Are we getting closer to living in a virtual world with our waifu?
Are we getting closer to living in a virtual world with our waifu?
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By like a fraction of a margin, yes
Isn't that supposed to be episodic?
Wh*te women are finished
Yes, everyday.
Though Yea Forums seems to be trying to fight against it with the daily "why did VR fail?" threads.
I find comfort in this and I think it says something about me
Me too brother
Holy shit this is the future.
You're learning Japanese right user? All the VR waifu simulators are going to be in Japanese.
as long as my waifu is saying kimochi i just figure im doing it right
>Japan already having trouble with men not having sex
>VR will only worsen it as they'll have near-human interaction with their waifu of choice
>soon Japan will be a wealth of Japanese bitches wanting to be bred
Any Male with some libido or born in the next 20-30 years will have a goldmine.
Where is my season 3 you fucks, it's literally free money.
That's because as it is now VR is only good for porn and waifu simulators.
>tfw spend all my free time cuddling with my internet bf in vrchat
We're already there.
Nowhere near close.
Someone has to build a decent AI so the waifu can actually behave closely to something human.
how convincing/immersive does it feel to be in this game? i want to get vr soon and this looks cool.
are you the guy deving this? godspeed my dude
add in dog ears pls
holo’s fur is so soft
>strong AI is solved by a guy who just wanted to be with his wife
>season 3 never
I don´t get it. I would have expected the anime to be hugely successful
I want a robot version of her tho
all the anime anyone talks about outside of Yea Forums is dbz, attack on titan, mob psycho, one punch man, and maybe cowboy bebop or sailor moon from time to time. western anime fans are trash
Seriously read the LNs
They're legit decent. You could release these as regular fantasy novels in the west and nobody would realize
That's a wolf bro
Is the anime good too?
People don't want it to be that human, though. Humans are human and that's why these VR things are so appealing
is that a real question
I never even watched the animu to be honest.
Every thread I ever seen about this series people just posted the main girl and that was it.
Nothing about the plot or anything else.
>$20 dollars for 15-30 minutes of bare-bones content
Ironic given it's an anime about jews
The LNs are basically Economics for Dummies. It's one of those shitty series that tries to appear clever by using a bunch of really fucking basic ideas
>I only read mature novels for intelligent people such as myself
You're still posting on Yea Forums fag, not fooling anybody
Besides you're missing the point. The characters and their developments are the main point of spicy wolf
>a goldmine
Enjoy. I'll have real waifus instead.
I like it but it’s really not clever. each outcome is foreshadowed pretty hard. the economics is just their to draw a distinct boundary between holo and laurence, and their two different worlds.
>Not fucking a shark, moth, or bee girl
The plebs literally out themselves these days.
Not that user, but the anime is great. Only caveat that I can think of regarding the adaptation is that some viewers lose the plot during a certain relatively complex arc since much of the dialogue is laden with subtext (which the LNs explain more explicitly through the MC's internal monologue), but I never had any trouble with it personally.
>tfw completely gave up and ordered an onahole + vr headset
Hopefully so
Well guess what, real world economics started out rather simple as well. The entire series is about the advent of global-scale economics in a world that's still driven mostly by military power instead of money.
Nigger that's literally the entire fucking point of the entire fucking series, for reference see the fucking ancient pagan wolf goddess who feels that she's no longer needed in a world ruled by merchants
Onaholes are pretty great bro, I don't regret buying mine
I remember when I made my first steps on that slippery road back then. I now own a sex doll and spend hundreds of dollars on cosplay outfits for that thing
There's no turning back user
How do you go about cleaning it? Do you just rinse it out?
Damn I respect the hustle
to be honest while reading the LNs I was often as confused as lawrence himself when holo was upset with him yet again
Then again social interactions aren't my strongest point
Rinse, bit of hand soap and a good rub. Let it dry before putting it away again.
>virtual world waifu
Rinse it with water and then use a pen/chopstick/finger/whatever wrapped with a paper towel to dry. You don't want any moisture in there when you put it away cause it'll get moldy
I almost bought a hip with a huge ass but that shit is still too expensive for me desu
Alright I’ll do just that, thanks anons
I want to talk about economy with that wise wolf
She doesn't care about economy though
Does that mean Japanese will cease to exist, and we’ll have to play Ubisoft games?
What's the game?
Spice and Wolf VR
Thanks so much!
>loli korbo
Why did they make her so small?
You'll also want to use some talc / baby powder occasionally on the surface after cleaning. It'll prevent the material from becoming a sticky hell covered in hair.
And if you don't have one, you should definitely get a usb warmer. It makes a gigantic difference. So does the quality of your lube. Onatsuyu and Insomnia/Silky are great.
Video games
I'm getting anxious from a VR anime girl sitting near the camera. The fuck is wrong with me.
Need at least haptic feedback
You HAVE to make AI as human as possible to avoid a robot apocalypse
You mean from just the flat webm? Damn, imagine if you actually played it then.
>tfw at least my vr waifu is supposed to be intimidating
still waiting for the next gen VR
I need a name
because this was a joke and I actually want a vr version of this:
Which, compared to what VR was just 5 years ago, is amazing progress.
At some point I wanna buy one too but how does it handle thicc dicks?
Are they sold in different materials? If so which is the softest and that can expand the most so I dont hurt myself.
Yes, but we're not quite to that step yet.
VR is a brand new media so it's still in it's early stage where it can only survive in an arcade form. Once it's learned to walk, then people can start developing porn for it to bring it into the modern home.
That is similar to my experience, and I think that is usually the author's intention. I do think, though, that the LNs occasionally do a better job than the anime at conveying the mind games between the two characters and (once Lawrence figures it out) how/why conflicts sometimes arise between them. Albeit, this is broadly to be expected when comparing a written medium to a visual one.
VR is looking and responding nicer, and A.I is getting better at recognizing and reacting to tons of inputs, but we haven't even gotten in the fucking water to reach the tip of the iceberg that is Turing level A.I.
In your lifetime you'll probably be able to plug your brain into the matrix, sure, but it'll never feel quite right. Your waifu will just feel like a fancy chatbot for a very long time.
You're telling me that I can have my very own senko fox?
Time to buy a Vive I guess
Her design seems to be based heavily on her LN appearance.
i'm not into the "i want someone in my life" or trying to find love thing, mind explaining whats the deal with these games?
Just don't get a loli one or anything marketed as tight and you should be fine if girth is the only issue. Most holes bottom out at around 5-6 inches though so make sure to measure your dick and read the length on anything before buying
>Are they sold in different materials?
Some are, it depends on the maker. Tomax is a really popular one that sells everything in soft, regular, or hard. But the website that sold them in the west randomly shut down so they're hard to get at the moment
I'd recommend R20 since it's rather large but if you look around on /jp/ for the onahole general you can find some recommendations there too
Yeah, unfortunately, it would be a lot easier to improve body tracking and interactivity than make better AI. Which means vrchat tier degeneracy instead
this is very cute
This webm has made people so much money
Reminder this game was censored by snoy
Honest question to anyone. If you could jack into a perfect matrix world and live your entire life with your waifu, but you know it's just another person using a cute avatar, would you do it? Your interactions would be real, meaning your love could be real, and their voice could be synthesized so well you would never actually know, but deep down you know 99 to 1 it's probably some weeb neckbeard who wanted to be the little girl.
>tfw too socially retarded for vrchat
Yes. I know some people can't separate the person behind the screen but it's pretty easy for me as long as it's not noticeable
I'd take a bot but live primates can go fuck themselves.
weeb neckbeards who wanted to be the little girl need love too
Wait, if it's a full matrix level simulation then why would it matter? They literally have a female body at that point
God I love Spice and Wolf and Holo, both the anime and LN. One of my favorite series.
>meet your waifu
>some bug in the programming means she hates your guts
The second season of the anime was pretty shit. The first season was top tier, though.
Its not a bug
Everything hates you for a reason tripfag
Sounds about right.
in return, have this (although I don't think it's VR, still a 3d game)
Wolf girl with you in VR when?
>Touch fluffy tail
I need to get me a vr set
Yeah, not as good as the first. The animation quality in both seasons is pretty unrefined overall, but for me the music and voice acting made up for it.
Words can not describe how much I want this.
I want a VR waifu simulator that lets me hit her
Once they figure out how to get feedback and resistance some real shit is going do go down.
Sadly it's only like a half hour long.
Ah, the Lou Reed expansion pack.
Hopefully. I need to kiss cute anime girls for real.
If we do. 1st thing i'm going to do is a get a stick with a shrimp on the end and go squid girl fishing.
Once they figure out a neural interface (if ever in my lifetime) I'll liquidating everything I have, move somewhere dirty cheap that has electricity, making an IV drip with the most cheap calorie/nutrient rich food, and abandoning 3D
Just move my fucking consciousness to anime world.
There will be companies that do nothing but change your daily IV and maybe wake you up every 3 days so you can go to the bathroom. Many, MANY men will give up on real women once they have the perfect loving wife.
It'd be pretty funny if before she sat down you laid on your side and put your face under her butt haha
Chads won't have to and incels wouldn't have anything to give up on in the first place.
I would. Who cares whatever meatbag a person is born into if they can be whoever they want in another world?
What, like in SAO?
give me that FUCKING bread
Psyche stays intact though, and I've yet to see a primate that does not have problems with that. Sure, some basement dweller could put on a fancy dress but that doesn't instantly make this person cute or anything.
I hate to be that guy, but a lot of personality is an act. A consensual, willing act, but an act nonetheless.
No one in their state of nature is a perfect wife or husband. It's something people have to try to be. So if you have a person who is more willing to try than a person who isn't, chances are, they'd be a better waifu/husbando.
Tenga flip black is the best
There's a market for taking care of people who are in the VR world 24/7. Don't think Chad/Incel. There's a market, people are willing to pay.
I was talking about leaving women for VR waifus business.
This. Imagine a future where you do your programming job entirely in the VR world to pay for your caretaking bills. That way, you never have to leave the simulation.
>finally buy the neuralink 3000
>plugged in, hanging out in an anime world
>computer freezes
>move to take electrodes off of my head
>nope, motor control is still getting redirected through the neuralink
>slowly die of dehydration while staring at windows spinny cursor
And that's why a bot will probably be better at that than a random human person.
>cant feel anything
whats the point
Self hypnosis skill and drugs can help with that.
>failure configuring windows updates
>reverting changes
Can I hug her?
Please tell me I can hug her.
Maybe in the next episode
That's already happening, Mr. Anderson.
I wanna get my own but I dont really know where to buy one.
so cope
cheeky bitch
whats she doing
Don't have amazon where I live
Yes, 100%.
I could as long as the dude doesn't break the illusion. If he slips up for half a second and I notice, it's over.
>some garbage not-nanashi horo
I am falling asleep.
Call me when they pick a good one, like Ajisaidenden's Holo.
patting your head
Speaking of VR, I highly recommend Monster Girl Island.
I recognize that cutout. I like that.
Is this an actual VR game with like mini games and interaction or is it just a visual novel in VR with petting?
The latter
Yes, but not fast enough. People keep talking about how quickly tech is improving. Well it sort of is, but remember people thought we'd have flying cars and shit by now. And now in 2019 we're barely scratching the surface of VR
Fucking shitty science nerds need to science harder. At this rate I'll be 90+ by the time I am able to fuck a realistic anime loli with lifelike touch replication for my dick.
>can't lose at ball toss, get mad and grab her by the ankles and toss her
hard pass
Hey man as long as there is love then who cares what you once where.
I am, not very good yet but I plan on taking the N5 in December when they offer it near me
At least you'll die fulfilled in life.
is the person in the headset 3 feet tall, she seems to be petting about a foot over his head
if your PC has the power, index is far better than vive, also has the better controllers
What about those chinese headsets with the higher resolution, Pezmax or something?
>VR is only good for porn and waifu simulators
Is that not enough?