>paid online (cutting me out of games I paid $60 a piece for)
>no virtual console
>no truly great exclusive games in the last two fucking years
>instead of focusing on their good IPs Nintendo devotes significant resources to fucking cardboard
>no end to this drought in sight
Any other tired Nintendo fans here?
Paid online (cutting me out of games I paid $60 a piece for)
Other urls found in this thread:
Smasn came out two years ago?
Smash isn't a good game, it's a button masher. I WANT to like Smash because everyone else seems to, but I just do not understand the appeal.
Cry me a river....
Hey faggot, that Kill la Kill game is up to pre-order on the PS Store and Spiderman PS4 got new free suits
You should like play a videogame and pre-order a videogame instead of shitposting.
I am playing Bloodstained at the moment, but not on the Switch.
>Indie games
Of course these hacks would make a lazy port and charge 70 dollars for it. Fuck Indie devs and fuck Kickstarter.
>Paid online
Are you poor?
>No virtual console
When did they ever advertise this as a feature? You just expected it
>no truly great exclusive games in the last two fucking years
This is too much bait or too retarded to even give a real response to
>instead of focusing on their good IPs Nintendo devotes significant resources to fucking cardboard
Define a good IP, and don't say Starfox, because you are wrong. Switch as gotten a Kirby game, a Yoshi game, a Zelda game, and a Mario game. Only missing Metroid which is in the works
>no end to this drought in sight
Astral Chain, Daemon X Machine, Pokemon, and Animal Cross, all in the next 8 months.
>posting redditjack
I mean, it's not like AAA ports are doing much better either.
>Are you poor?
No I just will not ever pay to use my own internet.
>When did they ever advertise this as a feature? You just expected it
Yes I expected it after every other Nintendo console since the Wii had it.
>This is too much bait or too retarded to even give a real response to
It's been nothing but trash like fire-emblem or pokemon or B-tier shit like Mario tennis and Yoshi.
>Define a good IP, and don't say Starfox, because you are wrong. Switch as gotten a Kirby game, a Yoshi game, a Zelda game, and a Mario game. Only missing Metroid which is in the works
F-Zero, Pikmin, and Metroid, the latter of which has been completely scrapped and may not even release.
>Astral Chain, Daemon X Machine, Pokemon, and Animal Cross, all in the next 8 months.
All of those games are fucking trash, and you wouldn't care about them if they weren't on Nintendo. C'mon, admit it.
Not OP but
>Golden Sun
>Chibi Robo
>Advance Wars
>Rhythm Heaven
>Wario Land
>All the 3ds shit like Dillon, Fossil Fighters or Tomodachi Life
>Custom Robo
>Sin & Punishment
>Wonderful 101
All dead thanks to Mario, Zelda and Pokemon shilling
> still have games left hostage on my Wii because I'm not paying to transfer them
You forgot Gooigi's Mansion
>All of those games are fucking trash, and you wouldn't care about them if they weren't on Nintendo
It's not how it works you fucking moron. Nobody cares about games because they are Nintendo games, in fact it's the complete opposite: people care about Nintendo because they make good games
>It's not how it works you fucking moron. Nobody cares about games because they are Nintendo games, in fact it's the complete opposite: people care about Nintendo because they make good games
This is why multiplats consistently perform and score better on Switch right? This is why mediocre trash like ARMS and Mario Tennis were lauded by critics right?
>Advance Wars
>Custom Robo
Dude, that hurts so much
I have never seen a single multiplat that scored better on Switch, unless it is an indie that has no drawbacks in quality AND has the added value of being portable. ARMS and Mario Tennis were not LAUDED by critics, they were considered fine games, but still less good than most Nintendo's first parties
>trolls always roping Mother into this shit
For the last time, the creator was finished. That can happen. Artists do that.
don't forget punch out and kid icarus
It's over bros, let's pack up
Gee I wonder who's behind this thread
>Didn't post the metacritic score.
Here we go again, rather than directly address criticisms leveled against Nintendo I am accused of being a Sony fan
>no end in sight
Nintendo has been slow and I’ve been bummed about that, but the kino train gets rolling back along this month user. Fuck were less than a week away from a new Umihara Kawase. If you’re not a mouth breathing pleb or a westaboo who was retarded to buy the system in the first place, the next several months are all Nintendo
Look at this mother fucker defending paid online and the only to it is "hurr durr don't be poor"
Bitch Astral Chain is fucking Platinum
>pays for online for games he knows he doesn't like
>I mean
Stopped reading. Take your whiny pleb speech to reddit
Umihara Kawase has been out since April 25, though?
Not in west
never played nintendo before
i'm gonna get myself a 2DS XL
Tbh the wiiu was way more fun. I guess switch is great if you never had a wiiu though but it's library been pretty dull
>No I just will not ever pay to use my own internet.
>buys it and complains anyway
>doesn't like smash
>buys it and complains anyway
>This is why multiplats consistently perform and score better on Switch right
The Japanese version has english support, why would you not buy that
You like it because it has characters from games you like. No wonder you are feeling a drought.
Sorry that you don't like the games coming out, user. If Nintendo and their second party devs aren't generating games you like, you have every right to look for something new. What kind of games do you like? If you want, we can help recommend what platform you want to go to instead.
I like Smash, so I'm happy enough, but the NES shit for Online is a joke.
>I am accused of being a Sony fan
Nobody did this
Could be worse famm, at least
you didn't buy a snoycensored 4.
8 month?
Astral Chain and DxM come out next month August.
Calm your fucking tits OP
Itoi said
“Ok the series is complete!”
He even said Mother 4 is in our hearts and feel free to make your own Mother 4 but it won’t be made by me.
Itoi is too perfect for this shit world
I’m too lazy and I still have a backlog to run though.
I still need to finish XB2, Octopath Traveler and MHGU
i still like the switch but witcher 3 might be worth a buy, nintendo needs to attract more third party stuff like this. but in order to do that wed need a more powerful console. thats nintendos only problem i like virtual console and their exclusives . but they refuse to fix their hardware specs so well always have this problem. and to you mindless nintedefenders yeah this is a drougt and no we havent gotten any other good games smash , botw, and odessy. thats all non fanatics will want deal with it.
Grow up.
>buys it and complains anyway
I didn't buy it. But you seem quite mad nonetheless.
I love my Switch, but you can’t defend Nintendo’s online. Cheap shit is still shit even it it’s cheap.
tegra x1 nintodler
>tetris 99
Grow up
I can't even imagine how barren a console library must be if you actually need to recommend Tetris.
Did you misread the OP or something? I'm mad at Nintendo, not people who are having a good time with their Switch although they do admittedly mystify me.
>The power is the most important thing meme
Nigger the 3DS on literal 2011 tech that was worse than IPhone 3GS which was already outdated at the time raped the PS Vita a significantly more powerful system to death.
It’s about the games
If the games are good we’ll play on SNES tier systems
Fucking lol
>I'm mad
We know
This is why I stopped buying Nintendo Consoles. hey get one big release like every three months. If you don't like that game, you're shit out of luck. They're a good complementary console but as a primary, they're not worth it.
Mario Maker 2 came out this week dumbfuck
Tetris is one of the highest rated games of all time. Tetris 99 makes normal tetris unfulfilling.
That game doesn't count
Threadly reminder that consolewarring retards can be placed in one of three categories:
1. trolls
2. braindead fanboys
3. insecure children mad that their parents can only afford to by them one console at a time
You gain nothing by interacting with consolewarring faggots. Ignore them.
Why can't someone just genuinely dislike a console?
When was the last time Nintendo even released a new Labo thing?
you need to reread my pst why did i suggest they need more power and arent getting games?
having a system that cant run a lot of third party games limits the amount of games you can have doesnt it? are you actually arguing the switch is better of being underpowered even if price werent an issue?
more power = more games
if youre arguing against that youre stubborn or crazy.
Because brand loyalty is a mental disorder.
OP here, I don't "genuinely dislike" the Switch although it IS pathetically underpowered, I dislike the software and services it's received after 2017.
>more power = more games
This has almost never been true
>more power = more games
What is the Atari Jaguar?
Spoken like a true shill, broken record on repeat and all, haha. We HaVe tEh zElDa gAyMeS aNd tEh mArIo gAyMeS xD
ah crazy then . lol imma rise to the bait though. well maybe not funny stuff though
probably cuz you think it's a button masher for some reason
>We HaVe tEh zElDa gAyMeS aNd tEh mArIo gAyMeS xD
Back to re.ddit
Go back to (((discord))) basedboy
tegra x1 toddlers
The Atari Jaguar wasn’t really good at anything though. The marketing campaign was bogus.
>tfw Metroid Prime has been delayed AGAIN, and we won't even see a trailer until 2020
>meanwhile we get cinematic experiences like Daemon X machina, SMT, Pokemon, Xenoblade and Octopath Traveler
I must say, I'm not too excited for this year.
>I am accused of being a Sony fan
Nobody said anything about Sony. Good job outing yourself you fucking autist.
>getting btfo by a filter
“Gee I wonder who's behind this thread”
Don’t pretend the implication wasn’t obvious.
BASED user
Did you reply to the wrong post?
ACfag is in this thread
Keep defending Jewtendo man child, hopefully (((they))) will pay you for your kind loyalty.
does anyone here own mario maker 2 i heard it lacking content thats in the first game
>no truly great exclusive games in the last two fucking years
Stop being such a victim. Also stop being a whiny bitch
I'm pretty sure there's reasons why a few of those haven't gotten new games, especially W101
Have sex
I’m unsatisfied with my product and as a consumer I have a right to make my grievances known.
>no truly great exclusive games in the last two fucking years
When did this become a thing? Why is this a thing? Why do we *need* a new game on a regular basis? And not even a new game, but a new game of arbitrarily determined quality? Will your Switch atrophy if not handled regularly? Do you have literally no other form of entertainment whatsoever with which to occupy your time?
And I'm not even really bitching about the Switch specifically, but this is a huge thing with all gaming. Everything needs a new game in regular intervals. Like we can't just enjoy what we have in front of us, we NEED to constantly be looking forward to new stuff. This has even spread to games that have ALREADY COME OUT, too! Like Super Mario Maker 2 came out literally yesterday, and we already have people asking "Oh, but can they keep it RELEVANT? Can they keep making content for it??" as if the instant Nintendo decides to make a different game, all SMM2 carts turn to ash, as if the NAME OF THE FUCKING GAME isn't to make and share your own fucking content.
When did this happen, bros? When did we get here?
Not OP, but I refuse to consider something even remotely good if the fanbase has to rely on sales and metacritic scores to sell it. A good game can sell itself without relying on the (((industry))) for approval. For example, I hate Splatoon, Overwatch, I dislike Zelda, I don't like Donkey Kong, and the entire Ps4 library makes me turn away with disgust.
Am I weird for thinking the Switch version of that particular screenshot looks better?
Like THE GAME AS A WHOLE definitely looks better on anything but the Switch, but the water effect on the ship right there is just weird and plasticky. The understated version on the Switch actually looks like rain-soaked wood.
People got impatient with the advent of the internet, social media, and 24/7 news outlets. That's really all there is to it.
It's the lighting. It's always the lighting with Unreal engine games.
>I hate things SPECIFICALLY because they are popular
>>Golden Sun
Camelot went to go making Mario Golf and other Mario sports shit.
>>Advance Wars
Ignored for Fire Emblem because RPG characters were popularized by Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, and other TBSRPGs.
>Why do we *need* a new game on a regular basis?
It’s the entire fucking reason to get a console and not a gaming PC or laptop in the first place you unbelievable fucking shill. Jesus Christ go back.
Fuck off Doug
I gladly welcome reasons why I should like them, but if all the reasoning is based around jerking off to popularity contests, then there is no redeeming value.
>It’s the entire fucking reason to get a console and not a gaming PC or laptop
What the fuck sense does that make? Do games not come out on PC? I don't understand your logic.
>Replying to ACFag
The reason you buy a console is to play exclusive games you can’t get anywhere else. When no games are being released, that end is not being reached. PCs also have the added bonus if providing services apart from gaming. In order for consoles to keep my attention and keep me happy good games must be released regularly. The whole “stop to smell the roses” shit you’re spewing is unbelievably retarded
Nintendo pushed the franchise hard and it never sold. Miyamoto's "I can't do anything with it" is him finding an excuse to sugarcoat the game series not doing well.
>Golden Sun
Did not sell well, despite the effort.
Suffers from an immense lack of focus, and also too quirky to sell a lot.
Development Hell, Miyamoto is very particular about it.
The series is done.
>Advance Wars
See Golden Sun.
>Rhythm Heaven
Far too much of a DS/Wii era thing, completely unlike anything that would come out now. Niche back then.
>Wario Land
Last game sold poorly, Master of Disguise was both received and sold poorly.
>Dillon, Fossil Fighters, Tomodachi
At best, C-tier focuses for Nintendo.
>Custom Robo
See F-Zero.
>Sin & Punishment
It got one game, really. It was an experiment.
>Wonderful 101
Overrated and only liked because of Kamiya shitposts.
and which boogeyman is that?
Newfag, but who’s really surprised anymore.
Hell, with Chibi-Robo they LET THE TRADEMARK EXPIRE. That almost NEVER happens with Nintendo properties.
>When no games are being released, that end is not being reached.
That's my biggest problem. Your use of the present-tense there. "BEING released". Because good games HAVE BEEN released, clearly. Do those games not count anymore for some reason?
>In order for consoles to keep my attention and keep me happy
This is something else I have a problem with.
They shouldn't *have* to keep your attention and keep you happy. If there's something else out there that you happen to like more in the moment, then go to it. That shouldn't be a mark against whatever *isn't* making you happy right then. Do you hate hotdogs because you're eating a hamburger right now?
People hated everything but the original game. I don't blame them, even if the DS game wasn't that bad.
No wait, that was Custom Robo. My mistake. Point still stands.
He's in
Nobody cares. Just sell it away and fuck off
And guess what? I’m done with that good game in a week. When I don’t have a reason to use my switch, I don’t. Which explains the layer of dust currently resting on it.
And how on earth is it somehow unreasonable to expect at the very least a fairly consistent stream of exclusive releases on a game console? NOT having that is what has killed countless consoles.
>instead of focusing on their good IPs Nintendo devotes significant resources to fucking cardboard
i.e. Nintendo is trying to be innovative and encourage creativity, instead of being unoriginal like American game companies like Microsoft making the 6th Halo game, yes I said 6.
How sad.
Is it getting under your skin that I’m criticizing Nintendo or something?
only borderline useless stuff
Hack it
Imagine legitimately defending $70 cardboard because it has the Nintendo logo on it.
>He thinks games are a one-and-done deal and doesn't give any thought to replay value
Found the problem, chief.
I'm telling you that nobody gives a shit about your lack of satisfaction with anything. Just sell it and stop being a whiny bitch
>NOT having that is what has killed countless consoles.
It's actually really easy; that number is zero.
The N64 got, like, six good games in its entire run, but it's still universally beloved.
The PS4 is one of the fastest selling consoles of all time, and it had exactly ONE decent game for three solid years.
>Nintendo makes 10 Mario Parties, each getting worse in succession
>this is fine
>Microsoft makes 6 halo games
How do you replay a game like Breath of the Wild unless several years have passed minimum?
they just realized they underscored and backpedaled.
Bad example. Botw is quite replayable.
So here's my read on OP
>Thinks Smash, the babbyiest of fightans is a button masher
>Shits on Tetris
>Hates current popular series but loves dead ones.
Haha what a bitch
Bitch I've replayed that game six times since it came out, and I don't even like it that much
>Build a PC
>Emulate old Nintendo games with enhancements
>Only buy consoles when there's something you actually care about
>Spend droughts playing the millions of games you can play on PC
Being an idort is the best thing you can do. Having a Switch, Vita and gaming PC is kino
Imagine beating a game after investing 75+ hours into it and then immediately replaying it. Are people like you why there are weirdos who play Mario 64 and OOT a minimum of once a year for decades on end?
dont have a lanky mario yeah im not gonna buy it
I am an idort and YUZU makes me regret buying a Switch with each update it receives.
It's ok now because Toio and Wonderbook
Because Hyrule is fucking huge, the physics are fun to exploit, and the open-ended nature of the game lends itself to player-imposed challenges, like Bow-Only Runs, Sword Only Runs, No Shrine Runs, ONLY Shrine Runs, Stone Ability Runs, and so on and so forth
>Implying Smash Brothers Ultimate is any good
>Meme drawn out campaign mode that overstays it's welcome because aside from it there's literally no other content
>Barebones customization for Mii fighters
>Most characters are just clones fo each other especially DLC characters
Fuck Smash Brothers Ultimate, fuck Sakurai
Also the new Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem look like ass
Odyssey is literally the only worthwhile exclusive.
Digital foundry actually thinks the ship level on Switch looks better than the other versions too.
>Because Hyrule is fucking huge
Again, unless you literally just enjoy the walking itself there is nothing left to see after like 20 hours.
>the physics are fun to exploit
Against what, the same bokoblin camp you've seen 50 times already?
>and the open-ended nature of the game lends itself to player-imposed challenges
I see, you're a speed runner. No wonder you derive enjoyment from playing the same games again and again and again.
>player imposed challenges
Yeah, that made me drop the game.If there;'s one thing I despise, it's a game that asks me to make my own limitations instead of giving me some well crafted challenge. I beat the game doing a three heart run, and I don't even remember the last time I died. Cripes, Nintendo is incompetent as hell. And then to remedy this, I have to pay 20 bucks for DLC and a hard mode?
We get it. 97 still makes your skin crawl
Us nintendo fans are so desperate we're unironically making threads about mario maker shovelware
it's so tiring bros....when will we get a break
It changed to be this when the nature of game being developed moved to social experiences, as opposed to single player, or even multiplayer. When you buy games for you, single player, you have a set piece of content that you can keep and have fun with at your discretion. This was the absolute norm up until the mid 2000s, because that was all that could be made for consoles. Around the Seventh Gen, people focused more on Multiplayer. Halo, Gears, Call of Duty, etc, from 2004 until 2013 or so, when there was a balance of people wanting a good story experience, but also a fun multiplayer. Even then, people were ok with staying on one game. A big part of this was because the game was a single product. You bought it, maybe got some DLC, then it was done and you lived with it. But since then, there's been a push to view games as a live service. You dont buy it for the game as is, you buy it to have a social experience while they generate post launch content to actually fill out the game to standards befitting a game. But because it's a live service, every game that comes out is then seen as competing for your time, and offering a better world to hang out in. That kind of competition is so dominating in the gaming scene that now people think of all games, singleplayer or not, like that. It's why games that try to be arena shooters like Titanfall 2 or CliffyB's game I forgot are dying on the spot; people don't want something to play as a game, they want a game to provide a social experience, either as a quasi MMO that let's you hang out in the game with friends, or big titles that generate online discussion and discourse.
It sucks, but if you can manage to separate yourself from that identity, you'll be able to see a lot of good in how things are. Of course there's bad, and most of that comes from the cutting edge, but there's still a lot of good content you can stay satisfied with, and people out there who you can talk with about it all.
>could argue any of the game's strong points, perhaps expressing pity that the user might have missed an opportunity to try out the physics or explore certain parts of the map
>instead use the cheap shot and jerk off game journos
Fanboys deserve the rope.
When an argument goes on long enough, and the other side has shown no attempt to understand you and has belittled you for holding your viewpoint, why not stop trying to reason with a rock and start shitposting? May as well have fun if you can't reach an understanding.
>When an argument goes on long enough, and the other side has shown no attempt to understand you and has belittled you for holding your viewpoint, why not stop trying to reason with a rock and start shitposting?
Because that's exactly what he wants? this whole "durrr 97 best game ever" crap has ruined many a zelda thread, and that's exactly what the shitposters want. It gives them fuel to shitpost back because they can point and say "SEE? THEY'RE JUST SHITPOSTING". It's when they shitpost that you have to be especially adamant about remaining reasonable.
>Nintendo fan
You're a faggot snoy wojak posting redditor fuck off
Bro we get it you're bored and you came here to shitpost.
I get what you mean, but I don't think that works for a thread like this that's already just for shitposting. If it was a Zelda thread, sure, but when it starts as a shitpost, no reason to not have some fun and shitpost, too. For these kinds of threads, may as well at least have fun if no one wants a convo.
>tfw I played my Switch earlier
Why not?
>The online is dirt cheap.
>Nintendo already has NES games on the online service and are adding SNES soon.
>Mario Maker, Cadence of Hyrule and Smash are all stellar exclusives with FE, Astral Chain, Daemon x Machina, Link's Awakening, Marvel UA3 and Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing on the horizon.
nice thread snoy
>button masher
Nigger what? Fighting games can be button mashers. Smash atleast has you move the stick around a little more to move about the stage
>Cringe la Cringe