What do you want to see in Breath of the Wild 2?

What do you want to see in Breath of the Wild 2?

I hope the world the is basically the same as the first game in the beginning, then changes as you play. Ruins rise up, earthquakes or whatever change the landscape and new enemies pour out and attack people.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You didn't make this thread to really talk about that, did you?


Attached: Winslow.jpg (181x238, 11K)

No shit, OP wanted to talk about Afrobull/Zelda

Is it coming out on the PS5?

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Yes I did.
Maybe that Chinese knock off will.

New enemies, dungeons, a way to explore underwater

What about on my PS6?

Post the other picture, faggot.

Is there an eroge this board does like?



What's wrong with Afrobull? Absolutely nothing.

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His art is good but doesn't go as far as Shad

This artists plagues one piece lewds


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I'm curious to see what powers Link's Light Arm will have.

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More ass.

what the fuck is this even supposed to mean as a critique that's entirely subjective and you're just cherry picking shit out, god i hate Yea Forums

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i hope theres a ending where link is filling zeldas womb with cum in the wild

Is this gonna be vidya ass thread? I’ll start posting in a bit.

this is literally me when i see someone with a nice bulge


>What do you want to see in Breath of the Wild 2?
Traps, hermaphrodites, transsexuals, futanari, dickgirls, the intersexed, cute boys, sissies, and any other thing that falls under the same fetish of "man that looks like a woman".
Nintendo fans tend to be huge basedboys who are heavily into the estrogen, and thus tend to identify as these characters or be aroused by these characters (or both).
It also concentrates the cancer of Yea Forums in one place so that I may more easily ignore it.

I hope we see super Gerudo

Attached: Furious Envy.png (2564x2660, 583K)

cute fish girls we can date

Attached: cute Zora.png (400x550, 167K)

what's it like having trannies live rent free in your head?

what makes you think that im a male


not a tranny.

prove it.

At this point, I suspect people just think they're supposed to post this when they see an artist they recognize.


cope harder

Attached: princess_mipha_by_evomanaphy-dbl64u9.png (1280x1791, 1.98M)

that ass, hnng

>being a fishfag

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I just want more BotW. So I'm good.

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She's dead.
She wanted to betray her race.
Her little brother is way cooler.

Who's saying anything about Mipha? The guard girls are much cuter and fitter

Zelda sucking Ganon

cucks need to die

shit taste

Midna's return

Attached: 1356573037859.jpg (461x650, 286K)

Link sucking Ganon*


You say that like it's a bad thing

shit taste

I really liked the Amiibo support, even as flawed as it was, and Wolf Link is absolutely awesome to play with.

I guess I'd like to see more animal companions in the base game. Being able to tame a wild wolf, bear, or some other woodland creature to assist in various ways would be dope.

Most of all I'd really, really like to finally see a genuine post-game.

Attached: wl-botw.jpg (480x360, 29K)

there's plenty more cute Zora in the sea

I want shrines to feel like VR missions from MGS 1.
>make a gimmick idea
>expand the idea
>fully realize all the potential of the idea
Kinda like how Mario levels already work but better. Also, make shrines linear, if they will be the same shit aesthetic everywhere, do like Uncharted lost legacy that makes the other puzzles hard if you already did an easy one.

No "Battle shrines" that you end up fighting one hard and letter find the easier one.

Attached: metal-gear-solid-vr-missions.jpg (800x559, 40K)

Literally shits on Zeldacucks and Miphafags

Link pooping while sucking Ganon*



>that's entirely subjective
Can you give me a critique that isn't subjective?

horrible fetish

he's green


Ganon fucking link's corpse after he pooped himself*

That wasn’t SS or BotW Zelda tho

horrible fetish

Both forms of midna, SS and BOTW Zelda are all goblinas.
look at this mutant

Attached: ugly.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

have sex, retard

Link doing Zelda.

it looks vile
midna is a qt though

Attached: copy that.jpg (1440x771, 371K)

There you go!
Absolutely based.

Only Imp Midna is a goblina, Twili Midna is the best looking female in the series.

This thread is a mess.

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I think you should leave

Link mating pressing Zelda.

>he thinks that creature is attractive
No, it is clearly you who needs to engage in sexual intercourse so you can gain some standards


Deal with it Zeldafag, she’s a biological abomination, la Ogra del las tierras Hylianas.


Zelda doing Link.

>being this retarded

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I look forward to seeing Princess "Bubblebutt" Zelda's big, chunky, dick-sucking ass!

The royal bloodline must continue.

>shipping Link and Zelda after the shitstain that was SS
You guys must really hate the nigga

>constantly defining yourself by how much you fuck
Seek professional help, that can't be healthy

Link's huge balls slapping wetly and noisily onto Zelda's taint and asshole.

You seem upset.

Lmao the cope of this waifucuck your waifu is a goblina

It will, the Zora royal bloodline

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But that was one of the only good things about SS.

no u

If the bloodline ends, then Hylia’s chokehold on Link’s spirit ends. Ending the bloodline would be the best thing for Links everywhere

locations to repair your weapons. Price is negotiable, it can be expensive across the board or get more expensive to do as the weapon gets better, but I just want a way to do it consistently.

>le spam rat of artist I don't like

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Shes not even my waifu, but you're still wrong as fuck, retard.

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She looks like such a goblin that people never talk about how good she looks, people only talk about her ass.

Who is the cutest zora woman who is currently alive in the Domain right now?

>But that was one of the only good things about SS.
It wasn’t, it turned Link into a slave bitchboy for Hylia instead of letting her bite the bullet for fucking up.

I want to die under Zelda's ass I've genocided so many of my fucking children to the Nuezou doujin it's not even funny anymore

>Shes not even my waifu
Lel sure
>but you're still wrong as fuck, retard.
Going by how much you’re seething, I’m pretty right kek

>videogame thread
>tumblr refugees and other assorted newfags ruin it with shipping
please leave

Attached: Afrobull-704601-botw_zelda.png (717x708, 677K)

>my fucking children
Lmao, they’re not children unless they meet the egg and mature, virgin

>He doesnt know

Mei is blue so she sticks out to me. Laflat is also cute.

They're all cue, but I think Tula who was the one playing in the water rather than looking for a hylian is the cutest

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What a small cookie for a big meal like this.

good lord, how many retarded people are in this thread.

>the cookies
Subway edits have only gotten better with time

More like they self-insert into Zelda.

Afrobull is a g-g-g-g-g-tranny?

Attached: 578A7A58-29F0-4546-BBAC-9D3668F403B3.jpg (789x1024, 91K)

Nope. The regular kind.

>still being wrong

He's a fat white guy.

Dating cute girls

Attached: 7e6.jpg (800x450, 85K)

Seriously? Is she cute

Ganon sucking Zelda*

Attached: What.jpg (253x338, 13K)

plagues? There's barely enough as it is i'll take anything

Pictures like this unironically encourage me to keep going with practicing drawing even tho im still shit after practicing for a month. Even taking out the lewd comment its still drawn pretty well.

I was disappointed how quickly she became irrelevant.

Your gonna have to source this because I find that hard to believe

>still coping

no he's a skeletal white guy

>still wrong

>its still drawn pretty well.
It’s not, the character looks shiny and shares the same lips as all his other drawings

as opposed to no lips? what are you even trying to convey here

Link's long, thick, meaty [sandwich] and heavy, swollen [cookies].

Sorry but it’s true. BotW Zelda has a weird face that an average ass won’t fix. Tell yourself otherwise and you’re lying to yourself. Lel

Attached: 1499485153074.png (1456x1600, 1.51M)

Since when do people hate afrobull?

>Shares the same lips as his other drawings
And that’s a good thing, because I want to kiss every single one of them

explain in full detail, paragraph long.

>he character looks shiny
Im pretty sure thats intentional. and what do you mean the lips look the same as their other drawings that is how most lops look in that style. Just because something isnt done in realism does not make it badly drawn

>what are you even trying to convey here
Some people sameface, he does the same except with lips. The way he draws them are pretty much what sets them apart from the regular western porn art.

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Her face is ugly.

>explain in full detail, paragraph long.
Don’t have to, bring up the SFM porn with Urbosa and let the eyes do the talking. She has a weird face.

they hated him because he told the truth

Since his existence.

Want to see Link use the ghost arm to swing around

People who live in mutt houses...

Attached: gegrgfg.png (532x675, 526K)

>tfw no nerdfu
I can't hold on much longer bros.

Attached: triP8gxN_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

no thanks
they would ruin her.


Attached: Mipha2.jpg (526x800, 104K)

We all would, user.

Zelda would never get a butt tattoo she's too pure

Attached: Zoras Domain.gif (500x281, 2.24M)

My favorite botw art is of femboi link and zelda both getting pounded by thick juicy cock together and them lewdly holding hands

I require Imp

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Zelda is still the biggest goblina in a game with literal goblins

Blue Zora just look so much better.

Yes, she really is ugly and has a terrible personality

Sorry bro, but you can't rely on fanart like every other cuck.

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>tfw you will never get railed together next to a cute girl that has a crush on you

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>relying on shit animations

Enough Winslow spam.
Post artists that you actually like.

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Homos talk so much shit, but sure love acting like women

>>relying on shit animations
Breh it's the same shit from the game, you diss the shit models you prove my point.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about

Attached: Proto.jpg (258x196, 9K)

A dark world equivalent.

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That's why you have to treat them like women in every sense.

If only I could get this with the roles reversed, imagine the smell.

"breh"; im talking about the shit animators, not the models you mong.

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Zelda mating pressing Link in a wedding dress

Why would you wish that on Link?

I'm not taking about the animation though, my focus this entire time was Zelda's model, specifically her face. Going from OoT to TP was cool, but then going from that to is pretty sad. She's generic as fuck.

Did somebody say goblins?

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But... It's not.

Zelda Cunny

i'd like to see more actual dungeons, like ocarina's or twilight princess'. hopefully the game has some optional dungeons, too (not shrines, full-on dungeons). i'd also like for there to be some memorable music melodies this time.

gerudo mommy

She raped the franchise and made turned it into goblin spawn. KILL IT

There's a distinct lack of fat Zelda booty in this thread.

Is that like cowgirl with the dudes legs in the air and the girl holding onto his ankles?


More storage in your house. I'm a bit of a hoarder and I liked having the weapon rack for rare/elemental weapons, but there were only 3 slots. There should've been a chest in your house to store things you don't want to use yet instead of just wasting inventory space.
Also differently themed dungeons/shrines. I'm fine with there being a bunch of mini-puzzle shrines, but they all looked kind of the same, same with the dungeons. I would've liked it a lot more of they were different visually. I get that they're the same because they're Sheikah based, but I would've preferred if they had different themes.

>yet another manga ruined by anime faggots
go meme your stupid shit on Yea Forums

Double the shit taste.

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So eager, user.

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I posting but you can't see it because she didn't actually have one.

Who do you like, then, if your taste is so good?


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>she doesnt have one
are you okay in the head, user?

He's right, though. It's unusual to see anything positive about Zelda that isn't about her ass. I mean, look at this very thread.

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>white power

It’s guaranteed to be the same world considering how impressed shitters were by the empty boring gameplay and excessive dlc simply because “OMG they made it open world just like the first game” even though it wasn’t open world at all. It would be more comparable if the first game had 40x the number of screens but the same amount of content. Anyway, watch the damage control as nintendies post “muh fox and grapes” argument even though it doesn’t work since the game is neither difficult (beating out minish cap as the easiest Zelda game) nor hard to get your hands on (as it’s on two consoles officially and can be easily emulated on PC). I guess the only people they can fathom are shitting on their ass creed clone are literal Snoy investors.

What can I say? I love fat asses.

3 things and it'll be the GOAT

> fix the inventory system. You can hold way too many weapons/armor/consumables. This will also mean fixing the weapon durability. It can still have some limitations, but it can't work anything like the previous game. Also, take away the ability to use healing items from the inventory screen.

>There needs to be actual dungeons with themes, and unique bosses. Can't believe designs that bland ended up in the Zelda game ffs.

>If they're going to reuse the same world, it has to have more unique events and reasons to explore. Korok seeds and shrines are not rewarding enough. Give people stories to talk to their friends about.

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I can tell.

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This times a hundred.


Does anybody have the short comic where Link goes to spread Zelda ass and a korok pops out? It was posted here before but I can't find it anywhere now. I think it was four sets of four panels or soemthing.

Keep posting, to please me.

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Take it to discord you ERP cucks

Literally the most ugliest race created.

Fuck off, retard.

You know avatarfagging is against the rules, right?

Attached: fish.png (742x638, 140K)

Sorry I don't ERP

Please be professional.

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Attached: resettispaggeti.png (83x84, 22K)

Such a fat, sloppy butt. I'll have to spank you for having such a lewd ass.

Yea Forums has a Discord?

have sex

Attached: 57392994959.png (604x565, 466K)

cute fish

Attached: mipha6.png (1200x800, 1.03M)

neck yourself ERPfag

Yeah any BotW thread.


Based user

No need to be loud.
That's the opposite of professional.

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actually interesting quests and dungeons

You're not very good at this, are you?

Attached: paya.jpg (1280x768, 185K)

Well, Kill yourself tranny.~

Are Zelda's farts loud or cute little toots?



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drink bleach, shit smear

ITT we learn the only people who like BotW Zelda are EPRing Discord cucks.

>this mad

That's funny coming from you.

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>defining your self-worth by how often you fuck
Seek professional help, that can't be healthy

Theres a big theory hes gonna lose it or its gonna be infected, like pick related

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no u

And afrocucks

I don't have much Zelda booty saved. Sorry, user.

Attached: 1543080326782.png (1300x1800, 1.6M)

Also, what's the sauce for this shit? I can't find it anywhere.

Thats fine, ty, user.

Attached: 1562200522016.jpg (1024x989, 69K)

I have some of other characters, though.

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>ERP Discordfag is an avatarfag as well
Makes sense that human sewage liked BotW Zelda.

then pls, post that

he only did 2 drawings are you kidding me

you cucks are getting more and more subtle every day. I don't know if I should be disgusted or impressed

-Fully explorable underworld with caverns, dungeons, temples and so on; all interconnected
-Remove shrines and Koroks
-Return of item progression
-Reduce the number of weapon slots but increase weapon durability
-You can repair broken weapons with ore at a fire or certain NPCs
-Return the music to the strong themes and adventuring sound of the old games
-The NPCs are rebuilding the old Kingdom, progress gradually improves as you complete a percentage of the game and new events happen when NPCs finish their restoration job
-The main story is about trying to revive all the people who died in the cataclysm; but this leads to a powerful undead Lich being resurrected as well (the thing we saw in the trailer) who is the main villain of the game
-Zelda does NOT travel around as your companion
-Horses don't get stuck on the plains
-You can explore the huge plateau west of Hebra/Gerudo Heights, which is modeled off the highlands in Zelda 2

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u, user

Attached: Screenshot (125).png (1280x720, 1.24M)

Once you see one Afrocuck drawing, you've seen them all.

"We didn't copy Mononokehime enough in BotW. Let's go all in!"

God, can't they come up with their own story?

But this thread seems vaguely Zelda-related.

Attached: 1562106289997.jpg (1254x1771, 1.06M)

Yikes. This thread is making me feel the cringe. This thread isn't even kek, but cringe. When I come to the 4 of the chan I expect quality threads, but I get this cringe nonsense.

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derail it for everyone then

I'll keep it vidya, but spoilered.
I gotta go in a bit, as well, so don't expect a ton of posts.

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>What do you want to see in Breath of the Wild 2?
For the newer champions come into their own and play more of a role and interact with each other. For some reason the entire japanese fanbase has Revali and Mipha fucking despite them only having one and a half interactions throughout the entire game. I liked the characters but them having chemistry with anyone other than Link/Zelda is a godsend.

Imagine a scene where Link and Riju have to cross something hazardous but then Bonobu leaps into the air while Sidon dunks him down at such a velocity it makes an earthen bridge? Or show off Teba commanding a group of Rito soldiers against Ganondorf. Give them screen time and a chance to develop. I know its asking alot for characters to have more screen time in a Zelda game but there's a reason people remember characters like Mipha, Kass, and Skull Kid more than most.

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I meant Midna and I'm not even a Miphafaggot. Fuck.

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The Zora who wants you to get the Lynel picture has the best (Japanese) voice in the game. And the extra thick Gerudo at the front of Gerudo Town is the hottest girl in the game.

I'm really pissed how, every Zelda game, the NPC girls are the best. Which means you hardly interact with them.

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>I meant Midna and I'm not even a Miphafaggot.
Good save user. Yeah I'd be down for more character development and less shit like Mipha, Paya and Zelda. They're pretty much waifubait in three different flavors and none of them are good. There's one anime cliche called amato nadeshiko and it fits Mipha well.

Malon a cute!

>Not liking Yamato Nadeshiko
What's wrong with you, user?

>amato nadeshiko
Dont know what the fuck that means but here's what I mean when the japanese fanbase finds Revali/Mipha hotter than Link/Mipha. That said I still think the new champions should have their own points that make them standout and do stuff besides help you for one mission. If it takes some linearity to do so, then by all means allow it but if they have the design philosophy of BoTW1 intact, I'm not sure what they'll do. I doubt they're gonna have the shiekah slate start talking to you with. unless the champions all get Shiekah slates and have their own text board where they talk in #DankHyruleMemes

Attached: 45582ce105f33d5630c56c3dcd959fc2.jpg (1000x922, 121K)

>What's wrong with you, user?
I want memorable female characters that extend beyond being waifus/player ego boosts. Characters like Midna or Hilda couldn't be done in BotW because they don't focus their entire world around Link, they have urgency too.


queen of hearts, not spades

>unless the champions all get Shiekah slates and have their own text board where they talk in #DankHyruleMemes
>Mipha and Sidon shitpost memes
>Yunobo tries and failes
>Teba is too much of a dad to know what they mean

I guarantee you that it comes from him smirking at her when they're taking the picture. Is it actually popular, though? I've seen that image and some of the other art before, but it all seems to come from one guy.

Attached: champion's ballad.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Ganon and his minions seizing the hymen of Zelda*

There's alot user. It makes no sense to me but whatever floats their boat. That said if I had to guess, Aunoma said his favorite character was Urbosa and they know of the Sidon porn.

Attached: C-rCC_TUIAIOjn9.jpg (550x550, 61K)

shippers are just fucking weird.

>Him smirking at her
Holy fuck I never noticed. Its actually somewhat cute.

For Me? It's Gerph

Attached: some_mayo_by_gerph_db9011a-fullview.jpg (600x800, 79K)

Shippers are not about what characters have the best chemistry. Its about what characters you find hottest fucking each other.

Attached: file.png (579x960, 635K)

WTF I want to be Zelda now

>What do you want to see in Breath of the Wild 2?
more than 2 hours worth of meaningful gameplay
more than one boss design
more items than the starting 4
more weapon movesets than the current 3
less retarded weapon durability and armor abrobtion

tfw Revali's disdain for Link was over Mipha and the solution all along was just to make a fish sandwich.

>Not a chick-fil-a fish sandwich

Attached: fortykeks.jpg (292x257, 34K)

t. never shipped anything

No shit sherlock.

check dis booty out mates

I want optional romance choices, not tied down to Zelda. TP had that snow cloak warrior girl, dumb farm girl, Midna, and Zelda but it ended ambiguius as OOT did with Malon/Zelda/Ruta. 20 years of blue balls, leylt us choose our heroine in BotW2.

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Never settle for them.

I like the way you think. OOT was supposed to be a dating sim. Better late than never on the implementation.

>What do you want to see in Breath of the Wild 2?
I want Link and Zelda to jorney togheter, and a mechanic that can turn the jorney of in date any time.
>Zelda spot a beautiful bed of flowers
>You can pic one up and put it behind her ear, as Link looks her in the eyes and smiles
>She blushes
And that's it. If it is filled with small stuff like that you can make organically while treveling, would eventually trigger actually encripted scenes.
There would be several things you could do for her and vice versa, but in specific situations and places.

Also, they should add a way to recruit more NPCs in your party, and the way Link and Zelda interact with each other would change depending on who is in the party and wheter or not they have privacy

Also, but less important, I think the game could benefit from more intimidating enemies, aesthetically speaking, and places with darker/denser atmosphere. I know its art-style is anime and colorful (for lack of better term to describe it), but it's not like it can't have some Balrog like monster, or a dungeon who is actually dark.
Also, making the nights actually dark, similar to games like Dragon's Dogma and Final Fantasy XV, would make the nights more immersive.

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Do you not want girls to have dick sucking lips?

SS ended with a definite relationship. But I agree. I'd rather you, the player, get to choose the girl you like. Since the best girl in every Zelda game is usually an NPC or secondary character. Almost always the Marin/Malon/Cremia/Medli equivalent.

Attached: 1322951760287.png (1920x1080, 999K)

Even worst.

Couldn't you choose to persue Peatrice in SS? I didn't actually play that one cause fuck motion controls but I've seen anons talking about it.

Where's the bag of lays?

Fuck off shipfag.

You could, but all it led to was her being flattered and saying something funny. But Link still ends up with Zelda because muh story.

>but all it led to was her being flattered and saying something funny.
Actually she keeps it a secret because she knows Link is on a quest.

Best girl in Zelda games are almost always Zelda. You guys are just contrarian faggots.

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God Oda drawing Gerudo girls is like a dream come true.

And we hate Shadman. What's your point?

Sorry to hear about your shit taste, user.

this please please please
and this, mipha is just okay but the rest of the zora are too cute

I want the twili to return not for midna specifically but because the twili are cute and a dark/twili realm would be interesting

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>Best girl in Zelda games are almost always Zelda.
*Laughs in actual best girl.*

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We had the exact same thread yesterday with the same person posting the same pics

it turned into an expansion/fatfag thread

BOTW Zelda a cute

go away and be a shitty anime elsewhere

I always thought they might do a dual world approach again where you have hyrule and the twili realm and they both interact with each other.

i want to see ass

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How bad is Trial of the Sword in Master Mode?

I could go for a fat thread right now, honestly.

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Anyone else play in Japanese? I just left it on default because actual voice acting seemed pretty rare at the beginning, but the english voice acting for Mipha bothered me enough to switch it

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When the game first came out, it didn't have multiple voice options. So those of us who got it in the first 2-3 weeks had no option but English. And by god, Zelda was bad.

I switched it to Japanese when I replayed it a year later. And...the voices weren't very good in Japanese either. That is, the ones in the cutscenes. The voices for NPCs and random events on the overworld were great. And the reason is pretty obvious. Whoever was the vocal director was forcing all the actors to be "grounded" and "serious" during the story events, which stifled their acting ability. Then outside of the story events, the characters actually got to emote and act. And they sounded just like any other Japanese game.

It's possible the same thing happened in the English dub. But some of the characters voices in English were bad even outside the story cutscenes. Like the Goron kid and half of Hateno village.

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Altdorfer is so good.

It's like no one before noticed landscapes.

Good point user, Zelda does like to experience the whole package.

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>twili are cute
? What do twili that aren't midna or zant look like?

I had such a problem with all the female voices in the game, I played at launch so I couldn't change it.



I could tolerate the voices themselves, but the delivery was pretty shit. The flashback scene with Mipha and Link is what was the last straw for me. The delivery and timing of her lines just felt bad. Switched to nip and the spirit scene after the water ganon fight felt way better

You Are All Plebians, Simpletons

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Yeah, Miphas delivery was really bad. So were most of the cast. But they're trying to time their delivery to expressions and body movements that were made by Japanese motion actors. It's the same problem that made Final Fantasy X seem to stilted and awkward.

And the horrible English translation adding in tons of unnecessary extra words and fantasy "thou" and "nought" and stuff made it even worse.

links big dick

Nintendo really loves fat asses don't they?

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sit on my FUCKING face you blond elf SLUT

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Fuck you and your cow of a mother. That spic can draw good tonguejobs.

>green eyes
>brown hair
My weakness.

>fanart means Peach has a fat ass

So, if a gerudo women can't give birth to a boy, who the hell knocks them up?

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Men from other cultures

Hylians, have you ever even played a Zelda game

>How have they not been bred out then

The kid is always a Gerudo, apparently

Cringe af

Anything that moves. Gerudo women are the thirstiest things in existence.

but ganon is a gerudo so what the fuck happened there

Ocarina of time and TP also have Mononoke themes. They've been milking that movie for ages.

Once Ganondorf is officially dead, a gerudo boy will be born. That boy will grow up to become the new Ganondorf and the cycle will begin anew. The reason in the botw that a gerudo boy hasn't been born is because Ganondorf has been alive for thousands of years.

I want Ruto to come back.

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Ganondorf is a woman

The influence from Miyazaki goes back to the very first Zelda game. But there's a fine line between influence and outright copying. Skyward Sword and BotW crossed that line hard. I mean, aside from them giving link Costumes that look just like Ashitaka, a deer god, the ability to ride deer and some other stuff, they specifically copied Joe Hisaishi's style for the music. One song even fall out copies the opening notes of of "One Summer's Day."

I'm all for references. But if the next game full on takes the "Link gets his arm cursed and needs to go on a journey to cleanse himself." I'm fucking out. That's just shameless cribbing.

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Peach should be more bottom heavy, any character who attacks by flinging herself ass first at people needs more junk in the trunk


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BotW might have retconned him into just pretending to be a Gerudo. Depends on how you read it.

But that also means there may be another Gerudo male running around Hyrule.

Which is why Peach's moveset works better for Daisy. Who actually is thicker, even in official art. But they're not going to change Peach's moveset now.

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Meanwhile I bet someone who actually worked on Mononokehime will play the game and have fun.

Is this the Nintendo thread?

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Is this the author of "im not into that whole rape thing" ork?

It's called homage.


Why is it a collective to hate Shadman?
His backstory is pretty based

It does look like his arm is being shredded into little bits

His art has improved but now he just draws crappy "funny" comics instead of porn.

I have no idea but he draws a lot of joke pics of elves/orcs/general fantasy things so probably
"Baalbuddy" if you wanna look him up

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>He DOESN'T want a Mononoke hime vidya
That's some shit taste there user

Only non-faggot answer here.

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cute bulge

I can't eat a big sub like that dry. It needs some sauce on it to slicken it up.

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Literally can't read.

>it's okay when they copy if its something I find acceptable
Meanwhile if someone copies an idea from Zelda, Nintendo jumps on them with a lawsuit. But sure, it's okay when Nintendo does it the other way around.

Are you implying anyone here knows what that's for?

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BotW = MM = OoT >>>>> WW = TP >>>>> SS

Pretty hot

user, it's called an homage. It's generally to celebrate something. Like a good design, you naturally want to use it again. I bet if Miyazaki were to play play botw he would love it.

OoT is dated and plays like shit. it's only better than SS, and slightly better than WW. worse than TP now.


Its not like Breath of the Wild has Zelda drinking blood from a wolf or anything
I can see the similarities but to say that its copying Mononoke is a very far stretch

Weapons to have their own movesets
More enemy variety.
Actual dungeons.

The only thing TP has going for it is Midna
The dungeons suck and the story is over dramatic and pretentious

Nat the Lich

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captain kirb

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>But there's a fine line between influence and outright copying.
>I'm all for references. But if the next game full on takes the "Link gets his arm cursed and needs to go on a journey to cleanse himself." I'm fucking out. That's just shameless cribbing.
Learn to read the entire post before responding to it.

cute link

not gay though

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I hope the Master Cycle is used in new activities, like a trailblazer minigame or something.


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Thanks for introducing me to Afrobull, OP. I haven't fapped to hentai in well over a decade.

How do I achieve this mode

Zelda's feet in my face

No reason it can't happen. Let me take pics with the Shiekah Slate


Eat a lot and become a competitive strongman.

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only cunnysseurs know

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It's cool and all but the perspective is fucked

dop, angelauxes, voilá vou, mangamaster, ironcoin, tekuho, SSB and jcm-2
angel and coin on pixiv, the rest in R34 paheal

Combat puzzles in massive dungeons. I dont expect them to fix the shit combat. Zelda is supposed to be accessible. I just want them to create ways you are supposed to fight a room of enemies and reward you. Like goldberg machine combat.

Holy fuck I hate everything about the desert section of the game. It's not difficult, it's just tedious. Everything about the section is one piece of shit after another. "Here, have a forced stealth section." or "Here, follow behind this AI character that will go in whatever direction she feels like!" or "I hope you bothered preparing enough food to deal with the heat until you get an outfit that, despite being able to strip completely nude, will be able to keep you cooler, despite wearing more!"

And it's not like I didn't. I stocked up on the materials, I went through that shitty "dungeon", I fucked around with BOTW's weird ass stealth mechanics in a segment that only took maybe ten minutes, but was boring as hell. Fuck the boss who fell out of the divine beast five separate times. But you know what the worst part is? I had a raging fucking erection the whole time. The only bearable aspect is that around every corner, there was something that was catered to my tastes. Big buff brown chicks who were insatiably horny all the time and had to breed with other races to survive. Loli brown girls, crossdressing femlink, that blue lipstick that I see putting rings around Link's dick in every picture involved with them. And I can't find anything good with this, outside of some nudes on Sandaku. There's like two hentai novels I could find, and I put up with the weird futa shit. I like futa, but give me some femdom for fucks sake. It's an eternal blue ball. Everything about this section of the game is frustrating, in every aspect.

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I agree a lot. I'm still playing in English even though I've basically stopped playing. I usually play stuff in Jap when I have the option but I didn't for Zelda because it didn't have it at launch and I didn't know you could change until later- I tested what they sound like and Mipha's English VA does "sound" like JP Mipha but it doesn't come across well. I actually dislike both of them, since it just came across as TRYING to sound high pitched, lofty and gentle instead of actually sounding that way. I think they went with the "let's try to mimic like JP actors as much as possible" since she and some others like Revali may as well be the same. I don't know if that was actually the best thing to do for the game since it comes across as awkward at best (to me at least) for pretty much the entire game. I really don't like the voice acting in any of the cutscenes from either JP or Eng from what I've heard of both, it just feels like they're trying too hard to be dramatic or cinematic or something. I agree the overworld stuff sounds great for the most part.
The main exception I can think of is Zelda who doesn't really sound like she's trying to sound like the JP Zelda and puts on a godawful English accent for some reason which causes me pain any time I hear it. I fucking HATE that voice and it makes me want to play silent or try something like the Italian dub which I've heard is good.

Shanoa a qt

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this and wong

Which artist is this? Reverse image search gives nothing

>tfw kept trying to talk the shy girl but she'd just blush and turn away

>The main exception I can think of is Zelda who doesn't really sound like she's trying to sound like the JP Zelda and puts on a godawful English accent for some reason which causes me pain any time I hear it.
For some reason, dub directors all think that every game with fantasy has to have English accents in it. Either because British sounds foreign to Americans or because some stupid idea that all fantasy has to be connected to Tolkien, I don't know. But I really wish they'd stop doing it. Sadly, since they've been doing it all the way back on the NES, I doubt it's going to change.

Voice acting as a whole was a mistake for Zelda. Miyamoto was right.

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Drop that 'quantity over quality' motto and make a smaller map not that bloated mediocrity of BOTW.