Yea Forums now hates Yakuza

>Yea Forums now hates Yakuza

What the fuck happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut up retard

I love it. It's a soap opera with samurai mindset.

The series getting ported to PC was the biggest mistake ever. All the trash that are addicted to Halo, Call of Duty, Fortnite and other fast-paced ADHD action trash flooded the community, and couldn't for the idea of them grasp the fun of a story-based game where a large part of the fun derives from humourous sidequests and mini-games.

Has any fan base ever NOT been overridden with trash after being ported to PC? Just look at how shit the Dark Souls fanbase is compared to Demon's Souls

watch your mouth young lady

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>pc only has fps
jesus , lad. at least try

Umm, no? I'm pretty sure yakuza is pretty liked here

I'm happy more people get to play these games but Yakuza threads have taken a nosedive since the PC releases, sadly. Yakuza 5's localization were peak quality threads

While you’re not exactly wrong, 0fags did far more damage than mustardcucks regarding Yakuza. The only other series I can think of that didn’t suffer is Ace Combat. Those threads are still just as comfy.

it's not my fault 0fags only like 0 but pretend to be fans of the series.

I remember the first week after Yakuza 0 was released on PC, threads on Yea Forums were all "THANKS FOR BETA TESTING", the week after that it was "lmao why is this game so shit? Yea Forums lied to me." I fucking hate mustard race faggots so much

Playing Yakuza 0 for the first time and it's great except for the shit tier face animations and face quality. Maria's face makes me nauseous at how bad it is. Also the fact that there's only like 3 animations in general for everyone outside of the MCs.

z0omerfags happened.
>inb4 z0omies start fucking crying and pouting

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People realized it was never good.
Tic toc, Yacucks

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>What the fuck happened?
It came out on PC, so Sony spergs can't brag about it anymore.

If Yea Forums hates something, 90% of the time that means it's a good game.

Demons souls is on pc already

Stop making up shit. PC fags loved 0.

>Implying that these threads didn't slowly go to shit once 0 was localized

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They literally just made so many that they saturated the market and no one gives a shit anymore. We went from GRORIOUS JAPAN MAY WE PREASE HAVE NEW YAKUZA to being unable to avoid the billion fucking yakuza games they're making with no notable improvements. They're like FIFA at this point.

>Call of Duty

are you actually fucking braindead

I played Zero when it came out on PC and absolutely loved it. Been seeing daily Yakuza threads lately and the vast majority seem to have a good time with the series.

PCfags are almost always a cancer on any fanbase, but you're still right. 0fags as a whole killed chill yakuza threads

>Yea Forums now hates Yakuza

This. Zero is a good game, but after it came out Yakuza threads on Yea Forums went completely downhill.
The fanbase in general became pretty shit, its what happens when a fanbase first rapidly expands after having been niche for awhile.

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Yakuza 0 got a lot of exposure which brought in normalfags that want everything catered to them. It happens.

Aren't Yakuza just mediocre beat'em ups a la Kenka Banchou with some extra weeb pandering thrown in?

If only the gameplay was that kino

The gameplay is that kino now that we have the technology to make it so.

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>Signed, angry console gamer

Its amazing how new people talking about your game angers you as opposed to it just being cancelled across all platforms due to lack of interest.

>lame ass QTE shit
Yeah, no.


series has BEEN garbage, stop.

>that webm
Are you baiting?

>All the trash that are addicted to *lists console franchises*

is this the power of buying the same game 9 times?

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It's one autist posting the same pastas and webms over and over again, like that guy who was obsessed with shitting on Xenoblade 2.

Majima is infinitely more interesting than Kiryu's boring faggot ass.

do you need to ask user?

The game wasn't at risk of being cancelled before coming to PC. Hell, it hasn't sold well at all on PC.

why are you yakuza "fans" incapable of talking about anything besides 0? Judgement is just came out in the west, but threads die instantly. hell, even Kiwami 2 was the same even after the PC port.

It's niche because the games are garbage. You people are fans for the story.

There is literally no way on Earth someone has ever thought "I want to play Yakuza right now. I want to beat up the same NPCs and hear the same voice clips for 3 hours while pressing two buttons."

the asscreedfag is still at it? he was shitting up the threads during the release of 6

>PCfags are almost always a cancer on any fanbase

Can you give examples? I've only seen faggots say Dark Souls but "gitgud" and "wah this game is too hard so its shit" posting was always a thing

I don't get it, I really don't. Are you criticizing PC only gamers on that they can't enjoy the game, or that they're stupid because they all play fortnite? Just seems like the ramblings of an idiot to me desu

you even yakuza 5?

it literaly has that fight

I didn't like 6

Okinawa was peak comfy. Loved the baseball minigame too.

What if I started with 0, and then did 1 and 2 on emulator before the Kiwami versions?

Yakuza is fast paced ADHD fuel though so i dont get your post. You're conflating like 10 stereotypes into one.

He's here. He's in the thread right now. It's over.

it got ported to pc, pc gamers destroy every fanbase they touch

5 > 4 > 2 >> Dead Souls > the rest
Fight me on this

How does one autismo get so O B S E S S E D with a game that doesn't even have that large of a following, even on here?

I laugh at anyone who seriously believes 2 is the best, especially storywise. Ryuji literally does 3 things in the game, everything else is forgetable aside from the gamey tiger section and the finale is embarrassing, not in a rubber bullet way but in a badly written made for tv soap opera kind. I always found it amusing people cited 2 as being the best since it was written by someone who doesn't write for games yet it manages to have worse cheese and melodrama than the entire series combined.

Thank fuck 3 scaled it back and had some decent characters again, even if the story was a bit nothing.

It got popular.

6 is really a shithole of a game. People complain about the plot, which I think is retarded. It's not any much than any other including 1 and 2. The ending is not a great sendoff though, and the new engine, the lack of content, whatever, are a shame.

5 = 0 > 4 > 2 > 1 > everything else > Kiwami dookey 1

How do I git gud at Kiwami 2? I'm just spamming giant swings and throws

>decent characters
>secret hitman twin brother
C'mon bruh. Atleast Ryuji is a plausible character, even if he does nothing

Dont forget to hold your shit down.
Also play judgment it's better than kiwami 2


I actually ordered Lost Paradise today.
Pretty excited, Yea Forumsros. I am actually going to play USA dub because I don't want to hear Kiryu's voice or delivery.

I forget about those. How good are they? Charging the light attack seems to make them hunch over and look like vomiting sometimes

Kaito is a perfect Yakuza protagonist after Kiryu, ditch Ichiban and upgrade this boy to Main Character pls.

it got popular


He's already Captain Cop though. He can't do two things at once.

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They're glorified VNs with incredibly bad writing and only OK combat. Sleeping Dogs is so superior to this entire series it's not even funny

>make best yakuza character in the series
>relegate him to the one-off Yakuza spin-off
Why can’t Japan do anything fucking right?

i find pretty embarrassing that we have posters that enjoy pop garbage like mario, doom, zelda, sonic, quake, unreal, half life, pokemon, resident evil, final fantasy instead of intellectual masterpieces like ultima, system shock ,deus ex, dwarf fortress, fallout, civilization, thief, alpha centauri.

They did this with Majima too. Yakuza devs are retarded.


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Why did they drawn in all the weirdos

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fuck boomer kiryu cant wait for a new mc

There's a Steam summer sale going on, dumbass. This happens every time the game is on sale.

I like Y0 but the length is definitely padded


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you do realize this is why nobody likes you.

>Sleeping Dogs
>better story or combat

So this is what COPE looks like.

don't give a shit,also recommend me some games to emulate

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faggot simulator 9000 for the ps2

I remember playing a pirate copy of the first one in 2006 (great times for gaming in the third world), the whole game blow my mind away. I've bought every single one since, even imported 0 and the Remaster duology from Japan. Probably the only good consistency long running japanese game series. All that said, 3 is the best one.

thanks m8
you can see its a PS title

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no one proved me wrong

just suck each other off already and call it a night

>The only other series I can think of that didn’t suffer is Ace Combat. Those threads are still just as comfy.
Completely ignoring the "HURF DURF NOT A REAL FLIGHT SIM" shitposters that oh so coincidentally popped up around the same time 7 released on PC.

Yea Forums started off hating Yazkua. Why do you think localization ceased? Nobody liked the games. Nobody bought them. The "now" is Yea Forums suddenly liking Yakuza.

>Yea Forums started off hating Yazkua
what are you talking about? the Yea Forums threads here when yakuza 5 got localized was what made me want to start playing yakuza

Yakuza 5 was not the first Yakuza game, champ. For many years and multiple Yakuza games nobody liked the franchise. It was an enormous bomb even with the weebs. Nowadays people have much lower standards.

>What the fuck happened?
PC happened
Yakuza threads were once comfy and despite the series flaws we could always have nice discussion about the games. Then 0 got ported to pc and it’s been a shitshow ever since.
Now that that’s been addressed, who here is enjoying Judgement so far? I’m about 10 hours in and only in chapter 2. Just having too much fun with side cases and mini games

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>Play Yakuza 1
>It's a mediocre beat-em-up with a garbage camera and a pants-on-head retarded story.
>Yea Forums insists that Yakuza 1 is rough around the edges, but Yakuza 2 fixed everything.
>Play Yakuza 2
>It's the same shit, but now with QTEs.

I learned my lesson to never trust game recommendations from weebs. This series is overrated as fuck here, and if you're not obsessed with "muh glorious Nippon," then Yakuza doesn't have much too offer.

Yakuza 1-3 are pretty janky and repetitive. The story is great, but they haven't aged well. Kinda like Shenmue although not nearly as badly. This is a fact Yakuzafags refuse to come to terms with, the fact that 0 is, objectively, the best game in the series also don't help.

I won't deny that the fanbase got much more annoying since 0, but holy shit are you faggots obnoxious.

Also, I forgot to mention the random encounters were annoying as fuck.

you're fucking sad and pathetic, EOP-kun
you're a secondary

t. PC bull who played 1, 2, 0, K2, Kenzan in that order, all on PC and all in Japanese

Resetera invasion

Moderation has becone as strict, game threads directed to /vg/, everything else is "not vidya" unless its a *positive thread supporting kotaku, polygon or other rightthink websites articles.

Constant hatred of japanese games, ecchi, reddit memes out the ass, love threads for undertale, dream daddy etc.

Welcome to your new Yea Forums

I'm waiting to move in to my new apartment in August to play Judgement. I'm excited, the webms posted here make it seem really fun. Any good new minigames?

Completely untrue. I got into Yakuza because of Yea Forums before 3 came out in English. Yakuza was also constantly on those "recommendation PS2 games" infographics that used to get posted a lot

It started way earlier than that, these threads have been unbearable ever since Kiwami was released and everyone suddenly starting to pretty much shit on every game besides 0, making any discussion impossible.
I pop up every now and then to see if the threads calmed down but it only gets worse and worse.
I miss that time when yakuza 3 was released and only like 5 people here cared and we could laugh and talk how ridiculous the game without sounding like baboons.

Yakuza threads officially started going down hill with 5 and Moose 0 delivered the killing blow

i think you're overblowing mods leaving positive threads supporting kotaku polygon and other rightthink websites
more than anything it's just mods are allowed to keep whatever they like up now that's why you have those fucking Yea Forums sings threads up for fucking ever

user, if there's any type of game that ADHD people are more disproportionately drawn to, it's exploration-based games

>It's another retards pretend Zero isn't the best game in the series by far because it got popular episode.

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the argument in his picture is that people who started at 0 are fags not that 0 isn't a good game you dumb fuck

weebs bfto!

>Games are shit
>Is hyped and is released on LARGEST platform in gaming
>All of the sudden everyone understands how shit games are
>PC hates anything but FPS
Saltyfaggots are the best.

I finished 2 for the first time today, and I have to say that I honestly don't know why you guys hyped up this story so much. Too much of it revolved around a romance that I found implausible (I don't believe that Kiryu would have fallen in love again when he hasn't even had a full year to process losing his best friend and childhood love in the same night), and then the ending leaned way too heavy on "ha ha fooled you they weren't actually dead."

Please explain to me why this story seems to be better liked than 1 or 0

Also I have Judgement downloading right now so I'll take recommendations on best ways to enjoy that game

it was the boost in popularity that shit on the threads, since it opened up the gates to a lot of annoying fags, and resident shitposters.

Niggas kept starting with Kiwami/0 instead of playing in release order and kept jerking off to Majima.

0 is arguably the best game in the franchise and even beats Yakuza 2, it was also the first really successful one that proceeded to gather interest in the franchise which boost up sales for Kiwami 1 and 2 and Y6.

Contrarians can't have that that their favorite niche franchise that somehow found it's way into the west is now considered mainstream.

>it was also the first really successful one
you're a fucking idiot if you think yakuza wasn't popular until 0 holy shit

I make it a point to shitpost games that get ported to PC. Maybe that'll teach you a lesson not to portbeg.

in reality it's really just salty console fans falseflagging as pc players, who we all know don't actually exist, shitting up the threads

it still isn't what I would call a popular game series

Objectively wrong

well that's because you're a brainlet the series has always been popular in japan

I thought they got most of their sales in mainland Asia

All posts in this thread are made by me btw.
I am Yea Forums'a entire yakuza fan base in one body

doesn't change the fact it's always been popular

Majima was the more interesting protag in 0

Outside of that specific context thoguh I'd say he is actually more of a prop

Imagine being this upset because the majority of people don't suck the cock of every Japanese game and scream about how Western games are inferior and Eastern games are all GOTD.

Do the later yakuza games get any grittier or darker than 0? 0 felt grittier than kiwami and kiwami 2.

It’s weird how he’s a consistently plot-relevant character in 3-5 but barely shows up in them.

kyoudais... steal his style..

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Unless you count Judgment, no.


I fucking hate Yakuza fans.

judgement is unironically better than the last 3 yakuza games put together

the only complaints i really have is that there's a lack of side content and the friend system could've been less annoying

No you fucking retard is wasn't. Yakuza 1 was a massive flop, a shitload of people didn't even knew 2 and 3 existed and 4 barely broke even, 5 was a download title for a outdated console.

So yes, fuckhead, 0 was the first commercially successful one.

yakuza has always been popular in japan you fuckhead

Yakuza threads took a hit when 0 came out even on PS4. We had threads about all throughout 2017. 0fag became a derogatory term around that time. It was when 6 was localized that it all went down the shitter. That was when the "It's okay when Japan does it!" idea really started picking up steam. When 0 came out on PC we had some discussion about it actually but that was flushed too. The PC port dabbed on the grave more than anything else.

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I talked about THE WEST you low IQ incest victim

you actualy never mentioned the west ONCE until now since you realise you're a thick fuck

Really, are you that mentally challenged.

>5 was only a download title for a outdated console
That's a death giveaway. Also it's always clear that people on that board talk about western market since this is a fucking English speaking website you low iq inbreed faggot.

we're talking about the original post i replied to not your autistic as shit reply

What did you except, applause?

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more than half of us are bodybuilders who speak japanese
you're fucking low iq if you think your opinion matters when Japan are the main userbase and we hate subs as much as dubs. fuck translations


Or just make that the default in hard mode fucking christ

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Not this

i know you're being ironic but unironically fuck translations

People outside your circlejerk actually played these shitty moviegames.

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Stop trying, retard.

It is a English speaking website, I can't give less of a fuck about the Japanese sales. Clearly Yakuza is more popular in Japan than GTA, that doesn't change the fact that Yakuza 1-3 were outright flops, 4 barely made his money back in the west and only 0 was successful because they sold it at a budget price, which boost up sales for 6 and the remakes of the first two because people wanted more Yakuza.

>his favorite Yakuza isn't 5
>he likes 0 but doesn't get any of the call backs
>couldn't appreciate 6 wrapping up Kiryus tale

just don't use them.
>inb4 the combat system is designed around them
it's not when you have shit like the colosseum and bouncer missions in K2 which restrict you from using them.

it's not my fault you're too much of a stupid fuck to follow reply chains buddy

I bought 0, K1 and K2 on pc. They're fun as shit.

>you low iq inbreed faggot.
>It is a English speaking website
>I can't give less of a fuck

can we have have perfect TOEFL scores as a requirement for dumb ESLs to post on our English speaking website

Jesus christ, are you a nigger and your mother is your sister?

>tfw you avoided the scorn of this guys hatred because the only thing you're bad at is punctuation

Those are perfectly fine sentences.

I love all yakuza games

>tfw mirin my back one night after workout I noticed my bulging triceps and back looks a lot like Kiryu except im a manlet

should I get that tattoo bros

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hey quick question for judgement, can I date multiple girls at the same time? Like is there any consequences or anything?

No you embarrassment

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>Sold for a budget price.
It was originally $60 at release, this is the only quick link I could find to show that. Kiwami was $30 because it came out so soon after 0 and they wanted to continue off of the wave 0 brought to the table, plus goodwill always helps. 6, FotNS, K2, and Judgment have all been full price. 0 and K1 only dropped to $20 a bit before the PC release of 0 because of the Playstation Hits title being attributed to both of them. Even K2 is $40 on PC after 0 and K1 were $20.

In your opinion what would improve them?

What the actual FUCK are you even talking about? Yakuza threads are perfectly fine.

I liked 6 for what it's worth, though it feels rotten that Kiryu's final mainline game was essentially a dragon engine tech demo

IMO Kiryu’s story should’ve ended in 3 either with his death or turning him into an NPC/cameo character from 4 on.

They really should have done Judgment first or let 6 have an extra year. I'm sure some of the ideas Judgment implements would have been left out but it would have been a better way to stress test everything instead of experimenting on what is Kiryu's final game. Overall I liked a lot of what 6 was pushing, even the new characters were enjoyable (Nagumo in particular), but pushing the vast majority of Kiryu's friends away in his sendoff game is really not the way it should have been handled and the combat really needed more work on it just from the respect of balancing. I don't know how grab spins got past QA when they're by far the greatest damaging thing short of Tiger Dropping.

They dont

How come I never get this many (you)'s?

I liked it when it was niche, now that is the popular among retards I just don't care anymore about it.
Yea Forumsedditors ruin everything.

CHINKED meme aside, Yakuza 6 has a good story and was a great way to send off Kiryu.

I agree with pretty much everything you said except I think Kiwami 2 had the least to lose as their Dragon Engine debut, Judgement was a brand new spin-off and 6 was the end of Kiryu's story.

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I humbly offer this (You), little match girl.

Yeah if you want to be murdered by real yakuza

Yeah, I can agree with that. While typing up that post I forgot to include they want to make Judgment its own spinoff from RGG like Black Panther was so that would have also been a high risk to do which makes sense why they took longer on it. Kiwami 2 would for sure have been the best way to test stuff and I doubt much would have been changed outside of the performance considering all they redid with K2. It might not have had equippable weapons I guess but then that means 6 could have potentially had those instead. Judgment would probably end up unaffected in the end because it most likely would have released third anyway. Still, this could have given 6 a better development cycle and more stuff to work with without hampering Kiryu's last game.

Judgment is pretty good. I honestly like Yagami better than Kiryu, who's kinda dull when not being autistic in substories.

>Playing Judment with the English voices(yeah I know)
>MFW based Crispin Freeman voices Kaito

Fuck yeah!

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>Kuroiwa can air juggle you because he has a modified Tiger style.

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They made far too many set in the same damn area we've seen for the past 7+ games. Even as a diehard fan there's only so much Kamurocho a person can handle.

i never had a playstation is the combat really different in the newer ones zero turned me off because of the combat

now that it's not PS4 exclusive, we have no reason to pretend it's good.

I just got it earlier today and agreed its good.

>MFW doing those attacks when running on the walls

That is awesome. The 2 Styles Yagami have, I swear they based them from the movie Tiger and Crane Fists since his styles are Tiger and Crane which is pretty neat.

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The combat is definitely less sophisticated/worse in the older ones but the story is better.

>play 0, my first Yakuza game
>Legend is locked until a second playthrough
>rush story on my first playthrough
>get to work on side quests on Legend
>do all the sidequests and stuff, except mini-games and completion
>beat Legend
>can't make a cleared game save
But why? I understand why you wouldn't be able to start Legend with a cleared game save, because that would defeat the point of a Legend playthrough. But for what fucking reason would they disable making a cleared save game AFTER YOU BEAT Legend?

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no clue, only 0 does that for some reason

Is there any stuff exclusive to Premium Adventure post-game, or can I get 100% completion on my last manual save in story mode?

They make dumb decisions like that from time to time.
>2 doesn't reset substories on a Premium New Game and Amon requires "Completed" rather than "Finished" on all substories meaning one mistake and a save equals you never encounter Amon on that save file.
>Kenzan wipes all your completion list data on a Premium New Game meaning you have to grind every single sword up again despite having them in your inventory.
>5 doesn't retroactively unlock the trophy for playing a Normal playthrough on Hard and you don't unlock Ex-Hard on Normal so you have to do three playthroughs.
>5 prevents you from making clear data from Premium Adventure effectively making that mode pointless to do your 100% completion on because it means never getting the rewards for your hours of work on other save files nor getting to carry any of it over.
>Ishin does the same thing.
>Ishin prevents screenshots outside of the arena and Premium Adventure effectively making it so any screenshots or videos you make have to be done by purposely avoided substories and you can't take any of the story.
>Black Panther 1 makes it so you have to choose if your clear data is going to be Premium New Game or Premium Adventure when you load it. Once you choose it's permanently in that mode and you can't create new clear data from Premium Adventure.
>BP1 also resets your completion list except for titles meaning you have to grind all the ridiculous job requirements again in a new playthrough.

Only outfits exclusive to the mode like the OG outfits for Kiryu and Majima and some other stuff. Outside of that usually the only thing locked to Premium Adventure is Haruka's friendships and certain special karaoke stuff like Hands in 6.

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My only problem so far 7 chapters in is that there has only been one really cool bossfights and the two styles don't offer as much variety as the three in 0.

Yeah pretty much.

This gay soap opera series needs to die and be replaced by Judgment and Ishin going forward

Not even diehard Yakuza fans pretend the combat is anything more than serviceable. Of course Sleeping Dogs was better. Also much more realistically written characters and doesnt suffer from Jap autism since it's a western game I think

>and the two styles don't offer as much variety as the three in 0.
You need to mix them up, I've found myself style switching far more often in this than in Kenzan, Ishin, 0, or K1. The finishers (Triangle hits) allow you to instantly swap to the other style when doing them, there's a lot more wiggle room as to how you want to work with your combos, and Tiger's charge is invaluable. You get more situational stuff tied to the styles in the other games, for sure, but then you just get very specific situations you need to find yourself in to perform them whereas here there's a good amount of stuff in both styles to work with.

Boss fights get better the further in you go, especially the final boss, though I'd argue some of them aren't that great. Some of the Higashi fights are so-so and the fight at the Matsugane HQ near the end of the game is pretty nonsensical considering you have multiple enemies that can inflict mortal wounds on you in close quarters. Koga can also go away forever, holy shit why did they allow him to happen?

Why don't they make Legendary from the start or make it an aditional challenge you can pick along with you difficulty ala "hardcore mode" in New Vegas?

I'm loving Judgment so far, since it feels like the only Yakuza game I've played that even attempts to be challenging, but it would be legitimately pretty hard with Legendary enabled.

The combat in Sleeping Dogs was shit too. It was just easier Arkham. The driving/car combat was top shelf though.

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be to not be embarrassed by the dull cringe writing in this series

>tfw started with 0 and then played the rest of the series because the games are all genuinely a good time
fuck fanbase gatekeepers you guys are the real fags

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They probably have a certain difficulty level they want to balance for and leave the harder stuff for people more experienced. Sort of like jumping into DMD right from the start (Though not to that egregious of a degree). I'm with you on them making Ex-Hard or Legend available from the start, it's annoying to not just have the best difficulty right out of the gate and you end up doing a story playthrough to get to your actual playthrough which does let you get a full appreciation for the story, but at the same time nothing you have is permanent so it's wasted at the same time and you want to stay away from side content to do it.

If anything I'd assume it's so that they get less complaints from people who chose that specific difficulty because they felt the lower ones were "Too easy for them" before running into a brick wall so to speak. It does solve that issue I guess. I mean, with Judgment they're at least sort of listening by doing quick slots, all they need to do is just prevent usage of the start menu in-battle now and we're golden.

Fuck off movie game loving faggot, enjoy your ultimate cuck protag

>grasp the fun of a story-based game
Lmao fuck off snoygoy

>surprised Yea Forums doesn't like moviegames
Not a big surprise desu
>"but you press buttons and hit people!"
Even Uncharted/TLOU are more challenging gameplay-wise and those are prime moviegames.
It's fine enjoying those kind of games but Yakuzafags tell themselves that their games are something else

>What the fuck happened?
it got popular

Remember to take your ADD pills

God I just love you deluded fucking console cockroaches. There really is nothing more pathetic than this shit.

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Imagine if terada had the mortal wound system with his machine gun

it got popular


>every thread is punctuated by countless burnt out brainless imbeciles jerking each other off discussing as to why yakuza threads are shit now
>these same people try to pretend that them playing Yakuza before 0 makes them "patrician" boomers disregarding any and all actual non-brainless analysis (because they completely misunderstand the boomer meme and old good new bad)
>every single thread it's the same subset of autistic """"""people""""""" posting the same autistic contrarian for the sake of being contrarian hot takes
>dare to mention how you like one of the later games better than the older ones
>immediately get called a z00mer
>mention how the VN-esque poorly written dialogue that keeps droning on and on doesn't add anything deep or worthwhile and only subtracts
>someone jokingly posts a pasta about 0 being the only worthwhile yakuza game to bait out retards
>immediate swarm of retards whining about muh zoomers

literally every single one of you deserves to get shot

Attached: 78c.png (832x968, 420K)

I love playing Yakuza on PC at 60fps!

D-Damn... look at how enlightened this user is...

Just gonna throw a reminder out there that I'm doing a Yea Forums sings for Rouge of Love and Judgement, game size versions. So just find a karaoke on YouTube and start rehearsing.

Yeah, like the cucksona life will change one is going so well when any thread I see can't even reach 100 posts, let alone 50.

Yeah, but the Fornite/Call of Duty/Battlefield community players usually don't have powerful enough CPUs to emulate Demon's Souls at an acceptable frame-rate.

You do realize we're not the same mixers, right?

Is this a mispelling of Rogue? What exactly is "rouge" of love and judgement supposed to mean?

I'm just telling you chances are it won't happen, or it'll take a long time to get done. Devil trigger worked because dmcfags were hyped as fuck with 5 finally being a thing.

Judgement would have been cool if i didnt have to grind to unlock any side cases
I'm taking my time. Yea Forums has a different mentality than another board I'm very used to when it comes to these projects.
It's a little annoying to get everyone to be your friend just to do some cases, but on the otherhand, they sorta have a lot leading into each other. Some friendships lead into cases, afterall.

I don't get this either. I would say it's more about a new community getting access to an old franchise. For example, Witcher threads are also shit ever since console zoomers fell in love with Witcher 3.

well I hope you get a decent amount of submits


Everything gets shat on by v when it becomes popular

They actually played it and found out how shit and tedious it actually is

Don't worry bro, I'm a PC gamer but even I despise PC mustard mentality and wish they would all be gassed

I blame 0babies

Ever since Judgement came out, Yea Forums as a while has done nothing but shit on it and what few people aren't sitting on it are suddenly hailing the original first two games as the only good ones ever and even going as far as to say 0 was absolute shit. I don't know what the fuck happened but Judgement has something to do with it.

>Kuroiwa death fakeout.
He's like some sort of horror movie villain, it's awesome.

I really hope they follow through with Judgment 2 and have these games swapping off between a Judgment game and a Yakuza game every other year to keep things fresh and give each game enough time to cook. Every character ended up being likable very quickly and others won you over in the end. It also helps Yagami in general is a great mix of serious and aloof with neat fighting styles and he can deduce things well. The lawyer/detective take is also cool, really hope he ends up still doing lawyer stuff from time to time but staying primarily a detective. It's great to see him throw around his lawyer badge while the guy stammers and acts shocked.

Attached: Rise from your grave.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

>fanbase infighting because a series is now popular so shitters have to try and start shit with each other so they can drive away anyone else considering getting into the games
just fucking shut up man, let people play the games without trying to act elitist because you played a game for a longer amount of time than someone else and stop trying to start shit because you're too lazy to look into methods of playing the later games.

Attached: Kiryu.gif (477x265, 960K)

it's only going to get worse now that they're branching off with new stories like the Judgement stories and the new protagonist, I'm betting in the future there will be even more annoying in fighting because idiots will start telling people to completely ignore Kiryu's story and just start with either Judgement or the new Protag's first real game

I hope SRGG is the biggest and best RGG they've ever made
Kamuro as detailed as Judgment and two new cities/towns neither of which is Soutenbori
They need something really good to convince me into liking Ichiban, I don't really have a good first impression of him. It's weird how they picked their new protag to be older than Kazuma was for his first games
It's been so many years since 6 and now that they've worked out the combat with Judgment and actually finished Kamuro..

Attached: kiryu haruka.png (880x600, 214K)

here's your new RGG

From what we've seen of Online and the April Fools thing he seems more like on the Akiyama side of things but he can get serious when he needs to be. Seems like he'll be alright to me, but yeah, the age thing was a bit of a bad idea. Could be they don't want to get in Yagami's way though considering he's way younger so maybe they want Yagami to be the young one and Ichiban to be older so they can have people call him a "Stupid Old Fuck" and have him with more experience.

Attached: Love sweet love.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

well now I wonder how connected Ichiban's story will be with Judgement's story

Yakuza Zero happened and old 'fans' are somehow mad that many people started the series with Zero, even though it probably saved the series in the west.

I think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high.

If someone criticizes the combat (which is fair) there are faggots who immediately start screaming about PC players, 0fags, zoomers, resetera, etc etc. Same thing if someone says they would like to explore new areas after playing on the same map for over 10 years.

OP is just another prime example of this newfound unbearable childishness in the fanbase. Yea Forums doesn't "hate yakuza now" just because you saw a post with criticisms in it. Get a fucking grip. If anything has ruined Yakuza discussion, it's not PC players or 0fags or any other kind of "invader" but actually the incredibly paranoid and autistic old guard who are more interested in lashing out at everyone rather than actually discussing the games.

We used to be able to say 3 was bad. We said it all the time. Now? You're a secondary zoomer reddit tranny PC 0fag blah blah blah. Fuck that. Step back and ask yourselves who is really shitting up these threads. It's not the people who are saying what parts of the game are weak, it's the people chimping out over mild criticisms. I mean, what the fuck do you want? 500 post threads around the clock where everyone just says "I LOVE YAKUZA IT'S FLAWLESS!"? Where's the discussion?

I really hope this is a real minigame
do you reckon it's faked or actually reskinned persona and how unrealistic amount of work would that have been just for a fun prank video?

Sleeping Dogs' combat was Arkham babby version, also its story was generic boring amateur video game american shit.

maybe you'll go to Ichiban's apartment and he has a SEGA Megadrive with a completely original short RPG game.

unironically based and truthpilled

They'll probably reference the ADDC closing, maybe the Hasai clan, and maybe Kuroiwa, but I doubt we'll see anyone outside of Kaito if someone does make an appearance. They seem to want to keep things a bit separate so that they're distinct enough. Remember that Yakuza characters are only a consideration if Judgment 2 happens and the other way might be true. Or they might pull a Judgment card and also go "We want the game to stand on its own first before shoving everything in" with Shin.

Considering the amount of work there's no way that's not a minigame. Some of the animations look too clean and seamless though so I doubt it'll be as smooth looking as that and probably more snappy, but there's no way that much work into the UI, the enemies attacking, and the various abilities is just for a single joke. That's like making an entire new world of Super Mario Odyssey, having them run around it, and then go "Haha, just a prank guys!"

>They need something really good to convince me into liking Ichiba
his first karaoke song will be absolute kino.

I started from 0, but after that I played the first and the second on PS2 via emulation and then played Kiwami 1 when released on PC and same for Kiwami 2. And I had a blast.

I am really looking foward to Y3, 4, 5 and 6 being ported to pc. Also I want the both samurai themed to be ported too, they seem a lot of fun. And also Judgement for PC when.

We're taking all your games while you sit and watch like a good little cuck, I probably won't even play any of them :)

>information about Ichiban's first mainline title literally being revealed next week
>everyone will ignore it so they can talk about how shitty the yakuza fanbase is

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im an actual fraud

i gave up towards the end of yakuza 1 because i could not tolerate the awful camera system

i couldnt beat the last boss of 2 because i was out of healing items and i didnt feel like save scumming every punch so i just watched the finale on youtube

i did however tiger drop mine. fucked that BURAKU MONDEI secret kazama twin gets to live and not mine.

i have yet to beat 4,5 ,or 6.

Supposedly it might just be showing off the main female character because she won an audition for it instead of being just a celebrity they wanted so she got in mostly based off of merit and her looks. They mentioned something about it a couple days ago when they had that Sega stream so don't get your hopes up too high for gameplay footage.

they said information about who won the contest along with information about the actual game

Then here's to hoping there's gameplay footage even if it's just of one style.

We don't, it's just sad people who want to blame PC players for everything and not take any responsibility for shitting Yakuza threads since 2017
Y0 PC threads for example were comfy outside of the few denuvo posts
this is a good post

>m-muh sekrit gamu
Instead of being happy that your precious series get's love you act like gatekeeping nigger

The damn 'secret club' mentality of some fans on here is ruining threads on Yea Forums. Why call other people 0babbies or what the fuck ever you can come up with, instead of being happy that the series you love (or once loved, apparently) finally gets more attention and localizations are much more likely thanks to that fact.

>Started with 0
>Went back and played through the series
>Still get shat on by "muh sekrit club" oldfags
There's no winning.

when it came to pc, consoletards get called out on yakuza being movie games & getting defensive about it like said
>"and couldn't for the idea of them grasp the fun of a story-based game where a large part of the fun derives from humourous sidequests and mini-games."

Same thing happened with Dragon's Dogma, consolebabs shitposted NEVER EVER 24/7 & praised it to the sun and back nonstop saying it's so much better than souls or whatever. Once it was ported to pc, people found out that while it's a good game, it's not anything like what it was made out to be. After that consolebabs started bitching & crying saying the PC community ruined the game etc. etc.

Liking movie games is okay
Liking manly movie games (like yakuza) and disliking girly movie games is also okay

but consolebabs don't want to admit they like movie games because they've been made fun of about it forever, since it's basically all consoles have


so what about the fact that both Saejima and Akiyama has dragon engine models which you can see when you recruit them in the Majima construction minigame

its happening my yakuzies

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maybe in 0

Both of them were in 6 which is why they have models. 4 and 5 aren't getting Kiwamis, they've already been remastered and we're just waiting on them now.

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>Ace Combat: Zero isn't the best.

Get a load of this absolute hyper retard.

Attached: ahahahahahahahahah.gif (290x189, 2.9M)


RGG isn't a movie game
Movie games aren't games with many cutscenes, they're games that are "cinematic" like The Last of Us you walk, there's scripted dialog while you're walking, there's scripted events and the gameplay is grounded and "realistic" and not over the top gamey fun like RGG. Movie games don't have actual gameplay. Yakuza is actual gameplay separated by cutscenes and VN dialog.
The actual gameplay part of RGG is exceedingly gamey

Attached: majima kiryu.jpg (640x505, 35K)

it came out on pc and in english

most of Yea Forums is insecure poortards that only like things for clout. when anything gets popular or a console franchise comes to PC the proles of Yea Forums start hating. look at the souls games and monster hunter. the only reason they still worship bloodborne in spite of its myriad and massive flaws is because Snoy guaranteed it'll languish forever on the dilationstation 4

That's not at all what he's implying. AC7 would be the Y0 of Ace Combat.
Even then, he's being a gatekeeping secret club faggot. Ace bros don't call people 7fags or anything because we love the series, not how niche it is.



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In what order should I play these games? I've been thinking of going through them in the order of release, but I heard some people say you should play the remake of 1 and 2 instead of the original.

Femjima is fucking hot

This. Why don't people understand this? You can skip cutscenes and mash A through dialog if you want in Yakuza but in Sony Exclusive™ games the whole gameplay is cutscene that you can't skip.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 6

This way the combat will always be moving forward, you'll never have to make a big step back. If you started with kiwami 1 and 2, 3 and 4 would feel weird for you.

>play halo

i wish bitch

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0 to 6
Can probably skip 1 cos it sucks just watch the recap in Kiwami 2
Dont listen to any other retarded answer

You either go in release order which is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, K1, 6, K2, Judgment or you go in the more modern order which is 0, K1, K2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Judgment.
If you go with release order you start from the start, good and bad problems alike, but you'll see the gameplay improvements as they advance throughout the series and see how Kamurocho changes with each game. Bear in mind you have to deal with 1's dub but then it goes to Japanese for the rest of the series outside of FotNS and Judgment if you so choose.
If you go with the more modern order you're starting with a very strong first game then going back to the design and story structure of their very first games before resuming the story order. You will also be hopping from various levels of polish, multiple engines, and gameplay mechanics. You'll also miss references and some things in 0 expect you to have played at least 4 to understand some things regarding Majima better but it's not really necessary outside of the ending really.

Thanks for that detailed response, I guess I'll go in release order, I always was kind of a purist with this sort of thing, in a sense that I always go in release order.

Start with 0. There is literally no reason not to start with it, its the best in the series and its also chronologically the first in the timeline.
The PS2 games are janky as hell but if you can put up with that I generally prefer them to the remakes. Kiwami 1 is fucking horrible, its just ripped assets from 0 with basically nothing new at all, and its totally gutted for content compared to 0. Even boss movesets are reused. About 4 bosses in the game use the exact same Mr Shakedown moveset. Also the Majima Everywhere system quickly gets old and very frustrating. It feels like it wasn't QA tested at all. Both 1 and Kiwami 1 are probably the worst games in the series so you can safely skip it if you dont want to play it. The story hasn't aged well.
Kiwami 2 is the opposite, its great and full of brand new content. But the original is also good so pick whatever one you want. Personally I would say Kiwami 2 is the definitive way to play 2.
3 is very janky and lacks a lot of content since it was the first move to a new console, but its not the worst game in the series.
4 is excellent and definitley worth playing.
5 is my second favorite next to 0, its fantastic. Tons of content and the combat is brutal.
6 suffers from lack of content again due to new engine, but its nice because everything is new and EVERYTHING is voice acted.
So tl;dr
0, K1/1/skip, K2/2, 3, 4, 5, 6

>game no longer snoy exclusive
>it's suddenly crap
>blame pc community
Like clockwork.

>since it was the first move to a new console
Kenzan was the first RGG PS3 game actually, 3 took Kenzan's base and worked from it, mostly fixing issues Kenzan had barring the blocking thing which you see on bosses a lot which is why the combat still feels a bit annoying and clunky still. Webm related is a Heat Action Kiryu can learn in 3 but non-lethal of course.

Attached: It's only a flesh wound.webm (854x480, 1.22M)

Ah interesting. I haven't played the samurai games cos they aren't translated.
I really wish they would bring those to the west they look awesome.
Also doesnt Kiryu kill someone in a cutscene in Kenzan? I thought I saw a webm of it

Musashi kills. Both Musashi (Kenzan MC) and Ryoma (Ishin MC) kill people canonically though with Ryoma they tone it way down compared to Musashi. He kills like four people in total throughout his entire game but Musashi slaughters everyone wholesale once he gets used to it.

Attached: Musashi's first time.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Didn't see a single thread crying over Yakuza. I think you're just imagining things.

Kek, I assume he's based on Musashi Miyamoto? The guy who killed hundreds of people in duels?
Whats with Sega being scared of an MC killing people

Yep, same dude. You even do the oar fight near the end of the game. They seem to want to portray their MCs as heroic more than anything which is probably why they do the whole "He didn't actually kill him" thing or someone else ends up killing the guy instead. You could tell in Ishin they had a lot of restraint compared to Kenzan because Ryoma is just not killing people in cutscenes the way Musashi did.

Attached: lmao2kat.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

I think he means Y0 not ACZero

Almost every single reply I've gotten to my post here proves it's entirely PCücks that are constantly bashing Yakuza and are behind Yea Forums turning on it

>game is only on snoy consoles
>called movie games and shitty
>gets ported to PC
>suddenly its kino and game of the year
I'm an idort, not the way.

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I don't hate the games but the fanbase has gone to shit. I rarely ever post in Yakuza threads anymore.

When do I get to make money in Judgment. I feel like I'm always poor and hurting for cash. Why is drone racing so expensive, fuck gambling grinding as well. Chapter 4 btw.

I don't know what you're talking about because I've been swimming in money my entire playthrough. Quickstarter is the only thing that eats up a lot of money so far.

This shit killed all hype I had when playing.

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Side Cases net you a bunch of cash and VR Salon nets you a bunch of money as well. I never had to do a single one while just focusing on the main story because you get anywhere from 50k to 150k per. You can also do the friendship for the guy at that loan shark once you meet him during the story and beat Kasai and Honda for easy money (Something like 200k).

Well, it's not mandatory, so don't do it if you don't like it. Plus, it's free money. The best you can get unless you abuse Mr. Shakedown.

>thinking that gatekeeping is bad
nu-Yea Forums was a mistake

stfu boomer