Meanwhile in Yea Forums for girls...
Meanwhile in Yea Forums for girls
i like videogames
How long do I have to play this game before I can claim to fucking love it, buy merchandise for it, and pose in a picture with it for internet points?
I love Zelda! Ocarina of Time is the best game evar!!! x3
So I fucked a black guy the other day, and can you believe he only had SIX inches?
Like oh my god, and I didn't even cum!
cute boy thread?
15 minutes
post more right now
Lets actually discuss games, unlike the normal Yea Forums
What games are you looking forward to from E3?
Dying light 2 and Cyberpunk are on my list. Also Spiritfarer looked cool despite the furry vibes
This white boi keeps trying to get with me, I wish he knew I only date superior black men
>Have purity
filter when?
My sim just seduced the grim reaper and the baby came out black.
Is Death a nigga?
UMM can we just ban all problematic posters? ESPECIALLY white fucking males.
I've been on testosterone for 2 years, getting my penis this weekend. wish me luck!
Can't wait for Animal Crossing, I luv Isabelle x3!!! Reply to this post or your dad dies in his sleep tonight
>Why do you play as a guy?
>>Well I'm roleplaying like the trailer played out...
>>I l-like looking at their bulges
I just wanna play videogames ;~;
Any of you girls have a weird fish smell emitting from your vagina?
>start up discord
>50 unread DMs
You know these threads always dovolve into them talking about their disgusting bodily functions op
Candy Crush levels?
>take male character
>try to make it female
>put a wig on it
hate this meme
i prefer cute MEN
Hope the donor had a BBC
>tfw accidentally bled onto my fav chair at the store today
who are you? the king of memes?
Fucking scrub. All you need is to watch the trailer.
>implying there are men on Yea Forums
I'm the queen of memes.
What BL games would you girls recommend?
Tyrone and Chad showed me their new football game, it was boring but they spitroasted me so...
this is now a /y/ thread
There's no girls on the internet, you can't fool me.
Are you pregnant, Bra
None of you will ever be girls
Try Nurse Love Addiction.
Look, I understand why you'd want a dick. All the guys I ever talked with said they loved their dicks and wouldn't change them for anything, but do you really want ANOTHER guy's dick to be your dick
Wouldn't that be kind of gay
Every thread is a /y/ thread waiting to happen
So im selling my bath water to dumb pathetic virgins. What else can I get away with monetizing to these losers?
based keep it going
you dont understand the power of dilation
Post your battlefaces, girls!
No, because I take a shower everyday, you pig.
I bet you are american and all the fat doesn't let you reach you pussy to clean it, tubster.
little boys are hot and funny
That's not a cute boy, that's a cute transgirl.
my titties ache
what videogames can I play to help ease my supple breastseses
Why there are so many disgusting broads in this board.
How hard it is to have some tampons on the ready in your handbag
Also, how crazy must be your cycle if you can't predict when you are about to menstruate
so, who do you kin?
What up girls! I just got off of a brutal 2 hour dilating session but I feel so much better for it.
this is a board for girls only
get your mutilated penis out of here faggot
actually my battleface
dilation stations not allowed
But I am a girl. You must be delusional if you think boys even use this shithole of a site.
I'm legally, spiritually, and physically a woman.
Canned breath.
Buy small jars with a lid, sell them for 200% markup.
Or if you're feeling kinky, canned farts. 500% markup.
Who got the new mermaid expansion for sims?
haha I wonder if there's any gamer boys in this thread right now that'd be fucked up hahahaha
Trans aren't actual girls. All girls only "support" you freaks because we get lots of advantages that men get and they are extended to us because of you.
But I'll never be caught dead near one of you.
Expand dong
L O N D... I mean, looking good, girlfriend
>The sims
Why are you giving EA any money
Nah, they be talking about some boring shit like shooters and sports games.
Why boys are such posers, they don't actually like games and try to look like they do just so we give them some attention. Pathetic.
None annoying ass fagg/y/hag, stacy plays otome games
Feet pics now
>toastie roastie posts an actual picture of herself and attention whore
>self control
it's not my money it's my bfs lol
hahaha k thatd be weird lol ;)
How does it feel Stacy, now that you've grown old and wrinkly in the wrong places lmao
You're a faceless fuckhole that was passed around by all the Chads and Brads, but they barely notice you anymore. Do they still laugh at your jokes? Do they still think you're cute? Do they actually make that sigh noise before they mutter your name?
You see, I'm living the life you want now. I am the one with a nice husband, a nice home, and I'm even looking forward to starting a wholesome family. It's too bad that the only men you'll at any night are "Ben and Jerry's." At least you'll have 20 cats to keep you company for movienight, good for you. God, this is such a great day. I'm going to kiss my hubby when he gets home from work, and we're going to see the 4th of July Festival with my parents.
Fuck you Stacy. I hope you jump off a bridge you worthless onahole
In the internet, all the men are women and the boys are FBI agents
You'll never pass hahaha. You're just a woman in jeans
that's just regular Yea Forums
You are already near one, it's just that you didn't notice.
lmao carpet munchers
my boyfriend wants me to "brap" on his face wtf?
She was in fucking monster hunter??
Tranny please leave. You are full of negativity and aggression, probably cuz of the testosterone LUL
gf(male) is okay too!!
sexhavers are disgusting btw
You just jealous
I hate men.
>implying trannies don't do the same
None of you are girls and you know it
Reminder male attraction is a personality disorder and that this is the purest form of love. Stay mad straight sluts and enjoy your deadbeat cuck bf who spends all his time secretly masturbating to little anime girls.
open benis
I wish Hideri was my friend
he's soo beautiful
seriously though, who here is a legit female
no female(male) bullshit please
>being a hater
Post husbandos
me. menstruation fucking sucks, trannies have it easy
>bf who spends all his time secretly masturbating to little anime girls.
But it's not a secret and he has good taste in lolis, we sometimes masturbate together to them.
This thread is giving me weird high school flashbacks to talking to my first crush over windows messenger.
I fucking hate this. Delete this thread. ERASE THE MEMORIES. MAKE ME FORGET
>tfw no bf
Just fucking kill me now
lurk moar newfag
I'd cum while he talks about old B-movies.
>male scum keep adding me on discord
I don't want to talk to rapists
I'm a tranny and ||I agree||
>we sometimes masturbate together to them
eventually hes gonna cheat on you with some underage asian girl as your vapid and narcicistic ass gets older and older. You will never know what real love feels like because the truth is that men can't feel love. The sooner you take the lesbo pill and find a cute waifu to snuggle up to the better you will feel.
>Why yes I DO only play classic wrpgs and believe jrpgs to be the scum of the genre. How'd ya know sis?
someone say bee movies?
Jokes on you he abused me so i wont reply on purpose
That's some good taste.
I could say I am but you wouldn't believe me.
>||I agree||
imagine being an actual unironic discord tranny who accidentally uses the discord spoiler tags instead of Yea Forums spoiler tags how embarassing
If slutty women are roasties, what are slutty men?
>one copy of Planescape Torment please
Cute and playful
male escorts
That was the joke.
>tfw no qt3.14 bf (female) with a masculine vagina
>she actually things sex can change how the labia looks by a noticeable amount
oh no honey sweetie no... you really need to go back to highschool
I was thinking some sort of dick wordplay actually.
just got done streaming some stupid game (Cant even remember the name lol) for my teen+incel audidence...any tips for maximizing the waifu factor for more viewers? already show my cleavage
post steam profile :)
R. Kellies
>tfw no bf to cuddle with while playing ac
>Shills garbage harry potter games
show your feet when you can
Do girls like reverse or normal traps?
Really though, almost all of my female friends are really hyped for New Horizons.
t. arby's
both. in my experience in a lesbian discord server with mostly biological women, girls like androgyny from both sexes
I'll have (you) know i have a sister who's an annoying and capricious bitch towards her girlfriend
I hate traps. I like crossdressing though. But I ABHOR traps.
Have the board with subscriber names on the ground, on the other side of the room so that you have to bend down to write their names. Also constantly drop stuff on the ground and bend to pick them up. Men not only like clumsy women but also accidentally sexy clumsy women.
It's okay to be attracted to your male character, or like how they look or sound for whatever reason, user.
People are just curious. It's okay to be you. Play what you want, it's a game.
As long as I have his bank account he can have as many children as he wants. Plus attractive tsundere guys with glasses are the best kind of guys
They like both, just like men.
>ctrl F
>one result
Hey ladies what're we playing tonight
>Male joins the server
>3/4 the chat becomes about him
>"Do they have girlfriend?" "I bet hes hot irl" "you skank i saw him first"
>every single guild dissipates due to his presence except the lesbian one
bitch i literally have a 12 year old looking puffy vagina despite the fact that men are like moses and my legs are the red sea. take your trannyscience somewhere else, you will never be a real woman.
>ctrl F
>one result:
wouldn't female Yea Forums be endiveposting?
Who here
>things that never happened for 500 alex
in reality when a man joins a mostly female server he gets teased and picked on until he leaves unless he is a chad in which case some girls will secretly dm him while pretending to not be interested
endive is the personification of /cgl/ posters so yes
Make way for the next Smash Fighter!
Why do jounralists complain about women not being represented when you play as one throughout one of the most popular franchises in gaming?
“No its not lesbian they have a masculine vagina”
>tfw period
it sucks and i want to kill myself and reborn as male and become a trap.
When i was playing league of legends I was bleeding from my ass. whats happening to me?
If it's Jerma, I'd let him fuck me.
any girls in this thread who draw?
This is how you know for sure the trannies are here
Imagine actually liking a girl that's depraved enough to post on Yea Forums.
>tfw go online to play vidya and get hit on nonstop by these dumb beta girls when they realize I'm a guy
I just want to play vidya and have fun goddamnit.
All of my male friends are. Survival/crafting AC is right up their alley.
ohnonono trannies desperate to play pretend female
MaleAnon here, i would
I can't wait to marry him again
>Dude makes me think of Wallace from Wallace and Gromit.
With a little editing he could be a VTMB Nosferatu
~Girl~ gamer here ! ask me anything :) ! :p ! ~