Risk of Rain 2

Is this game worth buying if you don't have any friends?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=how to forward my ports

no, now someone host ror1

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I got 50 hours in only playing with Yea Forums before i got bored of it and i don't usually play games more than 10-20 hours so i'd say it's worth it
If you CAN wait though i'd say wait until the game gets out of early access so you can get the full experience from the get-go

Anyone know where I can torrent Oblivion?

Will anyone join if I host this time

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I'll take that as a no

i have 90 hours and about five of those are from multiplayer

If~5 hours of entertainment is worth $20 to you, then yes! It is a fun game for a short bit.

It's worth it.

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>is risk of rain 2 worth it after malachite was introduced

definitely not, game is unplayable until malachite is nerfed or removed

host when

Just stack guillotines.

it's pretty boring even with friends

Alright, what did the latest patch nerf this time? Were people having too much fun with Rex or something?

Yes. But you don't need friends to play with Yea Forums.

It was bug fixes. Nothing was nerfed.

the problem is they appear far too early. I often see them before I see an overloading worm. if they didn't start spawning until 2 hours in I'd be ok with it.

>mfw i've played it for 110 hours

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I took a break for nearly two months and I barely played this update

gonna put in some big hours when the game gets out of early access

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I've had a few hour long runs and I've only seen them once

ROR2 NA East
We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship

Yes. Absolutely. Probably the best third person shooter I've played in a long time.
My biggest gripe is that there's no endgame yet. That and the performance gradually becomes more terrible on each updates.


don't be afraid, no fire boys here

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pls host

there's one spot open

explain, couldn't try the update yet

3/4 Compadres

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give steam recs and i'll host


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wouldn't it be fun if there was a new elite type that was a massive bullet sponge and also wickedly powerful, with an extra AoE attack, and it also applies a status effect that blocks healing

sounds super fun, right?

come on kids, we have candy!

Risk of Rain 1 on PC or Switch?

ror1 is a buggy mess. enjoy your crashes.


Risk of Rain 1 is dead. Deal with it.


PC. Imagine playing with only 4 players lmao.

eh hard maybe. I've had hella fun doing runs solo and wrecking everything, listening to music without having to worry about pinging items for teammates they'd be better on, or waiting for that one guy to spend 10 minutes running to that one chest after beating teleporter boss. Most fun I've had is def with the lads tho

>playing with others
Other than my brother, I'd be too anxious to play online and jeopardize a run. Is loot shared in RoR1 like it is in 2?


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how do i fix FATAL ERROR in RoR1?

pls join

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There is a gay ass option to do so, but no one turns it on.

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Uninstall and buy RoR2.


It's fun

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Merc here, what the fuck just happened.

rip host

Pshh that's nothing

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Do you just never turn risk of rain off and leave it running minimized?

Thats 143 years user


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Please understand, math WAS NEVER my strong suit

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RoR 2 trannies everybody

I just had a surprisingly good game where
I, Mul-T, got 5 crit glasses, Predatory Instincts, Opinions, Scythe, Rack and Leach seeds.
Just blitzing at things and killing everything with flying skulls.
Meanwhile, the commando was somehow rekting shit while using transcendence.
And the Huntress picked up two shards of glass and a couple of Topaz and infinite speed, was unkillable till she stopped moving and died instantly.

I let the team down in that game though, the new elite type kept fucking my healing and I had no speed items so I died first on the last three maps, twice before getting to the boss.


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lmgtfy.com/?q=how to forward my ports

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wtf is a rec

I'm pretty sure he means recommend him a steam game.

Threadly reminder that Artificer is FAT

>no comma denoting 1,000
Guess observation wasn't either.

holy shit the dumb motherfuckers you see on Yea Forums

>Doing it yourself

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>finally unlock another character in ror1
>sad hes not in ror2

It feels really nice and different playing 1. I missed out on the hype and lobbies back when it came out, even though I bought it then. I'll never forgive myself for playing other games instead

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risky 1 never dies

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ded game
ded thread

what items do you pick up first on ror1 when you play a melee survivor?


>no risky1 host
looks dead to me

Paul's goat hoof or guardian's heart

Most of my play time is solo so I'd say it's still pretty great even without friends
I do have friends to play it with but most of the time I actually prefer solo
mostly because my friends are niggers and buy out all the items for themselves despite being shit at the game and die first anyways
Get a mod that lets you set custom player scaling and play with 2 or 3 player scaling for maximum solo fun

Your first white should be a hoof or two, always


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I just wanna game with friends but no host

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>friends are niggers
get better friends user. having common courtesy to not just yoink items is the least they can do.

many people will leave games running to inflate their hours, user.

some do it for shilling purposes, others to look like weirdos (pictured)

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Risky 1 host WHEN

Have fun getting wurmed on stage 1 and 2, I’ll be hugging my ropes

Alright FUCK.

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Tooth if multi
Barbed Wire

>item sharing

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it wasn't a question you dumb onahole

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I enjoy playing RoR2 solo more than I do with others. As someone with ~4000 hours in Dota, I'm well aware of how teammates you don't gel with can ruin a match, but it seems amplified in Risk of Rain. Whereas a bad team in Dota is more of a slow burn, taking upwards of half an hour before the dissonance really starts to show, a bad team in Risk of Rain shows pretty much immediately. Bad doesn't necessarily mean bad at the game, but does include it. Anything from being slow to taking too many items to dying to stupid shit, etc. etc. etc. I much prefer knowing that if I lose a run solo, it was almost always my own mistake entirely. It also helps that the run ends instantly when you die solo, meanwhile you have to wait minutes before the next stage starts in multiplayer. Like, imagine playing Binding of Isaac in multiplayer with three random fucks from Yea Forums. It'd be nightmarish.


>needing items to live

>forever connecting


try again

>As someone with ~4000 hours in Dota

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It's fun.

Still no worky


You forgot to say that also when killed they spawn a flying urchin enemie that shoots at you.

does that mean i have to do something on my end?

No, you can't join while the game is in progress. Wait until we all die to join.

>Like, imagine playing Binding of Isaac in multiplayer with three random fucks from Yea Forums.
Assuming everyone can choose their own paths through the stages instead of being confined to the same room like the local co-op, that actually sounds like it could be fun. Too bad Edmund and Nicalis won't ever do it.

I shouldn't have to forward my ports or w/e for joining a game right?

t. complete fucking ror1 mp virgin

no, only hosts need to forward their ports

Is performance worse after the update? My fps keeps dropping below 60 on stage 2

Thanks user


thanks host

no prob

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at what stage do you stop searching defensive stuff and clovers? on RoR 1

No, she's buff. Stronger than sticky bombs.
What am I doing? I don't even know how to draw.

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When the team has 8 in total
The only defensive item you’ll ever need is one guardian heart

>What am I doing? I don't even know how to draw.
dude its easy just scribble some colors on a piece of paper lmao


this is really fun

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It's great
I put like 40 hours in before the june update, and paid 20$ for the two copies
you'll easily get your money's worth even in quickplay and singleplayer
i wasn't that into ror1 but it was good, ror2 really hits my gspot

open again

user, that's pretty good
Keep at it man

>ror1 with 5 players
ror2 and hotpoo btfo

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I swear to god either I keep getting shit rolls or this hotfix stealth nerfed engi/buffed boss hp, I can't even loop on monsoon anymore, it feels like I'm doing no fucking damage

pirate it, digital distribution should not be paid for

Moonson is bugged/buffed on last patch it's just too stupid now



>mfw I’m at 230

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he cute and carrying us though

ror2 host i swear to fuck

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>HUGELY popular steam title
>not on sale during summer sale

Why, valve?

Is gamepad best way to play? RoR1

it's the only way user

Lol no, I don't wanna remap keys for every character I play. I use WASD and UIOP with J for boxes and H for oranges

based acridbro

Valve doesn't decide the sales, the owner of the game does.


My hands cramp on the keyboard so that's good to know

I'm nowhere even near the level to understand what you just said. I just might want to play with some bros this weekend

You guys are the bros btw. I don't have any friends kek


On my way.

>Tfw you regularly play RoR1 with your bf inbetween fucking him.

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>Open for two minutes

Didn't know that, thank you

haha, get fucked x)

Jealous. I wish I had someone near by to play video games with

Lemme know when wipe.

Gonna guess Gearbox said "no", since they're the publisher. Which was fucking retarded, given it's those assholes fault the patch took so long to come out and the update happened on the same fucking day the sale started.

no barracks

controller or keyboard for RoR1???


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i know people who do kb, i do controller but i'll have to switch since mine is dying.


keyboard, custom keybinds



What binds? I've been on kb for awhile but wanna try out controller or different binds

abilities are ZXCV I think, I use UIOP and WASD

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closed, thanks for playin
join here. Oh and FUCK RoR 2

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thanks host (thanks host)

thanks for hosting

fuck you

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I had a good amount of fun with it, but it gets kinda old to replay over and over imo. That's my issue with all enemy wave games though.



Have chex

its okay

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come back acridbro!!!!!

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>actual faggot miner
giving a bad rep to honest coal workers like myself

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open 1 slot



RoR2, get in here
monsoon ofc

Full in only 4 minutes, or did you fuck up?

Killing 500 elites is kind of a gigantic fucking slog, what's the best way to go about it? I've been trying it on monsoon, but latest patch just makes everything a damage sponge, and it takes fucking forever to get anywhere. I've only got 125+/500 in 40 hours; should I stick to rainstorm and rush for endgame, do the same but on drizzle, or just cheat in the achievement

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Play Arti, stack guillotines. Use ice wall.

>stack guillotines
that's the achievement that unlocks guillotine

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Play online with someone who's already unlocked them.

He can't stack guillotines since that's how you unlock them.
Best way to kill many many elites is to just looping a whole lot.
Eventually every other enemy is elite so it shouldn't take more than a few games.

I suppose if he went online with friends who had the unlock he could use your method though and randos usually have most unlocks too.

dead game

ded thread

alive thread

whitedude is the new acridbro



>play Huntress
>obtain GotD and Fuel cell
>the Tonic must flow


one more time, had to leave real quick before anyone joined cause i needed to do something

Crashed, open.


>already killed thousands of elites
>didn't count cause it was before the update

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Who is the best in the lobby????


I don't have the tonic unlocked because I haven't seen a gold shrine once since the update dropped


tonic isn't locked you dummy

OPEN 8/10



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>tonic isn't locked
>"Spinel Tonic is unlocked through the "Cosmic Explorer" challenge (Discover and enter three unique portals)."

That's odd, mine was unlocked already when I started up the new patch for the first time.

cute af

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Fuck me Rex is garbage, we lost sniper to this?

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But user you dont understand
Rex is UNIQUE and NOT a human with gun
Therefor he is GOOD and better than sniper and bandit and whatever other generic human losers

thanks for hosting

GG, thanks for hosting. Good night negros.

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They wouldn't fucking die.

Sniper would have been infinitely better than this. Devs have obviously lost the plot.

Hes just a shitty Kog'mor

thanks wh*te boi

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thanks for taking care of me guys

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ggs lads
beep boop fuck the worms

>Devs have obviously lost the plot.
so mod the game to your liking instead of crying like a little bitch on a korean butterfly research forum
oh right, you won't. you can't and you never will do it cause you're a lazy fuck

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>RoR1 engi missiles got replaced by a shitty plant robot spit attack


t. poopoo

replace those shitty, useless mines but don't add something like homing missles, thats boring
t. bitch made faggot

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Ah yes, the missiles we only needed because engi's shit mobility stopped him from fighting flying enemies without it. Let's bring those into the game with free aim. Not like they slowed the game and made engi clunky because otherwise he'd be bottom tier.

Any intrepid anons wanna help me test Glass and Command later?

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How later is later?

I'm eating so 20 or 25 minutes.
Glass balances it out rather well. It's fun to play 2 like RoR1

any chance the items could be arranged in a way that doesn't require scrolling? Or maybe somehow make the scrolling faster,



Extract the contents of this zip in the same directory where your RoR2.exe is. Included is Banditplus, so if you want to play as Rex, go inside BepinEx>Plugins>delete banditplus.dll
Tell me if you can't join, because then I probably know what's wrong.
I'm not the author, but this is fun enough where I'd like to host this regularly. Problem is there are some bugs, and if I can get them consistently I can inform the author.

>get a bunch of gestures of the drowned and a few fuel cells with the Royal Capacitor
>cool down gets low enough that I can indefinitely and fire off lightning at nearly the highest spam rate for it

Actually how I got Deicide.

Should I cheat for lunar coins? I got all the challenges at this point and I'm not seeing much of a point to grinding for them for alter runs.

>Should I cheat for lunar coins?
There was a lot of stigma against it, but everyone's in agreement that the current lunar coin system is ass so who cares.

>>get a bunch of gestures of the drowned and a few fuel cells with the Royal Capacitor
i love how it's been totally OP since day 1 and the only change was a gesture nerf

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btw obviously ignore Infusion, Ceremonial Dagger, N'hukana's Opinion.

>placing Rex's flower under a clay dunestrider as it goes into its healing phase
>deal damage to everything and get free health to supply his artillery
This character might honestly be too powerful

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Rex shitters have no idea his power.

4/4 closed.

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Yep that was pretty much my run right there but with the mercenary.

Mercenary and the Artificer are the only classes I'm finding myself running at this point.

I play everyone but commando and merc because I suck at merc
LOVE artificer now though. hover was such a good idea

Harpoon missiles were bad because they weren't fun lol. Engineer should be able to move before he gets 3 feathers you smooth-brained troglodyte.

Have something to clarify on rex .does killing.a mob under his ult stop the healing buff on rex?

mod is broken, no cursor to choose items and so I got locked in the chest. had to alt+f4

We're stuck in slow mo forever now

Remaking, sec.


EU hosts?

Not this guy

Vanilla NA East monsoon lobby ready


why does quickplay ALWAYS yield 3/4?


Join up

2/4 waiting for new faggots to join

Yes but friends make the experience better. Unless your friends take all the chests leaving you crippled.

We leave in 5 mins. still 2/4. Get in here.

Let me know when you die.

Nothing pisses me off more than when you're the last man standing and people are typing "give up dude it's not worth it, we're fucked" after leaving me alone to clean things up.

Quitters throw in the towel and I'm not about to pussy out.

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Did you die? Because I always find it fun to prove people wrong. Or did host leave like a bitch?

Was the Ryuuko mod updated?

Does this link work?

The only time I said this was when we were literally outmatched against a boss that was gaining health over time because of the difficulty ramping up at a faster rate than the last dude alive was dealing damage to it. I think some chucklefuck hit two mountain shrines on the first loop or something.

Yeah, I died because it was level 2 on Monsoon with no real items built up, but it's the principle of the matter.

rip crashed

Thanks for joining and helping test. Gonna report the bugs.

Oh yeah, that works, thanks!

Is this the modders official mega folder?

I have an idea of REX is power, its just no one else does and keeps killing my cluster of enemies stuck in my flower

Yep, it's going to be the go to place in case there are updates. Still check in on threads though because I might not know when things are broken and I might also make some updates to stuff.

How exactly does Rex's healing flower work? Is it healing over time or am I free to kill the enemies after they've been rooted? How many enemies does it take for it to be worth the 25% health reduction? His kit revolves around this thing and I have no clue how it works.

literally just go with a run and keep going. once you hit the "absurdity checkpoint", where everything is dying around you, just keep going as usually nothing but elites and bosses spawn. It's easy af to just stack elite kills. If you aren't interested in that, just play normally and it will eventually unlock. Just forget about it honestly

You can kill the enemies after they've been rooted and you'll still get healed, at least for now it's pretty up in the air whether this is a bug or not.
As for the amount of enemies it takes to be worth it, three minimum from my limited experience with him.

they still heal you

Round 2, completely bug free Command that actually shows items on a grid.
Extract the contents of the zip to where your RoR2.exe is located. Also included is Banditplus, which replaces Rex's slot. If you want to play Rex, navigate to BepinEx>Plugins>delete banditplus.dll

Glass included. Avoid Infusion, Ceremonial Dagger, N'hukana's Opinion.

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Anything hit by the flower gives you healing, I think you need 2 for it to be worth it on its own, 3 to be fine shooting 1 and 2 alternate
Dead enemies also give you healing so its ok to kill the trapped enemies but...
I don't want them dead, I want them alive so I can keep trapping them over and over to get mad healing so I can spam 2 at things with no risk
Hence, >its just no one else does and keeps killing my cluster of enemies stuck in my flower

Alright, it's nice to have a central place for your mods like this for when the threads stop being as active.

You were doing Rex next, right? Do you have anything you can show off already or is it still too early?

yes but when it's done


Still a bit too early. I've got to figure out how I'm going to do Kanna's head plant stuff so that it'll do the right move when Rex does the mortar attack.

Shit I fucked up, I thought we were all rejoining

user, Bandit broke the whole lobby my apologies, is there an new lobby ID?

Commando was my favorite class in RoR1, please bring him back.

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Same ID. Come on back.

Ah, I'm just surprised that you're doing Rex at all. Seems like it'd be very hard to get it working right.

We saw you couldn't get in, remade.

alright im coming user!

RoR1 host?

beep boop fuck the templars

I saw Rex had a plant on his head, so I had to try and do Kanna. Huntress and Commando are still up in the air for me. Maybe Patricia Wagon as Commando? I have an idea for Engineer and MUL-T, but MUL-T still needs a pilot character.

Did I do the right thing?

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I know rite?
I'm in the UK and I'm constantly like, why the fuck am I joining lobbies with 3 moon runes people?

This game is really great single player

I must have spent at least 40 hours kicking back in single player

Who's the comfiest singleplayer survivor?

Nvm i just got anally raped when I activated the first teleporter.