ITT: Games you really wanted to like, but the game itself didn't allow you to enjoy it

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whats this

It promised to be an Ace Combat clone that was also designed for modding. It...didn't really deliver.

I don't know why it isn't good but it just isn't.

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what a damn shame

Elite Dangerous is weird because it's a great game but there's absolutely nothing to fucking do. There's like 6 or 7 mission types and once you've done them it's not like they're different the next time.


what a shame too. such a great premise and devs had no idea how to work with it.. imagine playing out an Expanse scenario going between belters and civilizations and having actual space battles to save yourself as needed

There is so much to like, but it gets tedious and frustrating really fast.

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Alien Isolation. It looks great and there's nothing really wrong with it, the problem is that it's just way too simplistic to play, and the worst part is that xenomorphs just aren't scary.

and the game is way too long for no reason

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god-tier multiplayer for the first month of release of BFGA 1 and 2

you need to have a sufficiently high iq level op

It's a bit too long and it does the "interrupt objective with new objective" thing too often.

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but goddamn the art direction in that game was fucking amazing

Well I am a single player lamer so...

t. dad currently at the 30 minute mark of his space-trucking run

The Expanse combat is fucking gay and wouldn't play out well in a game where you fly ships yourself.

Quite. It's still one of my favorite games to look at.

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>The Expanse combat is fucking gay

The Witcher Series - Couldn't finish any of them, just got bored and stopped playing. Lasted progressively longer with each iteration. Not enough depth.
Dragon Age
Final Fantasy 14
Also Elite Dangerous
Read Dead Redemption - I get that it's a well made game, but Cowboys are by far the gayest Genre. Also, who wants to play in a fucking desert? It's devoid of interesting things by definition.

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its 9 bucks on steam, still worth? the VR aspect looks cool.

Can't fucking stand this game
Even played it back in it's beta days.
All my fucking friends want to play this shit. We're in our late twenties and these fuckers unironically spend hours in this shit.

I just don't get it. at least in terraria theres shit to do.

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I'm a big Ghibli fan and I paid full price for Ni No Kuni on release, it's just Not a good game

I'd say you'll probably get exactly 9 bucks worth of fun out of it.

>Read Dead Redemption
goddamn was rdr2 boring as all hell. the hold button to hide the fact the game was sluggish to respond to actions. the shitty cutscenes t hat constantly took control away. the over done "walk or ride horse for over 15 minutes with useless exposition". goddamn i hate that game

That's because Braben is obsessed with proc gen

Sorry, I didn't buy RDR2 because I played the first one and learned my lesson.

I don't even have a problem with procedural generation. It's a sad state of affairs when No Man's Sky in its current iteration has more depth and content than Elite Dangerous, which I absolutely think would be the better game if there was anything to do.

Agreed. Minecraft was a interesting game back when it first came out; but it never really expanded to become anything more than what it already was. Some people go crazy with mods and make autistic redstone processors and shit; but there isn't anything that motivates me to keep playing it.

I lost my shit when I heard about this.
They got fucking hideki nagunuma on it
it's about free movement and chaining together combos
Game is fucking boring and cringy as shit with all the "gamers rise up" speak

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be lucky you didnt waste your money

Combat was fun before engineers. I never understood how there are people who never do anything but "explore" though. There's nothing to explore.

Read Dead Redemption might be one of the most painfully overrated games of recent years, at least people were a bit more honest with rdr2 being not great



rdr2 was worse

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The only reason I put up with it is because there are no other open world cowboy games.


There's a big difference between doing something difficult or complex and doing something that takes a long time.

the movement and combat of this game is freaking weird. i went into it thinking it wouldve been like skyrim but man was i wring. this game is ass.

It's 90% waiting for missiles to hit or for aimbot point defense systems to shoot them down.

I mean you're right about the movement and combat being bad, the thing I'm confused about is going into a game expecting it to be like Skyrim and then being surprised when it's shitty.

what do you expect in future space battles where everything has been honed and perfected?


get some dedication, scrub

I would also add this.

As a long time total war fan...I have never tried so hard to like something that looked this cool and yet feel like I have wasted my time.

Massively disappointed.

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I'm not telling you you're not allowed to waste your own time, it's yours to do what you will with. It's just nothing to brag about.

Has absolutely nothing to do with my initial point.


Yeah, I really wanted to like it too. But every turn just becomes a replay of the previous turn. There's no feeling of advancement.
I'd probably like it more.if I wasn't so shit at it, but I can never win convoy or orbital bombardment missions and the game just keeps throwing me 3 in a row.

Oh fuck, and the biggest one of them all.
>Dark Souls 2

You sound like you couldn't get a sidewinder through the mailslot. Get some practice, and the galaxy is yours, little one.

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>the galaxy is yours
The galaxy is literally anyone's, there's not much to it.

Oh so much this. Never has a game fallen so hard on its face learning the wrong lessons from its predecessor.

>If it isn't Skyrim it's shit
Holy fuck newfags please obliterate your existences.

play it in VR

I still have time to refund Elite Dangerous....should I?

You're not supposed to just do missions. You're supposed to take the initiative to develop your cmdr. Unlock engineers, mod your weapons, build PvE, PvP, mining, trading ships et cetera, hunt thargoids, grief players et cetera. If all you're going to do is click on the mission board you're not going to do most of the game.

You won't like it if you're the kind who expects a game to tell you what to do. There are very little fixed goals in ED.

vanilla skyrim was pretty fun combat wise, not to mention that there was an ample of stuff to do. love that game to this day.

w3 was far from what i expected and it sucks that i can't see what major enthusiasts see. i love rpg game but w3 just doesn't cut it for me.

>fun combat wise
Literally walk forward and spam mouse clicks.