Blazeblue cross tag battle

Will i like this game? I enjoyed street fighter 4 but hated the new mk. 40 characters seems like an overwhelming amount and my favorite(toakaka) isn’t even in the game. I’m looking for a good fightan for my switch that I cannot get on xbox.

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Well, it's a tag game, so it's a completely different beast.

Tag game? How does that change things? Does that make it really different from previous entries in the series?

If you go into this expecting Blazblue, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. It’s its own game with its own mechanics. It’s a tag game to boot, meaning team synergy is more important than the characters themselves. That being said, it is by far the best fighting game of 2018, and it is the only tag fightan in nearly 15 years that properly captures what makes the subgenre actually fun.

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How is the balance. Do certain characters absolutely stomp? Also what is it that makes tag games fun tbat this game has captured the essence of?

Don't worry about the 40 character thing, they're pretty clearly split into different groups and you'll only use about 10 of them anyway.

I typically play gimmik characters or grapplers. Does this game have me covered?

The degeneracy. How good your team is depends on how well and often you can start your grimiest bullshit possible. Stupid mixups and sandwich situations are what wins you the games. Each character has three assists available any time during the match. Unlike when Fchimp was shilling for MvC:I, Babytag actually lets you be “sick and creative.”

CEO was just last weekend. Watch some of Top 8 or something to see what you think of the high level play. Decide from there if you like what what you see.

Each franchise has at least 1 grappler except RWBY and Arcana. Not sure what you're looking for with gimmick characters, but each character has a pretty defined playstyle so it's pretty straightforward. The fun part is trying out different team combinations to pull off stupid shit like this:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^994531133374152705|twgr^393039363b74776565745f6d65646961&ref_url=

Just play Tekken 7.

Do you think this game is easier than the new mk?

>Does this game have me covered?
One of the most dominant players uses Tager/Wald and runs a train on everyone. The fact that command grabs are quarter circle is disgusting.

I hated tekken. Soul caliber is much better and feels more intuitive.

Get Centralfiction instead.

Unlike Tag, the online is fucking DEAD but it's a much better game and not available on Xbox.

It’s easy enough to get into, but all fighting games for the past decade or so have a relatively low skill floor. It’s still a fighting game, though, so you better be ready to get washed for the first 10-20 hours online.

So central is dead but tag has an active online community on switch?

10-20 on NA, daily peak is about 40 in the evening.

That sounds depressing. Cross battle has more players? I’m playing the demo and enjoying how smooth it feels.

That WAS bbtag on switch. Fighting games in general are dead everywhere except ps4.

Its goddamn awful. Play CF instead


Mk is popular on switch and xbone and i can still find a variety of people on soul cal.

Simpler execution for combos and special moves in general but the complexity lies in tagging in your opponent to create unique combos with your partner character.

If you ever played a tag fighter like MvC and liked that, you'll probably enjoy this one too.

I honestly would love to get it, but user said that the online is basically dead and that’s a huge no no. I played the demo and it was so much fun.

It's fine PS4, but unless you're willing to go to locals or Discord then yeah don't get it. Plus, it's gonna be a dead game after this Evo anyways