Do you play as a boy or a girl when given the chance?
Do you play as a boy or a girl when given the chance?
Male, I'm not some fag.
Man, why is shinji such a faggot?
Why do we need this thread every day? How fucking insecure is Yea Forums to care about whatever character other people pick in a video game?
boy unless they're ugly
Girl. Why do you ask?
Oh look it's this thread again
Look at him go
boy unless the sexual dimorphism gives me a smaller hitbox as female
I wonder where he is going?
hitler did nothing wrong
male if its a silent personalityless protag
female if the personality is different or if it opens up different story things in the game that male didnt have. only pick female after playing male, if at all
I'll take a dose of the gay, big penis and finna please
Yea Forums wants to encourage all the girl playing anons to come out as trans and stop lying to themselves. They actually have their best interests at heart.
Male because I relate better.
The 5th slide is the answer.
Female so I can undress them and look at them naked or in underwear
Also, no I'm not autistic so I don't project myself on to my character
i'll take blorb redpill and big penis
Boy if there's a half-decent romance system
Girl otherwise, because I enjoy looking at girls.
Depends on the game
Typically a girl in anime games, guy in non-anime games
Bl0rp and maybe Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, everything else is terrible.
big penis
finna pill
>that op
holy fucking reddit
Enjoying a cute/sexy vidya character is really, really far from having a mental illness that makes people suffer and drives them into suicide, but whatever floats your boat, good luck with your propaganda.
Death 2
Golden pill
so i can die 4 times
Go for my playstation cap. Big penis, make the biggest smug of my life and then use golden pill.
I will be the proof of sonychads always winning
>when Yea Forums talks about trannies daily
stop trying to fit in, kys and dont respond to me
Can I take the golden pill and save it until I'm on my deathbed?
>not giving the gold pill to your enemy and selling their body
I play as both equally. It's not like I'm obligated to make my own gender or anything because I'm not trying to self insert into games, I'm just creating a character.
Nah, kill yourself, you tranny trapfags are fucking cancer that get more and more annoying every day, good job forcing your shit on communities and rotting them from the inside like literal maggots, that doesn't make you any less disgusting.
Dunno but he should probably go faster if he wants to make decent time
Yeah, okay that works out better than my plan.
didnt even read your post, told you to not reply to me retard
Are the movesets the same? If yes, move to question two. If not, play the one with the moveset I like more.
Which character looks better? If the same, move to the next question.
Which character is voiced better? If the same or male, play as the male.
depends on character creation
It’s okay user, you’re among friends. If you always choose to play a female character over a male then you’re most likely a tranny in denial.
I play as a girl cause I don't want to have to fuck a guy if I come across one of those "you must have sex with the last character you played as" threads
Male because I like staring at cute guy ass
Regular, finna and Hitler because only regular does anything of that lot.
Make a old man(which is very rare custumisation in any game) on the first playthrough, after that make a girl one to see the variant of gear and often change in dialogue etc, gameplay.