I'm taking the FFXIV pill and getting the starter edition, which job is best in your opinion?
I'm taking the FFXIV pill and getting the starter edition, which job is best in your opinion?
What kind of classes do you like in RPGs?
balance wise PLD is op as fuck right now
mechanics wise, maybe NIN
im giving it a couple of months to let the hype die down so I can get into a decent server
For what role?
Game just shit itself for anyone else? Sitting in a 1700 player queue at the moment.
Not OP, but what's the best class for getting the Guts experience?
probably DRK at best?
Dragoon so you get bored out of your mind and quit before reaching 70
Dark Knight since they got a fuck huge sword
>all those people mad Y'shtola got BARBED
Thaumaturge. and make a lalafell, wont regret it
thats not a starter class though
I made a goon, it's so fucking boring, 3 buttons and that's it
3155 for me.
>try and log in
>Que is 4000
Goddam. That's a first for my server.
I'm getting this next month only because my friend plays and I'm tired of playing games by myself
You start with a class. Pick either Gladiator, Pugilist or Thaumaturge so you start in Ul'dah. It's the best for story reasons.
gridania is the only truly irrelevant starting zone, if you start in limsa you get more detail about Titan and Leviathan, although it's still not nearly as pertinent as ul'dah being the focus of both Heavensward's opening and near all of stormblood
Play a tank for the story. The cutscene feel much better when you jump in the way and pull out a sns, gs, or axe. Jumping in the way and pulling out a book or tree branch looks retarded.
Did the servers get DDoSed?
cursed information, my friends
Vauthry is just Chris-chan and Eulmore is CWCville
>which job is best
the game is nice because none are
everything has its individual role, BLM does best damage but it's hard to do it in real content, SMN is best at dungeonrolling and progging while almost as good as BLM damage, RDM is best at progging and easy to play but never will hit close to BLM damage, DRG is highly mobile but lower damage, MNK is super high damage but high positional requirements, SAM is simple and high damage but no rDPS, NIN is the best rDPS in the game, SCH is best proactive healer, WHM is best reactive healer, AST is best buffer, PLD is best OT, and I've not played much of DNC, GNB, or DRK so I can't say about those
all this was a ruse, the answer is WAR of course
>NIN is the best rDPS in the game
if your stuck in a queue make sure to cancel the long queue and it will log you in as it normally does. its a queue problem because everyone logged in at the same time and overloaded the queue.
Someone post janny
Just level up in a preferred server and transfer later. Everyone is all at end game anyways.
Yes it is. Thaumaturge. Just smaller explosions.
Easily DRK.
With the latest expansion, you get the closest thing to Gut's Sword at lv 80.
Do keep in mind, you will need the Heavensward Expansion, and won't have access to the job until you beat the base game. Gut's life wasn't easy either.
>Caster rolequest is just how to train your shota elf
Very gay tbdesu.
For an absolute beginner?
Conjurer/White Mage.
>Credit to team
>Shortest que times, means fastest path through MSQ
>Easiest job in the world before endgame
G'raha LARPing as a villain so we wouldn't feel as bad when he tried to suicide with the light pretty emotional.
How the fuck did square manage to make me actually like a cat boy? When his ears drooped and he was apologizing I just wanted to give the poor bastard a hug
>DRG lower damage
>AST best buffer
AST is a joke right now
start with HRT and slowly work your way to suicide
>every enemy stands completely still for 10 seconds, does an about-face, and walks 20 yards forward before stopping again
>everything aggros you
Not to sound like a douche, but >it's 2019. Get this shit sorted out.
Dragoon shits out damage now
>Server queues still fucked
Oh well, back to Bloodstained for me I guess
>cancel the long queue and it will log you in as it normally does
what do you mean by this?
>queue at 700
Almost there.
Why are WoW players never shut up about this game if they don't even play it?
the Healer one is kino and is the best one to do prior to main story completion, you and a dwarf tank are the inverse of Ardbert and Lamitt. There's more worldbuilding in this one quest chain than there is for several entire races back in Eorzea
Can we please just stay in the First? Literally everything about it is better than the Source, the races are better, the civilizations are better, the ancient empires are better, the beast tribes are better, everything is cooler than what we get
You don't know ow to cancel the long queue? Personally I always cancel the long queues especially when queueing for tank these days.
Should I do more titania runs or help other people with whatever?
So question
Is everyone with the echo a sharded Ancient soul or is it just the WoL? Maybe that Echo users are the sharded souls who supported Hydalen. As far I know every echo user has various strengths of power with it, but there's two universal skills granted.
Immune to Tempering: Primals are lesser creations made by lesser beings. Make sense that they cant control the greater Ancient soul, even if it is fragmented.
Omni-language: The Ancient language is specifically pointed out to be "something ive never heard but understand perfectly" which would make sense to be something to carry over to sharded souls
>Lv 80 BLM
>Can't use Zettaflare
>A fucking cartoon duck can
holy fuck did Donald just murder a human and then die?
>wHicH jOb iS beSt
Why ask this? There is no best. Roll with a job that interests you
My FAVORITE job is Gunbreaker, right next to BLM
help me cum
>skip leatherworker 68 quest cutscene because our PF filled
>later go to the inn so I can watch the cutscene
>it's not there
Thanks Yoshi.
>favorite job is the new one
>something ive never heard but understand perfectly
I thought that was just something about massive powerful beings in this game.
The Dragons do the same shit.
DRG is unironically the strongest melee DPS, lad
MNK and SAM's final verses are sung as fuck right now
NIN can still exist so that I have someone to give me Eye to other than me
>new materia is +20
>old materia is +40
Am I missing something here? Or am I correct in just melding the +40 shit?
3,453 on Famfrit
Any you like. They are all somewhat easy to get into. Pick the one with the aesthetic or gameplay you like. You can unlock more classes to swap to as well.
Are you even playing the game? DRG's unironically shit out damage now.
VII is for overmelding crafted gear.
So basically unless you're a hardcore progression min-maxer it's irrelevant to you.
All of the scions were able to understand the ancients but only you have the echo. Being able to understand them was probably just a contrivance of emet-selch.
250 left on adamantoise
new materia is +20 and +60 you silly billy
>apostrophe in the name
yep thats a balmung player
>not giving yourself Dragon Sight and looking the NIN in the eye while the DNC in the group sucks you off
So how likely is it that Skill Speed is going to end up mattering for MCH given that only "Weaponskills" affect Wildfire as opposed to just "Abilities"?
It's like this user.
If you want easy mode you go with a healer. They're currently in insane demand, used to be tanks how it's healers.
Then you have tanks, they dictate the game pace and you're kind of expected to know some stuff. So it's a great way to learn mechanics.
DPS is mostly the same. You avoid mechanics and you try to preform your rotation to the best of your abilities while doing so.
Probably quite a bit since skill-speed lowers your GCD and you'll want to dump more and more into Wildfire
Did I fuck up in starting a lancer as my first character?
There is another tier above that which adds 60.
You can penta-meld the +20 shit
No. Drg is a great class and had some nice QoL changes this xpac.
Is AST unironically fucked right now? Can I get some actual numbers or reasons right now? Just inefficient mana bad rDPS what's going on boys?
Thank you I thought I was going crazy for a second
Literally not at all
LNC leads to DRG, one of the best and most fun jobs in the game right now
t. DRG
absolutely zero since you pair wildfire with hypercharge heat blasts every time it's up and heat blasts are unaffected by skill speed.
Skill speed is a dead stat on MCH, optimally you want 2.5s GCD so drill/air anchor don't have munted recast timers and perfectly line up with your rotation.
>need to level up 5 to 7 jobs entirely through trusts if you want the achievement for getting all trusts to 80
>3 of them need to be tanks and none of them can be healers
I wonder how long until this gets changed.
No. DRG is one of the best dps
You can never fit more than 7 weaponskills into wildfire no matter how much skill speed you stack, so it doesn't matter. It's entirely possible that sks will be good for MCH anyway though because more gcds means more heat and battery gauge.
No, you can be any class on one character and can change at any time after you have the class unlocked. Dragoon's also a pretty solid choice of starting melee DPS, even if Lancer is underwhelming until the 35-45 level range.
Playing DRK. What should I meld?
do PLDs still meld DH > everything else
DRG shits damage right now, you're good.
Probably not elusive jumping enough then...
Never gets old.
>people like a fun new tank
>is also the job that behaves most like a DPS out of all the available tanks
Tanks right now do
DH > DET > Crit
You can find your comfy SkS in between that
So if I just got to the notSahagin village how much more do I have to go? I know this is the last zone. Also how much more till I hit the last level gate? I have about 8 mirrion exp till I cap.
Threadly reminder that y'shtola loves big lion cock and it's canon.
Yeah and then next expansion their favorite job will be the new one then. These people are just bandwagoners they'll hop on whatever is new and shiny.
No, lancer and dragoon is a meme because they used to be trash in FFXI. Also enjoy Heavensward, there are a shit ton of flavor text easter eggs because you're a dragoon.
do mods work yet?
You've got 2 years. They'll increase trust exp gains eventually but don't expect it for a long time.
We don't know until we can average the card dps contribution. Personal dps wise it is indeed the worst but we don't know if, lets say, AST does 5k dps and gets 2k from rdps while WHM does 7k from personal dps alone.
Thanks anons!
I was literally only able to login to diabolos when I started. If I'm looking to casually raid and roleplay, can I stay there? I haven't ran into much RP yet.
Does leaving a retainer window open still prevent the auto logout
skill speed does not increase gauss/richochet/heat blast damage at all, which is a big part of your damage
every other stat increases the damage of those AS WELL AS increasing the damage of Drill/Air Anchor. It's just a matter of
>skill speed makes part of your kit stronger
>crit/dhit makes your entire kit stronger
Kys faggot tranny.
>tfw WAR isn't best dps tank anymore
>DNC makes the WHM her partner instead of you
You'll need to finish your level 80 Role quest soon, so go do that if you haven't done so.
You do 3 quests in the village and then you meet a humble weaponsmith that needs you to be level 80. Then it's pure kino after that point.
leaving the HUD Layout window works and you can do it anywhere
I really hope their wishes do come to pass by the time we finish this expansion Yea Forums.
White mage.
>Afk through most contact
>Instant queue
>Best healing
Use it to clear the msq then pick a class to main
Can you get an Amaurot robe? I hate that they fucking teased you in that side quest.
Flying around the city is pretty cool though, I wonder if there's any secrets on the rooftops.
stop it, user
that user butthurt about hrothgar already killed himself
I avoid the rp so adamantoise has been a good server for me.
What's the SMN opener/rotation now? It feels less complex than the tzeentchian horror it was in SB but I feel like I'm not doing it properly
>messing around in some lower dungeons on GNB
>shit's pretty fun
>hop into HoH
>get Continuation
This shit should be illegal it's too fun
Arcanist, so you can go either Summoner OR Scholar at level 30.
Samurai and redmage weren't in my interest like 2 years ago. I played DRK and PLD on sb launch. Enjoy making more assumptions tho
Can't kill himself twice :^)
GNB came together so beautifully at 70 that everything after 70 is almost a disappointment, but then you get the huge-cock trait upgrading Danger Zone to Blasting Zone and it's all gravy again.
>been playing DRK since 3.0
>seeing all these new baby Drks running around in their AF gear
Brings a tear to my eye it does.
>I swear that's not me
>proceeds to fav the new job
Like pottery.
>dancer makes you her partner
>takes you off halfway through the dungeon
it actually hurts to have someone go "yeah... that was a mistake, giving it to someone else"
Thanks user
>innocence extreme loot farm as MCH, have Dragoon and DNC in party too
>outdps them hard in the first run but don't say anything because it doesn't matter anyway
>on the subsequent runs the DNC partners me and the dragoon tethers me every single time they can
>my dps goes up by a fucking thousand
I can not keep my DoTs from falling off no matter what I fucking do. There's no DoT timing that doesn't keep them from falling off because of the exact 30 second timing.
That's the same for almost every job though. Every non-healer job except BLM has oGCD attacks unaffected by sks/sps so you can always make the argument that it doesn't affect your entire kit.
>DNC makes the lowest dps partner
But why?
I really hate the chance to dreadwyrm trance. Like I know it's barely a change but it feels so off to just be able to go in whenever
Clearly (you)r brain is an empty pot
I've done them all up till the last one, I'm ready on that end
Cool, if I clean out the sidequests and bang out a few FATES I should be all set. Logged off because a lightning storm is rolling in or else I'd probably be done with the story tonight.
So, when did you realize you were a shitter user?
>2 DNC's partner you instead of one of them going for the MNK
I'm still not quite sure why. Not like it stacks.
So how do jobs work?
Is monk just pugilist+ or is it like a sidegrade or something?
I have literally no idea how this game works and the wikis are not very clear
This set is great but I wish you could dye it
user was the lowest dps.
Jobs are straight upgrades
>all those fools insisting monk was totally going to be fine
I was right to think monk was getting ruined.
I hate that I'm right.
>eorzea alliance guards on the Source wear shitty oversized smocks as their armor
>guards on the First wear actual armor for armor
>Lv 80 BLM
>still can't cast demi-ultima
It'll be the lvl 90 spell i just know it. And is it me or does elusive jump literally do nothing now?
Incompetence. DNC is like AST in which you need a parser if you want to do your job well. Most don't. Most suck.
he can, he's that suicidal
oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oofy woofy fwoofy poofy oofy
Jobs become the sole progression-path of your class at level 30. Classes gaining anything past level 30 is a holdover from ARR and you'll only notice in Palace of the Dead; there is absolutely no advantage to keeping your character on a class past level 30, and classes stop gaining new abilities at 50 with all new abilities being tied to your job.
there will probably be some way to get a dyeable one in a patch or two
Elusive Jump is pure positioning-utility now since all jobs had their aggro-mitigation removed.
>feeding it attention
You're the same as him
It's a direct upgrade to pugilist. You'll never want to actually be a Pugilist over a Monk. Same goes for every job.
friendly reminder that “””tanxiety””” is a gay meme that literally does not exist. healing anxiety, however, is very real and understandable
>viera dancer
Take the healer pill.
Sometimes DNC come with a friend or someone they know and give them buffs regardless of how shit they are.
>Players in queue: 1163
Wowfugees need to be hanged
>get permission to visit the Amaurot Nerd Bureau
>don't think to invite any of your nerd friends so they can learn as much ancient nerd shit as possible
But why?
Finally hit the credits of >shad
What a good fucking time. Final dungeon and boss were great. I just wish it didn't take me half an hour to queue into the last boss because no one on Aether wants to heal anymore
Dots only tick every three seconds so if you get them back up before the next tick then there's no lost damage.
The class was literally made for them.
Nah, I'll just take the nin or sam pill.
The fuck is tankxiety and healing anxeity?
>think monkbros about to embrace his legacy as king
>no fuck you here have some more lyse
Is there a class that actually feels fast paced? I've got a Nin to 67 but it's still boring af.
Literally just refresh if there are 4 seconds left, and that's assuming you don't have tri-disaster up or will be cuz of dreadwyrm/firebird trance it's no effort dude.
It's like that on every datacenter, 24 minute queue for that fight on primal, and even on JP datacenters people are waiting upwards of 30 minutes. Everyone's tired of healing.
right, but it still effects basically every GCD they use, unlike with MCH.
in this example heat blast+gauss+ricochet is a combined 31% of you total damage that skill speed has absolutely no impact on. Yes skill speed means more drill and air anchor but more crit/dhit drill/air anchor as well as your hypercharge attacks.
It's the same situation as Paladin, where a third of their kit is spell casts so skill speed is a dead stat for them since it doesn't effect holy spirit/confiteor GCDs.
>mystel aren't sucking dick on every town corner
>lalafells aren't memers, jews and pretending to be kids
>pale viera
>elezen aren't racist
The first is a literal better eorzea, why even go back?
But then they fall off before Tri Disaster comes back.
press lots of buttons and move constantly for positionals
NIN is fast as fuck though.
what's the best meld?
You used to have to level multiple classes to unlock jobs, for example Bard you needed a level 30 Archer and level 15 Pugilist. Additionally, you needed to level jobs to a certain level to unlock multi-job actions. In the past, Dragoon learned an ability at level 34 that boosted damage, so even if you were a Bard you needed to level Dragoon to 34 to be able to use that Dragoon ability as a Bard.
Now it's all been simplified to retard status and jobs are just straight extensions of classes
You're a nigger and I hope you die of aids you fuck. I've been an FF8 fan my entire life so getting FF8 gunblades was amazing to me. I was also PLD before, so it was natural to pick it. Also do you realize how dumb you sound? Literally everyone is a bandwagoner, really?
I was monk but going Astro made clearing the msq that much more bearable. I'll be able to grind crafting and make DPS much more fun.
>having anxiety of any kind while playing a video game
Just gitgud, always the simplest solution. This shit ain't a fighting game where you gotta learn one frame links and in depth matchups, or an RTS with inhuman APM. As long as you can read tooltip you'll already be in the top 20 percent of players online.
You can start in Ul'dah and run your ass to Gridania to pick up that class dude.
Tanks and healers are linchpins for a party so, naturally, some people are nervous about fucking up when in jobs that dictate success or failure.
imagine ddosing your favorite game's competition for free
What are healers melding nowadays?
I don't have a cyanide pill with me.
By this logic Emet could have thought of a blade going through our heart and instantly kill us. Maybe he was just really into LARPING light vs dark?
feels good to see who's top dps by just looking at the enmity bars now
>Everybody praising 5.0 story
Aw shit they blew their load early. Its like HW all over again.
get off muh server you bums
>pale viera
But this one is a downgrade to brown viera.
DRG, NIN, SAM kinda and GNB feel really fast-paced. SMN is also pretty fast-paced going by people complaining about actually having to try compared to SB
they arent on the list.
And That's A Good Thing
>thinking people who lived through 2 shit rulers would want another king
Considering leveling WHM soon, I used to play FO in PSO and was just a heal and buff bot for the most part in that game so playing health bar whack a mole doesn't bore me as much as it does most folks.
Don't think it works as well for jobs with a pet as a decent source of damage, like MCH/SMN, apart from that yea it's basically a built in dps ranking now.
He literally does make blades in his fight
One of the biggest reasons I heal is because it's fucking infuriating when you get a group held hostage by a shitty healer, if they're your only Rez and they die to stupid shit you're just completely fucked due to the overabundance of undodgeable partywide AOE damage in this game
Meanwhile when I play healer I can keep all but the most mongoloid tanks alive, especially since they get built in training wheels for mechanics in the form of huge health pools and high resistances
Are you stupid? It's good if they put out the best part of the story on launch. Expacs release with 100 or so quests, then we wait months at a time for like 10 fucking quests, stretching out the .x story
Race mixing is against the twelves teaching..
>A parse tranny
That's too bad because whatever a Hroth and a Lala spawned in the back alley of a festival would be cute af
That's another hilda right there.
Pet agro isn't separate from the SMN anymore.
>people think monk is going to go 2fast2handle now with GL4
>it's not even noticeable because monk's ss was lowered overall
>Even just a geared SB monk was faster than monk with GL4
How can you fuck up a job this hard?
Whats the most fun ranged physical DPS now?
It's America's birthday tomorrow. Celebrate. Your are American, aren't you?
>We're gonna have to go back and deal with an autismos bloodlust
>healers get fucked by being both boring and not getting a new one so they complain
>tanks and dps tell them to shut up and play something else if they dont like it
>healers play something else
>tanks and dps complain about queue times
Really makes you think
fun is subjective
>Literally everyone is a bandwagoner, really?
Are you braindead? Not everyone. I'm still in the same job I started ARR with. I don't jump every expansion like some.
There's also another sidequest with a hume that has an elven grandmother.
I'm a cutscene skipper and I get a quick run down on this weird ass city in the southern part of The Tempest?
The First is so much better than the Source it's not even funny. Black and White mages are common and not hamstrung by cuck elementals, their ancient empire is cool Aztec shit instead of ugly magitek, their beast tribes are cooler, Dwarves are better than lalafells by a thousand times, their gods include the concept of darkness itself and SCREEEE instead of the boring 12 pantheon
Machinist if you like going fast
Dancer if you like being gay
Bard if you don't like how busy Machinist is
Well no shit, with re-calculations MNK is back down to where SB MNK would've been if it had GL4 in 4.0. Long-term skill speed increases from gear and melding will make it faster all the way up to its theoretical cap in 5.5.
Shut the fuck up and focus me while I chain Despairs in all this fire.
Why? You don't care anyway. Just fuck off and get to grinding so you can see those iLvls rise, niggerfaggot.
>start in limsa
>Have to deal with piratespeak
I did it once and I restarted in Ul'da
>Hydaelyn split everything up, she does not want everything to mix into one
Is she redpilled?
>played white mage anyways
>white mage is on top this expac
>i win on all sides of the fence
Answer my question you fucking faggot.
>Only 1 earring
>writes the best expansion
You still got stuff like RDM healing or I guess bard doing bard stuff? Not sure.
>healing anxiety, however, is very real and understandable
No its not. Get fucking good. I bet you can't handle big pulls.
>login queue at 4:26 AM in EU
To add to that, suck my cock.
I watched this shit and really enjoyed it back when Heavensward came out but that was fucking years ago and I forgot everything about it. I can't be assed to go back and redo all that stuff.
It's a city in the ocean. Now you can focus on those iLvls
I'm tired of tanking and want to play a DPS class now, trying SAM, NIN, DRG and MCH
Which one should I play? MCH is the most fun to me but I heard it's shit at the moment
i agree with most points but
>sophisticated, materialistic halflings with nuanced diversity
>le laliho XD ken I have one more pint reddit race
God you people are obnoxious.
Wait until Eden before gloating , although I don't expect AST to change without buffs white mage and scholar may end up in contention
Where do you pick a preferred server? I'm on trial right now and everything I've chosen is locked
How bad is the RP in Eulmore on your server? Its starting to pick up a crowd already.
MCH is fine right now. Just play what you like.
>we will never know what seven of the world's were like
>we'll probably also never know what the other four remaining shards are like either
Tomorrow, isn't just America's birthday. The truth will be revealed tomorrow to the entire world.
It has nothing to do with Heavensward so you skipped ShB cutscenes so go fuck yourself.
desu even the Japs are complaining about the queues due to lack of healers, Square might actually implement a healer job mid patch like they did with NIN.
>tanks and dps complain about queue times
Joke? I got instant queues as a BLM all the way to 80.
>tfw no qtp2t shadowbringers writer gf
it's better because lalafells are basically shoved off to the side and confined to their own, unimportant area, compared to the source where they're everywhere
>Level AST first even though I know it will be shit
>Struggle to keep tanks up and do 0 damage the whole way
>Leveling WHM now.
>0 Issues healing even the most shit of tanks
>Just spamming holy 24/7 and never drop below 80% mp.
>Be Amaurotite
>Go on Amaurotchan
>user tells me to suck a bag of dicks
>It manifests in my room
>Dad walks in
>"Son I don't think even the most desperate of registration offices would approve of this"
do the healer role quests
She wrote stormblood?
there are black mages and white mages? where
>last quest is the name of the expansion
They sure do love this trope don't they?
>we will never know what seven of the world's were like
Expansion content
People have been ripping dancer in these threads for low personal dps, but is there any way to calculate whether the contribution of their buffs offsets that?
She wrote Azim Steppe in Stormblood, so if you liked that zone better than most zones in Stormblood you know why.
>Regurgitates all her previous work
>Adds shitty isekai plot to it
I like it
I did, and they're still not as interesting as based base lalas
As a lalafell myself it was embarrassing questing through kholusia, felt like looking at a dark mirror
>Create the term beastmen in order to keep them out of your jew markets
>This leads to racism
>Which leads to beast tribes being hated and even persecuted
>Which leads to primal summonings
>Which leads to the land being damaged
>All because you wanted gold coins
This is one of the best dungeons so far, especially story-wise. All of our efforts fighting Alexander and Omega led to Gra'ha being sent back to save our asses possible in the first place.
It also takes some designs from FFXIII which is a good thing, those look overall pretty cool.
What is this idiot doing?
compare raid damage with and without dancer
>as a lalafell myself
in that case stop posting
healing is easy but it is very obvious when you fuck up on a healer because it hurts everyone
if you fuck up on a tank, you lose damage, maybe. Might get a vuln stack but you can usually eat some mechanics and be ok. If you fuck up on a DPS you'll lose damage and probably die but unless shit is already going bellyup it doesn't matter that much. If you fuck up on a healer, EVERYONE dies.
They're significantly behind the top DPS jobs. There is no possible way it's beneficial to take one over those.
There's something funny about this dorf
I'm sure there is, but I'm not sure. My top parse on innocence is 12.5k with partner and 12.2k without partner. Horrible way of comparing because no 2 runs are played exactly the same plus crit variations, so take of that what you will.
So how long until you retards revise histories and pretend you didn't love 5.0's story? A few months?
FYI for new players, the following classes are currently garbage dumpster tier:
Ninja - by FAR the lowest dps in the game. Barely manages to do more than PLD when playing at its absolute peak. One token NIN brought in every raid for the +10% damage taken debuff, otherwise ignored.
Dancer - boring and ignorable, buffs are weak as hell and does little DPS.
Warrior - Overshadowed by both DRK and new Gunbreaker class. Still king of the health pools but has nothing else going for it
Astrologian - shit healing throughput, shit mana efficiency, just worse in ever way compared to WHM
But I like them all
>Adds kino to it
Its easier than calculated rdps contribution from AST, which is why you can single it out and AST, though being shit, is still up in the air.
they have different names like everything else on the first as well as astral and umbral elements having different terminology, but the First doesn't have the same taboos as eorzea does and by nature of being an apocalyptic shithole the average power level seems a lot higher as well since everyone else is dead
Sophrosyne's quests go into detail about ronkan healing magic which is spoilery but suffice to say it's overpowered as hell
>be amaurotite
>go to office of debate accidentally while walking around the city thinking of new and cool creations
>get mobbed by a turbo autist wanting to debate about whether we should help out the neighboring city that fell into a chasm
I just wanted to think of a new creation that would impress Stacia-Jelch
first of all, creating the notion of "beastmen" was the only way to stop filthy gobliniggers from polluting the world with their bullshit
and we all know what a group of deluded goblins can do
>3k queue for Byrnhildr
What the fug
>Overshadowed by DRK in it's current state
>I'm sure there is, but I'm not sure.
meant I'm not sure how
Elidibus is a genius and only who thinks other wise is a turbo brainlet
This is skewed because their damage is reliant on having a dance partner as well as the rest of the party to generate Espirit for them. Obviously you don't have that when you're hitting a dummy.
DRK does everything WAR does and better, with only slightly less hp
What?! I was about to log in. How my no name server get so many people
Lahabrea got the beastmen addicted to that Primal crack, most of their niggerish behavior is his fault not the potatos
Beastmen are the real victims and have done nothing wrong
*summons ifrit for third time this week*
>still king of the health pools
if it is it's only but like 3k hp, pretty sure i saw a decked out GNB out health a similarly equipped WAR at 80.
Whats a good job if I wanna take a break from SMN? MCH looks kinda fun now.
I hate gnb because of how fucking weak all their attacks sound. Like they are swinging around a butter knife.
Just create her lmao whats so hard is thou incapable of such feats. Amaurincel
I legit expected a jumpscare on this part.
I hate jumpscares.
Can I still get the Rathalos mount?
Any of y'all play D&D? There's a lot of overlap with FF due to how the series started.
Here's a challenge.
Stat Bahamut Prime.
Stat Bahamut at Carteneau.
Stat Alexander.
Stat Omega.
Protip: You can try.
Blame lalafells.
The First's beast tribes are an example of what life could be like had the fucking potatoes not conducted a smear campaign and driven them to the brink of extinction.
Went with black mage.
No regrets, it's been my main and favorite playstyle since I started back in HW.
3700 for me so I nope’d out. Kind of a bummer seeing as I pay for a SUBSCRIPTION.
any good helmet to go with the crystarium armor?
As a healer main I can say that I feel bad if I'm the sole responsible for a wipe if i screw up a mechanic.
If i die in a dungeon and party slowly dies due lack of healing i have 0 remorse, everyone fucks up, me, you, tank mains, dps mains, healer mains. It's not my fault that everyone dies if I fuck up and I will fuck up like everyone else. Sooner you learn to accept that the best.
If you don't want to accept that then play a job with res.
Yes, but good luck finding people to queue for it.
The cost of keeping trick
asking for a friend but is it just me or does SCH have serious mana problems? If i'm being bad you can tell me I just feel like I'm seriously struggling here
NIN. I love the hand gesture so much
Speaking of race mixing, the 80 DRK quest...
>Kobolds in the first are cute and love to trade with people
>Source kobolds are in shitty living conditions all because of stupid pirate faggots pushing them away from their homes
ok im considering playing xiv now, what are some tips? do most people online play as female or male? cause ill just create a male character if the former
also how is the ps4 version of xiv?
It's not just you, you pretty much need to lucid on cooldown, and if you're spamming art of war you'll still run out of mana. No energy drain or reduced CD aetherflow really fucked us on mana.
You either can't help it because the tank isn't properly geared, dps isn't AoEing properly or you aren't using cooldowns effectively.
DRK is the obvious answer as you can probably tell, but I say don't sleep on WAR. If you aren't opposed to using a big ass axe instead of a big ass sword, and you want to put the BERSERKER feeling into Berserk, that might feel better.
Only in dungeons.
>tfw AST
Why did they do it bros
any boss fight enemy is trivial to stat since they're ultimately beaten by eight dudes whacking them with swords and arrows. the more unique abilities are just handled through DM fiat since they're so vague, although NONE of them actually use their full potential and cordially allow the players to fight them on a large flat stable arena within punching distance
Hydaelyn and Zodiark shouldn't have stat blocks and should be treated like the lady of pain or Cain in WoD
most people play female but go with whatever you like, nobody will care.
PS4 version can be played with keyboard if you want, it's exactly like the pc version. You will lack third party programs like a parser though, in case you want to see your own dps.
>Get mount on 2nd clear of Titania
why are potatoes so terrible
The only time i've had problems with mp is when the dps is garbage during dungeons and the pull is 3 minutes of spamming art of war. Most of the healing is done by seraph, sacred soil, and recitation+excog
Congrats. What are the mounts this expac?
What are you talking about ast is better than ever. Look at how fucking good this new skill is.
>waa I my job isn't overpowered anymore, how can yoshida do this to me
>feel like I'm almost done with ARR
>can't wait to relax
>all of a sudden this dumb whore tells me I need to be level 49 when I'm level 47
I wish I started on a preferred server holy shit this is excruciating
>WoL and their buds are "eight dudes whacking them with swords and arrows"
I'd argue that Bahamut at Carteneau would be handled the same way. Bahamut Prime is more Tarrasque territory. Also the latter part of your first paragraph is what tabletop rpgs are made to fix. Don't give your players a flat terrain and don't let the enemy fight on even ground.
Same. Also makes you immune to feeling bad about dying. Goon deaths just bring smiles to your party.
What's the special boss FATE for this expansion? Where is it?
>he thinks he's almost done with ARR
stick through it no matter what, get to HW and itll all be smooth sailing forever
It could have the worst numbers for all i care, I just want the class to be fun
We only have 10k mana and Art of War is 800 a cast, popping lucid dreaming at near-full before spamming aoe is the best you can do but if DPS are shit you'll still run out before packs die
I don't mind healing atm when I have a bunch of stuff to do and people are taking a bunch of damage but in a few months everyone is going to know the content by heart and I'll be bored out of my fucking skull
At what point in ARR should you pay attention to the story?
Needs glasses and a Switch
>trailer leads us to believe we're gonna be going full Shadownigger to combat the Light in the first
We actually go so hard into the Light it gives us spooky angel AIDS and we almost die from it
>THEN it turns out we really were the Shadowniggers all along
Fucking hell this expack
Thaumaturge is probably the best class to start with. It's got enough going on that it'll keep you busy. Do not start with Lancer or Archer. They're good classes once they're levelled, but their early level gameplay is incredibly boring.
>Please let this work, please let this work...
Are we certain that WoW players are DDoSing the servers? Just for my own curiosity.
I'm not clicking on your spoiler but I'm assuming you're talking about the 2.1-2.5 quests. I already know those exist, I'm speaking strictly the base ARR.
I was having so much fun until these level gates popped up. I transfered to Byrnhildr thinking I could get preferred 2x exp but it turns out you need to MAKE a character there which blows.
little dragons
As soon as you finish character creation.
How fun does your 80 job/s feel, meta be damned?
Happy with PLD. Rotation is smooth with more capacity for aoe and gap closer. Pretty much all I could ask for.
Make sure you do the hunts and the duty roulette. Should go by quickly.
Nah go fuck yourself you know that shit is worthless up to a point and I want to know when that is
"Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero"
Fuck man what a callback
All of them are going to be like watching paint dry until level 50 apparently
t. level 26 Gladiator
>All those references to Fabula Nova Crystallis
Absolutely based. It was such a good theme.
>try leveling SMN now that I have DRK at 80
>brain feels like it's exploding with all the changes since SB
Can someone give me some guidance on what I should be doing?
Keeping DoTs up is obvious
I feel like I should be saving R4 for Ruination and using all my egi stuff during DWT to build up R4s to spend during a tri-disaster + bahamut phase, but something about that doesn't seem right
just spam palace of the dead or your highest level available dungeon to grind levels
you only need to bother paying attention in the 2.0 msq when a Primal is actually on screen, everything else on your way to 50 is largely forgettable
Literally none of it is worthless. It all comes back up eventually.
DRK is a snoozefest. Even WAR looks like it requires more brains.
Looking forward to trying GNB or PLD, gonna main one of those two.
DRK still has a few issues IMO (Blood Weapon is fairly underwhelming and the job is complete fucking ASS to play synced below 70) but the foundation is pretty solid this time.
NIN feels good, my only gripe is Meisui is kinda shit and Bunshin has to be held 5s each usage.
>Been Sam main since SB launched
>Suppose to be the big dick damage but no utility class
>Shadowbringers has Dragoons being the alpha chad of melee DPS
wtf bros it wasn't suppose to be this way Yangxian steel folded one thousand times beats gay ass dragon spears
I'm doing duty roulette every day, yeah. By hunts, do you mean the hunting log?
Red Mage is all you need
It's all connected, so it's hard to say "everything is worthless before x point"
Every part has been relevant at some point again, to the point of them adding a NG+ system soon so you can replay and remember all this shit that happened
You use R4 to weave. Bahamut now activates only on spell casts so you can just R3 during him.
PLD and DRK are the only good tanks rn
the sohm al set would unironically be a top tier glamor option if it didnt have this stupid hanging sleeve on your left arm
I wish I was 80
Yes, and the challenge log.
ehhh nah dude, I mean don't you want to understand the world fully? read and watch everything. buy encyclopedia eoreza too
>she's dtf
>Sid is too fucking stupid to see it
Is the gun class fun for new players? I was gonna make a hunter in bfa but I bought this instead, all their abilities look cool.
>GL4 isn't any faster than SB monk GL3
tbqh I'm absolutely fucking livid
DRK is boring to play, guess that means I'll main PLD for raids then.
What counts as spell casts? Anything with a cast time? So Fester wouldn't count?
PoTD is what I've been doing. I'm not sure if MNK itself is particularly obnoxious when it comes to AoE or if it's just the way the game works, but it takes fucking forever.
Even in Trials I'm averaging about 15-30% on mana all the time. Is this normal or am I just shit?
Shouldn't WAR still disregard DH in favor of Crit due to having IR?
I'd say you can zone out with the Domans arriving. Pay attention after Good King Moogle Mog, blessed be His pom, and when you go investigate the Sahagin. Once you go into Coerthas, all of it is important from there on out.
GNB is officially the tank that feels most like DPS. Fun as fuck, Although I feel it's probably meta next to PLD now that holmgang got nerfed.
WoW refugees
a ton of content creators are suggesting to play FFXIV instead of WoW and reviews of the expansion have been mostly favorable.
I wore the Crystarium armor for the entire MSQ once I got it, best style decision I ever made
Especially as a healer it's so fucking nice to have actual armor
Considering dying it purple but the default is almost too good to pass up
GCDs. So you don't need to spam Fester or Tri-D during Bahamut. But you do want to use R4 to weave your Akh Morns.
>All the bad healers getting exposed now that Convalescence is gone
Its brutal
You need to be level 50 and have reached the first expansion's main city to unlock it. The only ranged class you can start with uses a bow.
New players can't play either gun classes unless you buy a level boost, they're similar to Death Knight or Demon Hunter from WoW in that you need a class the same level that they start at to play as them
iirc Machinist starts at 35 and Gunbreaker at 60
Jesus, is this finally the end for wow?
>give monks GL4
>remove sks from all monk gear
>the themes of Fabula Nova Crystallis
>L'Cie boss and FFXIII enemies in the Twinning
He's fucking in.
posted this in the vg but no one responded
i have a question about the ps4 version. how is it compared to the pc version? and from my understanding, the shadowbringers pack which is $40, does not bring the game?
Anyone else unable to play right now?
Not him but you really are a dumb negroid
I really want to like GNB, but having a ton of skills on the GCD just makes it feel slow. Although I still have it at sub-70 so hopefully it picks up
DPS classes are the most boring at the start, and dont start to pick up till Lv50+
tanks/healers have more to offer, but then healers practically dont chaneg at all (being the most simplistic)
tanks almost upgrade a tiny as they go on, but are easily surpassed in complexity by DPS by Lv50+
if u want to 'go fast" pick a melee DPS, and NOT a caster
new SMN can get faster by the end, like the physical ranged DPS, but melee usually have lower GCDs (except DRG)
The login servers must be shitting the bed, I'm getting it on my server too
You can buy the complete version that has EVERYTHING.
Be sure to do Main Scenario roulette every day. It takes fucking forever to do but god damn is the exp worth it.
Lmao you are the only person that thinks GNB is good. GNB and dancer are officially the worst classes in the game right now. PLD is the meta tank yes, but DRK is right behind him.
I don't think I've ever seen a pug tank use Convalescence when it matters. They always seem to pop it when no healing is going to be going out.
I really did wish it worked. Ardbert was fucking based there.
it really depends. You can't control other people being shit and dying to avoidable mechanics which will drain a ton of mana raising them.
Succor is an enormous mana whore spell that you should try and avoid using unless really needed. Sacred Soil, Indom, Excog, Whispering Dawn, Fey Blessing and Seraph should cover most of your healing.
Broil only costs 400 mana, you won't oom yourself spamming it if you're aetherflowing and occasionally lucid dreaming
Its only worth it if you do Praetorium through the roulette
I guess I'll actually start doing that now instead of ignoring like I have been.
I haven't unlocked that yet but I'll keep it mind
>GL4 is just a gimmick
>rotation is simplified to 123/456 (789 for AOE tho ooooo)
We're a laughing stock now
>45 minute dungeon
>pulls take less than ten minutes total, the rest is cutscenes
why the everloving fuck can't we skip cutscenes in MSQ roulette yet
Used it and kept the DRK AF4 weapon for the final battle. ;)
Gotcha, thanks Bros. I'll just play the bow class until I reach the proper level.
I guess the expac name was from the shadows being cast by the wowfugees.
Play the free trial then either buy ARR for $20 and later Shadowbringers for $40. Or the complete edition for $60 that has everything.
AST, gave up and let it hog gear from my MCH
MCH, super fun tools and satisfying buttons. Storing resources to cash in makes it feel like I'm in control of my burst windows. Being a selfish DPS means I can pull my weight in groups and not rely on buffing and synergies of others to be 'optimal'. AoE leaves me wanting however.
>I wish monk had good dps
>done, but now the job is unfun to play
it would be the perfect bard glamour for a tribal huntress if it didnt have that
Is dancer really that bad?
That's the whole point of the MSQ roulette.
because people were making newbies skip cutscenes
oh youre right, this wasnt the first thing that popped up.
im not seeing a free trial on the ps store
For the benefit of new players. i started the game before they made the cutscenes unskippable and by the time the intro finished, people were already half way around the world.
Only parsertrannies.
Class is fun, attatch DDR mat to computer for more entertainment.
No, it's a support class. Their DPS are never that high. But they make up for it in the buffs they give to the party.
think FFXIV will get a discount during summer sale?
Dancer's great people just werent using steps to dps
play whatever you think is cool you can do endgame content with whatever the fuck you want
Any L80 crafter here? Are there no Master Book as of now?
>a 8-9k dps job can take a 11k dps job to 12k
why not just bring two 11k dps jobs?
I feel like I'm having trouble lining up Fllood of Darkness/Shadow to hit everything in large trash pulls, is there a trick I'm missing?
If you find it fun and don't suck at it it's not bad.
I want summerfags to fucking leave
People are somehow surprised the designated buff bitch job has low personal dps.
Yanxian Steel made an Ascian shit his pants and run away.
They made the mistake of releasing a poor patch in the middle of a poor expansion right alongside Shadowbringers. WoW is seriously wounded right now.
How hard are Titania EX and Innocence EX? Never bothered with EX trials outside of old unsyncing some of the older ones, but now I kinda want to try
Nigger, they implemented this because of shits like you.
Don't be shit, its about the same width as dark passenger
Show me some numbers from non garbage GNBs and come back to me. I have a feeling people are parsing absolute shitters and saying WOW GNB SUCKS
BRD seems boring as fuck now since we don't have to keep up straight shot anymore and barrage always guarantees RA procs. Its dps might be good but I'm considering switching to MCH just because REASSEMBLE DRILL
Do scholars have to rely a lot more on Physick now that you can’t Embrace manually anymore?
Go to starter edition and just keep scrolling down to demos
>not sticking with your favorite class through the highs and the lows no matter what
hw we were a joke
sb we were second fiddle
now, we are kings.
Rejoice Paladinbros!
until WAR mains cry for us to be nerfed!
Not hard at all. At most watch a guide or something but they're pretty fuckin easy
>WHM is actually fun to play with the new nukes
>SCH even more broken and mandatory for raids than it already was
>AST probably in the shed even when people figure out how to make the most of it
Not how I expected it to play out desu
Usually aiming for the enemy in the middle of a pack is a good way to hit everything
We rely on EVERYTHING ELSE. Embracing manually was for prog raiding anyway.
Anons please redpill me on shadowniggers overall plot, i dont care about spoilers.
Because it would ruin LB gain?
Emet is sentimental and we hold a piece of his old, dead friend's soul. He could have killed us at any time for the Rejoining if he really wanted but he wanted to see us at our full potential since there's little doubt that we're the ones that created Hydaelyn. That's why he keeps pushing us and calls us weak when we start to show signs of giving into becoming an Eater. He knows - and wants - us to be more. That's why he gives that smile at the every end when we beat him. He ultimately got what he wanted; he saw his friend again. They were remembered.
eat shit
ARR goes on sale all the time so probably. Shadowbringers won't.
2 good to spoil. Go play gaem.
MNK has been a laughing stock since NIN was added
play it
Go die
Haven't done Innocence yet, but Titania is piss easy. My fresh duty finder group was able to do it in like 4 pulls.
He doesn't recognize your soul as his old friend until the last second.
Remember when monks would offtank on Garuda?
New jobs aren't allowed to become a favorite? Stop being a dense retard
(you) are an Ascian all along
People only care about NIN because of trick attack.
I watched a video of Innocence EX, are there even mechanics in that shit? It literally just looked like a bunch of AoEs to dodge and that was it.
i wont be able to play it until my paycheck next month, and i'm still at the beginning of HW. So i dont mind the spoilers.
>literally everyone
>not at all
Jesus Christ imagine being this devoid of brain cells.
Heard there was a maintenance that was gonna happen. Safe to resub now or wait as it hasn't happened yet.
Wait till tomorrow
not really. the only time you ever use non-ogcd heals is during disrespectful dungeon pulls and healer-check raidwide aoe
On bighueg pulls you can recitation excog and then alternate adloqium and physick casts to not overwrite shields. SCH OGCDs got even more ridiculous this expansion so actually hard casting heals like a peasant is rare in boss fights
>Please Mr.Zenos please spare me you can have your body back just leave me alone
What did Elidibus mean by this?
Holy fuck I didn't even realize this
Titania EX is very regimented with only 3-4 variables the entire fight. Lightning tether still makes my butt clench. Sprint is your best cooldown here.
Innocence EX can be pretty random for DPS but it seems pretty chill for Tanks/healers. Its all about adapting semi-random line / AoE markers on the fly and planning one or two moves ahead.
Alright then I guess I'll give it a shot
dont spoil it for yourself, just wait homo
You have to refresh dots manually one time every 2 minutes. Just learn to use 3D right before DWT and then hold the refreshed 3D until 30 seconds later.
jesus this stuff is hidden, thank you
so if i decide to stick around i can just buy the complete edition? how much is it monthly
thank you
will there ever be another antagonist to top emet
our blond haired psychopath lover is a fun dude but he seems kinda weak as the endgame garlean boss
15 burger bucks a month
Because it's not what happened. user is just making up head canon.
4 hour maintenance in 3 hours
Can you get an Amaurot robe?
That's such a fucking tease with that side quest
People were doubting his jobber status so he had to reaffirm it
If Zenos doesn't die before 6.0 and actually carries on as a major antagonist I'm gonna be mad.
You used to be able to skip the cutscenes but new players running that for the first time get completely left behind and are unable to enjoy the story. They made the cutscenes unskippable but compensated by shooting the EXP earned from running it in the roulette into the fucking stars. It takes forever but it's worth it due to the titanic amount of EXP earned.
>how is it compared to the pc version?
Exact same thing, PC version has the perks that you can parse yourself, datamine your own shit and use reshade/nvidia to make the game look better.
Shadowbringers includes HW, SB and ShB. All you have to buy is ARR+ShB and you have the full game.
He made Elibus piss his pants and run
He probably suspected it, but wasn't sure.
You talk as if there's only 1 job in the game capable of doing 11k right now.
Also, wasn't LB gauge adjusted in SHB? I don't recall very well but they may have mentioned something.
The average intelligence of Yea Forums hasn't gone up I see. You people are literally incapable of following a fucking story on your own.
Considering he's part of why SB was so shit, no, he can't top Emet.
it is a pretty chilled fight. I started doing it once I was full Ronkan and after 7 complete runs between 2 parties I got all my accessories.
He's getting too much build up to not be important in the next expansion.
What jobs are currently in the shed?
Innocence EX is funny because the onus to not fuck up markers / swords is on DPS and half of them are dumb.
>Elidibus talks mad fuxking shit to the WoL and goes KEKEKEKE YOU CAN NEVER DEFEAT ME WOL HAHAHAHA when he loses
>runs the fuck away from Zenos immediately
I dont understand why he would see Zenos as more of a threat than the WoL
wait a minute
can people just play as Squall in FFXIV now?
Yeah, Emet wanted to see if we could bear the lightwarden aether despite the Source only being half rejoined because it would mean we would be able to be considered alive by his standards, unfortunately it tore apart our soul so he was frustrated at yet another letdown and he resolved himself to carry on with the rejoining as before
What? I only pay 13
I lost interest in the cutscenes after I heard "For those we have lost, for those we can yet save" for the millionth time. Too much cancer.
DRG is intentionally supposed to do higher personal DPS than SAM despite having Litany and Dragon's Eye? Who the hell balanced this?
Zenos is powered by autism, and he didn't want to get infected by stupidity
why does the game want me to join a guild
fuck you I don't want to
We sure about that?
Sure there's that 'oh fuck' moment when things get hype but he obviously knows something we don't and obviously sees us as something more than that we are.
So is there any point of doing the job quests anymore?
Who's the gayest person in this thread? I need a recruitment code
Being EDGAR RONI FIGARO is fun as fuck.
>Eldibus soils his pants while in Zenos's body
>Zenos's gets his body back
That's my fetish
>not enjoying based frenemy zenos
terrible tastes
Crystal has Goblin and Zalera open almost 24/7
stop making shit up. AST are complete dogshit, SCH just feels shitty to play in comparison to it's past self there's nothing wrong with it's actual performance and spammable instant ogcds are just as overpowered as ever
NIN will always be a trick attack bot, anyone who thought otherwise was delusional
AST appears to be the only really "bad" job right now.
Not so bad it's not viable, but bad enough that it will probably be strictly inferior to the other healing jobs. Basically similar to early StB DRK.
OFFICIAL "Do Not Invite" list updated for Shadowbringers!
List is currently as follows:
1. Lalafell players
2. Slutmog/obvious fapbait characters (applies to both male and female)
3. NIN if you already have 1
4. DNC
5. GUN
6. Bunny race players
7. Players who have bought instant levels via cash shop
8. Players with zero levels in a tank or healer job
Right now. Expect DRG to fall off/other jobs to catch up once they have other gear sets.
We are the 14th Ascian Convocation member, the one who left before they summoned Zodiark, likely to help summon Hydaelyn instead.
Learn to read between the lines.
He knows that your soul is a fragment of an ancient but doesn't realize exactly who until you rejoin with Ardbert.
>want to play a job I am interested in
>level 54
I am going to miss out on doing Extremes if I end up leveling this shit. I assume people are already recruiting clears only.
That is why those dungeons have their own separate roulette.
I suppose with all the new people though it probably doesn't have any trouble filling up now, at least.
are any tank classes not worth playing? seems like everyone is playing gunbreaker and dark knight
>He finished the story as something other than a Dark Knight.
Is there a way to get an amaro mount?
What if I bought an instant level because I have it leveled on an ALT but I wanna beat all the role quest on my main character?
Zenos was not the problem with Stormblood
>elidibus finally lives out his millenia long dream of shitting someone else's pants
>has nobody left to tell about it
Nobody has ever suffered like Elidibus
>not being a level 80 sprout.
He probably didn't see him as a threat but thought that zenos wants to kill the WoL, he wants the WoL dead, might as well drop the body and see how it plays out.
Plus the empire going into civil war once again only benefits the ascians.
Level every class to 80 niggy.
You joke but all the GNB i find in EX trials are horrible.
>Not going MNK to truly represent your inner power.
This. Brainlet thread for brainlets. Anyone who plays this expansion that isn't a dark knight is a fucking subhuman animal. The writer clearly intends for you to be one. I better see 40 man Dark Knight raids for all of the content. That would be cool.
DRK didn't really fit the expansion as much as DRG did with HW. Hell I'd even say PLD is a greater fit because you're "absorbing" light.
NIN is literally a one trick pony
there's no unique cutscenes or dialogue for drk but there are for healers
Bros I need help, what looks better in tank or dragoon and possibly much gear, roe or Highlander? I want to be a strong man but I don't want to have to pay for a race change later if I hate my character.
>Play lalaboi
>Want to be raped more than anything
>tfw all Iwant is beastmen to rape me
>tfw they never do
j U S T.
I thought this was a joke.
Why isn't this a joke
All it took was two story updates to turn Elidibus from a grand shadowy keikaku man into a complete laughing stock
>Not maining WHM to make the issue worse
grand company isnt a guild
its like a faction
They all seem solid enough. Most don't seem to have many complaints about their job.
In my personal opinion:
WAR and GNB seem to be the most well-rounded
PLD will be the best raid tank
DRK will be the best dungeon tank
Part of me thinks DRK might end up being meta for raids too. Some parts of its kit are clunky but they really overtuned TBN.
I hear paladin is the ultra-chad of tanks right now.
Dark knight had a massive revamp and is pretty much the canon class of the story, and gun breaker is the new tank class, so that's why every other person is running them right now.
Eh, you just heal one or two more people. It's not that big of a scene difference.
>the WoL crew actually spawn at random in their respective zone, and do 'their thing' before fading out a few moments later
Neat. Shame it stops for that given character after you do the role quest for them.
Highlanders look suave as fuck, Roe's are if you're a barafag
>suffering literally everywhere
>not a DRK expansion
So everyone
>Playing as WHM
>Abilities turn from elemental to light based
>Misery crits keep getting higher as you get more infused with light
Don't know about you but this seems fine to me.
DRK isn't just about suffering.
PLD or any healer fits the story best given how much of the plot revolves around Light, people getting hurt and needing treatment, people succumbing to the sin eater curse and being made comfortable, and the damage and maintenance of your own fractured soul