Why are father/daughter dynamics so popular compared to all other parent/child variations in video games?

Why are father/daughter dynamics so popular compared to all other parent/child variations in video games?

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Pandering to pedophiles

A daughter cannot continue your legacy in the way a son can. So you might as well make the daughter useful in another way.

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Father here.


Pedos, I’d imagine

Is this the doggy style thread?

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His daughter is cute as fuck


it's pure

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Because gamers are fucking degenerates who lust after cunny.

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Remember fathers, if you aren't around she's going to find a new man to call "Daddy".

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Because males are the main audience for video games, and a young girl needs protection while a boy should be able to look after himself.

pretty cute

Didn't she kill herself?

>Father here
Stop this “blank here” bullshit no one gives a shit, retard.

Lol why are you mad?

Males play video games so they self-insert into a male. The game needs something for you to simultaneously protect and care about so they give you a daughter. Not a son or a dog because they would come as less helpless than a little girl.


Just don’t be such a faggot next time, kid.

who is this guy

Did i do the right thing?

>still mad
Why do you let things effect you so much?

Mother here
Idk I wish there were more mother/son pairs :(
I love my son


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>Still a faggot
Holy shit bro just let go and change how you post, that’s it

More male players.

Literally obsessed

Son here.
Same. I love mommies.

>Males play video games so they self-insert into a male
This shit right here, Unless you're a tranny it's physically impossible to identify as a mommy.

To dab on demographics don't understand what a father is.


Do fathers think about what happens to their daughters at night?

Do they try and push it from their mind? Does their mind abruptly imagine her sweet little voice saying dirty little things to that man her daddy hates?

Also, this isn't videogames OP.

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>literally still going
You need to take a break from Yea Forums if it affects you this much.

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Every boy is a son retard
Even Jesus is a son

>covered in tattoos
Yeah, this guy isn't nearly as tough as he's trying to be. Definitely the kinda guy that would think that shirt would work instead of actually fathering his daughter.

>classic I'm not mad you're mad response
You sure showed him retard

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Don't worry bro, someone's always willing to be some little girls father. LOL

Fathers ITT, odd how fast women start calling another man "Daddy", huh? Almost like they think you are easy to replace.

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>resorting to samefagging


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Father because gamers are by and large males
Daughters because of the somewhat media fabricated Daddy's Girl stereotype

Sons can only exist if daughters do, you foolish fool

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A daughter is everyone else's responsibility. Let them have that liability.

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A true man would accept responsibility if it is just

>drugbro has daughter, gives it away
>cuck raises father in his stead
>daughter looks for real dad falls in love
>drugbro impregnates her (so now the cuck is a double cuck)
>she has his baby
>drugbro kills cuck who raised her (triple cuck now)

Never in history has a man been more of a cuckold then in this story.

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to appeal to pedophiles (and that's a good thing!)

holy shit, is that what actually happened?

Based, he killed that pussy twice


Goddamn it, Chad... even girls half your age, who are your biological daughter... will Chad ever stop winning?

I'd argue that father/son is pretty heavily explored too
I'd imagine that most male writers feel uncomfortable writing mother/son relationships

Jokes aside this might be one of the saddest things I've ever read.

*hits pipe*

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he even didnt need someone to kill him,based.

Nah, you raise another man's kid, you get what you deserve. Drug addicts seed were meant to fail, only thing they are good for is dragging everyone else down with them.

that is pretty fucking cucked, damn

i would raise my brother's or sister's kids if anything happened to them though


Damn, that reminds me of this.

God I wish I had a daughter-wife

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settle down achmed

me too

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They appeal to man's primal instincts to protect his tribe.

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They appeal to man's primal instincts to fuck his daughter.

the ultimate and final cuck.

Joker and Bayonetta 2v2.
Hopefully Dante joins up soon to round-up the family.

Fuck ANYONE who thought this scene was sad. It wasn't even sad remotely, YOU WANNA KNOW THE SCENE THAT MADE ME CRY LIKE A BITCH


Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Are they? I'm pretty sure father-son is more common, like brother-brother and male-male friendships are.

Yea Forums wants to fuck their daughters

I would like a daughter-wife and daughter simultaneously

agree with you though

>In 1995, Steven Pladl was 20 when he met a 15-year-old girl named Alyssa on the Internet.
>met 15yo girl


I fucking hate you OP

>preggo teen wearing a cross
like clockwork

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A curious father interested about merging stuff.

considering the snip so i can never have this situation happen to me

You treat your son as you would your friend, you treat your daughter as you would your wife minus the sex unless you're that kind of person.

I just want a cute little girl to play vidya with, take her out to get ice cream, buy her nice cute clothes and plushies, talk about cute stuff, help her with school lessons and to prepare for exams, cuddle with her while watching chinese cartoons and get wholesome hjs, is that too much to ask for?

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Having a child is the ultimate cuckoldry
Literally no one can prove me wrong

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You don't have one of those with that attitude

Because little girls are cute.

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Red Shirt Guy wins again

This is modern bad parenting. It's giving off the appearance of being a strict dad, meanwhile your daughter is sucking some classmate's dick because dad is out fishing/drinking/generally not giving a fuck

I don't know but I'm sick of it. I won't watch, read, or play anything that focuses on it anymore.

>modern bad parenting
you mean modern parenting

how about you prove yourself right? I get what the guy is saying about having a daughter and I guess the same could be applied to a fag but how does it apply to a son?

AOL chatrooms

Science is fun for everyone!

Nothing more pure than a man and his cunny

If I haven't seen anything FMA related in years, should I watch the original or brotherhood?

*stares at you*
*loud slurping sounds*

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This is what worshipping jews gets you.

we all do

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I want to marry pavaga and make her Slav genes Aryan

Because most gamers are male and protecting females is instinctual.

Back then, BBS was one of the ways people communicated with each other

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That's a beautiful sentiment, my friend, but she's going to marry me already.

She will be my number 2 after my true wife Lera

Actual Zoomer

brotherhood, subbed.

Because cute and funny girls love daddies
also purest form of love

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*shaves your arms*

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Cute fuzz

the duality of man

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Feminists have denied mans natural desire for neoteny and purity too long

I want cunny wife now

Uncle here. I wish I had a hot niece to make my bride. Just sayyin

I want to feel her hairy arms!

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>tfw no autistic slav daughter

How can a human be so cute

I want to cuddle her so bad.

Because males are disposable in our society.
So people wouldn't care as much about protecting a boy.

Man looking after child
>protector, masculine yet sensitive, non-threatening, beta provider

Woman looking after child
>unattractive, single mother, used up, sloppy seconds

stop having sex

Sorry, I tried but I just can't

Butthurt newfag femoid nigger scum mods inbound

god I love cute girls in dresses

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