Post your biggest survival builds...

Post your biggest survival builds. I spent all today and yesterday and the day before that collecting stone and then building this thing. On top I'm gonna build a huge greco-roman temple of notch

Attached: Huge Plat.png (768x407, 549K)

>temple to a bigoted nazi who's slowly going insane, living alone in his rotting candy mansion

Attached: 3khrnri.jpg (610x357, 87K)

>bigoted nazi
nothing wrong with that.

off yourself anime tranny faggot

H___ S__

Attached: 1k7eg48lh1u21.jpg (1564x1564, 259K)

I wish the claims of the amount of Nazis existing today matched the amount of jews that were claimed to have been killed by them. Yikes.

I got excited, I thought it was going to be a pyramid

Have children, tranny

>having children when the west is overpopulated

It's just tradition to dedicate minecraft temples to notch


I made this on a server I joined from here.
Server admin sperged out and banned everyone over time though.

Attached: 2019-03-12_20.07.39.png (1920x1017, 2.31M)

Attached: 2019-03-12_20.07.34.png (1920x1017, 2.56M)

Attached: 2019-03-21_14.52.32.png (1920x1017, 1.95M)

but is it hollow?


that's really cool, how long did it take
also, what's that weird orange sandstone?

come on, using shaders during the night is cheating

I'd say about 30 hours for building and gathering materials over the course of like a week.

But it looks good man.
I wish I had more pics or a download of the world.

Attached: 2019-03-21_14.52.49.png (1920x1017, 2M)

Some friends and I assaulted a giant tree in Twilight forest mod and each made a floor.

Mine's that rock "shell" blob below the squared house.

Attached: 2019-02-25_19.26.10.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

I pirated it, ever since Notch posted here for the first time. I may consider buying it now that the money goes to Microsoft rather than to him, not that I like Microsoft, I just don't like Notch.

dilate then get married

House interior. I tried to make it like some flooded cave-castle. One of the walls was open and lava fell like a waterfall.

Attached: 2019-02-25_19.27.06.png (1920x1080, 697K)

Attached: 2019-02-25_19.27.20.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Attached: 2019-02-25_19.27.30.png (1920x1080, 772K)

Attached: 2019-02-25_19.27.51.png (1920x1080, 492K)

Oh and to answer your question about that sandstone, it's red sand.
I don't know where that would spawn in a vanilla world, the server I played on was supposed to be a map of earth, and I always had to travel to Straya' to get red sand.

Attached: 2019-03-07_15.03.04.png (1920x1017, 1.12M)

Looks great man, it reminds me strongly of Thief. Very comfy.

I meant cheating in the sense of it greatly enhancing the looks of your build. it was somewhat hidden praise

The west isn't overpopulated, you retarded tranny. Only third world shitholes are overpopulated. That's why they're trying to ship so many nignogs over here to the west.

Attached: ad45c0e8-5fce-4bfb-b62d-b76a548a427c.jpg (600x619, 140K)

I wished I saved a picture of it somewhere but i made the mario 3 title screen out of blocks entirely obtained in survival

it was a multiplayer server with a bunch of college friends and i was bored of making architecture

took way longer than i thought and i made it a big vertical freestanding thing so i died to fall damage god knows how many times

you made it sound metal as fuck dude

Attached: 1546885676357.jpg (480x472, 30K)

>EVERYONE is a bigot nazi for NO REASON
ight dude enjoy the 4 more years of trump i know i will

Your reasoning is backwards
First off, everywhere is overpopulated, but you need continual growth to keep social security/medicare/medicaid/fractional reserve lending ponzi schemes going. It is in no way possible to lift all 4 billion people out of poverty by moving them to 600 million population nations.

Is there a game like Minecraft but without the shit graphics?
I want to build comfy houses but not have it look like a discount lego.

Nothing you create would deserve better than looking like discount legos.

Now that waves of political trump posting from 2016/7 have subsided these posts are starting to get worse.

Post some Space Engineers behemoths.

Attached: 20190313233403_1.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)