JRPGs shouldn't be called "RPGs"

How the fuck are these games labelled RPGs? Yes, they contain elements commonly found in RPGs, but that in of itself does not make a game an RPG. In my opinion, JRPGs are generally very tedious to play and are not fun. Where's the role-playing? Managing a team doesn't make me feel like I'm playing a role.

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Also, Welsh Catgirl is the only reason I played through all of Xenoblade chronicles 2

You already answered the question yourself why it is an RPG.

Let the thread die now.

No I didn't fag


I want Nia to suck my cock while looking in her eyes.

That's pretty based

>Yes, they contain elements commonly found in RPGs

containing "elements" doesn't make something the genre it borrows elements from. That's retarded. Would you call Mirror's Edge an FPS just because it's in first person and there are guns?

That's not even comparable. RPG is a loose term to begin with.

Why are the old pen and paper games like D&D called RPGs? Games like Wizardry and Ultima grew from those, and WRPGs and JRPGs both evolved from them with different focuses. JRPGs focused more on the statistics and style of turn-based combat while WRPGs focused more on the decision-making aspects.

Statistics isn't role-playing though.

Stats has been an important part of western RPGs too. It's just that JRPG leans more towards it.

I'm not saying stats aren't important, it just doesn't mean your game is a role-playing game. I find that JRPGs focus way too heavy on the stats side of things and completely forgets about the role-playing itself.

The japanese do not understand what "rpg" means I guess. They just kinda borrowed the word.

You're roleplaying a retard every time you play a JRPG though, that counts.

Roleplaying is subjective. Acting as a predetermined character is also a kind of roleplay.

I don't even think the japanese were the ones tossing around the word to begin with, but western fans of it.

lol I guess. They're pretty consistent with that.

>It's not a real RPG because I say so
fuck off

Yep, Japanese used to have their silly genre definitions like Simulation Game.

Any game can be a role-playing game then. I consider Kingdom Come deliverance to be an RPG even though it has a predetermined character, it just asks you to actually immerse yourself into the role of a medieval life. JRPGs never put any effort in to immerse you into playing the role of their predetermined characters.

Why do Baldur's Gate games count as RPGs when they fit into everything you define as a JRPG?

Having control and choice over character builds is an aspect of RPGs. Take Xenoblade 2 as an example.
>Character roles are ATK, DEF, or HLR, and various combinations thereof that affect the overall strength of those aspects
>Weapons can be customized with Core Chips which affect Auto-Attack, Critical Rate, Block Rate, and Stability, but there's no single Core Chip that's best in everything
>The character has two (three in NG+) Accessory slots, and there are numerous accessories with numerous effects
>The character has up to two pouches which can be filled with items that promote specific battle traits
>You can have up to three active characters with direct control over one, and each character has their own growth and traits
>Each character can have up to three Blades equipped with each one having their own traits and skill sets
>Common Blades are randomly generated but they have the potential advantage of being broken because they don't have set skill sets
>Each Poppi has a high degree of customization

While it's true that you don't exactly NEED to pull out all the stops to beat the main story or even the superbosses, you will need to understand how to build characters should you take advantage of the DLC difficulty settings and Challenge Mode.

I'm actually providing some arguments as to why, but whatever fag

>Faggot who doesn't play JRPGs shitposts about JRPGs
How very unusual

No one calls JRPG RPGS, thats why the J is there it means Joke RPG

That's your opinion, and your opinion alone don't change the fact it is called a JRPG. The reason why we call it JRPG is because it has RPG elements, but has a distinctive style about it which makes it easy to tell apart from traditional western.
JRPG uses elements like Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Magic or similar equivalent to determine the growth of a character.
If you have a hard time grasping such a simple concept, I can't help you.

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>JRPG should not be called rpg
>but it contain rpg elements
>but it's tedious and not fun to me so it's not rpg
OP, just because you don't enjoy jrpg doesn't mean that it's not rpg.

You're right that jrpgs aren't rpgs. I hate role playing games but jrpgs are a lot of fun, so it would be nice to get more accurate descriptors. I doubt it'll gain any traction but if you can come up with better genre titles I'd be on board.

>Japanese Role Playing Games shouldn’t be called Role Playing Games

That’s just racism

Lol I'm actually a pretty big weeb, yet I dislike JRPGs for their game design

Say it you stupid sexy cat

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You what he said again you dumb fuck.


But JRPGs have a variety of styles.

And most of the ones I've played are painfully mediocre even if they do vary a bit. They still don't have enough role-playing in any of them in my opinion.

wrp"g"s shouldn't be called rpgs because they're actually movies.

Attached: average wrpg dialogue options.jpg (1024x768, 189K)

>having tons of dialogue options
How does that make a game a movie? Sony exclusive games are the ones obssessed with being movies.

Basic evolution. Dungeons and Dragons was the first real 'role playing game' and it made perfect sense. Then games like Ultima and Wizardry tried adapting the gameplay into a vdeo game format. Then Dragon Quest came along and simplified the gameplay to be more appealing to a mainstream audience. Then Final Fantasy came along and tried differentiating itself from Dragon Quest to be more story and visual focused. Then other games copied Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy in various capacities and now we are here. Personally, I would say blame Final Fantasy mostly.

I think I know what you mean. JRPGs are generally more “story/ theatrical” driven and linear. More cut scenes. I also agree that they’re not fun, they’re repetitive and grindy.

Did you know JRPG is actually spelt JapaneseRPG (the "apanese" is silent).

>they’re repetitive and grindy.
And wrpgs aren't?

I think you’ve actually got it backwards. Jrpgs are like a story book while rpgs are choose your own adventure story books.

It’s funny because lots of Japanese culture came from the west’s interference after ww2. Like tentacle porn, eating whales, panty fetishes, Godzilla to name a few.

They of course are, almost every game is but I’d say the Japs are almost autismic about it.

Is BOTW considered a JRPG?

WRPGs at least put more effort into the side content on average from my experience.

>They of course are, almost every game is but I’d say the Japs are almost autismic about it.

Once again >I don't even think the japanese were the ones tossing around the word to begin with, but western fans of it.
I can't remember if they ever call a new JRPG a JRPG while I lived in Japan.

>WRPGs at least put more effort into the side content
Good one

Ok. that’s a great point. I guess we’re kinda throwing the games under that label.

Did you know it was actually the Americans that told the Japanese to eat whales lol?

Rreave us arone - Japanese man.

I’d love to live in japan.

I could literally live off sushi, sashimi and noodles. Language looks hard though.

Language is easy as long as you don't have to use kanji. Learning to read kanji is a lot easier than writing them.

Most jrpgs don't allow you to actually make your own character and allocate there stats.
The most you get from the average is equipment customization and sometimes ability customization.

Did you work over there? Where there many expats? Are the Japanese welcoming to foreigners?

Japanese would be so easy if it weren't for kanji. That's what fucked over my second year university Japanese class for me. Oh well, still plan to learn it, but will take lots of time.

There isn't really so much as character customization in Xenoblade 2 as there is role customization. I think most JRPGs do have that. Even Pokémon, babby's first JRPG, requires the player to choose their four moves and has several underlying factors such as EVs and IVs that optimal players would like to have control over. Many have up to three different abilities and natures as well, not to mention the 1000+ Pokémon and forms as a basis as well as items. So beyond just hitting the level cap, there's a lot of role customization. I think it would be harder to find a JRPG made in the mid-90's onward that only ever had a level cap and allowed no role customization. But some of the earlier JRPGs like the first Dragon Quest and Megami Tensei are close enough to the old RPGs that calling them JRPGs is like calling Wizardry a JRPG. They're called JRPGs now mostly out of retrospect since their later games continued to focus on the character role customization aspect while western RPGs diverged.

I said this in a thread a few weeks ago and it seemed to help people.

Kanji are emoji for all intents and purposes. If you see a raindrop emoji, you might read it as "water" or "raindrop". If it's placed next to a shirt emoji, you'd read that combination as "wet clothes". The context determines how you read it. Just start thinking of kanji not as text, but as emoji.

Thanks. That's a good way of looking at it. That's sort of the general idea I got from it. It's just the fact there was so many I had to learn in a short time when I had other things to do, that's all.

why is nia so good?

She has the strongest (and possibly only) character arc of the main party.
>Rex is fairly simple as a character, and while he does grow, it's not in a way that makes his former self seem like a totally different person. His only real problem was his lack of experience.
>Mòrag's closest thing to a character arc is going from enemies with the party to being deeply thankful to having met them, especially after Nia saves Niall. But she doesn't grow as a person, as she wanted to observe the Driver of the Aegis since childhood.
>Zeke is already fleshed out and he usually drops words of wisdom and acts as one of the adults in the group. While he does ultimately turn against Amalthus to whom he was initially loyal, it wasn't really a hard decision for him once he learned the truth.
>Tora grows as a Driver but his story is essentially finished by the end of chapter 4.

But look at Nia. She starts off as a snarky girl who doesn't trust humans and has an attachment to Jin that holds her back. She's deredere by the end.

Pokemons stats customizations very bare bones compared to an average wrpg. Especially since most players don't even use nor need to use evs or IVs.
Although I haven't played shin megami tensei I would call dq a jrpg with heavy inspiration from wizadry.
The biggest problem with this genre is the fact that it's common to have completely different criteria for being a jrpg. Let alone an actual rpg.
It's usually why I don't talk to alot of nigs in public about the genre it's not clear to the average person because RPGs have a good chunk of elements borrowed from other games to spice up there gameplay.
Take gta sa for example. The stats can be upgraded and increased to allow benefits in the sandbox world, but it's not a full fledge rpg. Zelda series gets the same flak as well despite the fact that it borrows very little from the genre as a whole.
To make matters worse game journalist have made the genres even more undefined labeling everything with stats and upgrades as an RPG. Just use Google / Wikipedia you'll see what I mean.
Then there's nigs that define jrpgs by the nation that it's made in rather then it's style. That might be one of the only genre that get that treatment but I digress.
Ops probably an RPG codex nig that actually might have some experience in actual RPGs. Hence his displeasure towards the genre. His opinion and mines included don't matter because the genre now has a fanbase willing to overlook it's problems and define it as a rpg anyways. Our opinions don't matter.

solid fundamentals, a+ gimmick, a+ scene

Jrpgs are by definition from japan this isn't even debated anywere outside of insecure dark souls fans that want to pretend that its western.

But then there's titles that play like jrpgs that are not from Japan. People still call them jrpgs anyways.
Hey user you got that list of different types of RPG genres like arpg western eastern? Yeah if you do post that, but you see what I mean here. Alot of the genre declaring opinionated and a good chunk of it's facts. It's too muddied to nail down. It's not like an fps or sport genre that's easily defined. Hell even fighting games are easier to define then this.

>People still call them jrpgs anyways.
Undertale is not a jrpg and being turnbased or trying to be anime does not make something a jrpg either.

you've never actually played a pen and paper rpg have you

The term JRPG is retarded since anything can be a JRPG if you spin it enough

She's the only sexy girl

>Tetris shouldn't be called a puzzle game because actually it's all about reflexes and the luze part is barely there
This is you

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But being called Hirohiko Araki is a compliment cause he's so cute

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Are you ok?

false equivalency

>they’re repetitive and grindy.
You're a retard who doesn't know how to play.

>Etrian Odyssey in good
Huh, maybe the opinions here aren't always entirely shit.