>Nintendo drip feeding shitty NES gams instead of having a proper virtual console with good SNES/N64 games
What happened? How did we downgrade so hard from the fucking wii of all things? I never see threads about this, am I the only one that is fucking pissed?
Nintendo drip feeding shitty NES gams instead of having a proper virtual console with good SNES/N64 games
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Stop being entitled
>Got BTFO in one thread, gotta make another
I thought you played video games?
They even go out of their way to hunt down roms without even a viable way of paying for old games. There’s nothing entitled about it, they’re sitting on free fucking money and not doing shit with it
just emulate you retarded discord user / redditor
now fuck off
Nintendo only resorts to their retro libraries when they have to fill release gaps
Not sure who got btfo, I haven’t posted in a few days
I hate discord and pl*bbit. You can’t deny that the NES games suck massive fucking cock, don’t even begin to hold a candle to even the shittiest of SNES games
>have to go scrounging around for ROMs on backwater sites
gee thanks bros
>modern nintendo is fucking retarded with their own intellectual property
Nothing is going to change as long as there are people that defend whatever choices they make without question.
You know what? Fuck virtual console. Paying 5 to 10 dollars+ a game is bullshit, especially when roms exist. I'd rather they just include it with the online like they do now and just release new titles each month. Just think about it, you're getting 15 dollars worth of virtual console games each month with Nintendo Online. A year is only 20 bucks. It pays for itself!
Why the fuck cant nintendo have some SNES games for sale? Fuck. Even super mario world is free money at this point
Want SNES games? Buy a Wii U and buy them on Virtual Console. Hack a Wii U. Hack a Wii. Hack literally anything and put an SNES emulator on it. Buy an SNES and your desired games. Download fucking ZSNES and some roms. You have MANY options.
But I don’t want to hack my shit like some autist, I just want to buy games like a white man and play them on switch
i am
Nintendo has ALWAYS done shit like this.
>implying most autists aren't white
No literally everyone ever think it's retarded and Nintendo executives even acknowledged this fact.
Works on my machine
It’s either too hard for the japs to figure out how to emulate the other systems with proper joy on support on the Switch, or they are genuinely holding out on us to squeeze the $20/year membership fee for all it’s worth.