A metal slime draws near!

A metal slime draws near!

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Other urls found in this thread:


SOmeone photoshop this to have the NPC face.


>so low effort and shitty you have to ask for the most elementary shoops of the most widely exploited memes on the internet
god, fuck you

*kills u*

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Superior gif
shit cracks me up every time

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imagine seething over a meme

imagine unironically enjoying wojak edits in 2019

>he thinks dumb phoneposters on nu-Yea Forums would ever create OC
how naive

*Erik used Critical Claim

I'm not seething over the meme, you ape. I'm seething over the casual "spoonfeed me" attitude for something so low effort and shitty.

Make your own wojak edits at the very fucking least, lazy shitter. You deserve mockery.

No bullshitting, I'm honestly curious as to why you want that.

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What a seething little cunt. Little baby not get his milky wilky today?

DAE think this guy is seething hard over a meme :--D
that is going to be a huge yoinkers from me ;--P

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All my characters have learned Metal Slash thanks to Automaton, now we can- crap.
Hero, Angelo, get ready to use Metal Sla- Damn it!
Got 13 skill points in everyone, now use Metal- FUCK!

Remember when DQ threads were actually about Dragon Quest? Not just casuals who never play the games arguing about Smash Bros or memes?

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you mean when we would get mad that jew chink was refusing to let the orchestrated version of the soundtrack into the game while square enix was too chickenshit to threaten to shitcan him from the franchise?

this is my first dragon quest thread xD

Then you hit level 40 and suddenly all your characters are faster than the metal slimes.

that was an excellent reason to get troubadour levels for everyone in the party

>you mean when we would get mad that jew chink was refusing to let the orchestrated version of the soundtrack
[citation needed]

This has been debunked in countless threads, yet you keep bringing it up.

Whats different?

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Post game DQXI really sucks


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Is there any palce where I can read the party chapt script for V? I want to see what the other bride choices say.

Also who is the girl in pic related supposed to be? I just finished the child part and never met her. Is she Honey?

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>Is she Honey?
Yes. Nice get.

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>amazon.jp refuses to ship DQ11 Big Boy edition to American addresses
>play-asia upcharge is ludicrous, plus their shipping would be like +$30
Fugg dis :DDD

I had no idea she was this cute. Hopefully I cn run into her again as an adult and have her comment on the hero's growth or something.

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Just wait until it comes out in the west? It's actually getting released here. With Japanese voice options.

>big boy edition
Unless I'm out of the loop we aren't getting the nice collectors editions, are we?

*Runs away*

>Taking on Metal King Slimes in DQIX
>Paladin has Falcon Knife Earring
>Does assassin's stab to one
>"The Metal King Slime smoothly dodges the attack."

The Metal King Slime gets hit in the soft spot! The Metal King Slime is killed.
After a certain point it stops being fun to kill them and becomes obligatory, but it's still cool to get them. Fuck the Platinum King Jewel though.

Attached: doitfaggot.png (466x564, 485K)

>playing IX

What? Thanks to Smash we got more DQ threads than ever in the last year and I've seen plenty of people talking about the games. There's been a couple of these metal slime threads though, but I'm not sure why you'd let something like this bother you.

>Not just casuals who never play the games arguing about Smash Bros
Like 99% of the people who have been talking about Dragon Quest in the last 6 months have been anti Erdrick spammers, contrarians rushing to hate Dragon Quest because its getting popular, people parroting every outdated meme and rumor they heard about the series, resetera trying to create new controversies, etc. Before this, DQ threads were slow and rare, but they were the best on Yea Forums.

Guess the series finally got past the hump and the general audience is aware of it now. Which I'm happy the games will get more sales. But sadly, it also means we're going to see discussion turn into Final Fantasy levels of arguing, tier lists and memes.

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They had a collectors edition for DQXI on PS4. It wasn't worth it, but it existed.

shitpost started since builder 1.

i know his design isn't exactly unique, but i cant help but love him

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But user..we've always had slime threads every now and then. They were as common now but they were there.

DQ was always the best of JRPG threads though

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It's a great game, try playing it instead of parroting the opinions of faggots who didn't even play it.

Well yeah before Hero got in Smash it was pretty bad that is true. But post announcement hasn't been that bad from what I've seen besides that one loli from XI those were probably the lowest its gotten. But other than that people were asking where to start in the series because of all the different ports or people arguing over what the best/worst DQ is. I guess we'll know how much people actually are interested in the series after XI definitive edition comes out. I'd say maybe Builders 2 as well, but that's a spinoff and the Switch port isn't looking too good.

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i hate that face but it works on the metal slime

Fuck this guy.

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Those were fairies you fool

They should've added Pankraz instead of the hero desu

>It draws near
>It sees who I am
>It immediately flees.
>Just like everyone else.

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should've added Madason with Pankraz's sword


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Post below this one is supercrowned!

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Not him, but I very much remember people talking about that quite often.

>But sadly, it also means we're going to see discussion turn into Final Fantasy levels of arguing, tier lists and memes.
Never gonna happen the only people that play modern FF are normalfags that can't sit through a turn based RPG and dragon quest is never gonna go down the ARPG meme


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I think IX had a pretty good balance around metal slimes, I don’t recall a point where it felt like an obligation to kill a bunch.

*runs away*


hi fren

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People talk about it in every thread. But never provide a source backing it up. It's also easy to disprove, since we're getting the orchestrated music in DQXI and have gotten it in other games.

It's just another urban myth that won't die. Along with people claiming they declare national holidays when DQ releases in Japan and a bunch of other things.

At that point I had vocated all nine of my CAC members at least four-five times so it became a grind.

>Metal Slime A used Kafizz
>Not enough MP
You dun fucked up, bro! All I need is one hit.

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Not really no one really mentioned sugi until tranny era got involved then the DQVIII only babys chimmed in because
when literally no other game had orchestra music except VIII. The only people that didn't complain were the fans who played the older titles knowing that XI was a celebration of the series and knew we would hear alot of music from the older DQ games.

For a series that's supposedly so unpopular and unknown outside Japan, a huge swath of casuals sure know a bunch of rumors and memes for it.

>user used Wizard Ward

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Well then, why was it that Squeenix didn't put the orchestrated music in the western DQ7 and 8 3DS remakes, even though the Japanese versions had the orchestra and the original Western PS2 version of 8 had it as well?

Im bouta kafizz that pussy, know im sayin

>Along with people claiming they declare national holidays when DQ releases in Japan and a bunch of other things.
At least that kid getting the shit beat out of him on DQ3's release over in nipland was true

Because normalfags keep repeating things that have already been put to rest because they're late to the party

what the fuck did that skill even do and why did i have to use it just to unlock a class

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It increases your magic resistance, and you have to use it because fuck you.

H-he's fast!


Is five better than 4? I about to finish chapter 6 of 4 and the game is just okay. I hope 5 is better.

How about you just make the edit yourself.

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Oh, are you that guy that was in an argument in the last DQ thread with that other guy? I remember reading your post and thinking of a counter for it, but the thread died. Funny I run into you here.

I think your basic premise was that it doesn't make sense for Sugiyama to block the music in the west under the theory that he wants to prevent people from listening to the music in games and not in-concert/on CD, right? If that is you, I have a couple of counter points I'd like to go through.

1. Sugiyama could very well be aware of the west's loose morals when it comes to IP infringment and filesharing. Thus, he wants to prevent the west from having access to it as much as he can because he knows the Japs can get it from us much like the Japs help us steal their animu/manga in the form of scanlations and raws.

2. Sugiyama could, on the opposite hand, be criminally unaware of how unpopular the series is in the west, and just block it on principal under the belief that the west will love and steal his music, so he blocks it as much as he can get away with.

3. Sugiyama may not be directly involved with the process; He could be approached via his/Squenix's lawyers informing him of what games they want to make and what not to make, and he just signs away rights or says no based on the quick synopsis. This doesn't necessarily conflict with the fact that Sugiyama is a playtester of the games either, as this would just involve quick paper work.

4. He could just be a human who is inconsistent in his actions and beliefs.

>dragon quest is never gonna go down the ARPG meme
>I meant mainline tho!
They almost did it with 9 until Japan actually REEEEEE'd so hard at the first trailer they backed off.

V and III are considered the best of DQ

Will there be a DQ Heros 3? I need more games with Maribel.

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his design looks better simplified

>They almost did it with 9 until Japan actually REEEEEE'd so hard at the first trailer they backed off.
Why were they okay with 10 being an MMO, then?

I wanna see a metal slime draw Nier!

Play dragon quest swords

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>Not in Russian accent
Bro, vhat are you doing to shame family in old country?

Because they loved IX even though it was kinda an MMO and wanted more of that but in a grander scale

You start off X with a free demo and after you reach the border, you can take your character to the full game or stop right there.

Say what?

shut up, wojak is good

I actually have that. I need to bust that open. Especially for that Grade A leg gal.

But what if I want Japanese text? Pretty sure none of the english versions of DQ11 will include that among its features.

>wojak is good

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>Well then, why was it that Squeenix didn't put the orchestrated music in the western DQ7 and 8 3DS remakes
They didn't want to pay for the rights a second time. Because they expected the game wouldn't sell enough in the west (thanks to them not supporting it). They had access to the synth music and just used it again.

They used a weak excuse that there was "consistency errors" in the Japanese audio. Which isn't entirely a lie. A couple songs in the Japanese release were glitched and would repeat incorrectly. But they could have easily fixed that during the localization process. Plus, replacing all the music with synth songs is actually more effort. This leads to the more likely reasoning, that it was financial.

But no matter what the reason is, it wasn't Sugiyama "blocking" it like the people at Resetera keep trying to claim. If he had been blocking it, we wouldn't have gotten orchestrated music in Dragon Quest VIII PS2 or Dragon Quest XI on Switch. Plus, they used the orchestrated Overture in a bunch of other games. If Sugiyama was some mad racist like Resetera keeps claiming (with no source), then none of these would have happened.

And using basic logic, you can figure out how stupid it is that a Japanese guy who's major inspiration is European and American music and working directly with the London Philharmonic for two decades...being racist against white people. Right....

>NPC meme
>July, 2019
good one

Alena isn't Russian. Dialects are the biggest mistake the series ever made.

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I don't know who you're talking about. I wasn't having a discussion like that yesterday. But also, you can make dozens of other hypothetical situations. Doesn't mean any of them are true. And the people who keep making the claim that Sugiyama is blocking the music never provide any evidence.

>Alena isn't Russian

Some kid got beat up over DQ there once. Can't get any more simple then that. Even some video games make fun of it.

>And the people who keep making the claim that Sugiyama is blocking the music never provide any evidence.
B-but my boyfriends friend who's friends with the guy who makes Sugiyama's coffee said it's true! In all seriousness tranny era actually succeed in brainwashing idiots into thinking this was true.

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>Doesn't mean any of them are true.
But that doesn't mean that any of your hypothesis are true either. Then it just becomes a who-said-what contest. The problem is that your logic somewhat falls apart, while it is known that Sugiyama is apart of a group that is nationalistic in nature I actually support that choice on his part, by the way.

I mean, let me walk through this post you sent to the other user:
The flaw with this whole argument of Synth music being cheaper than licensing out the music is, generally speaking, they would still have to pay the licensing fee for the music, wouldn't they? I couldn't get away with changing the instruments to a synthesizer then putting in Master of Puppets into my game. The music is still owned by him. I don't think it was a matter of financials in this case, because creating a synth version would cost them money to actually produce THEN license out the track for use.

The middle section, I think you can defer to the post you initially replied to.

And finally, just because you can respect certain elements of a culture or other people doesn't preclude you from racism. Willing to work with talented musicians and respecting them doesn't mean you can't hate white eurotrash. Even /pol/ has a bunch of black people and gays that they respect. They're, quote, "/ourguy/".

I mean, what caused the fight though.

"lol she has a pointy hat, that makes her Russian!"- translator logic

She has no dialect in the original Japanese. Nor does she have one in many other translations like Spanish or Italian. If you think an English translation of a Japanese game is "canon" then you're as stupid as the localization team.

>100,000 EXP

Oh. Some dude wanted a copy and decided to jump a poor kid for it.

Newfag to DQ here, been playing VIII. How the fuck to do you deal with bosses that spam Dispelling Wave? I've been trying to take on Rhathorne but I can't even get past the first phase. Any recommendations on taking him on?

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Purple and green is surprisingly versatile for character designs. thanks doc

>Polygon: For the localization, were you very involved in that process, or did you primarily leave that up to the regional teams?

>YH: We were pretty involved with that process. When any of the terminology, like new character names, are presented and proposed, that’s something I like to review with the localization and the development teams.

>Hokuto Okamoto: In localizing the game from Japanese to other languages, oftentimes we receive questions with regards to things like the setting or characters, things we hadn’t necessarily thought of for the Japanese game. We discuss those aspects and provide a response to the localization team as well.

>Takeshi Uchikawa: We also take the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments or tweaks to the game if anything feels a bit off or awkward.

>YH: And also, as you know, the Western version adds voice-overs, so we worked with the localization team to determine what dialects and what accents we’d give to different characters.


lmao that is fucking great

What a fucking cunt.

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I haven't finished VIII, but bosses in the earlier games would trigger an immediate Disrupting/Dispelling Wave if you put a certain number of buffs on the party, and if you didn't, they would do it randomly instead.

Try buffing until he does it, then buffing 1 time less than that?

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Keep buffing anyway.

Yes you'll be dispelled eventually but that just means it's still one wasted turn on the boss's end.

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Have a healer. Have a healer for the healer. Defend when needed. Grind if you must, use your buffs and debuffs, mainly debuffs. Stock up on healing items, save your magic.

Im just glad Luminary is the main focus of The Hero, people pretend to suck Erdrick's dick

We already know that when Sugiyama licenses his music, he "owns" the rights to the composition. He also owns the recording of the orchestrated music, since he pays for the orchestra recording himself (for Drago nQuest I-VII, the London Philharmonic and ever since DQVIII, the New Tokyo Philharmonic).

What we don't know is the arrangement for the synth version of the music. We know that someone other than Sugiyama is hired to create the synth music. Adapting his original score to synth. After that's done, does SquareEnix own the rights to the synth rendition? Does Sugiyama still have total control of it? It is a shared thing? Does Yuji Horii get control over which game it gets put in? Does Sugiyama get a say in it? I don't know the answer to any of these questions. But considering they default to using the synth in all cases where they decide not to use the orchestrated music, and even replaced the orchestrated music in the 3DS games with synth, it makes me assume there's some kind of deal where SquareEnix doesn't have to pay again to use it. We do know they have to pay again to use the orchestrated music, for each region.

All this conjecture leads me to believe that SquareEnix is the one blocking (or choosing not to use) orchestrated music. Not Sugiyama. Is it possible Sugiyama is doing it? I guess. But it makes no logical sense, considering he prefers the orchestrated music, the west prefers the orchestrated music and we've gotten the orchestrated music on some games even the Japanese didn't get.

And when it comes to Sugiyama, like you said, he's a nationalist and not a racist. But Resetera thinks nationalism = racism. So that explains that.

The problem is that every time he dispels almost every attack he does will kill at least 1 party member. And if that attack is "unleashes all his magic" then that'll kill everyone save for a fully-healed Yangus

I probably need to grind more, get more skills, and get better gear. Just to ask, which is the preferred weapon type for the MC, swords or lances?

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I think i used a lance for awhile until i got the Metal King Sword

Oh this again...

>Japanese guy is given a bunch of proposals of dialects he isn't familiar with
>just signs off on it
It would be like if a Japanese translation team came to you and started talking about how they wanted to use Kansai dialects for a certain character, than Osakan for another. You wouldn't know the difference and you'd just say "okay, whatever you think works in your region." Then they proceed to take your character who has no dialect and is rather serious and turn them into a really bad Osakan stand up comedian. It's totally the same character, right?

Lances are good for the later skills that can net you a Metal Slime kill.

The perhaps a bit of a grind is a order. That's what I did. Besides that you can try healing and preemptive healing too.

>which is the preferred weapon type for the MC, swords or lances?
lances are really useful for the hero in general. Sword can be useful too but it only really shines with the more OP ones like Metal King sword or even the uber falcon blade

>it makes me assume there's some kind of deal where SquareEnix doesn't have to pay again to use it.
That's where it falls apart. Sugiyama owns the song, therefore they have to pay each time they put it in a new title. If Sugiyama's name is in the credits, they paid that man royalties to use his song. I defer you to the Master of Puppets example I used earlier. It is still their song. Even if they agreed to it, unless they literally sign away ALL future rights for me to reproduce that song, even if specifically for just the game, I would still have to pay them for each different version or each game. Provided that they somehow gave me the right to use it in all future copies and remakes of the game I made, then it would mean that I could put in the actual full song as I please, which means paying additional money to make a synthesized version of the track would be stupid and wasteful.

It just doesn't hold up.

>So that explains that.
Not really? That doesn't actually explain anything. Nationalism, by proxy of putting your nation ahead of others, does have inherent racism, as generally most boarders are divided by race, thus making it easy to identify other nations and their inferiority.

Not him, but are you fucking serious?
I'm sure there are multiple things that prevent that form happening, but mostly that they aren't fucking idiots. If it's been going on for so long they would've known by now, and if they didn't like it, it would've stopped.
Also I don;t think character assassination of that measure has ever happened in DQ


>It would be like if a Japanese translation team came to you and started talking about how they wanted to use Kansai dialects for a certain character, than Osakan for another.
What a cheap comparison. Russian/French/American/British sound WHOLLY separate from each other and are easy to tell apart.

I hadn't thought of that, actually. I do go nuts with Kabuff, that might be it.

Already got the Metal King Sword. 2 of them, in fact. On MC and Angelo. Should I just swap that out for a staff and put him on full support instead?

Lances are amazing for crowd control. And if I can get me a Metal Slime Lance, I could farm Metal Slimes for all I want. I just can't find where to get a Razor Wing Boomerang nor is it an Alchemy Pot recipe. I've been avoiding looking it up but I might have to do that, because I need to grind.

I'll usually have Angelo cast Multi/Fullheal every other turn, and have MC cast Omniheal when shit really gets bad. The hard part is trying to keep them alive until they can cast it. Attack priority seems random at times. And on the topic of swords, which sword is the best one? And is the Uber Miracle Sword viable? I just love the design of that thing.

Attached: MiracleSword.png (323x449, 62K)

As if we needed more evidence that this board has just become reddit's toilet

Oh god not again

No, no one mentioned him until his latest score was phoned in crap with terrible synth instruments that literally has a clause in the TOS against streaming the game to listen to the music.

Also is the sword that Eight has in Smash one you can get in the game or is that something they gave him to look cool? It just looks so different compared to the swords that the other Heroes use that I got VIII just to see it.

On a related topic, it triggered my autism that VII's protag wasn't shown to have the Sea Serpent Sabre in the FS animation. VII was my first DQ and I just love the design and story behind the sword.

Attached: DQ FS.jpg (1200x800, 160K)

>new metal slime
>beat it up
>it gets up
>it wants to join my party

Attached: smile and optimism.png (1296x833, 965K)

>mfw finished VII
> The captain never met his wife again after being thawed out by the Fire Spirit

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>but mostly that they aren't fucking idiots.
I completely disagree. When you have a team that consciously works overtime to alter the original dialogue to what we got in image related, and then thinks its acceptable for a final product, they are fucking bananas. And should never be let near another translation ever again. Thankfully, the idiot who did this left to work at Blizzard and his team no longer works on Dragon Quest translations. But the damage was done. More on that below.

>If it's been going on for so long they would've known by now,
Notice how every game since DQV, they've been gradually toning it down? This is because the translation teams that took over after Honeywood/Plus Alpha left were less enthusiastic about the dialects. Not only because they wanted to preserve the original intention of the characters, but also because it's so much extra work. Listen to some of 8-4s podcasts and they full on admit, they were "fighting with upper management to pull back on the dialects, but the management at SquareEnix of Japan kept insisting we add in more."

The management they're referring to is Noriyoshi Fujimoto. And he's the one who keeps insisting every western release forces the dialects. Going so far as saying he won't localize a game without them. But this has also led to him saying he won't localize a bunch of games because the dialects become extra work (his excuse for not localizing Dragon Quest VII 3DS for 3 years).


Anyway, the point is that the dialects have been getting toned down every new game. And the DQHeroes games are a good example. Everyone from the Honeywood era (Dragon Quest IV, V and VIII) have heavy dialects. The characters from other games have toned down or even no dialects/accents. Because the later games dialed it back on that.

Attached: badtranslation_example.png (512x384, 58K)

The Ăśber Miracle Sword is a viable endgame weapon. It's a good choice for both first and true endings of the game, but it's gonna fall behind when you are facing the harder challenges.
The sword Eight is using on Smash is in game, but it's only available after you see the first ending of the game.

Nice try faggot but my Fearow knows swift

Did you play the original version on PSX or the 3DS version? I recall in the ending animation in the 3DS version that there's a woman next to Sharkeye when they sail by Pollock's ship, pretty sure that was his wife.

On the topic, is it her child that MC's family comes from? When she became a mermaid, I thought that also meant her child would become one.

Been a while since I even touched VIII to be honest. Couldn't tell you the hands down the best sword period. I just recall only a few things. But I think the Uber Miracle sword can carry you for a while.

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Wait a sec, wasn't the original argument about how the localization was fucking it up without knowledge of the japanese studio?
If not, then excuse my autism.
Anyways, that was actually an interesting read, I didn't really know that it was being pushed by the heads at the japanese Squeenix studio. Thanks user

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>Also I don;t think character assassination of that measure has ever happened in DQ
You just posted an example of Alena. Going from a tomboy princess with no accent in the Japanese to a backwards talking Russian stereotype is a pretty big character assassination. And then you have Ludman being turned into a food meme spewing Italian, the Dragon lord being turned into Ned Flanders, the most important bosses in Dragon Quest V being turned into stuttering moronic chess memes which destroy the most impacting scene in the game, the entire Scottish debacle I listed above, Flurette being turned into a French hooker, the whole French town in Dragon Quest VII, the final boss in Dragon Quest V is a joke because they used coptic script, tons of lisping and broken text in Dragon Quest IX and many other things.

Even if you personally don't have a problem with these accents/dialects, there are a lot of people who do. About half the fanbase. And who knows how many first time players. If the translation is doing something to turn off players, even just a few, then it has failed. The only job of a translation is to make something understandable and enjoyable to the target audience. Making things more annoying to read and destroying the tone of key dramatic scenes fails both of these.

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I actually did play the 3DS version, was that really in the credits? I was kinda zoned out because Orgodemir's fight was long and tedious, must've missed it
But yeah, that confused me? She didn't have her child before going to live with Scoober, so where did the MC's family line come from?

how fast can he load my fucking tank cannon

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The original argument was some guy saying Alena should be Russian. Followed by me saying she isn't Russian in Japanese. It was just a change done for the English translation. Then the other guy posted a section of an article to make it seem like the original creator was doing the dialect changes. When in reality, he said he "worked with the localization team to determine what dialects and what accents we’d give to different characters." How can a guy who has no understanding of English or western dialects accurately pick dialects? Obviously he can't. He was just given a pitch from the localization team of what dialects they want to use and signed off on it. He also specifically singled out "voice acting." Which means he's talking about Dragon Quest VIII. Dragon Quest VIII only uses variations of English dialects and one character has some weird not quite Italian thing going on. There's no indication he signed off on the crazy Russian, Scottish, French and so on that came in later games, with no voice acting.

I think you're probably a different user in the argument. Essentially, you're arguing that accents are coming from the Japanese side now, which is the antithesis of the original user who started this.

Anyways, I'm fine with the dialects. In fact, I'm rather pro-dialects, because I think they're fun to read, especially on something as dry and textbook as the DQ series can be. I do agree they should be toned down just a bit though, just so kids can have an easier time reading through them. I doubt there are any children in this day and age who would actually ever play anything other than Fortnight.

Also 4 was fine. It's how the Scottish speak. Look at their twitter sometime. Even with my "kids should have an easier time reading it" statement, they should still be pushed and challenged.

>And the DQHeroes games are a good example.
Disagree there. The accents in Heroes are REALLY thick. They don't sound toned down at all to me.

Attached: Scottish Twitter.jpg (1200x1357, 180K)

Maybe she left it with the crew mate that found and established Estard. I recall someone mentioning that one of the Sea Serpent's crew left and found an abandoned island abundant with food and fresh water, and there's the monument behind the locked gate near the elder's house.

How I stalked some dude with an exposed nipple and stumbled upon the Zenithian Sword

I just said I wasn't him, that was my very first reply. I also didn't say I liked or disliked the dialects, I'm more neutral on them. If they're just there and don't get in the way of the story, fine, but if they start distracting me, then I get upset.
But anyways, If what you say is true, I wasn't aware characters were being changed so drastically, that's pretty shitty. But I'm gonna stop you were you say if 1 fan is turned off it's bad. I've seen plenty of translations, vidya or no, where fans get autistically angry even if what it was changed to didn't change the context of what was said. There was a thread with the Eraser from Super Mario Maker 2 in the thumbmail, and also that retarded "Nico Nico Ne" debacle that happened a while back. Don't get me started on the JoJo fanbase's initial reaction to the accents in parts 1 and 2's animes. Not everyone is going to be satisfied, It's more about pissing off the least amount of people possible

I meant DQHeroes is a good example of the massive difference between the characters in Dragon Quest IV and the others. It shows how Alena is ridiculously overdone and the others have barely any accent.

>How can a guy who has no understanding of English or western dialects accurately pick dialects? Obviously he can't. He was just given a pitch from the localization team of what dialects they want to use and signed off on it. He also specifically singled out "voice acting."
The problem with this entire argument and why it tends to fall on deaf ears is because it relies on the assumption that the creator who did pic related wouldn't have a vested interest, and ALSO because it directly contradicts a direct quote from the developers outright stating that they get asked questions about characters that cause them to think about new things. And your only support of this has been spotty conjecture.

>There's no indication he signed off on the crazy Russian, Scottish, French and so on that came in later games,
Same Polygon article. You should read it:
>Polygon: And those localization differences have been around since the beginning of the series. The first Dragon Quest game in the U.S. was written in a very distinct, Old English style. Did you have a hand in that as well or did you defer more to the localization team back then.

>[...]Yuu Miyake: [...] So thereafter, when we brought Dragon Quest VIII to the West, we reassessed the way we approach localization. It was important that the Japanese production and development teams took a larger part in the localization process to ensure that things were properly communicated.

>we reassessed the way we approach localization. It was important that the Japanese production and development teams took a larger part in the localization process to ensure that things were properly communicated.
This means that since 8, they've been working closer with localizers. That means they more than likely signed off on it.

>It shows how Alena is ridiculously overdone and the others have barely any accent.
Alena IS ridiculous even in the Japanese version. She's a really dry, transparent genki girl in the original Japanese. Even her actions, barring voice or text, are loud and obnoxious like her.

how long has it been since the last chapter?
I know it devolved into some sort of self-insert weird stuff but it was still a fun read

>the assumption that the creator who did pic related
Whoops. Forgot my picture.

For those who don't know, this is the entire script of DQ7, and Yuji Horii wrote this entirely on his own, save for like one part I think?

Attached: dragon-quest-vii[1].jpg (596x900, 47K)

>Not everyone is going to be satisfied, It's more about pissing off the least amount of people possible
But that was my point. When half the fanbase dislikes the accents and plenty of people have said "I tried to get into Dragon Quest but the cheesy dialogue turned me off." then you have a huge problem. It's not just a couple people. It's like 50% of the people who play games like IV, V and IX. Yes, the other 50% of people like the dialects. But doing something only half the audience wants sounds like a stupid decision to me...

And even overlooking this, why do they feel like they need to change it? Dragon Quest got mad popular in Japan without having dialects. Showing that the characters can stand on their own traits. Alena doesn't need to be remembered as "that Russian girl." She should be remembered as "that kick ass tomboy princess." Making all these massive character changes means they don't trust Yuji Horii's original vision. And insults the western players, telling us that we can't like a character unless they have some cheesy identifier.

>When half the fanbase dislikes
>It's like 50% of the people who play games like IV, V and IX. Yes, the other 50% of people like the dialects
[citation required]

Eight uses the Dragovian King Sword in Smash. It's a post game weapon you get from beating a post game boss, and then beating him again but harder and specifically requesting the sword, and then alchemizing it with another rare sword. It's the best sword in the game, which is what each hero uses in Smash: their best sword.

>unironicly enjoying a forced reddit meme
I remember the fist time I saw it, the the day prior (nothing) the day it first appeared (every thread is YELLING IN CAPS AND SPOUTING REDDIT SHIT POSTS)
I genuinely miss 2012 Yea Forums at this point.
Rage faces were made shit, but atleast there was new shitpost material.
Everything feels like actual bots at this point.

Attached: are you serious.gif (260x260, 1.36M)

>The problem with this entire argument and why it tends to fall on deaf ears is because it relies on the assumption that the creator who did pic related wouldn't have a vested interest
But your image is the dialogue for Dragon Quest VII. Which already got a non accent translation on the PS1. If they had a vested interest, why didn't they push for dialects on the PS1 version of the game? The reason is, they don't have a vested interest in that. The idea to push lots of dialects started with Richard Honeywood pushing really hard for it to be added to Dragon Quest VIII. Then every game after that started pushing it as well. In other words, a western translator is the one who had the vested interest. This being the same guy who did the translation for Chrono Cross, that also used heavy accents. And had a very mixed reaction from the audience.

>This means that since 8, they've been working closer with localizers.
"They" meaning Noriyoshi Fujimoto. We know he's been working with the localization teams because he's literally head of localization in SE of Japan. And there's various articles of him pushing for the accents. But there's no indication that Yuji Horii has been signing off on everything. The only confirmation we've had is he signed off on Morrie in Dragon Quest VIII, as Honeywood said it on a podcast. And from the article you're citing, we know they at least talked about other dialects in Dragon Quest VIII. Though no indication on which specific things they greenlit. Or who had the final confirmation. Game creators rarely have full control over translations.

But again, Dragon Quest VIII had the benefit of voice acting. Heavy dialects work in spoken form. They don't work as well in written form. So it's rather hard to imagine Yuji Horii signing off on that. Especially since he's had his own fair share of experimenting with dialects in Japanese. And people really hated Stella (Sandy) in Japan precisely because of her dialect.

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Mercury is poisonous and you should avoid contact

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Based on my observations on various places like here, Dragon's Den, SquareEnix main facebook page, youtube, reactions at every new DQ trailer and so on. If that's not strong enough for you, then go make a poll or something.

I am playing DQ8 with the uncensored/orchestrated patch and I am thinking in playing DQ7 after.
Is there some patch or something similar for DQ7 too?

Attached: IMG_20190701_071536704~01.jpg (4160x1664, 902K)

I do know there's an Orchestration patch for DQ7 at least. Maybe one more patch too. But I forgot.

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So is the same bullshit as 8, got it.
Thank you user, I will look into it then.

>If they had a vested interest, why didn't they push for dialects on the PS1 version of the game?
7 PS1 came out before PS2 8, which is when the team took a more vested interest in the translation. Additionally, Dragon Warrior GBC remakes (1-3), and Dragon Warrior 4 likewise have very plain translations, and this was all before 8. This is also why 7 now has a translation with dialects.
>The idea to push lots of dialects started with Richard Honeywood pushing really hard for it to be added to Dragon Quest VIII
Problem with this, even if we assume it's true (I'll need citation on this tidbit), there are MULTIPLE cases of shit being added into Western releases of games that the Japanese like and wind up adding it into their game because they like it. Ultimately, Yuji has final say on everything, meaning he either liked the character changes, or felt it didn't change the dialog at all.
>And had a very mixed reaction from the audience.
Crono Cross didn't have mixed reaction because of the accent. This is literally the first time I've ever heard someone levvy that implication towards the game bfore.

>And there's various articles of him pushing for the accents.
Sorry, I read through that article you posted before, and I didn't see anything about him heavily pushing accents or anything. Do you have some articles for this?

>Though no indication on which specific things they greenlit.
There's no counter information claiming otherwise though, and additionally they have reassessed how they address localizations, meaning they are stating they work on them.

>Game creators rarely have full control over translations.
Yuji Horii is a national treasure though. Earlier games, he might have been a nobody/rising star, but by 8, I'm pretty sure his treasure status would be highly respected by both countries.

Small TBC


Does this mean there's graphic Puff Puff?

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Yes please

just hit it man lmao

You kill it in Dragon Quest 1 by shutting the game off and playing a DQ that's actually fun.

>So it's rather hard to imagine Yuji Horii signing off on that.
>Especially since he's had his own fair share of experimenting with dialects in Japanese.
These statements don't really work well together. Writers, especially of Yuji's quality, don't tend to shrink back experimentation in their writing because of one or two failures. The instead tend to rework and redesign it until they feel like they make it work. It also shows that Yuji is in support of dialects as well, considering he willingly used it on his own.

I will grant you that he probably wasn't aware of the levels of thickness and confusion the Scotts give off just talking normally, and once he heard a few complaints about it, decided to make sure they tone it back to readable but noticeable levels.

At some point, you're going to have to admit that Alena is Russian.

>Dude, I saw like 2 posters I know complain about it on a message board.
kay. Get back to me with actual numbers, citations, or anything resembling non-anecdotal evidence, and then we can talk.

Attached: That's Nice.jpg (245x229, 34K)

She was my first fap.

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I used the Dundrasil armor until it became useless. Shame I had to give it up right before the Zwaardsrust section of Act 2.

It's 100% luck based. Yuji Horii is a renowned gambling addict. That's why there's casinos in almost every game, and he even intentionally designed DQ1 to have gambling elements in its core design, like the one-save system.

Hi bros

Attached: Dogoo.png (421x415, 118K)

Just attack lol

I'm not weeb enough to know what this means desu...

Fuck me, the casino stages made me addicted in dq6, this never happened in dq3 or dq5 surprisingly, and i ended up getting burned out and just abandoning that game entirely

>In dq11 metal slimes aren't the best monster to grind

Anyone else annoyed by this? Having to grind those lame metal hands instead just didn't feel as rewarding

>Problem with this, even if we assume it's true (I'll need citation on this tidbit), there are MULTIPLE cases of shit being added into Western releases of games that the Japanese like and wind up adding it into their game because they like it.
Yes, but we haven't seen them adding dialects or retroactively making characters like Alena Russian in the Japanese. If we went by your logic, then that would be the endorsement for the Japanese team liking it. Instead, we've seen most of the major DQ characters getting voice overs in recent years, yet their voices come out as standard Japanese. No accents or dialects. Including Alena. And even Morrie, the character Richard Honeywood specifically said he okayed the Italian dialect for, doesn't have any particular dialect or accent in the Japanese 3DS version.

When it comes to both the Morrie thing and the claim you wanted evidence for, both were said in this podcast.


>Ultimately, Yuji has final say on everything, meaning he either liked the character changes, or felt it didn't change the dialog at all.
This isn't true. We have examples of Yuji Horii not knowing a character was changed in the western translation. And even entire games he didn't know got localized. Plus, him thinking Dragon Quest VII was already released in the west at a French convention. If he's being kept in the dark about full games getting released, it's not hard to think he's also being kept in the dark abut specifics in the translation.

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What's the best way to play the entire series?
All the GBC/DS/3DS remakes?
I only played 1 and 2 for NES and 9 on DS.

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>Crono Cross didn't have mixed reaction because of the accent.
I was in high school when it released. It was a very controversial thing among the 10 or so people I hung out with, with a pretty even 50/50 split of people liking or hating it. And even some of the people who liked it ended up disliking certain characters because of their accent. I remember one guy in particular who absolutely loved Kid's dialect, but hated Marcy. Which I found very odd since Kid's is far thicker and Marcy just says dumb 90s fad words. But the point is, the dialects are not universally accepted and become divisive. Even for the people who like some of them.

And beyond my circle of friends, in the early 2000s and up to when Yea Forums started getting popular, the awareness and discussions for Chrono Cross grew. And so did the hate. Dialects being one of the most common things to bring up. I still see it brought up occasionally today. Mostly to troll that one Harle fanboy.

>Sorry, I read through that article you posted before, and I didn't see anything about him heavily pushing accents or anything. Do you have some articles for this?
It was from an article years ago. I'm trying to find it, but searching "Noriyoshi Fujimoto accents" is just bringing up stuff from 2016 or earlier. If you don't want to believe this, then fine. But the article was from back in 2013.

Considering the accents keep getting done in all games Fujimoto oversees, even when Honeywood and others are not attached, I think you could use that as some pretty strong evidence. And it's not just limited to DQ games. It's happening in FF and Mana games too.

Your final two points are assumptions. Which you called me out for previously. Not trying to be a dick, but if I have to prove everything with examples, I'm not going to let you use circumstantial evidence either. I'll fully admit that parts of my argument rely on the same thing. But again, if my points don't count because of this...

Attached: GrandmasterNizmo_BigBadEndingBoss.jpg (799x618, 91K)

>every now and again I play DQH2
>end up just grinding a few metal slimes till I'm bored
>wish I could read what it says so I could find more content

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Thankfully there's a chart for that.

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Thankfully there is you, thank you very much!

I really want to get this game just for Alena. Love how she looks in it.

Its an okay game, if you really want it get it cheap.

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This man has got trolling down to and art.

>Yes, but we haven't seen them adding dialects or retroactively making characters like Alena Russian in the Japanese.
That doesn't really mean a whole lot to me to be honest. They could have various reasons for not importing it back, especially because they did the series in Japanese for a long time and may have made a choice to continue doing that. That doesn't mean that Yuji doesn't approve of the accents/dialect, or else he probably would have put a stop to that earlier on. Here's a quote from the DQV translators:

>What was the most difficult part about localizing Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride?

>[Christopher M. Kennedy, Translation Director] Apart from all the arduous hours translating, late-night teleconferences with our overseas offices, and hot debates on just how much alliteration hit the sweet spot, it was probably having to play a fun game like Dragon Quest V and thinking of it as work.

>It also takes a good amount of effort to fully localize the game from Japanese but maintain the flavor of the original. Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii is never short of good ideas, interesting characters, or exotic locales, so it’s a challenging experience to ensure that everything gets packed in nice and neatly in all the target languages. There’s a lot of teamwork involved.

Yuji Horii is working closely with localizers and puts his stamp of approval on the changes. Alena is Russian. You're going to have to live with that no matter what unless you learn Japanese and stick to those.

Time stamp please? The interview is 1 hour long here.

>We have examples of Yuji Horii not knowing a character was changed in the western translation.
Negligence in his early days != He didn't have say in it. I would also like to point you to the above quote I posted before you make the argument that he is negligent now.

>Crono Cross
Most people, especially the big talking heads around the internet, tend to just say that it's shitty because the story doesn't make sense. Never heard a single soul complain about accents of all things.

>I think you could use that as some pretty strong evidence.
Sorry, evidence of what exactly?

>Your final two points are assumptions.
Incorrect. Direct quote for Yuji Horii getting more involved since 8 here: The stuff about him being a nobody before 1 and in the earlier days is just natural logic. He made like, what, 4-5 games that received attention at the time and favorable reviews, but not mind shattering?

Also, here's another point about Yuji Horii being considered a national treasure:
Or, if you get hung up on the word "national treasure", the Japs REALLY revere him.
>According to Ryutaro Ichimura and Yuji Horii, Dragon Quest has become popular enough that it is used as a common topic for conversation in Japan,[141] and is considered by the Japanese gaming industry as Japan's national game.[

Also, realized I forgot to post the quote for here: pastebin.com/

Being honest I don't mind the accents since they do help the DQ games feel like a journey all over the world, some games definitely should've toned it down a lot though. Having to read the text out loud to figure out what the fuck is being said is when you're going too fucking far with accents.

If you want a 100% literal translation learn Japanese.

>If you want a 100% literal translation learn Japanese.

Truth right there.

It gets stupid when localization teams are adding more work to add pointless flair and filler in dialogue/text, worse when it just adversely changes a character or event.

>Yuji Horii is working closely with localizers and puts his stamp of approval on the changes.
I know that article you just cited very well. And nothing in that article says Yuji Horii signed off on anything. I'll break it down.

>late-night teleconferences with our overseas offices
This can be anyone from SquareEnix of Japan. Most likely Noriyoshi Fujimoto who's entire job is to oversee localizations. When they call the "overseas offices" they're calling him first. He's their boss. There's a chance that they might get to talk to Horii sometimes. But this article didn't point to that.

>and hot debates on just how much alliteration hit the sweet spot
This right here is what pisses me off the most. They're full on telling you that they're altering the original content. And debating about how far they can go with it. This sounds like they have plenty of autonomy to make their own decisions. If they didn't, they'd have to call Fujimoto over every little change and nothing would ever get done.

>It also takes a good amount of effort to fully localize the game from Japanese but maintain the flavor of the original.
Again, them speaking in this way points to them making decisions themselves over what and how much to change stuff. Especially with the next line.

Attached: 1525757741312.jpg (1300x1169, 1.43M)

>tfw you like accents
>tfw you like puns
>tfw you like silly spell names

Attached: thumbs up boy.gif (320x240, 1.08M)

>Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii is never short of good ideas, interesting characters, or exotic locales, so it’s a challenging experience to ensure that everything gets packed in nice and neatly in all the target languages.
If you took this to mean Yuji Horii was putting forward the ideas of how to change stuff, that's clearly not what he's talking about. He's speaking in the general sense, that Horii has great ideas overall (referencing Dragon Quest as a whole). And now he and his team are deciding themselves how best to translate it. As that's their job.

But based on what he said in the previous line and the actual finished product we have to view, he didn't just stop with flipping the subject in a couple sentences around. He ended up changing entire pages of Ludmans dialogue to make food puns work or rewrite the dialogue of an entire town to make them all sound like hicks or give the final boss that monstrosity of text and making the final boss of the game seem like a joke character. This isn't a simple change. It's totally changing characters and the tone of the game.

>Alena is Russian. You're going to have to live with that no matter what unless you learn Japanese and stick to those.
So after all this, nothing changed. You still just default back to "well the English translation is canon no matter what the original author did." Sorry, that's not how translations work. Just like how with the FFVII remake, a bunch of stuff people thought was canon is going to be changed by a totally new translation. Aeris will become Aeirth, Cloud won't say let's mosey and so on. And that will put you in a pickle, since now you have two official translations to go on. Which one is canon? Obviously the one you personally prefer. And this right here is why a translation isn't canon. Because people like you will just arbitrarily pick one.

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I feed it Sirloin and have my Hammerman attack it with Slimeblow.

The only time I ever had issues with the accents was that fucking Diablo (Or whatever the proper name for it is) text for DQV's final boss

>trying to unlock Armamentalist in IX
Why would god do this

How do people even have issue with that? It's literally just slightly stylized text.

So you can only get the extra stuff with DQB2 if you preorder the digital version on Switch?

How exactly does one create a metal slime? I mean, wouldn't a molten metal slime make more sense?

Well I could hardly understand it without reading over twice over. Brainlet problems I know.

>Most people, especially the big talking heads around the internet, tend to just say that it's shitty because the story doesn't make sense. Never heard a single soul complain about accents of all things.
Either you haven't seen many threads like you claim or you're selectively ignoring it. It comes up in almost every Chrono Cross thread here on Yea Forums. As I said in my previous post, most often to mock Harle, to piss off the guy who spams her in every thread.

>Sorry, evidence of what exactly?
Of all the stuff you just ignored.

>Incorrect. Direct quote for Yuji Horii getting more involved since 8 here:
Half of this whole discussion has been me pointing out examples of how Yuji Horii isn't signing off on every little thing. Yet you keep defaulting back to one article where he talked about only having a partial involvement on Dragon Quest VIII, then going into the wild assumption that means he's gotten more involved on every game since. Which I already disproved above, since he didn't even know some of the games got fucking localized. How can he have worked on the localization for every game if he didn't even know some of them got localized?

Also, do you really think he signed off on decisions like removing party chat in Dragon Quest IV DS? Or releasing the weaker version of Joker 2?

>Also, here's another point about Yuji Horii being considered a national treasure:
I never said he wasn't. You were just trying to use that as some kind of evidence that he has involvement in the western translations. Which is fucking stupid. It's like saying Will Wright must have had a hand in the Japanese translation of Sim City because Americans love him! Holy hell this is getting stupid.

Attached: facepalm_pickle.png (450x338, 206K)

I want to give him a bite

It's Coptic text. Which is an actual script, not some made up thing. And god damn, I really don't want to have to explain how vital Roman letters are to reading English. Because you know, you've been trained since birth to fucking recognize them. You can't just adjust your eyes to recognize a whole different style of text to represent the same letters in five seconds.

The same exact issues come up when they throw dozens of apostrophies or made up words in some dialects. Is it understandable? Sure, if you read it slower. But if you have to think about what you're reading, then it's already fucking failed as a translation. A translation is made to be EASIER to read, not harder.

But all that aside, even if you can read it easily, it's still just a stupid idea. It kills the tone of the scene. Just like earlier in the game you're about to fight the dude who just stole your wife, all ready for this epic battle and then...he starts lisping and making a bunch of bad chess puns. What the fuck? Is this boss suppose to be a joke boss? Because the translation is coming off that way. And if the translation team couldn't understand this was a serious scene, then they shouldn't be working on a game like this. Or any fucking game.

>Most likely Noriyoshi Fujimoto who's entire job is to oversee localizations.
Conjecture, and directly contradicts Yuji here: >They're full on telling you that they're altering the original content.
Japanese can have odd idiosyncratic naming and wordplay too, especially ones that don't translate to English. There's literally nothing wrong with this. You're being over dramatic.

>This sounds like they have plenty of autonomy to make their own decisions.
Which still needs to get signed off on to approve the tone and structure.
>them speaking in this way points to them making decisions themselves over what and how much to change stuff.
And then seeking approval.

At some point, you're going to have to stop these mental gymnastics and admit that the stuff you hate is approved, signed off on, and will stay.

>He's speaking in the general sense, that Horii has great ideas overall (referencing Dragon Quest as a whole)
This is conjecture and I don't really agree with it. Yuji is not shy from doing stuff and throwing in puns and weird sound effects, like the spell names.

>This isn't a simple change. It's totally changing characters and the tone of the game.
You're being overdramatic. It literally changes so little in terms of context and characterization that this might as well be a non-issue.

>You still just default back to "well the English translation is canon no matter what the original author did."
No, the English translation is canon ESPECIALLY because of all the evidence I've presented over what the author did, IE worked with the localization team to provide ideas and feedback, including on the accents and dialects.

Sorry, friend. That IS how translations work. And they're going to stay. And I fully support them. Developers are working closer than ever with translators these days. The idea of this being a 90s 4kids snafu is out the window at this point.

Alena is Russian.

Attached: Edgeworth-shrug.gif (256x192, 35K)

>You can't just adjust your eyes to recognize a whole different style of text to represent the same letters in five seconds.
Uh, what? Are you retarded? People read just fine, even when you do shit like turn the text upside down, use wing-dings, or even use stylish caligraphy. Sorry we're not brainlets?

but why? have you even played DQ?

>It comes up in almost every Chrono Cross thread here on Yea Forums. As I said in my previous post, most often to mock Harle, to piss off the guy who spams her in every thread.
Proof? I'm not saying you're wrong. Obviously someone somewhere is going to have an autistic spasm about a particular thing, like Sonic's arm color. I'm more interested in the fact you claim it was a HUGE contentious thing. I'd also like to see proof from other places too.

>Of all the stuff you just ignored.
All you really did was stated that this guy worked for Dragon Quest localizations. You haven't proven the initial assertion you made that he's the one that REALLY pushes the localization

>has been me pointing out examples of how Yuji Horii isn't signing off on every little thing.
80% of this discussion is me posting direct quotes and actual evidence that contradicts conjecture you've posted. You haven't really done much evidence posting on your end, just speculating.

>Yet you keep defaulting back to one article where he talked about only having a partial involvement on Dragon Quest VIII
>then going into the wild assumption that means he's gotten more involved on every game since
I've posted articles that have stated that he has gotten more involved. You've posted nothing but conjecture and speculation. I think it's time you pony up and post some proof of your statements?

>Also, do you really think he signed off on decisions like removing party chat in Dragon Quest IV DS? Or releasing the weaker version of Joker 2?
Possibly. Do you have evidence that he didn't?

>You were just trying to use that as some kind of evidence that he has involvement in the western translations.
He's directly stated he has. Do you have evidence he hasn't?
>It's like saying Will Wright must have had a hand in the Japanese translation of Sim City because Americans love him!
False equivalency. Will Wright is not revered as a national treasure.

lol calm down. Don't get mad cause you're losing.

First of all, its not a whole different style of text. Its easier to fucking read than script. Maybe your brain shuts down when a font switches from Ariel to Gothic but most people can understand slightly different text styles just fine. Don't tell me you cant read this in the image either.

Secondly I really dont see how it kills the tone of the scene.
>the big bad otherworldly demon king is speaking in an otherworldly way
You might have autism if you see anything to laugh about in his speech. What was funny? When he says hes stronger than your feeble goddess? When he says the world belongs to him? When he says his
minions were just pawns to him?
Also wtf are you even talking about him having a lisp?

>Conjecture, and directly contradicts Yuji here:
>>YH: And also, as you know, the Western version adds voice-overs, so we worked with the localization team to determine what dialects and what accents we’d give to different characters.
>so we worked with the localization team
Not Yuji Horii alone, but a GROUP of people. Meaning HE DIDN'T DECIDE EVERY SINGLE THING! There;s three other producers talking in that same article, who all could have had involvement in the decision making process. We can also be referring to the localization team in SquareEnix of Japan. None of this singles out Yuji Horii as the lone person signing off on everything. It does the exact opposite.

>Japanese can have odd idiosyncratic naming and wordplay too, especially ones that don't translate to English. There's literally nothing wrong with this. You're being over dramatic.
Holy shit, I already covered this. The changes we see in Dragon Quest IV and V go well beyond just changing tenses in some sentences or altering a Japanese joke. It rewrites entire characters and locations.

>Which still needs to get signed off on to approve the tone and structure.
Not really. First of all, if anyone would be signing off on it, it would be the head of localization, Fujimoto. Not Horii. Second of all, the article you posted talks about how they, the translators, are deciding on tone and context changes themselves.

>At some point, you're going to have to stop these mental gymnastics
It only seems like mental gymnastics because you keep stretching yourself into contortions to avoid the points I'm making.

Attached: _dragon_quest_6__barbara_2_by_gengoro_akemori-da49eey.png (600x732, 596K)

I forgot the image

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>It rewrites entire characters and locations.
It literally doesn't?

>it would be the head of localization, Fujimoto. Not Horii.

>keep stretching yourself into contortions to avoid the points I'm making.

Oh, here's another article with Yuji talking about the dialects and how he approves of it:

>The Idiosyncrasies Of Language And Localization

>“Certainly, with the use of Japanese language, it makes it easy to imbue the character with just text. By the way, their dialogue is written. In the English language, it's not quite so easy to do that, maybe because the way people express themselves in English is more simple and straightforward. So I think it's a very natural thing to add that extra level of characterization through voices and I think that's a very good way of doing it.
>“My favorite character in Dragon Quest XI probably has to be Veronica. Though a lot of the team likes Sylvia, but we're not sure how to depict him in English, as it doesn't those feminine ways of speaking like in Japanese. So I imagine it will have to be done in the way he speaks and the tone as well as the accent maybe.

Vhat's matter, dahling. Vyou no like tongue of motha Russia?

Attached: Dragon Quest 4 Alena standing.jpg (754x1655, 990K)

>This is conjecture and I don't really agree with it.
Oh, the irony.

>Yuji is not shy from doing stuff and throwing in puns and weird sound effects, like the spell names.
Yes, but the way he handles puns is very different from the English translation. Also, they don't just replace puns in places where the original Japanese had a pun. If they did, I wouldn't have a problem with it. The problem is, the localization team starts ADDING in puns to places where they weren't present in the Japanese. Or changing characters names into a pun, then changing TONS of their dialogue to make the pun work. Ludman getting changed to Rodrigo Briscoletti and spouting tons of food puns as an example. Which he doesn't do in the Japanese. But I'm sure you'll just ignore this, as you already have three times.

>You're being overdramatic. It literally changes so little in terms of context and characterization that this might as well be a non-issue.
See my Ludman example. If you continue to say that's not a big change, then there's nothing more for us to discuss. You will accept literally any alteration no matter how extreme.

>No, the English translation is canon ESPECIALLY because of all the evidence I've presented over what the author did, IE worked with the localization team to provide ideas and feedback, including on the accents and dialects.
Which I disproved, but you ignored all my points and default back to the same article. Which starts the cycle over again.

Yuji Horii didn't write the story in English. There are massive alterations in the translation he doesn't have the cultural context to understand. Which means he can't sign off on them. And the translation team full on admit they made changes on their own by the very articles you posted.


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>Possibly. Do you have evidence that he didn't?
And then you demand I have to post sources for everything, while you can keep citing the same article that I've already disproven, but you keep selectively avoiding all my points related to that.

So yeah. This conversation is over.

is this just going to be the rest of the thread now

>Oh, the irony.
That's nice.

>Also, they don't just replace puns in places where the original Japanese had a pun.
They did. In the original, dry English versions of the games, where they called the "Gira" or "Frizz" spell "Blaze", and other such creative liberties. After 8 though, they began working closely with Yuji Horii directly who 100% approved of all localizations himself, wearing a red cape. He directly stated "My original intention was to make Alena Russian, but we didn't have the budget on the NES. Thank God for America".

>You will accept literally any alteration no matter how extreme.
Aliteration isn't that extreme. It's just a cheeky idiosyncracity, like adding DeGesho at the end of all your sentences in Japanese to sound like a Squird.

>Which I disproved,
I'm sorry, what post did you do that in and where was the link to your evidence?

Oh I'm dealing alright. I think I'll deal with my Russian waifu just fine. Thanks user. You cheered me up.

Attached: Chumps.jpg (736x736, 116K)

Why does Alena turn me on so much? I just want to fuck her til she cries. Is this normal?

>article that I've already disproven,
I'm sorry, where did you disprove it and what evidence did you provide to do so?

Attached: Dragon Quest 2 Moonbrooke Dog Big.jpg (800x775, 212K)

>it's just another basic script, nothing amazing about it
>the big bad otherworldly demon king is speaking in an otherworldly way
Which is it?

>You might have autism if you see anything to laugh about in his speech.
I wasn't laughing. I was facepalming. If some other game like Final Fantasy had done this, having Sephiroth start speaking with Coptic letters at the final battle, people would have been pissed. It would have been called stupid and tone breaking. But when Dragon Quest does it, you guys rush in to defend it and act like it's not big deal. And this is why it's a problem. Because some people might be trying to get into the Dragon Quest series. They reach a really stupid part like the Uptaten Towers and quit the game because of all the exaggerated ghost speak. While you are okay with it, other people won't be. And if a translation is turning people off rather than the content of the story, then it's the fault of the translation.

>people would have been pissed.
You're over exaggerating. People would have thought it was cool. Stop being a drama queer.

>ignores the whole Ludman part and only focuses on the spell names
Almost as if you know that the Ludman part I presented doesn't work with your argument.

>spoonfeed me to all the parts where you proved me wrong
>never mind how I keep ignoring it in multiple previous posts, I surely won't do it again

Female brawlers who still act feminine are the best characters. But not for rape, you disgusting loser.

Attached: 1559624990265.jpg (2110x1534, 227K)

>Almost as if you know that the Ludman part I presented doesn't work with your argument.
I frankly don't even really know what you're talking about with this one.

>never mind how I keep ignoring it in multiple previous posts
Which posts definitively prove your conjecture with evidence? I'm listening. I just must have accidentally scrolled by it. Please link them, because they surely exist, right? It would be REALLY easy to make me look stupid if you did such a thing to the people passing by and observing this conversation.

Attached: Dragon Quest 2 Moonbrooke Dog.jpg (383x408, 32K)

If you're too stupid and ignorant to understand something I fully explained, then you're not going to get the other parts where I proved you wrong. But I know you're just playing dumb to avoid the Ludman/Rodrigo part. So I'll avoid the other parts until you respond to it.

Attached: 1402815597891.jpg (1200x900, 604K)

>I fully explained, then you're not going to get the other parts where I proved you wrong
Right, and you clearly proved me wrong with scientific data or direct quotes from interviews, like I know you did! You just need to show me where I missed them. I'm getting old and my eyes need readjusting.

>But I know you're just playing dumb to avoid the Ludman/Rodrigo part
Oh, wait, are you talking about Nera's dad? . . .lol his name was Ludman? Do I even want to bother looking up what was actually changed? It sounds like they made the better choices here. Sounds like Americans once again correcting Japan's mistakes. U.S.A! U.S.A!

Recognising words based on the first and last letters along with approximate length isn't a sign of a 'strong mind', it's a sign of dyslexia. This is a fact. I thing a two or know about dyslexia.

>it's a sign of dyslexia.
No it's not. The smart thing is overexaggerated for meme status, but most fluent readers should actually be able to read that just fine.

That makes no sense at all.

>Oh, wait, are you talking about Nera's dad?
I called him Rodrigo Briscoletti multiple times, which was his name in the English translation you keep fawning over.

All you're doing is proving you didn't read most of my posts. And yet you expect me to provide you tons of sources and keep explaining things. So yeah, bye you illiterate retard.

That's not a sign of dyslexia. That's how the average person reads. They don't read every letter, they skim and find familiar patterns. But that guys image is stupid because eventually, while skimming, your eyes notice some words are not how they should be. So you slow down and start reading them more intently.

Which is exactly what happens in the bad Dragon Quest translations. Are they readable? Yes. But they're a mess and throw off the average persons ability to skim. And a lot of people either start skipping dialogue because they're impatient or slow down to read it. And slowing down to really take in something like pic related, it comes off as cheesy and unnecessary.

Attached: ith.jpg (938x706, 524K)

>I called him Rodrigo Briscoletti multiple times, which was his name in the English translation you keep fawning over.
Honestly, he was such a bit character in general, I could barely remember he actually tried to fight Bjorn until I looked up the name. It's been a hot minute since I've played V you know.

>All you're doing is proving you didn't read most of my posts.
You seem really desperate to deflect the idea that Yuji Horii would allow something you didn't like into the game. It's okay for people you like to make mistakes or do things you don't like, and it's okay for you to feel bad about them, y'know? You don't have to go away mad. You just have to admit to yourself that Alena IS Russian, and the only way to escape this cruel fate is to probably drown in some vomit. Or speak Japanese. We're all here for you user, and we love you very much.

>And yet you expect me to provide you tons of sources
I mean I expected that from the beginning honestly. I would imagine someone with a stick this large up their butt, they'd have something more to go on than "Yuji Horii MUST be an idiot! That's the only explanation for why this game I like has a thing I don't like in it!".

Attached: cvy42vehbj731[1].jpg (1200x1097, 92K)

>playing DQ VII
>reach the part where you can choose vocations
I'm already bored with the game

I'm not really in this conversation but I love that screenshot, makes me hear the voice pretty vividly as I read it

the DQ V movie looks like shit desu, the artstyle is so generic

I actually like this screenshot.

Also, it's been proven scientifically that getting people to slow down and read the sentences through tougher-to-read font makes them remember it more. So you know.

Better than that hack same-face Toriyama. Bianca looks ACTUALLY fuckable in this version. I genuinely can't fathom how marrying her could result in anything other than a game over when you can't get it up for her.

Attached: 1413506858323.png (598x452, 386K)

>You seem really desperate to deflect
He says wile deflecting.

it just looks like some dreamworks ripoff, looks like how to train your Dragon

>Also, it's been proven scientifically that getting people to slow down and read the sentences through tougher-to-read font makes them remember it more.
But you're not meant to study a game like a textbook. And if that was true, they'd write textbooks like that. But they don't, because it turns people off.

>Post several direct articles that contradict your assertions several times as you wind and snake your way through excuse after excuse
>Accuse others of deflecting
>Can't actually post evidence of why you're right that isn't you just talking out your ass.
I honestly can't tell if you're trying to play some mindgames to badger me, or if you're actually struggling this hard to, dare I say, cope?

>they'd write textbooks like that.
They are. They actually wrote an entire font specifically to do this. They didn't do this before because this is actually a recent discovery.

Here's the font:

seems like placebo desu

You can read more about it and get links to the studies here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sans_forgetica

The basic tl;dr is that because it's harder to read, you can't auto-pilot it and have to focus to read it. The study claims there was a 7% increase in retention. Not mind blowing, but interesting stuff.

I love the tsarevna's big, hard claws and her big, soft butt.

>Post several direct articles that contradict your assertions several times as you wind and snake your way through excuse after excuse
You posted two articles. I debunked many parts of them. You ignored every single thing I debunked and then just circled back to those same articles, as if repeating your point magically would make my points disappear.

>Accuse others of deflecting
You have deflected my simple request to respond to the Ludman thing five times now.

>Can't actually post evidence of why you're right that isn't you just talking out your ass.
I did post evidence. You overlooked it every time. Then you full on admitted to overlooking huge portions of my posts to avoid having to respond to my Ludman example. And now you're trying to accuse me of everything you yourself are doing, the classic deflection tactic. This is all the typical tactics the losing side of an argument uses.

Is Dragon Quest 8's dub overall good quality? I'm specifically talking about the 3DS version. I accidentally downloaded dub instead of what I thought was an undub uncensored orchestrated version. Or am I mistaken and the game doesn't have any Japanese voice acting and I'm crazy. I don't know anything out the PS2 version except that it needs a translation patch. If it's shit I'll go download another file.

DQ8'd english dub is unironically the best english dub of any japanese media i've ever heard
Its excellent
Also no there is no japanese dub its just english

>PS2 needs a translation patch
what? no it doesnt
who told you that? the game released in the west
the 3ds version just has a few bits of extra content, the ps2 version is still the better one to play imo

Thoughts on the DQ movie coming out?
Your Story looks pretty good

DQ8 is literally not worth playing without COR BLIMEY so yes play the english dub

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Remember those weird IX ads?

Yangus is good, the others range from okay to bad. But that's just my opinion. Most people don't tend to share it. Or obsess over Yangus so much that they overlook all the other secondary characters and NPCs with really hammy over acting.

If you end up not liking the voices, you can just turn them off in the menu. The original Japanese version didn't have voices so it's not like you're depriving yourself of the intended experience.

Attached: 1461994676097.jpg (640x720, 76K)

based and saved

But Angelo and Marcello are the standout performances

Fixed for you.

I really liked DQ1, played it on phone a few days ago. Does the decision at the end impact DQ2 at all?

>You posted two articles
3. With a total of about 5 quotes between them. >I debunked many parts of them
Sorry, with what evidence? Debunking means you have direct evidence that proves the article wrong, or you have evidence from the same person later on contradicting themselves. What did you post for that exactly?
>You ignored every single thing I debunked
I'm still waiting for you to prove you debunked them.
>as if repeating your point magically would make my points disappear.
Your points are conjecture and are weaker than my evidence tho.

>You have deflected my simple request to respond to the Ludman thing five times now.
Okay, let me control+F this and find out what the actual fuck you're talking about.
>And then you have Ludman being turned into a food meme spewing Italian
lolwut. How did this character assassinate someone? I don't remember too many of his lines in game, could you post them?

>I did post evidence.
Where? You keep deflecting me asking you to post it, and you're telling me I overlooked it. I've both agreed and disagreed with you at various points to get you to post these links. The only two links you ever posted in this thread have been an article which had literally, LITERALLY nothing to do with the argument you posted, then a podcast, which I don't believe you ever posted a time stamp, and then also didn't post what was relevant about them.

>Then you full on admitted to overlooking huge portions of my posts to avoid having to respond to my Ludman example.
If I can basically BTFO you at the first line in the paragraph, I don't really need to waste more time on you just over-explaining the point when you were wrong from the word go.

>This is all the typical tactics the losing side of an argument uses.
Losing side typically doesn't have evidence on their side.

Attached: Dragon Quest 4 Alena pet slimes.jpg (774x854, 308K)

I thought the whole main cast were brilliant
I also really liked some of the npcs like Emma the Maid
She is the cutest

i dont get it

>Does the decision at the end impact DQ2 at all?
If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, then no. There's no save carry over or anything like that.
If you want to know what it does:
If you say Yes to the Dragonlord's offer, he throws you back at the castle and strips away your sword and armor. I'm not sure cause I usually reset, but I think this puts the game in an unwinnable state.
Apparently, the original Japanese version used passwords instead of battery saves, so the Dragonlord would give you a password instead. If you put this in, it spits out a level 1 character with no equipment.

I think it's the dialect autist again.

>I don't remember
>I never saw it
>I don't recall
>you'll need to go back and point out everything again because I missed it
>I didn't read huge parts of your posts
>but I BTFO you on everything!

Attached: 1222207183024.jpg (550x460, 69K)

Marcello pronounces it "March-ello" in a posh british accent so idk what he means

That's pretty funny.

Go on then. Prove me wrong and link me.

Attached: Dragon Quest 3 Sage underneath shock.jpg (768x913, 426K)

>Does the decision at the end impact DQ2 at all?
Not at all. The game assumes you got the good end. The ending influences Dragon Quest Builders.

Go back and read all the posts. I wrote my arguments half a dozen times and you still "missed" them. No point in writing them all again, when you're just going to conveniently "miss" everything.

Stop being a lazy 5 year old nigger and make you garbage wojak meme yourself.

>I wrote my arguments
Yeah, I read your conjecture and debated you on that for a bit, but I wanted your E V I D E N C E. The links you posted to toooottally debunk everything I said so far and prove me 100% for sure wrong.

Where's that?

This post reads like it was written by a 13 year old. Reminds me of the posts written on miiverse.

I posted two. A podcast and an article. You ignored them. If you want them, go back and find them. Do the reading you should have done from the start.

>A podcast and an article. You ignored them.
I didn't though. I even brought them up here: >The only two links you ever posted in this thread have been an article which had literally, LITERALLY nothing to do with the argument you posted, then a podcast, which I don't believe you ever posted a time stamp, and then also didn't post what was relevant about them.

You posted the article stating that Noriyoshi Fujimoto keeps forcing the dialect, but the article you posted doesn't mention that. Here's the post you linked it in: Can you quote what part of that article was him forcing the accents?

The podcast link I still have up in the other tab, and I asked you for a timestamp for what I was supposed to listen to, which you likewise didn't provide.

Do you think you're wasting my time? I'm having fun and playing my 3DS in between posts.

Can you two autists get a room and stop?

Honestly you toughed it out through the really boring shit already. It gets better.

If I could, I wouldn't be autistic, now would I, genius?

Attached: Check out this loser.png (197x204, 102K)

Man after all this arguing with that autist, somehow you are still more retarded than him.

>don't like accents
Unironically kill yourself. Absolute troglodytes like you is why we keep getting these garbage translations. Faithful translations are not the same thing as literal translations, you strawman using nigger.

What the fuck causes this much rage in a person over a video game?
The DQ localization are some of the best, they're made by passionate people who love the series
DQ just isnt the same without the accents and it sure as shit beats garbage funimation tier american dubs where every person sounds like a Californian hipster



Go back to whatever subreddit you came from, assblasted psycho

Took this as fast as I can. Cope and seethe.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (634x434, 43K)

Smashniggers ruin everything they touch, more news at 11

>The only two links you ever posted in this thread have been an article which had literally, LITERALLY nothing to do with the argument you posted
Yes it did. You just didn't read it, like you haven't read most of my posts.

>then a podcast, which I don't believe you ever posted a time stamp
It says right on the page I linked you to:

>Richard Honeywood starts at 1:04:01.
Holy shit, are you this stupid? Or are you just so lazy you can't read two sentences on a website before you get annoyed and give up? That would explain you skipping huge portions of my posts.

...nah, it still doesn't explain it.

>and then also didn't post what was relevant about them.
It's RIGHT ABOVE THE LINK I GAVE YOU why it is relevant. You asked me for evidence. And I said:

>When it comes to both the Morrie thing and the claim you wanted evidence for, both were said in this podcast.

And then I gave you the podcast. It says right on the site when the relevant information starts. You had all the tools two hours ago. But you chose not to do it.

Okay. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you are a legit idiot who has ADHD or something. Because the only other alternative is you did read and listen to everything, realized my argument was correct on some points, and are playing this hours long game of ignorance to get the last word in or something. Well, it worked. I'm "giving up." Have fun writing another response that doesn't address any of my points and waiting for a response that won't come.

Attached: facepalm_animated.gif (300x300, 976K)

>Yes it did. You just didn't read it, like you haven't read most of my posts.
>Ctrl+F Accent: 0 Results
>Ctrl+F Dialect: 0 Results
>Ctrl+F Locali: 2 matches
>One of them says "yeah we updated it from the old script. Hope fans enjoy".
>The other is the interviewer asking about the localization
>Yes it did.
>You just didn't read it,
>Actually read it
>It never mentions anything about your point at all

>It says right on the page I linked you to:
That's the time stamp for when it starts. The time stamp for when it ends is 2 hours and 10 minutes. Meaning the interview is an hour long.

Did you post a random interview that has nothing to do with what you said in an attempt to pull out magic evidence that doesn't exist? I asked you very nicely for the time stamp.

>And then I gave you the podcast. It says right on the site when the relevant information starts.
You gave me a random podcast, then made a bold claim about a quote that doesn't exist and you expected me to waste my time sifting through it for...what reason?

>Well, it worked. I'm "giving up."
You said that 4 posts ago. I don't want you to give up, I want you to acknowledge you never posted anything relevant to the conversation.

>The DQ localization are some of the best
Even DQ fans admit stuff like Dragon Quest IV DS is horrible. And the accents ruined characters like Bianca to the point that she's one of the most hated characters in the west. Yet she's the most popular in Japan. That's how much an accent can change people's perception of a character. Furthermore, the west prefers Deborah, the bride with no accent. Interesting that...

>DQ just isnt the same without the accents
The DQ games on GBC, PS1 and many fan translations were perfectly fine. No accents. Just "straight" translations. Like Pokemon or Final Fantasy games. No one ever complained and said they needed accents added. It was only after accents started getting added with Dragon Quest VIII that people "expected" every game should have them. So something that was added 20 years into the series life, and not even done by the original author, is a requirement?

>DQ just isnt the same without the accents and it sure as shit beats garbage funimation tier american dubs where every person sounds like a Californian hipster
The accents work when it is spoken. The majority of complaining about them is for games where there's no spoken dialogue. Though I personally think the whole British voices in a fantasy game is just as overdone as your example of American dubs.

Kek, what's that from?

>Even DQ fans admit stuff like Dragon Quest IV DS is horrible
Yeah I agree with that, I have IV on mobile and its pretty ridiculous, I had a screenshot somewhere I'll try to find it, it made me laugh at how thick the accent was it was almost unreadable.
Still that's just one game. 8 and 11 have amazing localizations and I'm happy they exist.

>So something that was added 20 years into the series life, and not even done by the original author, is a requirement?
I didn't say they were a requirement I said DQ isnt the same without the accents
It adds so much character to the games

Yeah I agree, when its text it's just annoying
I'm talking about the voices specifically
>Though I personally think the whole British voices in a fantasy game is just as overdone as your example of American dubs.
I can't think of any examples outside of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, DQ8 and DQ11
XC2 was pretty bad, but the quality of the voice acting in DQ is top notch

>And the accents ruined characters like Bianca to the point that she's one of the most hated characters in the west
Just because you stopped responding to me doesn't mean I'm not going to autistically chase you down for the evidence you didn't post. How does this assassinate the character to give her a slight hick accent?
>she's one of the most hated characters in the west.
She's one of the most hated characters in the West because Party Chat makes her out to be a right cunt. I picked Bianca my first time and I highly regretted it when all of her Party Chat options talked about the haunted house or outright shaming your dead father. Accent had nothing to do with it.
Most people like her cause they're into FemDom.

>The DQ games on GBC, PS1 and many fan translations were perfectly fine.
They were dry and boring. All of the games without accents sold like shit and got worse as time went on. After accents got introduced, the games started to sell better.


Never played dragon quest, do I get the android remake of the first one?

Emulate DQ8 on ps2, I think thats the best introduction to the series
Some might disagree but thats how I got into DQ and its still my fav to this day

Yeah, that one is good.

I would recommend that one over most other versions. But if you want to go hard-mode NES, there's also a patch for the NES version called RE-Quest that takes the phone translation and slaps it in.

Attached: Dragon Quest Beginner's Guide v2.png (700x4271, 2.41M)

Souls Games
Final Fantasy XII (and a few characters in XII)
Almost every WRPG in a fantasy setting and even a lot of the SciFi ones

Hell, even the space sims are all doing it.

>every person I respond to is the boogey man I was arguing with!
Get over yourself.

>All of the games without accents sold like shit and got worse as time went on. After accents got introduced, the games started to sell better.
You're an idiot. Dragon Quest VIII and IX sold over a million because they're the only games to get fucking marketing. All the other games that featured accents went right back down to selling 300-500k, just like the GBC games. Because they got limited print runs and no marketing.

If you're trying to imply the accents improved sales, you fucking failed.

>the ps2 version is still the better one to play imo
Not unless you value graphics over everything else.
An emulated 3ds version with patches loses only in the graphics department, it flat out has more content.

>went right back down to selling 300-500k
Increasing as time went on. Though, naturally, the console games and the multiplayer games naturally did better. But even then all of the pre-accent games did way, WAY worse. 1 barely hit 500k by giving away thousands of copies in Nintendo power, whereas 2, 3, and further on had trouble ever breaking 100k, and most could barely do 50k.

Until the accents came around that is.


3DS version is piss easy compared to the PS2 version, they totally ruined the balance of the combat
The only reason to play the 3DS version is if you want the extra cutscenes with Angelo/Marcello/Dhoulmagus and the extra end game shit, the new characters are kind of useless by the time they join and overall its pretty much inferior in every other way.
PS2 has much better graphics, an emulator that actually works, better soundtrack, and its a much harder game.

>Dragon Quest
Were you dropped on your head as a child?

>Souls Games
Barely any, more than half of the people are voiced by americans
>Final Fantasy XII (and a few characters in XII)
Wtf? What characters have british accents in that?
>Almost every WRPG in a fantasy setting and even a lot of the SciFi ones
Like? Witcher 3 is the only one that comes to mind
I think you must be american because you dont realise just how many games are voiced by americans and you only notice the non-american voices

It was Sugiyama. He didn't do it for no reason because of blind nationalism but specifically because the US did a resolution about comfort women and japanese war crimes during WW2 and he got butthurt about it.

>If he had been blocking it, we wouldn't have gotten orchestrated music in Dragon Quest VIII PS2 or Dragon Quest XI on Switch
The original PS2 DQVIII release came out in 2005, the resolution happened in 2007. For later games Square Enix had Sugiyama sign different work contracts where he can't just threathen to sue them for bringing his soundtracks outside of Japan and they have the right to keep the music in their games. He decided to keep the orchestrated versions from being put in western releases of previous games because the older contracts allowed him.

DQ8 on PS2 is a very challenging game especially in the early game. You need to grind just to do the first dungeon. I remember I wiped about 3 times in a row as a kid on that first boss.

Classic Resetera faggot makes everything about right wing politics
I wish you would fuck off

>Increasing as time went on.
No. Decreasing. Joker and Swords sold the most, followed by V, then IV, then VI, then Joker 2, then Fortune Street and Rocket Slime. This is at least between 2005 and 2015. After 2015, SquareEnix started supporting the series again. Builders sold better than expected and we can't get accurate numbers for Dragon Quest XI since a lot of them are digital PC sales.

> But even then all of the pre-accent games did way, WAY worse. 1 barely hit 500k by giving away thousands of copies in Nintendo power, whereas 2, 3, and further on had trouble ever breaking 100k, and most could barely do 50k.
Dragon Warrior I-IV had old English accents in them. They started it. By your logic, they should gave done better. Know why they didn't? Dragon Warrior I got marketing by Nintendo. Dragon Warrior II-IV got no marketing and limited print runs. The same exact situation as the DS games. With accents.

It's hilarious to see you try to act like an expert, only to prove you have no idea what you're talking about.

>PS2 is a very challenging game especially in the early game. You need to grind just to do the first dungeon.
>Oh no, its retarded.jpg


And you magically can't produce a source on any of those wild claims, I bet.

And we're still getting orchestrated music in Dragon Quest XI. So your entire theory is shot.


Dragon Quest II, VI and VII are hard for the average gamer. Not for Dragon Quest fans who know the games well. But that can be said for almost any core fanbase of a series. When saying something is hard, people usually mean for the general consumer, not the fans.

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Record yourself beating the first dungeon without stopping to grind even once and I'll give you 50 bucks

I found 4 to be pretty challenging if you dont grind too
Where did the "DQ is easy" meme come from? The only game I felt was disappointingly easy was 11.

Hoooo boy

Hoooooo boy

Prepare to shit bricks.

I'm not from Resetera and didn't mention anything about the shitty american political war you obsess over, you fucking idiot. It's a fact that many japanese figureheads and politicians still refuse to this day to admit japanese war crimes and Sugiyama has had connections to nationalist japanese groups.

The wikipedia articles I posted have all the sources you need linked inside. And I already said we get orchestrated music for newer releases because Squeenix has since made him sign contracts that don't allow him to pull this shit again.

>It's a fact that many japanese figureheads and politicians still refuse to this day to admit japanese war crimes and Sugiyama has had connections to nationalist japanese groups.
Its the official stance of the government, ShinzĹŤ Abe is one of the people who denies these allegations.
Why is it controversial to stand by your country? Who are Americans to say what did or didn't happen? Maybe we should ask the Americans why they gave clemency to actual Japanese war criminals in exchange for their human experiments research in Unit 731?

>followed by V, then IV, then VI
You're right, I did have that backwards, but the games are each selling an east 1.4 million according to vgsales. And it even turns out that DQ1 sold 1 million through Nintendo power! Oh, but wait, all those games had accents.

Lets look at the non-accented games
>DQ2 NES: 150k
>DQ3 NES: 95k
>DQ4 NES: 80k

That's gonna be a hard no for me, senpai.

>Dragon Warrior I-IV had old English accents in them.
Actually, shitposting aside, 3 and 4 dropped them.

>Dragon Warrior I got marketing by Nintendo
I know that. I legit thought you were that autist I was arguing with. I was trying to rile him up again. Either you're an interjector, or I had you pegged wrong. My apologies.

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Define the rules and then give me your email address.

If you collect all the free items you are given in the house in the starting city, you have more than enough gear and medical herbs to tide you over. Then, along the way, you fight enough enemies to get you to level 4 before going into the cave. And more enemies in the cave. Then, in the cave you find a shield and a copper sword. All of this is more than enough to fight Geyser.

The only real issue is that, while traveling to and into the cave, you learn Heal at level 3. And you won't have any MP to use it. So it would be smart after hitting level 5 or so to go back to town and refresh your MP. However, it's not a requirement if you picked up all those free medical herbs or bought some at the store.

When it comes to fighting Geyser, the best strategy is actually to have Yangus heal while hero attacks, though you'd think it should be the other way around. This is because Hero can't be cursed so he can keep attacking. Yangus also has more HP so he can go more turns without needing a heal.

It is possible to beat the Waterfall Cave without grinding or going back to town. Though really, why do people obsess over the start of the game so much? You're not suppose to b-line it right to the cave. You're suppose to explore the big open world a little. Go climb the hill to the east of the Waterfall Cave and find the cheese master. Then do his quest. And you'll get tons of EXP plus cheese items that can own Geyser. Dragon Quest is about exploration, not rushing to the next story point.

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Start the game at Farebury and run straight to the dungeon without stopping to grind
Upload it to youtube

what's the draw to this series? they all look like dragon ball characters, is that "it" ??

I found Geyser pretty much impossible without grinding to buy a boomerang

Define "grinding" first. Grinding to me means I start running around in circles on the overworld specifically just to fight monsters. I don't want you to be a pussy bitch and tell me I can't fight anything cause "hurr gaining xp = grinding".

Comfy traditional rpg's that dont come with shitty business practices.
They stick to a formula and they release polished games with 100~ hours of content.

>but the games are each selling an east 1.4 million according to vgsales.
>worldwide sales instead of sales outside of Japan
>And it even turns out that DQ1 sold 1 million through Nintendo power!
>nevermind, I was just shitposting

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Playing DQ XI, I reaaaaaaaaaaally wish he had SOME personality. At least facial expressions could be more versatile.
Meet Gemma in Act 2 and he does absolutely nothing. I was expecting him to run up to her and hug her or something.
Instead it was just disappointing.
And in many other scenarios as well.

Grinding is stopping and running in circles to get more encounters yes

I'll stop posting when I'm damn good well and ready.

Give me your email. I wanna make a quick $50.

Welcome to DQ heroes being stoic autists
I really wished they would allow them to be more expressive

But boomerang isn't good against bosses. The free copper sword you get is better. Boomerangs are great...for mobs. Saves you lots of MP and medical herbs by killing things faster. But then you switch to the sword when you reach the boss.

I knew that coming into the series but still, even the tree sequence at the end of Act 1 would have been GREATLY improved by SOME FUCKING REACTIONS

I'm not posting my email on Yea Forums lmfao

Dragon Quest VIII hero is the one who has the reactions and personality. I wish they had done the same for the Luminary, but there's kind of a plot point as to why he's a blank slate. You'll find out later.

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Make a burner. What are you? Chicken?

I wanna fuck Jade

It's even weirder considering in the child sequences he talks all the time.
So I hope it's some "big bad guy stole emotions" or somethinig becasue otherwise it logically won't fly.

That's disgusting, you pig.

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Actually was going to say that
Eight is an absolute Chad at the end of the game

>Why is it controversial to stand by your country? Who are Americans to say what did or didn't happen?
Have your parents dropped you on your head when you were a toddler? I have nowhere in my posts made political claims about politics or criticized your precious political ideology, you nigger monkey subhuman, I am posting literal documented facts that prove that Sugiyama is indeed a japanese old-school japanese nationalist who got butthurt over well documented war crimes that every other nation recognizes and decided to make his works exclusive to his country whenever the contract allows it.
You act like I'm trying to make any statement like "kill all whites" or " fuck nazis just for posting factual shit that backs my claims, stop looking for persecutory boogeymen everywhere as an excuse to push inflammatory political discussion with your holier-than-thou attitude, you turdbrained bimbo.

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It was a good experience!

Just upload it to youtube or some other hosting site and link it m8

You need to Reset back to your Era.

>well documented war crimes
Then why does Japan deny them?

nice video game discussion lmao

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Not him, but it's more beneficial to your countries internal solidarity to gloss over warcrimes and other things your country was responsible for.

Based speedreader
Why are you so angry when I didnt get mad at you? I just asked a question
Those sources about Sugiyama are from the 1980's lol, they're like 35 years old
Nowhere does it say he fucks over the west because he has some vested hatred for Americans because of Japanese War Crimes
All he did was sign on to a protest (along with Shinzo Abe by the way) in the 80's about Nanking being overblown American propaganda (because it likely is but thats a whole other argument)
That was a looong time ago and I dont think it has jack shit to do with Square Enix's localization decisions, why would he even have power over that? Is he an executive producer?

Wait, what?

Haven't beat Calasmos yet, too lazy and waiting for switch version

Its also beneficial for the USA to drum up controversy to force a foreign power to adopt American ways of life and government
I wouldnt trust the CIA as far as you can throw them

Keep buffing. He can only attack once or twice and dispelling eats one of his turns.


She should have stayed dead

We should just pretend that this never happened.

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Anti-Localization cucks blown the fuck out

Play my game

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>tfw no loli nude mod for Veronica

God, I wish Madason was playablein Smash instead of Solo.


*a art

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*an art

I would mention the big news about a certain dragon quest game but it seems you fags would just ruin it

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>Love Dragon Warrior 4 back when I was young
>Excited about Dragon Quest 4 on DS
>Quit before the 3rd chapter
Not only did they fuck with the dialect but they also removed half of the fucking text because of party chat. DQ8 was nice and DQ5 onward toned it down enough to not be as annoying to play. But DQ4 is so fucked that it should be taught on how to never do a localization. So much so I rather just play the NES version still over the DS/mobile version.


based, resetrannies seething

Sage butt

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It's also really fucking slow and annoying to read as an ESL

What kind of party do I make for the first run in DQ 3,on Android? Jesters seems like good sages? Do I want the speed of martial or strength of warriors? What do I make of my priest?

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not a single post mentioned smash until you posted
maybe you are the smash fag?

Bianca is hot in that new movie and I want to fuck her

>but it seems you fags would just ruin it
But that's the point of coming here

Have you played DQ3 before? Because if it's your first time playing it I would advise against using a Jester. They are so annoying to use they might as well just be there to take a hit. And best to use them on a second run.

Tell me faggot


8's sword looks a tad out of place because it goes with the Dragovian set, which, at least on the PS2, was the only set which changed 8's model

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That fucking derpy smile gets me every time


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No, first time. I just want to scrap together a decent party, that will survive the post game. Sage is my favorite looking DQ vocation, so I want her to be optional. U prefer though but having duplicate classes

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Good thing multi-hit attacks are generally good anyways, don’t even have to change strategies.

Did I just pick a bad one? I started playing IV I think a while ago and dropped it because it was so boring. I didn't like wandering around looking for the kids, the combat was really dry and the accents grated on me

>I mean, wouldn't a molten metal slime make more sense?
You mean like a liquid metal slime?

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I mean you easily get a item that turn one character into a Sage so you don't have to worry about missing out on that. Jester just allows you an extra one and as I said because maybe 1/3 of the time they do something useless it's not worth the hassle. If you want a decent party at the start
Cleric -> Sage
Magic is nice but a team of mainly attackers are much more useful. Hero gets enough spells to be a backup healer when needed.

Liquid...metal? Colonel what's going on?

It's called metally you shitter