Have you ever been Grabbed by the Ghoulies?

Have you ever been Grabbed by the Ghoulies?

Attached: ghoulies.png (320x320, 245K)

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No, nor have I ever been Neede in the Nuts.

\Holy shit Rare get your shit together and make a sequel for once

I like how one of the devs always makes jokes about how badly the game sold, it's a shame cause he really likes it and wants to make a new one

I unironically loved this game as a kid

you must be one of the first 100 then

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That game was shit. I got a used Xbox in middle school for Halo 2, and I remember reading about this game. Played for 25 minutes and never touched it again.

Probably. There was something fun about beating various monsters with my fists and enything else. Trying the fight the Grim Reaper was always fun.

Did Microsoft legitimately think Rare had anything at all that the Xbox consumer base would want?

Good shit.

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>panty shot and bondage

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I remember playing the demo of this that came on the PGR2 disc. Didn't seem that bad but I heard it didn't sell well

Game was so under appreciated.

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Is there a way to emulate it? I want to replay it but I don't want to set up my Xbox.

>didn't sell well
yup, it was a flop but it's a very beloved title by the devs and they love to make fun of it

Attached: greg2.png (625x365, 44K)

that's kinda hot


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I want a Ghoulies sequel

I would say Perfect Dark was the closest, too bad the sequel was a bit crap, hopefully the rumors about a PD reboot are true

Fun game (I only had a demo with project Gotham) water gun was OP

Rare is just depressing nowadays. It's been like this since the buyout, honestly. That straight-up never should have happened.

ya... at least KI got a god tier reboot (not even made by Rare...)

Attached: KI DE.png (584x800, 806K)

Still one of my favorite games ever in terms of atmosphere and art direction. It'll never get a sequel, but I'll always love it.

There better be a goddamn sequel soon

this is one of those games that shows how few "gamers" actually understand or appreciate anything about game design I guess it isn't much different from how most people who like movies couldn't sit through Andrei Rublev

It's a very interesting game in that aspect

Probably because Rublev is pleb trash

>in a trash can
This game was pretty fun, fairly unique controls. Slightly similar to Ape Escape. The graphics and aesthetic were great

What do you mean?