What are some muscles you can workout everyday?
The transverse abdominus, for example, can be worked everyday doing stomach vacuums with great success
What other muscles are there?
What are some muscles you can workout everyday?
Fuck wrong board, Janny please delete this and don’t ban
how does one actually suck in their stomach that much?
Are those anchor arms?
Looks like one of those jigsaw puzzles where one piece never fits.
stomach vacuums. it works the inner abdominals(and/or the diaphragm) and they become stronger, obviously, which allows for more negative pressure
more like a Russian nesting doll
and them being strengthened has a mild increase on negative pressure at rest, making your stomach protrude less. but if you're fat, its not gonna help you
Nah it looks like some slink wearing those muscle arms spongebob wore
nice thread /fit/
ah, ty. I had no idea it was an exercise
It is not, it only makes you suck your gut harder, there is no other benefit but that.
Holy shit
wrong, fag. also probably helps keep your spine neutral, as most(all?) abdominal muscles do
not to mention that an exercise doesnt need a benefit other than strengthening a muscle, definitionally
This is bro science and everyone in /fit/ knows because its a topic discussed to hell and back, stomach vacuums only makes you vacuum better.
You can literally work out any muscle every day.
I’m not sure what your question is but I guess you’re asking about working out with ease.
What I’ll say is that if that’s the case you should explore why you ask that. I’d recommend anyone go to a gym or at least practice calisthenics in their home. The serotonin you get from actually working hard on your body will immeasurably improve your quality of life and your brain. Working hard and challenging yourself is one of the biggest components of a healthy life in every sense of the concept.
I’d recommend pushups and flutter kicks every morning. Track how many you can do and keep improving. Don’t do sit-ups because they’re bad on your spine. If you can get a pull-up bar please do. It’s one of the best exercises you can do. Just do negative pills until you can do one and keep the form super fucking perfect. I’m talking dead hang to chest to bar.
i dont have any peer-reviewed studies on the effect of stomach vacuums, but heres my line of thought(ill admit this makes it broscience, but over half of /fit/ is retarded dyels)
>strengthen lower back, traps, scapulae
>benefit is better posture at rest because the muscles are strengthened and have more resting tension
>strengthen the muscle involved in stomach vacuums
>the increased resting tension as referenced above give a mild negative pressure effect, which should adduct your abdominals
To add to this, working out isn’t the hard part. It’s doing it every day.
It gets easier every day, but you have to do it every day
>it gets easier
then you add more weight
you dont have to do it every day, you just have to do it consistently
im guessing he's asking about heavy lifting. 3x/week is more than enough if you have enough intensity. but what you suggested is low-intensity and better suited to a daily routine