What is the LOST of video games?

What is the LOST of video games?

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Never played it but I feel from reading how people hated the last of the series.

Kingdom Hearts.

There isn't really a game that captures the theme of LOST. Also, LOST is a bad show. It was just hyped because JJ Abrams and there were some great moments in it. People thought that in the show there was some intricate plot with deep meaning when in fact it was really just poorly written and incoherent. That ending LMAO.

Metal Gear

Lost: Via Domus

Ruse Cruise posting

I forgot that game even existed. It was just an attempt at milking the fans for some money, the game itself is electric boogaloo.

>Hey. Rescue the president.
>Your life is a lie, your work is a simulation, you work for the deep state, and the deep state is Skynet.

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Deus Ex is kind of like that too. You think you know what you are working for but then you learn the truth.

Wasn't it just a Third Policeman deal where everyone are dead but do not realize that?

This is what everyone says and angers me because they didn't get it because it went over their heads.

To put it shortly, everything that happened in the show did happened, everyone was alive, everyone who died were dead for good, it's just that as a "reward" for making their lives shitty, one of the characters gave everyone the chance to meet again together in the afterlife whenever they died in the "main life"

Jazzpunk, probably

no one on this board is old enough to remember lost
all they remember is Loss

Death Stranding

Unironically this, it's going to be mediocre at best and Kojima will finally come out as the hack he is

I remember my dad going apeshit over the ending of Lost; I recently asked him if he dislike the ending of GoT more and he was like "I fucking hate Lost"

Somewhat interesting series with a shitty ending that ruined the entire series and its legacy forever?

Assassin's Creed

The ending of Lost was fine. It just upset brainlets who thought the events didn't actually happen.

>smooth brains thought the ending meant they were dead all along
No wonder it was panned, people are idiots.

Exactly this, a while ago i got into an argument with my mom because she kept saying that, even after i youtubed the ending and remarked the parts where it mentions everything happening, she still didn't got it.

I didn't like that the ending had nothing to do with the island. The purgatory world wasn't a result of the island everyone just met each other there and ended up in the same purgatory. It was an ending that could have been Stapled on to any show really

I was more mad that Walt got canned completely, i know about the extra episode but still.

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I watched a few seasons of Lost and liked it. Knowing that the ending sucked made me lose interest. Really liked the premise.

It's still worth it. It has some great moments, and though the ending was weak, it was only really hated through complete misunderstanding.

Season 2 and the whole Hatch thing was my favorite, i recommend you watch until then and pretend the show ends there

yeah you could think of that but mgs1 already did something like that so you are expecting the twist

The show was bad because its writers were solely focused on the next "cool twist" without actually knowing where the story would end up. The whole thing was written as if they were never thinking more than two episodes ahead.

This is why i am pretty skeptical about the whole "Cloververse" bullshit, i can expect it ending in mayor dissapointment

Literally Penumbra.