Is this game as good as everyone says? Im a massive WRPG fan. Love Fallout 1/2/NV, Baldur's Gate, Divinity, etc

is this game as good as everyone says? Im a massive WRPG fan. Love Fallout 1/2/NV, Baldur's Gate, Divinity, etc
unrelated, but I was surprised to learn it was made in Source

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sadly no. the game starts out tricking you to think it is an open ended RPG with several ways to complete each mission but halfway through it says screw that and just throws a bunch of lazy ass levels of corridors filled to the brim with enemies . still worth a play though and the hubs have god tier atmosphere

I'm pretty sure you'll love it. Sure, it has its flaws and whatnot, but it's actually really replayable and has an incredibly interesting world and characters. It does a very good job at immersing you in the role of a vampire.

It's the ULTIMATE play-it-with-your dick game that stops short of being porn. The lore is also pretty damn good, the setting and atmosphere are great, and the story is compelling too. But it's the first part that elevates beyond your typical WRPG, it's sexy and grimy, which makes your rebirth as a vampire feel alluring.
The new game I think misses the sexiness factor completely so it's probably going to be terrible.

If you're a fan wrpgs, you should try it. It's very good, even if flawed it's still one of my favorite wrpgs.

Make sure to use the fan patch if you play it.

im planning on playing the gog version so im pretty sure its pre installed

Cool, then you should be all set.

Check out the pic if you want some tips, it has some useful info. What you should absolutely be aware of before starting: Persuasion is miles better than Seduction and Intimidate, you should go for Persuasion only. Also, make sure to invest some points into combat.

It's a flawed classic. Worth it for the characters and unique premise it had going for it, but with some pretty janky combat sections to wade through before the end.

Still one of my favorites, but it's not perfect.

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Forgot the pic.

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>Persuasion is miles better than Seduction and Intimidate, you should go for Persuasion only.
damn ok I was just about to put points in manipulation and subterfuge hoping to be a silver tonged deceiver.

It's janky as fuck. I knew going in it was supposed to be janky, but it STILL shocked how bad it was. It feels like the game was barely into beta and they just said "screw it, ship it". Even with the fan patch, it's one of the most unpolished games I've played in a long time.

Both Seduction and Intimidate are very situational, while Persuasion will be helping you left and right.

It has pretty good writing, interesting characters and dialogue choices etc and from an RPG perspective is pretty awesome, BUT the combat is utter garbage. Seriously, it's so fucking bad, it's painful. Still worth playing, but be warned...

yeah, and more

It’s a Yea Forums meme, don’t fall for it

Seduction is more fun though.

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>i don't like it so it must be a meme

i might try it on a potential second play through. might just go persuasion for now. but i also just dont want to power level and play the "optimal" way

I've heard it's basically unplayable when played vanilla, but I only got bugged two or three times with the fan patch installed.

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It's okay.

Don't play it if you're claustrophobic though, cause maps are fucking tiny.

just wait for the sequel

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What did they mean by this?
(Was under "Easter Egg" on a random computer in the motel)

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>is this game as good as everyone says?
Nothing's ever as good or as bad as anyone says it is. Bloodlines has been pretty overrated recently since the stealth shill campaign for Bloodlines 2 begun (quite a bit before the reveal).
It's an interesting game well worth a look but it's got so, so, so many flaws that it's hard to say it's good without then proceeding to list a whole bunch of 'buts' that will make it seem much worse than it is.

It's good enough, but lower those expectations right bloody now.

It's probably referring to the secret werewolf ending

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>get "lmao just wipe out the entire Sabbat forces in the town" mission
>activate godmode until the end of the game

Huh, didn't know there was one, been ages since I last played the game though...

>tfw I really trusted the prince

>is this game as good as everyone says?
As long as you noclip through the Hollywood sewers


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It's utter jank but with incredible atmosphere


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You have quests that can only be solved through combat in the first fucking hub. And Jack pretty much even tells you during the tutorial sometimes the only thing to do is fight. The game never tricks you into thinking you'll be able to talk your way through everything, the only reason you'd think that is if you completely ignored what the game was actually telling you.

That's added by the plus patch

aged like ass but the idea was good. have high hopes for 2. wish they'd remake it aswell though


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soundtrack in this game is top tier.

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In some ways. They generally understate the shortcomings, of which there are many. It borders on not worth it.

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It's not without issues but it is definitely worth playing as a fan of RPGs.

I think whoever made this has a mental disability.

It’s kino but it massively drops in quality near the end of Hollywood

No I think whoever defends bloodlines 2 has a mental disability. either that or a paycheck that says HARDSUIT LABS you absolute fucking faggot

great track record btw. GOTY confirmed

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My urge to play it always dies when i remember the sewer level

Just looking at the content and the typography, it feels like it was made by somebody with autism. The poorly constructed sentences, the yellow text, the scrappy lines, it all reads like autism or a 300 iq bait.

did you know inordinate attention to detail at inappropriate times is also a sign of autism? lmao

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i think you're just really fuckin salty m8. are you just really fucking salty rn?

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I don't see the connection. The post reads terribly, and it looks like absolute shit. Observing this is not an autistic trait.

nah you're pretty salty buddy

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it's definitely up there with games like Fallout NV and Deus ex