Why is Yea Forums so tsundere towards squeenix? They're the only ones that make good JRPGs.
Why is Yea Forums so tsundere towards squeenix? They're the only ones that make good JRPGs
Falcom is good
They make shit games.
They forgot how to make games. Then they forgot how their already existing characters are supposed to look like.
I could forgive the first one seeing few actually know how to make fun games today, but the second one is just off putting.
Square doesn't.
Enix does.
Square used to make the best JRPGs until a bunch of the talented staff jumped ship and formed Monolith Soft in 1999.
Preach it.
But when is Monolith going to make their first good JRPG?
JRPGs are dead. They belong to 16 bit era.
>Combat animations that take fucking centuries
>No exploration
>stories that are the same existential FF7, Xenogears shit over and over and over again
They really blow, desu.
They already have
Baten Kaitos
Xenosaga 3
Baten Kaitos Origins
Soma Bringer
Xenoblade X
Xenoblade 2
Not sure if Super Robot Wars games count since Monolith only co-developed them, but they're all great games.
square used to make good games. so did enix
square-enix on the other hand..
SE hasn't made a good JRPG since the PS2.
Still no Last Remnant 2.
The first one had it's fair share of problems but i really liked the combat once you understood how it all worked and had started specializing your units to the roles you needed
you might have a case of shit taste my dude
says the guy who defends SE
People who unironically defend post-2000 Square outside of one-off exceptions are the ones that have shit taste, all of Square's 90s talent flocked off to Monolith Soft, Mistwalker and Cygames.
Enix on the other hand still produces some of the best JRPGs of all time.
But the only good JRPG games they make are the SaGa games.
I don't care about hating them anymore, after Kinobringers Square have redeemed themselves until they inevitably fuck up again
And people who defend pre 2000 Square outside of one-off exceptions are nothing but nostalgiafags and disenfranchised FF faggots pretending that series was ever good.
>the absolute shit taste and delusion of mononiggers
>Being so deluded you have to bring up your boogeyman du jour
Monolith is just as garbage, Mistwalker is a corpse that is singlehandedly kept alive by Sakaguchi's name despite his massive incompetence and Cygames is a phone company that is getting big purely on waifufaggotry.
It still doesn't change that Square has never done anything good outside of a few notable exceptions, just like they do these days, pretending otherwise is being a clueless, bitter nostalgiafag.
They were the best when they were just Squaresoft, when they did the enix merger stuff changed. Also when sakaguchi left FF games got worse.
No, it's the absolute truth though. There's a direct correlation between 90s Square being good, late 90s Square pissing off a lot of staff by trying to push/force Final Fantasy, and disgruntled staff forming their own studios instead (Monolith Soft, Mistwalker Studio, and Cygames) whose games are demonstrably better than 95% of whatever Square's shat out the last two decades, or staff flocking to already-existing studios like Falcom, and Square's quality becoming obviously much worse nearly immediately after everybody left.
Enix is the only redeemable thing about Square Enix.
You're responding to the wrong person.
The entire FF series is great, Chrono Trigger is great, Mana is great, Chrono Cross is great, I think they have more hits than misses overall.
>There's a direct correlation between 90s Square being good
There isn't, and all those studios do nothing but garbage, Mistwalker barely even exists nowadays and produced nothing but flops.
>The entire FF series is great, Chrono Trigger is great, Mana is great, Chrono Cross is great
FF is garbage, Chrono is garbage and Mana has more misses than hits, and even when they did hit, the gameplay side has always been mediocre.
Your opinion is wrong.
maybe you just have shit taste
Cygames develops mobile cancer and Mistwalker literally only has Lost Odyssey and a bunch of shovelware
Monolith is the only Square splinter that actually did anything interesting. Comparing FFXV to XBX is genuinely embarrassing when you consider FFXV had a 10 year development cycle and $100M+ put into its development and ended up being being one of the least notable JRPGs of the current gen despite selling well, while XBX was only developed in like 3 years with hardly even a tenth of the budget and is objectively the most technologically impressive JRPG ever made regardless if the game was actually good or not, and is one of the few technological marvels of this gen even outside of JRPGs.
>XBX was only developed in like 3 years with hardly even a tenth of the budget and is objectively the most technologically impressive JRPG ever made
Sorry bud but nothing that runs on a shitbox like the Wii U can be considered technologically impressive.
>still seething over the fact that (You) lack the ability to get a raging boner from this webm
tell me more about your lack of taste
i dont agree with OP but this post reeks of shit taste
Largest game to come out of Japan ever made, also holds the record for largest open world (East and West) that's entirely made by hand (meaning it isn't procedurally generated or partially procedurally generated with handmade touches like most Western open worlds), 300-400 hours worth of content, much more dynamic ecosystem than most open worlds and all whilst doing this on a laughably underpowered console. It even looked as good and sometimes better than lot of its competition on the PS4 and PC back in 2015.
All of Monolith's jrpgs these past 10 years have been bette than what SE shat, though. Heck, since the BK era, even.
Bigger than those early Elder Scrolls and Fallouts?
Size means fuckall if it's an empty wasteland.
Early Elder Scrolls is partially procedurally generated though. Xenoblade X holds the record for largest open world made entirely by hand.
The fact that it's made by hand despite being so huge prevents it from being a wasteland.
I wish we had maps to compare. Sounds like it would make for some good investigative games journalism.
>Largest game to come out of Japan ever made
And there's fucking nothing in it, big deal.
>300-400 hours worth of content
90% of that "content" is literal MMO quests, might as well believe that Skyrim has infinite quests at this point.
>It even looked as good and sometimes better than lot of its competition on the PS4 and PC back in 2015
No, it most certainly did not.
>people don't like turn based RPGs anymore.
>Proceed to outsource some not FF.
>Sells well.
>Wtf people like turn based rpgs.
>Proceed to kick nearly everyone for sequel and give devs 1/10 of budget.
>Rinse and repeat.
This. Falcom needs more love.
Atlus and Monolith Soft, just off the top of my head
Square made good games
Enix did too
When they merge they only produce shit games
And they're starting to remake the good old games into shit games now
It's weird how turn-based games could have evolved to be more complex and interesting after FF7, but for some reason they just got more bloated and cinematic, before finally just turning into garbage movie RPGs that play themselves.
Enix still produces great games. There's never been a bad mainline Dragon Quest even after the merge, and spinoffs like Builders are great.
Final Fantasy hasn't been "good" in nearly 20 years and hasn't been great in over 20.
I'll go with FuRyu and whatever Game Arts finally decides to make instead.
Squeenix is fine and I don't see a problem with what they're putting out. Yea Forums has always been ultra tsundere-hipster about everything.
Is it a bad thing I want to see Square but NOT Enix die? Like I want Enix to back out of the merger because Square has honestly NOT been supportive towards Dragon Quest. Bottom line is I want Enix to save itself somehow walk away with their golden goose and let Square ROT and die like they deserve. Fuck Square. Fuck Episodic FF7. Fuck FF15's crappy DLC for two fucking years. Fuck FF15 being incomplete. Fuck Nomura. Fuck so much of Square.
And may the sheep who keep on giving Square money die painful deaths.
Squeenix is way more than games. They have ton of shit, music, manga, mobages etc.
TWEWY was pretty good.
>Why is Yea Forums so tsundere towards squeenix?
Because both Square and Enix used to be fucking incredible.
Then they merged and both somehow managed to become absolute shadows of their former selves.
That is not to say that Square Enix can't still do good stuff. But now it's like every blue moon instead of several times a year.
Yeah, but that came out in 2007.
So basically they're like Konami and are impossible to somehow bankrupt. Fuck...
And then they "improved" the game with that stupid Final Mix version where the good ending is destroyed so that they can justify a would be sequel except the game sold less than the DS version because the controls are wonky on the Switch so now by default the new finale is Neku is screwed.
Good going you bastards at Square Enix. Good going.
Redpill me on Falcom
At least alternative universes are a thing. I just want Neku to be happy, man.
You're not alone and I also want him in Smash because of his pin weapon. And Shibuya would be a grand stage with it's bombastic music. Ah but it will never happen.
He would’ve been a pretty great addition.
>”Yes I only play atlus JRPGS how could you tell?”
Invented JRPGs/ARPGs in the early 80s, inspired the people who created Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, have a bunch of best-sellers in Japan but ultimately lived in Enix's and Square's shadows, lots of people at Square and Enix started at Falcom and a lot of people who left Square and Enix ended up joining Falcom.
All of their games are extremely low budget and two generations behind in technology but make up for it with fun gameplay or intriguing stories. They're also the reason Japanese vidya music is so good.
They've had a drought of good video games the last 6 years, they didn't adapt well to current JRPG trends