What's the most /k/ game?

What's the most /k/ game?

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Probably your mother's vagina. She so desensitized that she can only gain stimulus from firing .22 rounds into her pussy hole.

borderlands unironically

Cataclysm dark days ahead


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I want a gf that's actually legitimately passionate about something, and doesn't just pick up hobbies to get a bf

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This. Ironically.

>those codecs where snake and sigint talk about guns

That gacha game where the guns are cute girls.

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It lacks the ability to customize the guns because it goes for quantity over quality. It is not /k/.

now i know what i'll be playing this week

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Women don’t have hobbies

STALKER and Escape from Tarkov and any shooters with the post soviet aesthetic in general and also ARMA Squad and other milsims probably Insurgency too

H3VR /thread

Is there a mod for SoC/CoP that make the game more tacticool?
I always just end up getting a rifle with a scope and headshoting everything mid-game even on highest difficulty

killing people is nasty

nice armpits and boobs

Not killing those who deserve killing is nastier

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I just want a tacticool shooter with cute school girls

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Front Mission 3

theres STCoP and Arsenal Overhaul other than that im not really sure

Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades
a.ka H3VR

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Forgot the pic.

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girls frontline, can't get more k than that

>Front Mission 3
Which version you recommend? PSX vs PSP

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STALKER. How the fuck is this even a question?

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Why did God make a punishing existence where very pretty big titty women with a sincere fascination and love for firearm technology as a hobby don't exist?

W-why does she need all those guns, Yea Forums?

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Damn dude, that's some serious incel tier thinking.

Maybe have better luck with airsoft and japan, see

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anime girls like guns

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I love my wife Aki!

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>rear sight blocking ejection port
>the barrel of the AK is useless
>Luger barrel is in the gas tube, firing through the front sight/gas block
>all the weight of the AK with none of the benefits

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>tfw a rinky-dink 10/22 would make me king of Japan
If only I could get over there with my 10/22, I could have my own Prefecture.

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>playing merc 762
enjoy crashing every 5 minutes

damn dude that's pretty twisted, reminds me that we live in a SOCIETY

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I completely forget the name (it's some three or four-syllable word) but there's that FPS with randomly generated levels where every single action involving your gun is mapped to a different button and you have to understand how it works and everything.

i LOVE 1903 Springfield!
it's not very good, however

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>she will never hug you and feel those wonderful mounds against you while you pick up the slight scent of booby sweat and Hoppes No. 9

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All the girls I talk to that have hobbies either cook or read books. And that's only about a quarter of women I know, including the older ones. Women very rarely have hobbies. And no, Twitter/Netflix/Facebook aren't hobbies.

My girlfriend had 0 hobbies before she met me, she only played video games to ease her way into my friend group of pasty white gamerboiis to get closer to me.

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None of her guns are real. She's an idol.

either, senpai. It's Front Mission 3.

>chairs rattling

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Girls' Frontline

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You say that now but wait until they're passionate about shoes, makeup, and clothes, then you'll be cursing yourself.

The developer has added alot of joke guns to the game, this is one of them, another is a cardboard desert eagle firing explosions.

With the exception of these, it's gunporn heavy for real. It utilizes the VR controllers magnificently. When using a pistol for example, you can hit the mag release, safety, and even the slide catch with your thumb on the trackpad, but you can also use your offhand to rack the slide and pull the magazine out, etc, and it's all very detailed.

It actually reworked all of the Team Fortress 2 guns to make sense.

>tfw no girlfriend with a strong enough sense of self to have her own hobbies and interests but not also be a hedonistic whore

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looking cute and girls are both antithesis of tactical

It's getting an anime but I heard it's just cute instead of tacticool?
I'd rather just get season 2 of uppotte.

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This is the first I heard about them making an anime. Will probably check it out, thanks.

I wish she was my mom


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I really hope that they do what Cygames does, and use the gacha to fund making real games.

The 0.3% of the female population like that is homosexual.

I wonder what she faps too.

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>No 3D girlfriend who acts like an anime waifu and also takes care of herself

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That's hardcore mode

Disagree, see pic related
I want to make a STALKER like game that happens when WW3 breaks out, and you play as a school girl in a soviet coldwar-esque prestigious academy where they thought girls military tactics since a young age because they were expecting war to break out any day

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that's a tall order m8

Don't bully my wife.


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Probably to a bunch of SOF operators.

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Is it airs-hitter or air-shitter?
Honestly can't tell.


There are none because the people that make game are afraid of guns and therefore have no formal knowledge of them.

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They tried to make a real game but it kept having to be reset, so they're putting it on hold for now.

Prove she's your wife by answering this question: Would you eat her out while she's having her period?

N-no, it can't be true! You're lying!

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>safety is on

Heaven or Hell?

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Without hesitation, yes.

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For some reason having a strong sense of self and the ability to enjoy a hobby is inextricably linked to enjoying titties. Notice how straight women and gay men never have a strong sense of self or strong interests of their own and they don't like titties.

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So she doesn't shoot her tiddies off, I presume

But tiddies are ugly and flat is justice

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Second one.

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There's nothing wrong with my wife owning replicas and airsoft guns.

Netflix is a hobby, it might as well be a Yea Forums girl, just as how Spotify is for Yea Forums.
Sure their tastes may be plebian, but they are legitimate hobbies.

Lame, what a pussy ass cunt.


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bigger tiddies

Sounds kino. Make it, user!

fucks sake why do weebs need to ruin everything with their moe shit

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Improve everything*

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>and they don't like titties
I don't know how common this is, but straight women are actually fairly capable of appreciating titties

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Skip to 7:00

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Anything that doesn't require skill isn't a hobby.

Watching the Office eight times is not the same as actually appreciating and caring about film or television.

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Women are so vain that they see tits as a status symbol

>stamp collecting is not a hobby
It's a lame hobby but it's still a hobby.


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what's the name of those white weapon holders? They looks sorta nice

>I just want to see cute school girls experiencing the horror of war and dying in desperate agony
Why are you like this

Best idol, I love her so much.

Stamp collecting requires a keen eye and knowledge. You don't see stamp collectors just mass buying the same stamp over and over, they collect stamps from all over the world, from every time period possible. They don't just bumble their way into owning a Faroe Island stamp.

I call them meme racks because every single gun on them is a fucking meme

You can "watch only good cinema and collect only good cinema stuff/posters/merch" then.

It's a kind of bittersweet, mixing cute and tragic

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What's a non-meme gun?

He doesn't know by definition, it's a gun no one has ever heard of or used

>self inserting as anime girls
The amount of QT girls filling their NEET cave with guns is pitiably small.

Are you kidding? The amount of games with firearms is astounding

If that's what they do, then fair enough. But what percentage of women do that vs just listening to recommendations from the internet/Netflix/fellow "cool wine aunts"?

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>M1 Garand, Browning Hi-Power, and G3 are meme guns

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You have the best possible taste.

But so is watching movies and listening to music.
After some time of watching and listening, one tends to see the importance of framing, the beauty of long takes, etc.
Or one may develop audiation from listening to music and then get into making music as well.

One that's not popularized through media enough to become an icon and realistically and to actually have played a large role during the time period

If women do that then it becomes a hobby.
Just watching The Office on Netflix or GoT isn't a hobby, just listening to Top 40 playlist on Spotify isn't a hobby. Skill and knowledge that takes dedication to acquire is the differentiator.

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And so you too.

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G3 is a meme gun, and it's at the forefront of the image like all the other meme guns

What percentage of GAYMURRRS play anything beyond surface level hypebeast trash?

I imagine it's a similar cut.

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all i want is a live in slave position licking her tummy on command

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Even if they do only play surface level trash, that still requires skill. Have you ever seen someone who has never played a video game try to pick up Mario Kart, Call of Duty, or other such entry level games?

She might not be popular enough to realistically stand a chance at winning the Cinderella Election basically ever, but she will always have my heart.

>No brigade E5, High Caliber and Marauder
>The most slavshit broken weapon simulators of all

It isn't a valuable skill though. I don't value a person more because they can become passably good at shit like CoD. It wouldn't make a woman a better person to be good at CoD, would it?

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cringe. go to any real gun owner with this shit and they'll call you a faggot and tell you to get off their range.

i've heard people guessing that the cute part is legitimately a smokescreen for an actual serious adaption

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> Yea Forumsirgins and /k/ikes absolutely BTFO
How can they recover?

valuable means nothing for a hobby. that's why it's called a hobby.

Who is she?

the truth is "incel" now that's weird

>you think it's better to use your whole body to lift a heavy weight rather than bending down and just using your arms? lmao incel
>you think drinking a gallon of bleach will kill you? lmao incel
>you think the sky is blue? lmao incel, btw *some smart-ass bullshit about how the sky isn't -really- blue and how it's just your eyes or something*
>you think it's wrong to kill someone because they voted for a political candidate I didn't like? lmao ince - oh wait people actually DO say this one

Then why are you trying to gatekeep women while making excuses for fucking STAMP COLLECTING, dude?

I'm a real gun owner and I don't see anything wrong with those posts


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You're a real FAGGOT

well im the realist REAL gun owner and i do :^)

spotted the tumblrina. he's right, stamp collecting is more of a skill than female shit like playing candy crush or watching netflix. posting on Yea Forums isn't a hobby either and even that requires more effort than netflix.


My wife Aki Yamato from im@s.

tl;dr faggots confirmed mentally ill

That's rare, and it doesn't just apply to women. I know the whole NPC this is played out but it confuses the hell out of me how many people I talk to that don't have a passion for something and just follow whatever is currently popular, and even then the only have a surface level engagement with it.

She's a nice idol but I want a girl with proper trigger discipline

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STALKER. Absolutely no contest.
Nah. It's got a lot of guns but there's more to being /k/ than just liking weaponry.

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Sergeant Major Mike R. Vining

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critical BTFO

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the level of ethics in this webm is deplorable

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This is what pisses me off
It's not like the Japanese are allergic to tacticool. Look at GITS and their airsoft obession.
However gamedevs have ZERO tacticool sense
Characters can be moe but gameplay should be a fun tight FPS not senranshit

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Why are Israeli guns so good?

A shame about the flat ass though.

The anime's just going to be chibi M16 and 404 squads

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>play Hideous Destructor
>fully reload shotgun
>pump it to load a shell
>i now have a spot to insert another shell
Has it always been like this? Is this what everyone’s supposed to do with shotguns? If so that’s bigger than finding out silencers don’t really “silence”


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i bet this sounded clever in your mind

I've been posting for years that I wish some nip dev would release a Battlefield clone except make all the players cute anime girls. It'd be a hit.

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I see nothing wrong with that.

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>I'd rather just get season 2 of uppotte.
It makes me salty that this gacha trash gained more traction than upotte.

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Delete this, I hate it so much, why can't we get STALKER with cute high school girls instead of this garbage

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Sounds like you want a boyfriend, bro. Men and women are not the same.

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it wont save its losing margins

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you didnt have to go full super sayian but im glad you did

this /k/unt made SOP

some guy on /gfg/ owns a KRISS VECTOR
others own handguns and raifus

BGP user, is the Vita version worth importing? I sold away my PS4 following snoy's new policies hence why I'm asking.

Go play Battlefield: Vagina. It already has girls in it and is garbage. Just like an anime shooter would be.
Cute girls have their place. A serious FPS is not one of them.

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13

Shut up fag, go to your twitter outrage threads

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Just ignore the faggot dissing anime, they don't browse /k/ or they would know the board has a sizeable anime community which even include vets.

What do you think about the shooting elements of bgp? I don't play many shooters and am wondering if it's something I can enjoy casually.

Dilate, triggered tranny.


I heard it has performance issues. I've never played it myself, but I have a hacked Vita so I might try it one day.

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Choke on a million dicks, nogunz waifufaggot.

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anime website newfag

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This so much. I watched The Office when it aired like a decade ago and it was ok. Got my gf and she was watching through it and I went along because I hadn't seen it in a while. It's still ok. She then proceeded to watch the entirety of it 4 more times in the rest of the year.

Thanks, will give it a try while praying the issues are not too crippling.

It's really basic, and there are also melee/magic options in Phantasia.

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This game fucking sucks.

Some people would disagree.

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btw, is this an actual costume or is this somehow modded?

what the fuck is that?

Firearm manufacturers are starting to take part in the meme economy

I don't have an issue with anime. I have an issue with obsessed homolords like you who want to
shove their waifus where they do not belong.

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3D is legitimately not as good as 2D though. I tried.

It's been getting better financially though?

It's a glitch you can only do with a few characters.
Normally they are covered in smoke after destroying their clothes like the player character in:

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In terms of guns this is not true.


That's kinda disappointing.
How do you trigger this glitch?

Realistically, what kind of damage would the kickback on a weapon like this do to a girl like that?

Nah, cute girls belong everywhere
Please deal with you homoerotisism on reddit

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I'm talking about women numbnuts. 3D Women don't have perfectly shaped tits, their tummies aren't smooth and soft, they smell bad a lot, they never stop talking about retarded shit on their phones.

>waifufag telling others to go back to *eddit
That's rich. Kill yourself.


That fucked up ak luger is a real gun

she probably wouldnt be able to hold it like that since its backheavy
firing it would instantly knock her over backwards

>Calling all cute girls "waifus"
Okay fag

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Post some fucking h3vr webm's
Mine suck I'm never recording when good stuff happens

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lmao the fuck are you smoking?

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The two cutest girls I know have only ever been passionate about dressing up as cosplay whores.

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I have no clue about /k/ "culture" so might be completely off-base, but I believe receiver has the best simulated gun. The entire game is basically learning how to use it properly using the akward controls.

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/k/ culture is eating semen cookies

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deer wife

>It's been getting better financially though?
Even no name crap like chinkboat shit doing better both financially and popularity than chink gun shit heh

those /k/ faggots are fucking annoying with their gun crap mobile game, thank god mods already banned them from Yea Forums, fucking weeaboo retards

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Feels good man.

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There are a few stages with 2 boss girls. You have to go in with a buddy, destroy her clothes, destroy your clothes, destroy the first boss's clothes, then destroying the final boss girl's clothes will trigger the glitch.

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Now if only the /k/ mods would stop being pussy faggots and ban them, too.


Other fags riding the hype train aside, this is a little too long and a bit of a stretch like your mom's pussy.

spending money on stuff isn't a "passion" so it's not even worth mentioning.
If a woman made shoes herself, made clothing that would be pretty legit. Makeup is meh, but the skill cap is a wide river so I could see it being okay.


Top kek.

>obesity and trashy lifestyles have made girls with flat tum tums and stacked boobs among the 1%
It's just not fair.