How are you all enjoying FFXIV's new shadowbringers expansion?
Does it surpass HW's and SB's release and main-stories in your eyes?
How are you all enjoying FFXIV's new shadowbringers expansion?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, its amazing. My favorite part was when you replied to this post unless you wanted your mother to die in her sleep
This is your official Shadowbringers tranny speedrun composition.
Say something nice to him!
Did the servers just die?
Servers just die?
did aether just die
F for Primal
>90k errors again
fun game
I still miss him
It blows over half of the main numbered FF
Shits all fucked
i guess im eating today after all
Post only the most KINO shots you have
fuck you
what did he do
DDOS again?
We were at 0.1% on ex innocence lol.
I'm on primal, got kicked as well
Oh no you didn't. MODS MOVE THIS TO /vg/. We need all the space we can for smash and Nintendo threads. Mooooooooooooooooods.
Just finished MSQ, what a fucking amazing last fight that was.
Go back to /vg/ you faggot.
Also are the servers down?
Bruh I was in the middle of a cutscene
They're shutting down the game after the failure of Shadowbringers. Sorry guys.
Seems like it :(
>parents left house
>finally can hop on an mmo without feeling guilty
>servers are down
>had him at 2%
i miss him bros
Stole my heart
>be hype for game
>game surpasses hype
Its such a good feel
NA died again
>in dungeon queue forever
>finally pops up
>server crash
The last scene too
>are you the warrior of darkness? How did you get to be so strong?
>WoL holds up one finger as the SHB theme starts playing
unadulterated kino
A recruitment code if anyone needs it.
You don't have to DDoS our servers wowfriends, just join us.
I don't fucking know. I'm still trying to get GNB to 70 so i can play through the MSQ. God i hate HoH
>tfw you can tell Ryne what Haurchefant told you to cheer her up
>WoWfags seething so hard they're DDoSing the game
>server dies
>log back as fast as I can
>+1800 queue
>this world is currently full Players in queue: 93
>this world is currently full Players in queue: 93
>this world is currently full Players in queue: 93
>this world is currently full Players in queue: 93
>mid dungeon
>servers die
Well that sucks.
thank you danger dog
>literally everyone in my party got kicked out of the servers
Imagine if he had dropped the mount, I'd have won by default.
I want to rape this man
So what's the fastest way to level my gatherers to 71?
you know these lion bastards really grew on me
Primal's dead. How about Urianger's rescue of the general
This was your fault. Never queue for a dungeon again.
literally no dps check at all
Real question. Why do ppl ddos game servers? What is the point?
>right at the end of dungeon
>2.2k queue
I just wanna fucking play man
I'm working on a conjurer right now from scratch (hit 18 just now). Any advice? Do the later jobs have certain styles?
Any suggestions for easy access low level slut-glamming?
>the fates may be cruel but a smile better suits a hero
>ryne will never understand the significance of those words
Not kino.
I always felt like HW and now ShB feel a lot more like older FF games in all the right ways. Less sci-fi bullshit and more fantasy.
Sell me on your favorite job anons.
If we don’t get a doujin of this absolute unit mindbreaking Alisaie/Minfilia/Y’shtola I’ll be disappointed.
hey user your elf is cute
Thanks for helping fuck the tank queues nerd
Hrothgar are fine, the people that play them are not
>Wage slave
>Have to play at 3 AM because of Gilgamesh queues
>Finally 2 days off
>Server Crash
>Didn't even log off in a sanctuary
I'm sorry senpai, I just wanted to do my roulettes
BECAUSE THEIRE LOSERS AND NERDS AND VIRGINS AND queue normie rant. Just don't take it personally, bro.
Honestly, where do I start?
>Got the bastard down to the single digits multiple times across multiple groups
>Finally finish him off as he charges his final enraged charge
I'm diamonds
Just for that last question. No.
>the shota looks like a young Ardbert
>Can't even log into the Data center
So how hard did ethys seeth about gr'aha?
>tank main
>tfw dem queues
Not dealing with this shit.
Give it to me straight, Yea Forums: What's the least cucked healer class right now?
Because they're butt hurt.
Same here server's died
>wagie hour
Why are you like this, user?
>YFW this boss.
I've mained tank since I started playing, I've done every MSQ as a tank, I waited all through Stormblood for a new one
>still cant get past the title screen on aether
>i love you more than you'll ever know
Where is that from
>>tank main
>>tfw dem queues
>Not dealing with this shit.
>Give it to me straight, Yea Forums: What's the least cucked healer class right now?
>not wanting to let a hrothchad passionately and lovingly bend you over and ravage your ass
Nigga you gay or something?
Kinobringers was real bros
Does anyone else find new minfillia really sexy?
4chains does it For the lulz.
I actually pity him. I like when "the bad guys" are likeable and when you can identify with their ideology.
I am a hroth
>Connecting to data center.
>The lobby server connection has encountered an error.
I just wanted to clear my role quest so not-gerolt can let me continue with the msq
I don't know user, what do you think?
Thanks user, I guess I'll be a WHM main now.
Don't post images of my wife without my permission. Thank you.
>man this expansion is so great, and lyse isn't anywhere to be found
>suddenly, lvl 80 mnk quest
as if gutting our job wasn't bad enough.
emet isnt galvus though..
back to /vg/ with you
>tfw (You) got Ardbet inside of you before Lamitt did
So, is AST actually shit? Might switch to healer starting at 50 is a definite plus
When did she comment on you looking at her?
So when Cat Boy summons those guys, are they suppose to be your 7 other missing halves or just random guys he plucked up?
i have very bad news for you
Solus zos Galvus you fucking retard
DRK 80 quest.
Because yoship won't add trans characters to the game!
AST starts at 30 not 50.
It's never really clarified so believe what you want.
That 2nd face on his man boob
I think Emet was already Solus when he became emperor and had children.
Remember we get a couple of weeks to post about a new game or exspansion on here sweety. And the full game only just released Tuesday
Blizzard dosing us again?
When you're at the cave on rak tika, the one with the paintings on the walls.
>DC in the middle of an EX run
But I didnt want to continue on with that group anyways, nothing bothers me more than players who flex with Legend titles or weapons but are absolute ass at mechanics, for fucks sake why would you run TOWARDS the group where I'm going after I pass the stupid tether to you holy shit
All healers are shit right now. One saying healer is fine are still dealing with denial.
No, he was just freaked out that you fucked him up even when he had both eyes of nidhogg and centuries of prayer boosting his stats.
Fug you are right. Still Beats 1.
>Every hrothgar NPC has been based as fuck.
>Only like two good vier NPCs
Feels bad man.
>Jenomis tells you that Solus was a lover of the arts and put a lot of taxes into supporting them, even had no problem with plays that went against the propaganda
>He let the Ala Mhigans keep their anthem not out of spite, but because he truly enjoyed the song
Innocence and titania are a joke to heal.
AST isn't shit, there are just a lot of bad AST players who can't use their full kit.
>sign off cause I just beat the game and experienced the kino ending and wanted to take a break
>servers go down not 5 mins later
Jesus christ I dodged a bullet there if the servers went off while in the fight with Hades I wouldve been angry as fuck
>cant get past the title screen
>2002 error
She commented on Alphie looking at her when she was naked.
He summons other WoLs from other shards. By extension I believe that a pre-requisite to being a WoL is to be one of those missing halves.
>maintenance later on after this
>Objective: aid wounded soldiers
>”Who...what are you?”
>that last Ardbert scene on the bridge
>Source Lalafells are jews and faggots aside from a few
>First Lalafells are based AF
What did they mean by this
one of the best moments in the game
Expanses contract, eon become instant. Champions from beyond the rift, HEED MY CALL!
Is it bad that I think Shinryu's was better? The fight was more interesting too, all this one had going for it was how pretty it looked
>those hotbars
I guess I’m away it keeps them always in your view but man that’d annoy the shot out of me.
Hrothgar are such a fucking trash tier race, even niggers are betters. If you play a Hrothfar, I wipe my fucking ass with your fur. Faggots.
WHM is fine.
SCh. Best healer and you level a dps along with it
What's the best way to level jobs outside of roulettes and HoH? Spam the lvl 70 dungeons? I'm getting really sick of HoH right now
Haven't played since around 4.2, what are legend titles so I know who to avoid
If it was up to me I’d have a Alisaie/ WoL that’s filled with handholding and hardcore leglocking in missionary position and lots of raw loving kissing
Alas, my tastes are forgotten and the only porn this game gets is futa OCs sadly.
Why did my boy grow up to become a man?
SO what happens when we merge with ourselves.
>Loading screens make the world feel small
stop using fast travel and you will realize how long it takes to go from limsa to ishgard
I hope he has the biggest plate of crow imaginable.
Eat motherfucker!
No, because Ramza and Tenzen were also Warriors of Light and their souls weren't reincarnated because they were binding their respective enemies. There also aren't even seven worlds left.
I hate how it fucking closes the game after you click ok on this message.
This scene seemed so out of character for Sora.
>mfw the highest I've ever done on MNK is 52111 on my Six-sided Star
Nerf this fucking whitey, Yoshi
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world’s end, do we cast off tomorrow
Why the fuck does thancred makes GNB look so fucking cool?
Whats the new MCH rotation? I just spam my aoe for mobs and spam my single target skills on bosses whenver wildfire is on cooldown
Lame bait for (you)s, neck yourself
He took us in and cared for us when everything got fucked and the city-states turned their backs on us.
where do futa furries get their art commission money
You can like the fight more but if you like the song or the cut scene more then the raw kino that lead into Hades I'm gonna need to ask you to unsubscribe.
>staff clangs
>servers getting ddos right now
>maintenance tonight
>have fourth of july festivities to attend tomorrow
>tfw its looking like I won't be able to play for the next two days
Once savage is released next month, you'll be back in the shed. Enjoy your freedom while you have it.
>Almost no Titania fanarts
Why even live?
WHM does more damage than that if they use 4 glares instead of afflatus misery.
Legend and mentor status are two 100% certain shitter symbols, and should be avoided at all costs
Where did this image come from? Was this added in ShB?
The Legend and The Ultimate Legend are titles you get for clearing Ultimate Coil of Bahamur and The Weapon's Refrain Ultimate respectively. You also get gold glowing Dreadwyrm weapons for the former and bright blue AF weapons for the latter. It should be the mark of a skilled player, unfortuantely a lot of them have a tendecy to to also be garbage and make you wonder if they were carried or bought a clear.
what a cunt
Now go put on the Drk set, even as a c@ you can tell this scene was meant to be done as a Drk
jokes on you, my mother is already dead
It’s pretty fucking annoying that they scheduled maintenance again 2 days after the last and on the night before July fourth when everyone is going to want to play.
It's because they can't control their own pathetic lives so they have to ruin other people's fun.
>shitter status
Nigga what? I'm all with you on mentor, but having Legend/Ultimate Legend?
It's a mess but It does its job just fine. That being said when compared to big dick WHM and you just gutted my kit but everything is the same SCH there is no reason to play AST atm.
Seems that way.
>polarizing use of past plot points
I have literally not seen a single person complain about that.
>can't connect to lobby
Wowtrannies please....
>join EX farming party
>full of parse trannies trying to do dumb "dps optimization" strats like having the OT tank a billion tethers on Titania and fail at it
>tard trannies that dont get into circles intime because muh uptime
>look up every retard player that causes groups to wipe in my EX groups
>always a 99% parse tranny on fflogs
>always wiping the group because of muh uptime even as healers and tanks
>decide to make my own groups
>kick anyone with orange parses on FFLogs
>literally havent had one trap group, farmed all of the tokens for both fights with complete ease
I thought it was a meme
I joined multiple parties where parse trannies kept trying to have tanks take 3 tethers, and they'd always fail and die, and then the other parse trannies would freak out and drag the tether onto the group and wipe.
Also many parse trannies that wouldnt break vines because "muh uptime"
many parse trannies that would fail the easy ass knockback+vines in the addphase because of muh uptime
multiple parse trannies that would fail the water circles because muh uptime
didn't have any parse trannies on innocence because I started my own groups by then and kicked anyone with orange logs. so much easier to do fights when you don't have some retard parse tranny wiping your group for their one gcd
NEVER group with parse trannies
they will wipe you nonstop for muh uptime, and will try and get the group to do retarded convoluted strats that end in wipes just for muh 1 gcd
>than players who flex with Legend titles or weapons but are absolute ass at mechanics
You mean like this?
shinryu is trash fight with
>muh pushes
>muh insta death mechs
its totally unenjoyable
||>elidibus just fucking bailed||
This will never not be the funniest moment in the game.
All tension and seriousness lost
>their souls weren't reincarnated because they were binding their respective enemies
[citation needed]
Suzaku literally mistakes you for Tenzen so much that she goes fucking crazy fighting you.
It makes perfect sense that when Tenzen died he was reincarnated, and we are somewhere after that reincarnation.
I thought this was crying cat edit from the thumbnail
you post this every thread fag
Nah, they're fine.
Hearken on to me trannys.....THY FINAL QUEUE IS SUNG!
Bring Ryne a copy of Edmont's Memoir quest when?
>tfw activision blizzard is paying to make reviews lower instead of paying to make their own games better
Afflatus is also free damage if you aren't subbing Glare casts for Lily casts like a fucking mouthbreathing retard.
Legend players are either:
a) people who payed to have content cleared for them
b) legit clears but cant function without act triggers
>Primal back up
Kill me
>Could have had a good death
>Writers too afraid to kill him
Trannies can barely operate computers you dumbfuck.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they were hiring out for the DDOS attacks as well. Activision and Blizzard are atrocious companies
As they came out, ofc they were proper status symbols, but there's quite a big number of shitters who've bought carries
soon wowbros..
Most groovy song in the OST. Fight me.
Sorry for the dumb c@
>server crash
>everyone goes on reddit to ask if server crashed
>that one guy who went to Yea Forums instead
Bro. Reddit for info. Yea Forums for shitposting. Its a simple concept.
>servers are kill right before I get my MSQ exp
They can't all be (You) because there aren't seven other worlds left. It seems likely that anyone who is (You) has a guaranteed blessing, but others can have it too. Ysayle, for example, and Ardbert's friends.
I was at 5% on the final form of the final trial in the final area of the story after waiting in queue for over an hour...
Based and trannypilled
>Best Boy stops the Black Rose because he wants to duel us more.
Even if you're right, Ramza is a Warrior of Light and he was straight up using his soul to bind Ultima.
>only 2.5k
if only
Wildfire->Hypercharge->Heat Blastx5, maybe if you have a split second left throw in another weapoonskill from your regular combo. Weave Gauss Round and Ricochet in as you see fit. Use Rook Autoturret/Queen whenever you can, so far it's not looking like there's any noticeable DPS difference between using one at 100 battery or two at 50 battery each.
>Players in queue 3000
tfw none of the pics posted are KINO and they are all shit especially the selfies.
No shit. But that's one in many during boss invulnerability phases.
I'd be more worried about monk instead of worrying about jobs that don't even compete with you for raid slot.
NieR raid when?
A month or so?
Emet-Selch's memory doesn't deserve this.
They better have him reveal a grandmaster level scheme they've been building to since 2.x to try and redeem him since he's be a bumbling chucklefuck the entire time.
go back
It didn't crash completely, I'm logged in and have been all this time.
>tfw you missed the out on the gorilla mount
I like how they had the integrity to not chop it up so it loops. It has a very clear beginning and ending.
>all these people unironically thinking anyone is ddosing anything and its not just because sqaure is so retarded they don't even bother giving better servers to their most succesful current game
model swap mod
>All healers are shit right now.
So you're saying they're balanced? Because it's not like you can just not take a healer because "they're all shit"
>going to reddit for anything at all
that's where you fucked up
The difference between the quality of god tier Emet and fucking Elidibus is palpable, can we just write the fucker out of the story, he literally lost to a handicapped Zenos who wasn't fighting in his own body. tfw Zenos kills Varus cuz it would interfere with his hunt.
it's just fucking great
Haven’t you been paying attention? The theme this xpac is that we’re the hero. No one else, even on other worlds it’s our fragmented soul that’s the hero. Others may have the echo, but this heroes journey is ours
5.1 in 3 and a half months
Why the fuck does the entire game close when you can't connect to the datacenter?
Do I play MCH even if every single DPS in existence is going to be dancer for the next couple months?
Nobody cares about your feelings, astfag.
do ogcds not proc wildfire?
I 100% believe that Blizzard is DDOSing the servers. The dojo demands it.
Servers have been flawless so far, despite all servers being packed.
>going to reddit for anything at all
they have good mega links for movies sometimes.
Balmungoloid or Gilgameme?
>who are the Scions
>who are Ardbert's party
Nigger they can't all be you because there are not 7 worlds left to pull from.
It's my headcanon that somebody on the staff just really likes Shoebill from Kemono Friends, therefore you have a Shoebill following you everywhere during MSQ, watching from a far.
fuck off
God damnit why were the Ascians so fucking comfy and likeable this expansion. Between Emet "did nothing wrong" Selch and the city of kind giants I'm coming round to Zodiark's team
jizzlebots who weren't actually doing anything but standing in limsa didn't get DC'd. Only the productive members of the game were kicked.
When a game runs absolutely fine for hours upon hours and then shuts itself out of nowhere it’s almost always a ddos. Keep pretending to be retarded though
it felt like a final boss at least. I don't expect much from story bosses but ShB final boss was lame as shit.
no, they do not
Only on-GCD weaponskills do, not oGCD abilities. That's why you wanna throw in as many Heat Blasts in there, because they're on a 1.5s GCD instead of the standard 2.5s GCD your normal weaponskills have.
This is some Star Fox Adventures sounding stuff.
Love it.
I've come to detest anyone with those weapons or titles, almost every time I've had them in Dungeons or Trials, they're the worst people.
The servers work just fine countless hours of the day and suddenly drop out of nowhere. That leaves me highly suspect.
That's nice, but you can't argue with the math. There aren't seven remaining worlds to draw fragments of the WoL from, and the current WoL is already above 7/14. You cannot make a full party without enlisting others.
Ardbert is you, the others are just blessed with the echo my dude. In the end it’s ardbert that saves the day, a fragment of our soul
>good death
>in the middle of nowhere against an annoying grandpa
One month. Enjoy it.
It's been totally fine for almost a week, while being super crowded, it's for sure a DDoS
Then why the fuck doesn't WoL get fucking scenes with Y'shtola? He just fucking jobs and pushed aside for fucking Urianger and retard lions.
I wish we could have a collage of these
don't be a jerk, the ddos is real.
>go to reddit for info
>come back saying AST cards are a DPS loss because they could have just been Malefic
Yeah, no thanks.
wait. that's my character.
did you repost my screenshot?
Because if you were in their shoes, you would feel the same way, and do the same things. Do you care if you kill some ants in order to put in some pavement? What if killing a large amount of ants could bring back your dead grandparent?
>you dont have to try and double weave gauss and ricochet between heat blasts
well that makes this way easier you can just single weave
would be a good song if it weren't fucking overworld music
every time I walk outside its AHH EEEEEE
When is maint?
The echo and the blessing are completely different things. Lots of people have the echo; only a few have the blessing and can show you their crystal.
That was absolute kino.
Well, this already happened so what do I do now?
So based on just listening but not taking notes: Did the Ascians screw themselves over? There seemed to be plenty of evidence (quests, lore, etc.) that would suggest they could easily think bad ideas into existence, although not necessarily without effort since ideas did go through a screening process depending, and more intricate ones requiring much more effort and "resources".
>you'll be back
I have never been in the shed :^)
dead game
tfw when you meet your ascian self
>3k queue
Not him, but if wild fire is not up, do I heat blast anyways or just do normal combos during overheat
>tranny lizard ever kino
I'm sure we'll keep enjoying your melty for longer than that. It's already been so delightful too.
How long until the WoL gets the bullshit power to Un-Temper people?
>all those trannies who fell for the viera meme
>tfw they have neither tits nor ass, and masculine faces
fucking pitch perfect, I wish it ended right there rather then running back to tataru
Feelsbringers has crazy amounts of memorable lines.
Yeah, did cause I didn't have a screenshot of the Ascian on the bench and I wasn't arsed to rifle through the cutscenes to find it. Thank you for your help spreading Zodiark's good message
yeah it was like that in SB, which people complained about
MCH was, and still is, the most ping-reliant job
11PM PDT but at this rate it might end up starting earlier.
Honestly Ardbert voicing your character was kino
I'm legitimately sad that I might not ever play something this good ever again.
Trying to double weave will just fuck you over and will usually only allow you to get four Heat Blasts in there instead of the optimal five.
fucking lol! little fat boy over here thinks he can come to our thread
>ahm areng dungeon
>healer has the UCOB golden tranny weapon
>I figure he must be decent at the game so I pull big
>he proceeds to let me die despite popping all my cool downs even living dead
>proceed to pull smal
>again he lets me die before he leaves the dungeon
clearly he must have bought his clear
Fuck this shit expac. Fucking trash.
Haven't played since Heavensward, mained Dark Knight
Is it worth coming back?
Not everyone with the Blessing has a crystal either. Krile and Minfilia have it without any crystals.
>can't appreciate god tier legs
Away homo legs with forever be the king
Why was the wol coughing up cum?
The FFXIV reddit is only for posting fanart and their character art.
They've lowered server caps in preparation for 4th of july weekend.
I wish I was Yshtola in that situation
>saying this when the servers didn't get fucked during EA, when they are REALLY stressed
What a retardo.
ShB is 10/10
>mfw I had a queue of 700 people
>on fucking Lich
>you'll never carry y'shtola like this
Maybe don’t tank with a low ilvl sweety :)
Also it's not necessary to doubleweave anyway unless you're going to be capping charges since Gauss Round and Ricochet aren't affected by Hypercharge anyway since they're abilities, not weaponskills.
Don't underestimate the amount of pathetic losers out there that take genuine enjoyment out of denying people the ability to enjoy something
>all those furries who fell for the hrothgar meme
wait, the hrothgar actually look pretty good
feels great
I recognize that lizard
game world servers are fine, but login servers are fucked. the ddos is hitting the login server.
The queue doesn't actually mean the world is full, genius. It means that you're in line for the login server to process your character.
Because she got Hroth'd.
Right. There's some kind of worthiness tier list in place, with Source WoL at the top with a full set of crystals.
Because it's not that they are actually bad. It's just that their ideologies are different. Can you actually really say that they were wrong?
Well except for that fucking jobber Elidibus.
You know why.
>German Zenos
Ach vunderbarr
>tfw Eldibus literally fucked over Emet-Selch with his "muh Warriors of Darkness" and getting styled on by based Urianger in 3.2 because it let Ardbert exist
Unironically better then HW, the fucking last few quests were just superb.
we slurped up all the cum in the First now it's coming out of every orifice
They deserve it for that fucking Runar shit.
DRK changed a lot but GNB might be something you could enjoy. Game is still the same though, just better.
It's all good I was just super surprised cause my character has a decently unique look to him :D
ban wowfags
Everything about this xpac was kino there’s no way they can top this.
Ants don't have feelings. Humans do. Big difference desu
>enjoy mch so far
>feels like a lot of actions per minute for its damage
>could just go back to blm and do more dmg for less effort
What hair is that?
Zenos will most likely be a trial boss fight in future content patches. I can't see him as the next expansion's boss.
Inb4 the first doujin we get from ShB is some Exarch yaoi shit.
Oh hey, thanks for dragging me out of that god awful queue
Why can' scholars handle big pulls? Astros and WHM are dealing with it just fine but SCH can barely handle regular pulls.
>same body model as elezen
>god tier legs
>one brings shadow one brings the light
The vast majority of players are femcats, user.
but what if they realize the common denominator is the team they currently have and the next expac is EVEN BETTER
Really tho why are you all taking the same terrible pics?
Yea and get killed as you stand in place casting your spells
Based fucking Urianger.
>Tranny lizard
>Waifu cat
>Bunny girl
>Any lala
>Meme roe
>Meme cat
None of these are cool and ruin all serious cutscenes.
answer this RIGHT NOW
>a mobile support dps is less damage than a selfish one
Help, I can't stop listening to the Akadaemia theme, it's been 2 days
>queue barely moving
Its just processing guys...
my bunny is based fuck you
I could be wrong since I haven't run numbers, but to seems to me Heat Blasting is the most optimal use of Hypercharge even outside of Wildfire since not only do you get more (albeit less powerful) attacks in but it also lowers the cooldown of Gauss Round and Ricochet by 15s every time you use it.
Actually like half the player base is midlander
just about everyone will tell you this is the best xiv has ever been
The queue should prioritize people that have been subbed longer and put wowfugees at the back of the line.
Anyone an 80 NIN?
How is it?
>song starts at the end of cutscene
>keeps going when you go back to gameplay
>still keeps going when you start the trial
That scene in particular is set up for a nice shot it's the fucking staple Nippon cool guy pose man
You probably just got dummies. SCH's healing kit is currently ridiculous overkill.
just do normal combo like if WF was up, its still good dps for a 10 seconds.
Anyone else dislike how GNB has a shitton of stuff on the GCD? Compare it to WAR or DRK, you can't spam damage skils for shit
Those are all bots.
>Is excited enough to buy shadow bringers day one.
>doesn't buy early access.
for what reason?
the vast majority of the people here are gay
>support DPS
I got news for you.
>MCH 5.0
No ass yeah, but their max chest size is like that of Highlanders and Femroes max.
I assure you it is not.
You can play whatever you want, but your cutscene screenshots look like shit.
The only characters that actually ruin cutscene mood are lalas
Because all the majority of them know is fucking Physick and Adlo ignoring half of their abilities that make SCH op in the first place.
I wish I read the dialogue in crystal tower alliance raid.
That's an odd way to link
(Greatwood theme is pretty good tho)
>didnt take a screenie of the bench scene
WoWfags get out
How do you not get bored inbetween patches? I've been playing since ARR and have 330. The game's basically designed for you to take breaks.
Thanks for supporting the servers, at least.
Either way they get Hroth'd. Hrothgar aren't picky.
the game should put legacy players in front of the Q because without us you wouldnt have this in the first place.
>Doesn't get the GODLY earring
I play midlander and I’m not a bot. It’s the only good looking race.
Hrothgar prefer dicks.
t. Hrothgar
>playing a female char and being a screenshot fag
naw. you do you tho
>Players in queue: 2699
t. bot
>It's 2019 and roboracism still exist
Fleshfags like you are the worst.
>Shadowbringers looked like it was gonna be a disaster with 2 months to go as Yoshi said they weren't ready and it'd be real tight to finish on schedule
>It ends up being the best fucking expansion
aiming classes are literally support
MCH is, still, a bad BRD. It's just almost playable now.
voice 7 where you all at?
While lalas are by far the worst, all the ones I listed do the same.
I lead a FC and I have to ensure it doesn't fall apart or the mansion doesn't demolish or end up in the wrong hands.
Holy shit I love how much chunky bass is in the Shadowbringers OST. Thank you based Soken for having an appreciation for bass.
My favorite job since they added it and it's a crazy sorcery death machine now
Reminder Elidibus is a huge joke and none of this would happen if he didn't steal Zenos's body
A giganigga Roe pretending to be a giant moogle would absolutely ruin any serious moment
Yea OP I'm having a blast waiting hours to login
say it with me Yea Forums
Other Hrothgar prefer vag.
t. Hrothgar
I was starting to warm up to Emet Selch, he seemed so depressed and in dire need of a hug. Why did they kill him off so soon, instead of having him join forces with the Warrior of Light?
Nah man, I think you might just have autism
>MCH is, still, a bad BRD. It's just almost playable now.
sorry BRD but youre bad now.
Emet knew Elidibus couldn't handle it and the dream was dead, which is why he just asked you to remember them.
I feel like it's going to be hard to outdo this one, or at least, tie it into the remaining loose ends without making things seem too "grand".
I mean powerlevels are already off of the fucking charts but now things are getting a little crazy.
As long as it's written in good taste I think they can handle it appropriately. I'm worried, but we'll see how it turns out.
It's the worst fucking expansion. Fucking Stormblood didn't have all this cuck shit.
Does the clan mark tracking even work? The only times it's said anything is when my B-rank is in clear fucking view.
The msq is amazing but man some of their combat changes are beyond questionable.
How does it support?
Because he was trying to kill everyone.
He's going to be a solo-duty boss, after which you fuck off together and fight gods and let the retards argue politics.
well they were right it was tight on schedule. viera and hrothgar are limited races, gunbreaker and dancer is missing a lot of weapon glamour, and they ran out of ideas for dungeon bosses so they reused bosses from trials/raids.
It's ok, dude. Like I said, you can play whatever you want, but your cutscene screenshots look like shit.
>People who play midlander
seems more like a problem on your end user
that's pretty much how it works. It has to be pretty close for you to detect it, but it's better than nothing.
I can't believe they got me to care about the doofus who was introduced as some retarded Warrior of Darkness from the moon
That's not race-specific though
Gotta have Zenos be the main villain.
Dragging him out would have been the worst thing to do in every conceivable way.
Why the fuck didn't we get Emet-Selch's handwave motion as an emote at the end of the MSQ? I swear to fucking god if they put that shit on the mogstation I'm gonna flip.
They can have a better expansion if they stop with the fucking Y'shtola scenes that aren't with WoL.
But if he didn't steal Zenos' body we'd get fucking gassed since Zenos wouldn't kill the Emperor.
Elidibus is either a king of retards or outplaying everyone all at once. No in between.
They quite literally are not, MCH only has access to Tactician, which is more like Feint in that EVERY job of that type has it, so it doesn't come out of the power balance.
Whatever cataclysm that hit them was from an external source, but their powers combined with it basically just made everything worse.
Go cry about Hugo some more.
Yeah I love playing MP song and TP song for my ShB groups.. oh wait
He wanted to join forces with you but you didn't have what it takes at the time, until you fused with your boy.
what runar shit?
>Other Hrothgar prefer vag.
boypussy maybe
the only time Hrothgar prefer vag is when cucking that user angry about the Y'shtola Hrothgar memes
>letting someone know they have "no taste"
Because it's better to have a great villain have his time in the light then die rather then turning into fucking Elidibus.
>Junichi Suwabe
Bros we should all help Elidibus summon Zodiark and ignore the crazy autistic weeb who can potentially take over his body.
>Does it surpass HW's and SB's release and main-stories in your eyes?
Everything surpasses SB.
t. cat, bunny, transdragon or lala player
So was the 14th that was split just some person who tries to help everyone.
At least you popped your cooldowns.
I've had so many fucking tanks in EX roulette pull wall to wall then do fucking nothing. No mitigation, no invulns.
Fuck off assholes, I only have three aetherflow stacks, shit's on cooldown, and I don't have any more buttons to press.
>I want male bunnies! WAHHHHH!!!!!!
eat a dick fag
More like the man who’s not a furry, pedo, or wants to role play as the morbidly obese (roe)
Please show me even a single support ability. They're selfish DPS now, except unlike BLM they can actually move.
This Runar shit
Enjoy looking like a twelve year old I guess.
why does it feel like shadowbringers was supposed to take place right after HW? was stormblood just filler?
>2500+ que
Best character. I also honestly loved Crystal Exarch too
I'm not a super fan of all the slow piano night tracks but Kholusia's night theme is really comfy.
>MCH is, still, a bad BRD
Don't even dare to post anything
Got both at level 80, MCH management got x1000 times worse but everything is better and it BTFOs BRD so hard on DPS. Meanwhile BRD makes me wan t to kill myself due to its stupid new song minigame
fuck off
t. helicuck
>All these triggered white bread eating normies
The story is 11/10 pretty ok, but everything else reeks of laziness and cut corners
>all these posters when servers down
>no posters when servers are up
I thought the wildfire rotation would be 1 2 3 and then you end it with reassemble + drill?
Thats him, thats faggot
DRK or PLD? I really enjoy playing my MCH at 80 but I also have an interest in trying out a tank.
>being a degenerate
t. special snowflake rainbow haired heterocromia having female trannydragon
>this stud gets to shag aimi every night
it's not fair shadowbrehs
WoD patch was the second most kino part of HW (behind final steps of faith ofc)
One life, for one world. A fair trade, wouldn't you agree?
>HW was kino
>stormblood was meh and could have never happened, because the story was going in circles and ended the same way it began
>Shadowbringer was kino again
I don't know, user, but it sure felt like it.
no they don't
>every class has it
every AIMING class has an aoe damage resist
aiming still does way less damage than casting classes and melee classes because it doesn't have to stand still nor does it have positionals
at best, it's the "least support" of the aiming jobs, which are support jobs, and it will not do enough damage to justify the lack of raid buffs
Mad your pure little waifu isn't just yours you overt fag?
Sure, after all we already have disabled lines in themeparks so we need to implement them in xiv
Yes, I'm a helion, but Runar is a lost and he's barbing Y'shtola.
>unable to obtain character data
uh...should i be scared?
SB was both filler and setting up the war against Garlemald and Zenos with the echo as a villain while tying up some loose ends from 1.0 and 2.0.
in my eyes freeing doma+ala mhigo and the alliance war was canon. but the whole yotsuyu and her brother part felt like filler.
Nope, you hypercharge and spam since it's based on how many weaponskills you use, not how strong thw weaponskills are.
Busy playing the game
It’s almost like the game is good and people are playing it
They look cute together.
>...there is no response.
>Yet there can be no answer but this, can there?
No, happens all the time.
I said "every job of that type" as in "RANGED", retardo. Are SAMs support because they have Feint? It's a 10% damage down on the boss after all.
New Wildfire doesn't count the amount of damage you do, rather the amount of weaponskills you manage to squeeze in there during the debuff duration. You wanna spam Heat Blast since that's on a 1.5s cooldown instead of the standard 2.5s.
How's DRK this time around? Enjoyed it in HW, didn't touch it in SB after hearing it wasn't very fun.
>tfw Ardbert is almost literally Red Man
>supporting cuck shit
You're the fag
>people play the game when the game is up
>and shitpost when they physically can't play it
>mark of the cuck
Nah you faggots deserve to be burned at the stake for ever continuing to play that fucking dumpster fire that was 1.0.
You faggots are so pathetic you are literally tatted with the cucked symbol.
I am still waiting on how MCH is a support.
>think the Exarch is just going to sit on his ass in the tower for the most part and tell us what to do
>mfw BREAK