What vidya will you be playing to celebrate the United States of America and freedom?

What vidya will you be playing to celebrate the United States of America and freedom?

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I don't know. I didn't have special vidya plans.

I might actually reinstall Battlezone 98 Redux and blow up some space commies.

I'm going to fap to cunny all day.
It's my goddamn American right.

Katamari Damacy because it perfectly symbolizes America.

I've been playing a lot of Immortal Redneck lately, so probably that.

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hitman 2

God Bless.

I don't about vidya, but I will masturbate to blonde anime girls with star spangled bikini

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based cunny poster

WolfensteinII The New Colossus

>playing video games

I'm only doing it because my Quantum Mechanics textbook ran out of batteries.

Maintaining America's high prison population with my bro!

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Hopefully fucking Metal Wolf Chaos. Come on, Devolver. There's no better time to release it.

Modern Warfare 2, the mission where Washington DC gets fucked up.


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Life is strange 2


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I'll be celebrating my crippling depression and the fact that no good games exist anymore.

i thought this was a Jasper John piece

Doom, Blood 2 and DUSK

Thinking of playing Twisted Metal 2, exploding things all over the world seems like a pretty American thing to do for 4th of July

Indie games since they're the only good games to come out of America in over a decade.

Maybe Red Alert 2, as the Soviets. A game where Russia takes over America somehow seems appropriate right now.


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Even when the soviet union was at its peak it was no match.

I only have two screenshots from back when I used to play Garry's Mod.
Yes, I took these on the 10 year anniversary because I'm an edgy faggot.

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You missed the joke.

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In the Red Alert universe, the Nazis never came to power, and the Red army ran over Europe in the first Red Alert. RA2 is when they invade the states.

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The only freedoms the US has that western europe doesnt are the freedoms to die of healthcare debt and to get shot

Red Dead 2, I’m going to RP a border official and kill some niggers and mexicans

What the fuck are you talking about? Reddit fucking loves Trump.

Paladins, with my Ameri-Khan skin.

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am i being b8d here boy?

That healthcare debt bullshit was pretty much done with Obamacare but noooo, fucking orange cheeto had to remove it to pay for his hateboner for immigrants and non-whites.
I'm ashamed to be american right now so fucking much.

Unfortunately they announced it's coming out at the beginning of August.

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Is there gonna be a huge military parade?

Sorry but America is just a really boring place with a really boring history and no culture. So I'll celebrate it by playing some outlandish adventure, like Star Control 2 or XCOM. Americans are good at coming up with fun shit to escape the litany of their otherwise mundane existence.

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God FUCKING damn it
Why, Devolver?

>Americans are good at coming up with fun shit to escape the litany of their otherwise mundane existence
F-fuck you y-uropoor...

Are you actually retarded?

Americans had the chance to become a wacky cowboy nation but instead opted to be bland wannabe white people

People still do the cowboy thing on the regular in Fort Worth

Go home schlomo

Cowboys are really uninteresting and boring though, so who cares?

>deluding yourself this much from reality

>coming up with fun shit to escape the litany of their otherwise mundane existence.
That's pretty much the definition of culture.

>Thread full of faggots NOT defending Burger Town
Communist scum, all of you!

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I wish I was an American. It seems so much nicer that ausfagland

Homefront of course

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>reddit loves trump
>trump's reddit is quarantined

I haven't played a video game in at least 10 years

I guess I'll pull the trigger on my Steam cart, which will support American capitalism, and then play one for a little while before going out and getting a big fucking burger at a local place. I don't eat burgers often these days so it'll be a good time. Probably watch some Scooby Doo too, although I've been watching it in general lately because the 50th anniversary is coming up.

What a shame. I'd 100% be playing it tomorrow if it was out.

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it isn't, cunt

i hate fags and jews

Your envy is misplaced. Believe me, you don't want to deal with things like for-profit healthcare and Republicans.

Why would you know this? Why would you know about what's happening over at reddit at anytime?

Gamers dont have a nation

what's a jebaited?

The most American game ever.

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yeah you would say that, cause you're one of them, fag/jew

Idk maybe because it's been posted all over the place and was talked about as another example of leftist whinging.

GTA Online. Flying my americana livery bomber plane.

my cock is fucking hard

It's called "going to the local fair", they have weird food and attractions.
You should try it.

>a retarded redditourist
Back you go.


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fuck off redditor.

Nothing says patriotism like Sound Voltex and Bloodstained

you go back you fucking redditor.

Name their game company.

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Are you retarded? Obamacare has been repealed. I wish it was, believe me, my premiums used to be half the price for far better coverage with no deductable. ACA is a great attempt at destroying the middle class. The left is just completely detached from reality.

Rising revengence
You smell
>he isn’t free
Cringe but redpilled

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I'll be in Canada

Has not been repealed, I meant.

56 industry

That Sandy Hook game.

>defending trump's assault on the poor and middleclass
Go away.

>Americans actually think they are "free"
You mutts are even dumber than I thought.

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Don't project, sweaty.

Ace Combat 7.

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More free than you, TV loicense.

Duke 3D

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Trump repealed the $300 fee that poor people had to pay for no coverage under ACA. And ACA is a blight on the middle class, which the Democrats want to destroy as it is the most conservative demography.
Pull your head out of the sand.


Duke Nukem 3D : Duke it out in D.C.


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Imagine getting so angry about Donald Trump on the internet you type in all capitals. I bet you held shift too.

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Calm down child, don't sperg out so hard or you might lapse into self harm.

>a fat fuck american with overcompensation issues made this
Always makes me laugh.

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So that means that a president can repeal stuff issued from congress now? Wow, nice dictatorship.

>this thread

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Well, it was ACA that was legislated from the bench, so I'd honestly be okay with that in this case.

Tropico 4.

Nah, that's what CAPS Lock is for fucko.
How about you stay fucking on topic for one goddamn thread?

You know what? You're right. Obamacare is a pretty shitty solution. What we really need is socialized medicine like literally every other developed country on Earth.

With living in a country with a dictator? Because I wouldn't.

The only people who think it has no culture live in the mega cities on the coast.

go away canadian

Republicans want a king.

And all you fucks around the world better celebrate too, GOD BLESS AMERICA

>legislated from the bench
>when it's wholesale what the "conservatives" pushed out during the Clinton years to prevent single payer
Yeah, from the bench. You really need to learn how words work.

Anything Russian

I'm Canadian but you Americans are alright. Keep up the good fight friends.

eh yep probably just get drunk and try not to kill myself

>mfw driving my gas-guzzling V8 at 100mph down to Five Guys to pick up a double cheeseburger, then take it down to a grassy gnoll so I can watch fireworks in a lawnchair with some in the fresh summer air, sipping beer from my cooler

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Fuck off, I like Trump but I wouldn't want him (or literally fucking anyone) running this country on an iron fist, that's for commies and nazis.

Yea whatever dude.

Remember, we are all American on the 4th, especially Canadians.

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I bet you like roads and hate child sex slaves too, you monster.

go away yankee, leave us good 'ol canuck folks alone.

In-N-Out > Five Guys

You'll eat your burger and like it leaf

Why bother being a burger when we canadians are better in literally every single thing?

Bottom right is aesthetic af.
Bottom left is dying of anaphylactic shock.

We're all North Americans on he inside.

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is there a search tag for this

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I am going to play some Japanese game then jerk off to jav like a true American

Color Revolutions Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of African Americans and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of german, italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asian Americans Immigration act 1924

Mexibro here, can I join my good burger and maple folks?

Help me Canadabros
How do I escape this shithole Country. I cant take it anymore. I want to live with you.

>I wouldn't want him (or literally fucking anyone) running this country on an iron fist
Then you should reconsider your support of Trump, because if he had his way, he'd crown himself King of America.

Eh I'm a burger who visited Aus and you've got it really good. I would be happy where you are. I love it here and wouldn't live anywhere else but if I HAD to it would be Australia.

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Pfffft, like that's actually going to do anyt

shut the fuck up I hate this place, everything from the fifteen percent sales tax to paying eighty dollars for a new video game

fuck off we're full

Of course.

Well maybe (and several other ex presidents I bet), but the whole point is that he FUCKING CAN'T no matter how much he tries, that's the good thing.

checked trips

>He says with a folder full of thousands of butthurt mutt maymays

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I know. I'm such a degenerate scumbag. I even like safety standards on food and think that the person who gets the most votes should win the election.

I had to

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None as I don't know a game about bombing the world trade center or america in general.

But we have free healthcare my brother canuck.

7/10 needs more reference to zionism and some more about martin luther king like how he's documented to have had orgies and teach at his church that jesus wasn't really the son of god

>or america in general.
Try playing Battlezone 1998. It's pretty good.

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Let's all have a picnic with some good tacos, burgers and whathever the fuck the leafs eat when they scrape off the bark of a tree.

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yeah bro its not like countries with less than 1/10th the population of ours struggle with subpar care and extremely long wait times or anything, as well as people who afford it opting to go private when they can. i agree that there should absolutely be a safety net for the people who need it but MUH FREE HEALTHCARE is not really that great.

Only because the Democrats are resisting him. The GOP would roll over and do whatever he wanted as long as he kept cutting taxes on the rich.

Are you having a schizoid break or did you just intend to spew complete bullshit with no clue as to what you're talking about?

>the person who gets the most votes should win the election
fucking degenerate savage

Yeah no fuck that hospitals are glorified slaughterhouses anywhere outside capital cities where they cart in rag heads from countries where a medical degree only takes a couple months to get, also they refused my grandmother medication in her last days to speed up her death.

This meme doesn't work because Yanks can freely access all of this information unlike ch*nks

>yeah bro its not like countries with less than 1/10th the population of ours struggle with subpar care and extremely long wait times or anything
You're right. It's not like that.

The hanging out with friends game. Maybe gim rummy with brother and sister.

If anything I'm a centrist but to be honest, both parties would do that roll over thing if they could.

>mericans are good at coming up with fun shit to escape the litany of their otherwise mundane existence.
t.Europoor whose nation became so bland they formed a continent just sto stay culturally relevant

I'm not sure. Every 4th of July I get the strong urge to play New Vegas.

Pancakes, burgers, and tacos. Bring the Mexican coca-cola, the good bottled stuff.

yeah you're right buddy my bad

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What the fuck do you think "legislating from the bench" fucking refers to you dumbshit?

Then it would just be these guys deciding everything for everyone else

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>also they refused my grandmother medication in her last days to speed up her deat
that's slander


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No they wouldn't. Sorry, but this "both sides" bullshit is like an F-35 on a rainy day - it won't fly.

Post a infographic that shows how the wait times in America are, because they sure as shit weren't any better before the ACA.

Don't throw that resist cringe around, they don't stand for any higher cause. If the democrats could now, they would also implement a dictatorship.

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Why would anyone want to receive ghetto-tier socialist """""healthcare""""""? Besides, all the best doctors in the world are in the USA.

It costs less than 50 burger cents if you bring the glass bottle to the store.

metal wolf chaos

>they sure as shit weren't any better

American hospitals will literally treat you immediately

workers and resources

Where the fuck is xd

>Prepared by Republican Staff
Oh, there's an unbiased source.


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Metal Wolf Chaos should be free to download for the next 24 hours


Emergency doesn't fucking count you dumbshit, specialty care does, holy fucking shit you can't even be disingenuous correctly on this damn shithole.

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God forbid democracy be democratic.

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August 6th

RoR1/2 and some Rune Factory. Got tomorrow and the day after off work so I have plenty of time to dick around.

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>Allez vous faire foutre
Damn, cursing does sound really classy in French.

It means making a court decion based on partisan politics instead of nuetrally examining the boundaries and meaning of the law. Like the 9th circuit, Walmart for Dem judge shopping, does all the time.
Are you retarded and incapable of using a search engine?


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BIoshock infinite.

>One quarantined board is the entirety of reddit

>what its a representative republic
Yeah fuck everyone in red bro!

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I'm just gonna fap to Tina Armstrong.

What the goddamn fuck does that have to do with the fucking ACA you unholy moron when it was fucking written by Congress and even the SCOTUS met over it? And use spellcheck for once in your life you unholy jackass.


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The country was founded as a democratic republic, if you weren't aware.

Most of that red is unpopulated or sparsely populated. Dirt doesn't get a vote.

The united states is not a democracy, it's a Republic with a democratic system in place that's designed to protect from tyranny of the majority. The largest states have no right to completely overrule the needs of Middle America as they are citizens as well.

That's a whole lot of unpopulated land user.

Eu4 as America

>legislating from the bench? What could that have to do with the biggest judicial bench in the country!
Wow, I'm actually starting to pity you.

No it was founded as a Republican Democracy, when you have democracy put first that's communism.

>The largest states have no right to completely overrule the needs of Middle America as they are citizens as well.
Yeah, instead it's a couple of swing states that overrule the needs of everywhere else. Great system there.

non american here. how loud was your 4th July? was it loud as Christmas and new year? do you have kick ass firecrackers over there?

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>The largest states have no right to completely overrule the needs of Middle America as they are citizens as well.
The largest states are the ones who give their tax money to Middle America so that it doesn't fall apart.

Well if you want to prevent swing states you'd have to address this issue

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I don’t live in Burgerstan. I live in a much better country Japan

>5 white hicks voting in one of those little squares looks the same in the map than the entirety of NYC
sasuga retarded burger and his retarded concept of 'democracy'

Yeah Florida, Texas and Illinois don't have more population than California and New York combined
Oh wait they do, fuck the other 200+ Million people living every else too they're just flyovers xD

Fascinating how one county in Nevada decided the entire state. But that’s Vegas for you.


>the redder the state, the racist it is
like clockwork

Your own fucking words moron misspellings and all
>It means making a court decion based on partisan politics instead of nuetrally examining the boundaries and meaning of the law.
The fucking law is written and then interpreted by the fucking courts and several other district courts have made their damn case that aren't the 9th Circuit, so maybe if your "side" had better arguments you could fucking get the SCOTUS on your damn side? Oh that's right, you had to change how the law is enforced so it no longer meets its once Constitutional status with a SPLIT SCOTUS.

Shut up nigger.

The most American game ever, of course.

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>emergency doesnt count
>Canada still cant do it


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but shillary still won popular vote, on every single other country in the world who uses democracy she would've won.

based retard pretending to be superior

>republicans don't hide the fact that they hate every minority
>but why don't the minorities vote for us?

I'm sure glad we gave literal clay more votes than humans.

Got any proof there, puffball? That's not where federal taxes go.

We shoot off fireworks. My family always bought a pack of like $50 Phantom shitter fireworks and would set them off on a stepladder on the sidewalk, while we watched all our neighbors fire off stars and bigger, flashier, noisy motherfuckers into the air, everyone playing chicken with the cops since they're going after the people launching stars and don't really care about the sparkler ones. When I was younger I hated the noise, but now it's fun. Big cities tend to have their own proper displays you can watch too, which are extravagant.

My pets hate the noise though. So I just keep them inside, and they know how it goes.


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Ok I'll shut up, but sleep with one eye open whitey, the day of the rope for the honkey comes near.

Franklin and Jefferson hated mob rule democracy if you read about them, just as much as you read Franklin’s letters about why MILFs were the best.

Take their city centers that trend blue and make that comparison more factual user.

Maybe CTR and Bloodstained. I will play them patriotically to make up for the lack of patriotism though, so do not worry.

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my neighbors just shot about 6 mortars in a row, it was pretty cool

Yeah it's not like 3 of the 5 most populous state went red or anything.

You can see the strings hanging whenever a black republican talks on any stage.

Then they shouldn't need ̶a̶f̶f̶i̶r̶m̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ the Electoral College to make their votes matter.

which republican candidate ran under the policy of I hate niggers during any recent election?

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Take your meds, dude. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and resorting to raging name calling and ranting.
It's not about "sides" other than the court isn't supposed to take one, they are supposed to respect precedent and legal statutes and the Constitution, and here the majority clearly did not.

Your fucking infographic is literally fucking about making an appointment with a SPECIALIST, meaning IT'S NOT AN EMERGENCY. I guess this is what being an idiot does to you.

>Franklin’s letters about why MILFs were the best
Wait, what?

Based and humanpilled.

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That's why the founding fathers were geniuses. The left already floods areas they control with foreigners and fraudulent votes to keep control. I can only imagine how bad it would be if the forefathers didn't have such foresight.

I like how you completely ignored

Uh the guy that wanted 5 black people killed for a crime they didn't commit even after they were proven innocent and the guy who refused to rent apartments to people after finding out they were black.

Luckily it's the same guy.


Give me games where I can shoot some big fuckin guns faggots

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>but shillary still won popular vote,
Yeah, with all the rigged fucking votes, lol.

There was never any fucking precedent you jackass and I call you names because it seems it's the only way to keep your damn attention since all you do is spew platitudes that seem to only exist until the court decides on an outcome YOU like.

Also every single other republican candidate.
But that's the secret policy. That fucking MAGA hat is actually a MWAGA hat.

supprime ça

I like tacos more than burgers. Is America full enough Mexicans for me to eat tacos on the 4th?

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>and the guy who refused to rent apartments to people after finding out they were black.
That's completely logical though, why should someone be forced to rent to someone if they do want to?

Did you fucking ignore the top fucking text that literally says it's about SPECIALISTS and not EMERGENCY CARE?

What am I seeing here?

>I don't have any arguments so you're a dumb doodoo head and I win!
Oh, sweety...

>minorities don't give anything back to society
>but why don't white people want to subsidize us permanently?

I don't think that's true

thinken bout jefferson ;_;

We have the best tacos

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They would also be appalled that we haven't impeached Trump.

Because in America, we made it a law where if you offer a thing for sale and someone says I will buy that thing, you can't be like "oh no, nevermind lol, you're x".

But Trump is so fucking stupid that he couldn't even get around that incredibly loose law.

Literally tinfoil tier. Take your meds.

I misread your post admittedly and got it reversed.

Oh, well here's the problem, he actively started ruining his own properties by renting out space to crackheads and dealers when there were black people to kick out by basically making it a shithole. It's not like he ever went to court over his father's own renting policy. Oh wait, he did.

God forbid Clinton tried to use the same tactics that Bush used to win Florida.

nothing Ill be shooting my guns. like true freedom

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All of them.

No you don't kek
>t. mexicunt

You mean when Gore tried to steal Florida with a team of lawyers? That was pretty shameful of him.

I should probably finally finish Doom 2016

>Because in America, we made it a law where if you offer a thing for sale and someone says I will buy that thing, you can't be like "oh no, nevermind lol, you're x".
What law is this exactly? If I'm selling a car why should I sell it to some scumbag who I know is going to trash it? Blacks are notoriously awful tenants and I wouldn't rent to one either unless I knew for sure they weren't nigger-tier.

This, bake the cake bigots your feelings don't matter

Speaking of, who was the Democratic president that said "Take the guns first, due process second."

Oh yeah, it was Trump.

>can we have a recount?
>numbers are different
>can we get another recount?
>no lol we lost 180,000 votes lol

Go buy a styrofoam container full of crushed doritos and iceberg lettuce.


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Cheating is cheating you dumb nigger. Bussing illegals from state to state for illegal votes is literally criminal.

>when MY candidate rigs votes, it's ok
>when a fucking democrat rig votes, it's not ok
Hypocrite cunt.

It's the fucking civil rights act you retard. Holy shit go eat a fucking grenade.

Modern warfare so I can kill insurgents
>hahaha lmao desu senpai

That's quite the revisionist spin you have there.

WTF I hate [insert Republican candidate here] now!

They only thing they would be appalled at is that Trump isn't de-Hispanicizing America.


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>crushed doritos and iceberg lettuce
What the fuck do you burgers eat on Independence day? Jesus christ.
On independence day we eat very good shit.
Not tacos by the way.

>Franklin and Jefferson hated mob rule democracy
Yeah, because it leads to people like Trump getting in power.

>When I make up bullshit it's real!
Sure, honey.

The SCOTUS decided recently they shouldn't be getting involved in the election process over gerrymandering. GUESS WHAT THE SCOTUS DID TO GET BUSH ELECTED IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Kill yourself

You need to go back to r*ddit.

FUCK /pol/

literally the opposite, cope and dilate tranny

>piles of junk food and condiments
>good food
Everyone here has seen the webms, Paco.

r/theDonald has arrived

Speaking of scrotum, mine is very saggy, like an old man's.
I'm only 24 for god's sake.

That's the part I don't get. If you like Republican regressivism then sure, go ahead and vote for them.

But how the fuck are they so stupid that they voted for a retard like trump? There were 26 other republican robots who could fuck the earth just as well without making us look like the dumbest country on the planet.

Go to bed, Al.


imagine what the Founding Fathers would think if they saw America today

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Post more Kay

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Burgers, bratwurst, and a side of potatoes... obviously.

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Literally orange man bad: the post.

>could fuck the earth just as well without making us look like the dumbest country on the planet.
Real quick which country on earth do you think is guilty of the most global pollution?

What? No you retard, that's garbage food and nobody with two braincells in here eats that shit, it's just as disgusting to you as it is to me.
It's not like you fuckers don't love junk food too, come on.

Like segregated safe spaces on college campuses? Or old fashioned race-baiting?

>know only white people will vote for you
>you get the decide who votes for your seat

Wow, I wonder what they'll do with this knowledge.

Why did he give more funds to Black exclusive colleges?

You do realize that House Reps are horribly gerrymander, and what's fucking wrong with making the damn thing done by a third party? Huh, scared you'll soon be a "minority" and one day you'll be the uppity bitch against the wall?

They'd probably reconsider the idea of just making Washington king

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>wtf, we landed on the moon and don't die when we get sick? That's amazing! Also WTF is that glowing thing you pulled out of your pocket- HOLY SHIT ITS MUSIC AND MOVING PICTURES AND THE AMERICAN FLAG!
Probably that.

I think they would shed a tear of joy that we are the worlds leading superpower. Or be sad we are the worlds leading superpower.

lol no he didn't.

>only white people vote Republican
Are you truly that retarded? Castro era Cuban refugees are a republican stronghold there.

He is. He is a fucking retard, born of privilege who has never worked a day in his life. He is a wastrel, he is a sinner.

Oh right, the American Industrial revolution was a long time ago, so all the shit we did doesn't count anymore. Go take a drink from the Ohio river.

Just because Kanye sucks Trump's dick doesn't mean he's good for the blacks.

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Democrat gerrymandering makes Republican gerrymandering look likes child's play, so not sure what you're trying to prove here.

Answer the question

yeah whatever dude

Good projection, mate.

>Consider what Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist Paper Number 68. The Electors were supposed to stop a candidate with “Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity” from becoming President.
>They were to “possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations” as the selection of the President, and they were supposed to “afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder.” They were even supposed to prevent “the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.”

The Electoral College was actually supposed to stop someone like Trump from becoming president. Instead, it made him president.

Blow it out your ass

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C'mon, you're a redditor, you know what it's actually like, as can be proven with a three second glance at the home page.

>Castro era Cuban refugees are a republican stronghold there
race traitors

China, dipshit. But do you think America is fucking carbon neutral or something? We fucked this planet sideways and now you're bitching when other people do it?

We need to clean up our own shit before we get mad that someone else is shitting on the fucking floor you drooling retard.
Good thing we gutted the fucking EPA, not like last June wasn't the fucking hottest month in recorded history. But hey, I bet Trumps orange dick tastes great with a side of his sweaty fucking balls

Whatever helps you sleep at night, but projection seems to be the only thing Democrats are good a these dayst, so it makes sense you may as well project about that too, I guess.

To be fair the original intention for how the president is chosen has been so horribly gamed if the founding fathers returned they would probably immediately lobby and demand a complete overhaul of the process.

It's such a painful irony that I'm laughing.

Could have sworn he did in 2017, there were a handful of representatives from those universities.

Are you legitimately fucking stupid or do you get paid to act like you are?

I hope to god you're getting paid.

The most American Japanese game ever

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>race traitors
Literally the opposite, Communism is a spiritual poison not to mention all the prison camps and genocide that occurred there and still occur

Dude, fuck America.

>muh nothingburger!
Still? Wow. You may want to see a mental health professional.

Blame the fact that Hilary was unironically worse then.

Because Trump was a bigger asshole than all the other candidates. They wanted someone who was as hostile, mean-spirited, and dickish as they are. They voted for Trump because he's everything they want to be - a rich asshole who shits on everyone who isn't a rich asshole.

Also, never underestimate the stupidity of Republican voters.

Postal 2

More Blacks are getting out of the poverty level and gaining stable employment. And leaving food stamps to boot. That sounds like good things.

Just because he has a photo-op with black people doesn't mean he's actively doing anything to "help them" since he seems to be stuck on repeat with his "BLACKS HAVE THE LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT UNDER MY ADMINISTRATION, IT'S TOTALLY BECAUSE OF ME."

I wish Koei would make more strat games that isnt three kingdoms. I only beat that game once. I was america and the war went on so long that king Charles went mad and I was declared victor. YA

Name literally anything that Hilary did that you don't like and I will tell you the thing Trump did that was worse.

Not an argument, sweaty.
Republican voters have a higher average IQ than Democrats. You may want to do your homework before spewing retardation next time.

Yet the ones who seem to be the biggest users of food stamps are white people, and they seem to be just as good at being welfare queens as the black stereotype.

Why those blue areas are full of self-segregated neighborhoods thos?

What are you going to do in 2020 when he wins again?

I'm just gonna keep playing what I've been playing, so, Octopath, Deep Rock Galactic, and Rocket League

Metal gear rising

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Shes a woman.


>prison camps
Ah yes, guantanamo.

I'd play Civ 6, but or some reason I become completely disinterested halfway through. I don't know why it keeps happening. On paper its the best Civ game.

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I'm not here to argue with you, the same way I don't argue with squirrels in my backyard. We don't seem to understand the same language.


How is better job opportunity a bad thing? And why the caps lock as if you are breaking down like a hay wired computer?

Or they'd be terrified when they learn that Donald Trump has nearly-unchecked authority over an arsenal of weapons that are powerful enough to end civilization.

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>carbon emissions
>causing any notable damage
pick one

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I'm gonna try and play Broforce co-op with my brother

Fuck you nigger lover.