Here is a question for you, Yea Forums. Why do you hate the Elder Scrolls Online? Was it because it had a really shitty launch? Or maybe you don't want to support Bethesda for some obvious reasons? Or have you played it recently and found something you didn't like. My guess is the former two but maybe you just prefer a different MMORGP. I think this game is in a golden age right now and it's growth % is looking pretty healthy still. I would love to hear your thoughts, though.
Elder Scrolls Online
I did avoid ESO for a while because it sucked at launch, but I came back recently and it's pretty great now. The only problem I have is build diversity at end game is very stale.
Hey, Yea Forums here. I hate it because it's fucking bad. Kthxbye
I just couldn't get into it.
Wasn't really a big fan of its class system or combat even in comparison to other popular MMOs.
I understand the appeal, but it just ain't for me.
It works as a single player MMO well enough but the sort of mandatory sub fee kills it. The problem with subs is if I want to stop for a few weeks I feel like I am wasting money. And yes, the craft bag is essential.
Yeah I'll agree with ya there. At least for PvE anyways. PvP allows for a little more free room to theory craft. I hope they keep adding new classes. It definitely helps.
Appreciate the honesty. I can see why the animation canceling/two bar system might be droll coming from other MMORPGS desu. For me a lot of the fun came from the combat system when I sat in front of a practice dummy to get perfect rotations practiced. Really fulfilling when you up your parse #'s in this game.
No argument from me there. If you are a die hard crafter, the craft bag is essential. But I'd say it really only affects you when you're still learning the game. I know how to flip gold pretty effortlessly so I tend to just buy the mats I need whenever on the spot without worry about bag space. Gear goes in bank, mats get sold or given away. Kind of lazy but that is what I do when I don't have a sub active.
I'll say it as many times as you ask ou fucking shill. The combat is fucking bad and boring.
Level scaling and item scaling make it pointless to play an RPG
>lore is half-baked at best
>lore is retardedly bad and retconny at worst
>existing books get weird, unnecessary edits
>gameplay is boring as fuck WoW-clone trash
>PvE battles aren't engaging
>cities are empty (I died inside when I got to "Riften" and dropped the game shortly after)
>models look like dogshit
>textures look like dogshit
>expensive as fuck DLCs
>class system locks you into weird one-off snowflake classes, so you're forced to be ELITE SHADOW STAB-STAB or KNIGHT WHO IS ALSO DRAGON WOW
>shadow magic is just lazy, generic MMORPG assassin bullshit, which is like using a nuclear reactor to open a Bud Light
Disclaimer: I've yet to find an MMORPG that I find thoroughly engaging anyway. At least the fish elves are neat.
>combat is shit
>animations are shit
>story is shit
>races are shit
>80% of areas in the world look like shit
>same exact quest structure problems every other mmo has
>only 5 buttons maximum
>pvp is even less balanced than xiv
>stats on gear make no fucking sense relative to every other mmo
>cash shop worse than every other mmo combined
the only good thing about the game is that i can actually get fucking upgrades in dungeons with how much gear drops
guess gender
i hate the art style
Because 350ms~ is unplayable garbage.
You sure none of that is biased or projecting? At least with the other anons they appear to be honestly posting. You seem a little jaded, my guy.
>combat is shit
What in particular don't you like? Normally I would take that for face value but your later claims get a little funny so I'd like to hear your take on why EXACTLY the combat is shit.
>Animations are shit
Same as the above. Why.
>Story is shit
Objective, but if you are talking on the note of base game content. You have me agreeing.
>80% of the world looks like shit
Yeah, no. Every expansion thus far and even the majority of the base game looks pretty unique.
>Same exact quest structure problems every other mmo has
For the most part, yes. Especially in base game. But realistically I have had some of the best playthroughs out of new content in terms of engagement.
>only 5 buttons maximum
This is where things get a little goofy. It's 12.
>pvp is even less balanced than xiv
Not in a long shot. ESO combat is more comparable to guild wars than BDO or XIV. The combat feels pretty fucking good. My only criticism is CP combat. The non-cp shit is one of the best I've played.
>stats on gear make no fucking sense relative to every other mmo
Yeah you're going to have to elaborate. Are you having issues with 5 piece bonuses? Or the fact that you can wear any gear on any class? The gear seems pretty good. They do stupid shit sometimes but it always gets fixed. On the note of PVP, theory crafting is so wide and fun in this game.
>cash shop wrose than every other mmo combined.
huh. The only thing close to P2W is the craft bag and that isn't even P2W. We have home storage now, and most players who dedicate a lot of time have so much gold that mat storage is retarded to even conceptualize.
>the only good thing about the game is that I can actually get fucking upgrades in dungeons with how much gear drops
I'm assuming you're talking about deconstructing gear for their mats to upgrade other gear. Tis good
>reddit spacing
>your later claims get a little funny
post discarded
Where do you live? What server you play on? I feel for you, brother. I know some dudes in end game that pull that MS and drop 50k+ dps though. Fucking nutty guys
Blanket statements that you can't reinforce with constructive thoughts are fun. Bye, have a beautiful time!
Firat of all Bethesda doesnt make or run ESO. The reason I don't like it is because of the combat and PvP and the classes are all jumbled up and no one has a clear roll. It was cool being a buff tiger man though, so points for that.
Australia and NA since EU worse. They have since said zero chance of Oceanic servers so I have zero reason to play it. Sad that WoW is the only MMO to have servers for us.
tfw will never play a decent mmo without a shit ping again.
it's pretty fun, though I'm playing it extremely casually and don't expect to max level any character soon. And the thing I like about it is that I don't feel the need to rush to endgame
Go back to rÄ—ddit faggot
I feel bad for you man. I had a girl in my guild from Australia quit for the same exact reason you're explaining. She loved the game and put tons of hours in but the ping issue was too much.
Hundreds of hours in both skyrim and oblivion
The gameplay felt like oblivions engine in a bad way, and the healing was brain dead easy
I don't really like mmos, just wanted to see tamriel, the game wasn't meant to be an mmo, combat isnt the series strongpoint
Don't get caught in the "what do I do now" trap. It is really easy to get so comfy in ESO to the point where you stop progressing. If you play casually (which btw there is nothing wrong with) then I'd recommend social guilds so you can pick up bits and pieces of latter content and information
>make game supposedly an "MMO"
>doing world quests with multiple people is such a joke that you'll be lucky if you actually get a hit in on something before it's dead
>world quests happen to also be the only thing in the game you can do as a large group
>dungeons are limited to four fucking people because they're so easy that even having 4 people is too many
There are some neat areas and there's a TON of content, it just sucks that all of that content is pointless and boring.
Oh and I forgot to mention
>GIANT pvp area that is literally all of Cyrodiil, but even bigger than the Oblivion version
>Complex and deep faction pvp system
>literally not even enough of a playerbase for the HUGELY LOFTY pvp expectations they had when they made it to pan out, enter Cyrodiil and you'll be lucky if you encounter one other player in an hour
no difficulty to it whatsoever
animation cancelling is absolutely fucking retarded, janky bullshit and should be removed. the "it adds depth tho! :)" argument is fucking trash, the depth should come from more mechanics and more possible ways to kill things then LMAO BURST DAMAGE LMAO STUNS AND CC
feels too focused on solo play
the story is stupid, but i'm biased and can't stand the "UR THE PROPHEZIED HERO :^))))" trash in games, especially in MMOs where you just have to pretend "oh but actually it's just YOU who's special!"
pets are stupid and obnoxious, no toggle for them is a joke
ditto for any of the loud and obnoxious mounts
>still enjoy it tho
it's just incredibly flawed. Wish a private server would open and fix it. Make it difficult to the point where group play is almost mandatory, animation cancelling is totally gone, story is completely fucking gone (you're just some random adventurer) and obnoxious mounts/pets/skins are gone to keep the world a little bit more uhmersif
Just for reference, FFXIV has a reported 15m rough downloads, ESO has a reported 13m in 2019. Not really sure what game you are comparing ESO to but ESO is pretty massive. 18% growth from 2018 to 2019 in comparison to FFXIV's 15% growth. Not shitting on FFXIV, just don't really agree with your "ESO is dead" argument. PvP is max capped every night, and every major trading city is always packed. You are either lying, play at weird hours, or visit weird cities the economy/playerbase doesn't give a fuck about.
Hey guys, I've put over 1000 hours in this game, and I will give you a quick list of pros and cons:
>Good fashion
>PvP is decent
>Being able to go anywhere and explore is nice
>ESO+ (subscription) is not needed, I have never subbed before
>DLCs can be bought with in game gold if traded to other players (It will take a lot of gold, if you want DLCs right away, its best to just buy them)
>The /vg/ group is actually good and active
>End game PvE has a tight meta, only DK can be tank, healer has to be templar (although warden can still get by), DPS has to be magic templar, nightblade, or sorc. That is essentially 25% of classes.
>Story telling is dog shit, most stories are bland
>Devs in the past couple of years have put more time into cosmetic cash shop now that the game is stable
Overall its worth trying, make sure to get it on sale.
Also I highly recommend you give a trials guild a go. It's closer to the expectation you'd be more comfortable with being 12 man raids.
To add on the snowflake elements are also trash too, but that kinda plays into the whole obnoxious cosmetics thing. I don't like how special snowflake feeling the classes are, I don't like the two bar system so that everybody can do everything. It just further drives home the element of "group play is completely fucking optional and the social element of this game doesn't exist outside of the absolute VERY endgame content and high level pvp"
I enjoyed it but ultimately stopped playing because the keyspam was wreaking havoc on my mouse. Tab target systems have their problems but at least I don't have to worry about autoattacking.
I don't know where I said it was dead? My whole point is they made the PVP area too large for their game. It doesn't matter how many people are actually on, you'll be lucky to actually fight anyone in PVP. Ghost caps are 90% of how the actual battles play out.
Trials are just as shitty as dungeons, and lmao at the expectation that you're only allowed to have 4 friends available or you HAVE to have 12 friends available.
Dude I have no problems finding 40k ap in 10 minutes even in the non-cp campaigns. Do you just sit in fort dragonclaw all day or something? Because CP Campaigns have fights literally everywhere. Tbh I prefer non-cp though. Battlegrounds is where it is at
Oh and also the biggest joke is that unless they've changed how PVP works there's no way to choose which faction you want to fight with, which means the friends you spent all that time leveling with? Get fucked, you guys can only fight against each other if you happened to pick the wrong races.
Join a guild. It's just like any other mmorpg. If you aren't in a guild, more likely than not you going to have to fill a group with pugs. And btw, you can fill a trial pug group in a couple minutes during peak hours by adverting it in Craglorn.
Holy shit I feel your pain. I don't use my better mouses when playing anymore. I've fucked up more mouse wheels than a newbie roleplayer has had ERP in Riften
I think they talked about faction swapping coming soon. But realistically it only takes a few days to hit CP 160, and all your toons share the same CP so it really isn't that big of a deal. You just had a sour first experience it seems due to lack of experience
I just don't have the patience to grind out an actiony MMO, and the other people playing may as well not even be there.
You're right, I did have a sour first experience. Devs should put no effort into the first couple months of a game actually being good.
Fuck multiplayer and fuck you.
Actually I just realized I'm arguing with someone who calls characters "toons" so there's no convincing a brainwashed mmotard
Bethsda game without porn mod = pointless game.
Trust me, brotha. I wish ESO did better when it launched too. I was fucking mad. I stopped playing after a couple weeks. A lot of that shit is ironed out though. If you ever get bored, give it another go. Just make sure you actually give it a chance. Do slight research on your race/class and I can bet more than anything you'll have a pretty good time. If not, I completely understand not wanting to give the product another go. Typically products should be solid before launch lol
Even one of those is a cause for concern.
Been calling attached classes to a character account "toons" since 1997, my guy.
Zenimax* we don't have to deal with todds bullshit. Just Matt Firor's
Because every time I played it I said "this is shit" because it's shit
>Retarded running animation
>No custom classes
>No skills/attributes at all for that matter
>Fog everywhere
>Enemies are edgy looking Devil may cry knockoffs
>All characters look the same
>Armor all has the same models
>Immersion is impossible because you'll always see some level 43 XxW33dG0dxX and his bros running around on a glowing tiger with a parade of pets following them
That's just a reskinned dunmer...
If it's got elder scrolls on it then it's a Bethesda game. You Aint fooling me with any technicalities Todd.
Not even a butt slider saved if from being dull
eso: where pre-conceived bandwagons notions from beta/early are puppeted on to a polished and popular product by Yea Forums
>also tfw
I hate that people herald this game like it's secret world levels of fun with the story, when someone with 1000 hours in it can confirm how shit the story is you just get ignored. Thanks user, I almost bought this for the wrong reasons.
he is a nintendo boy. he won't be able to understand that different game studios have different employees
>that's just a reskinned dunmer
1) literally every elf
2) that's not what makes them interesting