KH2 Little Mermaid song

>14 years later

Still cringe or no?

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No my favourite part of the game loved going back to planets seeing the changes to what we've done. would have made frozen world more bare able

The whole series is cringe (but that's a good thing)

>dad walks in

are ya winning son?

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>dad walks in
>see me get the shit kicked out of
>"you'll get em next time son"
>keep getting dumpstered
>"just keep at it" as he walks away shaking his head

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>Final Mix boss

Here's your Ariel bro.

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Why does she have all those rings in her hair?

She's a nigger now lol

>mfw realize sora has a dolphin dick when in Atlantica

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>finny fun
it only gets more cringe.
it's still less cringe than KH3 tho.

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Imagine caring lmao

Between this, FFX and X-2, PS2 era Square were the king of >dad walks in vidya.

2nd to last one, who the fuck is that?

It's like those birds that decorate their nests with little bits of trash. They're just dumb animals fascinated by shiny things.

>bruh just let hollywood take a massive dump in the mouth of your childhood memories bruh its cool bruh maybe the shit will taste good bruh you dont know yet bruh
Every live action disney cartoon remake is fucking shit, I don't care who plays what, it's all fucking shit. Emma Watson was probably the biggest piece of shit of all of them so far. Fuck you and fuck everything you stand for.

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I haven't played kh2 in many years but I remember these levels being a nice change of pace from fighting heartless all the time

This is really weird honestly

Shark actually.

It's only cringe because of social expectations, but if you're playing this alone in a soundproof room, late late at night so not even god is watching, this scene fills you with childlike glee.

>wanting to consume such new media in the first place

lets be honest here some of the black characters have the charm that very few white roasties have

Most of them are an improvement but it's a really weird ginger genocide going on here
It has to be calculated
But why?

I have no problems with this except for starfire

stop the gingercaust

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The songs that came from the actual movie were fine, but all the original songs were just pure shit

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With "finny fun", there are only losers, dad.

as far as atrocities are concerned, it's somewhere between 9/11 and the holocaust.

yes,still cringe.

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat!

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it was so bad I just muted the game and waited for the prompts to show up.

I'm pretty sure that I'd still hate it even now as an adult that loves shit like project diva since it's not even a good rhythm game section

I feel like people want me to be mad about this because they replaced Ariel with some black chick but I'm just mad that they're still making these goddamn live action remakes.

This. Aladdin was supposed to kill this. They won't stop.

I blame upcoming Lion King, seems more faithful adaption. But we still don't really need it now, do we?

We don't, and the trailers show that the characters are all dead-faced realistic animals who can't emote at all.

It's almost like something I would want to see just to be teased, like say a commercial for a wild life fund recreates scenes with "real" animals. That's how it looks, but this is really happening.

jesus christ /pol/ was right

At least it was actually interactive as opposed to 3's Let It Go cutscene.

Cring culture is gay, just like OP

>/pol/ was right
That fish people were white?

Did that live-action TT show quickly die off like the dumpster fire it was?

It's shitty enough that people don't like but not awful enough that people are perpetually outraged over it. Basically nobody cares or talks about it.

Gingers don't exist dude.

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How the fuck does anyone even play this shit? Some fucking anime boy running around disney land, with Donald Duck, to save the world? What the fuck? Is the gameplay good, or are you just retards? If it's turn based combat you're retards, no question.

Anything Disney makes is cringe OP.

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Bitch is pretty fucking based