Please explain why this is a bad Final Fantasy

Please explain why this is a bad Final Fantasy.

Protip: You cannot.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The cover is enough.

actual story line is too short
side quests/stories have no depth and are basically just fetch quests
barely any character development
cooking and magic mechanics are garbage

Near pixel thin shining dots for treasures. They have a blue glow. The game has a bluish tint.
It hurt my eyes. Don't recommend torture.

It's literally MGSV with swords

please get rid of the open world sandbox meme

Is the story at least good?

I dont think it's great and the story is undercooked, but I really liked the overall premise of the plot and the ending legitsmently almost made me cry

You really have to dig through a butch of bullshit supplementary lore to care about the story and cast though as the base game does a really bad job of fleshing them out

>Yea Forums complains that final fantasy is full of hallways
>square enix listens and makes it open world
>Yea Forums complaints that the game is open world

They just can't win. They have listened to community feedback EVERY final fantasy game, and they change their next game to cater to fans and then the fans complain that they changed the game.

The second half of the story is literally on rails.

yeah i guess, its hard to tell with how fast it moves if you focus only on progressing the plot
theres something there but they never did anything with it

I imagine anyone that legitimately enjoys FF15 has very little experience with video games and an insufferable faggot who enjoys mediocrity in general.

Combat is hilariously unbalanced and badly designed

Camera is trash most of the time, especially in narrow caves/rooms or anywhere with trees and bushes (aka 90% of the game)

The OST is good but criminally misused and misplaced

Art direction is trash, the game is graphically impressive but the art direction makes it look very bland.

Noctis character development is very cliched and in your face, it also happens very abruptly as he goes from a whining spoiled kid to a mature chad in the span of 15 minutes instead of gradually improving as a character through out the game. Look at Tidus for a good example of gradual character development.
Character development for the rest of the party members was left intentionally out of the game to be sold as DLC and character development for everybody else was left on the cutting room floor.

Exploration is garbage, the world is empty with nothing fun to discover most of the time aside from dungeons and traveling is a fucking chore. Not a single scripted event exists in this huge map and side quests are at worst braindead hunts and at best your average JRPG fetch quest. Even upgrading your weapons sends you on fetch quests, it's goddamn ridiculous.

Summon mechanic is simply trash, it's Crisis core's slot machines without the slot machine visuals on screen. They just happen whenever the fuck they please since they have no clear trigger and which summon will appear is almost always random aside from Ramuh being 100% guaranteed in closed off areas like caves.

It's not Versus XIII.

Almost everything that could have gone wrong with this game, did.

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open world was already a hated format before ffxv came out
making the map larger and explorable doesnt mean giant empty swathes of nothing with bits of something sprinkled about

You're an insufferable faggot who spends his time trolling threads. No one here likes you user, how many times do we have to remind you?

It makes sense thematically and I can see what they were going for:

>First half of the game is a roadtrip with your bros, lots of freedom and casual dicking around
>Second half shit goes down, the world is fucked and the limits of your friendship are tested

It was supposed to set you up for the contrast of the tone. But the game had no effort put into making you care so it just falls sort of flat

>not having a world with hubs and multiple plaths and interesting environments

Deus Ex isn't open world but you can explore a lot of cool nooks and crannies.

They did try that with xiii-2 and lightning returns and fans still weren't happy with it.

what story? lol

FYI there's an interview out there of Tabata saying FFXV had to be open world because of current year. Not because of the fans.
Same logic applies to their aversion to turn based.

Us fans really have no comms channels to reach out to them. Its the mainstream games media that influences them significantly more.

Literally is lightning returns, the game that didn't sell well.

Incidentally, it's better than FFXIII and probably didn't sell because FFXIII was so poo.

It just goes to show that open-world doesn't automatically mean good game.

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xiii was fun I love it. Too bad you guys have sheep mentality

It's not bad—it's just mediocre. It could've been a cultural phenomenon, but Nomura was removed and his vision of the game—filled with personal statements, grand proclamations about how he PERSONALLY feels about the world (those Shakespeare quotes especially), and the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos told in its purest form (for better or more probably, for worse)—at least we know that Nomura's still angry about his removal (and that he still has it in him to make it a tangible work of expression someday).

But ahh, what could've been...

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>and which summon will appear is almost always random aside from Ramuh being 100% guaranteed in closed off areas like caves.

Ramuh gets triggered if any battle lasts too long, like more than 2-3 minutes.
You notice the sky turning red, or red light shining down on the entire screen

Yup. LR was the bad one.


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Don’t have much experience with FF but it was a pretty shit ARPG for me.


God, I want FF characters to stop having these shitty soulless kingdom hearts faces.
They all look like plastic.

Well, I can't. It's boring and you can beat it mashing one button.

Same as every single other game in the series.

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i thought this game was pretty comfy

FF has looked like that for 25 years. It's KH OC donuts that look like FF characters, not the other way around.

>"Yea Forums is one person" fallacy

Kill yourself.


Put a couple of cute anime girls healers in that shitty game and it would have sold like pancakes

It's fucking worse than XIII

I thought it did sell like pancakes

The initial release version was, but the game as it is today is better tha XIII, but barely. They both still suck though.

I dunno, man. I think that Verum Rex is a separate work of expression in itself. Nomura says that they share elements in both design and art direction, but then goes on to say that even so, he had ideas for Versus even developing within him (as of March 2019).

I think it's safer to say that Verum Rex is a pastiche of everything Nomura up to this point—fashion, influences from real-world Japan, big bombastic scores from Shimomura, reuse of designs from previous works, things like that.

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> but the game as it is today is better tha XIII
by that logic we should count XIII's sequels as one package just like we count XV with its 4 episodes, 50gb of updates and dlc expansion as one.

Then XV still loses because XIII has better gameplay (Especially LR), better boss fights, bigger and better lore, equally shitty story but a lot more fleshed out, bigger world, better art direction and equally good music etc etc

>XV with its 4 episodes, 50gb of updates and dlc expansion as one

those still don't amount to 2 whole games
both games have mediocre combat, but I did like the combat in XIII-2 and LR more than XV

It has some interesting ideas, but the execution and their resolution leaves a lot to be desired.
It's not the worst FF, or worst game ever, but it's really disappointing.

Any of you see this?

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>taking Zeal seriously

>believing that dumbfuck LARPer Zeal, Square Enix employee impersonator and art thief extraordinaire, notoriously bad speller and self-aggrandized 'Pope of the Versus Epic' who states that to doubt him is 'to doubt destiny itself'
What do we do with him, Yea Forums?

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they took almost as much to be developed as xiii's sequels but my point is that if we're gonna give XV the advantage just because it kept getting updated non stop for 3 years then we should count XIII's sequels as expansions too.

The only reason XV's updates and dlc don't amount to 2 whole games is because SE and Tabata are retarded. With the resources and money they wasted on constantly updating and adding shitty multiplayer expansions, royal expansions, dlc episodes, canceled dlc episodes, pocket editions and other such crap, they could instead used it to make a sequel or a directors cut with 50% more content that would natively be integrated into the game instead of being this disjointed garbage that it is today.

I like the game. But the pacing was ass. Like everything after you go to Altisa is rushed as fuck.

LMAO what a clown.

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It was shaping up to be something amazing mid way, but then something happened and it goes into the garbage.

I enjoyed it despite it being a mistake of a game. Its a flawed and fun experience, you insufferable little faggot.

Hate to break it to you user, but even as a Versusfag, I enjoyed it too.

Initial release was complete garbage.
Royal Edition is only slightly less garbage.

I thought it was a comfy game to play. Such a shame that all of the DLC didn't come out.

Except MGSV had solid gameplay.


meaningless buzzword

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>enjoyed eating shit

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>Combat is shit
>Have to be in a coma to die in battle
>RNG summons
>Magic is the worst thing I've seen since FF8's system
>Threw away Versus XIII and it's KH lite combat for this shit

I did like the road trip elements, and I didn't hate the story, but this game is a mess.

Its hard to describe what drew us in and made us enjoy the game R*dditor-kun. If he said it was calm and relaxing would you object? I think you would try.

Awful gameplay, worst combat I've played in a long while.
Awful characters, main and side.
Awful world/setting.
Awful story/plot.
Awful music.
Awful bosses.
Awful MMO style fetch quests and hunts.
Easily the worst intro to a game I've ever encountered. Pushing a fucking car, followed by basic MMO quest, really?

Aside from the combat what is wrong with it? Is your Yea Forumsedditor mind able to understand that a poor combat system does not make a bad game? I bet you dont actually play games whatsoever.


>It's literally MGSV
>The literal most refined stealth game

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At least this bestboy won in the end. In ffxv, he was the most relatable character, it's almost like he understood my rage for hyping this shit game for decade only to get shit thrown in your face.

Inb4 Nomura wanted ffxv to be a goddamn musical lol

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You do realize, you're the redditor for liking this braindead combat right?

Everything about the game is so fucking dull.

One of the worst "action jrpg" combat systems Ive ever played

Tabata wanted to turn it into a literal mmo when he took over, i am not even kidding. A musical would be better than that or the crap we ended up with.

Nearly every game has braindead combat. You almost always need to bump up the difficulty yourself to create any challenge. This goes double for RPGs.

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shit combat and even worse enemies.

Don't bring down the genre to defend this trash fire.

>nearly every game has braindead combat
Citation needed

tifat ifa titty!!!!

>“Our initial plan was to get different players to play each of the four buddies that go on a road trip together,” he says. “But if we had executed it with each player controlling a different character, the game would have been endless. They’d have had to work for hours and hours to get through this road trip. Se we had to stick with a single-player game.”

>Though that cooperative road trip concept didn’t come together for the main game, the transformation of 15 into a platform allowed Tabata to explore the multiplayer angle anyway, in the form of last year’s Comrades expansion. That mode presented up to four players with cooperative play reminiscent of the Destiny or Monster Hunter series, allowing them to team up to complete objectives in pursuit of a concrete narrative objective.

>Tabata wanted XV to be like the expansion comrades

dodged a bullet there

Square Soft don't exist anymore. You're literally playing fan fiction nonsense.

i dont like braindead combat. Putting words into my mouth. You dont play games, so you dont understand that most rpgs are on toddler difficulty by default. You dont play them for the challenge. If i feel the urge for one i go kill Isshin again.

Shit combat, awful character design, nonsensical and boring Nomura plot. Nomura should basically be forced to retire.

They literally through Nomura's plot out the window only keeping concepts, deleted half of the original vast, then burned Kazushige Nojima's script, wrote a new one and then re-wrote it 5 times over.

>gameplay isn't the most important aspect that makes or breaks a game

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>RPGs are meant to have shit combat!
Even with that retarded argument, XV’s story, worldbuilding, and character development is still incredibly half-assed and unfulfilling. Even beyond that, I’ve played plenty of RPGs that didn’t bore me half as much as this game did and had better and more engaging combat to boot.

The new iga game is cheesable on the hardest difficulty while capped at level one. Dark souls has always been about the large amount of iframes on the dodge roll. Just to give an example from two different games.

Eh, the battle system was shallow and became a chaotic mess whenever a horde of monsters popped up(which is all the time). Magic is not magic, it's just elemental grenades(comrades had better magic but too little too late).

The story/lore sucks ass through a straw. SE tried to milk ffxv before the game even came outbwith anime shorts, movies, audio dramas, dlc chapters etc.

And the end message of the game is to just bend down and take fate right up the ass because fuck Tidus. Just sacrifice everyone and everything because Bahamut said so.

Man. Noctis really needed a Tidus to slap him up and tell him how stupid all this shit is.

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>you're not a brainlet like me so you don't play games

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>can only list two
Ninja Gaiden Black says hi.

Gameplay isnt limited to combat.

Every defence I see for this game is such garbage.

yet it is the most important aspect
nier has shit combat, but has 10/20 everything else to keep you hooked. no idea what xv offers your peanut brain

Serious question. I played Everquest for about 1000 hours. I played WoW. I played other MMO type games. I have never tried Final Fantasy. Would I like it? If so which should I try first?

Ousting yourself as a r*dditor by not being able to form an argument.

>not listing every game ever

You can't call anyone a redditor when you're defending this atrocous game.

Agreed. Hell, I’ve played games with arguably even more simple gameplay than XV (like pic related) but the game feel, sense of control, and general aesthetics still kept me engaged. XV couldn’t even do that properly.

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I can autodrive around the map and turn by brain off!

They just attack people. I don't hate the game, but I sure as hell didn't enjoy it. Every defense I see ends up in insults because they don't have arguments.

I also don't know how people could keep playing past the 2 hour mark. It's one of the few games I've refunded in recent memory. Not worth the 100gb storage space at all.

There are plenty of JRPGs with actual challenge. Stop bringing down an entire genre to defend this half-assed game.

that or they bring up other games and claim the entire genre has braindead combat like

pathetic and overly defensive fanboys for a pathetic game

Musical, single player mmo? I'm starting to believe that this game was just a clusterfuck no matter who's hands it end up in.

Nomura still gets to save face and have his fans believe that his "original vision" would've been some masterpiece that make its players orgasm infinitely as they play it.

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>The game is bad, reddit = wrong, am i doing it right?
I dont think you understand why im calling you a redditor.
The game drops the ball on so many aspects but it still managed to be an enjoyable experience to me. The oracles mysterious sacrifices for nocts sake is a pretty aspect but is never actually explained well. The party that carries the game so much doesnt get any actually development. Its a pity i cant actually talk about it since you cant understand that its not based around upvotes or downvotes.


>modern Japanese brainlet zoomers found the initial demo too hard which enabled Old ManHands Tabata to further dumb down the combat

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>to me

I don't give a single fuck about your subjective experience you dumb redditor. The game is still objectively a mediocre mess.

>I liked it so everyone else should

That's not how it works, fuck off back to raddit for your hugbox.

If you want to talk about it, then make a proper thread, not like OP's garbage bait. You know why you won't make one? Because XV threads die if there isn't some sort of bait attached. Nobody cares about discussing this garbage.

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>not giving a single argument once.
>calling anyone else a redditor.

>please argue about my own personal subjective experience

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i enjoyed it. thats all that matters to me.

I feel exhausted just thinking about all the problems it has.

That's nice, sweety. It's still an objectively shit game.

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don't bother
XV fanboys are just about as stupid as XV-kun himself

You arent very clever. I guess we cant argue about the game considering youve never played it and thus cant argue about it huh. Ive not seen a man blow himself out as much as admitting that he didnt expect to use anything else other than borrowed opinions.

>that trailer
>that music
>noct's interaction with stella
I'm still salty after all this time. He had more screen time with a girl that got cut in trailers that he did with the actual heroine.

>versus gets reworked into KH
Worst timeline. The world of KH is far too kid friendly to give us the dark gripping tale we deserve.

>you haven't played it "defence"

Classic. I don't know what you even want to argue about. You're saying you enjoyed it so that makes it automatically not shit.

Your subjective experience doesn't make an argument, give it a rest with your plebbit boogeyman.

He had more interaction with the DLC chick than he did with his own fiancé.

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You have to do more than say its bad or its good. Im both stating what makes it flawed and what made it good. You are stating nothing, tell me the difference between posting one of your wojacks and upvoting.

Also you can tell redditors by the spacing im sorry to say.

Then why should anyone care about your subjective opinion then?

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Is it really that bland of a game? How is the banter between the boys? Even if the main story is rushed and bad, I'd be down for the game if the roadtrip is good.

Tabata and his stupid vision on “distant relationship” really kills the romance between Noct and Luna. The guy has no sense of storytelling at all. The idea on itself could work. But people needs to buy the idea on that relationshp and how that relationship works first. Something that kekbata forgets.

The banter is the main selling point.

I like versus version of a "fantasy in reality". King regis, he looked sharp, modern, and cool. Final version regis looked like a braindead santa claus.

As for verum rex. I assumed it was a parody of scifi jrpgs in general. I'm not sure if I'd be excited or not if they confirmed ut was a tease if an actual game yet

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It's definitely something. They featured it in the secret ending and had Yozura stare at Riku. The character of verum rex at least exists within the world of kingdom hearts. What happens with that? Who knows? Hopefully we'll get some answers in the DLC later this year.

Wow, didn’t even notice that.

same to you
people are saying the combat is objectively bad and the game is mediocre with valid reasons and all you can come up with is WELL I HAD FUN REEEEEEEEE

'Nough said.

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It ranged from refreshing to how un-jrpg like they are from time to time to some lines that are just awkward. And it does get repetitive. In subsequent updates they also added some lines that I haven’t heard, judging from the royal edition vids I've seen. They seem to have quite a competent dialogue writer apart from some lines that is translated too literally. But when it comes to the story itself it's where the game dropped the ball due to the sudden choice of making it an open world game. The gameplay or combat itself is not that well implemented. It has quite of options that the player can choose, but monsters are not designed to take total advantage of the system. And some mechanics are just not polished and not well thought out. Some people say the multiplayer game has a better combat than the base game. But I haven't played it so I don't have much of a say on it. But seeing how magic not being a grenade is already a massive plus in my book.

It's the best game since Sonic '06.

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FF15 has the same exact problem as FF13: It tried to be a franchise before it tried to be an actual game.

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The same people who are saying "well i had fun REEEEE" are those who are giving the valid reasons to the flaws of the game. The game was carried very hard by the bros and the road trip elements to be honest, and its hard to articulate how that redeems the warp/hit/shout combat.

I like that the world map only had one small as fuck city. The others have to be loaded in. I dropped the game when Luna's hometown was just a square field and a tiny train station. Game is a fucking wreck.

>carried by the cookie cutter bros and boring driving

yeah no

Was I supposed to feel sad at her death? I felt sadder when the car died.

Simple =/= bad the same way complex =/= good. JSRF is an example of good simple, FFXV is an example of bad simple.

Someone saying they had fun doesn't automatically means that he/she’s saying that the combat is good. Are you that mentally handicapped that you can't process that line of thought?

You arent given any actual arguments you cute little hypocrite you.
APART from the cookie cutter bros thing, which is
so fucking true but its the masses of dialogue that makes them come to life and not their 0 character development. Its a shame that they missed out on that.
The main thing about the game is that its a whole bunch of fuck ups ruining something that could have been amazing.

You barely see her before she dies. If you were supposed to be sad they did a shitty job of making the player care.

XV's story wasn't there for the player. It wasn't there for Noctis and his buds. It was there for marketing.

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The term fun should never be brought into an argument about objective qualities.

My nigga. That car was like a 6th member.
>He didn't do the permanent Aranea glitch for a 5th member.

Its not bad, the last half of the game was shit. I haven't played any DLC, but the first half was great. It balances out to an okay game.

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lol nope

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my fucking sides

Only a fucking zoomer could defend this plastered together mess of a game. Even SE couldn't be bothered supporting it any more.

pretty much

>Versus gets reworked into KH
You didn't even read my post, did you? That Versus and Verum Rex are separate works of expression, though by Nomura's own admission, they have a lot in common with one another?

The Story. You Lose. Suck my Fuck.

No. It's predictable and pretty uneventful. Even World of Ruin was rushed and ultimately boring. The movie was pretty but boring too. Anime is garbage.

I wish we got to see her in MOMMY MODE in World of Ruin. Fuck this game.

His VA's overacting ruined him for me. So overly eccentric.

>please get rid of the open world sandbox meme

No, fuck you. I'll take another open world any day of the week before I go back to XIII you zoomer faggot.

Despite what “that guy” says. I still think the DLCs sold like shit. Hence why Square scrapped the second season entirely. If it was successful, Square would've at least continue making it to recoup the spending. Till this day we still don't have the actual number of the DLC sales. Even their decision to scrap pc support shows how much Square trust the title to generate recurring income through mods and shit. Much like skyrim. Which I think, in my opinion is a terrible decision by Square. They should look at how mods kept skyrim alive for almost a decade now.

Isn't it zoomers who want everything to be open-world?

>MGSV with swords
I find MGSV immensely satisfying to play, so maybe I'll pick it up

>Combat is hilariously unbalanced
>badly designed
Might be true but i think its better than the old turn based where most of the time you just spam "atack". Im not saying its the best thing, but, most of the time is more enjoyable.
>Camera is trash most of the time, especially in narrow caves/rooms or anywhere with trees and bushes (aka 90% of the game)
Didn't had any trouble with the camera.
>The OST is good but criminally misused and misplaced
I would like to hear more about that. OST was really inspired but only a few times at randon encounters it felt out of place.
>Art direction is trash, the game is graphically impressive but the art direction makes it look very bland.
Could be better in general, for me Altissia is a jawdropping place, an the train cenes were kino.

Please no. Interactivity is MGSV bread and butter. XV had none of that.

It's a bad zero-effort game that I enjoyed to killing time with. Much like Fallout 4 with mods. I won't defend it by any means though. It's the prime example of how to not make a game.

Also F best girl.

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I don't want everything to be open world. I'm happy with massive adventure RPGs like Final Fantasy being open world.

Nobody likes XIII because it's linear garbage.

I think XV's mix of open-world and linear would be good if done right.

why doth she taketh a gander at mine peewee

Absolutely hated it when I played it on Day 1, despite enjoying Episode Duscae and the other demo(s) a lot. Thought Royal Edition was better, but the game is still severely lacking. Ultimately a 6/10.

There couldn't be a worse description of XV. MGSV is actually a fun game to play with really good gameplay. Both have shit stories though.

Who’s she?

Crowe, from the shitty XV movie called Kingsglaive.

Final Fantasy hasn't been good since X, MMOs aside.

Why did they make a movie again?

Was my first FF I really enjoyed it combat was a bit dull could have had more experimention like Kingdoms of Amalur

>Also F best girl

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Literally whomst'nt`ve?


Because greed

>At least this bestboy won in the end.

only because DLC retconned his ass

as my thoughts for this game, I found it to be so disappointing in many aspects (empty open world, Hold O combat, underdeveloped characters & story) that I never got any DLCs for it

>Pushing a fucking car
>instead of escaping Insomnia under attack (which they instead put in the shitty movie)

I'll never not be mad as fuck.

I liked it i thought it was cute, a nice slow start to the game

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Whats wrong with it user? It was cute and cemented their friendship early on

>It was cute

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It was boring and didn't cement shit. It just showcased their stereotypical archetypes. You're a literal retard.

Wats wrong with that
I think you are just angry for the sake of being angry because you dont want to be happy user maybe be more happy!

You can't make me.

PS4 version is okay. The Xbox One version is garbage. Snagged the Royal edition for $10. It crashes frequently straight back to Xbox Home. I can't even get more than a few hours into the game without constant crashes. Wanted to play it at 4K because One X, crashes. Tried on my One S, crashes. Tried on my OG One base, crashes. PS4 version is passable but wanted the One X 4K experience. No go.

I cant but i only want you to be your best!

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They split the story into a movie, anime, and dlc. If it was all contained in the game it would’ve been a great game. I still really enjoyed the game. The voice acting was really well done. The battle system was fun (though the magic system kind of blew). It’s a good game that gets a bad reputation for how it was developed and how long it took.