Tomb Raider 2013

This game fucking sucks and is tremendously boring. Who the fuck likes this?
Uncharted was way more engaging. None of the characters besides laura is likeable and laura just constantly screams through the game.

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If you don't like 2013 I recommend you play Rise and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. They're shittier in comparison and waste your time constantly. But at least you can talk to redditfags about how the series is an allegory for motherhood or some shit.

He's a PS4 douchbag trying to project his identity as such by slamming on Uncharted's competition.

Tomb Raider is far superior to a faggot running around in a movie game.

fuck off clown, uncharted 4 sucked, and so did uncharted 1

uncharted 2 was genuinely good. Stop projecting because your favorite sfm porn girl's game sucks fucking shit.

While I respect your opinions, I think you're a faggot ass nigger.

Dear Douchebag, I have PlayStation Now on my PC so I can play your "exclusive fag simulator" anytime I want. Does that make your high school drop out ass mad, bro?

I bet you hang shingles for a living. What's your pitbull's name, douchebag? I'm Sony will give you some store credit for sucking their cocks.

same retard
please leave
poster count has not risen at all

Those games are only used to benchmark GPUs, no one actually enjoys playing them

>Tomb vs Uncharted
they're both boring, casual shitfests.

How's it feel to be a console moron? Absolutely too stupid to see that you're spending way more than you need on your 22 FPS piece of shit console. I know you're poor and stupid. But, dude, bro, just a take a moment and do some math... pretend like you're going to buy some meth and you need to figure out how much money you have versus how much the meth costs. Oh, who am I kidding, you play on a PS4... Your IQ is like your K/D... too low to be taken serious.

you are an absolute clown
what the fuck are you doing bro lmao
I played this shit stain of a game on pc

Sure you did. You can't even form a coherent complete sentence. Meth is a hell of a drug. Do you even know what PC stands for? What grade did you decide "school wasn't for you?" anyway?

>its bait
pack it up boys, its time to let the thread die

So, you DON'T know what PC stands for? Oh, no the thread isn't going to die just yet.

>Uncharted was way more engaging.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Anyway, you have to go back.

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Hey Methbro… where'd you go? I want to enjoy more of you projecting your PS4 identity here.

You see kids... this is what happens when you lose all sense of personal identity and individualism... you cling to corporations and products and then project This entire thread wasn't about comparing Tomb Raider to Uncharted. It was about some PS4, console playing loser projecting his "superiority" over a game that's more common with the completion. He has no identity of his own. He is simply boasting his sense of superiority here.

i've been saying this for years OP,they even stole uncharted's plot with the conspiracies, secret cities and supernatural shit but Yea Forums wont ever admit it

This is the last watchable Lara (old gen version). Rise and Shadow Laras are the most disgusting of the franchise.

JayTechTV is that you, is this me?

I forgot to add... I know you're a Sony clown, but you DO know that Tomb Raider came out in 1997 and Uncharted came out in what? 2007... ten years after Lara's ass and tits hit the mainstream?

Jesus, I know PS4 player are stupid, but come on... you really think Tomb Raider "stole" from Uncharted?

Where did my Sony dick slurpers go? I was really enjoying destroying you.

It's a great "turn your brain off and listen to a podcast or album" kind of game. I play it almost monthly and finish it in less than 5 hours.

Also Lara is hot as fuck.

Kill yourself you faggot nigger.
Rise Lara is perfection.

>Uncharted was way more engaging.
its the same fucking game lmao

>None of the characters besides laura is likeable and laura just constantly screams through the game.
It's LARA you pillock.

>Uncharted was way more engaging
Hahaha no it wasn't you dumb faggot. If by "engaging" you mean sitting around watching cutscenes, sure it was.

>Tomb Raider
You can fap to Lara, she has a great body
You can't fap to anyone, all women in ND's games are ugly, flat chested.

It's pretty clear which game is better.


The game sucks, it's terrible, but here's an interesting point made by J. Anderson in a video: We all accept that when our character gets shot at or blown up in the course of playing through a game, that our character can shrug that damage off. We have suspended our disbelief to allow the game to happen at all. BUT, there is something else we all intrinsically know, that if our player character takes damage in a cut scene, then that damage is canon. It is a lasting injury. The example he gives is from Bioshock Infinite. There is a part where Booker gets stabbed through the hand. Next cut scene we see Elizabeth caring for and bandaging our hand, and then throughout the rest of the game there is a blue rag on our hand where the wound is.

In this piece of shit game, 5 minutes in Lara falls onto a six inch rebar spike that pierces straight through her stomach. This would obviously kill her. But guess what? She shrugs it off. She is fine, she deals with it. An injury that extreme, in the next 3 cut scenes we better see someone stitch her up or dress her wound at least. But no. It never happens. The makers of this game committed a gaming sin in the first 5 minutes.

I recommend his entire video if you haven't seen it. It crystallized a lot of the negative feelings I had for this game, but couldn't adequately put into words for myself. Watch it, you won't be disappointed.

>but here's an interesting point made by J. Anderson
Stopped reading there. Fucking kill yourself for shilling that retarded hamster's videos.

Imagine being this retarded

Eh its alright. 5/10.
Pretty sure its through the left side not the stomach, and she actually cauterizes. A fair bit later and she probably would be in septic shock with all the shit she wades through and the multiple stabbings and such, but there is a minimal attempt at treatment.

Can you tell us more about your "exclusives" on your 15 FPS dudebro box?

Op back
Sound interesting, i should watch it. Mad i spent 10 bucks on this doodie game
Fuck off chloe hits all my points

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Hey! There's my douchebag... bro we were talking about you dropping out of high school and shit and your inability to type a coherent sentence.

Here's you

Attached: 15632865373.jpg (640x480, 53K)

Hey, that's a pretty good pic. I'm actually a bit disturbed (sorry, I used a two syllable word there) you have that image so readily available.

I wanted to ask you.. how many nails do I put in a shingle? You know, if I were to hang a few on my roof?

Could you have tried to not sound like me or @ him

Weirdos probo getting a rise in his levi's because you @-ed his bait

Post lara you faggots