Jill Valentine has the most appealing face model in all video games.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
Jill Valentine has the most appealing face model in all video games
hard to argue against
>posting the grossly downgraded chinlet Claire
The preceding Clair's face was a fucking marble carving of a goddess.
I think she is a cutie.
Maybe. Or maybe Bioshock's Elizabeth or Ivy from Soul Calibur 6.
>you will never be Jill
why live
Yes, you've got me there. Being the pinnacle of genetics and aesthetics precludes being cute. Cute is what you call a pathetic toy dog or a little bird; not a perfectly designed wolf, hawk, or shark.
Elizabeth is disqualified by her stylized proportions.
She is beautiful to me.
This. She's so perfect that I can't decide if I'd rather marry her or be transformed into her by a plague of transmographying nanomachines that only know how to construct the template of Jill using human biomatter.
And a lighthouse is bright until you compare it to the Sun.
Claire is the woman I love and nothing you say will change that.
>that hair aliasing and background
Come on, now
I'm not judging you, but I cannot comprehend how someone can think Ada's face is better looking than Jill's.
>in before the cast another ugly octoroon butterface for the remake
Fuck this earth, nuke it from orbit
The thought of this keeps me up at night.