New pictures abound and why does this game have no lighting
Fire Emblem:Three Houses thread.
New pictures abound and why does this game have no lighting
Fire Emblem:Three Houses thread.
Here's your N64 wyvern bro
What ps2 game is this?
>game not even out yet
>already annoncing DLC
bravo Inti
Weebquest: The Search for Cultural Relevance
Wow, that looks like shit. I can't believe there are people on here that are actually excited to eat shit.
New map footage at 2m20s~~~
Definitely confirms its an upscale 3DS game. Look at the little objects on the boat map
That's a weirdly low res pic but the model is actually pretty good. Lightweight but serviceable, pretty convenient since it has to constantly reload every time an attack animation plays.
Why does this footage look fucking worse than prior footage when its a month from release? Even the animations
Yeah the visuals are bad but man the maps look fucking good.
Holy shit
Why does every Switch game look like a rushed reused asset job? Incredibly empty and devoid of lighting or textures. BotW, Odyssey and Sword/Shield are all the same.
sensei has to die
Why doesn't femByleth also get the nice hat?
No conquest gimmicks = it's shit map design imo
They all look bland
I'm really excited for the game, I don't care that much that the graphics suck. I'm not buying the DLC though. When it is all out next year and if it turns out to be good I'll get it and replay the game then.
this outfit sucks anyway
Honestly I hate gimmicky shit, just give me intricate sprawling maps and relatively varied objectives. I don't need to have a map full of stupid jars or some shit like that.
Why does mBlyeth get a chad hat and cape when the girl just gets a headband
>no lighting
I actually like this look, but maybe that's because I'm old now.
Sensei must die
Fuck this game looks fun.
So we have playable units that aren't just your students confirmed for pre-timeskip.
Good fucking lord, Nintendo should've let their 3DS-bound companies step into HD development a lot sooner than this.
>no mention of the day one dlc
>it’s even the same “fucking nothing for months” format that BotW and XB2 used
This cutscene looks so fucking bad. Did they anime this at 8 FPS?
Who is him?
youtube 240p what do you expected??
granddaddy nemesis
>That vein
Actually yes, that is the framerate they animated at. It's supposed to look like anime, which is also animated at 8fps.
Is this nigger naked?
she's angry
im not really a fire emblem fun but i will probably buy this
the professer interacting with student part looks neat
also i like the enemy designs
I love this group of people who come into every Three Houses thread and act shocked and horrified at the animation, art style, and graphics. Like, they're almost the same posts, word for word each time, who do they think they're fooling?
Holy Jesus, Harry Potter games look better, FETH is mind boggling ugly.
Honestly why does this game look so fucking bad?
Japanese game developers are so far behind when it comes to graphics.
I say this as someone who's buying this day one because the story looks like it'll be interesting, and also I'm a loser and a sucker for weeb shit.
Holy shit I thought it was mabinogi from the thumbnail
The same tired doomposters realized it's the only legitimate issue with the game so far. They can't doompost about leaks, gameplay, music etc. because they've been BTFO so thoroughly, but the terrible graphics are here to stay.
I'm going to marry Ingrid (or Sothis)
No? It's the same in every fire emblem game, even the past console ones.
OH FUG! Byleth Blanco vs El Gran Abuelo!
What the fuck is Nintendo problem with Anti-aliasing? Why do they hate it so much?
how new are you? This has been the norm for FE since the last 3 games
Game for incels lol
because switch is a fucking potato
It makes games look blurry,
also whats the fucking point? The game was made to run and "look good" on a 6 inch 720p screen not blown up on a 1080p+ computer screen
PS2 games looked better than that.
This game looked was very brown
>fog of war confirmed
Didn't look too brown to me
Imagine buying a switch. Jesus fuck.
Role call. Who you siding with?
Ps2 games still look great.
>posts the zodiac age
Shit bait
Sounds like shit
>Dislike: losing control
Not you, thats for sure
Siding with my cute wife Beru of course
Why are nintendo's devs so incompetent?
It looks like we'll all just have to adjust to the awful upscaled 3DS graphics and bad animations why do the girls do that weird ass double arm gesture when you talk to them? but at least the gameplay seems actually fun.
I couldn't find a decent screenshot of the original. It still looks better when emulated at a higher res.
Blue Lions first.
New beasts
So it's like Artificial Academy but shit?
>Top left
they all look like xenomorphs
Top left is pretty cool
So is anyone else really looking forward to methodically killing your former students and friends one by one as you feel the weight of their anguish and betrayal after the time-skip?
>hate gimmicks
>but I also love gimmicks
Thats a sick ass worm
If the stuff about Edelgard having two different endings is true then going full tyrant with her should be fun to watch.
Having a directive other than rout the enemy isn't a gimmick. A map where you protect people, a map where you only have to reach and kill the commander, shit like that. No stupid dragon vein shit or whatever.
Dragon veins are pretty cool though. Dynamic elements are always a good thing. It's gimmicks like illusion foxes and the pots like you mentioned that actually suck.
I like the music
>when emulated at a higher res
yeah no shit
who is it?
>Fog of war
Why IS likes that trash so much is beyond me. I hope they aren't stupid enough to let the AI cheat on FoW like their other titles.
Did they ever fix the graphical issues this game has on PCSX2? Last time I tried, it was fuzzy and the forest you start in just rendered as a huge red screen.
What are you trying to get at? it's still a PS2 game.
>this is all your fault
uuh wtf eddy...
goddamn even a mobile game looks better than this
Raidou 3 confirmed
meant for
they dont cheat in advance wars
No idea, I play the original Japanese copy in 1080i.
>A map where you protect people, a map where you only have to reach and kill the commander, shit like that
What about costumes for titty teach tho
Yes, there's a reason only a few games have good level design in this series
so will we actually get to customize byleth after all? or is this the only cosmetic and it's locked behind a paywall?
I'm assuming his appearance changes when you class change like everyone else.
Blue boys
Golden queer second playthrough
the latter
Expansion Info: (Cost 24.99)
Wave 1: Officers Academy outfits for female and male Byleth available Day 1 (July 26th)
Wave 2: Additional Auxiliary battle maps, helpful in-game support items, and more will be released by 10/31/2019
Wave 3: Additional quests and costumes will be released by 12/31/2019; plus, another free update
Wave 4: Discover new story content, with additional playable characters, locations and more will be released by 4/30/2020; plus, another free update
>that skirt
>with those socks
I wont be able to play without stopping to jackoff every 5 mins
Hey they said 30 something. Was that about classes?
>wave 4
what makes me think this isn't route four is that its almost a full year later, it seems too late for something like that. I'm expecting a Torna-esque thing
New story content and additional playable characters give me torna vibes
Oh are we back to hating the game now
this game looks garbage wtf, how are people excited for this
Because the gameplay looks good
All current classes updated
>Jewish DLC
What a surprise by a hack company
the game looks fine. Models look great and that's what you should be focusing on anyway
Who else but our dear old father?
I hope it's conquer everything or full evii route. Also the fourth route is in the game based on leak, there's standard house route and another one that focus more on edelgard.
i hope that's not all of them. It's got all the standard shit but I was hoping for some more unique classes like the summoner
So how long before datamine on the preload?
There's another tier to be revealed.
not the person youre replying too, but theres a lot of even 3DS games that look good when theyre actually able to run at a high resolution. one of nintendo's worst problems is the low ass resolution they have to force everything at in order for it to run.
Nobody is excited other than the usual FE shit eaters
What's gonna be the big tragic event at the end of the school phase?
Jeralt dying
This is my OTP now.
Imagine all the tragic boss convos between characters who had supports in the school phase.
The leaks are part of the fun for me. Specially when we all go crazy about fake such as sakura getting torn apart by monsters
.I wouldn't be surprised if Byleth goes into some kinda stasis for five years. There's also that scene with the church lady falling, maybe the church gets betrayed or something
Speaking to the Rhea falling, doesnt it kinda look a lot like Emmeryn's death scene in awakening
>Post timeskip Claude route is the only one that seems straightforward with minimal drama
I'm trying to determine if this is just a front or if IS wanted to offer a route for people who don't want to have to deal with a grittier plot.
It amazes me they haven't delayed the game to fix up the box cover. The graphics (models) seemed touched up in the black eagles trailer but the enviroment textures still look worse than Shrek's swamp textures.
Fire emblem in 3d never has and never will look good
Given the leaks Claude's route looks like it'll have the MOST drama
It's probably a front. Claude is described as a schemer, putting up a facade.
IntSys is the Game Freak of SRPG devs.
>"hey guys we need to make our game look good with underpowered hardware, any ideas?"
>"lol who cares lets have every character be surrounded by 50 identical models so that we have to make the textures and animations look even worse"
>That frame rate shitting itself at 2:33
Has anything more been added since they first popped up? Considering they said Lysithea dies during the timeskip, that they'd included false information in the leak to avoid getting whoever their source is in trouble, and the former statement obviously not being the case I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm forgetting something from it, though.
Its sad when the game my girlfriend is playing on her phone right now, Monster Super league, actually legitimately looks better than this.
Why are you shilling a phone game?
Fucking hell the story looks so good. Complete 180 from Fates
>PS4 game
> looks even shitier
I'm not feeling it, user.
I'm not, I'm stating facts.
The models are signifigantly more well lit then the OP.
Bylleb vs Hteeth
>The models are signifigantly more well lit then the OP.
Sure, but there's more to the graphics than just lighting. For example, the Models are generally more detailed in FE than this Monster League game, the textures in some places look much better in FE as-well. Which isn't to say that FE doesn't look like a tragedy from a graphics standpoint, just that I think you're pushing it by claiming it looks worse than this phone game.
So you, stupid kids, stopped hating Pokemon and came back to FE threads?
lol no, Pokemon has become shit on every level beyond graphics as well.
Oh shit, we can look like Raido.
>Raidou Kuzonoah and the SOULless tactical strategy series
>Though he was just depressed in that shot
>Trailer shows that he may be a fucking madman
Edelgard looks pissed off
I bet that's the exact scene where Dimitri loses the last of his humanity and goes full NUCLEAR
U fags better but this game or we are stcuk forever with the casual trash that awakening was with awful kids and lame as fuck characters
>sand worms
We beetlejuice now?
Byleth's sword blade looks like a giant key.
Is it supposed to be a fang of some sort?
God, I wish she would kill me.
Tree Houses issue isn't just low resolution. It's bad art direction and a lack of lighting and detail. If you put FFXII or a lot of other PS2 games and Tree Houses at the same res side by side, the latter will still look worse. Even PS1 games like Vagrant Story look better due to strong art direction.
Considering the gameplay footage shown so far has some characters dealing 2x 29 fucking damage I wouldn't be arguing this game isn't casualised. At best we're in for a weird RD scenario where half the cast is garbage and the other half are broken, or HM does something to cripple growth-rates.
The footage is all probably shown on Normal Mode. Any FE veteran is going to be playing on Hard anyway because it has a hard limit on optional battles so you can't grind continuously.
Spooky knight have BOOBS?
I wouldn't be worried about the footage we have right now considering they're willing to rig 100% crits for trailers.
If thats hair then whoever it is has long hair with a light color and hasnt been shown post timeskip. So
Mercedes or Ingrid
Why is this game not getting shitposted to death as hard as the new Pokemon games?
Because after E3, this game looks more promising while Pokemon fucked its own shit up.
Because everything besides the graphics looks good and fire emblem has never had good graphics.
Because everyone agrees that the game looks like shit but the gameplay and mechanics seem to be the best out of any FE game.
Meanwhile pokemon excuses the removal of pokemon on Graphics (lol), animations (kek) and balancing (ROFL)
There seems to be an actual playable game underneath the cruddy makeup.
Looks like some kind of bone sword that turns into a chain whip
Because despite the graphics still sucking ass the gameplay looks good and the story seems more interestingafter the E3 trailer
People were never expecting this to have good graphics, but the plot looks interesting since we know there is more than the school stuff and the gameplay seems fine. Pokemon is just the same shit with a shitty new coat of paint.
At the end of the Overview
Dimitri: "Those who stand in my way will be crushed."
???: "I'm tired of the aristocrat system and Crests.
Seteth: "Special blood flows in her veins. Dangerous blood."
Claude: "Instead of taking pity on him/her and endangering my comrades, I'll take him/her out... without hesitation."
Edelgard: "I'm sorry, teacher. But this is my path."
Because it actually looks interesting
I don't understand the graphics complaints.
It looks better than any 3d fire emblem yet. Especially the wii and footless 3ds ones.
All nintendo games look garbage at this point. I just need a game to keep me busy until september comes.
Fire Emblem isn't the highest grossing media franchise. FE games don't sell AAA numbers.
who the fuck are these douches
Generic students.
>even claude is edgy
This game looks interesting but I'm worried about the translation.
Treehouse is doing this aren't they?
recruitables or one-off background chars? This Ken lookalike is kind of cute....
let him be a gay option so I can fantasize about wrecking his bussy
Treehouse has been put on a much shorter leash since their Fates translation, don't expect anything too drastic.
I heard it was a different company doing localization. Tea cup productions or something like that
Forgive me sensei, but I'll have to go all out... Just this once
Well I'm going off your spoiler and also the fact that most of the students in Golden deer are named after king lear characters, a shakespeare play where like everyone dies
Wherever all of that FEH money went it certainly wasn't to the mainline game budget. Fucking Christ. I want to give this game an honest chance after hearing about the timeskip plot but what an absolute hackjob.
>Hubert pixel art
>Sleepy boy
Venom Dimitri
Or the money just didn't go to the graphics. There's a lot of shit in this game that's never been in a FE before or it seems they're really trying to go all out. With everything but the graphics.
These guys haven't made an HD game ever and have been on handhelds for the last decade. Throwing money at a game won't just magically make it look better if the dev team doesn't have the skills
male byleth looking blessed
>from what I've seen floating around Dimitri either says, Do you feel it in your bones too?'....sounds feels intense though (お前も、ほねのずいまで諒してやる) or
>I believe that Dimitri line is お前も、ほねのずいまで利用してやる not 諒して, so something like "I'll make use of every last scrap of you, too."
Anything other than siding with the Nuclear man is the wrong answer.
How much do you wanna bet all the heirloom weapons people are wielding are made out of Sothis' bones and the winner will need to kill the others to collect them
Then they should have had a company like Platinum or Koei help. The game is inexcusably ugly.
>or Koei help
Yeah about that.
>from what I've seen floating around Dimitri either says, Do you feel it in your bones too?'
She's finally back!
Season pass stuff seems kind of bad I'm buying it anyway like a good goy
The Boys in Blue
That's a much fairer price than I was expecting. Looks like they took the Echoes controversy seriously in regards to pricing.
>that wave 4
That shit's gonna make or break the pass.
What are the confirmed "House neutral" units so far, at least pre-timeskip?
Flayn, Catherine, I think I saw playable Alois too.
Gilbert had a battle scene
I saw Shamir being playable as well.
Archer highlighted in green looks like Shamir
That looks like a nice defense map.
It looks like a ps2 game.
Byleth's hair color is confirmed to change before the time skip
But what does the change mean? Do we get all of Sothis power of something?
is everyone complaining about graphics too young to remember how bad PoR looked?
You fuse with Sothis in order to beat your granpa and the timeskip deals with all the fallout of him rampaging out.
The lighting doesn't bother me as much as the choppy black borders around everything. Seriously, it looks like a poorly edited jpg
how comes the framerate dips below 30fps even though the graphics look like a 3ds game
I thought Felix was confirmed unrecruitable? He was recruited in the overview video.
Evidently he wasn't confirmed unrecruitable. Where did that information come from anyway?
that's prerendered cutscene
PoR looked bad and I passed on it then for the same reason. The fact that 15 years later this still looks like a Gamecube game is astounding.
Cutscenes were made by a bunch of hacks that render their cutscenes in like 3 fps.
They arr rook same
Golden Deer as M!Byleth for first playthrough, Blue Lions as F!Byleth for second. Black Eagles final playthrough.
this looks nothing like the 3ds titles
Graphics are more important than gameplay and story, but not both combined.
IS is shit at 3d graphics, RD is the only decent looking game from that era and it took them until echoes for the 3ds games to look good.
Graphics are never more important than gameplay.
Color splash looks good tho
that's a drastically different art style
Cute. But not as cute as Ingrid.
IS can only do one thing right at a time. CS was all graphics but nothing else. The gameplay was ass. Seems like Three Houses is the opposite.
Is that Bob from Tekken?
They're different teams, obviously. Clearly the people who work on Fire Emblem aren't the same people who work on Paper MArio. IS also worked on Wario Ware Gold.
That's his cousin. Billy.
Leonie is cute, CUTE!
That blue haired girl has a surprisingly nice rack.
This game was literally delayed for further development due to issues, it was supposed to come out in April. Pokemon went "fuck you we won't delay the game, I dare you to boycott us".
Three houses is KINO! Literally Videogame of Thrones!
Alot of people will make this the canon pairing now.
how can a 3d game look THIS fucking bad?
>So you, stupid kids, stopped hating Pokemon and came back to FE threads?
Why you still alive, worm?
Ingrid is such perfection.
>People were never expecting this to have good graphics
you were expecting 5 different resolutions on the screen at once as if it was made by someone in highschool?
IS never make good looking 3D game except Paper Mario series
>every single reply to this post are waifu fags from /vg/
Holy shill.
and that's not even full 3d anyway
>Three Houses doesn't even have marriage or kids
>romances are only in the 2nd half of the game
>art style is done by an otome artist
I never post in gachanigger generals, you dumb tranny.
Wasn't Codename: STEAM the FE team as well? That game looked way better than all of the other 3DS FEs. Shame that game bombed hard, it was really fucking good.
>Lady Knight that tries to act all serious and strict but has a sweet and girly side she hides
I don't care how often it's done, I fucking love the stereotype so much.
not entirely sure, it seems they can only do good 3d work when it has stylized visuals. something with a more realistic look ends up falling flat.
>n-not us
>tranny? haha..
no one likes FE garbage, unironically, after the GBA games except waifu faggots. you aren't fooling anyone.
I wouldn't really call Three Houses aiming for a "realistic look", its cel shaded.
You know the tellius games came after the GBA games right?
it's more realistic compared to paper mario or steam is what i mean
Shitposts and guessing,the leaks Said dedue was the Blue Lions Retainer
>except the GBA games
>kyaaaaa I saw ephraim without a shirt, I'm no longer a virgin anymore, how can I ever get married now
Reminder to not give the shitposting faggot any (You)s
>Fire Emblem fanbase is excited for the next game almost unanimously
>Pokemon fanbase is eating itself alive because of the next game
The tables have turned spectacularly.
Because fuck u
>tellius, y-you know?
you aren't making an argument
Watching both fanbases do a complete 180 because of E3 was amazing.
What is this?
Imagine thinking this is true
why does everything fit and look uniform? the game in this thread has 7 shades of blurry and sharpness in every screenshot in comparison, but it's new? someone explain
You literally argue like a twitter tranny, you retarded waste of breath.
>You dare like what I dislike? You must be a nazi!
>he said, as he, himself, knew it also to be true yet could not accept the reality he is currently living in
I remember already seeing some sort of spinal sword in another game but I'm not sure which one.
Valkyrie Profile 2
twitter trannys call faggot anons faggot? wouldn't know since i don't browse social media like the fag that is you
Speak English.
>no argument since he goes to fucking twitter himself
mate this is Yea Forums - Twitter Screencaps. no one here needs to go to social media sites because fuckers are going to try and shove it down our throats regardless.
More like Shit Profile 2
Blue Lions
Although considering Flayn seems to join you no matter what it's whatever.
Thanks user
That model under that sign looks hideous. Literally N64 tier.
i still don't know, might decide after the other house trailers are out
even fire emblem warriors looks better
jesus christ
I'm glad she's playable, I was worried that my Black Eagles were going to need a second healer and I'd have to build up Byleth with the intention of recruiting Mercedes.
Is it just me or the cast is getting so bloated that losing 2 or 3 units won't be much of a, well, loss
at least there are proper animations and fantastic music, pokemon doesn't even have those
Fug, can't decide. Black Eagles has based Hubert, but Blue Lions has my wife Ingrid, but the Golden Deer seem like the lovable and quirky ones.
Not really bloated, it's just we haven't had an FE game with a regular roster in such a long time. Awakening and Fates had small default rosters because half of it was kids and Echoes was a remake of a game with a small roster.
I know jack shit about FE, but where is the shadows? I don't get it.
Flayn looks like the younger version of the titty witch from Star Ocean 5
How is it bloated? You have your 9 default units plus whatever neutral characters join the ride during the course of the story, let's say another 6 at least in the first half, and you surely won't be able to recruit a large amount of other students in the time given. A conservative estimate of 5 recruited students pre-timeskip, and that totals up to 20 units before the second act. Does it really seem like bloat?
did they hire meandraco?
me on the right
holy based
>Buying into Claude's friendship and rainbows facade
They had an entire game dedicated to shadows
BASED Raido using his demons and awesome cape to destroy thots
Even my butthole looks better than your mother.
It shouldn't be possible to make a game look this bad
what if this is their attempt?
But game look gorgeous
Fire Emblem is SOULLES
If Nintendo used the monkey paw after Fates, sacrificing graphics to make literally everything else great is the best possible deal for any game, but especially Fire Emblem, which has always struggled with graphics anyway
Fire Emblem is pure SOUL
Can’t wait KINO EMBLEM
Now this is epic! How one single franchise can be so blessed?
D-do you know why Foir Embull is b-bad? B-b-because it will not be released on PlayStation™4 (#4theplayers #bestconsole #adultgames). A-a-and also it have bad graphic! PlayStation™2 had b-better looking games!
The last thing FE threads need is consolefaggotry
>covering femByleth's navel
what is the fucking POINT
People are gonna bitch about how shit this game actually is after it's released, you watch.
In your dreams basedneeger
>mat_fullbright 1
The only people complaining about graphics and animations are the people who've never played Fire Emblem.
Fire Emblem has never been about the graphics. Ever. The first thing you do when you start the game is turn off the animations because they slow down the pacing so much.
No one has ever loaded up a Fire Emblem game and gone, "Wow look at these graphics, so good."
Queen Mommy
The 3ds games were generally considered good looking. This one likely has a different art director (who was promoted to director for Echoes) which is why things are kind of fucked.
With mommy.
awakening looked ok other than the stump legs, the next games were improvements visually
>Game has subpar graphics
>Haha this game is shit
>Game has abysmal graphics on a Nintendo
>I-it was always about the gameplay anyway..!!
Once again Yea Forumsedditendo proves that it's alright if Nintendo does it.
Also, Fire Emblem never looked outright horrible.
Because it was a niche series until 3DS and they were working with their hardware limitations there. Now we're looking at a mainline entry with literal DS map assets. The games sell incredibly well and they've been raking in gacha millions for years now. There is no excuse for it to look this bad. I'd even argue Tellius map assets looked better but I'm too lazy to pull up shots of that game.
This game reminds me when I was 12yo with a shitty PC and I always turned off shadows to get the fps and was telling myself that is still looks great and shadows are not needed
This game runs on the SAME console running PIC RELATED
>I'd even argue Tellius map assets looked better but I'm too lazy to pull up shots of that game.
Nah, you might be comparing Tellius battle assets with the map assets. Tellius had horrible map models that look like N64 characters when seen up close. And like if that wasn't enough they actually used those horrible map models for some animations rather than the battle models.
I think they just cut corners on the map appearances like the ones in the new video, no one has yet brought up the fact that maps have two viewpoints- zoomed out and zoomed in. Modelling the maps zoomed in, to scale, and showing off the exact location units are fighting in that map likely took most of the map modeler's efforts and they just left us with the low-detail zoomed out maps to save time.
Wait a minute, I thought graphics didn't matter because video games need gameplay first and foremost.
I'm talking about the houses and such, I know the map character models are n64-tier.
Yea Forums when talking about Sony and Microsoft: "Graphics don't matter in the slightest."
Yea Forums when talking about Nintendo: "OMG THE GRAPHICS ARE SO BAD GAMES ARE TOTAL GARBAGE!!"
The guy who plowed Sothis raw every night for years until she couldn't stand him anymore.
Almost every time I see a new screenshot I notice how bad the graphics are, though I don't mention it anymore. It's fair to raise complaints about it even if the rest of the game looks good.
They do it's just hidden slightly. The AI absolutely knows where you are, they just can't fire indirectly on you if you're in a forest unless there's an adjacent enemy unit.
The AI will otherwise happily bombard the shit out of you with no vision.
They fixed it in Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict but chose not to implement that fix into New Mystery of the Emblem.
Anything more about best big beefy boy?
>yfw Claude's route is the kino route
It's funny how your kind always thinks graphics should be more important than everything else. Why don't you go watch some movies.
Games on other consoles focus more on aesthetic, graphics, and atmosphere, while Nintendo tends to focus more on gameplay. Take the Last of Us, Shadow of the Colossus, and Uncharted 4. These are often described as cinematic. Nintendo games aren't described with the same way. Of course cinematic gaming experiences should be judged more stringently for their aesthetic and graphics compared to a fucking tactical RPG.
If we were to judge Shadow of the Colossus or Uncharted 4 strictly on their gameplay and controls, they would be pretty shit games. But instead, weightings are revised in order to better determine whether the game does well what it's attempting to do. Hopefully you got all that even though I used big words and didn't green text
>those graphics
>just subpar
tragic is what it is
Linhardt school shooter
>less than 4 weeks until release
>still have no idea which house to pick
The way I see it, there are two options. You can be a faggot, or you can pick Black Eagles.
or you can have good taste for girls and pick golden deer
don't worry they will shit on it after it comes out like every other game
You aren’t tired complain about graphics retard? Have sex.
How can one girl be so perfect?
Man I want to monch my enemies with giant ocean worms.
>implying you'll ever get to have the cool monsters
yellow fag has some of the best girls in the game in his house
Nah everyone complained about graphics, but gameplay and story seem good so its ok.
this desu
it's worth it to bear with the spic to have that cutie
God I wish I was that Pegasus
He's clearly a mudslime.
Is that guy in the background doing alright?
>Oh, I see you're approaching me
It doesn't look that bad in motion. I'm not a fan anyhow, would be mad if I bought it at 60 bucks.
>the guy in the back
You can steal girls user. You can play with Edgelord and steal Aoi Yuuki. This is what I plan to do
>Wherever all of that FEH money went it certainly wasn't to the mainline game budget
Same shit that's happened with Pokémon. The games aren't the real moneymakers, they're just a vehicle to introduce new content for merchandising and gacha, so no money or effort gets put into them.
yeah, if you want to make your byleth a faggot mage
There is lighting, whole game is rendered like it's tactical view.
Game visually looks like trash but I want to impregnate Ingrid. They said no 4th route DLC but the Season Pass alludes to meaty story DLC down the line.
Ouch now I understand why the FE and pokemon fans are all jumping ship and swimming over to digimon
Well... Yeah, but... Good point
Codename STEAM was fine.
>no animations for attack up slopes so combat on a slope just moves the whole fight to another set of tiles
Fucking hell this shit is lazy, Switch successor won't be much more on top of the Switch, they should be investing in an engine to be reused next gen right now, lazy hacks.
Can't decide between this and DQB2 as my next purchase. Feel like I will end up with DBQ2 since I know I like it after the demo and I can wait for the consensus and maybe snag Three Houses at Christmas
Either that or abuse that digital ticket thing, DQB2 is probably the safer bet, the demo was pretty good, and it feels like a step up from the last game
Builders 2 looks comfy and polished, FETH looks like a rushed engine test.
What do you mean abuse the digital ticket thing?
go with DQB2 since you like it, nothing about fe looks good so far so better to wait
>expansion pass
They need to make this shit standard for more games that are going to have DLC, and then make sure they give you a minimum amount of content, the Breath of the Wild Expansion pass, pretty disappointing, the Xenoblade 2 one, absolutely excellent.
guess that's a bit strong, just you know, get that discount, it's like $40 for me, only problem is it's digital.
>there are non-girls who actually want to play this
1st party Nintendo games have always looked really good. They may not always be up there with raw power, but they always have a very polished and well done art style that really enhances the visuals and make them look better than most other AAA games. Mario Odyssey is one of my favorite looking current gen games simply because of how appealing the visual style is. Breath of the Wild also looks great.
But this Fire Emblem game just looks like utter shit, I'm sorry to say, and if they can't bother to at least try and make it look somewhat presentable then I can't trust them to do anything right with the rest of the game either.
Oh right. I'm poor so I get games on afterpay. Worse thing is if I get a game I don't like and can't return it I'm reminded about it for a couple paychecks. I feel like if FE:TH works for me I would get way more time out of it but it is hardly definite I will enjoy it.
It's okay if you're a girl and want to play it. It has a lot of handsome boys and they went out of the way to make all the designs unappealing to men, so that's totally understandable. You don't have to pretend to be a guy. I get it.
Is this Fire Emblem or Monster Hunter?
For all of Echoes fault, it LOOKS and SOUNDS amazing. The presentation is a perfect 10, no FE comes close. The voice acting is amazing too, holy fuck the scene when Rinea dies and what follows is amazing.
It's 2nd party anyway, Intelligent Systems are an independent company, it's strange looking at this and then comparing it to FE Warriors and then remembering that that ran at 1080 or 60fps, worse of this is that there are 2 problems, the visual style sucks ass and the games image quality is shit too.
Sounds pretty bad.
I think they'd ideally make that DLC take place during the 'Holy War' or whatever they call it with you taking the role of one of these Crusaders blessed by the Crests.
I'll take a rain check on this game and go order DQB2. Thanks user.
I'd heard that DQB2 has godawful framerate issues on the Switch so try and pick that up on a different platform if you weren't already planning to.
I played the demo and didn't give a fuck about or even really notice the issues. Maybe it is because so played in handheld mode or maybe it is because I'm 30+ and have a higher tolerance to such things.
>30fps with minor dips
To be "godawful" it needs to be Arc levels of awful
Then I'm mistaken. I always thought FE was a first party title.
Is it possible to data mine the pre-load of this game?
I'm in the camp that even at their worst, Nintendo games at least look nice (look at modern day Yoshi games and Mario RPGs). 3 Houses doesn't look nice at all and the gameplay could be MS Excel fun autism hour or Persona Lite Trails of Coooool Steel STUDENT COUNCIL and BEACH episode garbage. I think the animations are distracting as fuck, I just saw the latest trailer and the way the armies collide or run away is comically goofy and destroys the immersion factor of the game. The one they tried so hard to make into an epic scale war thing, probably why they hired the Dynasty Warriors devs to help develop, but the end product is bad. The fucking animators are awful and management isn't whipping them into shape.
>Persona Lite Trails of Coooool Steel STUDENT COUNCIL and BEACH episode garbage
>trailer already showed that it isn't
if anything it having story outside the school and Byleth's hair colour changing is even more Cold Steel, although that ruins the joke
haha thats our sensei
I hope her post time skip design doesn't suck. She's great.
FE is owned by Nintendo but it was created by and it's titles are developed by Intelligent Systems, an external development studio.
I don't consider Astral Chain a first party title but if Fire Emblem is then so is Astral Chain. Second party games are games developed by a second party, a company not owned by the platform owner but published by the platform holder fully.
>ohnononono the absolute STATE
How do you respond without sounding mad ?
Jesus christ this is bad.
>that cloud
>those trees
>the ground
>the lighting
>his clothes
>the cat
>the bushes
>the grass
>you know what, fuck it, the everything
>They run through the wall at 4:18
You've been able to shoot arrows through walls forever.
Look again, the cavaliers run through the wall after attacking the monster.
Looks more like they simply phase out of existence once the beast finishes its death animation.
Play Radiant Dawn, they actually took into account throwables in the 3D combat field and they accurately portray this way back in the Wii era. Three Houses' game engine just sucks, incompetent animators and the worst Nintendo art team of all time headed by an outsourced Otome. Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing New Horizons run circle around Fire Emblem Three Houses.