this thread right now and finish it off after maint.
>finally beat the MSQ and have DRK at 80
>want to jump into Extreme trials because I've never done any while they were relevant
>also just want to level a bunch of classes
Maybe sometimes soon. They can't just have a game with no hats for a whole two races.
So what the fuck are roleplayers going to do for the next two years since literally only the WoL and Scions are able to enter the first
are people just going to reroll as natives of it? then there's the same issue when we inevitably leave and don't come back
or is everyone just going to pretend they stumbled into the same portal as hildibrand to handwave why there's ten thousand ugly fucking cats and lizards shitting up the crystarium
Why did they make the Amaro mount a reward for getting all classes to 80?
I was kinda hoping you'd take one of the Amaros from that settlement as your own
My only sin with my Viera is probably having greyblack hair with red highlights. I just wanted some color to break up her looks. But now I realize she just looks a little randomly edgy.
>flat tomboys
Don't talk to me anymore.
You've got plenty of time, but you'll probably be a bit disappointed by the EX fights. Launch EX are always easy and they've been sort of gradually lowering the difficulty of EX fights over the years.
Do the trials first. They're easy and the longer you wait the harder it will be to find groups willing to take someone completely new.
>expecting the dev team not to be lazy
>Just finish lv80 msq dungeons and ensuing cutscenes
>Cuts off right before final confrontation
>5mins until maint
Fuck yourself, cocksucker. Your damage increased a shitton because of me.
Everything from the Ladder being reconstructed onwards is some of the best shit in this game. Enjoy it while you can
Spite. Why couldn't they just churn out an ugly crown instead and give us an Amaro from the main story?
I thought they had implied it was gonna be a slow rollout type deal, we'd be getting more and more hats as time goes on.
Depending on your class, you'll have like a 30 min queue anyway. I know I did.
>since literally only the WoL and Scions are able to enter the first
How is this a problem now and not any of those WoL exclusive feats that happened before?
I'll pay for a Empire building simulator starring Emet where we build giant empires and thingken about Amaurot.
youre both actual literal faggots
just got hit by captcha goodbye
They brought Shadowniggers didn't they?
Fuck you and fuck those shitty crowns. It's about time they put an actual reward behind leveling everything.
Don't get distracted by the cow tumor brainlets, flat is the only thing that fits a tomboy
>fray is "dead"
press f for our edgelord
it's worth it, viera surprisingly look really good in everything, especially armor. You won't miss helmets.
Imagine maintenance on the night of a national holiday in the country that pays your bills
>still giving us the same shitty engame format since ARR
Yes, I expect them to be lazy fuck
Yoshi-P aka the wandering minstrel literally did what you described in just randomly finding themselves in the first
I'd say Titana > Lakshmi and Innocence > Susanoo. They're still stupid easy, like below Byakko level like you'd expect from launch primals but mechanically they're more in depth than Susan's hopscotch.
I think some people must do it on purpose
before regular people were still able to go to most places, here people trying to remain in character are locked out of the entire expansion. I'm just curious what people will do
Better a predictable but certain flow of content than varied but unpredictable and often nonexistent flow of content.
Susan is way harder than Laskshmi though.
>why don't the poster boys ever get it right?
Dragoon absolutely did in Heavansward
DRGchads just keep on winning
>"Yeah, let me get a little bit of everything"
ok had to come back for the only one who truly appreciates a tomboy
Some people don't realize you don't need to use every option in a character creator
DRG is also as strong as SAM right now. And no I don't say this just because of the dummy values.
Susan was the hardest of those for me solely because people could not learn what the fuck to do with the clouds.
Shitty snowflake RPrs who care more about shiny new things than lore or story consistency will make up excuses, the rest of us will be better off without them. Part of RPing is making your own fun and the base setting has no shortage of oppurtunities to do so.
I only tried making a pale one because everyone else is brown and I wanted to make a white rabbit with red eyes. I am not playing one but this is what my retainer looks like
Lakshmi doesn't even deserve mention, you literally have a dedicated "Fuck your mechanics" button. The EX is arguably easier than the 67 trial.
I'm pretty shit at the game and about to go for titania ex once I reach 430 ilvl. Is there anything I should know as WHM?
>while I did MSQ I stopped and went to get collectables for BTN/MIN whenever they were up unless I was in a cutscene
>this easily has them at 80 by the time I finished it
>leveled entirely on charity leves (triple turnins for 1 leve)
>some of these are absolutely fucking busted and give way more exp than they should (ALC level 74 craftsman's tea you can do straight to 80)
>always LQ material crafts - time is more valuable than the exp bonus for HQing shit other than the final product
>spend quest exp wisely to skip shit leve levels or boost classes like LTW
Really not that bad, I finished the MSQ last night while doing every single sidequest along the way and did all of this in a day and a half while gathering my own shit without hired gatherers to do it for me. Consider getting BSM/CRP/GSM/WVR/LTW to 74 so you can craft the mats for higher leves first before pushing them to 80.