What's your issue with it? Why don't you like it, Yea Forums?

What's your issue with it? Why don't you like it, Yea Forums?

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It is legitimately one of the most boring games I have ever played.

This is Yea Forums. I don't like it because it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

No horde mode and replays aren't that fun.

It wasn't a good game. It didn't do anything new, innovative or exciting, it was a generic TPS with generic zombies and had the already popularly used crafting mechanic crap.

But since it has a story progressives ate it up.
Also bonus because they scrapped their AI to dumb down the game.

Do you have any idea how much is in here, money wise?

It's 6-7 hundred dollars worth of products there. Bloody hell.

What's down here? Good lord.

God bless my soul may I come out in once peace. The smell in here, what is this? Jesus Christ. They're sat in blood. They're gone. Shit, what's in here? Just smell that. It's started to turn green, oh my god. What's the pork doing with it? That's cooked, that's raw. We ate this today. The meat is stinking!

It's a game with realistic shooting. Shit is slow on purpose.

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Good SP. GOAT MP. Druckman is absolute shit and LoU2 will be shit as well. So long as MP makes a return then I'm set.

I still need to do the mp portion for the last trophies, how long would that take me?

I don't like any of the genres it meshed together.
>3rd person shooter
>survival horror
Plus it's made by Naughty Dog and they have a terrible tendency to fill their games with shit quips that are really fuck aggravating to hear especially after each time you die. Haven't played the game.

shitty snoy moviegame. the ending was kino though, but that's still a problem. it shouldn't be kino. it should be a fucking video game.

>realistic shooting
no it's not

Because /v hates every good game that is not made by Nintendo or that doesn't have weeb shit in it.

it's a interactive movie, not a game
fuck off with these trash games, this could've VERY easily been a gay ass netflix series or some shit.

how isn't it

Horde mode would have been fucking great. Apparently the PS3 couldn't handle it.

I remember the tutorial section and the part where you learn how to take cover and the player character literally walks into an open area with chest-high stacks of sheet metal with the camera rotating above it. The player character says something like "here we go again" and I instantly turned the game off and ejected the disc from my PS3

I loved it. However, I have the sinking feeling that the sequel is going to be everything that Yea Forums accused this game of being with some woke frosting on top. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't feel like Cuckman can be consistent in the tone and pace of this game's storytelling. It has that special quality that you often find in people's first attempts at writing/directing something full scale; because he was inexperienced and didn't know what he was doing, the product turned out great. Now that he think's he's hot shit and he's trying to follow up something that's universally praised, he's going to be trying to make something that will also be praised, which will ruin the natural flow of creativity and destroy the qualities that made the first one any good to begin with.

My only issue is that they're even making a sequel. It was a perfect one-off. I hope they don't ruin that ending.

I liked it well enough but the first 2 hours at the minimum being a complete cinematic/tutorial tier slog absolutely kills the replay value for me.

The multiplayer was good. I only played on PS3, no remaster.
>locking difficulty levels behind DLC

It was a good game. I just don't think it's the greatest thing ever. I've heard the same cringey praise from some of the most fedora tipping faggots i know. These guys are not capable of original thoughts or opinions.