I just wanna go back to when games didn't have politics, let's talk about the apolitical games of the past

I just wanna go back to when games didn't have politics, let's talk about the apolitical games of the past.

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No, just go back to when games, when treating politics, treated actual interesting shit like war, instead of stupid civilian stuff that literally no one could give less of a fuck about.
There's a reason you play as a soldier in plenty of games, but almost never as a civilian, because civilians and everything about them is bland, boring and pointless.

>Metal Gear

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metal gear was a spy movie, spy movies have a fair bit of politics but it's not agenda pushing. The writing of metal gear is pretty good throughout, people don't mind well written political narratives and plotlines, what people do mind is blatant pandering. For instance if Snake wore a "Drumpf sucks xD" hat, it would be cringey and be rightfully mocked, just as he would be mocked if he wore a "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" hat

> fair bit of politics but it's not agenda pushing.

> Nuklear deterrence
> Gene splicing
> Women in the military
> Technological advancement
> Actual terrorism

To say that there has never been discussions surrounding these without 'agenda' is to be blatantly ignorant of trends.

>it's only propaganda when it supports viewpoints I find objectionable

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That's the main difference, actual politics, from what a bunch of stupid spoiled millennials consider politics.
Get a hint, civilian politics are irrelevant and only serve to jerk the ego of attention whores.

Hi ResetEra

Actual children posting on Yea Forums, trying to talk about politics. Jesus.

It's OK to be political as long as everyone is a white male or if the women involved are sexualized and traditionally beautiful.
But since the absolute incels in this place can't say that without getting punched or ridiculed they try to sugarcoat it as "s-stop being political guys, geeze"

There was never a time when games were apolitical. There was, however, a time when games didn't have identity politics and diversity quotas.

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t. millennial
No, discussing the amount of blacks there are in the latest Marvel movie is not politics and just reinforces the fact that democracy is the most flawed system yet.

I don't care about politics.. the main draw is: is politics their main marketing strategy a la "look at how diverse our characters are!" versus "hey look at our game, it's fun with all that mecha, gene and meme shit.. oh also i guess there's some politics"

Saying "I dislike identity politics in gaming" is different than begging like a retard on youtube for games to stop being political.

You've been whining about politics for longer than WWII lasted and you have yet to achieve anything but getting the attention of people who want access to your wallets.

So yes, it's accurate to say that civilian politics, on top of being boring shit that will never lend itself to a videogame, because videogames are supposed to be entertaining, will never be relevant.
Every now and then some politician will give you some bread crumbs, that's it.

Supporting the status quo is effectively white Identity Politics

Get fucked white boi

American detected, proceed to the nearest gunstore and commit suicide.

except he posted two opposite views. its like you didn't even read his post or are retarded. or both.

I'm fine with games being political, but either you put effort into it and make it actually good, or I will just deservedly mock it and suggest its ommission from the next one. Politics in vidya isn't the problem, the problem is with devs blabbing about shit they don't understand and didn't research.

Don't project on me you absolute child. For most of the civilized world war is the least of people's concerns. The politics people care about are things that affect their lives, health care, public safety and services, job security, in the idea world they would have time to question as well why the distribution of wealth is at an all time disproportionate ratio. Those are the "civilian politics" you were referring to, those are the things grown ups care about.

Metal Gear Solid is almost entirely about politics. I know you know this, and that's why you typed what you did, but I feel it needs to be said, for idiots who might think you're being sincere.


Who do you think you are talking to exactly?

No you don't, millennials, all you care about is identity politics.
You are still watching superhero movies and playing videogames in your 30s, you might be physically old, but you never actually grew up.

Metal Gear is anything but apolitical lol. If this is intentional then I applaud you

To the modern day "idealist".

Yes, it's called irony, congratulations on getting it.

>implying anyone here likes cawadooty, ass creed, or gaylo
Anyway those games didn’t act like they were making important statements, they probably recognized that only actual retards base their political beliefs on fiction. Anyway it’s not a matter of tearing down good because of their politics, it’s a matter of uplifting shitty ones. Dystopian tier massive corporations have started using shallow social justice appeals as a defense mechanism, it’s how modern “leftists” have found themselves allied with companies as abhorrent as Disney. Liberals used to be the ones pirating shit, now they’re the ones wishing death on little kids who watch aladdin illegally

Go back to your cesspool kid

>equating anti-nuclear proliferation to FUCK WYPIPO FAGS AND TRANNIES YAY

I know a bunch of old people who still watch westerns in their old age. You know who those were mostly intended for? Kids. All adults like to engage with things they enjoyed as kids, there's nothing really wrong with it. Although stuff like the MCU really is obnoxious in my opinion.

What about that post is "idealist"? you boogieman chasing dumbo.

but this is the cesspool

>Liberals used to be the ones pirating shit, now they’re the ones wishing death on little kids who watch aladdin illegally
They still are. Psycho political people existed in the 90s and mid 00s.

Yeah, Yea Forums is sure supporting the status quo. Do you want to know who supports censorship? Do you want to know who gets to use censorship? Spoilers, the answers aren’t “Yea Forums” and “the politically powerless” respectively

Did those people still behave like 10 year olds in their 30s?

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