So i got this recently on sale for 7 dollars, and i can't stop playing it.
Why did you lie to me, Yea Forums?
This has to be one of the most atmospheric and fun shooters i have played in a fat while.
I played 5 hours nonstop of a mode called "Operations" and holy fucking shit, i still have chills.
What the fuck is wrong with you all?
This game is fucking amazing, how come you all hate it?
Am i being blinded by the typical noobie euphoria or are there actual valid reasons to despise this game?
So i got this recently on sale for 7 dollars, and i can't stop playing it
Are you new or something? Yea Forums says every game is shit. If you listen to Yea Forums you wont play anything except shitty weeb games
It gets old
No, Yea Forums hates those too.
As I said in your last thread. I don't Wana be labelled a nazi.
By doing what, exactly?
This was the first BF game (besides 1943 and BC1 because I skipped them) that I didn't like. The maps felt like bullshit, it was constant spawn>die, the weapons were shit, and aircraft was gimped because of the setting. Wasn't crazy about how they handled classes either. It made me realize that I need helicopters in a BF game going forward. But at least it was pretty.
the game was fucking amazing, but foreshadowed the complete political nonsense that they went with for BFV, and PS4 BF1 is mostly dead now. shame.
The game is dogshit and these are shill posts
Iv'e had a ton of fun and funny moments with this game, so many laugh out loud moments in multiplayer, like running over horses with tanks, knife sprees while running around flags etc
summa finna basketbawlll shoeeesssss
I get it man, i also miss scout helis.
But this game is fucking godtier.
Straight up with the truth mein negers, can't believe i missed this gem because Yea Forums told me it was infested with niggers.
i only care about single player and the "campaign" is a bunch of tiny shitty linear levels and the guns suck. doubt mp would be much better
The only "good" thing about this game is the gunplay. It feels connected and bullets actually hit their targets from my experience. Everything else is trash. Performance is garbage, the maps are the worst in the series by far and don't feel any bigger than maps back in older games like bf3 and bf4, the gun variety is terrible with the least amount of guns I can ever remember a battlefield game having, and many more things. A literal bf4 remaster would have more players than this game because its straight up a better game in every single way and a better battlefield game too.
I just reinstalled.
I can’t lie, I had a lot of fun with this game. The vast majority of it when playing with friends.
My biggest problems with it are the maps. DICE doubled down hard and fell for the 3-lane infantry meat grinder so hard on this game. It really pisses me off.
They had the opportunity to really recreate OG BF, and the closest it ever really comes to that is in Sinai and Heligoland I would say.
Busted air balance
Self repair tanks
And more
By comparison to other BF installments, it’s missing a lot. As a stand-alone game it was pretty good. Just hate how fast and run and fun the franchise is getting.
1 is pretty good, it's no 4, but it is worlds better than V
why the fuck would you buy ANY battlefield game if you only care about singleplayer? the fact they even include one at this point is just a waste of resources.
it was 5 bucks and i thought the campaign would be like 4s
4's was shit. 1 was better, but 3 is the best. Skipped 5 outright. But still, it's not really an SP franchise.
>there will never be cavalry class again
>he is not playing cavalry right now
4s was good. mp was good too and 1 didn't make me want to play mp
I think 4 had the best MP, gave up on the campaign I'd guess 3/4 through. Didn't like how they tried to emulate MP in a SP setting and I wasn't crazy about the characters minus the black dude. I only played maybe 3 of the stories in 1 and they were pretty good, I just didn't like the game overall. So basically for me it's:
SP: 3>1>4
MP: 4>3>1
Skipped 5 because it seemed like more of 1 but with added bullshit.
>rating 1 single player over 4
what is wrong with you
i always finish the campaign before starting multiplayer so i usually end up dominating. but 1 was just so boring i had no interest and deleted it. agree on 5
I like the campaign
>the Prologue where you have to die to proceed yeah, you're a negro I know
>The tank
>The plane
>The Italy campaign
I didn't quite like the Australian one and the Arab was kinda disappointing (I was hoping to play as Laurence)
I just didn't like the structure of 4's campaign and the characters/story weren't good enough to save it. At least 1 had decent enough stories and presented a clear difference from the MP to kind of hold me, but I didn't finish that either.
i liked the prologue and plane mission. tank one was cancer and the rest werent much better
Battlefield 1 makes Battlefield 5 look like a prequel.
>>there will never be cavalry class again
Yeah too bad I can't kill braindead Cavalry players anymore.
On the other hand, it's a good decision.
>running around slashing your sword in the air like a retard you are.
Yeah, good riddance.
Why do people hate bf1? It sold very well and was praised a lot at launch. There will never be a fps that tries this hard to deliver an immersive ww1 setting. Granted it needed its dlc to be amazing but the core is fun
It's a tricky thing to decide when you want to avoid a game or boycott it. I did BF2142 because of the ingame ads and learned years later I missed the glory days of a great BF. I did get BF1 and aside of some really terrible bugs/crashing early on I had some really great times on operations. The problem is matchmaking for operations made it liable to die/be low pop. I avoided BF5 but I am optimistic I am not missing anything because of how much it continues to be reviled.
Operations made me realize how much I hate BF conquest mode. It's so awful. Just 90% running from point to point, 10% fighting.
Utterly hilarious they have you play as a black guy for one mission and it's being slaughtered. For all their political posturing having a lost batallion (Micks, spics, hicks, a chinaman, eastern europeans and jews and anglo saxons all together) or SP driven harlem hellfighters would have worked but htey omitted it for some strange reason.
I was excited about the setting at first, but it just turned out to not be fun. It felt like a step backwards for BF, which I guess makes sense, but it had a lot of issues. When the best part of a BF game is its campaign, something went wrong.
Operations was fantastic and I wish someone would take that concept and run with it as a whole game.
>There will never be a fps that tries this hard to deliver an immersive ww1 setting.
It didn't fucking try at all and Verdun did it a lot better.
I dont get it. Operations is the bst game mode ever made. Its an evolution of rush with a bit of conquest. A lot of good moments can happen every round. Good class balance and fun weapons. Feels good to plink a target or get a headshot. It needed more passchaedales, quentin scars, amiens, verdun heights, soissons though. Crawling through craters with gas and mortars nonstop, the music kicks in. Its just an incredible atmosphere and you can feel the soul.
People mostly didn't like the gunplay, which I thought was okay.
The game lacked content at launch, with a small number of maps and lack of gun customization where you had 3 variations of the same gun.
Vehicles are extremely overpowered as fuck, especially the heavy tank and the attack plane.
Dogshit map design.
The schedule for DLCs weren't consistent and very late compared to previous games.
Grenade spam, this game had the worst by far in the series.
The addition of Behemoths and Elite Classes.
Suppression returns again, almost as bad as it was in BF3.
Bud, I enjoyed the game quite a bit, but this was basically a WW2 game with horses and bi-planes.
I thought elite classes was a fun way of spicing up the match. Behemoths we're executed poorly, though. They just temporarily shit on a single point and die to AA and planes. I can't think of a lot of games that got turned around by that. Then, in operations, they'd be a huge crutch for what could've been a close game.
I just didn't enjoy the maps, weapons, or balance between the two. Too much infantry, dumb vehicles (I understand why), and the air game was practically nonexistant (I understand why). Agree to disagree, I just didn't enjoy playing the game. It felt like a chore most of the time and I just didn't have fun with it outside of maybe the desert map.
>can’t play as Austrians
It’s irredeemable garbage
>no France or Russia
Even worse garbage
>part of the campaign has fucking Italians as the protagonists
I hope every Dice dev contracts AIDS from unwanted sexual advances.
The behemoths and elites were good though. A lot of maps could really get congested and the extra fire power on a new round could help so the game doesnt get to stagnant
If you’re already welcoming the veiny penis that is EA into your computer and life you might as well play Titanfall 2 instead.
It's just that DICE went too far with the idea of Battle pickups from BF4, you didn't get extra health and armor when you pick them up back then.
t. Never played the game post-launch.
I already have that
>aircraft was gimped
Aircraft niggers whined so fucking much the devs bent over once again just like they do in every single BF title and made aircraft impervious to AA. You can't shoot down the fucking aircraft in this game anymore.
BF1 was fucking fantastic the atmosphere really is one of the best I ever experienced. thought it was pretty balanced too I never got tired of it desu just slowly stopped playing it over time
You're missing the point. I can't shoot down any aircraft because I don't want to play this piece of shit in the first place.
fuck that chink shit. That stuff is hella gay, bunch of gasping asian hoes trying to act cute and pedo tier trans bullshit.
There's a bootleg Battlefield game available on mobile if you're into that stuff.
>It's an evolution of rush.
It's really not. Rush isn't Rush without MCOMs. Control Points lack the amount of wacky bullshit that attacking and camping an MCOM can involve. Plus, I actually liked that the MCOMs in BF1 could call in artillery strikes to get the attackers to push more instead of sitting back and eating the artillery strikes.