Post games that are Zoomer-repellent

Post games that are Zoomer-repellent.

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you dropped this

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What was wrong with the word 'underage' that it had to be replaced with a new term? 'Zoomer'/'Boomer' is so obnoxious

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its a forced meme


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boomer detected


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There are plenty of of-age zoomers at this point, that's why. It's a generational descriptor that will follow them through life, just like "baby boomer"
Plus, although there is overlap between the sets of underaged behavior and zoomer behavior, that overlap will shrink as zoomers grow up and then it will be whatever comes after them

What is it about stalker that scares most people from even trying it now. Did metro burn them out?
Most zoomers like 2-3 and hate 1

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best entry in the nes trilogy, and only slightly worse than 4. i will never not be mad that every game is a shit version of metroid after that

Because STALKEKR is still full of bugs and the game itself is almost legendary for its unforgiving mechanics.

Point and click adventure games

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Puyo Puyo Sun
Fuurai no Shiren
Jagged Alliance 2
Heroes of Might & Magic III

The internet is fucking obnoxious. It's only fitting we have obnoxious words for obnoxious people. How else to describe Nobody:
Me: wHeN yOU NuT aNd sHe KEeP suCCiN

I don't play games that include christianity on it. It's pure cringe and blasphemy at the same time.

dude I think your post is sick

I don't use social media so I wouldn't know.

I guess I just never was bothered by some bugs and “unforgiving” gameplay these days literally means any game that does not hold your hand.
Same. They seem to come up with another one every two years.

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Any game that requires playing.

Any game with a large map and NO fast travel.

actually it's only zoomer-repellent if you play the USA version

gavem the high five bitch

that's the most tumblr zoomer platformer this past year though

Even the Japanese release is relatively tough. It's a bit easier thanks to Grant having more utility and enemy damage being less brutal, but the meat and potatoes of the game are identical.

rts in general

classic doom

soul : boomer : based
soulless : zoomer : cringe

Any and all adventure of my boy, Mr. Laffer.

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Castlevania 3 is the zoomiest of the original trilogy.

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JPN version > ENG version

This, STALKER operates by it's own set of rules and once you get used to how the game works everything just feels natural but it can be unwelcoming for new players.

I'm 19 and hollow knight is my favorite game

Most Zoomers are still in high school. It's easier to just say underage.



I'm categorically a zoomer and I'm about to enter Junior year of college

this game sucks

You left high school early? Nice job! It's not common for people to transfer to college in their teens.

How's your day zoomer?

Watching/quoting the recut and malkavian mod doesn't count, zoomers.

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Zoomers begin in the late 90s

VTMB is zoomer repellent enough 2bh

Some early Zoomers are born in the late 90s, but most Zoomers are born in the 2000s.
The Zoomers who are born in the late 90s aren't really generational Zoomers so much as they are mental Zoomers. But they're outliers.

Which one are you?

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>this is the current audience of Yea Forums

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I played this game (JP ver.) to death when I was in middle school and I'm 18. Isn't it a bit dumb to make arbitrary claims about an entire generation?

Almost every zoomer I know loves Halo, even the first two
Can you just not like a game without being underage? Not him and I don't hate the game. But it's a bad argument.

Incidentally, I did test out of high school, but I started college at the same age as all my old classmates after working for two years. Zoomers start with '95 birth years

What makes teens living perfectly cushy lives feel they're so damaged?

Zoomers officially start in 2000.

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I know a thirty year old who says he's a doomer, I was like "lol too much internet stuff ha ha ha" and then he keeps making dead people jokes.

Grim fandango>monkey island

US census starts it at 2000, so idgaf what Pew Research Center thinks.

Cushy lives are not something humans have ever had any significant amount of access to before now. Cushy lives do not make people happy. Men are made happy through processes, not objects or fixed statuses

Probably they're losers, user.

Why does the US census get to formally define a concept it did not develop and that is relevant in many countries that don't happen to be America?