I'll be getting the classic XBOX soon. Are there any exclusives or best versions of particular games that I should look out for?
Classic XBOX vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
Blood Wake
Brute Force
Burnout 2: Point of Impact
Burnout 3: Takedown
Burnout Revenge
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
Conker Live & Reloaded
Crimson Sea
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Darkwatch: Curse of the West
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Dead or Alive 3
Def Jam: Fight for NY
Destroy All Humans!
Destroy All Humans! 2
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 5
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut
Fight Night Round 2
Forza Motorsport
Freedom Fighters
Halo Triple Pack (Contains Halo: Combat Evolved & 2)
Hunter: The Reckoning
Hunter: The Reckoning: Redeemer
James Bond 007: Nightfire
Jet Set Radio Future
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Knockout Kings 2002
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Wolf Chaos (Imp)
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
NBA Street V3
Ninja Gaiden Black
Otogi: Myth of Demons
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors
Pac-Man World 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II
Phantom Crash
Phantom Dust
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
RalliSport Challenge 2
Red Faction II
Robotech: Battlecry
Samurai Warriors
Sega GT 2002
Sega Soccer Slam
Shenmue II
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Soul Calibur II
Spider-Man 2
SSX Tricky
SSX on Tour
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
Steel Battalion
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (Contains Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition & Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future)
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
TimeSplitters 2
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
The Warriors
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk's Underground
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
X-Men Legends
Most of the good games can be played in 4k on the Bone.
Gunvalkyrie I guess.
Play this.
Nice copy/pasted list of generic trash bro
Genma Onimusha
Play Shin megami tensei nine.
Just hack your Xbox to play other region games and download tbe translation patch.
Also ninja gaiden black and crimson skies.
Agent under Fire for sure. Best Bond game to date
There's an English script out there, yes, but no actual patch that you can apply to the game. And fuck jumping back and forth between the game and the English script to have an idea on what's going on.
Fuck, I saw that a translation got released last October and just assumed somebody had patched it in by this point. Still, I had fun playing the game before there was a translation even though I had no clue what was going on.
Play Kameo, it's a hidden gem
Pretty much ANYTHING that was multiplat is better on the Xbox.
Every single Tony Hawk game was better on it.
That's a weird way to spell nightfire
Nah because the controller is still one of the worst designed things I've ever seen.
Fuck yea, I played this so much, hardly anyone knows of this game too
Small hands detected.
Everybody laugh at this guy
1. Get Xbox
2. Remove leaky cap if not model 1.6
3. Repace HDD with a 250GB+ one
4. Mod it
5. Play these:
Armed and Dangerous
Bard's Tale
Blinx 2
Blood Wake
Brute Force
Conker: Live & Reloaded
Cel Damage
Crime Life Gang Wars
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
Destroy All Humans!
Destroy All Humans! 2
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Halo 2
Jade Empire
Jet Set Radio Future
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Kung Fu Chaos
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Metal Wolf Chaos
Metal Arms
New Legends
Ninja Gaiden Black
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath
Otogi: Myth of Demons
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Phantom Crash
Phantom Dust
Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Raze's Hell
Reign of Fire
RalliSport Challenge 2
Red Dead Revolver
Scarface The World is Yours
Sega GT 2002
Shenmue II
Sould Calubur II
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Steel Battalion
Stubbs the Zombie
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
ToeJam & Earl 3
Voodoo Vince
Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions
*on PC
You are retard micardé.
Just get an S controller, babyhand.
>2. Remove leaky cap if not model 1.6
>3. Replace HDD with a 250GB+ one
>4. Mod it
Is this even possible for someone who's tech illiterate?
Ok, Drumpf. Whatever you say, baby hands.
Are there any original XBOX games that are better than the PC versions? Or does PC always win?
Unless you have Parkinson's or something, yes.
You just open the xbox and rip the time tracking cap out. No need to solder. Just rip it out.
Replaying the HDD is just unplugging it and plugging a different one in.
Modding is easy too:
Thanks. I'll look into it.
2 is better
He said the classic Xbox, not the 360. Fuck, he even put a picture of the console on his post.
I believe the best version of Wrath of Cortex was on Xbox
Such as?
It costs $10 for a PS2 adapter if you hate it that much, Trumphands.
i'll never finish kotor II or about 40 other games because i never saw warnings about the capacitor until it was too late and now the power and disc drive buttons won't work no matter how many times i clean the board. also i don't know how anyone manages to solder on the board with traces so tiny.
pfffffffffff hahahahahahah you think anyone on Yea Forums is tech "literate"??
Star Wars Kotor 1 and 2
Morrowind is pretty fun on it
Halos of course
Be sure to soft mod it, it requires that one spy game and a download from the internet and either solder a USB connection onto one of the controller port ends or buy the special plug for a few dollars online. All you have to do is load the game and load the hacked save file and you will jail break the system. Then you can download all the games you want and load them onto your HDD.
That sucks. But you could easily get another Xbox for like 20€.
I got a crystal one for that and the cap was already leaking. Ripped it out and cleaned the board and lucky there was no damage.
Absolutely no mention of Kung Fu Chaos.
Throw this list in the trash.
how is this?
Quite unique.
>just bought XBOX 1.6 for like three games
>learn that four games are know to have the 480p issues on 1.6
>three of those are the games I wanted to check out
I bought that shit just to play Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Gunvalkyrie.
>the 480p issues on 1.6
Visited a pawn shop yesterday and they had like 5 good-looking crystal xboxes for 50$ each, or like fucking 150$ with a crystal controller included.
Worth getting one? I've already got an xbox but the disk drive stopped working and I've always been too lazy to hack it.
Don't you need a copy of Splinter Cell to mod it?
Both the Duke and S are great.
As a fucking 12 year old I was comfortable using them. They're also sturdy as fuck.
Republic Commando, Halo 2, KOTOR 1 and 2
Don't need splinter cell anymore for softhacks as far as I know. All you need is a controller USB adapter, which you would want anyway for loading shit onto the console.
Crimson motherfucking Skies
Enjoy it while it lasts. You'll get maybe 1 month out of it before it breaks.
make sure to get the hello kitty model
What was that Xbox game which you were a team of badasses who would fight zombies in subway stations? It was a third person game with each character having distinct gear and fighting styles. You guys guns and swords. I remember it being on a OXM demo disc. Had coop. Can't seem to find it.
I have a modded one of these. Good shit.
What a time to be alive.
Surprised no one posted this yet
Is this considered 1.6? Looking at the dates I'm guessing it's 1.6b but not sure if that counts.
I've done all this. The only thing I'm missing is a good component cable. Motherfucker didn't sell them in Europe
just emulate jsrf
NFL 2K5 you fucking philistine
>Halo 1 isn't on the list
Whoever made this list must have been fucking high.
>Replaying the HDD is just unplugging it and plugging a different one in.
No it's not stop lying to people. Hard drives are digitally locked to the motherboard, only way to get around it is a modchip or softmod
Its under multiplatform, because it came out on PC too.
it's not in the ''exclusive'' part, it's in the ''multiplatform''