Can someone explain Warhammer lore to me please

Can someone explain Warhammer lore to me please.

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Anything specific you had in mind? A general rundown would be kind of long.

There are the forces of good against chaos. They both have their own gods.

"The End Times" is the cataclysmic event that leads into 40,000. Chaos wins in this event in what is historically medieval times.

The world is divided into a pseudo-earthlike geography. Dark Elves live in America, Lizardmen in South America, Humans in Europe, Orcs/Tomb Kings in Africa, the list goes on.

Do the dark elves worship the chaos gods? Why are they evil? Also what's up with Morathi?

Also I'm really confused about the undead in general. Vampires were created by Nagash right? The tomb king lady nekehara was the first vampire? And then she turned more people into vampires and they fled to other parts of the world? Vlad was the vampire who started the vampire count faction in sylvania? What happened to nekehara? Why isn't she in the game? She sounds pretty important.

>Do best elves worship chaos
Not officially, definitely to a not too apparent degree. Morathi is a slaaneshi but it's okay because mommy.
Neferata wanted immortality, nagash gave her a formula for elixir of life, she made a few bottles and drank one. It turned her into a vamp. She then gave the drink to vlad and other progenitor vamps that makes vamps.about as strong as her. Her and the other progenitor vamps also did the traditional vamp blood kiss thing to make new vamps, but those vamps are weaker each following generation. She's not in the game because CA is a small family company please understand.

There is a WH wiki with like million entries.

>Can someone explain Warhammer lore to me please.

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generic fantasy, but with guns and everyone is very edgy

Same as WoW lore but the target audience is edgy teenagers instead of preschoolers.

its the prequel to age of sigmar

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>elves being best
Alright, listen to me you knife eared piece of shit. If you go any further with your piss stained pubic hair you call a wig, I'm gonna wreck your shit so hard you won't even be able to walk with your limp dick! I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your shaven perfect little ass that your breath is gonna smell like shoe polish, then I'm gonna take that little red anal bead on your belt, and push it in your face! I'm gonna flagellate you with my fucking beard! I'm gonna build you a pair of runic mechanical balls, and use surgical precision to sew them to your groin where your manhood ought to be just so that I can kick them with my iron fucking feet, you twat!

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explain vampire coast cunts, what's their deal in relation to other vamps
how come rats and lizzers have super magic tech when others just have flintlocks

and is this lore going anywhere after end times?

The same reason why Empire has steamtanks and Chaos has disgusting hideous monsters. Because it's fucking cool.

>vampire coast

it's a lot of creative license from CA because there wasn't a huge amount of lore for them, there is a lot of backstory for luthor harkon and noctilus is basically a renegade von carstein if i'm correct in thinking

>rats and lizzers

Lizardmen are basically ancient guardians of the world, the old ones that are their gods are basically the creators of their world so they get sikk magic

Skaven are just little dickheads, fuck rats.

40k and Fantasy are different universes

Luthor Harkon was a vampire who was stolen away while inside his coffin by Norscan raiders. He woke up during their voyage and zombified the crew. They landed on the coast of Lustria where his mind was fractured by an ancient relic and he was cut off from the winds of magic. He then went insane and started doing pirate shit.
There's no real relation to the other vampires as far as I know.
Dwarfs and Humans use more primitive guns because they're reliable. Skaven have gatling guns and sniper rifles but they break down a lot. Lizardmen are their own thing, just magic.

>explain vampire coast cunts, what's their deal in relation to other vamps
They're kind of made up as a faction. Luthor is a Blood Dragon who found himself in Lustria and started his own kingdom there, which is the only real Vampire Coast with the roster you see in the game. Noctilus is another Vampire pirate, but fleet style and more in line with classic Vamp Cunts. The other two are made up.

>how come rats and lizzers have super magic tech when others just have flintlocks
Lizards have ancient ayylien tech that they don't comprehend but know how to use. Rats have only reached their current tech level because warpstone lets them skip steps at the cost of being super unstable.

>Does the lore go anywhere
Yes and no - Some characters survive TET and go on to found realms, or whatever the fuck they are called in Age of Sigmar. Besides that, nearly everything else is wiped clean.

Mannfred threw a bitchfit, fucked over the final ritual, and Chaos eats the world, The End

>and is this lore going anywhere after end times?
Not at all, world got nuked, decades of lore, world, and character building down the drain in an instant at the hands of rat fanboys. Some named characters get revived for Age of Shitmar but personally I treat those as I'd treat any clone of them, they're not the original nor will they ever fucking be and it'd be insulting to their origins to believe otherwise.

Around elves
Watch yourselves

>explain vampire coast cunts, what's their deal


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Lots of important characters aren't in the game yet, she will probably come with the Nagash DLC in game 3.

When will the third and final TW:W be announced?

frankly, just buy and play 1 & 2. learning the lore through the experience is a joy in of itself. Its what I did and now I'm addicted.

damn I wish people would stop making these threads. they make me want to play but I can't.

Still got another year at least of low effort DLC releases at a trickling pace. Pretty sure in the last dev blog they said WH3 is still in pre-production.

Loved the games so I just chose some books and jumped right in so far I've read

Gotrek and Felix
malus darkblade,
knights of brettonia
and probably some others and now I'm reading mathias thulmann witchhunter.

Really just choose books from areas you are interested in. Here's some links

vk com/page-66400870_50957930

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>All this time until the next game
>Already confirmed they're not even gonna bother with another race pack, despite being three factions behind what the first game accomplished

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Didn't they promise that by the final game every race and faction would be included?

www.mediafire com/folder/2qbp22o8ch8qc/Warhammer_Fantasy_Battles

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The Thanquol books were some of the most entertaining stuff I've read in a while, you should read them user.

Not only have they made no such promises, putting Araby and Dogs of War in Warhammer 3 would make zero sense since the map won't feature them at all.

Some obligatory reading for the ones who want to get into lore are the Liber Chaotica and Liber Necris, the best resources for everything Chaos and Undead respectively.

Please bear with the fact that Mannlet wrote the latter.

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Yeah man anytime the skaven show up anywhere it just cracks my shit up

agreed, Thanquol is the most interesting character in the warhammer books

Every Faction with an army book, we are only missing like 3 actually. It's a shame they didn't release Araby, would've preferred them to VCoast but CA loves their vampires.

blame chinks