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Other urls found in this thread:



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?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? Free Tibet ??????? The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 ?????? The Tiananmen Square Massacre ????? The Anti-Rightist Struggle ????? The Great Leap Forward ????? The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ?? Human Rights ?? Democratization ?? Freedom ?? Independence ??? Multi-party system ?? ?? Taiwan Formosa ???? Republic of China ?? ??? ??? Tibet ???? Dalai Lama ??? Falun Dafa ???????? The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region ?????? Nobel Peace Prize ??? Liu Xiaobo ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Winnie the Pooh ?????????

Attached: smug.jpg (1200x1007, 77K)

youtube.com/watch?v=M4yE62hkp2A cope


It says Nintendo retards

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you can do it, you can learn a pointless language to read ero doujins and really shitty visual novels.

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I stopped trying to learn Japanese went I went to Japanese 101 at university and sat next to this fat neckbeard who pulled up a doujin on his laptop and tried to translate it during class.


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we are all going to make it

Attached: meme located.png (815x639, 1019K)

隣の海藻は 青く見えるさ
陸に行くのは 大きな間違い

まわりを見てごらん この海の底
なんて素敵な世界だ これ以上なにを望む

素晴しい アンダー・ザ・シー
ダーリン 私の言うこと信じて
あっちじゃ働くだけ 朝から晩まで

あっちでは アンハッピー

だけどね まだマシ
すぐ皿の上 ヤダネ

素晴しい アンダー・ザ・シー
こっちじゃノビノビと 毎日が楽しいよ

歌って踊ってみんなハッピー 気持ちいい
(気持ち いい いい いい)
いろんな魚たち かなでる音楽
それはナゼ わかるナゼ

あっちじゃフルート こっちじゃハープ
ブラスもナイス ドラムもグー
やればできるのさ ホラ リズムに乗って歌おう
難しいことはぬき イキに決めよう
いいぞ イヤッホー

人間には砂サンド みんなにはイキなジャズ・バンド

イキなジャズマン いつもセッション 素晴しい
かわいいダンサー フリルゆれて 素晴しい

ワイルドにきめてハッピー だから最高 海の底
ここが最高 海の暮らし アンダー・ザ・シー

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Google Translate: The Thread

>implying I have the patience to learn a new language
A decade or two and I'll be able to translate any language in real-time with 100% accuracy

I wouldn't be so sure mate. I work in NLP and I can't see things getting much better than they are right now in the near future.

Translation tech can only go so far before it needs a perfect, sapient AI behind it to infer and reproduce context accurately.
That shit is never gonna happen.

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yeah no, that's a good 50 years out at least, literally post-singularity sci-fi

What I'd like to know is how the fuck do people type in Japanese? I've never seen a Japanese keyboard so I have no idea how they do it. Surely the ridiculous amount of Kanji poses some kind of problem in its design?

Holy shit, what a fucking chad. (Not you, obviously.)


They don't have spaces so you press space after typing the hirigana for a kanji character and a menu will drop where you can select which one you want

someshit microsoft romaji --> kanji maybe

Fine, they'll make a learning machine and zap the language into my brain, Two or three decades away most likely

With a regular keyboard you just type in romaji and suggestions in hiragana, katakana, or kanji will pop up and you just select which one you want.

Search for IME for noobfriendly typing. It allows you to switch between English and 日本語 with quick key combinations. Also works in fullscreen games so I'll piss my non-weeaboo friends off in TF2 by occasionally typing in japanese.
It should be a setting already on your PC that you just turn on.

besides just using roman characters and pressing space to change kanji, there are actually some japanese keyboards that actually input hiragana with a key to change between roman characters and kana. Also, on phones you can use a 3x4 layout (like an old cellphone).



if you give up I will come to your house and beat you.
i dont even like japanese

How difficult is to learn the chinase like characters? (Not hiragana or katagana) if I remember there are over a 1000 right?

you at a good start bud
>learning chinase


w e w
The word you're looking for is Kanji, and there are over 2000 regularly used words.
It's not THAT hard to learn, as long as you find what works for you and you learn every other aspect of the language first :^)

No I meant kanjis if Im not mistaken.

最近はYea Forumsを見ているとき、俺が大勢のホモに近寄られる

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Over 2000????? Holy shit thats a lot

them kanjers and kaners are pretty fracking ez. people will meme on you with shit like 土 != 士 but none of that garbage matters, as long as you use your male virility and bushido spirit you'll have no problem

something something i became a big homo last time i looked at Yea Forums
tell me how wrong i am because i only understand like 60% of that sentence


Looks like we were both right. Found this on my PC.
But yeah for me I used flashcards. I used an online dictionary to repeatedly write the kanji while pronouncing it in my head. Then, once I've memorized writing it, I write it on a flash card and check back if I remember it after a few days. I do this with kanji that I think would be useful for getting around, like "train station" and "airport" and shit.

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how to improve listening
> grab jpod101 for free from the djt thread
> follow this order
> listen to a single lesson a few times a day
> the next day, review the previous lesson and go to the next one

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Does she have lewds?

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>haven't studied japanese in a while because no free time
>starting to feel like i'm forgetting stuff
Wish I was a neet again so I got time for jap and other shit

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same, my man



Hey I can read one of those kanji!

I think it says something like recently I've seen a lot of fags on Yea Forums




What's it like teaching English to shitty Jap kids?





Responding with Tiananmen Square literally came from the Japs


When are you going to karoshi yourself then, Mr. Salaryman? In fact, why are you on Yea Forums? Shouldn't you be staying overtime? Wouldn't want to dishonor your company!

It's not difficult. It's just time consuming. There's around 2100 you need to know minimum. Average adults know around 3 thousand or more.


Is there any way to learn kanji without the flashcards?

I'll have the fried rice with sweet and sour chicken, Chong... you get that?


Attached: kanji.png (800x2865, 357K)

Yes. Google "Remembering the Kanji pdf", grab a pen and get cracking.

guys... am i gonna make it?

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I think that's the wrong type of suck

You think you can keep getting away with this shit?

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no, because you look at your anki stats.

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If you don't enjoy kanji you should just give up.

Yes mods, keep this thread up but delete my thread which was actually about video games. Fuck this board.

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you can't translate with 100% accuracy. even your fancy AI couldnt do it. The simple fact is certain words just don't exist in your target language.
