Bloodstained thread

get in here, faggots

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Other urls found in this thread:

what mods are you guys running?

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>Miriam will never make you a bowl of Mac and Cheese

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I'm here! Wait, where am I?

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miriam is best girl

"He sickens me."

I love it

I really didn't have a problem with the pet enemies.
Yeah it looks a little silly but it really doesn't matter.

Screw elementals. Motherfuckers just clip through everything and bump into you. They are medusa head tier of annoying.

Nightmare mode really does become more friendly once you are a bit past the first Zangetsu fight and start to find shards that are actually good.

If anything, I find the presence of that cameo whore Shovel Knight the most offensive. We get it, he was the ultimate Kickstarter success story, now stop reminding us every three seconds.

>familiars don't gain any EXP on Nightmare either

Which familiar is the best when they are all stuck at lvl 1?

It's a shame they didn't go with original concept for the Den of Behemoths being a giant gambling den

So Bloodstained proved that Metroidvania is all but a dead genre?

Yeah seeing that in the artbook just confirmed everyone's suspicion that it was rushed to get the game out. The final product really makes Valefar feel out of place.

How's the optimization on this game? Is it particularly intensive? Options to disable shit like bloom in options/through mods?

The stupid misunderstanding about the Blood Moon "glitch" was so bad they had to officially mark it as intentional in the manual.

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Wait so it wasn't supposed to be a Giants hallway?

Huh. No wonder Valefar felt oddly misplaced and wasted

So will there be any dlcs for this game?

Eventually, if they ever finish trying to salvage the Switch version.

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Yeah the digital artbook went out today for backers and the art for Den of Behemoths is the only one that's a major departure from the final product.

Though it looks like Glacial Tomb was meant to have massive Shards embedded in the ice too, similar to that one part of Secret Sorcery lab.

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It's still the dulla heads my dude. They never stop being good at max grade. Silver Knight can be a bit useful with his blocks.

Supposedly a lot but no ETA and they're being held up right out of the gate trying to fix their botched switch release. Thanks switch.

What’s your favorite dish to feed Miriam, Yea Forums?


>pirate game
>love it
>buy it on steam
>already 100%ed the map so achievo doesnt unlock
>have to replay the game to get it
I was already planning on replaying but it looks weird i got my "all items" achievement before "get first shard"

Should I just bite the bullet and get it on PS4? I got it on switch to play in bed day one, but the patch still isn't out.

>Close to Platnium on PS4
>Got the trophies for 100% map, all Shards, and enemies
>Last one to get for Platnium is to 100% items

This is going to take forever. 100% the otheres were fine and didn't take long, but 100% items is going to be a bitch to do.

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you rang?

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ive been working on this for the past 2 days. its a pain. definitely look at the items list of the archieves and go 1 by 1. dont be an idiot and just look at what you have 0 one in johaness' crafting tab. or youll find yourself looping items you already made.

like them or hate them, cats and doggos are the most OC enemy in this game

the rest are just bootleg castlevania monsters

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I don't get it, you see the moon early in the game why do they think the red moon is the real one?

Those pet monsters are so cute.

>grind for his item
>2 minute wait every time
they didnt have the decency to skip it after doing it the second time.

Even at level 1, Dullahammer heads are so good they ruin the game.

what is this from?

i want my backer rewards even tho im not a backer

What glitch?

>Switch version sold more than the PS4 and Xbone version combined
>is an atrocious, garbage, irredeemably horrendous port and objectively the worst version by a gigantic margin

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If I remembee right you see Gremory turn into a blood moon when she escapes with Gebel at the beginning too, yet people have mistaken it for a glitch since the first demo with that area.

>wonder why I'm still missing a powerful spell
>remember it's from a giant cat in the middle of a long hallway I only passed through once
Time for some tedious shard grinding.

I will never understand why you always choose Nintendo's shitty tablet over PC, and I'm not just talking about Bloodstained.
It's like you like to eat trash.

>Shantae gets anime by trigger
Blodstained anime when?

I really want a sequel that just improves the models and texturing now only issuesI can even think of

yeah it is weird, curse of the moon also sold better on switch

one would think they would be specially careful to not piss them off and make it the best port with added features and so on, but nope, IGA only cares about the PC shekels

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>Thanks switch.
More like thanks fucking brain dead devs. CotM sold the most on that system, so why the fuck did they put less than zero effort in the Switch version of RotN?

Early in the game you find a room with a blood moon in the background but in front of the towers in the distance. People mistook it for a glitch but it's an intentional effect and you're meant to notice it for plot progression. The same thing happens with the moon in the background of Gebel's fight hinting it's not natural.

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Proto Den of Behemoths looks like the cup head Cassino stage

>the patch
There's going to be multiple patches and all of them will take fucking forever to come out.

I pirated the game and am about to play to see if it's worth my time.

They waited until the last minute before they decided they were going to release it on switch. Then they outsourced it.

friendly reminder that we were robbed

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why does he wear those silly glasses after you beat him

Great game but honest question: why is it so incredibly fucking ugly and poorly animated? Did they outsource the art to Vietnam or something?

Don't look at me. I backed for PS4 (with an acquirement of the PC version for modding fun).

They said from the beginning the game was in 2.5D and that concept art was literally just concept art so no not really.

it takes a couple hours, less if its the last thing you need
the worst part is grinding for orichalcum, so either get it through dismantling or farming
everything else is easy

because switchfags will buy every single port. it's so strange. every time a new game is released, some faggot will ask about a switch port.

>last minute
Like two years before launch is last minute now?

based illiterate retard

>Switch version sold more than the PS4 and Xbone version combined
Did it?

damn this game actually looks good and the enemies scary

>why is it so incredibly fucking ugly and poorly animated
Getting sick and tired of this forced meme.

You're forgetting they changed studios two years in. They were just starting to scrape shit back together at that point.

Yes, somehow after that awful press it got, and the week delay.

just a bait fag looking for (You)'s. feel free to ignore.

>Capcom noticed so they'll sell every DMC separately instead of the HD collection everyone and their dog got

What shard lets me attack like that?


>concept art

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So the other vampires don't make fun of him for being forced into servitude.
>Who is O.D.? my name is D.O.."

swordwhip... kinda

When I first saw the massive puppy head, my initial reaction was "what the fuck?", but they quickly grew on me. Also reminded me Princess Mononoke: "Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite.".

>the worst part is grinding for orichalcum

That shit is indeed a bitch to obtain since drops have a very low chance and you get them rom the Great Axe Outsiders in Glacial Tomb and so far I got 2 or 3 from them since the drop rate is so low even if you have high luck.

I hate that you need a certain amount of the item you need to dismantle items so you got to grind for those too(at least killing Amys in the Hidden Desert drop 2 but still).

The fuck were they thinking that you need an item if you want to dismantle items? That alone makes shit more tedious.

post your miriams

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its a Jojo reference xDDD


yeah, a lot of people's reaction to something retarded is to become more stupid. thanks for sharing, dumbass.

Well, it's to be expected when you're starved for games.

are you using the plunderer's ring?

Just grind money and then you can buy a million items to dismantle and a million alkahest

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>pink eyes instead of gold to match the red, black, and gold color scheme the rest of the outfit and hair has

It looks like it's an early version of the sword swipe technique.

You seem to have me beat by leagues on the whole "retarded" thing, right back at you, bud.

Is it really that bad? I'm on the fence here, and was thinking about getting the Switch version.

Tired of this forced meme as well.

I enjoyed the game but the soundtrack is so bland, it just plays as nouse in the background.

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i never claimed to be a fashion expert

fucking soitch owners holding up my zangetsu playthrough AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa


i hope there's a replace music with castlevania songs mod next

I actually hate killing the kitties as they don't automatically attack you on sight unlike the fucking dogs.

Kid Gebel and Miriam game when?!

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What room am I missing?

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They didn't bother to add a single challenging mode, boring

If you have a PC, there's no reason not to pirate until they live up to their free dlc promise.
Play it, then decide if it's worth buying. For me, the story and endgame are pretty weak, but I have $40 set back for if they keep their end of the bargain, or if it goes on sale in the meantime.

that's what you get for paying to beta test the game

true alphas wait until the game is complete, fully patched and on discount

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>Giant cat drops best shard
>Giant dogs drop worst shards

what did they mean by this

Yes it is that fucking bad.
>30fps max with constant and massive drops
>advertised as 720p docked and undocked but it's actually bellow that
>like 120ms of fucking input lag
>everything is a blurry low res mess
>load times are much longer than they should be
>constant crashes
Look at this fucking shit:

Sure, loading is only THIS bad in like two areas but it shouldn't be this bad fucking anywhere. I'm a $60 tier backer and I'm fucking furious about how fucking garbage this port is, they didn't give a single fucking shit.

cats are known for being magical creatures and familiars

dogs are not

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Exactly as it should be.

ok, i had my wife make some changes. better?

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Im the only one with slowdowns? game runs 60fps most of the times, but some rooms get down to like 30/40/50 and sometimes the same room runs at 60

Fuck you



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Wish she emoted on the stats screen. Resting bitch face isn't that attractive under most hair styles. Especially bad since the game shows she's not a bitch either.

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owned, should have got it on pc instead

well, the only logical course of action for you would be to fuck off, then

i didn't know how much i needed this until you mentioned it.

I pirated the GOG version instead. Fuck em'.

Platinumed it and had fun, now just patiently waiting for Zan and Dom.

Sekiro, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Devil May Cry 5, Ace Combat 7, Kingdom Hearts 3.
All of them released this year, none on the Switch.
But go ahead, keep saying that the Switch has the best game library of all platforms. Or that PC versions are "indirect Switch ports". Go ahead.

Reminder that on the Discord 505 game PR guy confirmed that sales are way higher than they predicted. They're already looking into a sequel too.
The official PR account on Steam said
>It's 100% not Dominique
and that they hinted 3rd playable in the trailers.

When's the mod? I want Miriam to have a white blouse that the crystals glow through like nipples through a wet tshirt.

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You know you can get those glasses from him right?

Its totally going to be Dom.

>pc version only supports 19:9 ratios
Is it asking too much for 19:10 and 4:3?

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Replace all donor faggots from the game

>Sekiro, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Devil May Cry 5, Ace Combat 7, Kingdom Hearts 3.
That's all that came out this year? Damn... gaming is dead...

Is Blue Rose even worth it if I have the Bandit Blade?

holy shit
the ps4 version struggled in that room as well but nothing to that degree

I strongly disagree. While past Castlevania do have better music, Bloodstained still has it's good amount of catchy tunes.

kramer vs kramer

>tfw you finally get Augment Gold to 9

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The Steam post in question was edited within minutes of being posted after data-miners very quickly proved him wrong.

would be neat to play as alfred

He said that as a reply to a data miner saying that's how they know it's Dominique.

Regardless, it's Dom. The Child of Light tease from the launch trailer is likely going to be for something else.

>during that time you could've farmed millions with gold1

No way man, gold 9 is like 50 times faster farming

Even if it's not Dom there's no fucking way they're going to make it CoL. Why the fuck would they do that? Like people bought Bloodstained and backed for Bloodstained. Not a dead Ubisoft IP.

how can I improve my shoe build?
i'm farming for hell's knells right now.
should I try to get a better body?

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For crafting, would it be better to double activate augment luck or double alchemic bounty?

How did this game become such a financial success anyway?

I'm really happy with it as a Castlevaniafag, but how did it attract all the Steam zoomers

This game didn't have enough punk kids with boomerangs or giant green kangaroos.

made getting 500k easy. wish i had got it sooner, i only used it for like the last 150k or so.

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>no giant fairies or bunnygirls
Fuck that area

What the fuck is up with Redbeast Edge? Why is it broken and suddenly gets the crystal part of the weapon? Do all the coin weapons have gimmicks like Ambivalence changing elements with the charge attack?

God dammit, we need a fucking vanity slot,

the only stat that matters is ATK

>you can only get max shortcuts on ng+
But why

How can I get this Miriam?

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Anyone else feel like the Valkyrie armor makes Miriam's breasts look even bigger?

that looks fucking terrible

Annoys me too, limiting Shortcuts like that serves absolutely no purpose.

fire armor or ninja armors are better
replace luck accessories with silver rings (books and food are enough luck for crits imo)
scarves are kinda shit in this game, not enough of them and i wish more had effects; use the one you like

they thought it was a hentai rape game

that would be nice, considering you look like a goofball with the best stuff on

this, there's no FAQ so far to explain hidden properties in weapons and items

i did find out that gran izayoi gets stronker with more cum

stop cockteasing faggots and UPLOAD THE DAMN ARTBOOK

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I want to smooch her tats

>people keep drawing them as tattoos instead of embedded glass


Sorry here's more teasing.

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>Wine glasses explode into flames like nuclear Holy Water

Oh shit Kramer was a backer?

Cursed image, don't open

What the hell is going on with those textures on the bottom right?

A cute.

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not their fault that the game has shit graphics and that they look like low res tattos

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What will the Lament of Innocence game of Bloodstained be like?

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Where's the last 0,1%?

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>tfw you love cockteasing

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Nowhere. You're showing a 100% map.

It's like you have down syndrome.

I see it but I'm not going to tell you.

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Please don't post pictures of Miriam with a broken spine.

Not according to the game

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Alfred on his younger years looking like a total stud

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Why there are dragons on the library.

A violent beast that breaths fire in a library. Why? This is just so fucking stupid and out of the place.

It's the blank space between a teleporter and the save room in the middle, before the train.


He reads, what the fuck are YOU doing there?

Do Miriam knows what armpit sex is like?

>the intelligent monsters known for outwitting men
>in the halls of knowledge storage
I mean, I understand that paper is flammable but it's not like they sit around breathing fire all day either.

I haven't seen a single piece of art that makes them look like glass/crystal instead of a tattoo.

Not today, because Switch fuckery.

jojo postures are doable with enough core strength

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are they actually going to make vs and coop modes with playable alfred, gebel, etc.?

Somehow I feel like they're going to only actually do 20% of the DLC and announce they're putting the rest in Bloodstained 2

>day 9 of the 24 hour BS thread marathons

It's a 7 hour game. What is there to evven discuss?

So he will be the DLC character?

>The steel case is just the CD one but with a cheap ass plastic insert to old the Switch cart.
The game is running fine, I'm mad they cheaped out on that though.

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finally figured out that infinite jump glitch with the kung-fu shoes. It's a pain in the ass to do it all the way up to the aegis armor though.

You are the one that's invading his home and even want answers?

Miriam's armpits and hungry old ladies.

>Cumstained: Rehash of the Kike

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just because you have an ass means you're gonna shit on the table of your local starbucks

same case with dragons, if you weren't there they would behave as the civilized beings they are


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Any good strategies against OD?

Is there a 2B mod yet?

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Go ahead and keep being a window licking waterhead. Go ahead.

>Yeah, I am balding and backed this game.

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t. MN9 regretful backer

Was Curse of the Moon not a prequel? I thought it was but I guess I'm just a turbo brainlet

>if we get a 3D Bloodstained it'll play more like Devil May Cry than what a proper Castlevania in 3D should be (Maximo while looking a bit like Dark Souls)

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don't take too much

It was meant to be on the kickstarter campaign, but them it became it's own thing. It's an alternate story game.

Is there any way to keep the default look of your character and still change your equipment?

>Dragons minding their own business reading
>evil chairs and satanic living books getting along
>monkeys in cages sitting inside book cases like any other place of learning
>grumpy vampire head librarian

The only out of place thing there was Miriam.




What did they mean by "something seems wrong" in the Mac and cheese description

A riff on how IGA ordered it at a restaurant and was severely disappointed at what he got.

Her Chest is 80 degrees offset from her ass. Not only is that impossible for humans, it's impossible for cartoons too because her spine doesn't follow a consistent curve. It just changes direction in the middle.

more like shitstained rituar of the gook

I was kinda disappointing when the game ended. The game seemed really short. I was expecting more than 12 hours for the money I coughed up. Even Hollow Knight took me longer to beat and it was only 20 bucks. ROTN is almost twice as expensive.

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How's the cost to hour ratio of this bad boy? Is it worth the cash? SOTN was one of my favorites back in the day.

Imagine this grandma dying of heart attack or something from eating so much

return the books

It was what I expected, it's standard past Castlevanias by Iga lenght. Tough the Kickstarter campaign really did reach a goal that said IGA'S BIGGEST CASTLE EVER.

>"What's yer offer?!"

Need edits of OD and Miriam doing the King Ramses/Eustace bit.

i don't think he was ashamed of being bald, I think he was going for the cyberpunk victorian look but failed and we got emo-nerd instead

same. Hoping roguelike mode will add a lot of replayability to this

Is O.D. voiced by the same guy who voiced Alucard?

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it is not but it had a better story than this game

zangetsu learning to trust others is a more inspiring story than random nobody was playing you like a fiddle all along!

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>SOTN was one of my favorites back in the day.
What about the GBA and DS ones? Cause Bloodstained has a lot more in common with those than with SOTN.

Wait... What? Rogelike mode?

>movement speed from Symphony
>soul system from Aria
>Female design from Order of Ecclessia

Bloodstained: Aria of the Syphony of the Ecclessia

Yes, in English. Not in Japanese.

Yes. It seems like they modulated his voice down for some reason to hide the fact though.

no, she's not real user

>Sony sends shills everywhere to kill the hype
>It failed
>Nintendo still wins

Both in English AND in Japanese.

if he doesn't harm humans how does he feed?

its implied that even alucard has to kill prostitutes from time to time

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>Dio Brando

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I wonder what his relation to "bloodstained" girl is


>its implied that even alucard has to kill prostitutes from time to time

I don't think anything is implied. And the blood drinking elements of vampires in Castlevania is downplayed. They seem more like demon lords.

Alucard only feeds with Soul Steal and Dark Metamorphisis.

>its implied that even alucard has to kill prostitutes from time to time

Pretty sure Alucard does not consume any blood from humans.

She's his bubbly perky niece. He treats her like royalty and rarely lets her out of his sight unless he has work to do at the library.
Surely nothing will come to harm her when she's off taking a bath though.

When are the other playable characthers coming?

Aren't they milestones/goals from the kickstarter, 4 years ago?

This is unacceptable.

It was on the kickstarter, I believe. I don't have any more details on that, sadly.

one funny thing

after you defeat him, OD says that vampires never die... so that means /ourgirl/ is still alive! THIRD PLAYABLE CHARACTER HYPE!

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Yes in Japanese too, both are Okiayu.

Nah it's O. Dominique

This, What a waste

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No it's Child of Light. Her music on trailer. Dev confirmed.

And immediately retracted by dev.

have you tried crying about it?


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Anons, I need some opinion, I have zangetsuto now and have 80% map clearance, do I beat gebel and gremory now or should I explore more to find the hidden stuff?

What's the relationship between this and Bloodstained?

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Get Gebel now the other 20% is mostly in the next area you unlock.

The lack of sfm stuffs is unacceptable

You first.

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Noted, thanks user

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>Play and watch SRW OG
The Elzam family is just Dracula, Ritchie and Alucard

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>soulless graphics and character design
>location transitions like its 1995
>unimaginative stolen forgettable enemies
>unimaginative boring forgettable bosses
>unimaginative stolen "shards"
>locations don't organically connect to each other, and they have near nothing to do with each other
>no sense of progression
>overpowered by early midgame
>100 weapons, everyone uses the same one until endgame
> most of weapons are just copies with minor adjustments
>all the rooms are the same rectangle with no interesting platforming or transitions
>shit movement
All Iga did was copy SotN, but not good. Every idiot could have done that. There's not a shred of originality in the game and it will be forgotten in a month. It's serviceable game only because the basic premise works, but I personally see it as a Call of Duty of Metroidvanias. A soulless cash grab that isn't interesting in the slightest. If you wanted a repackaged SotN, you got it, but it's not enough when you see masterpieces like Hollow Knight.

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Just started the game. Is every monster from now on going to be black goo of Japanese unoriginallity?

PC Players, what's y'alls setups, and framerates?
PC obviously has the best performance, but after seeing console performance vids I'm worried my PC might not be quite up to the task
>GTX 970

The only GBA one I beat was Circle of the Moon. It's been so long I can't remember much aside from the card system and how dark the game was. I didn't have a light for my GBA.

That's just the skeleton enemies. China has a thing against skeletons, so now they're skeletons covered in blobs.

I'm okay with that as it makes bloodstained more distinct.

I've seen Chinese speed-runners of this game. The Chinese media covers BS a lot. I hope it sells well in China.

But expect all games in the future to have NO SKELETONS.

Based space alucard

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>All Iga did was copy SotN, but not good.

Would you go so far as to call it "vulgar plagurism"?

>and how dark the game was. I didn't have a light for my GBA.


That was the major critique. Really if you emulate the game now, it looks fine. But on a GBA screen it was dark. So for Harmony of Dissonance, Iga made the game some techno-color nightmare of neon colors. It's a mess.

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shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

You'll be fine, I ran it on 1080p and got constant 60fps

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Dont do this to me

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>tfw playing Circle of the Moon on a launch GBA
You may just wear night vision goggles when playing because you really couldn't see anything


>Would you go so far as to call it "vulgar plagurism"?
Not that user, but I'm surprised they got away with putting OD in the game. He's literally just Aulcard, its not even subtle.

I was THERE man. I fucking DID that shit. It was HELL

Which sucked, because the game was awesome. They're all pretty awesome
I know everyone's got their preferences, but all the GBA/DS Castlevanias are pretty damned great

Guys, should I set the graphical settings on epic or cinematic? Does cinematic look better?

You'll max it easy. I set everything to "Cinematic" @ 1080p and saw no lag or issues, getting 60 fps throughout on 2500k and rx 480. Even the load times were very fast on my HDD.

I'd actually like to see how it'd do with low settings and modern lowend hardware. My bet is it would run rather well.

Attached: BloodstainedRotN-Win64-Shipping_2019_07_02_11_23_42_608.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

>no Final Guard
>no Ruler Sword
>no Alura Une
>no joke enemies like Skeleton Curry, Farmer, Kicker, Bartender, Zacchino, Chronomage, Dodo and Mothman aside Niggly Wiggly in the train
>no rocket, sword, gunner, weapon master, hammer, double hammer
>no Chupacabras
>no Creature/Franken

What piss me off the most is CoM got some enemies they didnt add into Ritual and they looked cool.

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>Not that user, but I'm surprised they got away with putting OD in the game. He's literally just Aulcard, its not even subtle.

I think Iga should have not put him in. The face is even perfectly the same. He's just wearing a slightly different color scheme and cloak. Not only is he too on the nose, he's just a boring Alucard. OD is just an easter egg and can't stand on his own.

I had to play it almost entirely by holding it near a lamp and holding my neck is a position that got painful after an extended period. Game was worth it but god it sucked.
Thank god for the GBA Player and later the DS.

How you break from his grab attack without poison?

It wasn't that he was disappointed, the next tweet clarified he loved it, it just wasn't what he expected because he'd never seen mac and cheese in person before.

All gonna be in the sequel user. The game had a super troubled development, so just be glad the game got made at all in any kind of quality. We easily could have had the project cancelled or they released a half-assed rushjob like MN9.

I just spammed Pluma Parma a bunch against him as my main attack and focused on dodging as best I could. If he catches you in a bad position during za warudo you can swap Shards to have that directional shield from (from the shield dudes in the tower of twin dragons) and hold the button. The shield will come out and protect you from most of the ice shards if angled well, even in a shitty position and at rank 1.

Pretty good IMO, and I only did a normal mode run and without going for full 100%. Bit of grinding just to see how dumb some shards can get, sure, but other than that.... 100% map+slight dicking around for some (not all) shards took me almost 18 or so hours? Well worth it, imo.

>Cloak and hairstyle is very reminiscent of Alucard
>Shares the same middle name
>And VA
>In both Japan and English (the original one)

Real 'subtle' Iga. Though I will say his insane autism over books was admittedly kinda funny. Hoping he returns if Bloodstained ever gets a sequel. I can just imagine the castle getting destroyed and O.D being left behind, but his whole library and collection of books is either gone or completely trashed and he just flips his shit.

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guitarist girl is a joke enemy

This. Now that IGA has figured out what to and what not to do, producing a sequel should run a lot smoother.

I got pleb filtered hard by the map in hollow knight. If i can know where i am and where i am going then i am fine.

or you can just stunlock him with bolide until he dies


I was kind of disappointed he didn't show up at the end. Might've been a neat easter egg, like you need to give all your books back before he appears.

What button user? Everything?

I forgot about Tamako
I hope next time you get a transform shard so you can do shit like Nevan in DMC3

would any of you guys happen to know how well the game wold run on intel's hd 4000 integrated graphics?

Or you could just stack int and chump him in two seconds with summon hellhound or 8bit fireball.

>I hope next time you get a transform shard so you can do shit like Nevan in DMC3
I legit thought her shard is something like that, I was disappointed when I got her shard

She's best boss. I wish that she's a playable character.

have at you

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Wish she was a familiar

>Miriam having her own personal rock band traveling with her playing rock versions of all the music

fps max with constant and massive drops
hey switch fags are playing just like i do in my toaster


farm better shards and then buy a bunch of potions. Think about your life.

>Original effect was to be a temporary status buff
>Changed to be nuclear Holy Water

Why's her boob so small there?

wtf how

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I loved the game. Miriam is the cutest and dressing her up was really fun.

I was so immensely disappointed that you didn't get a guitar weapon from her. It just seemed like the natural thing to happen.

Wait have you never played SotN?

finally new art for the superior girl

Did you ever played SotN? poke him in the ass with super jump or inverse

>her shard at max level doesnt even last long to play the whole song

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You can dick with resolution scale in the config, that's what I did to get it to run with minimal slowdown on my shitbox
Fair warning though, it looks worse than the Switch version once you get it sufficiently low enough

What the fuck.

i played sotn and already poked him a bunch but i was asking if we could get the waluigi looking glasses, not the nose glasses you get from him

I'm perfectly cool with this as long as they make more. One enemy being a blob thing with two clones is hardly a deal breaker. No sales in china at all certainly would be.

Yuji Natsume isn't exactly a very good artist. I remember the first pictures being all over the place, in some of them Miriam was flat and in others she was a cowtits.

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When I uncapped it I got over 300 FPS at 4k with everything maxed.

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Mortes would actually be pretty interesting if it shows them assimilating humans and animals to turn into horrifying monstrosities. The Bone Mortes have the flavor text of using parts of the humans it absorbed as weapons and the living cannons are Mortes that absorbed them instead of a living being. Get some The Thing mileage out of it.

>Having the white half cape thing conform to her tits instead of having tents like in the game

no u

>Cat Morte
>Dog Morte
>Demon Morte
>Aqua Morte
>Lava Morte
>Shadow Morte
>Light Morte
>Angelic Morte
>Demon Morte
>Shard Morte
>Original Morte

Isn't that part is hold by her hands?

Firstly, learn English
Secondly, yes but it doesn't make it any better, let em hang

Ah, perspective problem then

>real castlevania > this fake shitvania

Also Casltevania pre-metroidvania style is the absolute best. Fuck any fags that say otherwise since they are too shit to play some real games.

You do you then
>Firstly, learn English
teach me sempai

Oh well

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Yeah they should do something like pic related with the Mortes

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you can chop half of his hp while your talking to him if you smash hard enough

Only if you are a cute girl

Anyone could put Alucard in their game I don't even think you'd legally have to change the name as you could easily prove prior art.

The name Alucard is from a 1940's movie, while the design was shamelessly aping D. You might want to avoid any possible lawsuit but really you'd probably do just fine calling him Alucard.

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She may have been a bitch, but I would enjoy lewds of her pegging Miriam.

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Fucking game why don't you detect my cheap ass generic controller?!

You underestimate how desperate I am for this series to continue being a thing.

I made the Kramer Mod, I laugh whenever I see people using it. Did you rike it?

Had his second movie on VHS. Good shit.


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French braid is the best hair style.

There's a manual?

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i know where it is but i'm not going to tell you.

Has anyone made any fat Miriam """art""" yet? She eats more monsters than freaking Toriko.

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either that or too many of the areas were just shit, like most of the stuff below the castle and the fire area

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It's already confirmed that the sales Bloodstained reached has blown predictions out of the water and a sequel is going to happen.

What the fuck is with the recent influx of fatfags on Yea Forums? It's fucking disgusting and I'm sick of seeing it, you should be ashamed of your fetish

Yeah. A digital one released today for backers. Backers at the $100 or more tier are getting a physical one in august with the Alchemist's Treasure box.

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Is there a hire res scan of that back? I didn't realize they got Kojima to do art for this game.

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I just mashed attack, I think I might have thrown a fireball or two, just load save and experiment.

>Think I beat a boss
>Start teabagging
>Accidentally dodge an attack

Also I'm not very far but doing little hops with ambivalence feels like cheating, are all whips like this?

Bloody has derp eyes

Yes. For Boss Revenge.

cumless has down syndrome

Jump canceling has been a thing since SotN.

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Yes and they are fun because of it.

What weapon is that?

At the least they all need to take it to /d/ where it belongs.

I had a ps4 and a switch, but I got the switch version because fuck snoy.

Valkyrie Sword


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Miri looks like she's in her 50s.

Kinda on the small side. If I wanted to take this and make a poster with the big ass printer they have at work this would look pretty soft.

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Redpill me, what is this? An indie Castlevania?

Yeah pretty much. Has a shitload of customization pretty fun.

>not owning a PC for actual games and switch for travel
Xbots and SoNiggers disgust me, it you have to sit and play do it properly.

He's talking out his ass. Alucard did drink from a human once, and turned that human into a vampire, but he was manipulated into doing so. Alucard does not drink from humans.

Here's the sequel to SoTN where that is revealed, it was a japanese only radio drama. Some dude translated it. Worth a listen/read.

Is it as good as Order of The Ecclesia?

Its fun, """Similar to SotN", and you become the strong very quickly.

I'll have to look into it, thanks bros.

hey man, check your nexusmod page, i uploaded a screenshot for you

oversleeping is bad for the skin

Order of ecclesia is overrated as fuck. Not even the best DS title. I would say that it's about as good then.

>haha fuck snoy!!!!!!!11 *buys garbage, unplayable port*

Imagine having your mind THIS colonized by console war memes.

alucard feeding from eastern european prostitutes is confirmed in SoTN part 3

AMD FX 8300 (Octacore 3.3 GHz)
Asus M5A78L-M PLUS/USB3 Micro ATX AM3+
16 GB DDR3 1600MHz.
EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 SC GAMING 8GB GDDR5, ACX 3.0 Black Edition

Max graphics, silky smooth 60 fps. The Valefar boss dipped to 59 during the coin attack.

I just finished this
This was nice gaem
Hmm what now

Those poker chips just about killed my PS4 frame rate. Wonder if it just kills the Switch version outright.

"he'd never seen mac and cheese in person before."
So up until now it had only existed in rumors..mere legends

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AoS is a better comparison actually

the bloodstained switch port is the absolute polar opposite of a win for the Switch

Tbf wasn't he put in long before Shovel Knight exploded the way it did?

Thank you, I finally found it after comparing hidden rooms

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I wonder what it was that he was expecting. Like pasta with shredded cheese just sitting on it?

There is no Sotn part 3.

It has to be Dominique simply because there are no other characters left in the game that COULD conceivably be the main character of a whole playthrough.

Alfred? Nobody wants to play as some old fuck, and his teleporting would never make sense as a mechanic. Johannes? Johannes is a noncombatant, everybody in the game says as much.

The $100+ backers are getting a 16x20 foldout poster of it, so maybe someone will scan it in higher resolution

I got it for the switch, did I make a mistake? It does seem like there's framedrops at some points.

I’m on my second play through without any major issues. Drops are neither constant nor massive. It’s honestly most noticeable in the starting area where you lose a lot of the rain effects but apart from that the biggest drawback is 30fps

What about Gebel in a prequel?

M8 the whole games a fucking framedrop on the switch, 30 fps for a game with last gen graphics is goddamned abysmal. There's also the huge loadscreens and input lag.

unless she awakens

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Just this one so far. Thinking of doing the pantsu mod to get rid of her bloomers.

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How much can one old lady eat?

>Alfred? Nobody wants to play as some old fuck,
speak for yourself

What did DICO even do before Bloodstained on Switch?

Higher res version some user posted. No idea where they got it.

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Johannes is shown with a whip in concept art. He can fight, but obviously is not someone who can handle the abuse Miriam goes through.

Best to give him his own game altogether.

>Order of ecclesia is overrated as fuck. Not even the best DS title.

It's competition is Dawn of Sorrow, which is the worst Metroidvania released, and Portrait of Ruin, which was only okay. So user, what magical wonderful DS Castlevania are you thinking of?

looks like they just ran it through waifu2x

>bust your ass to collect food, cook it, and feed it to her
>she deadass doesn't share a single bite, ever
>even looks you dead in the eyes and comments how delicious it is while doing so

Truly a villain for the ages.

Portrait of Ruin is better

Would be cool to see him use Alchemist abilities to craft stuff on the fly or something.

>Ayami Kojima

Truly a gift from the very gods themselves.

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Dullahead does a lot of damage, and bookfriend gives you a good STR buff considering you can't level up.


dully gang kills most monsters for you for the first 3 or 4 areas

then the flying book becomes more useful

any update on when the free bonus content is coming? I beat it on release and dipped out of these threads before image dump tripfag started shitting them up

Help fellas
I compared with another map on powerpoint but I found nothing

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You won't be getting it until they fix the fuck up that's the Switch version first

Dullahammer are a beast when you got five of them chasing everything down for you or good damage.

Praise Igarashi. Proud to have joined his army of the night. Can't wait to get my alchemist treasure physical goodies lol.

Attached: IGA.png (939x724, 814K)

Cathedral, just east of a save point. Come in from above.

Dominique and Anne, POR style switching mechanic. Dom plays like Richter, Anne plays like Maria.
Remember this post.

Should I give grave lady the brigandine I found from the revenge list?

post more bloodless!

Probably going to take a while, they currently have their hands full trying to un-shit the Switch port.

Why wouldn't you? It's not particularly good armor.

I would fucking love this. Portrait of Ruin is one of my favorite castlevanias.

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>Should I give grave lady the brigandine I found from the revenge list?

If you're worried about giving away items, remember that you can dismantle them with Alkahest and then recraft them, which adds that item to store inventory permanently. Then you can rebuy it if you want it back.

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Alright I'll do it after I break it down. Thanks.

oh looks like I was pretty lucky to finish and stop coming to the threads the day before the switch version came out
was probably a shitshow

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Is it worth getting 9 of the accelerator shard?

The second DLC character will be Zangetsu, but who will the third be?

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The Switch port is borderline unplayable in its current state.

Just use cheat engine, no 8 NG+ runs isn't worth it.

You might as well, winning the race is trivial after you win it the first time and get the GOFAST mode.

Accelerator doesn't require NG+

>pantsu mod
ho fuck. panty shots are my jam. is it a decent mod?

>8 NG+ runs

You can repeat the race as many times as you want and he gives a shard each time you win it.

I guess. It won't even take long to do so.

this. the race itself is only a little out of the way to get to and is a joke when you have accelerator itself

plus after getting 1 accelerator the hardest part becomes waiting for the ninja to catch up and die
I personally got 9 but couldn't really tell if I was going much faster

>get rid of her bloomers
only mod I want really

how tall is IGA?

Who even is that?

my wife

None at the moment, but I'll probably do a portrait replacement that swaps everything to Miriam and Dominique porn. I also plan to replace the Celeste references with CVIII tune rips. That shit was even more out of place than the neckbeard gallery.

You might want to keep playing.

All signs point to Dominique

my wife

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the best girl
good enough

You forgot to add NIGGER!!!

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Makes Peach jelly of whoopin asses with a parasol.

no idea and nothing comes up on google :(

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grinding his shard out to grade 9 was less painful than the 8 bit flame, fuck that even with timestop instagib shenanigans

I just started playing (hard mode), and I read somewhere that the 8-bit weapons(and I assume all other bit weapons) are kickstarter weapons.

Should I avoid using them (cuz they might be OP?)

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Same here, for some reason I get irrationally upset every time she jumps into a portal flaunting her underskirt in your face and I _don't_ get a pantyshot out of the deal. It's like I was given a present that was just an empty box. I'd switch her boring black shorts for basically any kind of panty, doesn't matter what as long as it's not that.

>poke him in the ass
Muh dick!

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I am so fucking lost in this game


I've played pretty far I think. Last thing I did was beat Zangetsu.

You shouldn't use any weapons at all because physical sucks.

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>Dawn of Sorrow, which is the worst Metroidvania released
you just have bad taste user


Fine i'll just use my dick instead.

where i can get a reliable torrent?
>inb4 poorfag
i dont like to pay full price for digital games and i was planning to buy it in the next summer sale but i dont wanna wait too much because there is a lot of spoilers

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Poor faggot.

They aren't OP don't worry about it

image spam faggot


>He likes dawn most

All i need.

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Thanks, I appreciate the honesty.

Does it matter what I'm attacking with technique or they get set amount of xp as long as attack connects (what I hit multiple enemies with one attack?)?

there's a direct dl on

there are literally 2 castlevania games better than dawn

no debate

Only bad thing about Dawn is the shitty stylus doodling minigame you have to do every time you kill a boss, and that one only exists because Nintendo mandated that every early DS release must use DS's features somehow instead of just making a normal game.

As long as it hits you'll get the EXP. Although I'm not sure if hitting multiple foes increases it.

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you only have dated memes and anime girls huh

ROTN was out and it was a lot of fun, great.
Now when's Curse of the Moon 2? Surely Inti's had enough time to do it by now.

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He is 5'10. Tall for a Japanese person.

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And which ones would that be?

And that drags it down. Even if you account the patch that removes that bullshit. I can't judge Dawn without thinking of it.

I also don't really like the crafting system in it but that's a personal thing. It DID however have the best extra mode.

optimizer passive + optimizer yellow + hellhound to death. how fun

Is the switch version unfucked yet?

>Tier 3 of the 8-bit coin weapons requires shelling out for a 32-bit coin AND farming an 8-bit nightmare book

For what purpose?

I think that article specified the UK, that being said Nintendo typically has a weak presence in Europe so it probably sold a fuck ton

Aria and SOTN
admittedly i haven't played Rondo of Blood though and I'm sure it's very good.

The game looks decent at best, however if you don't think the animation in the cutscenes are poorly done then you're fucking delusional. Don't know why they chose to make the game in 3D

What's the best place to farm chair

Did anyone actually buy the $10 1 boss 1 weapon dlc?

Damn. I can't really argue your picks either I do like SoTN and Aria a lot.

Play Rondo.

thanks : )

It was originally meant to be exclusive to backers but a poll said to make it available for everyone.

Every single backer

I did. He's legitimately one of the better bosses in the game, weapon is okay.
Not worth it.

I did by backing by it

Never. IGA doesn’t give two shits about a worthless tablet.


IGA was a good boss but it's not 10 bucks good.

I was being facetious when i said no debate, people like this series/this genre for a diverse set of reasons. I personally like RPG elements, exploration, big open maps. Some people prefer the raw side-scrolling action.

I'll definitely give Rondo a shot, I'm assuming I can emulate it.

>Don't know why they chose to make the game in 3D
You need a shitton of art assets if you want to make a game in the vein of Castlevania. 3D assets are cheaper than high quality 2D, easier to animate, and generally there are a lot more people in the games industry with 3D modeling experience than 2D animation. It's extremely obvious why the game was made in 3D, it's not without flaws, but hopefully a sequel could make huge improvements since it would have a large pre-made bestiary to work with right off the bat.

Tripfags are always wrong holy shit.
Order of ecclesia had zero(0) depth. Quests sucked and there's no variation in builds. It was also very linear compared to it's two predecessors. People keep on shitting on portrait of ruin when it's one of the most balanced games in the series with great bosses and sensible weapon and spell balance and item placement. Compare that to the shitshow that is bloodstained and you will understand how well designed portrait's progression curve was. Honestly I didn't even have to try to shit on enemies. Some shards are so blatantly overpowered I can erase whole rooms and pulverize bosses.

Livre Ex Machina. There’s a spot you can switch between killing a dragon and chair with little effort.

>I'll definitely give Rondo a shot, I'm assuming I can emulate it.

It's PC-Engine. Yeah super easy to emulate.

There's an English romhack, and there's the Wii version which I think you'll need Dolphin to emulate. The story is pretty standard so you will be fine just playing Japanese.

Just looking at Dominique's run cycle is enough to prove she's the other playable character. The only other characters with run cycles that polished are Gebel and Miriam. Just look at fucking Johannes, some of the first animations you see in the game and his run looks like hot garbage.

What do I do against Bloodless in Nightmare? I always get hit by the huge move she does where it goes from one side to the other. I jump over her but she just keeps going and hitting me anyway. Send help.

where the fuck do I go after the second zangetsu fight? dominique doesn't even tell me what to do next

Did you try ducking?

I hope it's Gebel or even better yet, OD. Let me play as Alucard, dammit.

I did but still got hit. Maybe I was just too close but I coulda swore I was far enough away. If it's that fucking simple a thing I kept fucking up I'll just commit sudoku.

Gebel deserves more. He just wanted a better world for his waifu

Dude. PoR IS my favorite DS castlevania for the reasons you flat out said. Admittedly the painting stages kinda started to be repetitive. But like mostly everything about it. And it has one of the best last fights in the series.

As for ecclesia. I'm okay with it. I don't mind what it was trying to do with it's gameplay. I don't mind Shanoa basically being glass cannon: the character

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>console shitters being treated like second class citizens with shit ports with performance problems
>PChads having the optimal experience and with iga's backpack from day 1

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