When did games lose their soul?
When did games lose their soul?
Never. You're just a jaded fat boomer.
Soul is relative and most often clouded by nostalgia
>those bubbles
Who drowned?
AAA games? the 7th gen. Indie games? Never. They still have soul to this day. Some Japanese games still have soul as well.
Bullshit. I've played games and immediately thought they were soulful on my first playthrough. I'm playing through Iconoclasts now and that game is highly soulful.
I thought Breath of the Wild had plenty of soul.
But everyone else hated it because it was open world.
Whenever you reached the age of 14
BOTW is the epitome of soulless. It's an uninspired cash-in made by slapping the Zelda IP on a cross between a Ubisoft game and an open-world survival game. Copy-pasted assets everywhere and no real environmental variety.
>just finish beating minish cap
>suddenly a thread
I know you fuckers are watching me, come out.
Bill Lambeer's Combat Basketball.
All downhill from there.
>Copy-pasted assets everywhere
That's not a valid complaint, you can't possibly expect every shrubbery and bush to look unique, reusing assets is how open-world games avoid consuming all you RAM and mass storage on both consoles and PC.
2004ish maybe a couple years after, basically once it stopped being a hobby for gay nerds and started being a hobby for everyone
There's occasionally reusing assets, and then there's what BOTW does where everything looks aesthetically identical no matter where you go. One field is no different from the next one over.
Minish Cap should be the minimum requirement for making indies.
Either your game looks as good as MC or you are not allowed to release.
Buzzwords: the post.
The reason they're buzzwords is because they accurately describe the majority of singleplayer AAA trash coming out these days
>muh clouded by nostalgia
It's objective fact many games today are literal hyper garbage MTX filled nonsense. Until you can actually argue this away, you will always lose.
around final fantasy 10.
GameCube staved off soullesness for a while, but look back at ps2 games. they are secretly soulless.
>ps2 games. they are secretly soulless.
ps2 was the last console with any soul.
Nah, that's the Wii
this unironically
Name 1 (one) game with soul on the wii.
When trash like Minish Cap was released, OP.
SoulCalibur Legends
Iconoclasts s highly concentrated in soul but it's also terribly mediocre.
When DirectX 8.1 with programmable shader was released.
> Super Mario Galaxy
> Twilight Princess
> Skyward Sword (despite its flaws)
> NSMB Wii (first couch co-op Mario platformer)
> Mario Kart Wii
> DKC Returns
Hell, even EA still made good games back then, Like MySims Kingdom
>zelda and mario rehash crap is soul
As expected from nintrash.
when their main target demographic changed to manchildren in their 20s and 30s instead of actual children
The soul is carrying it for me, at least so far. I acknowledge that the gameplay could be better, but the great setpiece boss fights and story that feels like it was written by a coked out atheist are enough to make it worth playing.
>everything looks aesthetically identical no matter where you go. One field is no different from the next one over.
That's what outdoors looks like though.
I could post an image proving your statement wrong but you'd just call it soulless regardless.
BoTW is the epitome of soulless
No it isn't, the developers clearly put a lot of passion and effort into it. You can not like the game, but to claim it is soulless is just you further diminishing the word's meaning.
I like to think soul never left, it just moved to a different city and it's up to you to keep the friendship alive since it is going through a new phase of life.
They never did.
>literally has no story, especially without the tacked-on DLC shit
>empty wasteland of a world, not a single place has a story to tell
you could've replaced mario with literally anyone and it would still have been an amazing game lol
>the grass looks the same in 2 different areas
boy you are dumb
yep, the truth hurts
God Minish Cap was great, collecting those fucking pieces sucked dick though.
Why in EVERY Zelda game they're almost perfect but there's just one section that is absolutely dogshit.
>collecting those fucking pieces sucked dick though.
Didn't see anything wrong with it to me, I didn't even have to try collecting them and I still built up a nice stack of them to the point where I never ran into an npc where I didn't have the right piece.
>collection sucked
I honestly found that fine, compared to other collection tasks in some games it was better
Unironically this. 2009 if you wanna really stretch it out, but not a day after.
I mean, again i can give examples of why you are wrong but you clearly aren't looking to change your mind so why bother arguing.
Wasn't the DLC just for-fun stuff like a motorcycle? I only played the base game and it had about as much story as any other Zelda, bar TP and SS of course, what do you even mean?
It added some memories I guess
Every videogame uses copypasted assets. Look at the older Zelda games and they do it just as often, are you also mad that Ocarina's or Minish Cap's grass shrubs look the same everywhere?
It started in 2007-2008 when Call of Duty 4 came out and a massive explosion of normies and children got into this community and gaming.
Once the normies and children were all playing games then the girls started to infiltrate for attention since they want to be a part of whats popular they have no interest in the games themselves. It's all been a snowball effect from there.
>everything looks aesthetically identical no matter where you go
2006 was the end.
>literally proving his point
When you outgrew them.
Nice samefag
0/10, try harder
And stop samefagging
After CRTs were traded out for inceLEDs
games have soul just not a lot of triple A ones