>peak technology
>dark and mature tone
>depressing story
>likable characters
GTA 5 paints a horrifying picture for the next GTA.

GTA 4 was such a fascinatingly anti-normie game. I think most of them were in fact unsettled by its harsh tone.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've never played any gta games and have never wanted to, ask me anything

>next game is gonna be in Brasil based on rumors
It could come back user, Brasil is such a fucking cesspit of garbage and poverty it just might be great

same, unless you count 1 and 2. those seem mildly interesting compared to the others

I want to play GTA IV on PC with mods without having to do all this bullshit. I refunded because I couldn't mod it normally and it said I had to install/uninstall all this sort of shit just to make mods work.

tfw real life is hard enough so you only like things that are light hearted and fun but people try to push edgy depressing shit on you 24/7 like black mirror

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How can rockstar own drumpf if the game is set in brazil?

One of the best vidyas of all time. The story of an immigrant living the American dream. I've beaten every major GTA title and the story is always super mediocre to me, what is it about GTA4 that nailed it so well?

it runs like dogshit anyway

Rockstar only sees Brazil as City of God and Elite Squad. I want them to VC again but set it during the early 90s to shit on the 80s.

If the game is set during the 70s/80s they won’t need him since there was a military junta in Brazil at the time.

>>dark and mature

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>tfw no max payne cameo if true

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It wasn't very good. after Vice City and SA they wanted a more 'mature' tone for variety sake, but if you look closely it follows the same 'rags to riches' formula as the other games. Don't forget that Tommy in Vice City was from an immigrant family as well. The atmosphere was bleak, the gunplay dull, and frankly the story was pretty boring for me personally. The whole gta series is absurd, the fact you can run over dozens of people and if u can out chase the police circle on the map and hide for 5 seconds they forget about you and act like nothing happened, which would never happen i real life lol they would have everyone after you nonstop. So to try and make the story a bit more 'somber' and 'dark' in contrast the the utter absurdity of the core gameplay was a bit of a misfire in my opinion, those games don't do well when they try that. I think that's the same reason GTA 3 failed and is largely forgotten. I will say that it did feel like NYC so I will give credit where credit is due, but overall I prefer GTA 5 in almost every way.

>likable characters
GTA4 has the worst villain in video game history

V was better than IV overall. I've played through V three times and IV only once and never had any desire to revisit it.

I'm gonna have to disagree. Dark Souls, in all of its gloominess, was the perfect escape for me. I think entertainment needs to have some common ground with your real-life troubles in order to be immersive. For me, something as "fun" as Fortnite or TF2 often leave me in a weird state of depression after playing.

I never could adapt to the driving.

I fucking tried man, I really wanted to love it since I'm in nyc. I know nico is more interesting than all 3 gtav characters but damn I could never get the driving down.

I don't even remember him. I only remember Niko, Roman, the rastafarian, horrible driving physics and that rockets could bounce off the ground. 4 wasn't very memorable at all.

How can anyone say that when V’s main antagonists were literal whos.

Retarded zoomers

>peak technology
Not gonna happen. Developers don't give a shit about innovation anymore.

There were similiar "leaks" before GTA V's release. And almost all of them proved to be false.

>I think that's the same reason GTA 3 failed and is largely forgotten.
The fuck

I don't know if it failed, but I don't ever hear anyone talking about it. Only VC and SA from the PS2 era.

GTA IV had a good balance, though. Too much goofiness and you get Saint's Row and GTA V which suck story wise.

I only play GTA for the laughs,and V is the best in this regard

nope sorry, enjoy your next gta 6 with shark cards and complete focus on multiplayer

Remember how hyped the Euphoria engine was at the time?

>not talking about it means it failed
Most posters here have good things to say about 3 then bad, and what is bad is universally agreed on.

Lamar’s nigga moment is the best part about V and the only time I laughed during the game.

>reading comprehension
I didn't say it failed. I said it's been forgotten, especially compared to VC and SA

>goes off the radar in my retarded flying meme bike that has no business even being in the game
>blows up your cargo shipment
>turns on five dollar mic to smugly mumble niggerspeak at you
what the fuck happened? gta online was unironically better and even a little comfy when it was less bloated with shitty futuristic garbage and powertripping CEO/MC president horse shit.

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it's incredible and I don't understand why it isn't present in more games. I guess the masses just don't appreciate the same things I do. They outright dropped it from GTA 5.

To be honest SA is the only that’s remembered. It has memeable characters and scenarios. VC is less memorable than 3 to be completely honest.

Just cause theres been other titles.

It was not only the biggest game in the fucking world at one point, it fucking influenced nearly every other game for the next 10 years.

3 has had it's time in the sun and theres nothing left to be said about it really.

The setting and soundtrack put VC above 3 in terms of nostalgia

Nah I’d say 3’s setting is better suited for nostalgia since 2001 was eighteen years and most of the people who played 3 can recall that era. VC’s aesthetics are superficial since they never explore that era. It’s just the color scheme and soundtrack that give it an 80s feel.

I'm not denying that. Just that it's not as memorable to the general public

I guess that's why I always hear people discussing 3 and not VC. 3 was bland visually. VC atleast had style


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>Get to shoot Brazilians

I just want ONE FUCKING protagonist again

>3 was bland visually
>VC atleast had style
How can someone have such shit taste?

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It didn't really, though. And V had a good story, whether you like it or not. The satire hits perfectly every time, which is another huge staple of the GTA series comedy, it' all satire. GTA IV had nothing really satirical about it, which is why it feels so out of place and unfunny. And yes, unfunny: I can't think of a genuinely funny thing or character from GTA IV. I can think of countless from other GTA titles

>grey concrete jungle
Even if it is accurate, it's uninteresting to look at. The LC games are bland visually


Zoomer detected. At the time when VC came out it blew everyones mind that an openworld game could look and feel as good as it did. In fact it was perhaps the first mass marketed and played console open world game. Playing vc from ur little steam account isn't the same, you had to be there when it came out to understand

t. 30 yo boomer

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No they aren't

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The LC games offer the best representation of their era. VC is soulless as fuck until VCS, and SA doesn’t even feel like the 90s.

>Little IV fags are now waking up
Finally, Yeah, No it's all fucked m8

>this gay ass post
3 already did and wasn’t a shitty DLC rushed in a year.

there's unfortunately 0 chance for this happening
>it's a good and recognizable trademark
>it opens up possibilities for story and setting
>it makes diversity easier to include (i. e. one black guy in GTA 5 was the perfect middleroad)
Though they might mix it up by making the game only have two protagonists this time or something. Also, I would not be terribly surprised if one of the protagonists was a woman.

Oh, wow. That pollution brown completely changed my mind.

Kill yourself, fag.

Oh fuck off Yea Forums. GTAV is much better than any previous gta and huge step forward for the whole series.

>woohoo, bright colors!
>my brain is now stimulated!

Seething zoomer


GTA IV and GTA V are both great games, and I honestly can't wait for GTA VI to come out.

I think sleeping dogs is a good example of grey soullessness. I liked the game, but it was so boring to look at that I couldn't finish it.
Yeah, I'm aware it's Hong Kong but it's still shitty to look at.

>GTA 3 is better than Vice City
>Vice City is the equivalent of a rushed DLC


VC is better than GTA 3 in almost every way. If you stop trying to be contrarian just to appear edgy and interesting you'd realize this quite quickly.

>grey and brown
>so mature and dark, it's like I'm really an adult and not a man-baby

Based, except GTAO can fuck off

There are other colors too, that's just the time of day it's at

Attached: GTAIV 6_17_2019 11_14_18 PM.jpg (3840x2160, 795K)

>gta iv
>anti normie
just because your zoomer friends don't even know it exists doesn't mean it didn't sell like a motherfucker stop trying to be special you arent

GTA3 had THE best theme song. GTA2 had a good one, too.

>VC is better than GTA 3 in almost every way.
>shittier map, awful missions, discount Scarface MC
The only thing VC has going for it is bikes and helicopters.

those rumors are completely fake dumbass

yeah, it creates for a believable world. of course looking at bright shit is more pleasing in the short-term, but no mario game could ever provide an experience as deep as dark souls.


Just keep burying yourself with those gorgeous vistas. Looks like a drab nightmare

>>Vice City is the equivalent of a rushed DLC
VC was a GTA 3 expansion until Rockstar decide it could work better as a separate game.


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>summerfags start unironically defending 4 over 5 after seeing it shitposted for a few weeks
can we get rid of this board already

nigga new york irl has colours

V was believable and not shit to look at

And it was better as a seperate game seeing that it is better than GTA3

I always liked IV since the beginning nigger. Same for CTW.

if you say so

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Lel no, 3 has soul and changed gaming, VC is a glorified DLC.

It genuinely looks soulless. All memes aside, 3D era was peak

If they kept going with that, I think I'd rather they just let us pick between two people and stay as them the whole story. Switching got annoying after awhile.


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You don’t know peak fun until you’ve played Chinatown Wars.

Yes. Even the cover is

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Where are the colors?

Is this ironic shitposting?

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>@ing someone

summerfag detected

how much is a brazilian

Niko lets go bowling cousin

Assuming IV wasn’t soulful is honestly considering it was the time Rockstar put any effort into GTA.


*the very last time after EFLC and CTW

as if a black protagonist in LA would feel forced

are you colorblind?

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>chinatown wars

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'twas a troll all along, kids. Move along

Yee. It’s the only game in the series where you actually do some nefarious shit as a Chinaman.



but it's not peak fun

It was. Rampages, drug dealing, actually making use out of the touch screen system, getting creative in getting rid of cops. Peak fun and the most creative the series has been.

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3 has shit controls. VC improves in every way

>outsouls your discount Miami Vice-ass

>likable characters

Not even a little bit. GTA has not had likeable characters since San andreas.

>3 has shit controls
VC shared the same controls you zoomercuck

>hating on Little Jacob and Brucie

GTA IV was the best GTA
There, I said it

Well played.

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bbbbbut bro you can crouch in VC!!!!

Sorry I linked it before you bro. You can do MSX FM.

I hope we are able to shape our character/s in GTA VI like you are able to do with Arthur Morgan while still guiding them trough the same story, in fact I hope Rockstar utilizes a lot of RDR2, I'm tired of playing as generic, selfish, bank robbers, give me someone like Niko, someone conflicted or better yet let us play as a cop and the criminal, going trough the game seeing things trough both of their eyes.

Lmao not only did they patch it so even on a normal computer at the time it ran fine, even playing 1.0 on a modern system you'd still be able to run it with no issues. Love that "GTA IV runs like shit" still gets parroted by retards that don't own it though.

>no mention of the best theme in the franchise

Now this? This is soul.

Brucie is one of the most likable characters in the series

I was fucking stoked when I ran into brucie in 5

No the aiming is better in vc and you can actually see the map

who is the worst protagonist of the franchise? some probably just pick Trevor without giving it a thought but Claude didn't speak and I can think of some others that were a bore to play as

>the aiming is better in vc
It’s the same auto-aim shit as 3 unless you played on PC.
>he doesn’t know the alleyways and shortcuts of his city by memory
You’ll never make it zoomer.

For me, it's Franklin

Claude helped our bro CJ out by diving on the crazy grenade. Claude's alright.

Trevor, is the worst of the HD era. Tommy would have to be the worst of the 3D era since he’s just a diet Scarface.

>It’s the same auto-aim shit as 3 unless you played on PC.
Except you can switch targets instead of just hoping you get the right one. 3 controls were bad even in 2001


I've though about it and Trevor is still the worst.

>Except you can switch targets instead of just hoping you get the right one.
You could do the same in 3.

You are wrong. Just admit VC was far better

>Just admit VC was far better
If it was, it would’ve revolutionized games like 3, but it didn’t so it’s not.

Are you arguing that RDR, GTA V, and RDR2 didn’t have effort put into them?

RDR counts as its own series tho

GTA and almost every rockstar game have shit tier protagonists, they're all Disney/Pixar-like twist villains "HE WAS THE BIG BAD"
The most memorables villains in the franchise are Tenpenny/Big Smoke and Sonny/Lance

I was the same way until I played SA and got out of los santos

nah m8
CW was the perfect blend of classic GTA and 3D GTA

> Sonny/Lance
Lmao, forgettable as fuck compared to Dimitry and Darko

for me, it's Trevor

>dialogue is actually funny and isn't Hollywood-tier
>still had the series's quintessential SFX

dont reply to this retard hes the kind of retard who likes to use reshade and max the tint and saturation

>>still had the series's quintessential SFX
You will never get this much raw soul in GTA nowadays.


Funny you say that, because that's the point where SA started to go downhill.

>those gun sfx
Why were the gun sound effects in V such a downgrade?

The only "credible" leak said it takes place in Florida and includes the carribian and like a small portion of South America because the story is about drug runners.

Even then it's still years away

i bet californians feel weird now seeing a game set in cali without fat goblins walking around everywhere and no cities of tents with black homeless people who were displaced by the hordes of beaner slaves

Take that back, double nigger

I think It's something related to the state of San Andreas

Pleb numbers. I've beaten IV at least 15 times and V about 7 or 8 times. V sucks compared to IV

Fuuuck, GTA SA gun SFXs sucked ass.

My game doesn't have that crackle when i shoot.


>Pleb numbers. I've beaten IV at least 15 times and V about 7 or 8 times

What is wrong with you?

IV was great for depressive night driving sessions listening to The Journey. The game world had a pulse.

I'm pretty sure you stopped being the same way as soon as you started playing SA.

The game really opened up beyond nigga shit at that point

Dear, John, please, Johnny
Please come home
I need your love and
The kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don't
Hurry back, I'll be gone
Yes, that's what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

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I just hope it's set in the 70's or 80's no modern day shit