Who was on the wrong here?

Who was on the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kid should've made sure his fly was up. Also, don't just bring flowers to a girl to ask her out. That's like third date stuff.

This kid needs some serious advice

You for not posting the edit

She applauds him for having the guts to ask, but laugh at his unkempt clothes and wilted flowers.

Post the real version you fucking faggot

wasn't he one of the homosex npc's?

>she doesn't look this hot in-game
>there will never be a sequel where she looks this hot in game
>there will never be a Saints Row-esque clone of Bully that specifically takes shit up to 11
>you will never be a big titty goth bullying everyone

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>you're the bad guy for not getting banned
you're one smart cookie huh

Which one user?

the one where his dick is out because newfags are too retarded to look stuff up

>not her dick

He needs a father who gives a fuck.

>there will never be a sequel where she looks this hot in game
While technically true with regards to that character, they are working on a sequel, and it'll be out on the next-gen consoles. They're aiming at launch, but unless they want a worse crunch than with RDR2, then they'll end up pushing it until march of 2021

>Not the one when they fuck

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>he's actually afraid of getting banned
go back

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>there will never be a Saints Row-esque clone of Bully that specifically takes shit up to 11

lol that actually sounds pretty cool. There could be a genius nerd kid to befriend who makes Jimmy Neutron tier inventions like a candy gun or rocket skates, or a greaser with a garage that you can build your own car in and illegally drive as and underage kid.

Do you guys think the weak flower symbolizes his penis?

Aren't these kids like 14? This chick has the body of a porn star.

arent her boobs bigger in this pic or am I remembering wrong?

Sadly that doesnt exist yet

Would you Yea Forumsros be willing to play as a. Female bully?

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hhhhhhhhgggggggggg step on me mommy, crush me like a little bug

Should have forget about that bird brain shank and went for someone like Beatrice

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This is the perfect female body type.

Not when her herpes is flaring up.

only if she's sexy

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The fat guy obviously. Look, clearly he likes her because of her attractive looks. Would he still like her if she were an unkempt hambeast? Dude needs to eat less, hit the gym, and THEN make an attempt at her.

Will I be able to beat people in the girl's bathroom with a didlo bat?

And also get some fucking roses in a vase, Jesus.

hey it only makes hotter friend and it's not infectious when it scabs over

She was literally breed to be a trophy wife.

>tfw no game where you play as a sexy girl and use your sexuality to groom cute boys to become more and more feminized because you tell them how happy it makes you

Can anyone reverse the pic. Make the girl real fat and the guy skinny?

You are right, she could stand to lift more often. Her quads are nearly big enough though.

Fat guy.

Not because she's hot and he's not, nothing wrong with shooting your shot.
Not because he's such an awkward looking dude, everyone deserves some love.
Not because he brought some limp ass flowers expecting her to be impressed.

But because this retard not only can't find some pants that fit, he goes up to this girl he's pining for with most of his Fupa poking out of his unbottuned, unzipped, kept-up-by-the-grace-of-his-belt pants. Not even pants. Jorts.

You just can't do that. You can't expect any sympathy from anyone if your THIS self destructive.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Better yet, make her the fat nerd.

Shit forgot picture

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who was in the wrong here?

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>tfw two girls wanted to feminize me back in 9th grade
>tfw didn't wanted because "lol i ain't no fag"
It still hurts brehs...

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That's not better for me.

The beaner of course.

probably the one getting arrested

Trick question. These are clearly cosplay lesbians enjoying some light bondage roleplay.

>fatso overstated his boundaries by trying to date a literal stacy mcroastie
>bitch doesn't possess the decency to reject fatso in a manner that isn't humiliating as fuck, probably talked shit to her friends too
both are stupid motherfuckers

Post more.

The fat kid, obviously. He has no business asking anyone out.

How do I get the confidence to ask a girl out again bros? I went on a date with this qt to see Dumbo and I thought it went great but then see said she was "too busy" to plan another. The last time I spoke to her was a month ago. I had her laughing the whole time...

Are all girls like this?

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Is it ever even specified why she's getting arrested? Is there some secret lore to this pic?

Yeah but his dad wasn't around. That's why he becomes the final bully boss.

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Just b yourself


All you can do is try again and try not to get to hung up about someone who doesn't want to continue which ultimately saves you your time in the long run

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you're probably feeling like you're overstating your boundaries but you're not
just ask her out the same way you did last time
>too busy
probably is, shouldn't stop you from checking up on her though from time to time

just fucking do it bro
you've got nothing to lose

Just need to accept that the worst that someone can really say is "no." Make an attempt at communication, don't take it too personally if it's not reciprocated, clean yourself up, and roll with the punches.

Even if you do face a few harsh rejections, it's still just a handful of people among millions.

Imagine that you are asking your friend of 10 years in a pub for a pint. Don't call it a date.
And fucking plan where to go or what do to, and no, movies is a shit tier.

I dunno
Like I said, the last time I spoke to her was a month ago over text. I told her that if she was ever free to contact me so we could go out again some time. But she never has. Even when I tried a week later just to talk to her and see how she was doing, she didn't seem particularly interested. And if she WAS, she would've tried to make an effort too, right? It seems like she just forgot about me

But we had the whole theater to ourselves and could shittalk and make fun of it. It was fun, and I had her laughing at all my shitty jokes. We even went for Frozen Yogurt afterwards where we both just talked. I thought it went well, but I guess not...

>work hires new girl, sweet and very cute
>seems to gravitate towards me for conversation, work questions, etc
>somehow, get courage to ask her out
>even more bizarrely, she agrees
>date goes very well, she kisses me goodbye afterward
>have second date, thought it went well, but she starts acting distant at work
>have to leave on work trip for two weeks, come back and coworkers start telling me girl isn't into me
>still hang out with girl occasionally
>says she likes me, but isn't "ready to be in a relationship"
>go out "as friends," for a while she always pays
>insists that she's into me, but "can't be in a relationship right now"
>eventually, she starts dating some dude
>don't talk as much anymore, stop hanging out
>few months later, end up moving out of state
>find out a day before I leave she quit unexpectedly and moved cross country with her family to get away from her (now) exbf
>several months go by, get a text message
>she moved to my old hometown, a couple of hours from where I live, and wants to know if I want to hang out and catch up next time I'm in town visiting my family
>drive down under pretense of visiting family, but really, I'm just there to see her
>ask her what brought her to my old city
>"My fiancee got a job out here"

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user, sauce.

nude mod when?

> And if she WAS, she would've tried to make an effort too, right?
See, this is the problem, quit trying to make sense of her actions. Also
>I told her to contact me
The fuck is this shit? Contact her yourself, ask what's up/what's good. If she is ignoring/saying one word bullshit - fuck outta here.
Quit being main anime character hoping that she will do everything for you.

Stop chasing women. Let them chase you, but never chase them.

Apparently the PC version uses Gamebryo. I wonder if you can make a nude mod using the CE/CK.

Movies before dinner. That way you already have something to discuss as an ice breaker.

>Let them chase you
So embrace loneliness. Got it.

that's because you waited too fucking long and mellowed down some of the attraction
>a month
but that's easily fixable, she just has to remember that night and why she had a good time
and the only thing that's going to make her remember is if you ask her out on a date again

>assuming what a woman feels
women are complicated creatures
there's no point in understanding what they want and dont want
that being said, fucking stop that mindset and go for it
you assuming the worse is only going to make it worse FOR YOU

what the fuck is wrong with her?

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Pinky was best girl. Prove me wrong.

It's from this twitter user: twitter.com/sky_freedom_

Search for him on danbooru or something.

Learn to be comfortable being alone, yes. If women aren't chasing you, then fuck it. They honestly aren't worth it. You're just being mindfucked by your hormones, anyway.

Rockstar for publishing this dreck

Did you start leaving immediately after she told you she was getting married? Because that's what I would have done.

Onee-sans are very dangerous and hunt in packs

I'm sorry, I don't have much experience with dating. Every other girl I tried either ignored me or said no. She's the first girl I ever went on a date with. My siblings (who have spouses) saw my texts, and they said they were alright. But they also tell me shit like not to respond immediately, and other crap like that. To "play the game" and let her come to me. But that clearly isn't working.

So you're saying I should try and contact her and get another date? Even though there's a whole awkward month where we last interacted?

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>Movies before dinner
Fuck you, and fuck everyone who thinks that way. That shit is gay, there is no icebreaker here.
>so, that was a movie alright. Yeah, I guess
Go somewhere new to both of you, somewhere fun and THEN go and pretend that you are not a fat pig who orders 25 bbq chicken wings combo and eats them with his hands.
If your date goes bad after the movie - well, you saw a movie.
If your date goes bad after something new - well, that a day to be remembered , because later you can say "oh yeah I was like hand painting and shit".

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>falling for the vaginal jew

I've seen this pasta before nigger.

Is Donald Trump actually that tall?

Yeah, I copied it from the archive. I'm not going to type out the entire fucking thing again, faggot.

I got rejected a few weeks ago, it's not the end of the world.
I can guarantee you not saying how you feel is 10 times worse.

>To "play the game"

That's gay. Just be legitimately too busy to respond to her in a timely manner. The reason this stupid little game works is because it makes them believe you're doing your own thing and don't have time for her stupid shit.

Just pick up more hobbies, another shift at work, leave your phone home and go on a nice, long walk or a hike. Do SOMETHING. Just be busy as fuck, all the time.


i dont like where this is going

Look, do you want to go out with her? Ask her out. There is no game, fuck all that.
Couple shit is literally just two buddies who enjoy their time together and then fuck as well. Stop treating it like some sacred secret ritual that you've never got into when you were younger and now the gates are closet.

>listening to women how to date other women
never do this shit, user
no matter who they are to you

Dangerous for my dick

Remember the "B.E. Yourself" trick

A month is a long time. Sure, shoot her a text. If she still says no then just fuck off and try with someone else.

It's just pussy, user. She isn't special. None of them are. Don't let your brain trick you.

I tried setting up the next date a few days later and she said she'd be busy till we graduated. Then when I tried after graduation, she said she'd be "busy" since the kids she babysits are out for school. I didn't wait too long. Every time I tried to get something going after that first date she stonewalled me by being "busy". I don't know, it sounded like crap at the time, but maybe it's true. She has mentioned being real busy before.

But like I said, the whole thing's got me confused. I don't even know if she actually had a good time or was just faking it to be nice and I didn't notice. I guess I am assuming the worst, but I'm scared I'll just look like a fucking idiot if I try again. Like I "didn't read the signals" or some crap. I guess I don't have a lot to lose, it's just difficult. Cant hurt try though...

Yeah same. You know what else is? Oyakodon

you did good user. Don't dilate under any circumstances

>they are working on a sequel, and it'll be out on the next-gen consoles

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Okay, I'll guess I'll try her sometime tomorrow or the day after. See if I can get things going again. Thank you for your help, user. Thank you all
I guess I just needed a little courage and direction to make a decision

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I love this shota-con onee-san shit because i was a very thin and lanky guy and my gf had fat thighs, big hips and overall meatier than me. It makes me so fucking horny thinking about it.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Also next time don't take a girl to the movies, it's a terrible idea for a date. You're supposed to go somewhere where you can talk, and get to know each other. Remember, get the girl to be interested in YOU, not in whatever activity you planned for the date. Keep your chin up and good luck.

don't let her saying she's "too busy" to stop you, my guy
you gotta take that risk if you really want to go out with her
ask her how she's doing first and if she's up to anything, then you set it up if she isn't doing shit
at some point you're going to have to confront her about what you feel
either way, don't overcomplicate bullshit and go with the way things are

also, if it's not too much, try talking to her in person
talking in person works a lot better than texting in almost all cases

godspeed user

>probably is
t. roastie
But at least she's (still) giving an excuse, instead of saying "not in the mood"

Well, the problem is that I never see her in her person. The only times I saw her before we're at school, but since that's over, so is my real life contact to her. I know where she lives (I picked her up for our date), we're actually in the same neighborhood. But I don't think showing to her doorstep would be a good idea. Be kinda creepy

In any case, thank you for your help user. The advice I've gotten here is a lot more helpful and supportive than anything my siblings ever told me.

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>find out where she lives
>knock on her window at night
>don't forget to put a flashlight to bright your face so she doesn't get scared
>"hey, let's go out"
>i'm busy???
>well you don't look busy now
Bring a phone jamming signal, you don't want random calls to interrupt your date

>Best girl barely appears and just near the end of the game.

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>there will never be another Manhunt or Bully game

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Whoever did this image at Rockstar has this fetish. It's far too correct in every way to be made by somone who isn't turned on by this.

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I need sauce on this please.

I was starring at that dude for a solid minute trying to find out what is so perfect about this him.
you were talking about OP
I think I need help

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It's not apart of any Doujin. Just art a guy on twitter makes
Name's Shnjr4545 I think

Morgan's pretty perfect too. Best SMAC faction by far.

I did the same thing but never figured out what he meant until your post popped up.


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if she already went out with you once then the hard part is over, just ask her casually if she want to hang out and go have some coffee/drinks.

He was. I mean fucking look at him, and look at her

Meeting women in RL is so fuckkng easy. So fucking easy.

1) stop giving a fuck about what they think of you
2) take a lap around the bar and talk to everyone, tell the groups of women you see “Ladies you are looking good tonight!!” Then just walk away.
3) Dance and have fun, tell other people to have fun,
4) Do another lap ask people if they are having fun tonight , remember to smile
5) Let time go by - The single women who are into you will begin to position themselves closer, strike up conversation the ice has already been broken twice, keep it light and fun, joke be silly. Ask them silly questions like “if you were stuck on a desert island and could only eat one food for the rest of your life what woukd it be?” “If you became disabled but were still able to have sex in one position for the rest of your life what would it be?”
6) the ones who are really interested ask for their number, hell in a group of 4 single girls get them all who cares remember you stop giving a fuck at 1.
7) Have good ending logistics, so it’s comfortable and easy to take one home where you are.

This resemblance is much closer than anything about that MEA asari.

Poor fool has been ara ara'd already, he hasn't even realized it fully yet.

>Dude, just have confidence LOL

Meeting women is all about confidence. Don't do what that guy said, though, that's terrible fucking advice.

I want to pin that bitch down and fuck her until she can’t walk for a week aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I need a dominant gf why is the idealized woman such a fucking PUSSY

I had a similar occurrence involving a girl and Murder on the Orient Express. She invited me inside but I said I had to run because it was late and we had already hung out plenty at her place then a restaurant and then the movie; because I figured she would be down to go on another date in a week or two. She agreed but then I threw out my neck and had to call a raincheck. I called her up again after the pain subsided and she wouldn't return my calls or texts. Eventually a mutual friend of ours (and a particularly good friend of mine who wouldn't lie to me) said she was in a weird place and sleeping with a knife by her bead. I don't know if this was some really elaborate way of turning me down o what, but that just weirded me out and made me worried that she may actually need some completely friendly emotional support. I was perplexed by the whole thing and just gave up.

Maybe I'm naive, but I still think it was legit. Too bad, she was really cute and smart.

Personally, the key revelation for mysel is that I am testing the the other person as much as I am trying to put my best foot forward for their tests. That's what a date is, a mutual test. The key that is knowing what you are looking for in a significant other and testing for it.

Name a better girl

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Miss Danvers needs more porn.

Hell yeah.

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That's some Boomer-tier advice holy fuck.


Are you mentally retarded
Boomer can mean literal Boomer

Pinky's the best girl because she only responds positively to you verbally and sexually harassing her, being nice to her just disgusts her, absolutely kino.

>nee-san slut preys on 11-12 year old boy MC
>they have unprotected sex
>somehow police find out and nee-san goes to jail for statutory rape
>MC finds out months later that she got pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl while in prison
>MC feels guilty and wants to take responsibility
>MC's parents decide to adopt the child and raise it as part of the family
>fast-forward years later and parents die in an accident leaving the now teenage MC to raise his infant daughter
>Slice-of-Life highschool shenanigans with father-daughter bonding
>MC has crush on a cute highschool girl but doesn't want her to find out about his child
>Lies and says it's his imouto
>Later on confesses that she is actually his daughter
>Girl ends up accepting it and liking him regardless
>After MC graduates highschool, the nee-san is released from prison and tries to take custody of their daughter

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Thread up for almost 3 hours and still no edit. Come on faggots you can do better than that.

>the nee-san doesnt try to retake custody of him

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Oof, if she said she's "too busy" on three separate occasions she's probably not interested
I would say the best course of action is to be honest with her, ask her directly if she is interested in you, but make sure you don't come off as a dick, be gentle about it.
At least, that's what I would do, but I'm khv, so I don't know shit

Keep us posted user.

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I tell everyone this, but we all started alone and managed to be happy alone. Its only after you convince yourself that you need a relationship to be happy that you get miserable whenever you dont have one. Also its worth noting, that someone who's happy even when they're alone, but still happy in a relationship make the best S/Os

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i have never even tried to ask a girl out in my entire life

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Who was in the wrong here?

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If I ever saw someone doing that shit IRL I'd think he's a desperate creep. And don't tell people with no confidence to suddenly grow one, they can't even fake it and not look like an asshole/child molester

A lager will take care of that. Oh wait, you're probably some bitch who still drinks Ribena with his tendies.

She better take that box cutter and go fucking ham on that bitch who stepped on her.


No she doesn't. I've got just the story for you though.

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This is some old copy pasta, thanks user these faggots fell for it again.

Wow that was an awful read
Great tits and nips on her though

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She must be doing something right to mae so many jerks angry.

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>that shit-eating grin

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Was thinking the same thing, went in wanting more bullying and instead I just got a bunch of dicks.

I thought about confronting her about everything, but every time I imagine doing so I just picture myself getting angry and blowing up at her, or her playing dumb and acting like "Well how come you never asked???" and me falling for it like an idiot. Some shit like that. Like I said, I'm new to dating, so I don't have much experience. But I'll try and see things through
I'll try, user

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>plot slut
No, i'm going only for optional waifus.

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>tfw no cute girl to tower over and belittle me for being so much shorter than her

and raping you, right?

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This game made a pretty good case for beating up nerds


What a bunch of cunts
Does she get her revenge?

Haha who cares nigga
Nobody is gonna love you more than yourself


Give her time.

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Uh oh

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>Yuuup, still got the moves

Rockstar for cancelling Bully 2.

>what's that, user? i can't hear you from down there

>still wanting a mate
>not embracing being alone and not allowing your hormones to rule you
You deserve to suffer.

14 years old look like this for 15 years now user

Oh boy, I can't wait to bully my way into cute nerds' hearts in Bully 2

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>Are all girls like this?
yup. went on an amazing date. she laughs at all my jokes, good eye contact, etc. ask her for a second date. she resoundingly says yes. never see her again


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This made my dick esplode

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I fucking love the “loser kid gets the bitchy mean girl” trope. It’s usually regulated to side characters but fuck me I love it.
>He learns to be more assertive and confident
>She becomes less shallow and learns there’s a lot more to a chad than just good looks

She's a prostitute.

The face of the dude on the wall is my face.

Bro girls do this shit to see if you have the balls to take charge and pursue them. You've successfully been filtered.

Bro Trump is 6'2 even out of his freshly polished $1700 Armani loafers.

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>giving flowers to a girl
that's a sure way to guarantee you'll never ever ever have sex with her. The only time it's maybe okay is when she's already your wife and she's grown old with dementia so she won't remember how much of a faggot you are

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women aren't complicated. A bit crazy and unstable? Maybe, but not complicated

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If Trump's 6'2, then how fucking talk is Barron? Cuz that little dude's a fucking giant for his age

is she the art teacher?

Simple doesn't mean easy.

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Baron's 13 year old.
In comparison Donald is 6'2 and his mom is 5'11 kid's NBA tier and if he wasn't as white as he is I'd say he's son of an NBA player.

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That fat kid is a cunt ingame. Underhanded and sneaky. You're not meant to feel sorry for him.

The cheerleader is a bitch too, but she does happily take it up the ass.

>13yo taller than me

ahh ahhhhhhhh

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if you change "RDR2" and "2020" variations of this post here were being posted for more than 10 years
it aint happenin chief

imagine the smell

>getting rejected by women
>not being the one rejecting women

The fat fuck for thinking anyone could ever love a fat fuck.

From her face, I'd guess DUI.


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>used to have lots of crushes on girls
>only mustered up enough courage to ask one of them out because i had more spaghetti in my pocket than the guy who goes to gamestop and sees big titty goth cashier
>get turned down
>lather rinse repeat every time i got the courage to do so
>decide to just fuck off instead and just do things like learning how the fuck digital art works and finishing my backlog of games
>nobody would ever send me a message seeing if i was doing okay and even if i did decide to send a message i'd get left on read or they'd just never read it at all
>months pass
>eventually i start seeing someone
>we ended up posting pictures together and what not the day we got together
>magically every single one who turned me down in the past starts messaging me out of the blue with shit like "haha hey remember me long time no see how u been :))"
do girls have some kind of secret flesh tether i don't know about?

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>tfw no dominant physically abusive gf
it's not fair

Girls don't want you but get mad if someone else has you
They are literally fucking broken creatures
God forgot to install the correct software when making these retarded women

>have gf for years
>move toghether a few months back
>she's starting to act super bitch at everything I do, is always out with her friends
Aah.. So it's almost time.

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>dating a girl at work
found your problem, dork.

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Based dedicated reaction poster you gave me nostalgia of better times

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I thought this artist was the same as another /ss/ artist initially.
>he did gay trapshit

Thats not Pinky

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I've never not laughed my ass off at this. I cant wait till I'm a boomer

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Most Chads are very nice due to not having to worry about protecting their ego. You may not like it but its the truth

>bully 2
>character's in college
>lives in a shitty dorm
>big campus in a locked part of the map
>got classes, missions and much more
>halfway through the game he get expelled and lives in a shitty condo in town center
>starts doing some bad stuff and become more and more like a gta character
>not allowed to drive or to kill people just like in 1
>dealing weed, stealing scooters, robbing people
>if he goes back to college guards will kick him out
>ex friends/classmates are scared of him or tell him they're disgusted
>last mission come
>you actually kill a guy
>character is forced to hide in his old dorm, which closed on the meantime because it was too shitty and they're building new ones
>characters slowly sit on his first school bed while looking at the kids outside on the new buildings
>the end

He's not fit. When ugly people do these things its always cringe. He has 3 options: become fit, find a girl that's as ulgy as him or just give up and play vidya all day in his room.

>Not giving all the single girls a firm handshake as well
Enjoy your virginity.

im so happy with the amount of bully threads ive been seeing I always remember trying to star them months ago

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What is this sad faggotry? Getting a rose from the rose nigger in your nightlife district and giving it to a chatted up girl is a sure fire way to get halfway into her vagina.

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