What is that one game you absolutely cannot criticize on Yea Forums?

What is that one game you absolutely cannot criticize on Yea Forums?

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dubs the game

This because the fanbase is full of insufferable nostalgia faggots

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Original Deus Ex. Literally impossible.
Deservedly so.

Metal Gear Rising

Near tomato

Cunny and Weiner

God Hand

I mean you can criticize it but it exposes you as a low IQ zoomer who sucks at vidya

Someone was faster than me apparently.
I'll go with Thief then

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who cares

Quake and

>it's supposed to play like shit
>it's WHACKY
>legs are fine lol
I've never seen so many people tell me that a game is good because it's shit.

Breath of the Wild, and this is coming from a huge zelda fan

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Sang Froid: Tales of Werewolves, because I'm pretty sure I'm the first person in all of history to play it.

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The correct answer is "shante" but any Nintendo title will do.


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Cyberpunk 2077

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when a mod tells you to stop shitposting, you know you were more than just "criticizing"

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>Difficulty levels are locked behind DLC paywall.
>The entire first half of the game is a tutorial.
>The MC's motivation for doing anything is kinda immature.
>The AI moves like it shit itself and needs to change its diaper.
>The AI is retarded and never spots you until you’re 5cm away from them at eye level.
>The AI aims like it has Parkinson’s.
>The gun variety is boring.
>The guns all shoot like you’re underwater.
>The crafting system is boring and bogs down the already slow as molasses gameplay.
>Half of the weapons that are in multiplayer aren’t in single-player.
>The levels are all designed like hallways to the point even Final Fantasy 13 has more user-choice.
>It’s cinematic to the point you keep getting kicked out of the “gameplay”.
>The already slow shooting is bogged down even further by boring cover mechanics.
>The characters all act so slow they may as well have shit themselves too. You wouldn’t have thought they were trying to kill each other.
>The echolocation based enemies have very poor hearing.
What game am I describing?

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Well it had a pretty great trailer music, that's all I know

Mount and Blade
Dwarf Fortress

Nier Automata, Deus Ex and Xenoblade Chronicles 2

>>Difficulty levels are locked behind DLC paywall.
This one throws me off, which game is it?

Console exclusives seem like the most likely candidate. Think about it for a sec.

>criticize God of War

>criticize BOTW

>criticize Halo
>no response because the fanbase is a bunch of spoopy skeletons

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Breath of the Wild

>>no response because the fanbase is a bunch of spoopy skeletons
I still can't believe Xbox of all fanbases dried up. Back in 2008 I thought they were unstoppable while Sony shot themselves in the foot with FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS

All because of the fucking Kinect

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Last of Us.

Metal Gear Rising
Golden Sun, people just call you a zoomer
Most exclusives, but it was impossible to talk about Bayonetta 2 in particular back in the day, even though it handles a lot of the gameplay worse than 1.

I was thinking of Last of Us too but I didn't know difficulty levels were locked behind a DLC paywall. I never played it anyway.

>There are five difficulty levels in The Last Of Us. To unlock the Survivor difficulty, one must beat the game once on any difficulty. Grounded must be bought as a DLC on PlayStation 3

Brap of the Wild, I got banned for making a thread pointing out my issues with it. I should have seen it coming considering the huge Nintendo bias among the mods and jannies

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Killing Floor 1 and 2, even though they're both unfunny repetitive trash

I agree, but drop the fucking soul/soulless meme. That's how you lose any value in your argument


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Gacha games, Fortnite and other absolute trash are loved by Yea Forums

Absolutely disgusting.

Hollow Knight, and I'm saying this even when I love the game. Every time there is a thread criticising it, it's full of "haha git gud" responses. Come on guys, it has it's flaws.

Devil May fucking Cry

God forbid you dislike all the corny lame randumb flippy bullshit, Yea Forums will accuse you of being one person.

nobody on Yea Forums likes, or has ever liked The Last of Us

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You just missed a thread filled with people praising it. Check the archive.

this site is fucking dead then

literal child thinking

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The funny part is that they're not even Devil May Cry fans. They hate the first game and most of them started with 4.

I see people complaining about DMC all the fucking time though

Smash, or literally any Nintendo game

that's a lotta assumptions considering DMC3 is still being discussed and DMC5 effectively killed any need for 4

I didn't post that when I got banned but what's the point in trying to be professional about it when that just gets me banned all the same? I may as well just post bait

Which board are you lurking, a lot of people don't like DMC here, especially Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden Fans

even in a thread about things you dislike you worms manage to crawl out of nowhere and defend this shit, jesus.

Any Halo game not made by 343

Is this the shitposters' cope thread?

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That’s just the cycle of things. Not to mention a series of mediocre sequels to popular games and fuck else, also on pc. I’m not going to be a revisionist but the Xbox was showing signs of being fucked at the end of the 360 and a horrible launch and long string of cancelled titles didn’t help.

>bring up dmc
>circlejerk arrives in seconds

link me to the discord, guys

every nintendo game is treated like jesus christ

The fact that their Xbox didn't have a VR while fucking Nintendo Switch got one is proof that Microsoft is still scarred by the Kinect

Any Blizzard game before they merged with Activision

That's kind of ironic when a discordfag was the one shitposting DMC threads and a mod came in to permaban the retard for spam

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that's because all old Blizzard games are perfect

Perhaps making a thread just to bitch is the problem. You don’t see other games get endless threads rehashing the same tired arguments.

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New Vegas. Christ if you like any other Fallout MORE than it imagine the dumbass fallout fags youll get swarming you.


Breath of the fucking Wild. I have never seen so much defense over it that I even saw infighting between nintendofags because they're that insufferable

Any Nintendo first party game, except Skyward Sword

Doom is absolute trash and gets shitted on constantly. The incessant Doom thread on /vr/ is literally a running gag with half a dozen faggots samefagging.

Ace Combat
Team Silent Silent Hill games

Yes you absolutely do and why would it matter? I don't like the direction Zelda is going in, that's a valid discussion since BotW is the catalyst behind that.

Kinect, always on, can’t play used games, a third party market bloated with cinematic unreal engine third person flops, dying franchises, no Japan support. The list goes on and half of it was before the e3 fiasco.

It's okay to like another Fallout game more, but if you think that it's objectively better than New Vegas, at least from the perspective of 3 and 4, then you are sorely mistaken.

I feel blessed knowing they created Juno for the game, but Ellen Page told them to fuck off.

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Far avocado

Sorry, but who are these Naughty Dog developers? I don't recognise their Twitter handles.

explain yourself

My man.

BOTW like everyone else said. Absolutely pathetic defense getting fussy over any criticism

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2 years
2017 GOTY
10 million copies sold

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Case in point

Case in point

I find the game kinda occupies a very weird space where you can't criticize it, but you can't really praise it either. With that said, I think the game's alright, it's a step in the right direction for the series and it makes a great first impression, but it get boring fast.


>900 results found

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