Other urls found in this thread:
>can slaughter huemonkeys
sounds fun
>four main characters
I'd be down for that.
>next gen only
Oh shit, I better make sure to buy the Personal Computer 2!
Can you horribly torture people and get their loved ones addicted to drugs so they have to submit to you, like in real life?
Sounds like a fun story
We anime tropes now
>o-o-only two more months of allowance for that new gtx 1060, c-console peasants
>implying you will even need one
I fucking wish, I hope you're ready for the lamest, most disappointing graphical generation jump
I love it, we need to update this when the game comes out.
>commit spic genocide in the streets
>go to a restaurant and feast on some sopa de macaco
very nice
It's fake.
>can go through the favelas killing sub humans
Damn, it sounds fun
Boomhower is perfection
>GTA setting
>Outside of the US
At least no white people will be harmed
>gta 6 online
Guarantee that one of them is gonna be a tranny... just like Azaghal's wife's daughter, who became a FtM tranny and is about to marry a MtF tranny! HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Whats the level of development asses are going to get in this game?
>that face
>that ass
Cant take this shit, man
>Favela warfare
oh boy
Wasn’t the first one set in London?
>Rockstar game set in Brazil
Max Payne cameo confirmed
is that the guy the uma delicia guy?
Assuming it's not BS, which it probably is I'd imagine if it's called that there'll be a US city as well. Probably Vice.
How do they fix the gunplay?
this, they're only jumping from 3 to 4? There should be 6 this times
Unironically Brazilian people, men and women, fuck throw int he trannies in there too, in general can be sexy as fuck. Especially when they have that white/native/african mix between them great too
Ta achando que os gringos conhecem o Azaghal? KEK.
for the love of god anything but that
they make it worse
along with the driving
if that is even possible
there's a reason for that. it's literally turbocharged eugenics. natural selection choosing the most desirable genes from all races.
whitebois dont stand a chance.
caralho QUEM liga pra jovem nerd no anno domini 2019 puta merda
>70s-80s Brazil
Surprisingly based.
PC release?
Grand Bofunda Auto
i hope one of the protag is a girl
If you're going to imply I'm a poorfag at least imply that I buy AMD
Which I do
Whatever the fuck it is, its wonderful
no, but the gta london games exist
Dan Houser already ruined Max Payne with his dumb Brazil story.
>fixing the gun play
you fucking dont touch it.
it is perfect the way it is. there is a reason they kept it the way it has been for years. they need to focus on evolving gaming and making the story and characters come alive.
your stupid fucking idea about gameplay improvements only shows how little you know of gaming, making games, and ART.
KYS faggot.
Cherrypicking. Mixed pardos are ugly as hell.
Stop posting men you faggots.
make it silly like San Andreas and we'll have a trully kino experience
I bet you liked the driving too FAGGOT
Racism isn’t allowed on Yea Forums, retard.
Brazil is based now. Thanks to Bolsonaro.
Me in the pic.
Made for breeding
Leave our chicks alone, fucking gringo
>dichotomous view
I really dont give a shit about your 'tism.
Parem de viadagem e postem BUNDA.
>Brazil has the largest population of gay/bi males
Another bi or gay protag confirmed.
Anyone got a link/photo of that thread where user found out that some chick at the Brazil Slut Walk took horse cock on the regular?
So does this mean we're getting the best part of CTW back; The drug market?
Fake leak picked up by retard "journalist's"
I really like this picture, user.
Can I save it?
Source:butthurt gringo ass
The slaneesh esque pride nightmate parades arent from here ameriutt
>four main characters
Kill me
Max Payne 3 was Brazil
Didn't they scan all of Sao Paolo or some shit for that game?
Sounds legit
Sounds cool.
>based on Narcos
>Escobar was from Colombia
I mean okay
Stop making these threads please
and the Escobar's actor is br
>Third World Ends With You
it'll never happen kek. Dream on, subhumans
I know, but that doesn't change what I said
>hey guys were doing a game based on the life of Teddy Roosevelt
>it wont be taking place in america because the actor portraying Teddy is actually English
>the game takesplace in the England and has nothign to do with teddy
You are retarded for 1. falsely justifying the fake post and 2. taking the time to consider teh fake post
Wrong post my dude
>GTA V takes place in 2013
>next game takes place in 2012
Why do I even bother? Why can't i just fucking leave this god forsaken place, user.
That sounds fun.
Says its a split storyline, like 2 cops and 2 drug dealers it could be good.
the who?
>four main characters
Will pass
>4 MC's
>split storyline
it's going to be even more shit than 5 but will sell like hotcakes.
who cares
This isn't real and you're a retard if you believe it is. Zoomers fucking hate 70's/80's stuff and underages are Rockstars target demographic ever since they stopped giving a shit about single player and make all of their income through card sharks. We're never getting another true Vice City game because zoomers would have a meltdown and not buy it if it did
First game had you hopping between Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas (SA is just one city, it's equivalent to what San Fierro was in the SA game.) London 1961 and 1969 were expansion packs for the original game.
Eu não sei o que seria desse país se nós não tivéssemos ao menos as mulheres mais geneticamente superiores do planeta. É de andar na rua com olho de águia a todo momento, muita bunda boa.
honestly, GTA in a crowded third-world environment sounds great and would actually be a significant change from their other games
After gimping GTAV and RDR2's campaigns in favor of online I can't be excited
>he doesnt know how the GTA universe works
Doubt. GTA is an all american brand. Not in the sense that it is made in America, but it's all about showing American cultures to the extreme. Setting it in south america would certainly be "refreshing" but at the cost of seeming more like a spin-off rather than a main-line game. Then again, Rockstar ain't the same since Max Payne 3 so idk
user you doofus that cap is a supposed leak of V in 2011, look at the post date.
Should mention by "american cultures" I meant the United States, sorry, late night, I do realize that "the americas" include Brazil as well
Finally a non Amerinigger jew setting
Now we get tree monkeys
Well they're wrong, so that's cool.
>GTA is an all american brand
The GTA games were originally made by scottish developers, now Rockstar North
>what is Max Payne 3
I literally explain right next to that statement that I don't mean that it's made in America instead it focuses on American culture
>Not in the sense that it is made in America
so that leak was real huh
But the GTA games have always taken place in a fictionalized version of American cities, with the exception of London 1961 and 1969. The GTA games have always been a parody of American culture made by British developers (DMA Design/Rockstar North).
>gta 6
>set in some 3rd world shithole that literally no one cares about
>cast is nothing but slimy BR? HUEHUEHUEHUE GIB MONY PLX
into the fucking trash at light speed
>another GTA
bully 2 is just never coming out....
>what is Max Payne
Not GTA, fucking retard.
Fuck, I remember reading this the day the first V trailer came out
>never in a million years would I ever want to travel to a shithole 3rd world country like Brazil
>Rockstar thinks I would like to play a game set in a shithole 3rd world country like Brazil
No surprise to see them fucking up the new game, V was an absolute fucking mess so it makes sense that they'd only continue to ruin the franchise
It's Rockstar and it shows they aren't averse to doing a game in that region.
>two more months of allowance
>this is the first thing they think of
consoles confirmed to be for children.
Now you can explore the favela from the safety of your own home
The photo they're talking about
If I remember correctly, the girl to the left of the guy holding the patterned sign close to the front did a video where she has a horse fuck her in the ass, and then drinks up the anal creampie afterwards
>inspired by Narcos
How is it inspired by a show set in Colombia if it's in Brazil? And why do we reference shows that happened in the last five years instead of you know, the real events that they were based on?
So many shemales
It's also a completely different series.
It's like claiming GTA 6 will be in the wild west era and using RDR as your supportive argument, fucking imbecile.
The modernist thinks of life and events in terms of whatever they've seen on the talmudvision
>Zoomers fucking hate 70's/80's stuff
wtf are you talking you idiot
And what is your reasoning for saying it won't be there?
AMD is king on CPUs at the moment. No shame there.
It's probably not going to be set in actual Brazil, just a fictional city that's a mix of every latin american stereotype Rockstar find interesting, so it makes sense if they want to get inspired by Narcos, at least to me it does.
>GTA without the satire
>Guys guys, Grand Theft Auto can literally never be outside of America
So much for that.
I don't even want to do that.
It doesn't need to be from the same region if it's inspired by something. Pic related, it's based off a Japanese samurai movie
>next gen only
predict the occupation now Yea Forums
main guy 1 - right hand man of the cartel
main guy 2 - guy based on Pablo Escobar
main guy 3 - marijuana plantation slave
main guy 4 - a whore who uses her body to sneak up to cartel boss and kill them
ffs, Yea Forums has been buggy for a while now, i try to upload pics and they don't for some reason
>next gen only
There's no way they'd miss out on the double dip money. gta5 made (and still makes) assloads of money on all platforms it's available on. They posted nearly $750,000 in sales on the 360 this year so far.
>GTA Rio will be a real thing
pls don't
Bully was trash, take your nostalgia goggles off.
A 1960 western is based off of a samurai movie..?
If there aren't fully modeled bundas, and not the nasty scab-covered brothel hooker asses that we got in MP3, then I ain't buying it.
Yeah. The movie is called Seven Samurai
Here's your main character.
Millennials in their late 20's aren't zoomers you faggot. If you've ever been near an actual underage you'd know that they fucking hate anything that isn't from their own generation
sounds cool as fuck honestly.
This. Here's the thing, guys. The games they make for PS4 right now will be identical to PS5 (or xbox equivilants). The only difference will be enhanced post-processing. Anti-aliasing, ambient occlusion, motion-blur, all that shit that those PS4 games get when they go to PC. It's the exact same game at the core. Adding those minor graphic tweaks costs barely anything. The PS4 gets the core game, the PS5 gets the graphic tweaks, and Sony sells twice as many copies on launch day because it will take 4 years for everyone to transition to PS5 from PS4. There's no way they'd restrict themselves to a new generation when it's just post-processing additions that make it what it is. Games are too expensive to make to improve the actual core graphics further than they've already gone.
will the main conflict be marijuana vs cocaine?
>Cant come up with a new usa storyline, just steals narcos story from netflix
Come the fuck on rockstar
Man I fucking loved MP3, I just wish the game didn't have the ridiculously long cutscenes, it killed the replay value for me.
It was confirmed fake.
>GTA 6
>set in 3rd world Brazil
>do nothing in the game but shoot filthy monkeys
>non stop drugs
Boy, I can't wait until libcucks clutch their vaginas and cause a bunch of shit in protest of "muh stereotypes and racism"
I have to applaud that nigga for never giving up.
That and the fact they pull you out of action every 5 minutes to show something they could have easily shown without taking control away.
It would be inexcusable for it to not be a next-gen only title after this long wait, desu. I really don't want console shitters holding us back for another generation.
>Final boss is in the Favelas
>its the hardest final boss in the entire series
seems good
I'm sure 2 will be cops or some sort of paramilitary
This has been a long time coming since max Payne 3. I knew it'd happen eventually
also, when's Manhunt 3 coming out? they can try emulating people live broadcasting atrocities through streaming since they did the video-nasties already, plus whatever the hell Manhunt 2 was supposed to be
>no wanted system because brazilian """""police"""""
but 70-80s was when Brazil was good. They should have made it in the 90s-earlier 00s to have it full of criminals and commies
>walk down a street in the bad part of the favela
>brazilian "police" truck creeps up and lights you up for no reason, then plants a gun.
Man, I don't care where the game takes place, I don't care if they made the game have every city in the GTA universe, I still ain't gonna give Rockstar another dime. GTA V was an absolute shitshow, both single player, and Online. They have proven time after time that they do not give a shit about what their consumers have to say, they refuse to fix their buggy games... I fucking called it years ago before V even came out that they would abandon the Online part like they did IV and whaddaya know, I was right. Only difference is that Rockstar have jumped fully onto the microtransaction train and only release bullshit that no one wanted for Online for that sweet sweet shark card revenue. Fuck Rockstar, I hope they never make another game.
Didn't we already get a "leak" months ago by some Rockstar employee saying that it would be some combination of every other previous city and over several decades? Did everyone forget about that? This leak doesn't seem anymore valid than this one
this game is going to aggrandize brazilian culture and society despite the previous games parodying and critiquing american society
screencap this
>Grand Theft Auto
>outside of USA
it better be on pc, whats with rockstar only releasing games on gay consoles
who's that?
Of course it is.
Third world crime good, america bad.
Ignoring of course america bad because of the same third world menaces. It will show the true beauty and strength of Brazil's multiculturalist rich developed society!
Brazil was never good. Well, maybe when it had giant sloths and armadillos roaming around, these were pretty cool.
Oh fuck, I thought the other guy gunned him down then stole HIS wallet.
This isn't GTA anymore. This is whatever with GTA slapped on it for brand recognition. The last real GTA game was San Andreas. GTA VI is where it all went down hill. The satirical world and over-the-top characters clashed really hard with the serious and depressing main story with Niko. They wanted to show they can be "super cereal" which to me is not what GTA was about. GTA V was just a cluster fuck at an attempt to bring back the soul but it was just a Frankenstein of forgettable story ideas and was too mean spirited in some parts.
Why are they always so sexy too?
will Yea Forums be team marijuana or team cocaine?
ps5 devkits werent sent out till last year. rockstar doesnt develop games in a year
Team military gonna stomp your shit.
Cocaine all the way.
Dude, a fucking GTA game in São Paulo would kick some major ass.
He's right tho, most pardos look like shit, usually pure blacks or pure whites are far more good looking than the mixed-race ones.
Betinho Zirigidum, the man, the myth, the legend
Youre arguing with a brainwashed m*dernist darkie worshipper. No point in using logic against it.
I don't know much about Brazil in the 70's or 80's but I want insane favela violence and gangs like I heard about in the late 90's and onwards.
The future looks beautiful.
Go watch City of God. It's in the 70s
I just realized I've never seen yellow roasties on these shows because they are ugly and have nothing to show
Just make a Fucking Character creation as the protagonist instead. with various skills to choose from.
might as well put it in africa
I got some real information about GTA VI, and it's not unreliable bullshit posted on some clickbait website.
>Fade from black of a late afternoon blue sky at high altitude
>airliner comes into view, nose to the camera
>camera cuts to inside the plane
>camera passes down the center
>we see the pilot, co-pilot
>we see stewardesses milling around
>camera enters first class
>we see people talking, sleeping, getting up to go to the bathroom
>camera focuses in on some of the passengers, who are very familiar, and ones we don't know
>camera enters business class
>camera again focuses on a few people doing their own thing, some recognizable, some not
>camera enters economy
>camera speed blurs towards the back of the plane and stops directly in front of an unknown person at first glance because the person has a towel over his eyes with his head tilted back
>character removes towel and leans up
>it's someone from previous game that we haven't seen in years
>he opens his eyes, cue
>he smiles
>camera cuts to outside and we see the plane hauling ass into the sun
>music continues and camera cuts to a shot of the airliner landing which looks like pic related
>camera cuts back to inside of the jet of the character stepping off the plane and the name of the airport is shown
>Las Venturas International Airport
>fade in GTA VI logo
>Coming soon
Aside from four protags this actually sounds pretty awesome.
Well, they said it so 6 fucking years ago! It's set in stone now! Too bad!
this would actually be cool
>four main characters
oh no
Brasil é branco. Lide com isso viadão
>people complain about 3 characters hurting the story
>make a sequel with 4 protagonists
based fearless Dan Houser
>a game finally set outside of the same 3 fucking cities for once
thank fuck
if i hear another 10 year old beg for vice city when these fucking zoomers never even played it i swear to god
So I start looking up City of God...WTF
>Actor who played a drug trafficker in Oscar winning film City of God is suspected of killing a Brazilian policeman
oh yeah Alabama is real fucking developed. White towns are all meth labs and crackheads. The irony is that the rich livable cities are full of the ultra liberal SJW whites.
Who cares. Watch the movie. It's fucking kino.
I think it's the only BR movie that is fellated by all critics worldwide and it's not artsy shit so it is actually entertaining
Vice city was shit.
Alabama is way better than Brazil you fucking airhead. But of course you've never been there. Go to Huntsville next time you get some good boy points.
The things ruining Alabama are the blacks and Bible thumpers. Alabama has good places. And all of the USA is better than Brazil. Youre literally deluded if you say otherwise.
MAYBE Detroit and shitcago is worse than some places in Brazil.
>my only knowledge of america comes from redditors screeching about faux news
Also, for anyone who has their doubts, go look up what the next Online DLC is, it ties in to VI as there will be heists there too
São Paulo is the 10th richest city on the planet.
That makes parts of it objectively better than a lot of american shithole cities.
What is up with normalfags and their obsession with Netflix?
All their shows fucking duck
>The things ruining Alabama are the blacks and Bible thumpers
unexpected combination of complaints
Jesus christ what in the fuck
>That makes parts of it objectively better
Maybe but accurate none the less. Christcucks led to this ruination. They are delusional puppets.
There are some good shows, but I personally like Netflix because it makes series and movies that hollywood jews wouldn't even consider viable due to their profitability boner and fear of trying new things.
Yeah well, I'm not deluded enough to say it's paradise, so you gotta accept that my statement isn't wrong per se
Meh. I don't wanna play a brown guy.
I don't know anything about Brazil except there are Japanese People, the water is poisoned, and when they invented fire and soccer...they just stopped
Max Payne 3 didn't that, on the reverse actually. It portraity the cult of personality of famous midia people here, drugs cartel, policy involvement with milicias and the corrupt and inept political class involved in the same schemes (as a matter of fact since a brazilian politician was killed last year, milicias have been a big part of politican debate, it's even fresher today).
No gay/bi. We work within the Roman system. Only the sub sissies that let themselves get fucked in the ass are truly gay. Men that fuck women, men, and trannies' asses are based and hetero as fuck.
It's not set in america so you don't have to worry.
stopped what?
>literally fake leak
ebin gaming "journalists" can't even check their source
>Character creation as the protagonist instead
Don't do this. Never do this.
everything, the culture was like "Yeah this is enough, no need to make anything else let's just play soccer til the heat death of the universe"
stop making shit up
the only ho to successfully take a horse cock and survive is lara
>trusting a leak from someone who has posted multiple fake leaks in the past
>gaming journalists
I wish the only thing we did was play soccer all day without any of violent crimes and the economy depression/recession that already have lasted more than half a decade.
Crap decision if true. The GTA5 protags had precious few free-roam voice lines as it was.
it's a completely false statement as no amount of money will prevent that city from being full of brazilians
at least it had less niggers on the cities
We invented the airplane so I think that's a decent stopping point for progress
but it has brazilians instead
80 IQ post
it's a fucking monkey you baby fuck
they eat them lil niggas down there
learning alot about Brazillian culture today, is it true that you guys really love Sega Genesis and Coca Cola runs your government
Dirty Cop
Informant/Undercover Cop
High Level Dealer (Dies early)
Bottom of the ladder mule
2 based in the 70s
2 based in the 80s
Cap it
CIA Agent
good brazilians
I heard Brazil has a lot of incest and pedophilia, to the point people rape their own babies and shit. That rape is so common that sometimes you'll see in the news that a single guy raped an entire bus loaded with women, including little girls, and gotten alway with it.
>idiots actually believe this obvious fake leak
No, kids and normalfags now only care about sony.
Sega is boomershit.
I had my ass raped by 5 black guys in a row just yesterday.
I hope you can eat monkey soup to regain health
Saints Row did it and it was fine
Unironically based and redpilled
It will be pretty much the third world version of Vice City
I hope we get to see the fucking brazilian army storming the favelas and shooting the shit out of druggies and niggers
80s Brazil had neat aesthetics too
It's a fake leak though
Thanks for the compliment my nigga
GTA is a game about subhumans and crime and traffic.
And brazil got a lot of all this shit.
>One of the characters you play is literally Paulo Maluf
That would be quite neat.
Rockstar has said GTA will never take place outside of America again. Fake as fuck.
shut up libtard, i'm trying to get upset here
i absolutely hate brazilians. even their beautiful ppl are ugly.
>leak was confirmed fake already
>all game "journalists" posting about it like it was real
still, a latin setting for the next game would be rad as hell.
>no gta were you manage your own cartel
Yes the Sega part, and Sony is also big because of PS2 piracy. PC is the biggest thing since the 6 gen, lots of CS, Minecraft and LOL players here fucking up the international servers. Coca Cola doesn't run the govermment but a local brazilian brand Dolly (look up they have funny low budget ads) has lunched a "war" against Coca, and the owner was jailed already two times for tax frauds and is accusing Coca of an international conspiracy against him.
Not rape, but people beating off and "shooting" on random women in public transportation is on the high this days.
Sounds based actually, I want to play a crooked hue cop
first gta I plan to skip
>alabama has good places
da sowf is on par with mexico at best
They better take that fucking leak and make it real right fucking now because if it's in any way different from this then i won't buy it
Yes it does. Again I can personally attest to Huntsville.
If you deny Huntsville is good you know nothing about it and can't research a thing. And no, the south isnt like mexico retard. Even the numerous Mexicans who have come here will tell you that.
This but unironically
>A GTA game where you play as an undercover cop trying to stop cartels and other evil people.
>You are just Wilson Da Silva from Max Payne 3 but you're doing the heavy lifting now
There will be humor, like Paraguayan jokes such as they need their entire male population lose a fight they start, or how many Bolivians does it take to win the World Cup?
Pedro II’s reign made Brazil more prosperous than Canada at the time, and was second to the USA in the Western Hemisphere.
Never relax
It's fake OP. Do your research kid.
Rockstar wouldn't do that that's like being in support of the bullshit that goes on there unless its a game about an American shooting up the place Rockstar would never make a game ahout Brazilians killing each other since its already happening in record number over there say what you will about blacks here but them niggas over they're take the cake, just like you'll never see a cartel game you'll never see a Brazilian crime game either. Bet on it.
>four main characters
>split story line
I fucking knew seeing the success of 5 would propel this shit.
Maybe co-op?
At least its not set in current year.
I'm more upset at the multiple characters bullshit.
Please, no
If I can't suck farts out of tranny hookers asses then I will pirate. Be warned.
>no vice city after 14 years
NO thanks
>no GTA after 21 years
NO thanks
Yeah no, after V and RDR2, Rockstar is dead to me.
I hope I can be my hero Lula in this game.
>playing as 4 BRs
Would interest you guys?