>Playing tf2
>get hit by a crit from a soldier
>call him a faggot
>he calls me a fucking retard for taking a casual game seriously
>laugh and add him at the end of the match
>Get killed by any unfair shit in NU-fps
>call the person a faggot
>he gets ultra mad and calls his discordtranny friends to vote-kick me
>get banned from the game for 2 days, just because i called him a faggot
What happened to online gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
u mad?
shut up, kid
good thing i stopped playing online since 2010.
no offense but i never liked any of you faggots.
>calling people names
>being a bigot
go call someone the f word irl and see how that goes for you buddy
>comparing calling someone a faggot irl to online banter
because new fps ain't server based
i call my friends faggots all the time, and i myself am a gay man
i dont see how anyone could be offended by words online
hoe mad
>straight up insulting people
Only edgy kids do that
oof. Its 2019 sweetie, grow up
You're a faggot.
holy shit you are mad
i'm sorry user but you might want to see a therapist for that internalized homophobia
banter isn't a thing, its a flimsy excuse to insult people
look faggots, my dad works for microsoft and i can tell him to ban you guys
I'm pretty sure you could get kicked for less from community servers.
>banter isn't a thing
This is why no one like Americans.
>guys being funny as fuck
No new fps have voteban fake and gay
banter is a thing, however insulting is not banter
When the new modern warfare game comes out I hope voice chat stays the same like how it did in mw and mw2
>I'll start my own server, it'll have blackjack and niggerfaggots
Hope its mostly boomers that play reach when it comes out so I can go back to proxychat shenanigans
>nigger and faggot ad nauseam
god I miss this shit
>almost ten years later and you still take games too seriously
This is music to my ears
I can identify with all 4 of the Dedicated Server era types
>eu quero tonka truck maaang
What does toxicity mean though?
Can words actually be """toxic""" and hurt you in any way?
Why the hell is this the only place on the internet now where I can call someone a nigger and not get banned for it? It's really that easy, why can't I call somebody a nigger without getting banned
enjoy it while it lasts bigot.
You absolutely can though and It's happening more often than not.
Now it's a question of if there's one of those guys who work for free in the thread.
>You absolutely can though and It's happening more often than not
You can't say nigger in any other site (other than the chans) without getting banned
>why cant i act how i want without worrying about repercussions?!
>why wont these corporate entities pander to the small demographic i am in?!
I was playing blops 4 the other day since my friend lent his copy to me, ps4 edition, and I call some faggots what they are and i'm banned from the game for a couple weeks. It's even worse on games that aren't dying like cod is
he's saying you can banned here for saying niggerfaggot, it just doesn't happen often yet
you're not safe anywhere.
why should they pander to anyone? only thing they need to do is make sure people don't hack and make a fun game. calling people slurs is fun
How can you insult someone you don't even know, you fuckers take the trash talk so personally
>other than the chans
You absolutely CAN now, I already said it. One Who Works For Free can absolutely invoke Global Rule 3 on you and get you banned (which is more often than not, not actual racism).
>Sorryomeone orders a girl drink at the bar
>call them a faggot for doing so
>they look down at their drink and don't respond
Pussy ass niggers don't do nothing irl
>only thing they need to do is make money
fixed that for you.
they give no fucks about your politics nor your "edgy" humor. they just want people to pay for their products. if you calling people niggers/faggots/slur of choice makes less people want to play the game/give them money. you are the issue and you gotta go.
git gud
The guy who called you a fucking retard is married with children now, parks his kids in front of the PC and doesn't want people to call them faggots.
Do you guys realize we're in 2019, there are people born AFTER the millenium that are almost 20 now? The fuckers who'd play Halo3 and CoDMW with you are 25 to 35 years old.
>go to bar
>see black guy
>Go to Castro in SF
>see 300lbs brick shit house of a "bear"
lets see how that works out in real life
you really think people who got pissed at slurs were ever buying a new copy of the game anyhow? Hell, GTA made it's money off of being the edgelords simulation
on xbox you get auto banned, I just bottle up my anger, it's easy.
it became popular and attracted the worst kinds of people. normies and trannies included.
>why cant i act how i want without worrying about repercussions?!
>why wont these corporate entities pander to the small demographic i am in?!
this is so accurate it hurts. god i miss just fucking around on surf servers with friends that i met through the game. nowadays im lucky if someone even talks to me in voice chat. competition esports mentality ruined online games.
>you calling people niggers/faggots/slur of choice makes less people want to play the game/give them money
This literally LITERALLY L I T E R A L L Y never happens.
Nobody on their right mind has ever done such a thing.
There are no games out there, and never have been, that didn't have some sort of chat functionality without a mute button. Even worse, there are games out there right now, that make typing in chat such a pain in the ass people don't even use it. Microphones, internet speeds and people's lack of knowledge still make PuG VoIP pretty much pointless. Kill yourself.
No matter how much you dont want it to be.
Video games are not your secret club.
No one has to deal with your shit.
If you want to be able to say what ever you want in a video game/website. go make your own.
if it is such a great idea surely it would be the next Fortnite/WoW/facebook/Youtube/Minecraft/Twitter that would change the face and treads of the industry. making you a multi billionaire.
Bad parenting due to single childs being spoiled led to now young adults now not understanding the meaning of sticks and stones.
>people i don't like don't buy videogames
in fact, i'd argue you're in the minority here.
>I swear it's just for the money
I've recently been getting banned for "replying to offtopic", not even calling names, or racism, just telling them to fuck off and silently saging.
This is why local multi is the only real multi. Me and my friends call each other all the slurs in existence on every match and it's so fucking fun.
well yeah that's why facebook, twitter, and yes even youtube are losing people over time to secondary sites. Twitter reached it's highest stock in 2014, Facebook last year, and google has major dips every time they roll out these new rules. Something will take it's place in 10 years or so, and I just want games to be a part of the change
I'm saying, they don't buy it as much. I'm not a minority, people are just afraid to say the same things they used to say. Take ninja a couple years ago compared to now, or pewdiepie. People say these things
>call him a faggot
>he calls me a fucking retard for taking a casual game seriously
>laugh and add him at the end of the match
this never happened.
I literally told a gay friend "you're such a fucking faggot dude" after he said some real gay shit and he thought it was hilarious.
People seem to care MORE if it's online for some reason. I swear the internet's making us all neurotic.
I don't think anyone gives a fuck what "phallicorifice" has to say, you people are cancer to whatever you touch.
muh free speech
This shit always happened. I'd get drunk and fuck with people. They would fuck with me back. We become friends.
Fucking zoomers need to grow some testicles
I'm 25 and would want nothing to do with a faggot like you lmao
Literally seething kek
Do you know what insult means retard? Where in my post I stated that I get offended?
>everyone must give in to my insecurities
you sound like /pol/
Just stick to CSGO. Everyone in that game is so mad, it's like 2007 Xbox Live again. You can call people niggers and faggots all day and nothing bad happens.
You're one of those eternally-trash shitters who'd always go "it's only game why u hef to be mad" in chat after being assblasted the entire match.
Yeah nobody wanted anything to do with you either. That's why you had an anime pic and xXx variations in your name.
0 correlation on everything you said
Wow, heavy layered projection. I bet you had a specific person in mind from when you lost an argument 10 years ago.
Anime is for literal retards and my names are always less than four characters. I didn't have to tell you any of that, but I want you to feel dumb. Good try.
>Anime is for literal retards
go back
I dont know what is worse.
the edgy kids who spams edge every where
that late 20s/early 30s boomer who is a coward and only says edgy things from the safety of the internet and has to have some liquid courage in him to even do that
Imagine playing online fps in 2019
>play GTA V online on PC
>modders do funny shit and pass out money
>2019, play GTA V online
>modders pretend to not use mods, kill you until you go after them, then crash your game for daring to play the game and kill them in revenge for killing you
zoomers are mentally ill psychopaths and wont amount to anything but wageslaves or cannon fodder for a better world
the ones who couldn't handle the bantz whined to the ones with power too much
Why are leftists so fucked in the head?
It's people like you who have ruined the world be taking every online interaction as seriously as you would offline. Acting as if they're the same environment, the same feel.
You're the same kind of people who can't discern fiction from reality. Taking anything in a book, movie, TV series or videogame as if it's real life and becoming appalled by any depiction of violence, racism, or rape.
The people who take death threats online as serious measures as if trolls don't exist who intend to rile you up because it works, and because you're an absolute fucking sheltered pussy. Ive been playing online games since i was around 10 years old. Playing Gears of War with dudes older than i was who talked shit all the time to each other and didn't take it any further than that. But it didn't bother me, because i knew they were all faceless individuals who would never end up mattering for the most part. I'd never know who they really are, and i'd probably never talk to them again. It was inconsequential and people talk differently online because for the most part you're anonymous and it isn't real life.
People escape into videogames from the real world because they understand the difference between the two. It's emotional relief. It's just getting all the stress out for a moment, and it's part of why people have always talked shit.
People like you aren't designed to be on the internet for the most part. And you'll never change it no matter how hard you try. You're blind to the fact you'll be the ones changing first, or giving up all together, unless you'd prefer for the internet to become something it's not.
Tldr: Talk to me when your balls drop, pussy.
This but unironically.
There are arguments to be had on both sides.
The super baby weeny coddled zoomer side or the wild west tryhard edge of boomers.
The bottom line is simple, corporations will not choose based on customers or audience, they will choose based on what they perceive as the social norm.
Whatever mindset is compatible with the dominant form of culture will win the right to have the way it wants it.
The zoomers didn't come up with their culture, but they are born from it. They are adapted to it. While the boomers find this highly sanitized and artificial enviroment where freedom matters less than feelings as alien and bizarre.
But this scenario is inevitable, it is a guaranteed conclusion as long as society remains heading for its current direction.
It is not the zoomer's fault and there is nothing voting with the wallet or arguing online can do to change anything.
The only way for things to change is for society at large to change its social norms.
This can happen overnight, look at all the things that went from horrible to good or from normal to evil in less than a decade.
But unfortunately this means one thing, there's nothing you can do but wait and hope society has a shift towards more freedoms and less emotional protectionism if you want things to be how they used to when gaming was the realm of freedom.