opinions on the Switch?
Opinions on the Switch?
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Pretty good overall, the main issue is that fucking everything related to it is overpriced. The controllers, the games, paying for online. The $300 you pay to get one is only the tip of the iceberg. If you're willing to shell out though it's great for couch multiplayer and exclusives.
Wii U 2
this shouldn't be news to anyone who has owned a nintendo console. they're basically the apple of vidya.
Its great!
Absolutely awesome!
It wasn't always like this. The Wii was a budget device meant to be cheap enough that normies would pick one up on a whim. The console and games regularly went on sale for dirt cheap.
It's a little pricey for its small library and lacklusr hardware. If I am out and about I rather use my phone or experience the world, instead of playing a videogame.
It has a decent handful of good exclusive games and the ability to use it in handheld mode is plus.
shit hardware. mainly bought for smash and zelda. buying multiplats on it is paying the same money for an inferior experience aka ripoff.
Needs a discount and new revision
Indies and other games portable is a big winning point. Really enjoy mine even though I only bought it for RF5. Found plenty of other stuff I like on it. Just with handheld mode had a grip or something for my big hands. other then a 20 dollar 3rd party accessory.
Also able to use 3rd part SD cards unlike a certain portable console.
This is my main issue. I really want to get one but it's just too fucking expensive man, and I can't justify paying for all of that shit. I guess nintendo understand that there are people who will pay for it no matter the price.
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to buy one and jailbreak it just to play free games.
The homebrew for switch is progressing really well, I hope the scene doesn't randomly die before all the cool shit gets done like it has for other hacked consoles in the past.
You can already dual boot linux for more developed/feature rich emulators which is nice.
>$300 for a handheld
>yet again Nintendo refuses to allow vidya to become an art form with hardware that can't run graphics higher than the 360
>the online. That's all I need to say.
>32GB hard drive compared to the 1TB PS4 and Xbox One
As for the games
>Zelda is another generic open world
>Smash still does paid DLC in an age where, aside from packs with extra hours of gameplay, updates are free
>like 48 Mario games. What the fuck is variety?
>Pokemon cut half of the dex, also N64 graphics
I actually fucking miss the Wii U...
great, would recommend
Some major caveats
I actually didn't mind it being small and weird shaped, I even grew to like the D-Pad buttons. But the joycon joysticks are shit and break quicker than any other console I've ever used. Also, I'm kind of a sweaty guy and sweat destroys whatever plastic they use so my joycons also look disgusting. No other controller has given me so many issues, and I was way more delicate with the joycons.
>Pro Controller has problems
Pro Controller is great and I recommend it, but the d-pad is kind of shitty for certain games.
>lots of third party games run or look like shit, draw distance is almost exclusively bad
>Nintendo's games are the best and are also way overpriced for all eternity
I have several problems with it. My biggest issue being that the base controllers are the single worst I've ever had the displeasure of using. The Joystick feels like it's going to break every time you use it, and it often time does, leading to drift, And needing to be replaced. There is also no traditional D Pad. I recommend buying a Pro Controller, if you dont already own one.
The battery life is pretty useless overall, I get about 3 hours total for a game like Smash bros, definitely not for an airplane ride, unless your seat has a charger port. A battery pack helps, but thats a third party option that works on damn near anything.
The online features are sorely lacking. The only benefit for buying what was once a free (if awful service) is the ability to play NES ROMs, and if you're reading this, the device youre using can emulate NES ROMs.
I like that I can play Indie titles on my bed. I like Smash Brothers, and the Legend of Zelda. I already like Nintendo products, and will continue to like them because of the games Nintendo produces.
But I can't honestly recommend this console as a jumping off point for anyone interested in Nintendo games.
The Wii U and 3DS, while pretty old at this point, are Cheap, functional, and offer amazing libraries of games, the 3DS especially. I recommend those instead.
its fun
lmao, more like shitch
>32GB hard drive compared to the 1TB PS4 and Xbox One
Do you think.. that the Nintendo Switch.. has a hard drive inside of it..???
Don't be a homo and don't buy a switch... I'm guessing you're not allowed within 100 feet of any schools?
binding of isaac, katamari damacy, and stardew valley is comfy in bed
the console sucks besides that
Love it
Keeps me busy while the wife is out with her boyfriend
I dont get this joke
It's not a joke. Someone actually legitimately posted that.
There definitely is, I've seen people pirating and emulating on their Switch.
Manchild trash
>playing Switch
>it has the same games as wii u
>some random new games that are essentially just mario again
soooo, in this post, user complains about being ported, only to then brush off anything that isnt as a port as nothing, as it might include mario
it's the love child of the vita and 3ds I've always wanted, unfortunately handheld mode kinda sucks... revision when?
Why do zoomers hate based Mario?
Occasional great Nintendo games with long stretches of nothing to play in between.
Typical Nintendo console.
Because they want games that shoot stuff
why do you think Zoomers like Fortshit?
hating nintendo to be edgy gets you easy (you)'s
It's ok. The exclusives are pretty decent, but the game output from Nintendo is still fairly anemic. In a sense, the system works better if you view it as a handheld with the option to connect to a big screen. Battery life isn't amazing, but decent enough for playing in bed or around the house.
My biggest pet peeve with the system is the amount of compromised ports coming out. I'm growing tired of games falling well below 720p handheld. I am a bit autistic over technical aspects, so it might not be an issue for everyone. Judging from how well the system is selling, the general public doesn't give a shit.
A lot of decent ports and a lot of indie games get discounted frequently with weekly sales, but if you play on PC you won't need those.
Definitely worth 300 if you didn't have a Wii U, lots of new games out this month.
I like Mario, but I've played Mario on NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, and Wii U.
Splatoon is great.
And then you'll probably say
>But Switcherooni has [2 new games]
Yeah those aren't really "new" games, they're just the same game released again.
Your "but it's portable" meme is over. Enjoy Pokemon Shit and Shit and possibly Luigi's Mansion 3 will be good. But the first is so good who cares about 3
Overpriced. Underpowered. Portable is a shit gimmick for a console. Zelda would have been amazing 10 years ago. Mario was alright. Smash is pretty sweet.
I'd say it's a waste of money.
Considering it was just an upgraded GameCube I couldn’t blame them.
Incredibly expensive to get into legitimately.
It has maybe 3 or 4 good, original games worth playing and a dozen that are play once and put down never agains like Kirby and Yoshi.
Nintendo is trash now.
>32 gig
Nigga it’s called an SD card
I can get a 256 for 40$
Plus the biggest game on Switch I own is only 15.5 gigs instead of 155 gigs of bloat
>virtual console replaced with a smattering of NES roms
>online is a joke
>joycons are defective
>pro controller is defective
>weak hardware
It's pretty jank
>Buy memory cards in 2019
wait a min I remember seeing just the console itself for about 200$?
>299.99 plus tip
>for broken joycons
>also buy a memory card, 15 dollars plus tip for 64 gigs please
>also buy a game, we've released them on wii u but you can buy smash ultimate, smash 4 but with more stuff, for a fresh 59.99
oh thank god there's no bloat! I love spending over 400 dollars to play one of three games.
My blue joycon drifts like shit so I spike it on the floor, fuck the joycons
What autist would respond to hearing about a sequel to a franchise being made with "Well that's cool and it looks good but the first was good so this doesn't need to exist"
Also do you think that BOTW is similar to.. any Zelda game of the past? If so you've probably never played a single game in the franchise, or BOTW for that matter.
And then you literally just discredit the entire selling point of the switch as "dead meme lol"
No you retard thats what the switch is. That is the point of the console. Get cancer
it's so easy to spot out the retards who have never played either smash 4 or ultimate when they something as retarded as "smash 4 but with more stuff" when the gameplay is completely different
stop talking out of ur ass user, actually play the games if you wanna act like you're educated enough to talk about them
>All these straight up lies
Damn nigga at least complain about NSO being shit.
Smash lasts for like 7 fucking hours
I know I’ve had long boring duty days where all I did was play smash from 5 pm to 12 pm
>my joycons are broke so i throw them at the ground
one squirt of a silicone lubricant under the rubber cap and no more drift
They drift but still work
>Hate Mario
>Want a game where they shoot shit
But that already exists a game where Mario shoots shit
so your solution is to spike them at the ground? going to assume you're a monkey and cannot control your emotions and they didnt come out broke, you just are extremely retarded and don't know how to handle them
The game library is fantastic, much better than the wii u.
Everything else: the battery life, the specs, the controllers, the online, etc... sucks ass.
I kinda wanted a wii u 2 because I only ever remove it from the dock to play mario maker 2, and if a tablet controller was made I'd buy it in a heartbeat
Have you not have a phone or a damn tablet you retard?
Fuck those shitty rayman bunnies
but how are the third-party games?
it has S++-tier exclusives like Xenoblade and Octopath Traveler. But its library is a bit lacking atm, this year's exclusives like Fire Emblem and Astral Chain should fleshi it out
>Octopath Traveler
Yeah, that's on PC now.
The switch is a bit gimmicky, and it wore off within a couple months.
BOTW got repetitive real quick.
Mario odyssey isn’t as good as MARIO 64
DOOM costs $80 but $20 on PS4
My 5 yo now uses my switch to play Mario kart and Mario odyssey. I also use my switch for YouTube when my iPad dies.
true dat. Best we can hope for is an exclusive sequel now
>literally no means of communication between friends
Even the 3DS had shit like Swapnote (for a little while), why doesn't the switch have something like this?
Good console.
Currently it has a better online store full of third party shit than actual first party stuff, but the third party support is indie stuff which is hit or miss.
Some first party games look horrendously bad and scream of laziness.
Overpriced ports, no price cuts, sales are only for digital releases.
As people have said, you shell out $300 just for the system, plus all the extra shit like online, a screen protector, a better controller, an SD card, a pouch for the fucking thing, etc.
I would say it's a 7/10 system with a lot of potential if a revised, more powerful version is sold and if some first party Nintendo titles utilize new hardware to the fullest. Again, some games look gorgeous, but most run subpar. I want the thing to at least run 1080p 60fps consistently no matter the game.
Kids sexting and legit pedos
Not Lolicon but legit soliciting sex from minors pedos.
Nintendo was so disturbed they shit down the service ASAP
As a parent I actually like that communication isn’t easy and most of the time unavailable.
expensive and pricey also the games are lacking in the hardware department. i wish the switch was more powerful.
Why come Boner the dog look like of playdough?
I loved swapnote. Too bad the pedos ruined it.
Pretty sure those fucking cunts are also the reason we had to wait like 7 years for flipnote 3d, and never got access to the online community.
this one is pretty bad already
>>$300 for a handheld
understandable, but cheaper than PS4 or Xbone when they but reasonably priced considering a $400 PC cant even run an emulator without being shit. But still reasonable complaint
>>yet again Nintendo refuses to allow vidya to become an art form with hardware that can't run graphics higher than the 360
>games art
GB hard drive compared to the 1TB PS4 and Xbox One
understandable complaint, but would be hard add more GB while trying to keep the $300 cost
>>[YouTube] Nintendo Switch painful launch (embed) don't forget about this. Yeah they fixed it, but the damage is done.
this one is literally the worst one of the list
>Xbox 360 Release with red ring problems
>PS3 released way too expensive and dead and no games until the later half
>Xbox One release with Kinect and Dead on Arrival
almost every launch has problems. Saying that the Switch launch as part of the list is literallt retarded
as for the games section
its literally all retarded except the pokemon shit.
A lackluster port machine with a handful of genuinely good exclusives and a shitty everything else - price, controllers, portability, battery life, processing power, and so on.
Were it not for the combination of it being the last bastion of physical titles that aren't on discs that's also a handheld, combined with it being a legacy port magnet, this wouldn't be worth anyone's time.
Shit, no games machine as someone that's owned it since the Mario launch.
I agree with this. Nintendo is like Apple in a way. Everything is overpriced.
I just bought a Switch, and I spent a great deal of time browsing the eshop. I noticed there are a lot of indie game ports on there that are more money now than they ever were on PC, even if the game originally came out 4+ years ago.
I remember looking at Wii U games in some stores about the time the Switch came out, and Wii U games from the LAUNCH of the Wii U were still full price, past the death and end of the Wii U's life cycle, full price games.
Best Ninty console since the SNES and N64. Has great games, a functional and non annoying gimmick, decent pro controller (shame about the dpad though), and it will become an emulation powerhouse if you decide to hack it later in it's lifespan.
The GameCube has a trash controller and mediocre exclusive titles, and the Wii while being able to play the few decent GC games had so much shovelware it was insane. Though I can give the Wii a pass since it had a few really fantastic games and works great as a retro emulation box too. The Wiiu is simply a joke Nintendo put out to give us a good laugh before putting out the finished version of the console (the Switch). Most of the great WiiU games are on it so there is little reason to own one unless you're in "can't believe I bought this" cope mode and hack it for emu purposes.
Older models can be hacked but you will never be able to play online in any fashion, it's not like 3DS.
great games, terrible hardware
Wii U with better marketing. Same ridiculously long droughts, same decent exclusives, less censorship but FE might change that.
Switch is basically an upgraded Wii U
Friendly reminder BOTW is a port ;^)
>implying everyone who doesn't suck Nintendo's dick is an edgy asshole
Renderized poorly and with low framerates
It could be great if there were some good third party and first party games geared toward the pick up and go option. Atm portable Zelda and Mario are still decent though
released on both platforms at the same time.. so are both versions a port?
I managed to get a 4.1 patched switch, how do i hack it?
No it's $300, games are expensive as fuck as they never go down in price and the digital games go on sale once a year.
>but you will never be able to play online in any fashion
you actually can now
atmosphere's emunand got released
no games
I fan fuck anime girls
I want one but I also want to wait and see if there'll be like a switch pro coming out with increased performance, or at the very least a bundle that includes a fucking game with it that doesn't just cost the price of the game+console+carrying case MSRP like for splatoon 2 or mario odessey.
I've always been a sucker and bought into a console right before the announcement of a pricedrop, revision, limited edition that looks cool, you get the idea. Not this time.
literally the best console on the market. I wish it was more powerful but I'll take fun games over specs any day.
just use parental controls, no need to fuck it up for everyone else
The problem is that even if some parents use parental controls, we all know that there will still be some who don't and remain ignorant, they're probably even the majority.
All it takes is one story about a guy who abused a minor and contacted her through the Switch for Nintendo to be in the hotsteat, regardless of if there are safety features or not.
it costed me 329 euros
I like handhelds with home console quality controls a lot.
I was one of the most die-hard Vita fanboys there was, I defended that shit to the grave because I thought dual-analog handhelds were the future.
Then Sony just let the fucking thing collect dust. When the Switch got announced, jumping that ship was the most logical thing to do. Nintendo has done a much, much better job at supporting their console so far, and having one system be their sole focus instead of dividing their attention between a console and a handheld at the same time bodes well for the near future.
If I buy one this year how long will I get out of it?
how ever long you can enjoy smash.
That can happen with any console, or any hardware that can connect to the internet.
Dampening the online service for everybody because parents can't be fucked to properly supervise their children or make use of built-in parental controls is beyond retarded.
I can promise you that predators have used Xbox LIVE or PSN to find kids to prey on, why is it that those services still maintain proper modes of text and voice communication without anybody putting Sony or Microsoft in the hotseat?
It's ok and has decent games, but holy shit the controllers are clearly not ment to be held by adults. Pro controller is necessary
online is garbage and should be free
you've never played ultimate
MS and Sony don't have the reputation of being the "all ages" console.
Can someone make a compilation of all the Yea Forums poorfags.God I see 10 atleast in each thread and is making me feel superior.
Only good if you like Nintendo games and portability, which I do.
My complaints are the same as everybody else: overpriced, shitty online, lack of features. But my biggest gripe is that it's probably the first console that's not made out of Nintendium.
Drifting Joycons, fragile screen that scratches easily, cheap plastic that gets damaged easily, power issues, the works. I can drop my 3DS from a building and it'll work fine, but you're guaranteed to fuck up your Switch if you're not being careful. Durability should be a bigger priority than EVER, and they fucked it up.
Good console, but most games are ports. Its exclusives are really really good though except for family launch titles like 1-2 Switch.
Nintendo uses cheap screws that strip easy. Seriously, they’re some of the softest screws I’ve ever had to work with. I enjoy my Switch, but game prices are a little high, and the online service is garbage. Still, the convenience of laying in bed playing is what appeals to me, and I’ve bought some games on Switch over their cheaper Steam counterparts for that very reason. I don’t care about it being a port machine since it’s portable, and the first party games are top-notch. If anything, the eshop is saturated with overpriced shovelware.