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Other urls found in this thread:

oh god why are they so long
the whole point of the outfit was to have them all pushed up like those german beer maidens


Her face looks awful now, she looks like a crackwhore

Overrated, Nisha best girl

she isn't a crackwhore?

a man of supreme taste

Show us one before they fixed her

She looks fine to me for an old ass bitch

her girl parts are broken anyway. it don't matter, none of this matters.

Moxxi is like what? 50? 60?

Nah just the product of insest


I'd bottle her milkies if you know what I mean


Knowing gearbox I guarantee you that will turn out to be a tranny in the story of the game, it's already obvious from that face.

It’s either that or she was giving birth and raising kids for hillbillies as soon as she hit puberty


Moxxi's given birth at least twice.

god that's hot

lmao handsome jack with tits

It looks fucking SAME! They didn't fix her, you mongol!

tits look smaller, time to round up the boys

So who are you playing?

>hasn't even fucking played the game

why don't you just go kill yourself and stop replying to shit you're fucking stupid about. in whatever order you want

Idk, they honestly all look solid. Probably muscle-grill with asura arms, or beast lad.
Remember boys you need a backup if youre playing online

Moze probably, but like most other people I got almost a year to make that decision

Agreed but she dead tho.

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Says the loser incel.

Gearbox writers dont' give a single shit about lore, they will change anything and everything to virtue signal.

You mother fuckers have way too much faith in the amazing randy

She always did user, it was pretty clear that under the heavy makeup was a beaten up trashy hoe

Head looks too big or the body seems really thin.

She has a manface, dude, but I guess women who are actually males is the sort of shit a Borderlands fan would be into.

why is her head so fucking big?

Probably Fl4k. If not Zane.
She's also 18-20 years old now. That's still underage in Pandora.

She looks used up I know it’s been 10 years since BL2 but still

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Maybe it's just perspective, but she looks much better than in first trailers here.

>he preordered

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imagine the blowjobs of giant mutant cock

There was a picture replacing her face with Jack's but I couldn't find it.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Still looks more like Jack than her previous face. Also whole head too big and whole tits too small.

No, says her own son; Lucky plowed her into a disgusting mess.

Holy shit it's the same fucking ugly face with the same elephant jaw.
Also reminds me of that one fat pink-haired pig on wheels from whatever this new game name is.

Attached: WCCFborderlands37.jpg (740x429, 139K)

>There was a picture replacing her face with Jack's
You mean this isnt it? lol


>still looks more like Jack than her previous face
You're delusional or never played the games.

She does.

Attached: img19.jpg (3300x2550, 1007K)

>never played a BL game

Should I, lads?

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confirmed not in the game waifufag

didn’t they say something about Gaige not being an NPC in the main game?

Tina's actually kind of cute looking now

Gearbox might be a bunch of hypocrites but Moxxi is a baby factory through and through, man.

>Actually playing this garbage
Do the world a service and kill yourself


Literally taking Louise's design.

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i’m gonna play this game and you can cry me a damn river, then you can build a bridge so you can get over it

>Ok, I won't tell anyone that the slutty clown is actually a slutty mechanic
I really wish she wasn't dead.

I'm going to pre-order it just to spite you.

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Oink oink fucking annoying cunt

yea how dare people play video games right on bro!

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Reported to ethics department

Zane for teleporting

Moxxi a cute

bruh look at this dood

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What the fuck happened to her face?

she looks like a gnome from wow

dude she literally pushes out kids like its going out of style. go shill for your tranny fantasies somewhere else

she hit the wall

She looks ugly af but that's appropriate because even as a kid she looked like some fucked up meth addict and any faggot that says otherwise is either delusional or didn't play the game.

>That's still underage in Pandora.
In Pandora underage is only if it doesn't have a heartbeat yet.

Punch girl or mech girl. Spy dude if he especially interests me. My dad's probably gonna play the animal summoner dude, so I'm gonna pick someone else

Have you literally even played the other games? Her face is the same in all, shes a clown who fucks everyone



uh yeah dude, like thousands and thousands

It's extremely generic, literally diablo with guns

If you have friends?
If you don't?
Absolutely not.

Wonder if she will still have the *lazy eye* glitch


What are you implying?
Trans don't give birth?

Why do I think "Tank Girl" when I look at her?

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I think there's an exploit where you can get the first Borderlands game on Steam for free. I forget what the process was but for whatever reason it was never fixed.

If you really want to I'd suggest pirating it
don't support that raging retard, Randy

Thanks for reminding of this obnoxious shit. Man, FUCK THE 90s.

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Gearbox aren't known for their originality. Borderlands does take some Tank Girl influences.

>Organized Hyperion
>Employed millions of people
>Forced a gay woman to kill a gay couple and then killed her and her wife anyways
>Loving, attentive father
>Decides to kill you himself after you kill his daughter
>Only went crazy because of worst girl
>Had his abusive grandmother cut up and stored in garbagebags
>Killed the beast from BL1 singlehandedly with no help
>Fucked Moxxi, The Sheriff, Lilith, probably would have banged Maya as well
>Killed Tiny Tina's parents in front of her
>Routinely murders millions of bandits and psychos who now overrun multiple worlds in his absence

Why are we supposed to hate this guy again?

Attached: HandsomeJack_033115_1280-1427847939334_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Yellow is a terrible signature color


Well not her face. She answered the call and got Bogg'd pilled

Because his guns all had the sway gimmick

That's kind of hot

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we're SUPPOSED to hate him?

So? The shotguns and sniper rifles were neat.

How big did they make her dick?

She's really old.

How long does this take place after borderland 2

Her face looks busted

Tits got smaller.

Has Randy been arrested yet?

She dead. Maya and Zer0 are the only surviving BL2 hunters.

The fuck's wrong with her face?

In my bed, sleeping peacefully after we made sweet sweet love

Why is her mouth concaved?

She looks like the lady from Strangers With Candy

her eyes are fucked up and her face is more masculine in the jaw with deeper nose shadow

Attached: Borderlands_2010-02-25_18-25-26-79.png (1920x1060, 1.99M)

why are you in a bl3 thread?

not unless you pirate

>Only went crazy because of worst girl
Well, he did burn down Moxxi's Underdome because she dumped him, so yeah, this is true.

I feel like Moxxi is the only one that bathes and thats why shes the best girl ever in the game because she bathes and shes hot?

no, the gunplay is so boring.

Headshape looks less stretched here and the mouth isn't being swallowed by her face.

That would suck if it's true.
Gaige as stupidly fun to play.

Digital copies of the TPS cast's brains were uploaded into Claptrap. They're still in there. And so is Shadow Trap.

she was never hot

She fucked almost every main character user, she’s a roastie

So you're saying there's still hope...?

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That was AFTER her and Lilith fucked him up

>that massive tranny manjaw

Just preordered after reading this

New artstyle is just weird, dunno why they changed it

Fucking hell, she got even uglier.

No, that was well before it.

This game is cringe and so are you if you plan to buy it.

>"Guns with legs"

Cringe. Need I say more?

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A part of me just wants to have a completely blank slate character, no quips, or background, just someone who silently murders everything the way I do in my own head.

I'm conflicted. I hate Gearbox and Randy Pitchford with ever fiber of my being.

Yet I've also spent hours in Borderlands. The soundtrack, the characters, boss fights, the hours of content, and unique missions. But my contempt for Randy really tempts me not to buy the next game out of spite.

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edgy and cringy


What's up with her nigger facial structure?

play doom

She is an albino nigger.

it's more about measuring the distance from the nose to lips to chin
there is clearly more distance from the lips to chin on new moxxi making it look like a tranny jaw
in the image you posted the girl on top looks fine because it is equidistant from nose to lips to jaw

Attempted a fix.

Attached: 1CB769F8-1874-453A-90C0-E35439E2B56C.png (1080x832, 1.15M)

Moxxi has a fat fucking futa cock.

You should try DUSK.
But yeah, I understand what you mean.

she didn't look that bad before, just look at

Now make her tits bigger.


I already did

Maybe even some character creation, I'm aware how stupid that is in a FPS but so are static characters.

trannies almost always seem to have baby dicks which is why they abandon the notion of ever being a real man

Now fix the face or undo your work.

Friendly reminder this game will almost assuredly have a tranny character in it

how can people play the boredlands games?
I remember as a kid when I got BL1 for christmas, I was super excited to play it, I played it for like 4 hours and never touched it again
Now decades later I bought the handsome collection and tried to play BL2, I have 11 hours clocked in, I've attempted to play the game 5 times, 2 times solo and 3 times with friends
It's so incredibly fucking boring, there's more traversal than shooting, the shooting feels like ass, guns don't have enough kick to them, enemies are spongey as fuck, the only times I enjoyed the game was fighting Captain Flynt on all those attempts to start playing the game seriously

It's just fucking impossible to go forward, you go to town, meet different NPC's there, you're given 10 different boring missions that don't feel rewarding in the least, it feels like you're not making any progress
I mean, the game has everything I love, FPS co-op shooter-looter with character progression, branching builds etc. I should be loving this game to death, yet I fall asleep after 2 hours of the running from point A to B and having boring bullet sponge shooting galleries inbetween.
Explain to me, what's the fuck is up

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I hope this time we actually get interesting characters and not an "everyone gotta talk about their ex so you know they are gay!" like the last one.


Does anyone have that picture of Fiona possessed by AI Nisha?

Moxxi needs big tits. Why? So I can drop a fucking turd between them!

Prolly the robot dude. I don't plan on getting it until the version with all the DLC comes out so if they maybe make DLC characters haha as if they wouldn't that might change.

literally who?

Attached: EMBIGGEN.png (1080x832, 1.28M)

Keep going.

Yeah, but even bigger.

>her face is more masculine

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She looks good ? I don't understand the problem, I guess steam tard cope

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>Oh, he looted?

God daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm what the fuck did you do cuck box? she looks like shit! I'm not buying this LOL

Way better no contest!

I think she's just old and worn out now. Could be a timeline thing.

>BL for Christmas

Borderlands is ten years old.


Attached: RAWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Ummmm, trans people can give birth, please delete this post.

Trannies are sin incarnate

>trans people can give birth

Attached: xcx.jpg (740x740, 735K)

Already fixed the face.

i fucking love that the CEO of this goddamn company can be caught with borderline CP and be in the middle of multiple lawsuits and everyone is still excited because muh borderlands 2 was alright!!!

fucking hell I did an IRL double take well fucking done

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Look at the jaw. I didn’t do that. I only shortened the chin which in fact makes the jaw appear more flat like the top picture. Grow some eyes you blind speed.

Randy Pitchford fucking up left, right and center is more entertaining than BL3 will be.


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Even Burch admitted he did her dirty. I really want some bullshit to happen where she’s back somehow.

I've also tried to get into the Bordlerlands series and failed to get interested in it every time. 5 or 6 hours into the first one and I tried the second 2 or 3 times, always stopping after 5 or so hours. The world just seems so empty, it's almost like an empty MMO feel it has.

>Implying this isn't a thing now
Didn't watch the Democratic debates in america?

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I think he meant trans male.

no they're boring as fuck with terrible writing
if you were autistic in 2008 you would have loved it, otherwise it is not worth bothering with

This is really problematic.

Why not both?

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Post your face

Ummmm trans female can have abortions too, please delete this post.

>trans female can have abortions too

Attached: 2f7.png (740x740, 810K)

Yea Forums always coming through.

>moxxi meant to be weird sexy circus woman
>give her beady eyes, a mammoth jaw, and b cup tits.

Tranny rights!
>Woops and cheers
Literally what is the point of politics anymore

And it's beautiful you bigot

It's like MMO grind and quests, but none of the community.

>And it's beautiful

Attached: 4ac.jpg (621x621, 77K)


To prop up the disenfranchised until and even more degenerate minority can be found

Hello, me

she should look more like this

Attached: 7aa73a2fba8ca571895c18d088d212c1.jpg (640x796, 278K)

>It's like MMO grind and quests, but none of the community.

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Jesus christ talk about too much going on with that outfit.

The point of politics is for politicians to pander to different social beliefs so that they can get away with passing bad economic policies for corporations. Any politician whose main selling point is something to do with social politics cannot be trusted.

That's not a good thing, bro. It's all tedium. There's no reason to play any MMO if you don't at least like the people.

She looks like a teenage Vi.

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Fuck off with that gay shit

Overdesinging characters is the new style because artists working in the games industry are hacks that never learned real design theory.

that's a girl btw

have a stroke sometime, retard

If you're below the age of 14 then yes, otherwise don't touch it cause the gameplay is average at best, artstyle progressively got harder to just look at and the writing overall will make you want a shotgun enema.

You'd really want to play kill 10 of this animal and return to quest marker for a shitty reward that's going to be phased out in the very next quest?

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Also neat Learn to liquify better


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Anyone has that mod for BL2 that makes Tina not have a granny face?

Goddamn. You have my pity.

that's insulting to diablo

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It’s unrelated to this thread but I seriously wonder what’s wrong with people who claim to enjoy grinding.

You really wanna sit and waste time with something unengaging and repetitive? Instead of playing something competitive and fun? I don’t get it.

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No matter how many smiling faces you post, that's pathetic my dude. You are the perfect rube for this low effort carrot and stick gameplay.

Now post the muscle girl.

Not really my problem, just curious and wondering.

Take care of her Axton

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He thinks he’s “trolling”

Literally replied the second I did, he’s hovering over his macro folder. I don’t get it.

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He dead too. They all dead except for the plot-protected Siren and the boring Snake Eyes rip-off.

Remember when Axton's dialogue was bugged and they made him gay instead of fixing it, haha remember?

Attached: RAWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.jpg (1128x936, 120K)

Remember how they forgot Mordecai's bird was a boy and called her a girl, then made up shit about how the bird's species switches genders instead of admitting to a dialogue error.

Did anyone ever actually like Tina? I never found her funny or endearing.

Bro Moxxi is like 50 now. That's the regular placement of breasts on 20 year old women



A very girly laugh came out of me. Don't ask me why. I'm not even questioning it.

Do women also grow an inch to their jaw, have the bridge of their nose grow out, and have their eyes shrink by a third as they age?

Anthony Burch nepotism.

Dragon Keep is the best DLC of BL2

Ashly needs to eat, bros.

Attached: 2265977-18.jpg (426x640, 24K)

Remember when the writer for Torgue said that torgue represented toxic masculinity and that's why he made hi ma hardcore feminist in the dlcs?

My friends like Tina but my friends are bad at everything they play and literally fall asleep in-game, so take from that what you will.

If anything, Torgue's most likely not coming back for BL3.

Get that autism, checked user.
It's a video game made 7 years after the other video game

>don’t expect consistency from games.
I guess that makes sense considering the inconsistent writing other anons have mentioned.

Remember when the writers said the motivations for ellie was to create a character to represent beautiful fat people?

>they removed the eye bags to stop the loli shit

holy shit what is going on at gearbox?

I guess Randy really does like his girls barely legal.

And had they not been forced to kill off Scooter, she would have never been needed to appear again. It's either her or the Aussie lesbian, after all.

The only thing you should remember that you're Anthony 'cuck' Burch

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>we will never get back the dry humor of bl1
>anthony burch has permanently shifted the tone of the series
I will forever grieve it.

BL1's DLC was what shifted the tone permanently.

>Red health bar enemies are resistant to fire for reasons
>Teleporting enemies up the ass so melee is extremely unviable
>Stun mechanics in a fps
>Eternal skeltors
>Crystal skeletons being highly resistant to all damage types and reflecting bullets
>Shit bosses (bar handsome sorcerer)
>Story is literally a cliff notes version of main story BUT WITH MORE EPIC GAMER REFERENCES
>raid boss is a cluster fuck and bugged
>Only real good loot was two shields and the omen
It was bad. Only worse dlc is Hammerlock's.

you and everyone else that expects anything from borderlands or gearbox are military grade retards, so yes it makes sense

Remember when they got really excited about gay characters in the pre sequel and the first new character you meet is a freebleeding dyke that wants to suck the shit out of your ass if you're playing the "canon" character?

>Chain Lightning, Magic Missile and Swordplosion are bad

As opposed to?

I disagree, even though the last 2 dlcs were very different they are nothing like the writing of BL2.

that sounds based

Attached: epic.png (1280x432, 280K)

Don't be a pussy. Bigger.

So how was that fucking shitty BL2 free DLC where Lilith gets center stage? Does it cover the fact that she's a literal crackwhore for eridium or does that just get swept under the rug like it did in the main story?

>Buying a gearbox game in the current year
BL was always shit to begin with.
This doesn't count, every game is good with friends.

brick is the reason why i played bl1 for as long as i have fuck that shit taste

id hate fuck the shit out of this e-thot. going to burst her implants with this dick thats pencil sharp

Swordplosion is trash tier

Brick does call her out for nearly killing Athena, but for the most part, no.

The real sickening part is that the DLC essentially is a great big "Fuck You" to Tales from the Borderlands.

Is this supposed to be hot?

The only sources of this sickness that I can think of are either yellow fever or a pinch of pedophilia. Strong European jaws are aesthetic as fuck.

If all you want from games is quest markers and killing 10 skaggs before receiving another quest to kill 15 skaggs, you are very, very easy to please.

I like Zane and Fl4k design-wise, but my go to are always gunners, so probably Moze.

Strong jaws are hot. Long fat elephant jaws aren’t.

The fact that there's literally a self-insert numale should let you know all you need to know about the new game

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yes, I am 25 years old

I'm still shocked that somehow Gearbox isn't universally despised enough that people are actually looking forward to BL3.

the quests are just excuses to shoot enemies
why would i want anything else

Not him but I just play these games solo while listening to podcasts. It's comfy.

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Athena is already dead after being paired up with an annoying, clingy dyke who won't stop stalking women, but fuck Lilith for that anyways.

Fuck you user, you don't recognize Vaughn? Nigger.

>Brick and Mordecai

Supremely shit taste, holy fucking shit.

Looks better

You shouldn't. Gearbox stripped away all of his character and accomplishments from Tales and turned him into Claptrap 2.0.

Chain lightning is only good because the grog is good. I will admit I forgot about magic missile and the swordsplosion was GOAT torgue shotgun.

Oh he's from the Telltale abortion? How about you fuck of you zoomer cunt.

Well fucking kill me then.

Dang, what is this, CY-5? Do they actually want my money again or something? It's really not hard to pry open my wallet if they just stop listening to toothless journalists.

bricks actions kill is dogshit and mordecai's skills are just
>do you have a sniper or a pistol?well now they one shot every enemy

>Vaughn in BL2

It's like they tried to emulate Birch instead of the people who wrote Vaughn in the first place, and failed both. They somehow made him even more obnoxious than Claptrap.

>Calling someone a zoomer in a hype thread for BADASSLANDS 3

I don't care if it's still a EGS exclusive, if Lillith gets the bullet they get my money

Brick's synergy with rockets is fucking incredible, as they also increase grenade damage, and through a glitch that persists in the Remaster, you can go full plaid speed while punching everything to death at the speed of light.

Mordecai has you kill people with Bloodwing and a fantastic skill tree that's less about OHKO sniping and more about filling the retard in front of you with as many pistol bullets as you can fire out.

Not my fault you carebare your way through all of the safe skill trees without doing the slightest bit of experimenting.

I bet you main Lilith and Maya only

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Launchers normally suck ass in BL games, but the BL1 remaster gives Brick the Hive Mind which blows the game's balance to bits.

No, she's the same style of Reddit humor as Craptrap.

So you're saying they took Sasha's view of the story and ran with it thinking that was his actual characterization?

Sirens are always fun

Yes, which is why I specify the Remaster. Original 1 would have water where the only neat thing you can do with him is the speed glitch, but Remaster keeps that and improves the rest of his trees and interactions with weapons.

>actually being a zoomer defending self-insert numales

Attached: CuHtNgEVMAEUyyp.jpg (901x1200, 141K)

Is Tina confirmed to be a lesbian?
Seems like it should go without saying at this point but I just wanted to be sure.

Not even. I'm expecting Gearbox to have killed off Sasha and Fiona.

Haven't played it. Sounds like they fucked his character up. Also sounds like you should fucking kill yourself if you think you're a fucking boomer while still liking Borderlands.

>Long fat elephant jaws aren’t.
Please post irl examples, preferably female examples.

I mean like this.

>mordecais pistol tree is op
literally just said that
>Brick's synergy with rockets is fucking incredible
>Not my fault you carebare your way through all of the safe skill trees without doing the slightest bit of experimenting.
in what universe does boring=bad
borderlands 1 is literally the worse game you could advocate for experimenting. Most of the skills are overpowered and basic as fuck

>Being a zoomer and getting butthurt about a numale character

Attached: C9EnxGwXoAAUhUZ.jpg (656x874, 87K)

Except Mord's pistol tree isn't about one shotting you fucking goober.
>borderlands 1 is literally the worse game you could advocate for experimenting
You know what? I'll concede this. You got me there.

>Killed the beast from BL1 singlehandedly with no help
Hey wait a second. Something doesn't sound quite right. You sure you're not Handsome Jack?

2-5 years

I'm just gonna ignore your retardation, but why that fucking edit? Randy literally looks like the most pathetic piece of shit possible even without the haircut and pink eyes.

Isn't she supposed to be one

Bruce willis’ Daughter is the first that came to mind

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Oops forgot image

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I want to be against this but really.. I know what you're saying, it does feel.. liniar, however I find the choice of weapons and gunplay really fun.

Also, Handsome Jack, story is just nice if you pay attention.

Also this, hit the nail on the head.
Then again I have spent most of my youth mindlessly farming in Lineage2 just to play one or 2 sieges and fail them. Could never really commit, never really let go.

Maybe this game is for rejects like myself, eh?

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>Reduce the tits.
>Keep the cicus bimbo outfit and make-up.

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>Gaige, Krieg and Nisha as Dumb

bro this is some outrageously bad taste

Meanwhile, square, sharp jaws are attractive because they don’t look like they were replaced with a cinderblock.

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Would borderlands have been better if it took itself more serious?

Did they fix the thing where characters go on and on to rub the same joke in your face over and over repeatedly repeat the same fucking thing and maybe GET LOUD! for emphasis? Because that's the worst part about this shit. Handsome Jack's only so good because his banter's quick, and the lines aren't just the same joke over and over.


oh great another good character redesigned by tranys.

Absolutely not, we have enough dark and gritty post apocalypse things like Mad Max.

Fuck no the meme shit while I hate it is way better than muh dark and edgy Apocalypse

it's true though. i played borderlands 1, 2 and presequal and all of it was pretty boring after the first completion of the game. i imagine all of the fun factors kicks in when you are playing with friends

>we have enough dark and gritty post apocalypse things like Mad Max.
Shit opinion

borderlands 1 had a really nice balance

god i fucking love borderlands 1 and i'm eternally butthurt that brick isn't playable in any other game

Eat dick DCfag.


Shadow trap already sacrifice himself in last second to reboot Clap trap

>Generic waifu no 999
Is that from lol? not to say that tina looks any better they barely kept any of its original design.

how can we meme borderlands 3 into being as big a failure as battleborn?

You are one triggered zoomer

Borderlands has a good brand name reputation with the majority of people who play video games and Yea Forums doesn't have anywhere near the amount of influence you want it to, so no.

Holly shit kill that shit with fire.

I'm going to be honest.
The memeshit in borderland 2 was way too much.
Not enough dark humor in the game

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Sounds like Fallout is more your game. Enjoy your Toddshit.

all the best failed games did it on their own
mass effect andromeda, tortanic, battleborn, new man's sky, anthem
if it's truly a failure, it'll do it on its own while we meme and watch

No, but it might have benefited from being more a black comedy than referential.

I noticed you gave her a rib cage. I’ll have you know not all women have rib cages, and that this is very offensive.

>as a kid when I got BL1

Since she is Scooter (rip) mom, how old is Moxxy?

how the fuck do they fuck up a cartoon/vidya character? this new moxxi looks nothing like the real moxxi:
why do all these nu-BL characters look like angry mentally ill trans men?

also, borderlands 2 was shit, borderlands 1 > borderlands pre sequel > borderlands 2. borderlands 2 was absolute shit tier balanace, shit tier story, shit tier humor, shit tier classes, shit tier zones. tiny tina is literally e-celeb cancer weird pedo-bait put in by the pedo cuck randy pitchford.

I feel bad for the american fags, in my country, all the cast is returning, and it was only some kino voice actors;
i'm french.

Did you fuck your the tier order? This is correct if you flip it.

Shit opinion

Handsome Jack was the only reason to ever keep the dialogue in english, and since he's not gonna be in 3 I'm switching that shit to something else on the first run.
It sure as shit isn't going to be the faggy ass French though, your language sucks as much dick as you do.

>Shit opinion
>Shit opinion

refute it. borderlands 2 is shit. it took a possibly good new IP, borderlands, and turned it into reddit meme cancer shit with no balance and cringey cancerous memes. added gay characters, add trans characters, added niggers, added cuck relationship back stories for almost every character, ruined the world of pandora by adding frozen zones, flowers, and gay ass 'bullymongs'. added item level scaling that makes the game shit, full of fetch quests. the DLC is all shit. the 'raid bosses' were a horrible idea. the legendaries-tied-to-bosses was stupid. its just shit all around. borderlands 2 is shit. borderlands 1 and even the presequel are infinitely better. if you prefer borderlands 2 u r literally a red.dit faggot.

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>vaughn got fucked
Let's hope loader bot, Rhys and the other tales characters are safe.

Handsome jack in french literally was kino, same for most characters.

Fl4k has the best design but I still need to see if the pets are going to be useful in any way, shape or form. If they aren't then Moze seems like a knockout

>I'm a zoomer

>no balance
>added item level scaling that makes the game shit
see this is how i know youre fucking terrible
melting down bosses with guns 10 levels below them and random ass builds isn't good balance buddy.
every character can streamroll UVHM no exception

Her face actually looks like she isn't a horrifying goblin in this still, well-done

Her face looks like a nigger

>that sag


Absolutely not
Nothing about Borderlands is dramatically interesting. While the humor occasionally goes over the mark and becomes grating, it's at least easier to swallow than a boring story that expects you to take a world that only exists to facilitate the loot-driven gameplay seriously


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>melting down bosses with guns 10 levels below them and random ass builds isn't good balance buddy.

green guns out damaging legendaries in 3-4 levels is stupid. every character having to use specs revolving around the Bee and conference call is stupid. borderlands 1 allowed you to play any class, any spec, and use any gun, and have fun. borderlands 2 pigeonholed all classes into certain specs and certain guns. borderlands 2 balance is absolute shit.

>Why does the game that's never taken itself seriously, not take itself seriously!?

>>Why does the game that's never taken itself seriously, not take itself seriously!?

the first game had a good sense of humor that fit the garbage dump, mildy post apocalyptic world of Pandora. the second games humor went full redit shit with cuck jokes, "relationship" jokes, childish jokes, and all around cancer that doesnt fit the world or story. borderlands 3 is probably gonna be even worse.

>use specs revolving around the Bee and conference call is stupid.
thats only the case if you are fighting the new meme boss from the new free dlc
unless you are playing OP levels or trying to solo raid bosses you dont have to use min max builds
really as long as you are using a weapon type that synergizes with your class you are fine

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Fucking "MUH MOMMY MAMARY" fags are disgusting. DFC is the only truth.

>gaigefags come out of the woodwork to argue that their aim at the floor girlfriend mode character isn't dogshit

giving everyone enough talent points to max out 2 1/2 of the 3 trees didnt help matters any

I like her hair.

Could always just pirate it.

this, save yourself the trouble

>Gaige isn't in 3
Uhhhhhhhhhh hard pass

I would actually believe Tina is an albino nigger.

Jack has been the hero of BL since he was introduced
Shame he ded, I'd love to see a revival retcon

bye faggot, maybe you should learn to aim somewhere else


absolutely based.

>Shame he ded, I'd love to see a revival retcon

easily doable if gearbox was smart, just claim theres a younger copy found in a new u storage database from before he was 'perma killed'. give the character some amnesia from not being an up to date copy, who finds out what happened to himself, and then h e becomes even angrier and crazier

>Borderlands 2 sensitivity at the lowest even with 800 DPI is ridiculously high
>have to use a fucking cheat engine to make the sensitivity bearable
How can one developer be so incompetent.

works on my machine :^)

somethings either broken or you are low-sens tryharding too much. half the guns dont shoot straight to begin with so you dont need super slow mouse aim skillz

anyone else's bl2 keep crashing on new hardware, pretty much unplayable for me.

What was "wrong" with her in the first place?
I didn't really bother to keep up with the game because I figured is was just gonna be Borderlands 1.75

>anyone else's bl2 keep crashing on new hardware, pretty much unplayable for me.

only in certain zones for me, on my old pc when teh game came out, and my new giga pc when i wanted to do a replay recently, googled it. its a problem with the game.
meanwhile, borderlands 1 has never crashed for me in the 500 + hours i have on it over 4 different PCs lol.

>she\s dead though
You don't even have to ever go to Lynchwood to complete the game. That shit can be retconned no problem.


Dude, one full swipe is 480. That's fucking WACK.

i cant do the new raid boss because of it, which sucks, but it doesnt really matter.

Any gun that isn't an Unkempt Harold is bad.

>Claptraps new VA

I never hated him before this.

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>>Claptraps new VA

wow, what, didnt hear about this, thats like changing the c3p0 from anthony daniels.

no jack, no claptrap? yikes

Aaaand it instantly looks better.

>Loving, attentive father
>Sticks his daughter into a machine that injects iridium into her causing horrible pain and forces her to aid in his slaughter of an entire planet
>She kills herself because of how shit it was
Yeah great father.

And that's a good thing!

why does she look so much like Anthony Burch?

Before I even play BL3 once, I am going to mod out every single line of Tiny Tina, Lilith, and Claptrap's dialogue.

You do understand that what the first user was talking about is still attainable with saggy titties
That’s part of the idea of a push-up bra. You slam those fuckers up and together. The longer the tit is the more area you have to work with when you squish this making the cup size appear larger at the expense of the number size or whatever it’s called in bra sizing.
If you think this isn’t they way she used to look without the wonderbra she had them you’re retarded.
t. A dude who has been tricked by too many saggy bitches

She looks like she got bogged

you are a retard


yellow fever doesn't even make sense because Asians tend to have round or square faces.
it is weeb shits who wish anime was real life.

You are cursed to hear voices in your head for the rest of your life, but you get to choose to hear either Claptrap or Tiny Tina talking non-stop. Who do you choose?

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something in your settings is broken then

I don't mind her all that much - I don't understand all the hate she gets

el oh el
I appreciate the tone of 1 more but saying it's better than 2 is just evidence of your butthurt about the poor writing. And saying pre-cum is better than any of them is just retarded.

Tina, I can fap to that and maybe have her berate me while I do so.

>I appreciate the tone of 1 more but saying it's better than 2 is just evidence of your butthurt about the poor writing. And saying pre-cum is better than any of them is just retarded.

1 is a much better experience over. 2's balance is shit. its pacing is shit. its dlc are shit. its characters are shit. all the 'new' types of guns are shit/goofy shit. it wasnt an improvement in any way.

at least pre sequel had lazer guns, cryo guns, etc and the 'moon humor' was infinitely better than the cuck humor, relationship humor, weird pedo bait humor(tiny tina) etc

only thing wrong with pre sequel is the fact that 2k games shut down the aussie studio and cancelled all the DLC, so it felt smaller. probably because birch was jealous how much better the game was than his.

name one good thing about borderlands 2 that it did better than borderlands 1. literally nothing .


Claptrap isn’t as shrill, and I think a robot voice would be less annoying in the long run.

No, it's not. There's even a ton of search results for people complaining about the sensitivity.

are you retarded
he sounds a bit more like bl1 clappy before the dlc's. Kinda fine with it. Kinda.
horrendous taste. Borderlands 1 gets stale quick because the never changing scenery and shitty gun play set on by a shit mechanic known as gun proffeciency. Pre sequal is all around shit, horrible pacing especially. You unlock your 3rd weapon slot half way through the game. Thats fucking retarded. The biggest and only real issue 2 had is the balancing.

2 is easilly the most polished game in the series, 1 is dated and flawed and tps is heavilly flawed with the only real things going for it is the gunplay and the dlc it has.

Also, borderlands 2 did scenery better than 1. Borderlands 2 by far did better dlc than 1. Borderlands 2 had better vehicle control and vehicle mechanics than 1. Borderlands 2 has better skill trees than 1. The list goes on. Borderlands 1 gets weapons parts right, level balancing, and enemies dropping whatever they hold on the spot right. Nothing else boredom lands 1 did was better.

Fuck you and your amerimutant nonsense politics you goblin looking mutt race

Works on my machine.

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>supports transwomen geting abortions
trans women cannot get abortions. It is physically impossible for them to have kids. they dont got the parts for it lol

just imagine what she looks like without the makeup

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wait... what happened after tales, wasnt Athena going to get shot and an alien comes in? what happens between that and fight for sanctuary?

retconned babyeeeee

but yeah they really dont even talk about it in the dlc so i think they forgot about it. athena is no where to be found, and neither the alien. They do not even ref the alien who i thought was going to be the reason they go travel the worlds.

Its borderlands though, so oh well i guess. cant cry over every retcon.

source, they could just choose not to mention them

I played through all 3 of the main games. Honestly, it's not worth it solo. There were some good moments in some of the DLC's, but overall the balance is fucked for SP. The only game worth playing by yourself is BL1, but the weapon variety is so lackluster it's barely worth it, and everything looks the same. A lotta desert.

There's an ECHO in the new DLC that mentions Athena and the alien from TPS's ending. That's still canon.

The only thing that seems ret-conned is TPS's Holodome, as apparently nobody ever left Pandora yet.

Some of the side quests and everything with Jack are great, but i still agree. The quest where Jack pays you to kys is pretty funny still.

Everything is possible with imagination user

so how the fuck old is moxxi at this point like 60?

Why we finally play her?

from what? iv not been caring

she's 60 years

Maybe moxxi is siren and her power is phase cunt

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>goblin mutt race
>the dude is an illegal immigrant
>his mother is a literal mexican nazi

How'd that crackwhore transform into a tranny?

just imagine

such is the power of makeup

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her neck looks to long

What the fuck is this. Is this real? Sauce pls.

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What is it about eyeliner, eye shadow etc that instantly makes a girl more attractive? I can't even make sense of my brain's reasoning looking side by side pictures like this, it just kinda "works" inexplicably.

fuck that face looks disgusting. Did it get even worse in an update or something.

Eyes denote fertility. Pretty much every part of a woman's body is meant to show fertility. Ever wonder why women go batshit over crow's feet?

Why do all these models look like shit? They don't even look higher detail or higher poly than the Borderlands 2 ones. I guess we'll at least have day 0 model replacements and they won't look off at all.

Jesus fucking Christ is this your first video game or something? How can you be so retarded to not understand that models change between games? Are you one of the mongos who's mad Sergeant Johnson and Lord Hood no longer canonically look like humanzees?

dumbass the DLC leading into the game has one of her children reminiscing about the other one, they're rather prominent characters

are you one of the guys who thinks Harley Quinn is a virgin

How'd her chin turn into this in one game?

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Lol you dont remember the Dr Ned's zombie island in BL1?

Good, now post screenshots of Era getting butthurt over an adult woman's tits being visible

I need to spank it right now

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>character models change between games

did MK11 literally kill you?

Practically, how could we swap the new Moxxi mesh out for the old one?

>purposefully making characters ugly
Fuck yourself nigger


The game feels unfinished and jumps between being comedic and being bluntly serious. I don't love all the memeshit in 2 but it was at least consistent and it wasn't as bad as the DLCs/Pre-Sequel

A jawline isn't that ugly, are you one of those chinks who thinks that women need to take out their jawbones to be sexy?

tits were fine but gave her a horse face
fix the face but gave her droopy tits

....well atleast she doesnt look like a tranny anymore

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yes, it's the mandatory de-beautification process for hotties to level the playing field for uggo trannies and fat bitches.

I do find chinksectoids ugly because of their massive jaws, yes.

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this - she had to look cuter for the vile act to work in juxtaposition (instead she had a face of an old slav, potato nose included

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in the end gravity always wins
but this is videgogames, what the fuck is gravity doing in my videogames

Jawbone tower was pretty metal

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Tina was reddit incarnate


m8 you're talking to randy bo-bandy shill - ofc they're gonna defend the game and tell you that you didn't play it, implying that you have to [buy it] to check out the facts yourself.

actually, they sometimes have less tense skin that starts hanging off the chin just a little to make the jaw look slightly bigger in older years. Of course, the real reason stays this

I’m fine with models changing if they aren’t a downgrade. Giving Moxxi steroid jaw was a bad choice.

>Pepeposter literally supporting a clown world game

Lmaoing @ ur lyfe!


When did they die?
the new BL2 dlc?
Whats zer0 up to now?

play pre-sequel - it's the smaller one, but it drags the least. Has virtue signaling, but also the most varied gameplay w/ super mario jumping mechanics.

the rest of the series is a slog w/ too many chars screaming their lungs out to convince you that it totally isn't

>Moxxi makes every drink in the room a little stiffer just by walking in.
They really need to keep Randy Bobandy away from the writers' room.

Hell, I'd still hit it.

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You inject yourself into a machine to go to a website that causes you nothing but horrible pain as you masturbate frequently enough to count as mass-murder.

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Moze. I thirst for Titanfall in my Borderlands... and Moze is pretty cute too, I guess.

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That's what the outfit is for.

Tina was charming as a kid, but as an adult, she's just cringe.

That's because she is one.

goddammit, Carlos (your writing has improved)

the pre sequal is better since slag isn't a thing so its balanced better also its faster paced with the airdash however it also is unfinished and too many quests take place in one huge area

god damn do torpedo tits do it for me

No. But there's a nice middle-ground between one and the sequel.

Normal game mission hook:
>"Hey, the water pump's fucked up again. Can you go down there and flush it for us? Thanks, I'll throw in a gun for your trouble.

Borderlands 2 Mission Hook:
>"Haaaaaay boo, it's yo' numba one quest-givah' here to brighten ya day guuuurl. So the pump under the town's been spewin' more shit than my cousin's asshole after eating one of moxxi's pizzas! Can you be a good lil' drone and go fix dat shit before we all drown in some of Scooter's septic sewage sludge? kaaaay thanks honey, I'll even throw in a peashooter for your time! Byyyyyeeee!"

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did someone say ''cringe''?

Why does everyone look like they're allergic to bee stings in this game? I swear anything remotely female is rocking that 'My potions are too powerful for you traveler' look

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She ain't dead she just jumped to overwatch

Not bad.

With borderlands I'm gonna subscribe to the incompetence angle rather than "ugly for political points" because they are still sexualizing the bodies of these characters with ugly mugs. The reason is probably diversity hires who don't actually know how to model for shit.

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The nigger

Zane looks like murder machine, so probably him. Plus he looks like old Adam Jensen.

Claptrap is generally funny though.

claptrap. I like robots.

>do you want constant psycho loli asmr or a robot that's literally named something that never shuts the fuck up
Tough one

That sounds pretty spot on actually.

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Instead of looking like a grandmother, now she looks like an aunt. Not much of an improvement.

>wear a shit ton of makeup as a teen to look older
>now in 20s and your skin looks like shit after putting god know what on it for years
>look 35
>instead of giving your face a few months to heal you put MORE makup on and now your face is a fucking canvas
>look like a fucking troggladite without any makeup because you keep plucking your eyebrow and wear makup at least 11hours a day and now your hair is turning grey because you are so stressed out about looking like a fucking troggladite
People really are just so fucking stupid.
Edit: for those asking if I wear makup no because I'm not a vapid whore.
Edit2: no I won't post face, SO STOP ASKING
Edit3: WOW thanks for the gold stranger!

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If you find Borderlands humor cringey you aren't an oldfag. Feels like old Yea Forums


Her face looks like Anthony Burch

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>Killed Tina's parents in front of her
I'm playing her dad right now though

>The real sickening part is that the DLC essentially is a great big "Fuck You" to Tales from the Borderlands.
how so?

unironically looks better, good job

They fixed it before the GOTY Enhanced release.

>single mother
>we want the harley quinn audience

>People on a planet that can be described as a crack den filled with murders, rapist, and skag fuckers
The fuck is the new whatever the fuck in borderland 3 with one of the villains sounding like a youtuber

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Go jack off to your anime ballon-on-stick tiddies kiddo

The only option.

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>the special ability: "Make a call

I've been a dedicated Siren player from the beginning, and now they made a brown skin musclefu.

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she always looked like shit and still does.
she always did.

I understand how girls look without makeup, but where did her eyebrows go in the first place?
they gone...

Lilith and Maya suck though. Tell me one good build for them. I'll wait.

some of em shave their eyebrows or pluck them really thin and rely almost exclusively on makeup

I main Sirens. I really really like elemental damage.

up to you. You like loot? like to shoot? go for it. I've played through Borderlands 1 co-op once, solo 3 times. currently playing Borderlands 2 and TPS solo. Having a good time.

jesus that face

Yellow is a good color fuck you

WAS best girl.

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Rhys is in the trailer, and they didn't even bother contacting his old voice actor to return to the role. A bunch of people think Fl4k is loaderbot

What does her son think of her?